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Late Edition

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row, some sunshine giving way to
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high 80. Weather map, Page B12.

VOL. CLXVI . . . No. 57,685 © 2017 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 2017 $2.50

Trump’s Words U.S. AIDES OFFER

Were Offhand
‘Fire and Fury’ Wasn’t
Administration Seems
WASHINGTON — President Divided on Spiral of
Trump’s aides knew he planned to
deliver a tough message to North Verbal Sparring
Korea on Tuesday, but they did not
expect a threat that rivaled the
apocalyptic taunts often used by By PETER BAKER
his target, Kim Jong-un. and GARDINER HARRIS
The president’s language, BRIDGEWATER, N.J. — Sen-
which aides say he had used in pri- ior American officials sent mixed
vate, escalated the long-running signals on North Korea on
dispute with North Korea to a new Wednesday as President Trump’s
level and left members of the “fire and fury” warning rattled al-
Trump administration scrambling lies and adversaries alike, a sign
on Wednesday to explain what he of his administration’s deep divi-
sions as the outcast state once
But the process, or lack of one,
again threatened to wage nuclear
that led to the ad-libbed com-
war on the United States.
ments embodied Mr. Trump’s
overall approach to foreign policy, The president’s advisers cali-
an improvisational style that often brated his dire warning with
leaves his national security team statements that, if not directly
in the dark about what he is going contradictory, emphasized differ-
to say or do, according to several ent points. Secretary of State Rex
people with direct knowledge of W. Tillerson stressed diplomacy
how the episode unfolded. and reassured Americans that
The president was in a con- they could “sleep well at night,”
A rally Wednesday in Pyongyang in support of the North Korean government in its escalating war of words with the United States. frontational mood on Tuesday af- while Defense Secretary Jim Mat-
ternoon after The Washington
Post reported that Pyongyang
had developed nuclear warheads

STATE PARTY FIGHT Russia Wants Innovation, but Jails Innovators small enough to be placed on bal-
listic missiles. His team assumed
that he would be asked about

Most important, he is accused North Korea during a scheduled
The Private Business
By ANDREW HIGGINS of doing this without state regula-
tors certifying the changes.
media appearance tied to a meet-
AKADEMGORODOK, Russia ing the president was planning to
— Dmitri Trubitsyn is a young Sector Clashes With It is a case that highlights the hold at his golf club in Bedminster,
tensions between Mr. Putin’s aspi- N.J., about the opioid epidemic.
Rift in California Echoes physicist-entrepreneur with a pa-
triotic reputation, seen in this part
State Security rations for a dynamic private sec- But during a conference call be-
tor and his determination to en- forehand that focused on North
Democrats’ Issues of Siberia as an exemplar of the
hance the powers of Russia’s secu- Korea, Mr. Trump did not offer a
talents, dedication and enterprise
rity apparatus. Using a 2014 law preview of what he planned to say
that President Vladimir V. Putin Mr. Trubitsyn’s house arrest until VINCENT THIAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS
meant to protect Russians from — and aides did not press the
By ADAM NAGOURNEY has hailed as vital for Russia’s fu- at least October, which bars him Secretary of State Rex W. Till-
counterfeit medicine, investiga- president, who resists being told
ture economic health. from leaving his apartment or erson on Tuesday in Malaysia.
SACRAMENTO — For Demo- tors from the Federal Security what to say, even on a tinderbox
crats across the nation, California Yet Mr. Trubitsyn faces up to communicating with anyone issue that has induced his prede-
eight years in jail after a recent other than his immediate family. Service, the post-Soviet KGB, and
has offered a bright if lonely light other agencies have accused Mr. cessors to seek the safety of a tis said North Korea risked “the
this year. The party controls every raid on his home and office here in Mr. Trubitsyn, 36, whose com- script.
Akademgorodok, a Soviet-era pany, Tion, manufactures high- Trubitsyn of leading a criminal end of its regime and the destruc-
statewide office and commands conspiracy to, essentially, inno- He told his aides only that he tion of its people” if it did not
supermajorities in the Legisla- sanctuary of scientific research tech air-purification systems for wanted to signal to Mr. Kim, the
that was supposed to showcase homes and hospitals, is accused of vate too fast and too freely. “stand down.”
ture. Gov. Jerry Brown and legis- North Korean leader, that he was
how Mr. Putin’s Russia can har- risking the lives of hospital pa- The situation has outraged fel- North Korea gave no indication
lative leaders have become na- not backing down — while turning
tional voices, steering the party as ness its abundance of talent to cre- tients, and trying to lift profits, by low scientists, would-be en- up the pressure he has tried to that it would do so. In a statement
it pushes back against President ate a modern economy. upgrading the purifiers so they trepreneurs and others in place on China to tame its trouble- late Wednesday, the North Korean
Trump on issues as varied as the A court last Thursday extended would consume less electricity. Continued on Page A9 some neighbor and on-and-off military dismissed Mr. Trump’s
environment and immigration. ally. fire-and-fury warning on Tuesday
But in recent weeks, California Mr. Trump’s aides braced as he as a “load of nonsense” and said
Democrats have emerged as began to speak at the opioid event only “absolute force” would work
something else: a cautionary tale — his arms folded, jaw set and on someone so “bereft of reason.”
for a national party debating how eyes flitting on what appeared to The military threatened to “turn
to rebuild and seize back power. be a single page of talking points the U.S. mainland into the theater
Even at a time of overall success, set before him on the conference of a nuclear war” and added that
state Democrats are torn by a bit- table where he was sitting. The any American strike on North Ko-
ter fight for the party leadership, Continued on Page A7 Continued on Page A7
revealing the kind of divisions —
between insiders and outsiders,
liberals and moderates — that un- CLOSE-UP ON GUAM The Pacific island, a U.S. territory, was thrust into
settled the national party last year
the spotlight when North Korea threatened it with attack. PAGE A8
and could threaten its success in
coming years. DOLLAR DOUBTS In the age of Trump, the dollar no longer seems to be
“What we are seeing in Califor- a sure thing for investors seeking a safe haven. PAGE B1
nia is similar to what we are see-
ing on the national level,” said
Betty T. Yee, the Democratic state
controller. “If we don’t do our work
to really heal our divide, we are
going to miss our chance to moti-
F.B.I. Searches Manafort’s Home
vate Democrats.”
The fight pits Eric C. Bauman, a As Russia Investigation Widens
longtime party leader, against
Kimberly Ellis, a Bay Area activ-
ist. Mr. Bauman won the election By MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT and ADAM GOLDMAN
by just over 60 votes out of 3,000
cast at the party convention in WASHINGTON — Investiga- afort’s lawyers for the documents.
May, but Ms. Ellis has refused to tors for the special counsel lead- Executing a search warrant is
concede, claiming voting impro- ing the Russia inquiry executed a considered among the most ag-
prieties, like permitting ineligible TIMOTHY IVY FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
search warrant late last month at gressive steps used by authori-
people to vote for Mr. Bauman. the Northern Virginia home of ties, who must first demonstrate
The party is expected to issue a Reckoning With the Confederacy President Trump’s former cam- they have probable cause to be-
paign manager, Paul J. Manafort, lieve they will find evidence that a
Continued on Page A11 The University of Mississippi is trying to put its racist history in context, not erase it. Page A10. for tax documents and foreign crime occurred. The searches also
banking records, according to a often become public.
person familiar with the matter. Legal experts said that Mr.
The search is a sign that the in-
New York City Scraps 644,000 Old Warrants for Minor Offenses
Mueller might be trying to send a
vestigation into Mr. Manafort has message to Mr. Manafort about
broadened, and is the most signifi- the severity of the investigation,
cant public step investigators and to pressure him into cooperat-
policy dilemma, as more and more the enduring effects of that era. The Police Department, in the have taken since the special coun-
people lived with the threat of jail The district attorneys for face of a federal lawsuit, has ing.
By JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr. sel, Robert S. Mueller III, was ap-
time for long-ago, low-level Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan greatly scaled back its practice of A spokesman for Mr. Mueller
pointed in May. Investigators are
For years, beginning in the charges. and Queens collectively moved to stopping and searching people in expected to deploy a wide array of declined to comment. The person
1990s, aggressive enforcement of On Wednesday, in a sweeping dismiss about 644,000 warrants, high-crime neighborhoods. The similar measures — including in- familiar with the inquiry spoke on
minor offenses, like riding a bike coda to those policing practices, the latest in a string of actions to police and the district attorneys terviews and subpoenas — in the the condition of anonymity be-
on a sidewalk or drinking in pub- more than half a million outstand- reduce the number of people pass- have reduced the number of peo- coming months as they move for- cause he did not want to be identi-
lic, was a fundamental part of po- ing warrants for minor charges ing through the criminal courts ple prosecuted on minor marijua- ward with the intensifying inqui- fied discussing a continuing fed-
licing in New York. But one of the dating back at least 10 years were and city jails on charges that na charges; the City Council pas- ry. eral investigation.
lasting consequences of that en- dismissed in a coordinated effort would otherwise merit little more sed a law last year creating civil It was not clear why Mr. Muel- The warrant, demanding tax
forcement has become a major by New York prosecutors to ease than a fine or community service. Continued on Page A17 ler did not simply ask Mr. Man- Continued on Page A12


In Europe, the Fun Can Wait Disney’s Big Splash ‘Groundhog Day’ Again
Some European leaders are trimming The powerhouse media company’s Bill Murray took in a performance of
back their vacations, reluctant to be announcement that it would start two the Broadway musical based on the
seen frolicking on a beach when so Netflix-style services sent shock waves 1993 movie that he starred in. PAGE C1
many problems loom. PAGE A4 through Hollywood. PAGE B1
Springsteen the Broadway Star
NATIONAL A10-15 Syrian Names in Rust and Blood A Political Clamor in Tech THURSDAY STYLES D1-6 Bruce Springsteen heads to the Walter
Strips of material that a former pris- Tech platforms are battling with far- Kerr Theater for eight weeks of solo
Flying Squirrels of the Jurassic oner smuggled out are being lent to the right activists, who accuse them of
Clothier to the 0.001 Percent shows, aiming to beat scalpers. PAGE C5
New fossil discoveries show that prehis- Holocaust Memorial Museum. PAGE A4 censorship, Kevin Roose writes. PAGE B6 Cuff links for $100,000. Custom suits for
toric mammals glided through forests $25,000. The family-run Italian label EDITORIAL, OP-ED A18-19
at least 160 million years ago. PAGE A14 Stefano Ricci plans to expand. PAGE D1

Mistrust Lingers in Baltimore Cuomo Faces Democratic Rift Mets Trade Bruce to Indians Anger Rooms Are All the Rage
City officials have tried to reassure the The governor is under increasing pres- Jay Bruce joins a power lineup in Cleve- Did you ever want to smash a computer
public after a report revealed a pattern
of racial bias by the police. PAGE A11
sure to help his party reconcile with a
breakaway faction. PAGE A17
land, while the Mets receive a pitching
prospect and salary relief. PAGE B11
with a crowbar? Now you can, at the
Wrecking Club, in Manhattan. PAGE D1


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Join a graffiti tour in 360 degrees
on a trip through Bogotá, where
street art has evolved into a mix-
ture of social commentary, cultur-
al expression and art.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders answering journalists’ questions in an off-camera briefing last month.

Another Press Secretary Profile
By MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM fiddled with my iPhone recorder when we
Back in January, when I wrote a profile of sat down. She has a self-deprecating streak
Sean Spicer, President Trump’s first press that occasionally surfaces in briefings, like VIDEO
secretary, I wanted to introduce readers to when she jokingly asked reporters to go A draft report by scientists from
the man occupying a key position in the easy on her because it was her daughter’s 13 federal agencies directly con-
White House, the administration’s public birthday. tradicts statements by Scott
face and its chief liaison to the news media. “If I spout off talking points, then no- Pruitt, the E.P.A. administrator,
I didn’t expect to be writing about his body pays attention,” she said when I that human contribution to cli-
replacement so soon. asked why she so often invokes her family mate change is uncertain. Watch
Last week, I returned to the West Wing at the lectern. “It’s my personality. But those statements, paired up with
— a little more than six months since Mr. also, that’s how I feel like it’s easiest for me quotations from the climate re-
Spicer told me he was “not here to be to communicate on behalf of the president.” port that refute them.
someone’s buddy” — and sat down with his Mr. Spicer’s feisty attitude and occa-
former deputy, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, sional gaffes turned him into an overnight
who was promoted to press secretary in celebrity, especially after he was parodied
July after Mr. Spicer abruptly resigned. on “Saturday Night Live.” Ms. Sanders
It was Ms. Sanders’s final meeting be- worked closely with Mr. Spicer and called
fore the West Wing closed for a summer his departure “bittersweet,” but she ac-
renovation, and her office was almost bare. knowledged that she was seeking ways to
A lone houseplant, an Obama-administra- “bring the temperature down a little bit” in
tion holdover, drooped from a high shelf. the briefing room.
“I’ve kept it alive until the last month and “Certainly I think it’s more helpful if we
now it’s just fallen apart,” she said. can have a little more calm, back-and-forth
Was that a metaphor? She laughed. “No, dialogue,” she said, noting that many AUDIO
the plant — it just didn’t make it.” White House reporters have young chil- On this week’s Modern Love
As a media correspondent for The dren, too. podcast, Betty Gilpin of “GLOW”
Times, I cover the intersection of journal- Ms. Sanders received warm reviews and “Nurse Jackie” reads Kassi
ism and politics, a juncture that has seen from several White House correspondents Underwood’s story of abortion,
its share of pileups this year. The president I spoke to last week, but her elevation to regret and coveting an ex’s child.
labeled the mainstream media “the enemy the top job could test that: Journalists will
rolex oyster perpetual and milgauss of the American people.” The White House scrutinize her style and any critical com-
are ® trademarks.
briefing turned into a daily grudge match ments she makes about the press. She has
over the nature of transparency and truth. spent most of her political career behind
Alarms are sounding about an erosion of the scenes as a campaign operative, not a
press freedoms once thought sacrosanct in spin doctor, and media reporters — includ-
a democracy. ing this one — will keep an eye on how she
The White House press secretary plays a settles into the highly exposed nature of
central role in that debate. Ms. Sanders, her new role.
who at 34 is among the youngest people to She plans to move into Mr. Spicer’s old
hold the title, must manage the message of office at the end of August, where she will
her administration and liaise with dozens gain a fireplace, among other amenities. EVENT
of reporters, while also acting as a frequent Coming with her is a gift from one of her Celebrate the Arts & Leisure
vessel of Mr. Trump’s anti-media ire. brothers: a framed American flag, which section’s Fall Preview issue at
“I’ve grown up with the press, in the flew over the United States Capitol on her Joe’s Pub in New York. Enjoy
press,” she told me, referring to her up- birthday. “I’ve toted it with me through a sneak peek performances from
bringing as the daughter of Mike Huck- lot of offices now,” Ms. Sanders said. the coming theater season by
abee, the Republican former governor of An aide knocked on the door, signaling Quentin Earl Darrington and
Arkansas and a two-time presidential that our time was just about up. Last ques- Chloë Sevigny (below), and hear
candidate. “I’ve never seen the level of tion: Does Ms. Sanders plan to keep allow- from Times reporters and editors
hostility that this press corps has to the ing television cameras to broadcast the how they develop the year’s larg-
president.” briefing? est issue. Friday, Aug. 18, 3 p.m;
In person, Ms. Sanders was polite, pa- “Yeah, I think for now,” she said. “We’ll tickets at
tient and good-humored, indulging me as I see what happens.”

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Of Interest

Ultrafine Super 240 wool is
woven from fibers one-fifth the
In a typical year, the Atlantic
will have 12 named storms and
size of a human hair, creating a three major hurricanes.
fabric that is highly sensitive to Forecasters Say Season for Storms
humidity and wear. Won’t Relent A14

Luxury For The Alpha Male D1 •

• Since 2000, the United States
Bruce Springsteen’s most recent government has parted with 133
tour with the E Street Band sold lighthouses: Preservationists have
an estimated $268 million in tickets received 78 of them at no cost, and
around the world. 55 have been auctioned to the public.
JASON POLAN True Cost of Cheap Lighthouse?
Bruce Springsteen: Greetings From Broadway C5
Should Be Visible a Mile Away A15

As recently as the early 1970s, •
More than 8 percent of children
European and American workers In the last decade, Australia was
in the United States have asthma,
put in about the same number of the second-biggest recipient of
according to the C.D.C. They are
hours. As of 2015, the typical French Chinese money, just behind the
a fourth of all asthma patients in
person worked at least 300 fewer United States.
the nation.
Devices at Home to Monitor Asthma hours per year. Layers of Loans Funded Deal
For Australian Dairy B3
And Heart Ailments B7 How European Leaders Spend
Their Summer Vacations as Crises Loom A4

The Conversation Spotlight


1. Trump Threatens ‘Fire and Fury’ Against North Korea On Monday, Logan Hill, who writes about entertainment for
If It Endangers U.S. The Times, was joined by the actresses Aubrey Plaza and
Wednesday’s most read article concerned the soundbite Elizabeth Olsen and the director Matt Spicer for a TimesTalk
heard round the world: President Trump’s off-the-cuff quote about their new film “Ingrid Goes West” — a dark, biting
warning North Korea against training its warheads on the satire of the social-media era, starring Ms. Plaza as Ingrid, an
United States. The remark shocked commenters on isolated young woman who develops an unhinged obsession 800 843 3269 | TIFFANY.COM, many saying that before reading the article with Taylor (Ms. Olsen), an Instagram star. A lightly edited
they believed that such warmongering language must have and condensed excerpt follows; to see video of the entire
been uttered by Kim Jong-un instead. event, visit

2. What Is Your Opposite Job? Logan Hill Do you think that social media just kind of
Nearly three-quarters of readers who discovered this interac- puts gasoline on the fire?
tive graphic, which paired professions with their opposites
based on the skills and tasks of each job, did so through social
Aubrey Plaza I do. For me, the movie was never, like,
3. Cleaving to the Medieval, Journeymen Ply Their “the Instagram movie.” I was so conscious of trying
Trades in Europe to veer away from making a movie that is solely a
Melissa Eddy’s report on the “Wandergesellen” — the young, commentary or a clever wink-wink to the audience. I
predominantly German-speaking brick layers, bakers, car- love movies because I love the characters and I connect
penters and stonemasons who criss-cross Europe offering with the human story and the emotion. And the idea
their services — was Wednesday’s most emailed article. that someone wants someone to like them so much and
is so lonely — I really related to that.

Aubrey Plaza The part that Instagram played was more

like, ‘How does this affect a character like that — when
they’re now dealing with a device like their phone that
can let them indulge in their worst, toxic impulses?’

Logan Hill I keep installing all the blocking apps.

TOMAS MUNITA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES Aubrey Plaza Every app sucks. We don’t need them.
We never did.
4. What a Fraternity Hazing Death Revealed
About the Painful Search for an Asian-American Identity
Jay Caspian Kang’s exploration of an Asian-American frater- “Dioraddict” ap bag in black Cannage lambskin,
Logan Hill So have you deleted them all now?
nity’s deadly hazing, to appear as The Magazine’s cover story signature lock and detachable chain in aged gold tone metal.
this Sunday, triggered a spirited debate among commenters
on The Times’s website over identity formation, balkanization
and the latency of racism in American society. Aubrey Plaza No, I use them all.

