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This chapter described the main topics which are organization background and its services.
This chapter also consist an organization background, mission, vision, objectives,
management and organization chart.

1.1 Organization background

Figure 1.1 shows a screenshot that adapted from UUM CAS website. The logo consist a
words of College of Arts and Sciences Universiti Utara Malaysia and the badge of UUM.
The UUM CAS is a truly is a truly life-changing academics college. There have been
providing higher education in this region since 1984 under the umbrella of Universiti Utara
Malaysia and there are proud to be an innovative, accessible and inspirational academic
college. With over 50 degree programs at the undergraduate, graduate, advanced diploma
and doctorial levels, including the doctor of management, there is something for everyone

Figure 1.1: A screenshot UUM CAS logo that adapted from UUM CAS website.

The UUM CAS offers a dynamic learning environment that inspires innovation,
creativity and collaboration and is focused on student success. More than 450 distinguished
scholars, researchers and expert teachers, with more than 60 % holding PhDs or highest
degrees in their fields, make up the UUM CAS faculty.

With a diverse mix of expertise in the fields of Computing, Social Development,

Multimedia Technology and Communication, Quantitative Sciences, Education and
Modern Languages, as well as the General Studies, the UUM CAS aims to serve as a centre
of excellence in the held’s of arts and sciences, as well as to develop competent and
committed human capital to drive forward the nation, and humanity, in tandem with the
University’s charter and philosophy.
1.4 Management

UUM CAS management is divided into several parts, Awang Had Salleh Graduate School,
School of Academics, Students and Alumni Development, Quality Management and
Strategic Research Institute and the Administration. There are five centers of academic
study in UUM CAS, namely the School of Multimedia and Communication Technology,
School of Computing, School of Quantitative Sciences and the School of Social
Development in which each school is headed by a dean. In addition there is also the School
of Public and Language Centre to support the academic development of the university.

1.3 Vision

To establish the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) as a centre of excellence and reference
in arts and sciences.

1.4 Mission

To develop competent and committed human capital to drive forward the nation and
humanity at target in tandem with the University’s charter and philosophy.

1.5 Objectives

These objectives will describe about Administration and Finance Office UUM CAS.

1. To coordinate the planning and implementation of the administrative system UUM

2. To make effort to stabilize the administrative and academic management system to
fulfil academic and administrative requirements.
3. To ensure human resources are managed in accordance with the requirements.
4. To make effort to increase the competence of human resources to provide services

5. To ensure all financial management, human resources and administration are
fulfilling of organization requirements.
6. To plan and implement a quality management system based on administration
quality standards that implemented in UUM.

1.6 Organization chart

Figure 1.2 will display organization chart of Administration and Finance Office UUM

Assistant Vice Chancellor

Prof. Dr. Norshuhada Shiratuddin
Office Secretary
Rosmimah Omar

Senior Principal Assistant

Mohd Ashari Yaakub

Assistant Office Secretary

Maizatul Musfiroh


Assistant Administrative Assistant Accounting It Officer

Officer (W32) Naemah Amlus
Amirullah Ikrami Akbar Jahan Che Hafizah Md Deris

Administrative Administrative Administrative Technician

Assistant Assistant Assistant Computer
Mohd Nasri Noor Azizah Zamalik Hassan Nazri Aziz

Assistant Operation
Wan Khairul Anwar Wan Man

Figure 1.2: Organization chart of Administration and Finance Office UUM CAS.

Adapted by UUM CAS 2015. Reprinted with permission.


This chapter described the chapter two which are the project during the internship at
College of Arts and Sciences Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM CAS). This chapter also
consist the introduction, problem statement, objective, project scope, importance of project,
significant of project, feasibility study, cost estimation, methodology, flow chart, weakness
and recommendation and summary.

