RF Detector Design For Design Lab

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RF Detector Design using ADS

Presented by
Rijubrata Pal
Overview : Small vs Large Signal SP

NO variation with i/p power Embedding imp at small power = SP imp.

Diode Setup in ADS Schematic
Diode DC Response
R-C network

IDEAL R||C Low Pass Filter RF Short at 2.4GHz

Schematic with Foot Print of R & C EM Co-simulation of R-C Network

Substrate : RO4003C, 0.813 mm thick
Single Stub i/p Matching Network

Substrate : RO4003C, 0.813 mm thick

MoM L-section MN result

Harmonic Balacne Simulator

Order = 5 will generate 5 harmonics + DC Other than using Parameter Sweep, HB’s inbuilt Sweep
Can be used for sweeping i/p freq. or power

❖ “Frequency plan” under EM setup should cover 0 to n*f_RF (n denotes the “order” ) to avoid unnecessary
interpolation and extrapolation of S Parameter data of the EM model.
❖ For Harmonic Balance convergence, keep increasing “order” till you get same result in two successive “order”.
❖ DON’T ignore the warning related to HB simulation, as it guides what parameters needs to be changed.
❖ It might tell you to change the number of oversample (under Param tab) or change the Solver type or mode of
convergence etc.
❖ For any doubt, click on HELP and read about the parameters in detail.
Final Co-Sim Setup

For -40 dBm i/p power, the DC o/p is 3.144 mV.

Observe that highest freq. is 12 GHz

Click on it and point to R to write the node (v_out) name covering 5 harmonics = order in HB

❖ dBm(V_out) = dBm(V_out,50) => it calculates the power w.r.t 50 ohm, so to see the spectrum at o/p resistor
put the value of it like dBm(V_out,9.53k) or dBm(V_out,9530).
i/p freq. Sweep

i/p freq. is swept from 2 to 3 GHz at fixed P_RF = -30 dBm,

Click on the plot and add *1000 in Trace Expression

to change the o/p from Volt to mV.
i/p Power Sweep
v_out vs P_RF linearity
till -20 dBm =>
SQUARE LAW region.

From -20 dBm to -5dBm =>

LINEAR region

o/p in absolute scale o/p in LOG scale

For all P_RF, “wildcard”

operator :: is used in 1st place.
For fundamental freq. or 1st
harmonic, 1 is used in 2nd place.

Add the I_Probe b/n P_1Tone & ckt.

to get Zin value using HB.

Observe : Zin varies with P_RF

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