Quote of the Day “When you ever feel you don’t know what to do, sing to the 57th Street & Soho
person next to you. And that person will sing to the person 800.929.dior (3467)

next to that person, and then you will have this force that’s
even stronger.”
BILL MURRAY, to the cast, after attending “Groundhog Day,” the Broadway musical based on the 1993
movie that he starred in.

The Mini Crossword Here to Help


1 2 3 4 There has not been a coast-to-coast solar 17th century, astrologers predicted the
eclipse in the United States since 1918, so pope would die during an eclipse; he did
the upcoming celestial phenomenon on not, but the incident led to the banning of
Aug. 21 is exceedingly rare. It will be visi- sorcery by the Catholic Church. They are
ble in cities across the country — Colum- also mentioned more than half a dozen
6 bia, S.C., Nashville, Tenn., and Carbondale, times in the Bible, as well as in Homer’s
Ill., to name a few. These three books, epic Iliad and Odyssey.
chosen by the Newsbook columnist Con-
7 Einstein (2007)
cepción de León, offer historical context
On May 29, 1919, Albert
and insight on this month’s event.
8 Einstein’s general theory of
American Eclipse: A Nation’s Epic Race to relativity, positing that grav-
Catch the Shadow of the Moon and Win ity could bend light beams,
the Glory of the World (2017) was proven true through the
David Baron follows three observation of a solar
eclipse chasers with distinct eclipse by British scientists.
1 Website with cast and crew listings
5 Pass out the cards motivations for traveling to The announcement of this finding elevated
6 Lightheaded view the solar eclipse of Einstein to scientific luminary — as
7 Move like molasses 1878. James Craig Watson Jürgen Neffe writes, “Albert Einstein was
8 Subject of a modern food was a professor who hoped reborn as legend and myth, idol and icon
labeling debate to discover a new planet; of an entire era.” The eclipse was a turning
the astronomer Maria Mitchell was deter- point in Einstein’s career, as well as in our
DOWN mined to prove that women belonged in understanding of how stars interact with
1 “Bitter pill to swallow” or “drink the science world; and Thomas Edison, a the sun’s gravitational field.
the Kool-Aid” young inventor at the time, wanted to test
For more news-based book recommendations,
2 ____-soprano (voice above contralto) his tasimeter, a device that measured find the Newsbook column at
3 Mental fogs infrared radiation, and buff his credentials.
4 Pioneering investigative
journalist Nellie Mask of the Sun: The Science, History and
6 Buddy in the movie “Air Bud,” e.g. Forgotten Lore of Eclipses (2017)
John Dvorak explains how
and why eclipses occur and
also recounts how people
PREVIOUS PUZZLE have interpreted them. In
ancient Rome, for instance,
it was considered bad luck
E N E M Y to have sexual intercourse
D O R Y while the moon obscured the sun. In the


How European Leaders Spend Their Summer Vacations as Crises Loom

ROME — It would be an understate-
ment of the obvious to say that Euro-
peans cherish their summer break.
But after an intense spring of negoti-
ations over Britain’s impending exit
from the European Union, the incessant
influx of illegal migrants, repeated
terrorist attacks alongside banking
crises and populist uprisings, can the
Continent’s political class really afford
weeks of slow and steady recharging?
Prime Minister Theresa May of Brit-
ain and much of the European Union
leadership in Brussels have, as in years
past, decamped for extended getaways.
But others, perhaps more mindful of
the negative optics of frolicking as
crises loom, have left the long beach
holidays of yore to quiver like mirages
in the Mediterranean sun.
Emmanuel Macron, the newly
elected president of France, who is
already suffering a postelection plunge
in the polls, will take but a “few days of
vacation in France” after a cabinet
meeting on Wednesday, according to
the Élysée press officer. Mr. Macron’s
aide declined to specify exactly when or
where the president would go, but
insisted he would remain “available at
any time.”
The newspaper Le Parisien wrote
Tuesday that the young leader, who
seeks to upend the nation’s labor code
by September, must avoid the “bling
bling” holidays enjoyed by his prede-
cessors, and noted, “The president is
applying to himself the same self-denial
that he has demanded of the French
Mr. Macron gave his cabinet min-
isters two weeks off along with instruc-
tions to remain within striking distance
of Paris in case of emergency. They are
apparently unaffected by a new law
allowing workers to disconnect from ERIC GAILLARD/REUTERS

work email when out of the office.

Belying the image of a France that is While a generous Ms. Merkel took a long break. An au-
shuttered for all of August, Mr. Macron thor of a recent study that showed
vacation is a tradi- Europeans work 14 percent fewer hours
is in fact largely following in the steps tional part of life
of his Socialist predecessor, François on average than Americans, in part
Hollande. The butt of bad press over his
for many in Eu- because of vacation days, Professor
seaside vacation during a French eco- rope, some poli- Fuchs-Schündeln added, “It’s seen as
ticians are revising completely natural and healthy that
those habits. politicians go on vacation.”
Above, beachgoers Ms. Merkel’s Italian excursion may
also be an astute political move. She is
Belt-tightening and ‘bling last month in Nice, leading in opinion polls ahead of elec-
France, and at left,
bling’ during a cherished Prime Minister
tions Sept. 24, and being away may help
avoid potential missteps that could
August break. Theresa May of change that.
Britain in northern Politicians’ vacations and their dis-
Italy with her hus- contents provide fodder for a perennial,
band, Philip, part and universal, summer story. President
nomic downturn in 2012, Mr. Hollande Trump’s insistence that his 17-day en-
of a three-week sconcement at his New Jersey golf club
started whittling down his holidays to
about a week per summer. vacation. is not actually a vacation has revived
And France is not the only wine the trans-Atlantic debate over who is
country practicing summer sobriety. working hard and who is hardly work-
Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni of Italy, ing.
facing a daunting migration crisis that But what is an apparent cultural
intensifies with the summer heat, has divide between the United States and
kept his government cooped up in its European allies is at least as much
August cabinet meetings and has held POOL PHOTO BY ANTONIO CALANNI about the divergence of labor laws and
talks this week with Libyan envoys. center of Europe’s summer shutdown. challenges get in the way of their rest president, said at the end of July that traditions over the last 50 years: the
Officials in Mr. Gentiloni’s office said Public workers in Italy have 32 days and recreation. Mr. Juncker had asked that officials strength of European unions, the disap-
this week that he had several public off a year, according to the Ministry for Prime Minister May, after a disap- involved in Brexit be “ready every day, pearance of American pensions, and
appearances coming up, including one Simplification and Public Administra- pointing showing in Parliamentary throughout the coming weeks, through- attitudes toward social mobility and
on Monday, the day before the national tion. They can take off whenever they elections in June, has exited the Brexit out the month of August, to engage productivity.
Ferragosto holiday, which almost ev- like, but many choose to escape the morass for three weeks in Switzerland with our British counterparts.” As recently as the early 1970s, Euro-
eryone in Italy observes as the linchpin intense August heat. and Italy, where she led a hotel lobby The president of the European Parlia- pean and American workers put in
of a long, long weekend. Meanwhile, As the city’s army of lawyers and full of tourists in a rendition of “God ment nevertheless notified Mr. Juncker about the same number of hours. As of
Italian news reports of infighting and bureaucrats deploys elsewhere, many Save the Queen.” (She rewarded her in a letter that the legislature would be 2015, the typical French person worked
maneuvering among ministers, includ- government offices slow down. Coffee piano accompanist, Davide Foroni, with gone fishing for much of the month. at least 300 fewer hours per year, ac-
ing its workaholic interior minister, bars, gelaterias, cleaners, hardware a pair of No10 cuff links, the Sun re- Mr. Juncker himself headed off to cording to the Organization for Eco-
continue apace. stores and other small shops often cut ported.) vacation in Austria, where, he told nomic Cooperation and Development.
The Italian gossip magazines, filled their hours, too, or close entirely. David Davis, Ms. May’s secretary of Politico, his reading list includes a Labor scholars have suggested that a
during Prime Minister Silvio Berlusco- Customer service slips into the abyss. state for Exiting the European Union, crime thriller “that talks about Trump, boom of American consumerism in the
ni’s tenure with pictures of him donning But even that is changing a bit. cited Parliament’s summer recess as Clinton, Bush,” and “1913: The Year 1970s and 1980s required more hours of
bandannas in Sardinia, have had to Denise Verdi, manager of a clothing explanation for his declining to answer Before the Storm,” by Florian Illies, work. Others have noted that Euro-
content themselves with images of Mr. store in Rome’s center, said she stayed questions before the Committee on about the last year of peace before peans, who are heavily taxed, pri-
Berlusconi’s ex-wife in a boat and Mr. open this season to cash in on tourists Exiting the European Union. A spokes- World War I. oritized vacation over more income that
Berlusconi’s ex-minister of Equal Op- when there was less competition. man for the committee, while allowing Chancellor Angela Merkel of Ger- would bring more taxes.
portunities, a former Miss Italy, splash- What Americans might consider a that it was unusual to meet during many, whom few have ever accused of Also, there’s the weather.
ing on the beach with a politician. Protestant work ethic also extends now recess, told The Financial Times that slacking off, is recharging during a “It’s hot and it’s less productive to
In many ways, Rome is the spiritual to the Vatican, where Pope Francis, given the high stakes, they “felt it was three-week vacation in the Italian Alps. work in this time of year,” said William
unlike his predecessors, does not go on appropriate to continue their scrutiny.” (Magazines have carried pictures of Broussen, a 24-year-old Parisian con-
vacation. (Mr. Davis’s office declined to discuss her in hiking boots.) tractor who was suffering through a
Still, many northern leaders, de- his summer plans.) Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, a professor heat wave called Lucifer on his Roman
Palko Karasz contributed reporting from holiday. “We work all year. There is
London, Aurelien Breeden from Paris and prived of sun for much of the year, are A spokeswoman for Jean-Claude at Goethe University in Frankfurt, said
refusing to let political and economic Juncker, the European Commission it was “totally culturally accepted” that nothing bad about taking time off.”
Gaia Pianigiani from Rome.

From Syrian Prison, Cloth Scraps Immortalize Detainees’ Names in Rust and Blood
By AVANTIKA CHILKOTI The scraps of material are now being Klinger said, using white gloves and lessons in journalism and poetry that Mr.
BOWIE, Md. — Under the clinical lent to the United States Holocaust Me- small metal tools to look through Mr. Omari taught an illiterate prisoner.
white lights of a Maryland conservation morial Museum for an exhibition in Omari’s notebook. There are also lines of basic English —
center on Tuesday, Mansour Omari care- Washington. About an hour’s drive from Washing- “She knows her nose is big” — used to
fully laid out five scraps of worn material In that Syrian prison, with ruthless ton on Tuesday at the museum’s David teach others.
that had traveled within the collar of his government guards watching over them, and Fela Shapell Family Collections, “I convinced people,” he said. “We are
shirt — past Syrian government forces Mr. Omari and his friends had set about Conservation and Research Center, Mr. detained. We don’t know how long we
and across oceans — covered in blood quietly improvising writing materials: Omari unveiled the names of the pris- will be there. But when you are released,
and rust, and in the fading names of the Small panels of fabric were cut carefully if you have a language, that will help
disappeared. from the backs of their shirts. Broken you.”
A human rights activist fighting for chicken bones were used as pens. And “You are in a place that you have all the
when the tomato sauce from their ra- time,” he said. “You have nothing. You
freedom of speech and chronicling the
missing, Mr. Omari was arrested in Feb- tions proved too thin for makeshift ink, A document of atrocities are doing nothing. You have nothing to
the friends used blood from their ailing do. So we had a lot of activities.” Inmates
ruary 2012 in his Damascus office and
went on to spend about a year in a series gums mixed with flakes of rust from the is slated for an exhibit at sometimes created “televisions” by hold-
of prisons, including nine months at a prison’s iron bars.
“We did it almost secretly,” Mr. Omari,
the Holocaust Museum. ing up a sheet and taking turns perform-
ing in front of it, he added.
site under the supervision of Maher al-
Assad, the brother of President Bashar 37, said, explaining how groups of cell- Mr. Omari, who now lives in Sweden,
al-Assad of Syria. mates formed close friendships in the estimates that 100,000 people have been
It was in that fetid underground jail prison. “We didn’t want other people to oners to a group of conservationists. held by government forces in Syria,
that Mr. Omari and four of his fellow in- know, because there is a danger that Flipping through the notebook’s worn where half the population is thought to
mates set out to record the names of all some of them would tell the general.” pages, he revealed memories, all dated have been displaced since the war began
82 prisoners there, in the hope of inform- He added, “We were going to some carefully on the top of every page. more than six years ago.
ing their families and documenting the groups, sitting with them, asking for Scribbled neatly on the book’s tattered Scraps of documentation are slowly
atrocities. their names.” LEXEY SWALL FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES front are the words “la dolce vita,” or “the emerging, including letters from inmates
“When I was inside, I saw myself what Conservationists at the museum are Mansour Omari, a human rights ac- good life.” and more names of missing people, as
I was documenting,” he said. “I saw it preparing to study the fabric and are re- “I don’t take it out so much,” he said in well as photographs smuggled out of the
searching how best to preserve it. The tivist, was imprisoned in Syria. country by a Syrian police photographer
firsthand. I felt it was my duty, actually.” slow, hushed English. “It’s so emotional
The resulting lists, which included the chief conservator, Jane E. Klinger, said for me when I see it.” that show widespread torture.
prisoners’ contact details, were sewn her team was looking to construct con- the civilian prison to which he was He added, “I was writing it for myself, Mr. Omari was arrested for his contact
into the collar and cuffs of a shirt and tainers to hold the documents — perhaps moved in late 2012. trying to see that life is beautiful even af- with foreign entities, among other
smuggled out by Mr. Omari, who was the from plexiglass fitted with ultraviolet “That’s a very good solution for a lay ter all that happened.” things. And though the reasons for his re-
first among the group to be released. lights — which have so far been buried person because they’re protected, flat; Some pages are filled with Arabic, lease remain unclear, he said pressure
within a notebook Mr. Omari bought at there’s an amount of cushioning,” Ms. from overseas probably helped.

Kenya Election Hacked,

Opposition Leader Says
Comments Renew Fears of Deadly Unrest
By KIMIKO de FREYTAS-TAMURA Mr. Odinga said hacking had
KISUMU, Kenya — The Ken- taken place between 12:37 p.m.
yan opposition leader, Raila and 4 p.m. on the day of the elec-
Odinga, threw early results of the tion. The hackers, he said, had
country’s presidential election used the credentials of Mr.
into doubt on Wednesday, claim- Msando to instruct the servers of
ing that the electoral commis- the electoral commission to doc-
sion’s servers had been hacked to tor results from polling stations.
award the incumbent, Uhuru Ken- “They loaded an algorithm which
yatta, a significant lead. is a formula to create a percentage
Given Kenya’s history of post- gap of 11 percent between our
election violence, Mr. Odinga’s numbers,” he said, adding that the
comments renewed fears of figure was “a function of a for-
deadly unrest, although he asked mula.”
supporters to remain calm. Rights Mr. Odinga, 72, who is running
organizations have also warned of for a fourth time, said that his par-
discrepancies in the preliminary ty’s tallying showed that he
results. should be leading, although he re-
Protests followed shortly after- fused to produce results to con-
ward in parts of Kisumu, one of firm that. He also declined to re-
Kenya’s biggest cities and an op- veal the source of the hacking alle-
position stronghold. gations.
Demonstrators also burned Kura Yangu Sauti Yangu, a co-
tires, set up roadblocks and alition of rights groups coordi-
clashed with the police in parts of nated by the Kenya Human
Nairobi, the capital, The Associ- Rights Commission, said in a
ated Press reported. Earlier, at statement that the voting had
least one protester was killed by been orderly, but that early results TONY KARUMBA/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES

police gunfire in Kisii County, The were “completely unverifiable” Opposition supporters pro-
A.P. said, citing a regional police and that their publication risked tested against Kenya’s national
commander, Leonard Katana. “serious political instability.”
election results in Nairobi on
Kenyan elections in 2007, The coalition of rights groups
cited as examples discrepancies Wednesday. Below, the moth-
widely believed to have been
flawed, touched off bloodshed that between nationally announced er of a man shot in the head,
left at least 1,300 people dead and figures and official written tallies reportedly by the Kenyan po-
600,000 displaced. After elections made at five polling places. At one, lice, covered her son’s body.
in 2013, when voting systems were in Nandi County, northwest of Ki-
afflicted by widespread malfunc- sumu, the group said that the local that the hacking accusations and
tions and there were again accu- written tally had shown nine re- the killing of the election official
sations of vote rigging, more than jected votes and that the electoral needed to be investigated if the
300 people were killed. commission had reported 439. authorities and institutions in
In the prelude to this year’s The chief executive of the Inde- Kenya were to be trusted.
vote, campaigns were dominated pendent Electoral and Bound- “We want to know,” she said.
by concerns about the potential aries Commission, Ezra Chiloba, “We want leaders with clean
for vote rigging, and a senior elec- said at a news briefing, however, hands. We’re not going to take it
tion official in charge of voting that the commission was “com- anymore.”
technology, Christopher Msando, fortable where they are.’’ Throughout his campaign, Mr.
was killed. “I wish to confirm that our elec- Odinga stirred up supporters by
The election was largely con- tions management system is se- warning that the election could be
ducted in peace on Tuesday, with cure,’’ Mr. Chiloba said. “There stolen. He said he had been
just a few technical glitches re- were no external or internal inter- robbed of victory in the previous
ported at polling stations. ferences with the system at any two contests. In 2013, Mr. Kenyatta
But Mr. Odinga told a news con- point before, during and after the won by a margin so tiny that Mr.
ference in Nairobi, “The 2017 gen- voting.” Odinga sought unsuccessfully to
eral election was a fraud.” According to the election com- have the Supreme Court invali-
“The electoral fraud and fabri- mission, the two main candidates date the election.
cation of results was massive and were separated by nearly 1.4 mil- Fred Matiangi, the acting interi-
extensive,” he said. lion votes. MARCO LONGARI/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES or minister and a member of Mr.
Preliminary results showed The mood was tense in Kisumu, Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party, called on
that with more than 90 percent of where residents said they were fu- persed by police officers using “You cannot keep stealing votes Milama Obwanda, 37, as a crowd Kenyans to wait for the final re-
votes counted, Mr. Kenyatta was rious about what they called a tear gas. at every election,” said Frank quickly formed around him. sults from the electoral commis-
10 percentage points ahead of Mr. hacked election. Part of a nearby road was Opondo, 38, who was at the scene, “We’re not going to relax until the sion. “Until then, we remain com-
Odinga, with a share of votes well Large parts of the city were blocked, and tires had been set on while other people shouted, “No decision we made yesterday is re- mitted to do our part in ensuring
ahead of the 50 percent needed to calm, but in the Kondele neighbor- fire. Some residents were seen Raila, no peace!” spected.” that the country is secure and
avoid a runoff. hood, crowds were being dis- running away. “The elections are not fair,” said His friend Doreen Atieno said safe,” he told a news conference.