2.1 Introduction

This website traduces the Executive Education and Professional Development (EEPD) to
staffs and peoples from outsider. The website developed is to give important information
about EEPD. This information website also will be developing to promote an interesting
program of EEPD for people outsider to join the programs offered that organized by
Awang Had Salleh Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Universiti Utara Malaysia

2.2 Problem statement

Nowadays, website is crucial as medium to introduce about company, product, online

payment, advertising and information. The website of EEPD does not exist before, so to
introduce and promote to peoples UUM CAS decided to design a new website to bring
easier for people to get information. The website will display some of the information
about EEPD, organization chart, the events outcome and others. Nowadays, by the
traditional ways such as brochure and poster still not enough to deliver information because
the space is limited. Besides, people right now more focus on technology or gadget such as
smartphone, computer or laptop. According to Executive Officer EEPD Mr.Amirullah he
said some people really hard to get a forms to register the program, but with online
registration and download form it is make easier for people outsider to get without go to
EEPD office.

2.3 Objective

The objective of project to develop EEPD website for UUM CAS and to achieve sixes
subject. The subject consist:
1. Home.
2. Our profile.
3. Executive education.
4. External global programmes.
5. Registration.
6. Contact.

2.4 Project scope

Development and production of web based system aims to promote and introduce the
EEPD to the public user. Development of this site is agreed between the employer and
supervisor in establishing a web site that can operate concisely and easily understood by the
public user. Each site represents various information designated as Home, Our Profile,
Executive Education, External (Global) Programmes, Registration and Contact.

1. User.
For user there are two types such as:
a) Public user.
- For those people from outsider that not relate with UUM that can access
through EEPD website.
b) Staff
- For those people who relate with UUM like staff or lecturer that can
access through EEPD website.
2. Medium languages.
EEPD website provides fives language such as:

- Malay.
- English.
- Arabic.
- Afrikaans.
- Spanish.
3. Devices
This website can run into two modes by smartphone and personal computer.

4. Main component of EEPD website.

There are sixes main components inside EEPD website that shown on table 1.2.

Table 1.2: A screenshot of important parts inside EEPD website

Table 1.2 shown a screenshoot the important parts that consist home, our profile,
executive education, external (Global) programmes, registration and contact. These
components come out from manager of EEPD by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hisham

2.5 Importance of project

There are three highlights why this project is important and must to develop.

a) Information that is easily understood.

i) Concise and easily understandable information required.

ii) The language used in the process of information delivery.
iii) How effective information can attract customers and users.
iv) Charging information based on the latest trends.
b) Promote the EEPD to the next level.
i) Promotion of good quality and able to lift up the name of a company within
a company.
ii) Effective marketing methods in the process of delivering relevant
information on the company.
iii) Good promotion can help in improving the company to greater financial
c) Reduce the time.
Time is money. Technology nowadays is able to save time for buying and selling
process. This is because customers do not have to waste time and energy to go to
the location of the company. Now, everything is at fingertips with just surfing the
website and others.

2.6 Significance of project

This website incorporates multimedia elements such as video, animation, text and images.
This website also displays information about EEPD and will help the people outsider in
ways to get the information instantly better than use the traditional ways like brochures and
posters, because some brochures still not enough an information.

a) Easy to understand
By visiting this website, people will understand more on what is contained
in this EEPD web site with the provision of information displayed to them
including the programs done by the EEPD.

b) Information obtained quickly.

Just visit the website and internet user customers can use a laptop or
personal computer or smartphone to enable them to obtain all the
information on this EEPD.

2.7 Feasibility study

Feasibility study describe about what the hardware and software used during developing
the EEPD website. The work schedule also display with gantt chart.

a) Tools( Hardware and Software )

Tools used to develop this websiteare the hardware and software such as laptop,
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and etc.

i) Hardware
The hardware needed in this project is the personal computer.

ii) Software
The software needed in this project is Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe
Dreamweaver CS6, Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6,
Microsoft Project.

b) Gantt chart
The Gantt chart determines the work schedule. (Refer to Appendix B)

2.8 Cost estimation

The cost involved in this project proposal are hardware, software, including the manual
services of printing. The other materials arereadily provided and can be downloaded freely
from online sources.

2.9 Methodology
According to Irny, 2015 she said methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the
methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of
methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it encompasses
concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases and quantitative techniques. During
developing this project there are four phases such as planning, analysis, design, and

2.9.1 Methodology phases
In the development of this website there are four phases. This methodology consists of
four phases which are planning, analysis, design and implementation.

