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Other Documents: ​Product Research Doc​ - emojis for Facebook Ad Copy

Facebook FlowChart

Campaigns Adsets Ads

● Select optimization ● Select audiences, ● Where are all the ads

type. detailed are located. Usually
● Engagement, Traffic, demographics, just 1.
Conversions. interests, behaviors
● Set Budget,

Bidding System​ - Facebook Ads is based off of a bidding system like an auction. If a lot of
people are targeting the same audience the CPM (Cost per 1000 impressions) will increase
because of competition. That's why Worldwide (excluding big 5) has cheap impressions
because less demand for targeting (more people see it). This will allow for social proof when
running more targeted campaigns in the future.

However, the bidding system is different than a traditional auction because the winner isn't the
ad with the highest monetary bid, but the ad that creates the most overall value for ​BOTH THE
MARKETER AND THE FB USER. ​So if your ad is flagged as interesting to a large audience
you will be able to reach more customers.

Chance of Your Ad Being Seen

● Advertiser bid (either a manual or
automatic bid)
● Estimated action rates (likelihood of
driving a desired outcome)
● User Value (website performance, ad
quality, relevance of your ad to your
The ad with the highest ​TOTAL VALUE​ will with the auction and will be shown more than other
ads. To get the most out of advertising on Facebook, you should strive to maximize all factors:
● Bid the maximum you're willing to pay
● Create compelling ads
● Target them to the right audience

Campaign Types
Engagement - ​(key to future sales) - Use Third world countries to build up ad engagement then
run the same ad in T1 countries. First part of ad Life cycle. Should not expect purchases
running this camping, however, if you do that is avery good sign for your product.
Traffic - ​Optimizes for sending people to your website. Works better with a seasoned pixel and
better data.
Conversion​ - Later phase, uses data to get higher conversions, better if you have better data
from pixel and large audiences.
Lead generation​ - Used to get larger leads, good for email list growth, not necessary.

Audience Types
(To create audiences Menu - Assets - Audience)
Custom Audiences - ​Target people that have triggered specific events in the facebook pixel or
watched the ad, useful for retargeting or creating lookalike Audiences.
Lookalike Audience - ​Facebook will create/generate an audience by collected data points with
its database by a specified accuracy given by a percentage. Can create them from custom
audience or from facebook engagement types. Can also use website buyers and email lists.
When using LAAs there is no need to specify age range our country, leave them default. Unless
in the creation of the LAA the country was not specified. Then specify a country in the ad set
creation process.
(Creating multi varied percentage LAA) ex 1-2%, 3-5%. 5-8%
(Show Advanced options) - select x number of audiences - then adjust percentage slots desired,
this will automatically make x LAAs with multiple percentages. They will be populated in your
audience database.

Limiting Audience to specific Target

● Use Google Trends to see best target cities and states to target with most interest. Can
also use global view to see what other countries may be good to target for your product.
● Google Search different niche brands or magazines. Type in “Niche + Brand” or “Niche +
Magazine”. Example would be “Sports + Magazine”. Save them to target later.
● Use Page Likes Tab in audience insights tool to find pages the audience is most likely to
like based off a general interest pre selected. Use affinity to see what people would most
likely like.
● Find relevant niche pages with a lot of likes to find more accurate targets (interests aren’t
the most accurate, page likes are).
● Use flex targeting to increase the accuracy of the audience desired. Ex. person most like
this interest and also this page and exclude this interest. (be specific)
● Make sure ​the audience is 3 - 7 million people ​gives enough room for Facebook to
optimize when running ads.
● Make sure your audiences don't overlap, you can use the Audience Overlap tool to see
how p to 5 audiences overlap to determine if they are going to compete with each other.
○ Go to your ​Audiences

○ Check the boxes next to the audience you want to compare (up to 5)

○ Click Actions > Show Audience Overlap

TARGETING TYPES: ​(make use of facebook’s ‘suggestions’ tab)

● Celebrities / Authors / Athletes
● Magazines / Books / Websites
● Brands / Companies
● Related Products
● Hobbies / Activities
● Broad Interests
● Behaviours (engaged shoppers)

Setting Up Ad Sets
● Offer - Can create an offer to increase conversions - insert coupon code
● Can combine Interests/behaviors and exclude interests/behaviors.
● Edit placement -​ ​Select FB feed only or include Insta feeds.
● Large Audience (5+ million) - ​gives enough room for FB to optimize and keep CPMs at
a reasonable cost.
● Conversion window - 1 day click ​- facebook will optimize targeting to get people to
click on your link within a day of interacting with the post.