A Risky Trip by Pakistan’s Ousted Leader

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pa-
kistan’s ousted leader, Nawaz
Sharif, began a homecoming jour-
ney on Wednesday, leaving for the
eastern city Lahore along with
thousands of his supporters in a
bold display of political power.
Weeks after Mr. Sharif, the for-
mer prime minister, was removed
from office by the Supreme Court,
he is traveling to Lahore, his
hometown, which is about 150
miles from Islamabad, the capital.
He is expected to reach Lahore by
Friday, given the slow pace of the
convoy, party officials said.
The court disqualified Mr.
Sharif from holding office last
month. It also ordered the opening
of corruption cases against him Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan’s former prime minister, waved to sup-
and his three children. porters on Wednesday as he left Islamabad for his hometown.
Mr. Sharif left Islamabad
around noon and was seen off by a conspiracy. connects several cities of Punjab
Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, a party In recent interviews, Mr. Sharif Province. His party has a strong
loyalist who was elected as prime maintained that he was not guilty hold over almost all cities along
minister last month. Several gov- of corruption. His failure to dis- that highway, and he was hoping
ernment ministers also joined Mr. close his role in a Dubai-based for a large turnout that would help
Sharif’s convoy and led the chant- company run by one of his two him reclaim his position as a popu-
ing in their leader’s support. sons led the court to cite a clause list leader.
Mr. Sharif may be taking a con- of the Constitution that requires Lahore is the capital of Punjab,
siderable risk with the public de- public office holders to be “honest the most populous and politically
parture. Officials warned of secu- and faithful.” significant province. Mr. Sharif
rity threats, and political violence On Wednesday, it took Mr. Shar- and his younger brother Shehbaz
and terrorist attacks are not un- if’s convoy, consisting of at least Sharif have held sway there for
common in the country. In 2007 500 vehicles, six hours to reach decades. Party workers there
Benazir Bhutto, a former prime neighboring Rawalpindi by made elaborate arrangements for
minister, was assassinated after a
political rally in Rawalpindi.
But Mr. Sharif was undeterred
evening because of the crowds, the former prime minister’s arriv-
al. Main thoroughfares of the city The Awakening
were festooned with banners and
and said he was going back to his posters welcoming him home. Anatole Vély
people. Hundreds of supporters
gathered along the route of his
A homecoming seen Chaudhry Majid Asghar War-
raich, a senior party worker in La- Monumental size. Salon favorite. Artistic tour
convoy in Islamabad, cheering
and waving party flags.
as a bold display of hore, said a grand reception
de force. A masterpiece of French genre
awaited his leader. “It will be a re-
“Look who is here: Lion! Lion!” political power. ality check for some people,” Mr. painting, this original oil on canvas by Anatole
they shouted, referring to symbol Warraich said. Vély is the most important work in this
of his political party, the Pakistan Some analysts said Mr. Sharif’s
Muslim League-Nawaz. celebrated artist’s oeuvre. Entitled Le Coeur
political strategy was laden with
“I am not a PML-N supporter, though the turnout in Rawalpindi uncertainty. S’Éveille (Awakening of the Heart), the dramatic
but I fully support Nawaz Sharif was smaller than party leaders “Nawaz Sharif wants to give his composition achieved significant critical and
and his struggle for civilian su- had expected. party members a message that he
premacy,” said Arslan Shahid, 29, After midnight, Mr. Sharif popular acclaim at the Paris Salon of 1880,
is around and he will manage the
an accountant who was at the spoke from behind bulletproof party’s affairs,” said Hasan Askari where it earned a second-class medal and was
rally in Islamabad. glass and lashed out at the court’s Rizvi, a prominent political ana- touted in the press as the “must-see” painting
Many party supporters have ac- ruling. “It is an insult to your lyst based in Lahore. “He also
vote,” he said, referring to his
of the year. Signed and dated 1880 (lower
cused the military, which has had wants to put a little bit of pressure
a turbulent relationship with Mr. ouster, as the crowd in front on the judiciary and the military
right). Frame: 1141/2”h x 751/2”w. #30-6510
Sharif, of being behind his ouster. roared. But he told his supporters, and show to them that people are
“Nawaz Sharif is the only anti-es- “I am going to my home and do not with him.”
tablishment leader in the coun- want you to get me restored.” But the confrontational ap-
try,” Mr. Shahid said. “The rest Opponents criticized his rally, proach might backfire, he warned.
have turned into pawns of the mil- saying it showed contempt for the “I don’t think the judiciary or
itary establishment.” court’s ruling. the military will change their ap-
The military has denied playing “We cannot ignore the fact that proach,” Mr. Rizvi said. “The judi-
a role. Nawaz’s party is still in power and ciary will assert itself, and the mil-
Mr. Sharif denounced the Su- such rallies are nothing but an ef- itary has its own way of doing
preme Court ruling but stopped fort to influence the accountability
630 Royal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana • 888-643-7958 • •
things. The politics of confronta-
short of criticizing the military. process by using political pres- tion will not help Nawaz, and he
Without offering any details, he sure,” said Fawad Chaudhry, a will have to pay an even higher Since 1912, M.S. Rau Antiques has specialized in the world’s finest art, antiques and jewelry.
said his removal was the result of senior spokesman of the political price.” Backed by our unprecedented 125% Guarantee, we stand behind each and every piece.
party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. Mr. Sharif’s supporters were,
Sameen Khan contributed report- Mr. Sharif chose to go to Lahore however, jubilant as the convoy
ing from Lahore, Pakistan. by the Grand Trunk Road, which moved slowly into the night.


Asian Nations Shaken by President’s Warning on Korean Nuclear Program

By STEVEN LEE MYERS sponding Wednesday to an inqui-
and CHOE SANG-HUN ry about Mr. Trump’s threat, re-
BEIJING — President Trump’s stated its position that the North
threat to unleash “fire and fury” Korean nuclear issue should be re-
against North Korea sent a shud- solved by political means and that
der through Asia on Wednesday, “all relevant parties” should avoid
raising alarm among allies and “remarks and acts that may esca-
adversaries and, to some observ- late the conflict.”
ers, making the possibility of mili- The South Korean government
tary conflict over the North’s nu- sought on Wednesday to ease con-
clear program seem more real. cern, saying that the North’s re-
With North Korea responding cent posturing, including its
that it would, if attacked, strike threat to attack Guam, appeared
American military forces on to be aimed at tightening solidari-
Guam, analysts warned that the ty among its own population and
escalating statements increased causing its neighbors anxiety.
the likelihood of war — perhaps “The situation has become
one based on miscalculation, more serious on the Korean Pen-
should one side’s fiery statements insula,” a senior official at the
be misread by the other. presidential Blue House told
Some played down Mr. Trump’s South Korean reporters, speaking
remark on Tuesday as simply a in a briefing on the condition of an-
onymity. “But we don’t think it has
warning not to attack the United
reached a crisis stage yet.”
States, albeit one whose tone was
more typical of North Korean pro- Also on Wednesday, Pyongyang
pagandists than it was of past released a Canadian pastor, the
Rev. Lim Hyeon-Soo, who had
American presidents. Officials in
been sentenced to a life of hard la-
South Korea and Japan said that
bor. Nearly two months ago an-
while the situation was tense, it
other former prisoner, Otto F.
had not reached a crisis point.
Warmbier, an American college
Secretary of State Rex W. Tiller-
student, died after being freed.
son played down any imminent
“North Korea appears to signal
threat from North Korea, saying
that it could be flexible amid this
Wednesday, “I think Americans
standoff with the international
should sleep well at night, have no
community,” said Kim Yong-hyun,
concerns about this particular a professor of North Korean stud-
rhetoric of the last few days.” ies at Dongguk University in
Still, some in the region said the Seoul. He added that the freed
danger of war had not seemed as pastor is Canadian, “so the North
clear and present in decades. ED JONES/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES may find it easier to release him”
What was unthinkable just years South Korean soldiers last week in Panmunjom, straddling the North Korean border. Few in the South want war, one analyst said. than to be perceived as capitu-
ago no longer seems so, they said. lating to a bellicose American
“We’re going to see a confronta- president.
tion between the United States tions of such strong language. report that American intelligence
In Japan, a senior government
and North Korea that will be fero- That, they said, raised ques- agencies believe that North Korea
official sought to frame Mr.
cious and strong and bloody,” said tions about the administration’s has made a nuclear weapon that
Trump’s remark as an effort to
Cheng Xiaohe, an associate pro- strategy, and about whether Mr. can fit on the tip of a ballistic mis-
warn the North’s government that
fessor of international relations at Trump recognized the price that sile. Such drastic advances have
military action remained a possi-
Renmin University of China in some staunch allies, especially Ja- already led Japan and South Ko-
bility, even as the new sanctions
Beijing who called Mr. Trump’s pan and South Korea, could pay rea to consider deploying new,
begin going into effect.
language “explosive.” for carrying out his threat. more powerful weapons to
“He’s saying that the United
Professor Cheng said he was “Trump doesn’t seem to under- counter the threat, after decades
States is putting all options on the
puzzled by the timing of Mr. stand what an alliance is, and of relying on American military
table,” said the official, Chief Cab-
Trump’s remark, just days after doesn’t seem to consider his ally might for strategic security.
inet Secretary Yoshihide Suga.
the United Nations Security Coun- when he says those things,” said Itsunori Onodera, Japan’s new “Our government approves of
cil imposed the toughest eco- Lee Byong-chul, a senior fellow at defense minister, said Wednesday that stance. It’s extremely impor-
nomic penalties yet on North Ko- the Institute for Peace and Co- that Japan found it credible that tant that the Japan-U.S. alliance
rea for its nuclear and missile pro- operation in Seoul, South Korea’s North Korea had succeeded in further strengthens its ability to
grams. That unanimous vote, capital. “No American president miniaturizing a nuclear warhead, deter and respond.”
which overcame China’s historical has mentioned a military option or that it would do so in the near Even so, Mr. Trump’s language
reluctance to punish its ally so easily, so offhandedly as he has. future. “At the very least, whether resonated deeply in Japan, which
harshly, has been widely de- He unnerves people in South Ko- they have them now or will have on Wednesday commemorated
scribed as the Trump administra- rea, few of whom want war in Ko- them soon, it’s reached a level the 72nd anniversary of the drop-
tion’s greatest diplomatic accom- rea.” Japan’s new defense minister, Itsunori Onodera, said “we have where we have to monitor vig- ping of an American atomic bomb
plishment so far. Mr. Trump’s warning followed a to monitor vigilantly” North Korea’s nuclear advances. ilantly,” he said. on Nagasaki, three days after one
“Usually, the U.S. government Officials in Asia and beyond was dropped on Hiroshima.
is willing to give more time for a have grown used to provocative “The world has seen American
resolution, to see how the resolu- musings by Mr. Trump, particu- fire and fury in Hiroshima and
tions bite,” Professor Cheng said. larly on Twitter, and they tend to Nagasaki 72 years ago,” Kiichi Fu-
Across the region on Wednes- treat them as inaccurate reflec- jiwara, a professor of interna-
day, analysts reacted with con- tions of American policy. But ana- tional politics at Tokyo University,
cern and even foreboding about lysts saw his “fire and fury” re- wrote bitingly on Twitter. He add-
the tone of Mr. Trump’s com- mark as dangerous and unlikely ed that for Mr. Trump to use such
ments, and about the unimpeded to deter North Korea’s leader. language was “reckless and un-
progress that North Korea ap- “We are used to painting North wise, even as an act of deter-
pears to be making toward becom- Korea as ‘unpredictable,’ but in- rence.”
ing a full-fledged nuclear power, creasingly it is the U.S. that is in- Tong Zhao, a nuclear policy ex-
able to strike the United States or troducing strategic unpredictabil- pert at the Carnegie-Tsinghua
other far-off adversaries. ity into a volatile dynamic,” Euan Center for Global Policy in Bei-
While Mr. Trump’s warning that Graham, an analyst at the Lowy jing, said that China still believed
North Korea, if it kept threatening Institute in Sydney, Australia, that a deal to defuse tensions
the United States, would “be met wrote in an email. could be reached, with North Ko-
with fire and fury like the world Professor Cheng of Renmin rea agreeing to suspend its nucle-
has never seen” clearly reflected University said that North Korea’s ar and missile tests in exchange
growing American frustration defiance in response to the Securi- for a halt to joint American and
over the North’s advances, ana- ty Council’s latest sanctions indi- South Korean military exercises.
lysts said it was not clear that he cated that it had no intention of China has raised that possibility
had fully considered the implica- slowing its program. He said that repeatedly.
nations across the region, includ- “It’s already a fact on the
Steven Lee Myers reported from ing his own, needed to prepare for ground that North Korea has a
Beijing, and Choe Sang-Hun from the consequences of a conflict. credible nuclear deterrence,” he
Seoul, South Korea. Jonathan “We are in a very dangerous said. “The best we can do at the
Soble contributed reporting from time, and China is going to need to moment is to deter North Korea’s
Tokyo, and Jane Perlez from Bei- take notice and prepare for the use of nuclear weapons and con-
jing. Iris Zhao and Adam Wu con- A ceremony at the Peace Memorial Park in Nagasaki, Japan, on Wednesday, the 72nd anniversa- worst,” he said. tain the growth of their nuclear
tributed research from Beijing. ry of the United States’ dropping of an atomic bomb on the city at the end of World War II. China’s Foreign Ministry, re- and missile capabilities.”

With Incendiary Language, Trump Takes a Detour From Presidential Tradition

By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS yond that, I, and many of my mili- Il-sung actually believed that I Johnson also sought to dial back gan, Johnson called the captain of
tary colleagues, believe that it’s a had planted that story,” Mr. Perry tensions with North Korea when a the Enterprise, an American air-
Dwight D. Eisenhower wanted to
big mistake to make empty said, referring to North Korea’s A history of threats, crisis arose that coincided with craft carrier that had been in Ja-
force North Korea into negotia- threats. It weakens your credibil-
ity if you don’t follow through, and
leader at the time. “There’s no
doubt that our threat, which was
warnings and often the height of the Vietnam War,
when he could ill afford to delve
pan when the Pueblo was taken
and headed north afterward, to
tions to end the Korean War, he
sent a secret message to Pyong- it may stimulate the regime on the
other side, which has to be very
incidentally buttressed by this op- secret diplomacy. into another major military con-
frontation, Mr. Dallek said. In Jan-
ask him to turn around.
As the talks wore on, Johnson
yang and Beijing threatening a ed, was very clear and very plain
nuclear strike if they did not come nervous at this moment, to take and very concerning to them. uary 1968, North Korean gun would ultimately launch a buildup
to the table for talks with Seoul. some reckless actions.” Within a few days, we had negoti- boats seized the Navy intelligence of American forces on and near
Instead, when the North Kore- “He sent a secret message to ship Pueblo, taking the crew of 83 the Korean Peninsula, sending an
After North Korea in 1968 seized ations.” the North Koreans and the Chi-
ans ejected United Nations in- Eisenhower, too, used the lever- captive. armada to the Sea of Japan and
an American Navy intelligence nese that he would use atomic
spectors from their nuclear re- Dean Rusk, then the secretary 100 warplanes to South Korea in
ship off its east coast with 83 crew age of a possible military strike to bombs against them if they didn’t
search reactor in Yongbyon and of state, said the episode fell into an unmistakable signal to the
members aboard, Lyndon B. push the North Koreans and the come back to the peace table, and
declared their intention to process “the category of actions to be con- North Koreans that the United
Johnson called for diplomacy to Chinese toward a peace agree- it frightened them into returning
plutonium there, Mr. Perry said he strued as an act of war.” States was ready to attack. But be-
defuse the crisis, and began 11 ment to end the Korean War. Hav- to the negotiations, which re-
and Mr. Clinton decided their “My strong advice to the North hind the scenes, the president was
months of clandestine talks to seal ing campaigned on ending the sulted in a truce that exists to this
strategy would be to make clear Koreans,” Mr. Rusk said, “is to taking a diplomatic route.
the deal. conflict, he spent three days on day,” said the presidential histori-
that the United States would cool it.” “On the one hand, he was rat-
Bill Clinton used bland but never allow such an action. They the Korean Peninsula before his an Robert Dallek. “This kind of Johnson called the seizure of tling the saber pretty loudly. But
strong admonitions — backed up would press for diplomacy but inauguration, touring the battle bluster and bombast that we hear the Pueblo a “wanton and ag- on the other hand, he launched
by the clear threat of a missile plan for a military strike to de- front in a trip that he later said so- from Donald Trump is not calcu- gressive act,” adding that “clearly, these secret negotiations with the
strike — to get Pyongyang to halt stroy the reactor if talks failed. lidified his view that the situation lated, and it is not how presidents this cannot be accepted.” North Koreans to try to find a solu-
its efforts to process plutonium in “We wanted to be clear, but we had reached a stalemate and have generally dealt with these But as he took the matter before tion,” said Jack Cheevers, the au-
1994 and submit to talks on freez- didn’t want to be explicit about the could not be sustained. threats.” the United Nations Security Coun- thor of “Act of War,” a book about
ing its nuclear program. threat, although they knew and cil, Johnson threatened no mili- the Pueblo capture. “Johnson
President Trump’s incendiary we knew what the plan was,” said tary action. He said the United came under a lot of fire during that
remarks on Tuesday, warning of Mr. Perry, who conceived the plan States would “continue using ev- 11 months for not doing enough to
“fire and fury” if North Korea con- for a cruise missile strike if such ery means available to find a get the crew back, but in fact, the
tinued threatening the United action became necessary. prompt and peaceful solution to secret talks were going on and he
States, were a jarring hint that he The North Koreans were pub- the problem,” adding that he had did succeed in getting them back.”
might be willing to discard a dec- licly defiant, calling Mr. Perry a taken “precautionary measures to In the end, diplomacy worked,
ades-old principle against the pre- “war maniac” — “you don’t forget make sure that our military forces but only after United States offi-
emptive use of nuclear weapons. something like that,” he said in an are prepared for any contingency cials engaged in a bizarre maneu-
It also broke with a long tradi- interview — but they also recog- that might arise.” ver: having a high-ranking Army
tion of American presidents using nized the threat was real. A stra- What followed was 11 months of official, Maj. Gen. Gilbert H.
strongly worded warnings, care- tegically timed op-ed in The secret negotiations between Woodward, submit an apology for
fully calibrated threats and urgent Washington Post by Brent American and North Korean offi- “grave acts of espionage” commit-
— sometimes secret — diplomacy Scowcroft, a former national secu- cials, with the United States insist- ted by the Pueblo against North
to quell brewing crises with North rity adviser to Gerald R. Ford and ing that the Pueblo and its crew be Korea, which he signed only after
Korea. George Bush, that recommended released and Pyongyang refusing holding a news conference declar-
“We never threatened — nor a military strike against North Ko- to do so without an official apology ing that the document was full of
would we ever have threatened — rea of precisely the sort the ad- from a high-ranking official for lies.
to use nuclear weapons,” said ministration had privately been what it characterized as the delib- “This has been a most frustrat-
William J. Perry, who was sworn considering helped make the case erate intrusion into North Korean ing episode,” Mr. Rusk said upon
in as defense secretary months to Pyongyang that the Americans territory of American spies. their release. “But the great ma-
before Mr. Clinton’s 1994 con- were serious. William J. Perry, then President Bill Clinton’s special envoy to Wary of spooking or provoking jority of our people have kept their
frontation with North Korea. “Be- “I’ve always believed that Kim North Korea, talking to reporters in South Korea in 1999. the North Koreans as the talks be- heads.”


