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 Name: Aarushi Jain

 Your focus area: availability of first aid services in rural areas.

 The person you interviewed: Mr Anant Nevatia (president of rural health care
 My interview questions are as follows-

Interview Questions for my Design Challenge

1. How do you think my design thinking challenge will affect/improve the lives of the
people living in the rural parts of the country?
Ans- Considering my profession, which is always rooted and connected to the rural
administration of the country, their growth, their prosperity, I think it is a very bright step
that you have taken. Living in rural parts of the country is a challenge itself. People to take
care of themselves with their own mighty methods and basic help and necessities are so far
away from them. First aid services might sound ordinary or not important, but it plays an
important part in the day to day lives of the people living in villages because of the nature of
work they are doing are dangerous and prone to accidents as well. So yes if these kinds of
services will come near to them, it will bring much more awareness in them, will save their
money in and time travelling far off places.
2. Have you ever thought about providing first aid services in rural areas?
Ans- honestly our foundation aims and works for larger goals and problems. We always look
at the bigger picture. We have to, to be honest. But I am working in this field for such a long
time and looking at your design thinking vision I have realized that people do need these
small and basic services too in rural areas and first looking at the bigger picture we should
cater to these small problematic areas. We should try to know from their point of view,
what they need, their requirements and necessities are.
3. What is missing for you about my design challenge? How could I improve it?
Ans- for me what is lacking from your side is currently entrepreneurship knowledge. Your
vision and idea are outstanding but now you have to run your venture as well. It will seem
easy, as easy as a cherry on a cake but it will not. Once your prototype is final you can sell it
to organisations or even collaborate with them. This is called smart business. This way your
vision or idea will flourish. There are many organisations and foundations on sanitation,
healthcare, etc. especially working for the rural department of the country.

Interview Questions for Ana’s “How Might We” Questions:

4. When you consider the design challenge I am tackling, do my “How might we…?
Questions support my efforts?
My current how might we questions are-
• How might we make first aid services available in rural areas?
• How might we make the same accessible?
• How might we make this service available at the best affordable price; affordability?

Ans- in each of your how might we..? Questions you have provided for your design thinking
challenge, you have targeted on the 3A’s namely availability, accessibility and affordability
of the first aid services.
Each of your how might we…? Questions provided the right justification for their respective
A in context and all these questions are relevant and important from the point of view of
the people living their lives in rural areas. I like the fact that the prime focus of each and
every question is how to provide fast and better first aid services and make first aid services
available in rural areas at the best affordable price.
5. Which of my three questions do you think is most interesting and why?
Ans-According to my knowledge, your second question that is, how might we make first aid
services accessible had grabbed my attention a lot. Simply because despite the huge
differences between developing and developed countries, access is the major issue in rural
health around the world. Even in the countries where the majority of the population lives in
rural areas, the resources are concentrated in the cities. In order to make first aid accessible,
you need to focus on factors like-
• Language

• Health information

• Literacy

• Transportation

• Interpretation and many more

6. Is there anything about my questions that you would add, remove, or change?
Ans- On basis of what I know, I won’t make changes to your Design Challenge and/ or “how
might we…?” questions but I would like to add certain things to it like, the promotion factor
or how can enlighten more and more people that you are coming up with this kind of a
service or this service is available near to them and can take full advantage of it. What it will
do is, it will people aware and they will themselves learn how to do the first aid in an
emergency. So promotion is an important factor.
One more thing I would like to add is what type of first aid is, the patient should be
informed about it(the name of the medicine, bandage, how to apply it everything). The
purpose is not just to make first aid services available, but also to educate them on how to
do their own first aid in an emergency.
• Who did you interview? What did you learn? What confirmed your ideas? What
surprised you?
The person I interviewed is Mr Anant Nevatia. He is the president of rural healthcare
foundation. Focusing on my area of interest/discipline ‘FIRST-AID’, I learn that around the
world, the health status of people in rural areas is generally worse than in urban areas and
that is we do need to start from the beginning that is first aid. Their people across the
country who might even know what down this word even mean. I got confirmed my idea
when I saw with my own eyes how people in rural areas are used to treat their wounds.
They treat it with a dirty cloth which increases the possibility of infection in future. I was
surprised by myself only because being a management and commerce student I am doing
this Design Thinking subject and have chosen the area of interest which is related to
healthcare and medicine on the second place (first-aid).

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