AdSet Learning Phase​ (SUPER IMPORTANT)

● Facebook has a Learning phase in which the algorithms optimize to find the right
audience dependent on your campaign goals, FB takes 7 days to “learn”. Learning
phase starts at the creation of an ad set or a significant change to an ad set. ​When an
Adset is in the learning phase performance will vary. ​That's why when the budget is
increased for scaling, performance tends to dip initially and results are inconsistent for
the first few days.
○ Significant Changes that will trigger the reset of Learning Phase
■ Any change to targeting.
■ Any change to ad creative.
■ Any change to optimization event.
■ Pausing your ad set (or the campaign it's in) for 7 days or longer
(the learning phase will reset once you un-pause the ad set or
■ Adding a new ad to your ad set
■ Large increases or decreases in budget or bid cap

● Facebook needs at least 50 conversions within 7 days in order to properly optimize.

● FB recommends a bid to budget ratio of 1:10, 1:25 is better.
○ So if CPP(Cost per Purchase) is $15, need $150 ad spend to optimize over the
course of the 7 days. (Only do this with Winning Adset + Winning Ad)
○ Can still use $5 -$50 ad sets but adset will be less consistent. (Use this for
testing new audiences that may present risk)

Adset Budget (For Testing)

● $5-$50 ad sets are fine. It depends how fast you would like to collect data.
● Need at least $20 spent on an ad set to make a decision. $50 is optimal. (Gabriel

Split Testing Ads

1. Run different ads with the same general large audience to see what Ad performs
the best. If more than one good ad, use 1 and save the rest to use later to
combat ad fatigue.
2. (Optional) Take winning ad, and if you choose to, run different variations of the
same ad, brightness, captions, ad copy, music, video clip order, thumbnail, first
3-5 seconds of video ads. This will give you the best version of the winning ad for
future scaling. This could significantly boost conversion rates to your website.
3. Test different audiences by using different Ad Sets to find targeting that
minimizes costs and gives the best ROI (Return on Investment).

Categories​ ​& Set up ( Ads manager)

Add all the categories: VC, ATC, IC, PUR, CPC, Result(purchases), CPM,
Website Content Views, Add to cart, checkouts initiated, purchases) - gives an overview of the
entire funnel and conversion rates. ( Customize the way you want)
Acronym Definitions
IC​(Initiated cart)
ATC​(Add to Cart)
Relevance - ​Facebook metric to score ad effectiveness to audience. 8+ is good
CTR(All)​ (Click Through Rate) - All Link Clicks, 3% + is good
CTR​(Link) - Link click, 1% +
CPC ​(Cost per link Click)
CPP​ (Cost Per Purchase)
CPM​(Cost Per 1000 Impression - May indicate if ads been seen to many times, targetings off or
ads just bad.
ROAS​(Return on Ad spend) - Revenue/And costs > 1 to make a profit or break even.
WV​(Website visitors)
PPE ​(Post Paid Engagement) - Basically just run an engagement campaign.
CPP​(Cost per Purchase)
CPUC​( Cost Per Unique Click)
CV​(Content Views)

LAA Requirements (more data more accurate)

● 95% VV - ​100k reached and about 1000 95% VV
● ATC - ​need (20 - 40) for ATC LAA using PPE campaign, need 500 (1000 recommended)
for ATC LAA using conversion campaign.
● WV - ​ need 10,000 visitors to run LAA.
● Purchases​ - need at least 100 for LAA
(Refresh all LAAs after significant amount of data is collected to make them even more

Evaluating If an Ad is Running Well

(During Engagement Campaign)
● Look at CPM, link clicks, and cost pert ATC to determine winners.
(Traffic or Conversion Campaigns)
● Calculate Breakeven ROAS. Kill any ad sets with ROAS below breakeven after 3 - 5
days of running.

● To compare ads with good ROAS, look at purchases, ATC, website visitors, and the cost
per customer to see which ones are performing the best.
● Use Breakdown Tool to create more efficient ad sets to create lower CPM and higher

Scale Horizontally
● Test the same Ad but with as many different audiences (a bunch of adsets) as possible
within reason. Inc budget for each working adset every few days (inc depends on
chosen strategy).
● Usually test 5 - 10 ad sets, 10 is recommended.

Ad Fatigue
● ROAS will drop overtime mainly because of competition copying ad materials and
promoting the same product. ​WATERMARK (30% opacity in center of screen)​ ads to
prevent stealing and slow the fatigue cycle.
● Create new video content progressively, one new ad a month.