Figure 2.1 shows the phases involved in the development of a prototype

methodology of the planning phase, the analysis phase, design phase and
implementation phase. These phases were repeated until complete and meet the users’


Analysis Analysis


Figure 2.1: Methodology phases.

a) Planning phase
This is the initial phase in developing a website EEPD. At the beginning of
this phase, supervisors contribute ideas on how to develop a successful
website that can reach EEPD. The website also discusses the theme and
layout of each site as well as content that can attract customers to view this
website. Platform is also discussed and decided. A user requirement is
defined. Moreover, the costs involved, such as hardware and software are
also discussed during this phase. In addition, as design role in the search for
ideas and information on this organization needs to be more detailed. In this
phase, the supervisor agrees with the name of the website, EEPD as the final
project. This study was conducted to understand website development. In
addition, research on other websites concerned with executive program is
also searched to make a comparison. Supervisors agreed with the scope and
objectives of the system.

b) Analysis phase

In this phase, The group that lead with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hisham Dzakaria
find as much information about the Executive website, where needed to
analyze the needs of customers on a web site that would be developed. As a
designer need to study the level of achievement of a website, for example
Wharton Executive Education and Executive Development Program OYA
UUM COB (EDP OYA UUM COB), where the submission of information
presented to the public user and staff. A designer also need find advantages
and disadvantages of the site studied. By making comparison of different
websites will know the pros and cons of each website. Selection of free
websites are evaluated and analyzed, and compared with other sites. Among
the free websites are DoodleKit, ImCreator, Simplesite, Weebly, WebStart
and Hostinger. (Refer Appendix A).

Figure 2.2 shows a screenshot Executive Development Program OYA

UUM COB (EDP OYA UUM COB). This organization also provides a
trainers and consultant like an EEPD.

Figure 2.2: A screenshot. Adapted from website of Executive

Development Program OYA UUM COB (EDP OYA UUM COB).

c) Design Phase
In the design phase, in determining how this website is running well in terms
of processes, tools, information, user interface and other factors are
emphasized in the process of development of the site. EEPD decided to
develop a website using a purchased website which is Joomla! that
purchased by UUMIT. The information website is developed for public in
accessing the website of this organization. A designer also need to storage
for uploading and saving all the images in this website. This website also
provides six menus on the website which are Home, Our Profile, Executive
Education, External (Global) Programmes, Registration and Contact. Sub
menu is also available in the menu Our Profile, Executive Education,
External (Global) Programmes and Registration.

The figure 2.3 showed the menu. In this phase, the modification process in
the header template is using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Adobe Illustrator
CS6. There are more and various functions of this website, such as e-service
that links with other UUM departments, download forms, registration online
and comments space.

Figure 2.3: A screenshot of EEPD website

Figure 2.4: A screenshot of EEPD logo

The figure 2.4 shows EEPD logo that used in EEPD website. The color
theme used an orange and appears EEPD full name. The tools used such
Adobe illustrator CS6 and Photoshop CS6.

d) Implementation and Testing Phase

The implementation phase is where the construction site is fully developed.

During the test phase, a designer will test whether the web page is
functioning or not. All errors are well defined to ensure that the application
will be functioning properly before publishing this website, for example
registration online, uploading pictures or EEPD information.

This is the phase where the system is built using a completely

purchased website, namely Joomla!. When the system is ready and fully
functional, the tests will be carried out by the organization supervisor. All
inspections and tests are conducted to ensure this website works. The
supervisor also asked the web page link to make changes in order to correct
mistakes or weaknesses that being done. After testing the effectiveness of
the website, supervisors also provide an evaluation on the website.
Improvements were done to determine the effectiveness of the systems
developed to meet user needs.

2.10 Flow Chart

Figure 2.5 show a flow chart of EEPD menus. The menu consist home, our profile that will
assist with submenu such as vision, our team, our values, partners, our trainers and
consultants. The submenu of executive education will display the introduction, executive
speaker series, customized program and professional development courses. Submenu for an
external global programmes will display about external global programme, institutional
partners, higher education partners, media partners and institutional or industry link
partners. Submenu for registration will display registration online and manual forms. For
contact don’t have a submenu.








