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Kamu akan mendapatkan semua video kursus luar biasa di bawah ini.

Ini terbagi
menjadi 2 skill utama, yaitu English dan Professional yang diajar oleh ahli terbaik
di dunia. Total materi yang kamu dapat adalah 648 video kursus, 7 e-book
panduan, 10 buku best-selling dan 24 audiobooks.

Berikut detail lengkapnya:

1. Pronunciation Workshop - Speaking English with an American Accent
Original Price : Rp 3,200,000
Content : 16 videos + 1 e-book
Tutor/Teacher : Paul S. Gruber MS, CCC-SLP
About : Pronunciation Workshop is the largest company of licensed Speech
Pathologists in the world specializing in Accent and English Pronunciation
Training. The Clients are Harvard Business School, Microsoft, NASA, etc.

2. English Grammar Boot Camp (The Great Courses)
Original Price : Rp 3,300,000
Content : 24 videos + 1 e-book
Teacher/Tutor : Professor Anne Curzan, Ph.D. (University of Michigan)
About : Dr. Anne Curzan is Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of English at the University
of Michigan. She earned a B.A. in Linguistics from Yale University and an
M.A. and a Ph.D. in English Language and Literature from the University of

3. Basic English Grammar and Structures

Original Price : Rp 2,800,000
Content : 72 videos + English Subtitles
Teacher/Tutor : Seçkin Esen
About : Experienced English language teacher, educational consultant and author
with a demonstrated history of working in the field of Teaching English as a
second/foreign language. (18,500+ students enrolled on Udemy)

4. English Grammar Launch: Upgrade Your Speaking and Listening

Original Price : Rp 560,000
Content : 66 videos + English Subtitles
Teacher : Anthony Kelleher
About : Anthony has a bachelor’s degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers
of Other Languages) and Linguistics, and he has taught thousands of
students all over the world for the past 10 years. He has 182,224 Students
on Udemy.

5. Building a Better Vocabulary (The Great Courses)
Original Price : Rp 4,700,000
Content : 36 videos + 1 E-Book
Teacher/Tutor : Professor Kevin Flanigan
About : Professor Kevin Flanigan is a Professor of Education in the Literacy
Department at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. He earned his
B.A. in History from Mary Washington College, his M.Ed. from James
Madison University, and his M.Ed. in Reading Education from the University
of Virginia

6. English Vocabulary Launch: Upgrade your speaking

Original Price : Rp 560,000
Content : 92 videos + English Subtitles
Teacher/Tutor : Anthony Kelleher
About : Anthony has a bachelor’s degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers
of Other Languages) and Linguistics, and he has taught thousands of
students all over the world for the past 10 years. He has 182,224 Students
on Udemy.

Idioms and Phrasal Verbs

7. Real World English Idioms
Original Price : Rp 280,000
Content : 28 Videos
Teacher/Tutor : Fiona Sloane
About : Fiona Sloane is a professional English language teacher. Fiona has lived
and taught English in Europe, Central America, and Asia.

8. English Phrasal Verbs Launch: Upgrade your speaking

Original Price : Rp 560,000
Content : 92 Videos
Teacher : Anthony Kelleher
About : Anthony has a bachelor’s degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers
of Other Languages) and Linguistics, and he has taught thousands of
students all over the world for the past 10 years. He has 182,224 Students
on Udemy.

9. Magoosh IELTS
Original Price : Rp 830,000/Month
Content : 133 videos
About : The #1 Best IELTS Course in the World. Magoosh is San Francisco
Business Times No. 21 Fastest-Growing Private Company in the Bay Area
Entrepreneur 360 No. 111 Best Entrepreneurial Company in the U.S.
Inc. 500 No. 186 Fastest-Growing Private Company in the U.S. (2016)

10. The Official TOEFL iBT

Original Price : Rp 200,000
Content : Simulation Program + E-Book
About : It’s the official guide by the TOEFL maker, the ETS

Public Speaking
11. The Art of Public Speaking: Lessons from the Greatest Speeches in History
(The Great Courses)
Original Price : Rp 2,400,000
Content : 12 Videos + 1 e-book
Teacher/Tutor : Professor John R. Hale, Ph.D. (University of Louisville)
About : Dr. John R. Hale is the Director of Liberal Studies at the University of
Louisville in Kentucky. He earned his B.A. at Yale University and his Ph.D.
at the University of Cambridge in England.