Pick Strategy based on Your budget

Read all strategies below and combine them, make your own, or follow them step by step. It's
up to you and make sure you select one that fits your budget. You can always start with a low
risk strategy to test products then move to the more advanced strategies to really maximize
profits and your ad campaign efficiency. Remember you can have the best strategy in the world
but without a great product, videos, copy, product descriptions, and a converting store, your not
going to sell anything. Remember if you want low-risk pick products that are already proven to
sell (Spy on other drop shippers).
Gabriel St-Germain Strategy (Expensive but great potential)
(Need 1.5k - 2k Budget)
(great for mass product with great appeal)

1. Audience Research - Collect List of interests/pages to target further in the process.(Use

Audience Insight tool) (Google Trends) (Google Search)(Facebook Search)
2. Create three Video Ads to test (Fiverr, IG Influncers, Outsource) or just steal them.
3. Enter Engagement Phase
4. Target your buyer demographic worldwide (Exclude extremely poor countries and top 5,
list is on the bottom of the entire document) to get social proof and data for each ad.
(Engagement Campaign)​ Limit slightly with basic interests and engaged shopper
5. Start running Traffic with IG influencers to warm up pixel because of cheap traffic in the
meantime during the waiting phases.
6. Split Test 3 Ads
a. $10 per adset, one ad per ad set. (For Testing) (3-4 Days)
i. If you don't have ideas for videos film it yourself, record youtube product
reviews, or download FB ads and make your own ad.
b. Use cost per engagement and cost per ad to cart to find best creative.
c. Kill the other adsets. If another is running well save it for later to combat ad
d. (Optional from me) With winning adset test copy & music, potential video length
or order of clips.
7. Once 50-100k views, build 95% video viewers custom audience to test LAAs.
8. Enter Test Phase
9. Use same post ID​ to preserve all the engagement on the winning ad. Do this by using
the “Use Existing Post” option instead of “Create Ad” option in the Ad creation process.
10. Create Conversion Campaign - purchases​, Test 95% VV(video view) LAA with all T1
Countries (US,UK,CA,AU) and test all the percents, 2% 2-5%, 5-7%.
11. Test All Interests found in Audience Research
a. One Interest per ad set
b. Target all EPacket countries
c. Age/Gender from research or leave broad (Let FB Optimize for you)
d. English(All) & Feed only (FB & IG)
12. With data, create as many profitable Ad Sets as possible using creativity, test new
combinations, related interests, or new angles entirely.
13. Breakdown tool​ (By Delivery), tools located in the top right of the Ads Manager, Use on
lack luster Ad Sets ( barely breaking even) to find ways to shrink the audience to
decrease Cost per Conversion.
14. Keep all breakeven adsets, can make a profit with retargeting.
16. Gradually scale top-performing ad Sets by increasing gradually ($5, $20, $50, $200, +)
17. Once Ad Reached $200 successfully, duplicate the Adset with Manual Bidding.
a. Go to the settings for the Adset (Far Right) and enable the bid cap (max amount
to bid over daily purchase).
b. Bid Cap should be 2X- 3X CPP (cost per purchase)
c. See if bidding is creating cheaper conversion rates, test other Bid Cap. Then
increase by 50% every 48 hours if ROAS is better.
18. Majority of profits come from retargeting. Launch retargeting once consistent
traffic. ​(Can experiment with different Ad Copy, or Ad to split test retargeting). Should
create different campaign folder to keep track.
a. VC last 7 days (excluding ATC last 7 days)
b. ATC last 7 days (excluding IC last 7 days)
c. IC last 7 days(excluding PUR LAst 7 days)
d. 75% VC last 30 days(excluding VC last 7 days. PUR last 30 days)
19. Turn on Automatic placements remove delivery constraints (FB Insta Feed). ​This
option is found when you're creating a new Adset or editing the targeting for one. ( I don’t
think this step is important)
a. Need content for at least every type of placement
i. At least 1 video
ii. At least 1 photo
iii. At least 1 dynamic photo ad
20. (still using conversion campaigns) - for purchases. MOST HAVE 20 - 40
CAMPAIGN. ​Once Pixel has a lot of data, start creating more LAAs. At $50 AD SPEND
each. Run all these LAAs in a separate campaign folder for each of the 4 major english
speaking countries (US,UK,AU,CA). For each LAA test 2%, 2-5%, 5-10% for UK,AU, &
CA because of smaller population. For US test 1%, 1-2%, 2-5%. Make sure the specific
LAA type has enough data before pulling the trigger.
a. (Test All below for the past 30 days)
b. 95% Vid Viewers
c. ATC (Add to Cart)
d. IC (initiate Checkout)
e. WV (website visitors)
f. Buyers
g. VTS (Visitor Time Spent) 25% (Top 25%)
21. Kill any of the LAAs that have a low ROAS after you spent a total of $50.
22. Top Performing LAAs duplicate but with manual bidding (MB) with cap 2x-3x CPP and
raise budget to $200.
23. If MB adset is performing after 48 hours increase budget by 50%, continue this pattern.
a. Kill parent adset and focus on MB adset duplicate for 50% increase every 48 hrs.
b. MB allows for larger Ad sets to perform more consistently
24. Retargeting Again​, Separate Campaign, using custom audience, scale each retarget ad
set by 50% every 48 hours until ROAS drops off.
a. (Last 7 days)
i. IC (excluding PUR Last 7 days)
ii. ATC ( IC Last 7 days)
iii. 75% video viewers
iv. 95% video viewers
b. (Last 30 days)
i. IC (excluding PUR Last 7 days)
ii. ATC (IC Last 7 days)
iii. WV
iv. 75% video viewers
v. 95% video viewers
25. Continue to inc budget of any working Adset, swap out ads with other proven ads to
combat fatigue. Create at least 1 ad every month to stay competitive.
26. Create another business account and copy exactly what's working to spend more money
on ads per day.