Trump’s Words Hinting at War Were Improvised, Catching Aides Off Guard
The “fire and fury” line, which
From Page A1 echoed biblical passages and
piece of paper, as it turned out, President Harry S. Truman’s
was a fact sheet on the opioid cri- statement after the United States
sis. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiro-
“North Korea best not make shima, Japan, in 1945, was Mr.
any more threats to the United Trump’s idea — despite similar-
States,” Mr. Trump told reporters ities to the end-of-days style of his
in remarks broadcast on televi- chief speechwriter, Stephen
sion and around the globe. “They Miller, people with knowledge of
will be met with fire and fury like the situation said.
the world has never seen.” Mr. Trump has used the phrase
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the repeatedly in private to express
White House press secretary, said his anger at North Korea’s pursuit
Mr. Trump’s national security of nuclear weapons — one of the
team was “well aware of the tone few public policy problems he has
of the statement of the president been focused on since his prepolit-
prior to delivery.” ical days in the 1990s.
“The tone and strength of the After his comments on Tuesday,
message were discussed before- Mr. Trump headed into an hour-
hand,” she said. The words he long meeting on opioids, but his
used, she added, “were his own.” national security team huddled to
And they revealed what some figure out how to proceed. Secre-
longtime associates of Mr. Trump tary of State Rex W. Tillerson, who
say is a simmering frustration has been trying to induce Pyong-
with the velvet handcuffs slapped yang to negotiate, became the ob-
on him by John F. Kelly, his new vious choice to calm the waters,
White House chief of staff, who which he did during a refueling
has cracked down on walk-in vis- stop in Guam, the same island
itors to the Oval Office and keeps threatened by North Korea.
tabs on some of the president’s af- Mr. Tillerson told reporters that
ter-hours phone calls to ensure “Americans should sleep well at
that he is not being fed bad infor- night” and that nothing indicated
mation or reckless advice. that relations with North Korea
Mr. Trump has embraced the had “dramatically changed in the
new, more disciplined approach of last 24 hours.”
Mr. Kelly, a former Marine gen- Mr. Trump seemed pleased with
eral, but he has made it clear that the uproar caused by his remarks,
he will not cede control of what he AL DRAGO FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES and he was in good spirits on
says or tweets to anybody. If noth- President Trump had menacing words for North Korea during a briefing at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., on Tuesday. Wednesday. And some of his aides
ing else, Tuesday’s statement did not back off from the sharp
proved that he cannot be muzzled language.
by his staff or by decorous diplo- needs to show that he cannot be ans like Defense Secretary Jim the administration’s conflict with own channel to the president, he “He’s saying don’t test America
matic protocol. pushed. Mattis and Lt. Gen. H. R. McMas- China and that Mr. Trump should has been shut out of most formal and don’t test Donald J. Trump,”
The president, people close to The episode also reflects an ter, the national security adviser, not give more prominence to an discussions of North Korea by the Sebastian Gorka, a hard-line ad-
him say, believes he has a better evolving and unsettled approach on one side and Stephen K. Ban- unstable rogue operator like Mr. national security team. viser and one of the president’s fa-
feel for Mr. Kim than his advisers to one of the world’s most danger- non, the president’s chief strat- Kim. But neither camp, the hawks or vorite surrogates, told Fox News
do. He thinks of Mr. Kim as some- ous hot spots as Mr. Trump and his egist, and his allies on the other. In the North Korea debate, like the doves, advocated language on Wednesday. “We are not just
one used to pushing people team debate diplomatic, economic While General McMaster and a similar one over Afghanistan, like “fire and fury,” according to the superpower. We were a super-
around, and Mr. Trump thinks he and military options, none of them Mr. Mattis consider North Korea a Mr. Bannon has been arguing the people involved. power, we are now a hyperpower.
particularly attractive. pre-eminent threat that requires a against what his side considers Among those taken by surprise, Nobody in the world, especially
Glenn Thrush reported from The president’s aides are divid- tough response, Mr. Bannon and the overly aggressive approach of they said, was Mr. Kelly, who has not North Korea, comes close to
Washington, and Peter Baker from ed on North Korea, as on other is- others in the nationalist wing ar- the “war party” of General Mc- accompanied the president on his challenging our military capabili-
Bridgewater, N.J. sues, with national security veter- gue that it is really just a subset of Master. While Mr. Bannon has his working vacation. ties.”

U.S. Officials Offer Mixed Messages on Escalation With North Korea FACT CHECK

From Page A1
proved new sanctions against Trump Claims
North Korea last Saturday. But
rean missile and nuclear targets
would be “mercilessly repelled.”
even as China and Russia sup-
ported the measure, it was un-
Undue Credit
The statement also said that
the North Korean military would
clear how hard they would work
to enforce it. Some saw Mr.
Trump’s message as aimed at pro-
On an Arsenal
finalize a plan by mid-August to
viding an incentive to Beijing to By LINDA QIU
fire four midrange missiles into
the waters off the Pacific island of do more to avoid war, although it WASHINGTON — In an early-
Guam, a United States territory also risked disrupting the very morning tweet Wednesday, Presi-
used as a strategic base, to create alignment he had been trying to dent Trump claimed undue credit
a “historic enveloping fire.” forge. for revamping the nation’s nucle-
The spiral of fighting words left “Clearly, there is not a coordi- ar arsenal, wrongly suggested
the Trump administration debat- nated messaging strategy,” Evan tremendous progress had been
ing how to handle a standoff that Medeiros, the managing director made since he took office, and
has defied three presidents and at the Eurasia Group and a former misrepresented the sequence and
only grown more ominous in re- Asia adviser to President Barack scope of his executive actions.
cent weeks as North Korea suc- Obama, said by telephone from “My first order as President
cessfully tested intercontinental Tokyo. “This is being put together was to renovate and modernize
ballistic missiles for the first time. incrementally and of all the coun- our nuclear arsenal. It is now far
Neither Mr. Tillerson nor Mr. Mat- tries and all the issues you deal stronger and more powerful than
tis had reviewed in advance Mr. with, North Korea is not the one to ever before,” he wrote on Twitter,
Trump’s threat on Tuesday, when be kludging together statements after exchanging escalating state-
he said North Korea “will be met by the president and cabinet sec- ments with North Korea this
with fire and fury like the world retaries because the risk of mis-
has never seen.” And the disso- calculation is so high.”
Efforts to modernize the na-
nance in their own follow-up Alexander Vershbow, a former
tion’s nuclear arsenal — including
statements reflected the struggle ambassador to South Korea, said
intercontinental ballistic missiles,
inside the Trump administration. the Trump administration “policy
seems incoherent” and the threat submarine-launched ballistic mis-
“I don’t think there is a single siles, strategic bombers, war-
policy at work,” said Ellen L. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Malaysia on Tuesday. He stressed diplomacy on North Korea. of military action “will likely hard-
en the North Koreans’ stance” heads and infrastructure — began
Frost, a longtime Asia specialist India Saudi Arabia
and make it more difficult to get under President Barack Obama,
at the East-West Center, a Hono-
Iran China to follow through on its sup- and will span three decades at a
lulu-based research organization.
“I’m not even sure that Trump port for the United Nations sanc- cost of about a trillion dollars.
cares about having a consistent Thailand tions. The size and strength of the
Italy United States’ nuclear arsenal re-
policy on any subject.” Instead, “If denuclearization is still the
she said, the president’s fire-and- goal, the only way to get there is mains virtually unchanged since
fury threat was a play to show through increased Chinese pres- Mr. Trump took office. Since Janu-
toughness to his political base sure,” Mr. Vershbow said. “Since ary, when the United States had a
“followed by more nuanced clean- there is no viable military option, stockpile of 4,018 warheads, “a
up operations on the part of Tiller- Russia the only other course of action is small number of warheads are
North Spain
son and Mattis, who are walking a to develop a long-term deterrence thought to have been retired for
Korea Nod
Nodong an estimated 4,000 remaining in
political tightrope.” and containment strategy — but
Mr. Trump remained out of pub- 800 m
800 miles that means accepting the unac- the stockpile,” according to the
lic sight on Wednesday at his golf ceptable,” North Korea as a nucle- Federation of Atomic Scientists.
club in Bedminster, N.J., where he Japan ar power. The Arms Control Association, a
is spending most of a 17-day work- Guam Greenland
d That, so far, is one thing Mr. Washington-based group, has re-
ing vacation. But he posted a link (Denmark) Trump has made clear he would ported no change in its estimate
on Twitter to a news report on his not accept. His administration since January.
threat, and followed up by boast- Musudan has sent conflicting signals about Many of the modernized weap-
ing that he had ordered the mod- Papua 2,200 whether it would entertain direct ons will not be available for use
ernization of America’s nuclear New Guinea talks with the North Korean gov- until the 2020s or later.
arsenal. ernment. Vice President Mike There has been no significant
“Hopefully we will never have Pence has said no such talks are change in nuclear modernization
to use this power,” he wrote, “but Hwasong-12 being considered, while Mr. Tiller- plans under Mr. Trump, said Todd
there will never be a time that we Canada son has said they could happen as
3,000 Harrison, a defense analyst at the
are not the most powerful nation long as the North Koreans demon- Center for Strategic and Interna-
in the world!” strate their sincerity by pausing tional Studies. “In fairness, there
American allies in Japan and their missile tests. How long such has not been time for such plans to
South Korea were caught off The Reach of North Korean Missiles a pause needs to last, he has re- have been prepared, reviewed
guard by Mr. Trump’s threat, as The distances that North Korea’s missile program is
United fused to say. and implemented, so this is not a
were other regional players like trying to achieve.
States Mr. Tillerson emphasized on surprise,” he said.
China and Russia. Analysts re- Wednesday that he was engaged Mr. Trump’s “first order” refers
ported deep anxiety over the in a continuing diplomatic effort to a Jan. 27 presidential memoran-
prospect that a war of words could Estimated ranges and that “our telephone lines re-
dum ordering a new Nuclear Pos-
easily turn into a real one. of two untested main open, certainly to China,
ture Review, characterized by the
But some discounted Mr. ICBM designs Russia as well as our allies.”
Pentagon as “legislatively man-
Trump’s comments as the sort of Mr. Tillerson said that his strat-
Hwasong-14 dated” and the basis of nuclear
bombast they have become ac- egy of gradually increasing the di-
customed to from a president who
7,200 policy. While the review may rec-
plomatic and economic costs for
has publicly assailed not just ene- Source: The James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies BY TROY GRIGGS/THE NEW YORK TIMES the North Korean government ommend changes, as a 2010 re-
mies, but even allies like Ger- was working. “I think in fact the view by Mr. Obama did, it has yet
many, Canada and Mexico. The was imminent. He urged North simply chose the sort of attention- “While our State Department is pressure is starting to show,” he to be completed.
difference is that Germany is un- Korea to engage in talks about its grabbing words that Mr. Kim making every effort to resolve said. “I think that’s why the rheto- Eight other memorandums and
likely to respond to a presidential nuclear program. would use. “What the president is this global threat through diplo- ric coming out of Pyongyang has four executive orders — including
tirade with an attack on Guam, as “I think Americans should doing is sending a strong mes- matic means, it must be noted gotten louder and more threat- ones terminating the Trans-Pa-
North Korea threatened after Mr. sleep well at night, have no con- sage to North Korea in language that the combined allied militar- ening.” cific Partnership and urging the
Trump’s warning. cerns about this particular rheto- that Kim Jong-un would under- ies now possess the most precise, Mr. Medeiros questioned repeal of the Affordable Care act
Mr. Tillerson took on the role of ric of the last few days,” Mr. Tiller- stand, because he doesn’t seem to rehearsed and robust defensive whether Mr. Trump’s warning, — preceded it.
soother, telling reporters as he re- son said as his plane stopped to understand diplomatic lan- and offensive capabilities on combined with sanctions, would Similarly, it is also premature
turned from a trip to Asia that he refuel in Guam, the very island guage,” Mr. Tillerson said. Earth,” Mr. Mattis said. North Ko- prompt North Korea to return to for Mr. Trump to consider his pro-
saw no reason to believe that war that North Korea threatened to Hours later, Mr. Mattis issued a rea’s military, he added, “will con- the negotiating table. “That’s the posed 11 percent increase to the
target. He added, “Nothing I have written statement that, while not tinue to be grossly overmatched big strategy question here,” he National Nuclear Security Admin-
Peter Baker reported from Bridge- seen and nothing I know of would as florid as Mr. Trump’s com- by ours and would lose any arms said. “Trump has clearly calcu- istration’s budget a fait accompli.
water, and Gardiner Harris from indicate that the situation has ments on Tuesday, still held out race or conflict it initiates.” lated that it will. But that’s a huge Even if Congress passes Mr.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Eileen dramatically changed in the last the possibility of a strong retalia- At the urging of the Trump ad- gamble, and it’s one that it’s not Trump’s budget without changes,
Sullivan contributed reporting 24 hours.” tion that could destroy much of ministration, the United Nations clear to me that the Chinese it does not apply until the start of
from Washington. Mr. Tillerson said Mr. Trump North Korea. Security Council unanimously ap- would necessarily agree with.” the next fiscal year on Oct. 1.

A Tiny Territory Caught in a Global War of Words

It is a small slice of America, it
just happens to be in the middle
of the Pacific. And within striking
range of North Korean missiles.
That’s why the island of Guam
was thrust into the spotlight
Wednesday after North Korea
threatened a strike that would
create “an enveloping fire”
around it and said an attack
would come this month.
But on the island, home to a
strategic American air base, life
continued as normal. Patrons
packed local restaurants, barely
glancing at televisions bearing
news of Pyongyang’s latest
threat against their home.
Residents of the tiny territory
— just 12 miles at its widest point
and circled with beautiful
beaches — find themselves again
caught in the middle of a war of
words launched between North
Korea and the United States,
including pointed threats of nu-
clear action.
“Everyone is going about doing
the same routine, but everyone is
talking about the threat,” Josie
Sokala, who lives in the village of
Mangilao on the eastern shore of
Guam, said in a message.
Like other Guam residents, Ms.
Sokala has been inundated with
text messages from friends on
the mainland — islanders’ term
for the continental United States
— asking how she was doing.
“Everyone is nervous, but I
think it is our families out there
stateside that are more nervous
for us,” Ms. Sokala said.
Still, early Thursday morning,
she found herself unable to sleep.
Guam has been an American
territory since 1898, when Spain
ceded it in the wake of the Span-
ish-American War. It has a popu-
lation of around 163,000 — com-
parable to a small city in the
The island has been the focus
of North Korean threats in the
past, as the home base for nucle-
ar-equipped bombers that have
the capacity to strike the reclu-
sive nation. Tests of North Ko-
rea’s own missiles suggest that
now the island is within their
Guam is about 2,100 miles
southeast of Pyongyang, and
3,800 miles west of Honolulu. But
it is as steeped in American cul-
ture as any small city on the
mainland — even if shoppers at
its Kmart (the biggest in the
world) can look outside and see a
lush Pacific island setting.
The majority of islanders are NANCY BOROWICK FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

ethnically Chamorro — the indig- Clockwise from top: An Applebee’s in Tamuning, Guam, on Wednesday; protesters on Marine Corps Drive after President Trump’s inaugura-
enous group that has lived on the tion; tourists on Gun Beach last month. Guam was thrust into the spotlight after North Korea threatened a strike against it.
island for thousands of years —
and their culture is a touchstone
for the islander’s way of life. Guam scrambled to release state- The archdiocese also asked residents or visitors. Guam, in weighed in. She called the most strongly urge the president to
Life on Guam is also deeply ments urging calm, even if just a Catholics to “pray that the Holy addition to being a strategic base, recent threats from both sides explore every avenue to peace-
tied the military bases and the day earlier President Trump Spirit will instill in the leaders of is also a tourist destination, and a “dangerous” and said they had fully respond to it and avoid
service members stationed at vowed to unleash “fire and fury” our country and all nations the record number of visitors arrived heightened tensions in the region. further escalating this situation.”
them. Andersen Air Force Base on North Korea. virtues of wisdom and under- this past June. She noted that similar threats in Whatever their doubts about
and Naval Base Guam house an The church is an influential standing to promote peace rather “There’s been a lot of rhetoric 2013 led to an advanced missile those on the world stage, some
estimated 13,000 military mem- force on the island, where the than war.” coming out,” Mr. Calvo said at a defense system — known as
bers and their dependents. One- residents seemed to have more
vast majority of residents are The governor of Guam, Eddie news conference on Wednesday. Thaad, for Terminal High Alti-
third of the island is owned by the confidence in their local leaders.
Catholic, and the Archdiocese of Baza Calvo, said there had been “And it’s important to bring that tude Area Defense — to be per-
United States military. Agana — the capital of Guam, no change to the threat level on message out to the people of manently placed on the island as “Our governor assures us that
On Wednesday, officials in also known as Hagatna — has the island, despite the harsh Guam that this is not a time to a deterrent. this threat is nothing to panic
advised residents to “look to God words. Mr. Calvo stressed in a panic.” “Kim Jong-un’s reckless behav- about, and we trust him,” Ms.
Daniel Victor contributed report- during these difficult times when statement that there was no Guam’s congresswoman, ior cannot be tolerated,” she said Sokala said. “We’re just trying
ing. world peace is threatened.” imminent threat to the safety of Madeleine Z. Bordallo, also of the North Korean leader, “and I not to think about it too much.”

