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Yulu is a micro-mobility platform that is solving for traffic congestion and air pollution in

India by providing bikes and microlight EVs. Yulu's vision is to decongest urban traffic by
providing scalable, affordable, efficient, and clean modes of transportation as solutions for
first and last-mile connectivity and short distance commute.
Meant for one commuter, Yulu EVs or its scooters have a maximum speed of 25 km per
hour, and they require no licence or helmet. A single charge can take the light-weight bike
up to 60 km. The user need not worry about the battery; it has a swappable lithium-ion
Yulu is currently operational in Bengaluru, Pune, Delhi, Mumbai, and Bhubaneswar. Yulu has
nearly 2000+ Yulu zones or parking zones.
For Miracle: Users pay a mandatory Rs 10 for a Yulu Miracle ride, and an additional Rs 10
per 10 minutes of ride time.
For Move: Users pay Rs 10 for First 30 minutes, and an additional Rs 5 per subsequent 30
minutes of ride time.

 The attached Excel sheet is a data set of User Journey Details, which provide the
following details of the ride:

1. User ID
2. Date of Journey
3. Journey Start Date & Time
4. Journey End Date & Time
5. Start YZ(Yulu Zone) Name
6. End YZ Name
7. Distance from YZ : Ride Starting
8. Distance from YZ : Ride Ending
9. Start Cluster Name: Cluster in which ride is starting
10. End Cluster Name: Cluster in which ride is ending

If the start/end distance from the YZ is more than 60 meters, then we assume that the ride
is started/ended outside the YZ. If it is less than or equal to 60 meters, it is considered inside
the YZ.
Find following data from the given data set:
1. Find out how many rides were taken and by how many unique users, each day.
2. In a given time slot, suggest where (name all YZ) to drop the bikes and how many
bikes should be dropped, after analysing the given set of data. The slot timings are:
Slot 1 : 12 AM to 8 AM
Slot 2 : 8 AM to 11 AM
Slot 3 : 11 AM to 4 PM
Slot 4: 4 PM to 12 PM.
3. Find out how many rides start and end inside and outside the YZ every day.

 Suggest possible use cases for which customers will ride on our product according to
 If you would be asked to take a customer survey, what would be all those variables
that you would consider in a mobility company survey. And how it will be useful for
the company.

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