(ADVANCED)(saves money)
CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization) - Strategy LLAs + CBO
Instead of setting budget at the adset level, budget is set at campaign level. FB then
optimize the budget to top-performing ad sets in real time, this allows for greater ROI
(Return on investment). It will distribute funding to decrease your overall result per ad
(Can see here more conversions per ads spend)
1. Most already have consistent sales on FB with your product
2. Already collected good LAAs to utilize with great ROAS ad sets.
3. CBO can then take your successful ad sets and optimize them all to collect more leads
increase profit margin.
How to enable
1. Create new campaign, in new window turn on “Budget Optimization”
2. Set Daily Budget
1. Campaign for each LAA Type ex (US 95% video view LAA + CBO)
a. Break each ad set into 5 percentage segment
i. Select countries for LAA
ii. 1%, 1-2%, 2-3%, 3-4%, 4-5% (US)
iii. 1-2%, 2-4%, 4-6%, 6-8% (All other countries)
b. Campaign Budget $100 - 250 for room to optimize
c. Double budget every two days if profitable
2. Kill off any ad set that facebook did not optimize for.
3. Use CBO Optimization to test all LAA types with varying percentages, to quickly find
4. Good to test - Buyer's last 30 days, Top 25% visitors by time spent, 95% video viewers,
and instragm saves.
Rory Gonan strategy (Cheaper, cost effective)
($500 - $1000 Budget)
1. Find hot product that's already selling and get decent ad.
2. Use engagement campaign.
3. Narrow with interests 3 - 4 interests and use suggested interests mostly from FB. Make
sure the audience results in a couple million.
4. Split test as many different variables as possible (Countries, Interests, behaviors, Ages,
Gender, custom audiences). Use Audience Insights to give you a better idea on how to
limit your targeting. Run each different Ad Set at $5/day for 3 days for testing . As many
as you are comfortable with.
a. First test general Interests, all english speaking countries.
b. Then from winning Interests test different age ranges in each interest.
c. Then test different combinations of Interests and then different age ranges in
each combination.
d. Then take winning Adsets and split test english speaking countries.
e. From here you can choose to do further testing like different creatives, FB vs IG,
Desktop vs Mobile, etc.
f. Kill anything with ROAS lower than breakeven.
SENSE OF WHAT AUDIENCE (Country, Gender, Age, platform, and many more)
WILL GIVE YOU THE CHEAPEST CONVERSIONS. ​Breakdown tool is top right of the
ads manager.
6. Repeat steps 4-5, to find good audiences then scale baby scale. Take winning Ad Sets
then increase the budget of winning Adsets by how much your comfortable with.
+$5,+$50, +20%, 50% doesn't matter which.

KING COMM (Low Budget Strategy)