Dozens of Migrants Drown North Korea Drawing Up Plan for a Strike Near Guam
After Being Thrown in Sea By CHOE SANG-HUN
SEOUL, South Korea — North
posed missile firings would also
be a challenge to Japan. Some of
the North Korean missiles
nuclear payload.
“Sound dialogue” is not possible
with someone “bereft of reason,
were to break out. General Kim
said he was disclosing the details
of the plan to “give stronger confi-
Korea said Thursday that it was
By SOMINI SENGUPTA tional Organization for Migration, drawing up plans to launch four launched in recent months have and only absolute force can work dence in certain victory and
BEIRUT, Lebanon — The mi- a United Nations agency, said in a intermediate-range ballistic mis- fallen in waters near Japan, but on him,” General Kim said, accus- courage to the Korean people and
statement that it had found 27 sur- siles into waters near Guam in the none of them have actually flown ing Mr. Trump of having spoken “a help them witness the wretched
grants — average age 16 — were
vivors from among the people Western Pacific to teach Presi- over the country. The North has load of nonsense.” He said Mr. plight of the U.S. imperialists.”
fleeing two desperate places,
thrown into the sea. They de- dent Trump a lesson, a day after said it launched its previous test Trump, who he said was spending In recent months, B-52 and B-1B
Ethiopia and Somalia. They were
scribed how their smuggler had the president warned of “fire and missiles at highly lofted angles so his time on the “golf links,” was bombers from Andersen Air Force
headed to the shores of another,
tossed them overboard as their fury” against the North if it per- that they would not fly over Japan. failing to “grasp the ongoing Base in Guam have flown over the
Yemen. North Korea will fine tune its grave situation.” Korean Peninsula on flights that
boat approached Shabwa, on the sisted in threatening the United
But early Wednesday morning, launching plans by the middle of North Korea first mentioned its the North has denounced as exer-
Yemeni coast. States.
as they were about to reach land, this month and wait for a final or- plans to fire missiles into the wa- cises for launching a nuclear
“The survivors told our col- If the North were to follow
they were thrown into the Arabian der from its leader, Kim Jong-un, ters off Guam on Wednesday, strike. North Korea said its Hwa-
leagues on the beach that the through on its threat to launch an
Sea by a boatman they had paid to the North’s official news agency three days after the United Na- song-12 missiles were designed to
smuggler pushed them to the sea “enveloping strike” in the vicinity
take them across the water, ac- said, citing Gen. Kim Rak-gyom, tions Security Council adopted an- interdict such an attack from the
when he saw some ‘authority of Guam, it would be the first time
cording to the United Nations mi- commander of the Strategic Force other set of tough sanctions that American base in Guam.
types’ near the coast,” Laurent de that a North Korean missile
gration agency. of the Korean People’s Army. American officials said could de- The military option the Trump
Boeck, the agency’s Yemen chief landed so close to an American
At least 50 of them drowned. of mission, said in a statement. General Kim’s remarks came a prive the North of as much as one- administration has threatened
territory. The North’s official Ko-
Their attempted flight to a “They also told us that the smug- rean Central News Agency re- day after Mr. Trump warned that third of its total export revenues. against North Korea could involve
country consumed by war was a gler has already returned to So- ported that, according to the plan, North Korea would be met with General Kim, who is in charge of shooting down North Korean mis-
measure of the desperation of malia to continue his business and four of the country’s Hwasong-12 “fire and fury, and frankly power North Korean missile units, re- siles over international waters,
thousands of people from the pick up more migrants to bring to intermediate-range ballistic mis- the likes of which the world has leased more details of the missile said Cheon Seong-whun, a visiting
Horn of Africa, where successive Yemen on the same route. This is siles would fly over the three never seen before” if it continued plan early on Thursday. research fellow at the Asan Insti-
droughts have led to acute short- shocking and inhumane.” southern Japanese prefectures of to expand its nuclear and missile He said the four Hwasong-12 tute for Policy Studies in Seoul
ages of food and water and to out- The migration agency reported Shimane, Hiroshima and Koichi programs. The North test fired missiles would fly 2,086 miles in 17 who served as a presidential sec-
breaks of disease. Thousands finding 29 bodies hastily buried on before hitting the ocean about 19 to two intercontinental ballistic mis- minutes and 45 seconds to reach retary for security strategy until a
the beach. Another 22 people were 25 miles from the coast of Guam. siles, or ICBMs, last month, dem- their target in the ocean near few months ago. Any move more
still missing. In addition to serving as a warn- onstrating an ability to fire a mis- Guam, which would serve as an aggressive than that could lead to
The agency estimates that this ing to the United States, the pro- sile that eventually could hit the air base for American strategic an armed clash with North Korea,
Survivors blame a year alone, 55,000 people have left continental United States with a bombers if war with North Korea analysts say.
the Horn of Africa and come
smuggler who saw through Yemen seeking work in
some ‘authority types’ the wealthy countries of the Gulf.
More than half were children. In ‘Deliberate Act,’ Car Slams Into Soldiers in Paris Suburb
near Yemen’s coast. In addition to Yemen, Somalia is
one of the four countries around By AURELIEN BREEDEN how the car had approached the The Paris prosecutor’s office “before anything else a psycho-
the world at risk of famine, ac- and ALISSA J. RUBIN military patrol slowly, but then opened a terrorism investigation. logical and political goal.”
cording to the United Nations, a PARIS — A usually quiet Paris sped up, striking the soldiers. The attack was a reminder both “It was to show military force
have fled, usually paying smug- determination made on the basis suburb became the scene of a ter- In the afternoon, police officers of the extent to which France re- and reassure the population,” he
glers to take them to Persian Gulf of specific criteria, including the rorist attack early on Wednesday, in the Pas-de-Calais department mains a target for terrorists and of said. “It has finally reached its
countries in search of work. number of hunger-related deaths. when a driver plowed his vehicle captured a man driving the vehi- the fraught debate over how best limits.”
The route, across the Gulf of Some 6.7 million people require into a military patrol as the sol- cle that was used in the attack, to combat the threat. Does it make Mr. Tenenbaum and other ter-
Aden and the Red Sea, takes them humanitarian assistance, and diers were walking to their vehi- which had been identified through sense to deploy large numbers of rorism experts have argued that
through Yemen, one of the world’s more than 760,000 people are dis- cles, injuring six of them. surveillance footage. President heavily armed soldiers to patrol the money, time and resources be-
most dangerous war zones, where placed within the country, accord- It was the sixth attack on Emmanuel Macron said on Twit- streets and high-profile places? ing spent on the deployment of
airstrikes and mortar shelling ing to the United Nations. French military forces since 2015, ter that the man was the “author Or does their presence draw fire soldiers could do more to prevent
have become routine, and a cho- Ethiopia also faces acute Interior Minister Gérard Collomb of the attack” in Levallois-Perret, as much as it deters it? attacks if they were spent on intel-
lera outbreak has affected more hunger, though it has not reached said after the attack, underscor- a suburb north of Paris. “This is the paradox,” said Elie ligence and police work.
than 400,000 people. the near-famine threshold; the ing the extent to which uniformed Three of the soldiers were Tenenbaum, a research fellow at The threat in France “is a clan-
And Yemen, too, is on the brink United Nations says at least 8.5 officers appear to be a focus for slightly injured, Defense Minister the French Institute for Interna- destine threat, and to counter a
of famine. Nearly seven million million Ethiopians are in need of terrorists. Florence Parly said, and the other tional Research. The initial de- clandestine threat, there are no
residents rely entirely on food aid, immediate food aid and children “We know this was a deliberate three were in better condition ployment of about 10,000 soldiers two ways about it: You need intel-
the World Food Program says. suffer from a debilitating form of act,” said Mr. Collomb, describing than had initially been reported across the country (7,000 soldiers ligence gathering, not firepower,”
On Wednesday, the Interna- diarrhea. and their prognosis was good. are now deployed), he said, had Mr. Tenenbaum said.

Russia’s Innovators
Stymied at Many Turns
“For years we were praised as a
From Page A1 success story and then all these
Akademgorodok, a freethinking strange things suddenly started
settlement of broad avenues, happening,” said Mikhail
forested pathways and 35 Soviet- Amelkin, Tion’s chief technical of-
era research institutes near the Si- ficer.
berian city of Novosibirsk. They Mr. Amelkin said the company
see it as the Russian government was approached by the regulatory
undermining its own stated eco- agency and said that it had
nomic goal — to nurture enter- changed its design and removed a
prises that harness Russian brain supplementary filtering device
power instead of sucking oil, gas that laboratory tests had shown
and minerals out of the ground. was redundant and wasted elec-
More than 5,000 people have tricity. The company then
signed a petition appealing to Mr. amended its registration docu-
Putin to stop “this shameful ex- ments and thought the matter was
ample of force- over, Mr. Amelkin said. But armed
ful pressure on police officers showed up in June
a law-abiding to arrest Mr. Trubitsyn and search
business.” Mr. for evidence of what later court
Trubitsyn and documents described as a “con-
his company spiracy” to produce counterfeit
“are, without medical supplies. (No co-conspir-
exaggeration, ators have been named, but a con-
the pride of spiracy charge allows prosecutors
Akadem- to seek more jail time.)
Dmitri gorodok,” it Natalia Pinus, Akadem-
Trubitsyn said. “They are gorodok’s elected representative
a strong symbol to the regional council, is one of
of a prospering Russia in which many local residents who see Mr. JAMES HILL FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
real technological business can Trubitsyn’s troubles as the fault of
develop to world standards.” unscrupulous operators able to Dmitri Verkhoved, a mathematician, ran the technopark in Akademgorodok, a Soviet-era sanctuary of scientific research in Russia.
Aleksei Okunev of Novosibirsk manipulate law-enforcement
State University in Akadem- agencies to wipe out competitors. so elusive: The Russian state, the few Russian companies out-
gorodok, who has worked closely “This is not just about a single which is Mr. Putin’s main vehicle side the energy sector that export
with Mr. Trubitsyn’s company, company,” she said, but “whether for his plans for the nation’s re- to China, Tion grew steadily to
called the situation “incompre- you can conduct honest business surgence, often stifles growth. employ 250 people in Akadem-
hensible.” He added, “We have in Russia or whether that is im- A bureaucracy empowered by a gorodok, Moscow, China and Ka-
very few success stories in Rus- possible.” steady erosion of democratic zakhstan by 2017. It has tributes
sia, and this explains why.” Police raids and arrests figure checks and balances can often from government-linked bodies,
Mr. Putin did not respond, but in prominently in many Russian smother new ideas. Grand state- including being named Innova-
a statement, his business ombuds- business struggles, particularly directed projects to promote inno- tion Company of the Year by a Si-
man, Boris Titov, called Mr. Tru- those involving assets like oil, vation — like Skolkovo, a Moscow- berian forum in 2012.
bitsyn “a young, energetic repre- over which the state has steadily area technology park set up by (Mr. Verkhoved is entangled in
sentative of the innovation sector, reasserted control under Mr. Kremlin fiat as Russia’s answer to a separate dispute and was fired
the development of which is most Putin. Private companies that Silicon Valley — have mostly fall- in January as director of the
needed for a modern Russia.” clash with Rosneft, Russia’s state- en flat. Akademgorodok technopark.)
But Mr. Titov has made similar owned energy giant, for example, Mr. Trubitsyn’s company began Irina Travina, the founder of a
statements before, to little effect. often face criminal investigation. in such a state-funded park, one of software start-up and head of the
Despite official state support for The decline in global oil prices a dozen such zones set up across local technology-business associ-
innovation under Mr. Putin, the has, however, also meant less Russia after Mr. Putin visited In- ation, said Akademgorodok was
growing power of Russia’s securi- money is available for siphoning dia’s tech hub in Bangalore in “the best place in Russia,” with
ty services and rampant official by venal officials. That has turned 2005. Mr. Putin so enthusiastic “outstanding schools, low crime
corruption frequently push in the even relatively small companies A class in 3-D design for children is offered by the technopark. about what he saw in Bangalore and a high concentration of very
opposite direction. into attractive targets by the po- that he stopped in Akadem- smart people.”
The first sign of the storm ap- lice and the courts operating in or what was behind the investiga- asset on which it can build a vi- gorodok on his way back to Mos- But she said Mr. Trubitsyn’s ar-
proaching Akademgorodok came partnership with business. tion. “If you try to find out who is brant and diversified economy. cow to talk with scientists and offi- rest had delivered a grave blow to
early in 2016, when Mr. Trubitsyn Anton Latkin, a computer pro- responsible for anything in this Last month, at a meeting of his cials about how Russia could copy the community’s sense of security.
and his colleagues began hearing grammer who has known Mr. Tru- system, you will only find an echo Council for Strategic Develop- India’s example. “In principle, anyone can fall
that their competitors were telling bitsyn since boyhood science in the cave,” he said, adding that ment, Mr. Putin again lectured of- Dmitri Verkhoved, a mathema- into this situation,” Ms. Travina
hospitals that Tion’s air purifiers clubs, said Tion had fallen prey to the Russian state “is not a single ficials on the need to move Rus- tician who was appointed to run said, praising Mr. Trubitsyn as a
were dangerous and were being attack by government officials organism with one brain” but a sia’s faltering economy — now the operation, said Tion was “one patriot because he had not moved
investigated by Roszdravnadzor, who “don’t understand anything sprawling mass of separate and smaller than that of Italy and 11 of our first start-ups,” opening in abroad and had invested time and
a state agency that regulates med- about physics, don’t understand often competing fiefs. other countries — beyond its reli- 2006, and had proved that innova- money in science education for lo-
ical equipment. anything about chemistry and Mr. Putin has been a forceful ad- ance on natural resources. “We tive Russian companies can com- cal children. “It can happen to
State television then broadcast don’t understand anything about vocate of ending Russia’s long need a breakthrough, and we pete on the global market. anybody,” she added. “Everyone
a report accusing the company of biology.” record as an economic also-ran in must ensure it,” he said. The objective, he added, was “to has some sort of skeleton in their
jeopardizing the health of hospital Mr. Amelkin, Tion’s chief tech- all spheres other than oil and gas, Mr. Trubitsyn’s troubles, show that you can do business and closet. Maybe nothing big, but
patients. State hospitals began re- nical officer, said he and his staff repeatedly hailing Russia’s tech- though, may help explain why make money here in Russia and they can always find something to
moving Tion devices. had been unable to figure out who nical and scientific prowess as an such a breakthrough has proved don’t need to go abroad.” One of throw you in jail for.”








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A monument to Confederate soldiers stands near the entrance to the Ole Miss campus. “Why is that needed?” a student said. “You have students here who are offended by it.”

Edging Out of a Confederate Shadow, Gingerly

Ole Miss tries to put its racist the forefront of a movement called contextu-
alization. “Our whole framework is predi-
past in context, not erase it. cated on the principle that it’s better to edu-
cate and contextualize rather than remove
or move or erase,” said the school’s chancel-
By STEPHANIE SAUL lor, Dr. Jeffrey Vitter.
OXFORD, Miss. — Other than William But at Ole Miss, even that middle ground
Faulkner and the father and son quarter- can be excruciatingly slow and painful to
backs Archie and Eli Manning, few figures in reach. One plaque, placed at the monument
this town’s history are better known locally to a Confederate soldier, was thrown out and
than Lucius Q. C. Lamar. redone last year. Both the campus N.A.A.C.P.
A professor at Ole Miss before and after and some history professors objected to its
the Civil War, he served in both chambers of original wording because it failed to mention
Congress and as a Supreme Court justice. slavery as the cause of the Civil War.
Oxford’s main thoroughfare, lined with And on the other side, members of the stu-
stately homes and towering oaks, is named dent senate pushed through a resolution to
Lamar Avenue. His home, restored as a mu- try to “pause” the committee process.
seum, is on the National Register of Historic Hovering over deliberations was the fact
Places. In 1977, Ole Miss dedicated a major that descendants of some of the historical
building as Lamar Hall. figures remain in Mississippi. Don Barrett, a
That building will soon get a plaque more lawyer from Lexington, who called himself
fully describing Lamar’s legacy. the representative of conservative alumni on
Lamar drafted the state’s orders of seces- the committee, described a series of compro-
sion, funded his own Confederate regiment mises and called his fellow committee mem-
and held 31 slaves. After the war, he re- bers, some of them faculty, “liberal as hell.”
mained a divisive figure, delivering “We struggled for months,” he said.
speeches that riled up whites in a violent 1875 Ole Miss’s identity is intertwined with
election that he said “involved the suprema- slavery and the Jim Crow era, partly because
of the state’s history, but also because the
school vigorously embraced Confederate
It was partly the university’s difficulty in
recruiting top black athletes that led to the
removal of the most offensive symbol. Two
decades ago, the chancellor at the time,
Robert Khayat, received death threats after
he decided to eliminate the Confederate flag.
By 1979, the mascot had been changed
from a student dressed in a gray Confederate
uniform to a friendly looking Disneyesque
character named Colonel Reb. Eventually
he, too, was replaced by Rebel Black Bear, a
reference to a short story by Faulkner. A stained glass window at the university’s Ventress Hall depicts a Civil War battle.
“Dixie” was played less frequently, then
banned in 2016.
“It’s called gradualism,” said Greg Stew- think it comes from the name that slaves alization because “I think it’s important for
art, heritage defense director of the state’s called the plantation owner’s wife. A consult- people to understand.”
Sons of Confederate Veterans. ant in 2014 advised the university to consider Paul B. Johnson III, a lawyer in Hatties-
The Oxford home of Lucius Q.C. Lamar, a slavehold- Mr. Stewart, whose group sued the school the name’s implications, a move the alumni burg, Miss., got a call before the name of Paul
er who opposed Reconstruction, is now a museum. in an attempt to block the plaque at the Con- probably would never entertain. B. Johnson Commons was tweaked, accord-
federate statute, argues that the university Nor would they change the team’s name, ing to Mr. Barrett, the committee member.
is defiling historic objects. “They just kind of Rebels. Instead, the school is trying to re- As lieutenant governor in 1962, Paul B.
cy of the unconquered and unconquerable do a little bit here, a little bit there, and may- frame it. Johnson Jr. physically blocked James Mer-
Saxon race,” according to one newspaper ac- be you’ll forget about it,” he said. “We’re not Rebels in the old sense,” Dr. Vit- edith as he sought, ultimately successfully, to
count of the day. Despite the school’s progress, including ter said. “We’re Rebels in a very positive enroll as the school’s first black student.
Across the country, universities are trying the election of several black student body sense. We will always continue using that Paul B. Johnson Jr. parlayed his defiance
to reckon with their ties to slavery and its presidents, the baggage remains, said Tony brand because it’s one of the most positive into a victory in a campaign for governor in
champions. Georgetown recently apologized Gray, a freshman offensive lineman from Lo- images nationally among all colleges.” 1963, running on the slogan “Stand Tall With
for its ownership and sale, in 1838, of 272 ganville, Ga. Mr. Gray said he chose Ole Miss Efforts at contextualization gathered Paul.” Some students wondered why the uni-
slaves. Yale said it would rename a building despite warnings from friends. steam after a campus disturbance in Novem- versity would honor him.
honoring an alumnus, John C. Calhoun, a fer- “People around the neighborhood said it’s ber 2012 in which students protested Presi- In reality, the building was named after
vent supporter of slavery. Harvard erected a racist,” Mr. Gray said. dent Barack Obama’s re-election, some Johnson’s father, himself a former governor.
plaque memorializing four slaves owned by Other black students said they were yelling racial epithets. Rather than being contextualized, a “Sr.” will
Harvard presidents during the 1700s. warned, too, but ultimately had positive ex- Besides the dispute over the statue, the be added to the building’s name, the commit-
But perhaps no college has had to handle periences on campus, where about 13 per- biggest argument involved George Hall, tee decided.
the effort as gingerly as Ole Miss. Though cent of undergraduates are black. Yet they named after James Zachariah George, a “Paul Johnson III is a dear friend of mine,”
the Confederate flag was banished from the wondered why some Confederate symbols United States senator who historians say Mr. Barrett said. “He laughed and was good-
campus two decades ago and “Dixie” is no remain. helped lay the foundation for Jim Crow by natured about it. He said his father made it
longer played at football games, the ghosts of “The Confederate soldier is mind-baf- placing a clause in the State Constitution re- very clear during his lifetime that the build-
the Old South still roam the magnolia- fling,” said Jaquann King, a marketing major quiring that voters be able to read or under- ing was named for his father.”
scented campus, and many alumni hold fast from Port Gibson, Miss., referring to the stat- stand it. The rule disenfranchised thousands The renaming of Vardaman Hall requires
to traditions. ue on campus. “Why is that needed? You of Mississippi blacks for decades, and spread approval of the state’s college board. Var-
The Lamar Hall plaque is one of five new have students here who are offended by it.” to other Southern states. daman’s open advocacy of lynching was
ones to be installed to honestly describe the Other traditions are tied to the Confedera- Several committee members wanted deemed “exceptional” by the committee —
offensive history associated with campus cy, often in esoteric ways. As prospective George Hall renamed, even though George meaning that his behavior was beyond the
landmarks and acknowledge the contribu- students toured the campus one day last is an ancestor of a popular retired vice chan- norm even for his day.
tions of slaves. The university announced month, a guide explained why Ole Miss fans cellor, Gloria Kellum, who has worked to re- As for Lamar Hall, its plaque will mention
the moves last month following the recom- wear church clothes to football games. store his home, Cotesworth. Lamar’s slaveholding, adding that “his
mendation of a committee that included fac- The football team, he said, represents the One member suggested that Dr. Kellum’s prominence obscured the active role he
ulty and alumni with a range of views. troops heading off to battle, harking back to kinship was a factor in the decision not to re- played in dismantling Reconstruction in
The committee recommended the renam- 1861 when students enlisted en masse in the name the building. Mississippi to the detriment of the state’s Af-
ing of one building — Vardaman Hall, named Confederate Army. Their families, the tradi- Dr. Kellum, who said she had not been in- rican-American citizens.”
for Gov. James K. Vardaman, who openly ad- tion goes, saw them off wearing their Sunday volved in the deliberations, acknowledged Mr. Barrett said: “I think L.Q.C. Lamar
vocated lynching. best. that “George is a name that’s associated with was one of the greatest statesmen Missis-
The moves put the University of Missis- Even the nickname Ole Miss may be an a lot of history that’s disturbing to people.” sippi has ever produced and I don’t like the
sippi, as the college is formally known, near ode to the way things were; some historians She said that she supported the contextu- plaque, but it was a compromise.”

