Findings and Recommendations

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Access Controls

In regards to the examination conducted to Dunamis BPO solution, we discovered that

the company’s physical location of the resources is appropriate to ensure security. Individuals
with access to the computer rooms are only those with a legitimate need, terminated or
transferred employees’ access codes are cancelled upon termination or transfer, and the
company also have policies for temporary access by employees, visitors, or any other outside
parties. Sensitive data are protected by restricted access and controls that involves security
administrator to designed control password security, informing employees of proper password
security through training, and changing passwords periodically.

However, the company lacks in some other factors including both of the physical security
and logical access controls which we considered crucial for the company’s system function. We
highly advised that the company should maintain written procedures relating to controls over the
physical security of the computer equipment, and to use physical access devices (e.g. key card,
biometrics system, etc.) to restrict computer room entrance. Utilize procedures and devices like
water detectors and humidity controls and an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), diesel or gas
generators, or power generators to secure sensitive equipment and storage media from the risk
of environmental damage.

Program Changed Controls

The company satisfactorily passed their program changed controls as they practice
authorization and approval procedures, audit trail of the requests, program testing and
segregation of duties.

Similar to the downside of their access control is that the company does not maintain
procedures for controlling program changes through IT management and programming
personnel, which they should do otherwise as advised.
System Development and Acquisition Controls

IT and software operations in the company technically support functions include

application development and testing, implementation services, and IT helpdesk. For example,
manual data entry can be replaced with automated data capture, increasing data intake and
reducing cycle time.

In terms of creating new computerized applications in-house or purchasing implementing

new applications that has been developed by a third-party software vendor was not applied by
the company. However, if the company decided to apply this in the future, it is best to have a
formal methodology to control the process of purchasing applications to achieve an effective
implementation of system development and acquisition control.

Computer Operations Control

The company maintains general operational documentation relating to the system start
up procedures, back up assignments, emergency procedures and the system shutdown
procedures that the operation staff is responsible for.

For security purposes, the company is recommended to be aware of their computer

operation control program in order to avoid manipulation of data.

Backup and recovery controls

The company secures critical files and programs regularly by copying them to tapes or
cartridges to establish a generation of files for audit trail purposes and verifies appropriate
backup files by taking periodic inventory.
But in an increased potential for disruption, an organization also must monitor for issues
that could interrupt or permanently end the relationship with an outsourced provider. They
include financial or workplace problems at the outsourced provider, geopolitical instability,
natural disasters or changes in economic circumstances. Organizations thus need to consider
such potentials and devise strategies on how to cope, adding layers of complexity to their
business continuity and disaster recovery plans.

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