(Great for product testing)
(Good if you have lower that $500 Budget)
1. Start with one very good Ad and great Ad copy, make sure to use the same ad
throughout the entire process so engagement is kept and not lost.
2. Start with a Conversion Campaign with focus on purchase.
3. Targeting set up
a. Select all epacket countries for targeting, English(All)
b. Use Common sense to limit gender and age.
c. Uncheck Expand interests box ( It allows facebook to test interests for you,
wastes money)
d. Only Target Mobile (King Comm says desktop has a lot of traffic but limited
e. Instagram and Facebook Feed Only
f. Group should be ​1 million - 20 million
i. If audience is greater than 3 million make sure to include “Engaged
Shopper” Interest.
4. Budgeting only ​use $3 Adsets
5. Split Testing, make ​ten duplicates of the Adset​ and ​test different related interests​.
(no combinations) , One Interest per Adset.
6. After 1 Day
a. Kill if Adset CPM > $15
b. Kill of Adset CPUC >$ 0.75
7. After 2 Day
a. Kill campaign if less than 2 sales
b. Kill any adset with CPUC > $0.75
c. Duplicate Ad Sets with sales and narrow by platform that got the most sales (FB
or IG), keep the same budget.
8. After 3 Days
a. Kill campaign if less than 4 sales
b. Kill any adset with CPUC > $0.75
9. If campaign has survived, potential winner!
10. Start horizontally scaling to find more winning ad sets. Scale budget for good ad sets
slightly every day to receive more purchases. Use breakdown tool to narrow audiences
11. If not profitable after 5 days, kill the product and the campaign.
12. Try again with a different product

Conv. - PEE - Conv. Strategy

1. Create one promising ad
2. (Testing phase)​ Run purchase conversation first with only english speaking countries
a. Create 5 ad sets $5/day using different most popular interests.
b. Use flex targeting to decrease audience to below 10 million
c. If none has promising stats, kill the product after 3-4 days.
3. (Social Proof Phase)​ If proven to make purchases run a PPE alongside the purchase conversion
campaign. WW excluding all the low conversion countries to get cheap social proof.
a. Test 3 different creatives in 3 different ad sets here to see which one performs the best.
b. If an ad is performing than the current ad, create new conversation campaign with the
new ad then wait to 3-4 days to compare the results of the two campaigns. Keep the best
kill the other.
c. Use break down tool on best performing PPE adset to see which countries had the most
purchases/ATC. Save these countries to test.
4. Increase the number of ad set for the conversation campaign using data from breakdown tool and
explore different interests. Her you may test different countries that proved to have the most
interest in the product.
5. (Profit Phase) ​Launch 95% LAA all percentage brackets in conversation campaign.
6. Start retargeting campaign, using custom audiences for those that triggered pixel events without
making a purchase for the past 7 days. Kill assets that are have bad ROAS.
7. Kill assets that don't work after 3-4 days and scale those, after each scale wait 3 days for learning
phase. Use this to build data for WV, ATC, and Purchase LLAs.
8. Continue to run retargeting campaigns every 5 days.
9. Once enough data launch LAAs in seperate folders and use CBO optimization so facebook finds
optimal percentage. $100 -200 budget for campaign wait 3-4 days for results.
10. Keep all LAAs that facebook choose and scale them.
11. Refresh all custom audiences and lookalike audiences after a significant amount of data is
gathered. Let the new audiences run and see if they outperform the parent audience. If they do
kill them to increase ROAS.
12. Swap out creative once ad fatigue sets in (about a month or so), reinvest some profits on fiverr to
create more compelling ads.

Minimal testing (gabriel)

● (3-9) ad sets, 3 different creates using different scroll stoppers (first 3 seconds). Can also test
thumbnails and copy.
● (36 adsets) At Least 3 LAAs tested for each main country (US,UK, CA, AU) at 1%, 1-2%, 2-5%.
○ 95% vv, 5%/25 % VTS, ATC,IC, PUR
● (10+ ad sets) All epacket countries english speaking with one broad interest
● Calculate daily budget by total budget/#adsets.
● Calculate ROAS and break even CPP
○ break even CPP

● ROAS = Sell Price/Breakeven CPP

● After spending 3x - 5x Breakeven CPP should at least have a sale, if not pause account adsets
and resolve funnel issues to increase conversion. (Usually the Ad sucks)


- Africa
- India
- Pakistan
- Nepal
- Thailand
- Cambodia
- Vietnam
- Laos
- Myanmar
- China
- Malaysia
- Singapore
- Indonesia
- Philippines
- Bangladesh
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- Mongolia
- Bhutan
- Afghanistan
- Tajikistan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Kazakhstan
- Uzbekistan
- Turkmenistan
- Iraq
- Albania
- Romania
- Israel


1. Australia
2. Austria
3. Belgium
4. Canada
5. Denmark
6. Finland
7. France*
8. Germany
9. Greece
10. Hong Kong
11. Hungary
12. Ireland
13. Israel
14. Italy
15. Japan
16. Korea
17. Luxembourg
18. Malaysia
19. Mexico
20. Netherlands
21. New Zealand
22. Norway
23. Poland
24. Portugal
25. Russia
26. Saudi Arabia
27. Singapore
28. Spain
29. Sweden
30. Switzerland
31. Thailand
32. Turkey
33. Ukraine
34. United Kingdom**
35. United States***
36. Vietnam (currently in a trial run)

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