In Wary Baltimore,
Presence of Police
Offers Scant Comfort
Fear, Mistrust and a Surge in Violence
By RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA this work by ourselves,” said Ms.
and SHERYL GAY STOLBERG Pugh, who took office in Decem-
BALTIMORE — The pop-pop of ber.
gunfire echoed through the Druid So far, residents like Yolanda
Heights neighborhood several Savoy, who lives in the rowhouse
times on Saturday, but a volunteer next to the lot cleared by Ms. Cain
cleanup crew barely reacted to the and the volunteers, see no sign of
familiar sound. Instead, the volun- improvement — either in police
teers noted what was missing: In conduct or in crime-fighting. “I
the hours they spent clearing don’t expect too much, honestly,”
waist-high weeds and broken she said.
glass from a vacant lot, they saw Ms. Savoy, 37, does not let her
no sign of the police. children play outside — not since
They would have liked to have her daughter Jezell, then 8, was
seen a patrol car roll by, but they shot in the foot last year by a stray
were also well aware of recent re- bullet. The man suspected of
minders of the mistrust many Bal- shooting her was fatally shot two
timore residents have of the po- months later.
lice. In the last three weeks, vid- “There’s been a lot of talk of re-
eos became public that appeared form but serious reform hasn’t ac-
to show officers planting drugs in tually started yet,” said Kirsten
two separate incidents, prosecu- Gettys Downs, chief of the city’s PHOTOGRAPHS BY MATT ROTH FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

tors were forced to drop dozens of public defender’s office. “Instead Above, Jezell Savoy, 9, was
cases that relied on the testimony what is happening is people are struck on the foot last year
of officers in those videos, and two getting caught up on the prob-
by a stray bullet. Left, vol-
detectives pleaded guilty to fed-
eral racketeering charges. Even activists who are sharply unteers cleaning a city-
“People want the police to do critical of the police say to give it owned lot in West Balti-
their job and make the community time. The department is still ad- more on Saturday.
safe, but then when the police justing to the body cameras first
show up, people are afraid of what issued last year; the consent de- ory that more intense scrutiny
they’re going to do,” said Darlene cree was not finalized by a federal and criticism — like the upheaval
Cain, one of the volunteers and the judge until April; and a court-ap- in Ferguson, Mo. after the police
president of a local advocacy pointed independent monitor for shooting of Michael Brown in 2014
group, Mothers on the Move. She the Police Department has not — has made officers more cau-
knows those conflicted feelings been named yet. tious.
better than most people; nine Baltimore is on pace for a Arrests here dropped sharply
years ago, her son was killed in a record-high homicide rate this even as violence rose; this year,
confrontation with Baltimore offi- year — roughly double the rate arrests are running more than 40
cers. per 100,000 people in Chicago, a percent below the rate three years
Since Freddie Gray died in April city often described as plagued by ago. But there is disagreement
2015 from injuries sustained in po- violence. A three-day Baltimore about what lies behind the num-
lice custody, this city has endured Ceasefire organized by communi- bers, and whether it is good or bad
rioting, the failed prosecution of ty groups ended on Sunday with — or both.
six officers charged in Mr. Gray’s two homicides — an improvement The police make far fewer of the
death, a surge in violent crime and on the city’s recent average of al- low-level stops, searches and ar-
a jump in drug overdose deaths. A most one per day. rests that black residents, in par-
lacerating Justice Department re- “The violence makes reform so ticular, described as a kind of or-
port documented systematic ra- much harder, but we have to try to ganized abuse, and the consent
cial bias and abuse by the Balti- make it work before we say it can’t decree formalizes limits on those
more Police Department, drawing work,” said Ray Kelly, co-director stops. “That’s most of the decline
we-told-you-so’s from the city’s of No Boundaries Coalition, a — the nuisance arrests,” said
black majority. community advocacy group in William H. Murphy, Jr., a promi-
City officials have made vow af- west-central Baltimore. “There’s nent lawyer who represented Mr.
ter vow to change, including a mix of feelings here, between Gray’s family.
agreeing to a consent decree with guarded hope, and despair that But some critics suspect that of-
the Justice Department to over- nothing’s going to change.” ficers have intentionally shirked
haul the way the police operate. The recent videos recorded by crime-fighting in order to under-
The former mayor fired the police body cameras actually represent mine changes. “It’s almost like
commissioner and appointed a a step forward, because they cap- they’re allowing anarchy to hap-
new one, Kevin Davis, who has ture actions that would previously pen,” Mr. Kelly said.
made changes like equipping offi- have remained secret, said City Several officers, who refused to
cers with body cameras, imposing Councilman Brandon M. Scott, speak on the record, denied that,
mandatory 12-hour shifts to in- chairman of the public safety com- but said they feared that the police
crease staffing, and eliminating mittee. “They are doing exactly being less aggressive on more mi-
plainclothes units in hopes that what we wanted them to do, which nor offenses would lead to higher
uniforms would promote better is to hold people accountable.” crime. Several studies on that
behavior. Sgt. Bob Cherry, former presi- question from around the country
On Wednesday, Mayor Cather- dent of Fraternal Order of Police have been inconclusive, and in
ine E. Pugh announced new anti- Lodge 3, which represents Balti- Baltimore, “no one can say with
violence measures, including in- more officers, said body cameras any confidence” why violence has
creasing street patrols by moving were “something that our guys worsened, or how it is linked to the
officers out of clerical and admin- are buying into, more than they drop in arrests, said Stephen L.
istrative posts, improving the thought they would.” He cau- Morgan, a professor of sociology
analysis of crime data and supply- tioned against making too much of at Johns Hopkins University who
ing the police with equipment that the videos, arguing that the offi- studies the issue.
other cities take for granted, like cers had forgotten to turn their The activists who have spent
data terminals in patrol cars. But cameras on before finding the years demanding that the police
she said improvement would also drugs, and then turned the cam- conference. “We don’t want to The videos are still under inves- There is widespread agreement here change say they understand
require the help of “people whose eras on and re-enacted the drug raise any doubts, because I’m con- tigation, he added, and until that that the Baltimore police have be- the pessimism, but refuse to give
ears are on the ground.” discoveries. vinced that the defendants we are process is complete, “it’s irrespon- come less aggressive since Mr. in to it.
“We know that we’ve got to “If the camera goes off and then arresting, the people we are ar- sible to jump to a conclusion that Gray’s death. That has put the city “This is just the beginning right
drive these numbers down, but we comes back on, it raises doubts,” resting for drugs and guns, are these officers were engaged in at the heart of a national debate now,” Ms. Cain said. “I can’t give
also recognize that we can’t do Mr. Davis said at a recent news people we need to be arresting.” criminal misconduct.” about the Ferguson effect, the the- up. That’s not allowed.”

A Bitter Democratic Dispute in California Is a Warning for the National Party

for Hillary Clinton in last year’s setbacks in Washington. “He has a move the state forward, or do they
From Page A1 presidential election. With his style that is sometimes not the want to sit at home and suck their
final ruling on Ms. Ellis’s allega- gruff demeanor and a strong-as- most warm,” said Ms. Yee, who thumbs?” said John L. Burton, the
tions by Aug. 20; in an interview, ever Bronx accent — no matter supported Ms. Ellis. “That’s a fact. departing Democratic chairman
she said she would go to court if that he came here 40 years ago — And I think he knows that. He can in California, who did not endorse
the party ruled against her. This he has been called “Boss Bau- be abrasive. He can be dismis- a successor. “It was a hard-fought
has left Mr. Bauman, who encoun- man,” as Mr. Bauman himself sive.” election. She did better than any-
tered a barrage of shouts of “not noted in an interview. Ms. Ellis said Mr. Bauman was a body thought she would do. But
my chairman” when he delivered Ms. Ellis said Mr. Bauman and product of the environment creat- she lost. I’ve lost an election. It
his victory speech, struggling to other Democratic leaders repre- ed by the state Democratic Party. ain’t fun. You’ve got to get up and
put behind him a contest that has sented an old-school, top-down “And the environment includes dust yourself off and start all over
been the subject of recounts even style of party leadership that had bullying and a lot of bad behavior,” again.”
as he seeks to position Democrats been rejected by the new wave of she said. Ms. Ellis rejected that argu-
for a challenging congressional Democrats brought into the party Mr. Bauman did not dispute ment as she pledged to continue
election in 2018. by Mr. Sanders last year and by that as he sat behind glass walls in her fight.
“The truth of the matter is, Kim- Ms. Ellis this year. an office of a sleek two-story “One of the false narratives that
berly Ellis cannot accept that she “The Democratic Party is in building with an outdoor terrace has been promoted is that if we
lost the election,” Mr. Bauman many ways right now where the that serves as the state party don’t unify that we are going to
said. “She’s willing to allow the Republican Party was when the MAX WHITTAKER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES headquarters here. “A lot of peo- break the party,” she said.
party to be torn asunder in an ef- Tea Party took over many years ple perceive me as a Tammany Steve McMahon, a Democratic
fort to prove that she really did ago,” she said. “We are in a re- Eric C. Bauman, the chairman of the California Democratic consultant who advised Howard
Party, at the party’s headquarters in Sacramento last week. Hall kind of guy,” he said. “Be-
win. My attitude about this is, I building moment.” Dean, the Vermont governor,
cause I do have that personality.
was elected chair under the rules. “There are a lot of things that when he ran for president in 2004,
And it works. And I use it.”
I have attempted to be the most have gone on here that have really Democratic circles, usually seek re-election next year. compared what is happening with
For the most part, the fight in
open and transparent chair this caused folks to feel that leader- mainly of interest to the most in- The fight in this bluest of states Democrats in California to the Tea
California’s Democratic Party is
party has ever seen.” ship doesn’t care about them or side of insiders. “Remember: We has national repercussions for Party’s emergence in heavily Re-
their voices,” Ms. Ellis added. over tactics, style and person-
Ms. Ellis, 44, has from the start are Democrats. We do this all the Democrats facing similar strug- publican districts in 2010.
“The Democratic Party is not only alities. But there are some differ-
presented herself as an outsider: time,” said Christine Pelosi, a sup- gles about what the party should Mr. McMahon said these strug-
changing but has changed. There ences over issues as well.
It is her first run for party leader- porter of Ms. Ellis who is the head stand for — and how aggressive it gles would probably move the
ship. She has spent the past eight are folks who haven’t gotten that The leader of the California
of the California Democratic should be in challenging Republi- party to the left, with one immedi-
years as the executive director of memo. The way that we did things State Assembly, Anthony Rendon,
Women’s Caucus and a daughter cans — as it prepares for the 2018 ate result: Democrats in places
Emerge America, which recruits before is not going to work going came under fire after he blocked a
of Representative Nancy Pelosi, congressional elections. like California will come under in-
and trains women to run for office. forward.” bill that would have created a
the House minority leader. For all that, Mr. Bauman, 58, is creasing pressure to support sin-
Ms. Ellis — who backed Senator For many Democrats, what is state single-payer health care sys- gle-payer health care, much the
But the stakes appear higher in hardly your run-of-the-mill party
Bernie Sanders in the Democratic particularly worrying is the ex- tem. Mr. Rendon called the legisla- same way opposition to the Iraq
this case. For one thing, California leader. He is openly gay and an Or-
primary race last year — pre- tent to which the lingering battle tion, which had passed in the Sen- war, a central issue for Mr. Dean,
Democrats face a critical political thodox Jew, a nurse by training
sented her candidacy as a chal- illustrates the bitterness between ate, “woefully incomplete,” saying became a litmus test issue for
challenge in 2018 as they seek to who sprinkles his remarks with
lenge to the way the Democratic supporters of Mr. Sanders and capture as many as seven Repub- Hebrew and tears up when talking it failed to account for how to fi- Democrats in 2004.
Party in California does business, those of Mrs. Clinton. The Califor- lican congressional seats, most of about his late mother and the time nance a hugely expensive idea. “You tend to see these kinds of
starting with an animating prom- nia Democratic Party has seen a them in Southern California, a he heard Bill Clinton, running for His move was attacked by, among things first in areas where there is
ise: “Giving the Democratic Party surge of active members since central part of the national party’s the Democratic presidential nomi- others, the powerful state nurses’ single-party dominance,” Mr. Mc-
Back to the People.” If she had Election Day, not only in response effort to win back Congress. Cali- nation in 1992, appealing for gay union — and by Mr. Bauman, who Mahon said. “You’re going to start
been elected, she would have been to Mr. Trump and his policies, but fornia is heading into a potentially support at a rally in Hollywood at called it an “unambiguous disap- seeing this in other parts of the
the first African-American to lead also because of Mr. Sanders’s suc- turbulent governor’s race next the height of the AIDS crisis. pointment.” country in Democratic primaries
the state party. cess in stirring enthusiasm. year as Mr. Brown — a widely re- But as much as Ms. Ellis is por- Party leaders have urged Ms. — typically in districts where
By contrast, Mr. Bauman has But in some ways, these are the spected, stabilizing force in Dem- trayed by her supporters as the fu- Ellis and her supporters to unite there is not an effective voice on
spent 30 years working for the kind of internecine fights — be ocratic politics — steps down after ture of the Democratic Party, Mr. the party. the right. There will be those left-
Democratic Party, including lead- they between the old guard and two terms. The party could also be Bauman is perceived as the face of “It’s basically up to those who further left primaries in those dis-
ing the Los Angeles County Dem- new faces, or between liberals and enmeshed in a Senate race if Di- the establishment Democratic supported Kimberly: Do they tricts where the further-left nomi-
ocratic Party. He was a delegate moderates — that are common in anne Feinstein, who is 84, does not Party they blame for the party’s want to help elect Democrats, nee will win.”


V.A. Signals Move to Fire Its Washington Medical Director, Again

By NICHOLAS FANDOS tary of veterans affairs, to put to a put an employee back in a position verse actions, including demo- “lack of confidence” in the Veter- “experienced significant delays”
WASHINGTON — The head of high profile test the powers of the when he allowed the facility to tions and firings, to the independ- ans Health Administration, which because staff from the medical
the Veterans Affairs Department new law, signed in June by Presi- pose potential safety risks to our ent board. Instead, they have just knew about some of the problems, center were unusually slow in pro-
told lawmakers he intends to try dent Trump. The law is meant to veterans,” Mr. Shulkin said in a 21 days to appeal such a decision to properly deal with the matter. ducing requested documents.
out a new law that makes it easier help the secretary remove bad ac- statement. to an internal board composed of There were $150 million in sup- Mr. Shulkin indicated to the con-
to fire — and keep fired — defi- tors and restore trust in the more The Washington Medical Cen- fellow senior executives or take plies that could not be accounted gressional leaders that he would
cient department employees. The than 350,000-person agency. ter, one of the nation’s largest and the matter to court. for because the center had no ef- use these findings to initiate the
test case: the former director of To do so, Mr. Shulkin has indi- most prominent, employs more Rank and file department em- fective inventory system. Storage new removal proceedings, con-
the agency’s main medical center cated to congressional leaders than 2,000 people and counts al- ployees can continue to appeal to facilities for sterile supplies were gressional aides said.
here. that he plans to abandon the earli- most 100,000 veterans among its the Merit Systems Protection found to be dirty. And critical man- After he was removed from his
The center’s director, Brian er effort to oust Mr. Hawkins. In- patients. Mr. Hawkins became its Board, but they have only 180 days agement vacancies had pre- post, Mr. Hawkins was temporar-
Hawkins, oversaw an operation stead, he would remove Mr. director in 2011, after a long run vented any meaningful action, ily reassigned to the Office of Dep-
that the department’s inspector Hawkins with fresh evidence from through a series of other veterans even though the department uty Undersecretary of Health for
general said was plagued by the the inspector general and do it us- medical sites. knew about many of the problems. Operations and Management,
“highest levels of chaos.” After the
inspector general findings were
ing the new law, which affords
fewer protections for the accused.
The current case against Mr.
Hawkins predates the new law,
An agency’s chief may Mr. Missal’s office is expected to
issue a final report, including yet
where according to the merit
board, he has not been assigned
released in a rare interim report in It was unclear when Mr.
Shulkin intends to make such a
meaning that, like most federal test a new law signed undisclosed findings, this fall. any “substantive duties.”
April, the department immedi- employees, he was able to appeal In the meantime, though, the of- Mr. Hawkins appeal contends
ately transferred Mr. Hawkins to a move. Mr. Hawkins could chal- the department’s decision to the by the president. fice publicly released a separate that beginning in January he
job at its nearby headquarters. It lenge the action in court or appeal independent Merit Systems Pro- report on August 1 that concluded sought help to address the logis-
then fired him in late July, saying it to a new, internal review board tection Board. A judge for the that Mr. Hawkins had violated the tics lapses later raised in the in-
in a statement that he had “failed composed of his fellow senior ex- board placed a stay on Mr. department’s policies by sharing spector general’s report, first with
to provide effective leadership at ecutives. A lawyer representing Hawkins’s proposed removal on to do so and will no longer be paid sensitive information about his the department’s acting procure-
the medical center” or live up to Mr. Hawkins could not immedi- August 2 for 45 days to allow the during the appeals process. employees and administrative de- ment officer and later with the in-
the department’s values. ately be reached for comment. special counsel representing him Federal employees unions have cision making in his and his wife’s spector general’s office.
But now, the government’s In a statement on Wednesday, to conduct an investigation into adamantly opposed the account- personal email accounts. The stay order indicated that
Merit Systems Protection Board the department said it had com- whether Mr. Hawkins’s was im- ability law. They say it a danger- The probe was unable to sub- Mr. Hawkins would be reinstated
has issued a stay on the removal plied with the stay but would properly retaliated against as a ous precedent for eroding worker stantiate another allegation that to “the position he held prior to re-
proceedings, buying Mr. Hawkins “quickly” reassess Mr. Hawkins’s whistle-blower. protections and opens employees Mr. Hawkins had “attempted to moval” for the duration of the 45-
time to build a defense that he was employment given the new evi- Under the new law, the Ac- up to unfair or arbitrary retalia- impede” an investigation into day stay. In its statement, the de-
wrongly terminated and return to dence and authority. countability and Whistleblower tion by managers. whether or not he had given thou- partment specified that it had re-
work. “No judge who has never run a Protection Act, senior department The inspector general, Michael sands of dollars in bonuses with- turned him to an administrative
That, in turn, has opened the hospital and never cared for our executives like Mr. Hawkins are J. Missal, said he issued the April out proper justifications. It did position at headquarters, not to
door for David Shulkin, the secre- nation’s veterans will force me to no longer allowed to appeal ad- interim report because he had a find, though, that investigators the medical center.