Figure 2.5: Flow chart for menu EEPD Website

2.11 Weaknesses and Recommendation

The weaknesses will describe about what the problems during develop the project. The
recommendation will provide a suggestion for a better or improvement.
2.11.1 Weaknesses
For a weaknesses there are two difficult things during develop the project.

a) Work assignments
Given work beyond the stipulated time, had to be ready at any time
to complete the work that will be given. This is because user is
priority and cannot be avoided. In addition, a practical project that
has been assigned must be completed or else need to be postponed
because of other coming jobs.

b) Laptop’s durability is not capable of being used for a long time.

To have a new laptop I have to spend money or to cover the costs of
repair, so the decision made is to use it for as long as possible until
the completion of the practical project. In the next few months, the
laptop had been repaired several times.

2.11.2 Recommendation
The recommendations should:

a) Proposes to provide accommodation that is closer to the workplace.

b) Setting the appropriate time to avoid working overtime.
c) Provide employment-related measures taken.

2.12 Summary

Website is one of the most useful elements of any company. They will give many benefits
only if they are properly designed, implemented and does not focus excessively on
administrative functions that can turn it into a bureaucratic organization. EEPD needs to
maintain the credibility of the system and its own advantages. Overall, it is easier and more
comfortable to promote and introduce EEPD using its very own website.


This chapter will describe all the overall experience during practicum such as introduction,
other assignment in the organization, practicum problem, practicum effectiveness,
practicum objective achievement, learning outcome during practicum, recommendation and
suggestion and summary.

3.1 Introduction

This chapter explains about all things that have been learned in Administration and Finance
Office UUM CAS during the practical period. Industrial training program has provided
many benefits as well as unexpected experiences. In addition, a designer has also acquired
knowledge and skills in designing. During stayed here there are disadvantages and
advantages in handling a transaction. Advantages and disadvantages are highlighted in this
business both physically and mentally. This is a challenge for me to face the tasks

The first thing learns is relating to time. Time management will determine
everything in the arena of life as an employee in the future. Failure to adjust with time is an
indicator of discipline. Other than technical intelligence, soft skills and scientific are also
indispensable and important, especially in the future career after this, so can be prepared
mentally and physically.

When first entered this organization, the task was given, which are to design AHGS
UUM CAS website, UUM CAS website, EEPD logo, brochure, banner, poster, paper bag,
notepad and business cards. After a few weeks, assigned to focus more on designing
AHSGS UUM CAS website, UUM CAS website, because both website need to update and
there are a lot things need change. Besides, need to handle design a banner, poster, and
brochure for upcoming programs.

3.2 Other Assignment in the Organization

In six months internship at Administration and Finance Office UUM CAS, a lot of
experience faced. Instead of doing main project which information website. As design

assigned and expose to visual information such as design brochure, poster, business card
and banner. Additional assigned to design a paper bag, presentation folder, EEPD logo and
notepad for upcoming programs.

3.2.1 List of tasks

a) Paper Bag
Figure 3.1 shows a paper bag design. As a designer at Administration and
Finance Office UUM CAS that assigned to design a paper bag for EEPD
programs. The tools used such Adobe Illustrator CS6 and Adobe Photoshop

Figure 3.1: Paper bag design

b) Presentation Folder

Figure 3.2 shows a presentation folder design. At the same time assigned to
design a presentation folder for EEPD programs. Actually, presentation
folder is a kind of folder that holds loose paper or documents together or
organization and protection. Presentation folders usually consist of a sheet
of heavy paper stock or thin, but stiff, material which is folded in half with

pockets in order to keep paper documents. Presentation folders function
much like that of a file folder for organizational purposes they can be either
printed or plain and can be used amongst other things, as a tool for business
presentations to customers to aid in the sales process.

