Teen Problems

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- Mai Phuong: Anxiety disorders, restless/ agitated behavior, ongoing of sadness, lack
of motivation, emotional sensitivity, clinical depression, self-mutilation.

- Le Tung Lam: Hyperactivity, Emotional disturbance, Depressionm, Autism,

Addictive disorders, Aggression , withdrawal ( not interesting socially with other
people, excessive fear...), Learning difficulties, Immaturity.

- Phuong Chi: Eating disorders, low-selfesteem, mood disorders, social anxiety

disorder, self-multilation.

- Ninh Gia Hieu: Hypochondriasis (neurotic disorder -> anxieties, worries), Delirium
(Acute physical sickness) , narcissism (feel uncontrollable need to feel
important,successful), Schizophrenia, Paranoia, attention-decifit, various disorders
(eating, sleeping, anxiety)...

- Diep: Self-esteem and body image ( anorexia, overeating and dysmorphia) - physical
manifestation; Generalized anxiety disorders (GAD) , Obsessive- Compulsive
Disorder (OCD) (uncontrollable reoccuring thoughts or behaviors), Hyperactivity,

- Ngoc: Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Self-harm, substance abuse, sleep

deprivation and insomnia, hidden learning problems, phobias.

- Hai Anh: ongoing of sadness, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety Disorders, Major
Depressive Disorder (Severe depression), hyperactivity , antíocial personality disorder
, social phobia/ social anxiety disorder.

- Ho Van: awkward age, psychological fatigue, harrowing ordeal (unpleasant

experience), physical manifestation, siege mentality, teen trauma and PTSD,
obssessive infatuation (limerence).

BREAKING THE LAW: juvenile delinquency/delinquent, petty/ heinous crime,

adjustification, pick-pocketing, shoplifting, traffic offences, play hooky, drunk
driving, vandalism, sexual harassment, trespassing, hijacking, underage
driving/drinking, fake ID, forgery( creating fake ID, driving license to illegally gain
access to things), double-drug, driving under the influence, assault or battery
(fighting), Mischief in class (Attention-seeking + harmless, causing annoyance),

DEALING WITH PROBLEMS: Meditation, Seek consult and support from parents
and friends, Parental guidance, young adults therapy,

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