F.B.I. Search
Is Indication
Russia Case
Has Widened
From Page A1
and foreign banking records, sug-
gests that investigators are look-
ing at criminal charges related to
the federal Bank Secrecy Act,
which requires Americans to re-
port their foreign banking ac-
It was already known that Mr.
Manafort was under investigation
for his business dealings with his
son-in-law; his role in a meeting
on June 9, 2016, between Trump
campaign officials and Russians;
and whether his work for the
Ukrainian government violated
the Foreign Agents Registration
Mr. Manafort’s spokesman con-
firmed that an F.B.I. raid was car-
ried out around July 25, but pro-
vided no details on the documents
that might have been taken.
“Mr. Manafort has consistently
cooperated with law enforcement
and other serious inquiries and
did so on this occasion as well,”
said Jason Maloni, the spokes-
man. News of the search warrant
was first reported on Wednesday
by The Washington Post.
The warrant is the latest trou-
bling development for Mr. Man- Paul Manafort, then Donald J. Trump’s campaign chairman, at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July 2016. Mr. Manafort resigned a month later.
afort, a longtime Republican oper-
ative who has spent the last cou- sures that have raised questions sians. Mr. Sharman, now a white-collar the government rarely brings Ukraine through early 2014, when
ple of decades working abroad as about his business dealings, as “A search warrant is very brac- criminal defense lawyer at Light- those cases to trial. In July, Mr. his main client there, President
a consultant to foreign govern- well as his participation in the ing for the person who is being foot, Franklin & White. “The gov- Manafort’s consulting firm retro- Viktor F. Yanukovych, was ousted
ments. June 2016 meeting between searched,” said Jack Sharman, the ernment will then come after you actively filed forms with the Jus- in a popular uprising and fled to
Mr. Manafort was hired by Mr. Trump campaign officials and former special counsel to the on something unrelated, where tice Department to be in compli- Russia.
Trump’s campaign in early 2016 as Russians claiming to have damag- House Banking Committee during you have criminal exposure, in the ance with the act. The New York Times reported
it prepared for a potential dele- ing information on Hillary Clin- its Whitewater investigation of hopes that you will cooperate on According to financial records, in June that federal authorities
gate fight at the Republican Na- ton. President Bill Clinton in the 1990s. their public corruption investiga- Mr. Manafort had bank accounts were examining real estate deals
tional Convention. In June, he was The search was carried out at “It’s very invasive and sends a tion.” in Cyprus — a well-known tax ha- by Mr. Manafort’s son-in-law, Jeff-
named campaign chairman but Mr. Manafort’s home in Alexan- loud statement from the prosecu- One of the issues the special ven that is often used for money rey Yohai, for luxury homes in
resigned just two months later dria, Va., shortly after he met with tors to the person that there counsel’s office has already exam- laundering. The banks were used New York and California. The
amid reports that he had received investigators for the Senate Intel- should be no doubts about the se- ined is whether Mr. Manafort’s during the years Mr. Manafort deals were funded by Mr. Man-
millions of dollars in off-the-book ligence Committee on July 25. In riousness of the investigation.” work for the Ukranian govern- worked in Ukraine as a consultant afort, and F.B.I. agents have re-
payments for his consulting work that meeting, Mr. Manafort an- “The government will be inves- ment violated the Foreign Agents to the pro-Russia Party of Re- viewed financial records related
in Ukraine. swered questions and provided in- tigating something like public cor- Registration Act. It is not clear gions. to Mr. Yohai, who has been ac-
Since then, Mr. Manafort has vestigators with notes from the ruption, and it knows that you how seriously prosecutors are ta- In his July filing, Mr. Manafort cused in a lawsuit of defrauding
been battered by a series of disclo- June 2016 meeting with the Rus- know something about it,” said king that matter, in part because disclosed his lobbying efforts in investors.

City in Maryland May Let Noncitizens Vote, a Practice With U.S. Precedent
By MAGGIE ASTOR zens as well as the residents af- time, Americans did not univer-
As a federal commission fected by the proposal. sally regard as “white,” and whose
searches for evidence of voter Many opponents of such meas- political views were deemed sus-
fraud and many states try to im- ures say they will devalue citizen- pect — flowed into the United
pose new voting restrictions, a ship, perhaps leading fewer immi- States in the late 19th and early
city in Maryland may move in the grants to seek it. Others argue 20th centuries, anti-immigrant
opposite direction: allowing non- that it will diminish the voting sentiment drove the country away
citizens to vote in local elections. process by including people who from noncitizen voting, said Ron
In College Park, home to the are not invested in or loyal to Hayduk, an associate professor of
University of Maryland’s flagship America. political science at San Francisco
campus, the City Council is debat- “The feedback that I’ve gotten State University and an expert on
ing a measure introduced by from my residents in District 4 has noncitizen voting laws.
Councilwoman Christine Nagle been almost overwhelming The repeal of these laws co-
that would give noncitizens — a against the proposed change in incided with the enactment of
broad category that includes our charter,” said Councilwoman other restrictions, like poll taxes,
green-card holders, students with Mary C. Cook, who noted that her literacy tests and voter registra-
visas and undocumented immi- husband and brother were natu- tion requirements. And the return
grants — the right to cast ballots ralized citizens. of these laws in scattered munici-
for the city’s mayor, council mem- Many of her constituents, Ms. palities has also coincided with a
bers and other local officials. Cook said, believe that before vot- shift in the way immigrants are
Startling though it may seem, ing, people should “be in the coun- CHANG W. LEE/THE NEW YORK TIMES
the proposal has extensive prece- try for a certain length of time so Ms. Nagle, the sponsor of the
dent both in the United States and they can acquire a familiarity with Voters in College Park, Md., in 2008. The City Council may open local elections to noncitizens. College Park measure, said she
worldwide: Forty states used to the city, the country, the language, understood why some people
allow noncitizen voting, and doz- and pledge their allegiance to week before, on Sept. 5, to discuss chusetts — Amherst, Brookline, municipalities can set their own “feel that voting is a right tied to
ens of countries currently do. America.” whether to put the measure to a Cambridge and Newton — have policies, and state and federal citizenship.” In fact, she said, she
“Our neighbors have children in At a City Council meeting on referendum in November. statutes that would allow legal courts have held that noncitizen once felt that way, too.
school, work, pay property taxes Tuesday, residents voiced opposi- The College Park proposal is permanent residents to vote, but voting laws are constitutional. But “about two years ago,
and income taxes, and make their tion and support. One attendee, not the first of its kind. Ten munici- cannot put them into effect unless For a large part of American someone mentioned that it didn’t
home in College Park just like we Larry Provost, said that the pro- palities in Maryland, mostly in the the state passes legislation. history, suffrage for noncitizens in seem right for students who are
do,” Ms. Nagle wrote in an email. posal “threatens to dilute the Washington metropolitan area, One reason these policies are local elections was the rule, not here for a short time to have the
“As residents of our community, I meaning of citizenship in our have already adopted similar disproportionately common in the exception. From 1776 to 1926, right to vote and residents who
think, they also should be able to country,” according to The Wash- ones; the most recent, Hyattsville Maryland is that local officials 40 states allowed it in some form, have lived here many years not
have a say in electing the city’s ington Post. Another, Olivia De- and Mount Rainier, did so within there can implement them with- at some point. When voting was have the ability to vote because
leadership.” laplaine, said, “These are people the past nine months. San Fran- out state permission. restricted to white, male property they are not U.S. citizens,” she
From 2011 to 2015, according to who live here and who are af- ciscans voted in November to al- Under the Illegal Immigration owners, citizenship was not the wrote in her email. “As I thought
the United States Census Bureau, fected by decisions this council low noncitizens to vote in school Reform and Immigrant Responsi- central qualification. about it, I began to think, ‘Why
21.1 percent of College Park’s pop- makes.” board elections if they have a child bility Act of 1996, noncitizens are But as millions of people from wouldn’t we want our neighbors
ulation was foreign-born. That Council members postponed a in their district’s public schools. barred from voting in national the southern and eastern regions who live in this community to
number includes naturalized citi- vote to Sept. 12. They will meet a Four municipalities in Massa- elections. However, states and of Europe — people whom, at the have the ability to vote?’”


Even on Break, Congress Gets No Respite From President Trump, Angry

At Criticism,
No Way to Escape
Twitter Fatigue Lashes Out
WASHINGTON — Washington
needs a vacation from itself.
“Doing nothing is exhausting,”
said Jason Chaffetz, the former WASHINGTON — President
Republican congressman from Trump lashed out on Wednesday
Utah, whose head start began at the Senate majority leader,
with a surprise resignation in Mitch McConnell, Republican of
June. Kentucky, who suggested this
Yet for those who remain in week that the president harbored
Congress — and across the city’s “excessive expectations” about
motley roster of aides, journalists, the pace of congressional
consultants and lobbyists — the progress.
collective exhaling over this Au- “Senator Mitch McConnell said
gust recess has been complicated, I had ‘excessive expectations,’ but
as ever, by President Trump. I don’t think so,” Mr. Trump wrote
on Twitter on Wednesday after-
No commander in chief in re-
noon, as he and lawmakers took
cent memory has rendered
time away from Washington dur-
elected officials more vacation-
ing the August recess. “After 7
ready. Nor has any exacted a years of hearing Repeal & Re-
greater psychic toll on them once place, why not done?”
they got away. The executive scolding fol-
The result has been a recess on lowed the president’s bitter disap-
edge, with daily prayers to the pointment with the Senate’s fail-
swamp gods that the president re- ure to dismantle the Affordable
frain from any sudden move- Care Act last month — and sup-
ments that would upset the hard- plied perhaps the most potent evi-
won quiet. dence yet that Mr. Trump,
“Under this presidency, every seething over the lack of major
hour feels like a day. Every day achievements in his first year, will
feels like a week. Every week feels not hesitate to train fire on allies.
like a month,” said Representative Before Mr. Trump’s tweet, he
Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat of spoke by phone with Mr. McCon-
New York. “Both the American nell to express his disappointment
people and the Congress do need a in the senator’s comments, ac-
mental health break.” cording to a person with knowl-
It has indeed been a particu- AL DRAGO FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES edge of the call.
larly long seven-twelfths of a year, Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska, arrived at the Capitol last week for a final vote before Congress took its August recess. Growing animated, Mr. Trump
by any measure except math. emphasized that he would contin-
Tweets have been tweeted. Resist- ue to push for a repeal, the person
ers are resisting. Bills have rarely A short while later, an aide the majority leader, said that the output of a Republican-led Con- News as a contributor upon leav- said, and suggested Mr. McCon-
become laws, but the journey has reached the senator with an up- chamber would remain in session gress. “There’s not a lot of sympa- ing office, said he had quit in part nell do the same.
been taxing. date: The president was at it until midmonth. Mr. Trump him- thy there at all, especially on the because he grew weary of stalled Mr. McConnell’s office declined
Of course, the first rule of Wash- again. self had insisted that lawmakers Senate side.” progress on signature policies. to confirm the call or address
ington vacation is that it must not “Interesting to watch Senator stay in town until the health care At the same time, lawmakers “I didn’t leave because I got questions about it.
Richard Blumenthal of Connecti- impasse was resolved. (He also have grown defensive, perhaps tired of winning,” he said, though The president’s message ech-
be labeled a vacation.
cut talking about hoax Russian called out Mr. McConnell on justifiably, at the suggestion that not before detailing his post-con- oed the criticisms in recent days
“Meetings and calls!” Mr.
collusion when he was a phony Wednesday in a tweet expressing their time at home is not produc- gressional ventures: “I’ve been to from many conservative news
Trump posted on Twitter from his
Vietnam con artist!” Mr. Trump further disappointment in the re- tive. Hawaii, going to Africa, reintro- media figures and activists, who
club in Bedminster, N.J., over the peal stumble.)
wrote. Before joining the Senate, Representative Beto O’Rourke, duced myself to my family. It’s blame Mr. McConnell for failing to
weekend, describing his getaway Mr. Blumenthal made misleading By last Thursday, three days Democrat of Texas, said that while been great.” corral the necessary 51 votes to
plans as he began a 17-day out-of- remarks about having “served in into August, bipartisan consensus he was spending the recess cam- He will not be there in Septem- keep the repeal effort alive.
town residency. A social media Vietnam” when in fact he served reigned inside the Capitol in the paigning to unseat Senator Ted ber, when the tussles over tax pol- Yet by antagonizing Mr. McCon-
spy soon spotted him in a golf cart. in a Marine Reserve unit in Wash- case of Washington v. Anywhere Cruz next year, he would “much icy boil over, when the debt ceiling nell, the president’s often inscru-
Among members of Congress, ington. Mr. Trump himself re- Else. rather be at work.” deadline is nigh. He will probably table Senate partner in conserva-
“district work period” is the pre- ceived five deferments from the Sensing the prospect of mass Representative Dan Donovan, not miss it. tive policy making, Mr. Trump
ferred euphemism, though many draft, including one for bad feet. exodus, lawmakers swiftly passed Republican of New York, said And already by Tuesday risks upending an already
do spend much of their month vis- Asked hours later how his re- important legislation to finance members were “just working in a evening, lawmakers had been charged relationship with law-
iting with constituents. cess was going, Mr. Blumenthal the Food and Drug Administra- different place.” compelled to snap to attention makers who have joined him in
Already, Mr. Trump has found drew a long breath. tion, approved dozens of presiden- “A lot of people say, ‘Oh, Con- once more. Mr. Trump told report- this shotgun marriage of unified
ways to encroach. “Well,” he said by phone. “It tial nominees and set off on their gress is on vacation for five ers at his golf club that he would Republican government.
It is clear by now that Twitter feels like it’s barely begun.” He “state work period.” weeks,’” Mr. Donovan said, de- unleash “fire and fury” against Mr. McConnell’s team sought to
cannot be left unmonitored. Even added that he was on the way to No votes, no caucus meetings, scribing a recess that has already North Korea if it endangered the play down any animosity, noting
workaday cable news appear- visit a veterans’ health center. no reporters lurking around every included constituent meetings United States. that he also hopes to proceed on a
ances run the risk of rousing the For Republicans, the break has corner of their workplace. and an effort to change toll policy Instantly, staff members repeal of the Affordable Care Act,
First Viewer, especially if adverse delivered a different kind of angst No shoes, no shirt, no problem. on the Verrazano-Narrows strained to catch up, hustling in despite the setbacks.
weather upends executive tee after a failed health care repeal ef- Except, well. Bridge, and which will soon fea- their home offices. Statements “The leader has spoken repeat-
times in New Jersey. fort in the Senate. Most have cho- “It’s hard for me to say that they ture a speech in Norway spon- were prepared in their bosses’ edly about the path forward re-
On Monday morning, with con- sen to avoid the types of raucous shouldn’t be there right now,” said sored by the Aspen Institute. “It’s names. The city stirred, grudg- garding Obamacare repeal on the
ditions soggy in Bedminster, Sen- town hall settings that could pro- Jason Pye, the vice president of not a vacation.” ingly. Senate floor, at media availabil-
ator Richard Blumenthal, Demo- voke confrontations with voters. legislative affairs at Freedom- Those who have left this life be- Washington had not been sleep- ities multiple times and in Ken-
crat of Connecticut, spoke with But at least they are home. Works, a conservative advocacy hind seem disinclined to turn ing. It was just resting its eyes. tucky,” his spokeswoman, Antonia
CNN about investigations into Mr. Initially, Senator Mitch McCon- group, echoing a widespread view back. And it was time, like it or not, for Ferrier, said in an email. “If he has
Trump and his team. nell, Republican of Kentucky and among activists angry with the Mr. Chaffetz, who joined Fox meetings and calls. any new statements, I’ll be sure to
pass them along.”
Mr. McConnell’s initial remarks
were pointed, but hardly scorch-

5 Transgender Service Members Sue Trump Over Military Ban ing. Speaking at a gathering this
week in Kentucky, Mr. McConnell
mounted a defense of the cham-
By CHARLIE SAVAGE lying on the Pentagon itself saying ber’s work, arguing that compli-
they would be permitted to serve. cated legislation takes time.
WASHINGTON — Five trans- “Part of the reason I think that
gender people serving in the Colonel Haverstick said the mil-
the story line is that we haven’t
United States military sued Presi- itary was “aware of the lawsuit;
done much is because, in part, the
dent Trump and top Pentagon offi- however, we are not able to com-
president and others have set
cials on Wednesday, asking that ment due to the pending litiga-
these early timelines about things
transgender troops be allowed to tion.”
need to be done by a certain
stay in the military. Other rights groups preparing point,” the senator said. “Our new
The lawsuit was filed in re- similar legal challenges said on president, of course, has not been
sponse to Mr. Trump’s ban Wednesday that they were still in this line of work before. And I
abruptly announced last month on holding off. Among them are both think he had excessive expecta-
Twitter. Outserve and Lambda, which tions about how quickly things
The plaintiffs filed the lawsuit have said they are recruiting happen in the democratic
under pseudonyms — “Jane Doe” plaintiffs for a joint lawsuit when process.”
the matter is ripe, a legal term Though he has generally been a
Nos. 1-5 — in the United States
meaning the facts of a case have loyal steward of the president’s
District Court for the District of
developed enough for a decision. agenda, Mr. McConnell has
Columbia. The case was orga-
“We have not yet filed suit, al- tweaked him at times this year, in-
nized by two rights groups, the
though we stand ready to do so,” cluding several pointed dismiss-
National Center for Lesbian
Jon Davidson, the Lambda legal als of Mr. Trump’s calls to do away
Rights and GLBTQ Legal Advo-
director, said on Wednesday. “We with the legislative filibuster.
cates & Defenders, or GLAD.
have been awaiting confirmation Mr. McConnell has also repeat-
Other rights groups — like
that the White House has trans- edly encouraged the president to
Lambda, Outserve and the Ameri-
mitted a final guidance, directive tweet less.
can Civil Liberties Union — have or other instructions to the De- On Wednesday, Republicans in
also said they are preparing law- partment of Defense, which, to the Washington were reminded why,
suits but are holding off until the best of our knowledge, has not yet particularly as the party seeks to
Trump administration takes a occurred.” confront tax policy, a debt ceiling
step to put the ban into effect, such James D. Esseks, director of the deadline and perhaps a revived
as issuing formal guidance to the American Civil Liberties Union’s health care repeal push when law-
military or beginning the process Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgen- makers return next month.
of changing military rules. der & HIV Project, said that his “Attacking the Senate majority
But Shannon Minter, the legal group was also holding back, but leader of your own party is utterly
director for the National Center noted that it had sent a letter to the incomprehensible and completely
White House asking it to preserve wrongheaded,” said Michael
lieved the case was already ripe Demonstrators gathered in front of the White House in July to protest a possible ban. all documents related to the mat- Steel, a Republican strategist who
for a lawsuit because active trans- ter in anticipation of future litiga- was an aide to the former House
gender service members — such tion. speaker John A. Boehner and to
That permitted transgender Mattis, the defense secretary, is- House counsel’s office, to be com-
as those deciding whether to re- Even if the administration has Jeb Bush, a Republican presiden-
members currently serving to sued new guidelines. municated to the Department of
enlist — were already being not yet transformed Mr. Trump’s tial candidate in 2016. “There is no
come out openly; openly trans- “In the meantime, we will con- Defense.”
harmed by the uncertainty creat- Twitter announcement into policy, positive result for the president or
gender people are set to be al- tinue to treat all of our personnel Still, as of Wednesday, the
ed by Mr. Trump’s statements on it remains possible that it will do his agenda in these attacks.”
lowed to join the military starting with respect,” General Dunford White House had yet to send any
Twitter. next year. so by the time a judge has to de- It is unclear how Mr. McCon-
said in a letter to the military serv- specific policy directive to the
“It is critical to act now because cide whether the new lawsuit is nell’s remarks, made Monday at a
But on July 26, without warn- ice chiefs. Pentagon, said Lt. Col. Paul Ha-
the harms are happening now,” ripe for adjudication or should be Rotary Club event, hit the presi-
ing, Mr. Trump stated on Twitter On Aug. 4, The Blade, a newspa- verstick, a military spokesman.
Mr. Minter said. “These service dismissed, experts said. dent’s radar. As recently as Tues-
that the government “will not ac- per for lesbian, gay, bisexual and He said General Dunford’s state-
members deserve to know where Regardless, Mr. Minter ex- day evening, Mr. Trump was de-
cept or allow transgender individ- transgender people, reported, cit- ment from two weeks ago re-
they stand.” pressed confidence that the suit ploying his Twitter account for a
uals to serve in any capacity in the ing unnamed sources, that a pol- mained in effect.
A 2014 study by the Williams In- had not been filed too quickly. He cause Mr. McConnell cherishes,
U.S. Military.” The announcement icy guidance for reinstating the “There is no change,” he said.
stitute at the University of Califor- noted that defending against the endorsing Senator Luther
caught the military off guard, and ban had been approved by the “We are still waiting for more
nia, Los Angeles, estimated that case would force the White House Strange of Alabama, a week be-
there was no plan for what to do White House counsel’s office and guidance from the White House.”
about 8,800 transgender people to talk about the status of plans to fore his Republican primary in a
about those now serving openly. by Mr. Trump and was expected to The lawsuit complaint argued
were serving on active duty, with special election. Mr. McConnell
Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the be delivered to Mr. Mattis. that banning transgender people reinstate the ban, and he argued
thousands more in the National has been seeking to boost Mr.
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Mr. Minter said that based on from serving in the military would that there was “no downside” to a
Guard and reserve; a 2016 study Strange, who took office after Mr.
Staff, responded to Mr. Trump’s that report, “We wanted to move be unconstitutional discrimina- strategy of moving ahead now.
by the RAND Corporation esti- Trump named Jeff Sessions as his
Twitter statements by saying the as quickly as possible to nip that in tion, violating their rights to equal “I don’t think we will get dis- attorney general.
mated that there were about 2,450 current policy about who was al- the bud.” The lawsuit’s complaint protection and due process. It also missed on ripeness because peo-
such active-duty troops. lowed to serve had not changed stated that “upon information and argued that the Pentagon could ple are being harmed now,” he
In 2016, the Obama administra- and would remain in place until belief, the White House turned not end people’s military careers said. “But if we do, we will be right Matt Flegenheimer reported from
tion, after extensive study, lifted a the White House sent the Defense that decision into official guid- for coming out openly as trans- back as soon as there is any addi- Washington, and Maggie Ha-
prior ban on transgender troops. Department new rules and Jim ance, approved by the White gender because they did so in re- tional movement.” berman from New York.

