Assignment: Ahmad) Shared One Ideology (Aqeeda) in Allah's Attributes or Not

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2. Discuss whether the four prominent imams(Abu haneefa, Maalik, Ashaafi’iy and
Ahmad) shared one ideology(aqeeda) in Allah’s attributes or not.

The aqeeda of the 4 prominent Imams regarding Allah's attributes was one and the
same. But people in the later generation differ in their aqeeda in Allah's attributes.

All the 4 Imams accepted Allah's attributes of being above his throne. And the
throne being above the seven heaven as :
1. Imam Abu Hanifa
It is reported by Abu Muti' Al-Balkhi that when he asked Imam Abu Hanifa about a
person who says that he doesn't where is ALLAH above the heaven or on earth and
Imam Abu Hanifa replied " 'A person who makes such a statement becomes an
apostate because Allah, the Exalted says, 'The Merciful has ascended above the 'Arsh,
and the 'Arsh of Allah is above His heavens'. "
and when Al-Balkhi further asked that if a person accepts that ALLAH is above his arsh
but he says that he do not know where is ALLAH's arsh and to this Imam Abu Hanifa
replied "'If he denies that the 'Arsh is above the heavens, he is an apostate." Sharhut-
Tahawiyyah, p.288
this saying of Imam Abu Hanifa clearly indiates that his belief was that Allah is above
the 7 heaven by his essence and his knowledge is everywhere.

2. Imam Malik Ibn Anas

Abdullah bin Nafi reported that Imam Malik said "'Allah is above the heavens, but His
knowledge encompasses everything. Nothing escapes His knowledge "( Abdullah bin
Ahmad, as-Sunnah,)

3. Imam ash- shafiee

Imam ash-Shafi'ee said:"The creed which I hold is the same creed the Muslims before
me were holding, namely, the Testimony of Faith: "There is no god worthy of being
worshipped except Allah, that Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah, and that Allah is
above His 'Arsh, above the heavens. He descends to the lowest heaven whenever He
wishes."( Al-Juyoosh al-Islamiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, p.93)

4. Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal

Imam ahmad was asked " Is Allah above His 'Arsh, above the seventh heaven,
separate from His creatures, and is His knowledge and power encompassing everything
everywhere? He replied: 'Certainly, He is above His 'Arsh and nothing escapes His
knowledge."( Al-Juyoosh al-Islamiyyag, Ibn al-Qayyim, p.123.)

All the 4 Imams had the same ideology regarding ALLAH'S speech exist and is
uncreated and Quran being the word of god and so Quran being uncreated
1 Imam Abu Hanifa
It is reported that Imam Abu Hanifa said ""And Musa (alayhi's-salam) heard the speech
of Allah, just as Allah (subhanwa taaala) said: "And Allah spoke to Musa directly." (an-
Nisa 4/164)
And indeed Allah (Jalla Jalaluhu) spoke, and it was not that Musa (alayhi's-salam)
spoke (to Allah)." (al-Fiqhu'l-Akbar, 302).
Imam Abu Hanifa indicated that Allah's speech can be heard and he spoke to Musa
Imam abu Hanifa said related to Quran that" the Qur'an is the speech of Allah, it is
written upon the pages, and preserved in the hearts, and recited upon the tongues, and
it was revealed upon Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)." (al-Fiqhu'l-Akbar, 301)
Imam Abu Hanifa also said ": "And the Qur'an is not created." (al-Fiqhu'l-Akbar, 301)
2 Imam Malik Ibn Anas
" Yahya Ibnu'r-Rabi said: "We were with Malik Ibn Anas and a man entered upon him,
so he said: O Aba Abdullah! What do you say about the one who says that the Qur'an is
created? So Malik said: A heretic (zindiq)'*, so fight him. So he said: O Aba Abdullah! I
have only mentioned speech that I heard. So he said: I did not hear it from anyone, I
only heard it from you, and how great is this statement." (Abu Nu'aym, al-Hilyah, 6/325;
al-Lalika'i, Sharh Usoulu'l-I'tiqaad Ahlu's-Sunnah wa'l-
Jamaa'ah, 1/249; Qadi lyaad, Tartibu'l-Madaarik, 1/460) "(Aqeeda of the imams of the
ahle-us -sunnah)
"Malik ibn Anas used to say: Whoever says that the Qur'an is created, he
must be beaten painfully and repressed until he repents."reported by Abdullah Ibn Nafi

