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Name: Muhaimanul Hoque Fahad

Id: 1512705030


a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and
each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. A government where
people shared work fairly and were paid equally.

Origin of Communism

The word communism comes from Latin word “COMMUSNIS” which means common or
belonging to all. According to Richard Pipes, the idea of a classless, egalitarian society first
emerged in Ancient Greece. The 5th-century Mazdak movement in Persia (Iran) has been
described as "communistic" for challenging the enormous privileges of the noble classes and the
clergy, for criticizing the institution of private property and for striving to create an egalitarian
society. At one time or another, various small communist communities existed, generally under
the inspiration of Scripture.

For example, in the medieval Christian Church some monastic communities and religious orders
shared their land and their other property

Industrial Revolution

Communism helped change the industrial upbringings. New machines were invented to boost the
industrial era. During the industrial Revolution the government had control of the economy. For
example, farmers had no rights over there land because the government had all control over
lands. Karl Marx encouraged the lower class to riot and overthrow the upper class in order to free
them from poverty. Communism during the Industrial Revolution With the creation of labor
forces and factory manufacturing. Social changes paved the way for ideas like Communism. The
Industrial Revolution was the main cause of the rise of Communism.

The Beliefs of Communism

The belief is that the richer people gets richer and the poorer becomes poorer. But through
communism people wanted to make everything equal to every people of the county. Then again
no one could achieve the goal of removing poverty.
Name: Muhaimanul Hoque Fahad
Id: 1512705030


Despotism is a form of government in which a single entity rules with absolute power. Normally,
that entity is an individual, the despot, as in an autocracy, but societies which limit respect and
power to specific groups have also been called despotic.

Origin of Despotism

The word despot applies pejoratively to those who use their power and authority to oppress their
populace, subjects, or subordinates. In this sense, it is similar to the pejorative connotations that
are associated with the term’s tyrant and dictator. n its classical form, despotism is a state in
which a single individual (the despot) holds all the power and authority embodying the state, and
everyone else is a subsidiary person. This form of despotism was common in the first forms of
statehood and civilization. The word itself seems to have been coined by the opponents of Louis
XIV of France in the 1690s, who applied the term despotism to describe their monarch's
somewhat free exercise of power. The word is ultimately Greek in origin, and in ancient Greek
usage, a despot was technically a master who ruled in a household over those who were slaves or
servants by nature.

Examples of Despotism

Several countries in the world have been ruled or continue to be ruled by despots. One of the
most notorious despots is Idi Amin who ruled with absolute authority over Uganda from 1971 to
1979. Amin gained military tactics as a member of the King's African Rifles (KAR), and he
remained in the armed forces of an independent Uganda. He organized a military coup in 1971
which ousted Milton Obote and made him sovereign ruler. Amin's rule was characterized by
ethnic cleansing where he ordered the persecution of Acholi and Lango tribes and ordered ethnic
Asians to leave Uganda. He ordered the relocation of urban residents to the rural areas to work in
collective plantations as well as in forced labor projects. The difficult working conditions
coupled with poor medical care and malnutrition took a toll on the population. He further
orchestrated the massacre of millions of people including those wearing glasses.
Name: Muhaimanul Hoque Fahad
Id: 1512705030


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