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Lord Your Word is… Lord I Pray…

Her husband trusts her judgement, he does May my husband and I always trust each
not lack income. other and have all that we need to live and
– Proverbs 31:11 serve you. Not more, not less, but only that
which is necessary to live life with you.

She brings him profit, not loss. May I share in building up and providing for
– Proverbs 31:12 our family rather than taking away from it.

She secures provisions from afar. May I not have idle hands and find things to
– Proverbs 31:13 do to help care and provide for my family in
ability to contribute as part of a team.

She seeks out wool and flax and weaves May I have the wisdom, ability, and
with skillful hands. discernment to provide all that my family
– Proverbs 31:14 needs both physically and spiritually.

She rises while it is still night and May I have the love, strength, desire and
distributes food to her household. servants heart to serve my family in this
– Proverbs 31:15 way with an uncomplaining heart and mind
in both thought and word.

She picks out a field and acquires it; from May I have the physical strength to tend a
her earnings, she plants a vineyard. garden. May it be bountiful. May we be
– Proverbs 31:16 good stewards of the fruit and opportunity.
May we be not afraid of the hard work this
requires but rather blessed by it.

She girds herself with strength and vigor May I be a woman who wears the strength
(physical strength). of the Lord and his joy each day. May I
– Proverbs 31:17 model this for my family. May I wear the
Armour of God and possess the physical
strength that I need for the many
challenges or blessings I encounter.
Lord Your Word is… Lord I Pray…

She enjoys profits from her dealings her May my Husband and I enjoy the
lamp is never extinguished at night. fruits/blessings of a life lived with virtue
– Proverbs 31:18 and love, serving God and family together
as one. May I always have the desire to be
always productive serving my family and
God at any hour with energy, love, heart of
service, productivity, purpose, and

She reaches out her hands to the poor and May I have a generous heart giving what I
extends her arms to the needy. can to others of my time, talent, and
– Proverbs 31:20 treasure as well as model this generosity
for my family.

She is not concerned for her household May I have the foresight and wisdom to
when it snows, all her charges are doubly prepare my family for all stages of life; to
clothed. be one step ahead/thinking ahead and able
– Proverbs 31:21 to provide for all physical and emotional
needs in the way you call me to provide for

She makes her own coverlets fine linen and May I have the skills and knowledge
purple are her clothing. required to clothe my children, husband,
– Proverbs 31:22 self, in ways that will protect them and
glorify and honour you.

Her husband is prominent at the city gates May my husband be a man of deep
as he sits with the elders of the land. wisdom, faith, and conviction; a great
– Proverbs 31:23 leader and man after your own heart.

She makes garments and sells them. May I have the skills and knowledge
– Proverbs 31:24 needed to help my husband provide for our
family when the time comes.

She is clothed with strength and dignity May I always clothe myself with strength
and laughs at the days to come. and dignity upon rising, facing challenges,
– Proverbs 31:25 and throughout the day. May I have
courage to overcome all fear. May I
anticipate the future with joy.
Lord Your Word is… Lord I Pray…

She opens her mouth with wisdom; kindly May the words I speak be rooted in love
instruction is on her tongue. and truth; your truth. May I speak from a
– Proverbs 31:26 gentle, loving compassionate, thoughtful,
empathetic, heart; your heart. May my
thoughts and words reflect and glorify you
and your wisdom/word.

She watched over the affairs of her May I always be focused and concerned
household and does not eat the bread of about the safety, protection and highest
idleness. good of my family. May I not be tempted to
– Proverbs 31:27 take from those who have little but give
generously from my littleness. May I not
fall into laziness and idleness.

Her children rise up and call her blessed; May I be a woman worthy of such praise,
her husband, too, praises her: many are the who brings joy and delight of the Lord to
women of proven worth but you have my family and those around me; a woman
excelled them all. who both my husband and children are
– Proverbs 31:28-29 proud of, who brings my husband and
children closer to holiness and to deeper
relationship with you.

Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting; the May I not be a woman caught up in worldly
woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. things/ways, materialism, outward
– Proverbs 31:30 appearances, and the words/thoughts of
others. May I, in turn be a woman who
whole heartedly fears the Lord through
wisdom, truth, words, actions, thoughts,
and each area/moment of my life. May I be
a woman of deep love, faith, conviction,
virtue, and character for my family,
husband and others around me.

Acclaim her for the work of her hands and May I be a role model of Godly
let her deeds praise her at the city gates. womanhood; a Proverbs 31 woman, and an
– Proverbs 31:31 encouragement to the world.

Thank you Lord for the gift of your word, wisdom and direction for our lives. Amen.

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