Figure 3.2: Presentation folder design

c) Notepad

Notepad is a stationary that really important for people to write all the
highlight things such as appointment date, keywords and so on. As a
designer at Administration and Finance Office UUM CAS the manager of
EEPD asked to design a notepad for EEPD programs that shows on figure

Figure 3.3: Notepad design

d) Logo

Actually EEPD was established in this year, so manager of EEPD Assoc.

Prof. Dr. Hisham Dzakaria decided to create own logo for EEPD. He asked
designer to design new logo for EEPD that display on figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4: Design an EEPD logo

e) Business Card

Figure 3.5 shows EEPD business card. Business cards are cards bearing
business information about a company or individuals. That shared during
formal introductions as a convenience and memory aid.

Figure 3.5: Design for EEPD business card

A business card typically includes the giver’s name, company or business
affiliation (usually with a logo) and contact information such as street
addresses, telephone number, fax number, e-mail and website.

f) Brochure

Figure 3.6 show a brochure under EEPD. A brochure is an informative paper

document (often used for advertising), that can be folded into a flyer,
pamphlet or leaflet. Brochures are advertising pieces mainly used to
introduce a company or organization and inform about or services to a target

Figure 3.6: Design for EEPD brochure

g) E-cards

Figure 3.7 show a greeting card for Vice Chancellor UUM. An E-card is similar
to a postcard or greeting card, with the primary difference being that it is created
using digital media instead of paper or other traditional materials. E-cards are
made available by publishers usually on various internet sites, when they are
can be sent to a recipient, usually via e-mail. During the internships the designer
also assigned to design E-card for any celebrations and someone are move up.

Figure 3.7: Congratulation greeting to Vice Chancellor UUM

h) Banner

Banners are used in many business ventures, marketing to their potential

audience. A number of Kedah towns and cities have whole series of banners
decorating their city centers, effectively advertising the town or its special
features and attractions. Pre-printed banners, albeit commonly used, are simple
and accessible. Banners can be printed in enormous formats, with a full range of
rich colors. They can also be used in many different physical situations whether
it is hanging from an existing fixture. During the internships I also involved to
design a banner for any program for example I-Ria, type of banner used such as
streamer banner and pop-up under banner.

Figure 3.8: i-RIA streamer banner

Figure 3.9: i-RIA pop-up under banner

Figure 3.8 show streamer banners during i-RIA 2015 and figure 3.9 show a
pop-up under banner. The tools used such as Adobe Illustrator CS6 and Adobe
Photoshop CS6.

3.3 Practicum Problem

During the practical, problem faced is the skill and time. This is because most employers
thought as multimedia student; trainee must be proficient in the skills of designing and able
to prepare a design within the prescribed period. However, only have basic design skills
using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. To be a professional designer, need to learn
more about the field of design. With hard work and guidance from the supervisor of the
organization, will able to achieve and perform good work and continue to improve the

In addition, during develop the project some sort of problem faced which provides
for the EEPD website. Initially planned to develop a website that has a database for easy
data storage and the level of security EEPD. It turned out that supervisor just wants a
simple website that can be easily understood by user.

3.4 Practicum Effectiveness

Industrial training is a platform for students to gain experience and feel the real situation in
the working world. Training and guidance assist students in performing tasks and gain
work experience. The effectiveness of this training are:

a) Self Discipline
Students learn how to discipline themselves with the working environment.
Example: Punctual in work and assignments according to the given time. Most
importantly, do not interfere work issues with personal problems.

b) Improving communication skills

Helps to interact with the surrounding community. In employment, use polite
language and intonation when communicating with customers. In addition, two way
communications is necessary between employers and other partners in carrying out
their duties.

c) Responsibilities as an employee
Punctual in the works and comply with all rules provided and work in an ethical

d) Competitive
Assist students in an effort to solve problem and try to get something in doing the
work. Learn to improve various skills to succeed.

3.5 Practicum objectives achievement

At the end of the industrial training, trainees will gain experience and knowledge about the
working environment. This is because, the coach will be involved with the activities or
affairs of the organization held by the organization. Candidates will also be more motivated
to work because most organizations work as a team. This will enhance team spirit and

strengthen ties between employees. Therefore, the objective can be achieved if a coach has
a good relationship and attitude to cooperate with each other in the organization.