12. Public Speaking Masterclass

Original Price : Rp 140,000
Content : 29 videos + English subtitles
Teacher/Tutor : Alan Stevens
About : He is the most decorated public speaker in the world, having won more
awards than any other speaker. He has been the President of the Global
Speakers Federation as well as President of the National Speakers
Federation in the UK.
Time Management
13. Ultimate Time Management - BEST Time Management Course
Original Price : Rp 140,000
Content : 12 Videos + English Subtitles + Time Tracker Sheet
Teacher/Tutor : Prof. Paul Cline, Ed.D
About : He is a Psychology Expert. CEO at Advanced Ideas, Inc, Award Winning
University Professor, Therapist, Corporate Trainer, Professional Speaker,
Internet Marketing Expert and Business Consultant. He has 4 Advanced
Degrees, Extensive Experience in the fields of Business & Psychology.

Communication Skills
14. Understanding Nonverbal Communication (The Great Courses)
Original Price : Rp 2,300,000
Content : 12 videos + 1 e-book
Teacher/Tutor : Mark G. Frank, Ph.D.
About : Dr. Mark G. Frank is a Professor and Chair of the Department of
Communication, as well as the Director of the Communication Science
Center at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. Dr.
Frank received his B.A. in Psychology from the University at Buffalo and
received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Cornell University.

15. Effective Communication Skills (The Great Courses)

Original Price : Rp 3,000,000
Teacher/Tutor : Dalton Kehoe, Ph.D.
Content : 24 Videos + E-Book
About : Dr. Dalton Kehoe is Senior Scholar of Communications at York University in
Toronto, where he earned his doctorate in social psychology. He was
honored for his teaching-with the York University Teaching Award,
recognition at the national level by both University Affairs in Canada and by
The Chronicle of Higher Education in the United States, and being named
one of the province's top 30 professors by Ontario's public educational

17. Books (Use Google Books to Read)
1. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari (Rp 165,000)
2. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck (Rp151,000)
3. Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect by Matthew Lieberman (Rp 69,000)
4. Influence: Science and Practice by Robert Cialdini (Rp 140,000)
5. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (Rp 106,000)
6. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg (Rp 151,000)
7. Wired for Story by Lisa Cron (Rp 143,000)
8. The ONE Thing by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan (Rp 123,000)
9. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (Rp 116,000)
10. The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman (Rp 118,000)

18. Audiobooks
 24 International Best-Selling Audiobooks (Rp 4,000,000)

Total Value: Rp30.252.000

But Don’t Worry…

Kalau kamu percaya dengan skill bahasa Inggris dan komunikasi kelas dunia, kamu
akan jauh lebih sukses di masa depan dan kamu benar-benar ingin mau belajar dari
yang terbaik di dunia, ambil kesempatan ini.

Tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya sebanyak itu, kamu akan mendapatkan semuanya
hanya dengan membayar

(sekali bayar untuk selamanya)

Keuntungan yang kamu dapatkan:

 Belajar dari ahli dan professor terbaik di dunia
 Unlimited Access. Kamu bisa akses sampai tua
 Bisa didownload supaya bisa diakses offline
 Dapat diakses di smartphone dan laptop dimana dan kapan saja
 Tidak hanya tentang bahasa Inggris, tapi juga komunikasi, public speaking,
TOEFL/IELTS, dan international best-selling books and audiobooks
 Tidak perlu lagi menghabiskan banyak uang dan waktu untuk kursus lain yang
mahal, belum tentu berkualitas dan waktu terbatas
 Sangat cocok kalau kamu ingin bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris sefasih native
speaker, belajar TOEFL/IELTS dari bahan terbaik, punya skill komunikasi kelas
dunia, belajar dari buku terbaik di dunia.
Semua lowongan kerja yg baik pasti ada syarat bahasa Inggris dan komunikasi.
Kamu nggak akan jatuh miskin hanya karena investasi sekali 250rb sama skill kamu
(cuma seharga 1 buku). Tapi keuntungan dan manfaat yang kamu dapatkan seumur
hidup kamu. Sebenarnya, Pronunciation Workshop dari Paul Grubber yang
mengajar di Harvard, Microsoft, Google itu saja akan membuat kamu bisa
mengucapkan bahasa Inggris seperti Native Speaker.

Warren Buffett bilang harga adalah apa yang kamu bayar, value adalah apa yang
dapatkan. Investasi terbaik yang bisa kamu lakukan adalah pada diri kamu. Jadi lihat

Kamu bisa dapat akses terlebih dahulu sebelum bayar. Kalau setelah mendapatkan
semua ternyata kamu nggak suka, bisa dengan mudah dibatalkan dan kamu nggak
bayar apa-apa. Jadi kamu nggak perlu khawatir sedikit pun.

Klik tulisan di bawah untuk mendapat akses:

Kalau kamu masih ragu dan mau tahu lebih banyak lagi, klik di bawah ini:

Tapi kalau kamu nggak tertarik sama kesempatan ini dan nggak mau fasih
bahasa Inggris, klik di bawah ini:

Please, jangan abaikan walaupun kamu nggak tertarik. Pilih saja salah satu
dari 3 pilihan di atas. Saya hanya ingin membantu kamu. Thank You 

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