These statements of Imam Malik shows his ideology regarding ALLAH'S speech being
uncreated and the Quran being uncreated

3 Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal said: "Allah has always been a Speaker, and the Qur'an Is
the Speech of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)
, It is not created in any way. And Allah is not to be described with anything
more than what He (subhanahu wa ta'ala) described Himself with." (Kitabu'l-Mihnah, 68)
Imam Ahmad said: "Whosoever alleges that Allah does not speak, then he is a
disbeliever. Verily
we pass these Ahadith on as they have come."

"Ahmad Ibn Hanbal said ": The Qur'an is the Speech of Allah, and it is not created, and
do not weaken in saying that it is not created. Since the Speech of Allah is from Him,
and nothing from Him is created." (Lailakai, Sharh Usoulu'l-I'tiqad Ahlu's-Sunnah
"reported by ABdus Ibn Malik Al attar
(wa'l-Jamaa'ah, 1/157)
Imam Ahmad calls him a disbeliever who says ALLAH does not speak
4 Imam Ash Shaafi'i
"Abl Muhammad az-Zubayri said: "A man said to ash-Shaafi'i: Inform me about the
Qur'an, is it a creator?
So ash-Shaafi'i said: By Allah, no! He said: Then is it created? So ash-Shaafi'i said: By
Allah, No!
He said: So it is not created? So ash-Shaafi'i said: By Allah, yes! He said: So what is
the proof that it is not created?
So ash-Shaafi'i raised his head and said: Do you accept that the Qur'an is the
Speech of Allah? He said: Yes! So ash-Shaafi'i said: It has preceded in these words,
Allah (Jalla Jalaluhu) mentioned it when
He said: "And if anyone from amongst the polytheists seeks protection
with you, then grant him protection so that he may hear the Speech of Allah." (at-
Tawbah 9/6);
"And Allah spoke to Musa directly." (an-Nlsa 4/164) So ash-Shaafl'l said: So do you
affirm that Allah
existed and His Speech existed, or did Allah exist, yet His Speech did not? So the man
said: "Yes, Allah
existed, and His Speech existed." He said: So ash-Shaafl'l smiled and said: "0 people of
Kufah! Verily
you have come to me with an oppressive statement. If you affirm that Allah existed
before anything
else, and that His Speech existed, so what Is the Speech according to you? Is It the
Speech of Allah,
or In exclusion to Allah, or the equivalent to Allah? "He said: so the man silently left
(BayhaqI, Manaaqlb ash-Shaafl'l, 1/407-408) "(Aqeeda of the Imams of Ahle-Sunnah)

So Imam Ash Shafi'i 's words shows that his belief was that ALLAH's speech exist and
is uncreated ad quran is ALLAH's word.

All the 4 imams have the same ideology regarding ALLAH'S names and attributes .All
of them said that we need to accept Allah's names and attributes as he said without any
interpretation from our side and Allah cannot be described with the attributes of the
creation.they had believed in Allah's qadr and also that Allah's speech exist and is
1. Full text of "Aqeedah Of The Imams Of Ahl Us Sunnah". (2019).Retrieved from

2. ("Salafi Publications | Where is Allaah?",2019)

Retrieved from


Student's Name= Aliya Nayab




Student's Id=10129582
Question No=2o=2
Student's Name=A
Student's Id=10129582
Question No=2

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