3.6 Learning outcome during practicum

A few months here taught many skills, including how to enhancing skills in designing a
design. With software like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator helped a lot in terms of
knowledge to design and make more curious to explore and learn. In addition, with the sites
developed, this will give more work in controlling the EEPD website.

3.7 Recommendation and suggestion

Suggestions and comments or criticism sometimes help improve the performance of a

company. Some suggestions and comments should be brought along my industrial training
to build good relationships in the workplace and enhance efforts, listed as follows:

a) Allowances
The Company should be sensitive to the student’s welfare because it can reduce the
student’s burden during the practical. The company should provide an adequate
allowance for students in terms of cost of living and daily expenses.
b) Security
Provide room or house to rent near the industrial training workplace to guarantee
the safety of the students. Enable students to get to work safely, thus avoid any
unwanted things such as kidnapping, rape and so on.
c) Courses
Providing special programs or training to improve the skills of the students. Help
students becoming more open-minded, motivated and foresight, whether career
courses are related to their business.

3.8 Summary

The conclusion of this chapter is that the experience of going through a lot of training
provides a variety of benefits and positive things as well as advantages in polishing existing
skills. Good input from the proliferation of knowledge capable of making students try to
show their skills and be free to compete in today's modern world. It can also stimulate
positive thinking and open mind in doing the job and willing to take risks. Experience
gained during the industrial training is an important guide and useful to students for the
working world in the future.


As a conclusion, this industrial training helps a lot and opens the eyes about the
employment sector. It is because we were given clear disclosure about the working world
in order to produce a generation who are thoughtful and have ideas on self-improvement.
Various aspects are taken into account, such as physical and mental endurance, power in
meeting the challenges of the job. Through our industrial training, new things were learned
that help us to be more prepared for jobs to come. This includes creative and innovative
thinking, effective discharge of its duties, improve personal skills and successful
communication in work.

Students become more confident and skilled to deal with tasks and can implement
them successfully. Indirectly, it improved student achievement and give them confidence in
any field of endeavor career. This is because students do not have experience in work
situation. Thus, industrial training helps students adapt in employment world.

Overall, industrial training is important for students to improve their performance in

the future and to better understand the ins and outs of the world of work so as not to be
bullied. Students also need to be alert to his surroundings and be intelligent in handling


Irny, S. R. (2005). System Planning Methodology for Malaysia Institutes. Issues in

Information System, Volume VI, No. 1.

Admin.,“UUM CAS ”. May. 22, 2003. [Online]. Retrieve from:

http://www.cas [Accessed : Jun. 17, 2015].

Admin. “ EPD OYA COB ”. Sept. 16, 2012. [Online]. Available :

http://www.epd oya[Accessed : Feb. 11, 2015].

Admin. “ Hostinger”. [Available]: Sept. 2, 2005. [Online]. Available :[Accessed : March. 11, 2015].

Facebook “UUM CAS (Printing T-shirt)”.2014 [Online]. Available.: CAS[Accessed : May. 17,

Hortan University., “Official Website”. Sept. 22, 2008.[Online]. Available :

http://www.Hortan [Accessed : July. 1, 2015].

Prototype software development” Wikipedia Aug. 15, 2011. [Online]. Available.: [Accessed : April. 16, 2015].


Appendix A

Free Website

Free Website Weebly

Free Website SimplesSite

Free Website Hostinger

Free Website Wix

Purchased website

Purchased website Joomla!

Appendix B

Gantt chart


WEEKS 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
- Discussion
- Competitiv
e Research
- Gather the
- Analysis
- Analyse
the website
- Review
- Determine
the website
- Develop
the website
- Details
- Graphic
- Testing
- Retest
- Publish the
Final Project :
Draf 1
Final Report
Submission :
Draf 2

Table 1.2: Gantt chart



- Home

EEPD Home page

- Comment space

-Mobile version


Visual Information

- Brochure

SEML Seminar

- Greeting card

EEPD greeting card

- Trifold flyer

PPA UUM CAS 20015 Summer Programme


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