Final Evaluation - Okano

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Human Global Communications Co. Ltd.

-Internationalizing Business Communications-

Student Evaluation – Final

Name: Mr. Okano Reporting Month/Year: 12/2019

Course: Business English for Engineers
Term: Reporting Instructor: Alexander Page
Client: Mizuho

Improvement    Good Excellent
I. Attitudinal Factors
1. Preparation​ (予習) |------|------|------|-----O|
2. Participation​ (参画度) |------|------|------|----O-|

II. Language Fundamentals (Progress)

1. Vocabulary​ ​(語彙) |------|-----O|------|------|
2. Structure​ (構文応用力) |------|------|O-----|------|
3. Phonology ​(発音,イントネーション等) |------|-----O|------|------|

III. Communicative Skills (Progress)

1. Listening Comprehension |------|------|-O----|------| ​ ​(聞き取り能
2. Speaking Ability​ (会話力) |------|------|-----O|------|
3. Writing Ability*​ (作文力)​* |------|------|------|------| (N/A, did not test)

For Further Improvement:

Mr. Okano is a diligent student who always prepared thoroughly in advance of

our classes. I would advise him to continue expanding his vocabulary by revising
the lesson materials that we went through, and to practise his pronunciation by
working out the location of the stressed syllable and the number of syllables in
particularly difficult words.

Instructor Signature

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