Say Season
For Storms
Won’t Relent
Government forecasters said
Wednesday that the Atlantic
hurricane season, already a
busy one, may be the busiest
since 2010 and is likely to
produce two to five major hurri-
“There’s a possibility that the
season could be extremely ac-
tive,” said Gerry Bell, the lead
seasonal hurricane forecaster
with the Climate Prediction Cen-
ter, a division of the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-
ministration. In all, he said, the
center was forecasting 14 to 19
named storms, with winds of 39
miles per hour or higher, includ-
ing five to nine hurricanes.
Major hurricanes are defined
as Category 3 and above, with
sustained winds of 111 m.p.h. or
The hurricane season, which
runs from June through Novem-
ber, has already been active,
with six named tropical storms.
The latest, Franklin, is expected
to reach hurricane strength
Wednesday night, Dr. Bell said,
with winds above 73 m.p.h., be-
fore making landfall in the Yu-
catán Peninsula in Mexico.
This telescope in South Africa failed to observe the passage of the Kuiper belt object 2014 MU69 in June. Scientists succeeded a month later from Argentina. most active from August
through October, which is why
the National Oceanic and At-

Chasing Shadows of a Tiny World Beyond Pluto mospheric Administration of-

fers a midseason update each
In May, Dr. Bell and his team
By KENNETH CHANG for somewhere for New Horizons passed. forecast an above-normal sea-
This summer, scientists criss- to visit after Pluto. A few hours later, Amanda M. son, with 11 to 17 named storms
crossed two oceans, braved wind All Hubble could see was a Zangari, a Southwest Research and as many as four major hurri-
and cold and deployed two dozen slowly moving speck of light — Institute scientist on the New Ho- canes. In a typical year, the At-
telescopes — all for five blinks of enough to calculate an orbit and rizons team, was staring blearily lantic will have 12 named storms
starlight that lasted a second or determine that New Horizons at her laptop analyzing the data and three major hurricanes. The
less. could reach it. But almost every- from one of the telescopes. 2010 season was exceptional,
For the team working with thing else about MU69 was a mys- In her exhaustion, the data was with 12 hurricanes, including five
NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft, tery or a guess. Not even the larg- not making sense to her. Then it major ones, among 19 storms.
which made a spectacular flyby of est, most powerful telescopes on hit her. “I realized it didn’t make
Dr. Bell said that as the season
Pluto two years ago, those smidg- Earth can see it at all. any sense, because the occulta-
has progressed, the forecast has
ens of data provide intriguing The New Horizons scientists tion star was missing,” she said.
become more confident, with a
hints about the spacecraft’s next could, however, learn more about Five telescopes, it turned out,
60 percent likelihood that the
destination, a distant frozen world it during a few chance moments had detected the star’s vanishing
season will be above normal,
that is believed to be a pristine, when a star in the night sky mo- for up to about a second.
mentarily vanished because compared with 45 percent in
undisturbed fragment from the The success also confirmed that
MU69 passed in front of it. May. The likelihood of a below-
earliest days of the solar system. the Sofia observations a week ear-
average season is now only 10
New Horizons will fly past it on From the distance to MU69, its lier had barely missed the occulta-
speed and how long the star winks percent, down from 20 percent.
Jan. 1, 2019. tion and were close enough to the
out, astronomers can calculate the shadow to be useful. Preliminary Dr. Bell said conditions that
But the object is so far away — a A rendering of one possible version of 2014 MU69, the next were predicted before the sea-
billion miles beyond Pluto — and width of the object. analysis found no signs of dim-
It turned out that a bonanza of flyby target for NASA’s New Horizons mission. ming, indicating there are no son have developed and are
so small — no more than 20 miles likely to persist. Those include
wide — that almost nothing was three such events, known as oc- clouds of debris in the neighbor-
cultations, were expected to occur rica, to the sky. he was confident, with the addi- hood of MU69 that could imperil warmer-than-average ocean
known about it.
within a two-month period this The telescopes took more than tional Hubble measurements, that New Horizons. temperatures, which add energy
From the five blinks, obtained
year, on June 3, July 10 and July 17, 100,000 images of the star, waiting they would capture the vanishing The five blinks established the to storms, and weaker-than-av-
with exhausting effort, scientists
as MU69 passed in front of three for MU69 to pass in front of it. of a star this time. But mission odd shape. If it is one skinny pota- erage trade winds and wind
now know that it has an odd
different stars. But the star never vanished. managers also always worry to, MU69 is no more than 20 miles shear. Adding to the confidence
“That’s just crazy,” Dr. Buie The scientists had completely about the so-called unknown un- long. If it is two spheres circling is that there is even less likeli-
Instead of round like a ball it ap-
said. “That’s just how the dice missed the shadow. knowns. Perhaps something un- each other, each is about nine to 12 hood that El Niño will develop.
pears to be more like a long,
skinny potato — or maybe two ob- rolled on this one.” “I was physically and emotion- anticipated in the Hubble data miles wide. El Niño can result in wind shear,
jects in close orbit around each But they did not have the data ally exhausted, psychically dam- was deceiving them about MU69’s Many Kuiper belt objects in this which disrupts storms as they
other, possibly even touching. — sufficiently precise star loca- aged,” Dr. Buie said. position. region are binaries, although most develop.
“It’s like, wow, this is going to be tions — to know exactly where to In late June and early July, Hub- The July 17 shadow was pre- are considerably larger than The forecasters made no pre-
really cool,” said Marc W. Buie, an set up telescopes. ble made additional observations dicted to pass over Comodoro Ri- MU69. If one this small can be a dictions about whether storms
astronomer at the Southwest Re- “We say it’s hard, and it is,” Dr. of MU69 that refined the orbit. vadavia, a city along the Atlantic binary, that may change the un- may make landfall or whether
search Institute in Boulder, Colo., Buie said. “If you’re not in the The July 10 occultation track coast of South America. Comodo- derstanding of how Kuiper belt they would track into the Gulf of
who led the observations. “We shadow, you don’t see it. Even a mostly passed over the southern ro’s nickname is “the capital of objects formed. Mexico or along the Atlantic
don’t know what we’re going to year ago, this would have been Pacific. This time, the New Hori- wind.” In the middle of winter, the Mission managers can still coast. Storm direction is affected
find.” categorically impossible.” zons scientists took off from weather was also cold. tweak the flyby time of the New by the weather patterns in place
While Pluto is the biggest object But they were lucky again be- Christchurch, New Zealand, in So- “It was a pretty intense event,” Horizons spacecraft by a couple of as the storm develops and
in the ring of icy debris beyond cause a European Space Agency fia, a NASA 747 equipped with an Dr. Stern said. “Your telescopes hours. Ideally, they want to view moves. Those are predictable
Neptune known as the Kuiper mission called Gaia was method- 8.2-foot-diameter telescope. They were shaking.” the broad side of MU69 and opti- only five to seven days in ad-
belt, this object with the designa- ically mapping more than a billion headed north, toward Fiji, to inter- At several observing sites, trac- mize geometry of tracking sta- vance, Dr. Bell said.
tion 2014 MU69 is among the stars in the Milky Way galaxy. cept the shadow and returned 10 tor-trailer trucks served as wind- tions on Earth during the flyby. But usually, he said, in a more
smallest. It orbits more than four New Horizons scientists got an hours later. breaks, as did contraptions made “We’re working through all active season more storms form
billion miles from the sun, and it is early look at the catalog in late Again, the star never disap- of poles and canvas. those mathematical issues,” Dr. farther south, in the tropical At-
like a time capsule, promising April. peared. They had missed the op- A highway was shut for a couple Stern said. lantic. “Those are storms that
clues about how the planets Dr. Buie had been scrambling to portunity again. of hours so that the headlights of Another occultation is possible typically track further west-
formed. gather equipment and observers, They immediately headed back cars and trucks would not spoil in August next year. The scientists ward,” he said. “They’re also in
Astronomers using the Hubble and on June 3, 50 team members to Argentina for one more try. the observations. have not decided whether they conducive conditions for longer,
Space Telescope first spied it turned 24 telescopes on two conti- S. Alan Stern, the principal in- The skies were clear, and the will chase the shadow one more so they have a greater chance of
three years ago as they searched nents, in Argentina and South Af- vestigator of New Horizons, said time of the shadow, 12:50 a.m., time. becoming hurricanes.”

When Dinosaurs Roved,

evolved the tiny chain of bones
that allow living mammals to hear,
for example.
The newly discovered fossils
Mammals Took to Sky demonstrate unusual adapta-
tions. To support gliding muscles,
the animals’ collarbones joined in
By CARL ZIMMER than teeth and bits of bone. In the a V shape — “like the wishbone in
The Mesozoic Era, from 252 mil- late 1990s, they hit the jackpot. a chicken,” said Dr. Guillermo W.
lion years ago to 66 million years At a site in northeastern China, Rougier, a paleontologist at the
ago, is often called the Age of Di- hillside after hillside turned out to University of Louisville who was
nosaurs. To generations of paleon- contain stunning mammal fossils, not involved in the new studies.
tologists, early mammals from the most dating back about 160 million Dr. Meng said that the growing
period were just tiny nocturnal in- years. Researchers were sud- number of fossil gliders showed
sect-eaters, trapped in the shad- denly able to examine entire skel- that many different kinds of mam-
ows of leviathans. etons, some still bearing impres- mals followed the same evolution-
In recent years, scientists have sions of skin and hair. ary path. “They did their own ex-
significantly revised the story. As new fossils get unearthed, periments,” he said.
Mammals already had evolved scientists are using them to draw There must have been some
into a staggering range of forms, in many previously unknown benefit that drove the repeated
fossil evidence shows, foreshad- branches on the mammal family ZHE-XI LUO/UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO APRIL I. NEANDER/UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO evolution of gliding, Dr. Luo said.
owing the diversity of mammals tree. A fossil of a Maiopatagium, left, one of two newly discovered species of gliding mammals from Some tree-dwelling mammals
today. All living mammals are divided China that lived during the Age of Dinosaurs. Right, a rendering of a mother and baby of the species. only eat food from certain species,
In a study published on into three main branches. Platy- for example.
Wednesday, a team of paleontolo- puses, which still lay eggs, belong Running on the ground might
gists added some particularly fas- to the oldest; their ancestors split mammals, but more primitive looked as if it could glide. their legs and tails. They also had have put them at risk of getting
cinating new creatures to the off from those of other living mam- mammals split off even earlier. Today, placental mammals like remarkably flexible shoulders killed by a predator. Soaring may
Mesozoic Menagerie. These mals roughly 170 million years When paleontologists looked at flying squirrels and marsupials needed to climb up trees and then have kept them out of harm’s way.
mammals did not lurk in the shad- ago. the size and shape of these fossils, like sugar gliders travel through maneuver through the air during What makes this repeated evo-
ows of dinosaurs. Millions of years later, the other they found that many did not fit the air from tree to tree. But Vo- a glide. lution all the more striking is that
Instead, they glided far over- branch split. One lineage the simple picture of early mam- laticotherium belonged to a differ- Dr. Luo and his colleagues dis- the earliest mammal gliders
head, avoiding predatory dino- produced the marsupials, such as mals as tiny insect-eaters. To the ent lineage and independently covered that the two new species evolved in forests very different
saurs on the ground — essentially kangaroos and opossums, which researchers’ surprise, a number evolved the ability to glide. are even more distantly related to from those found on Earth today.
flying squirrels of the Jurassic Pe- finish development in a pouch. of extinct species independently They were not the only mam- living gliders than Vo- Flowering trees did not yet ex-
riod, from an extinct branch of The other lineage, our own, evolved bodies resembling those mals to do so, it turns out. Dr. Luo laticotherium. They belong to an ist, so there was no fruit to eat. In-
mammals that probably still laid makes up the vast majority of liv- of living mammals. and his colleagues have now dis- extinct lineage called haramiyi- stead, the earliest mammal glid-
eggs. ing mammal species. Placental Some swam like otters, for ex- covered at least two other species dans, which diverged from the an- ers may have leapt from tree to
The fossils “are most primitive- mammals all develop inside a ample. Others scavenged, like rac- of gliding mammals from China, cestors of all living mammals over tree to feed on the cones of conifer
known mammal forerunners that uterus, drawing blood from their coons, or dug into insect nests like which they described in the jour- 200 million years ago. trees or the soft parts of giant
took to air,” said Zhe-Xi Luo, a pa- mothers. today’s aardvarks. nal Nature. As a result, they had only some ferns.
leontologist at the University of Some of the newly discovered In 2007, Jin Meng, a paleontolo- The fossils of the new species, of the traits that define mammals The new fossils demonstrate
Chicago who led the research. mammal fossils belong to these gist at the American Museum of Maiopatagium and Vilevolodon, today. just how many surprises early
The first Mesozoic mammal fos- three groups. Others belong to Natural History, and his col- are exquisitely preserved, reveal- While they had fur and were mammals have left to deliver, Dr.
sils came to light in the early branches no one knew about be- leagues reported finding the fossil ing many details of their anatomy. warm-blooded like living mam- Rougier said. “I expect we’re go-
1800s, but for generations, paleon- fore. Of those, some diverged from of a 160-million-year-old mammal, Winglike sheets of skin mals, they were more like reptiles ing to keep finding more strange
tologists struggled to find more the common ancestors of living called Volaticotherium, that stretched from their cheeks to in some respects. They had not yet things.”

Atmospheric Anomalies Caused Rapid Sea Level Rise in Southeast

Study Explains
Tidal Flooding
For people in the southeastern
United States, and especially in
Florida, who feel that annoying
tidal flooding has sneaked up on
them in recent years, it turns out
to be true. And scientists have a
new explanation.
In a paper published online
Wednesday, University of Florida
researchers calculated that from
2011 to 2015, the sea level along the
American coastline south of Cape
Hatteras rose six times faster
than the long-term rate of global
“I said, ‘That’s crazy!’” Andrea
Dutton, one of the researchers, re-
called saying when a colleague
first showed her the figures. “‘You
must have done something
But it was correct. During that
period of rapid increase, many
people in Miami Beach, Fort Lau-
derdale and other coastal commu-
nities started to notice unusual
“sunny-day flooding,” a foot or two
of salt water inundating their
streets at high tide for no apparent
In the paper, published in the
journal Geophysical Research
Letters, the scientists proposed a
mechanism to explain the rapid
increase: Two large-scale atmos-
pheric patterns had intersected to
push up the water off the South-
east coast, causing a “hot spot” of
sea-level rise.
This new mechanism, if it holds
up to scientific scrutiny, might ul- HUNTER MCRAE FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
timately give researchers the abil- Flooding in Charleston, S.C., last summer. From 2011 to 2015, the sea level along the southeastern coast rose six times faster than the long-term rate of global increase.
ity to predict tidal flooding more
accurately and warn communities
what to expect months in ad- et caused by the human release of since the late 1940s, the scientists rise. strong correlations, going back and down the American coastline.
vance. greenhouse gases like carbon di- found. It amounted to about three- Instead, they found that two decades, between particular at- The paper indicates the Southeast
William V. Sweet, a sea-level re- oxide. quarters of an inch of sea-level large atmospheric patterns most mospheric patterns and the high may now see some relief — even if
searcher at the National Oceanic The excess heat trapped by rise per year from 2011 to 2015, likely accounted for the hot spot sea levels. sea level does not fall, which sev-
and Atmospheric Administration those gases accumulates primari- which may not sound like much off the Southeast coast: the El Dr. Sweet, critiquing the paper, eral of the scientists described as
who was not involved in the new ly in the ocean, and the seawater but equates to billions of extra gal- Niño cycle and the North Atlantic said he felt that the correlations unlikely, the pace of the increase
work, pointed out that the long- expands as it warms. Land ice is lons of water just off the coast. Oscillation, which is a shift in at- were indeed suggestive, but he may slow for a while.
term trend in sea level was a re- also melting into the sea because That water inundates streets and mospheric pressure over the found the paper somewhat weak But communities that have al-
lentless increase, but that much is of the planetary warming, con- lawns when the tides and winds ocean that can have large effects in explaining the exact mecha- ready started to experience se-
unknown about the variations tributing to the rise, which ap- conspire to push it inland. on the winds blowing toward the nisms by which the atmospheric vere tidal flooding, like Miami
that can occur over short periods. pears to be accelerating over time. Cape Hatteras is geographi- American coast. shifts may be causing water to Beach, should not relax their
“The more we can understand But within that long-term trend, cally significant. The Gulf Stream, The paper suggests that the two bunch up. “It’s a little bit short, I guard, the scientists warned.
what’s causing those, the more we sea level in particular regions can a swift current carrying espe- sometimes interact in a way that think, in terms of physical under- These towns can expect contin-
can be prepared for the next influx sometimes rise more rapidly or cially warm water from the Gulf of causes water to pile up. The work standing,” he said. ued rising seas over the long term,
of tidal flooding events,” Dr. Sweet more slowly than the global aver- Mexico toward the North Atlantic, confirms and extends two earlier Dr. Valle-Levinson, one of the even if the rise occurs in a step-
said. age. It can even fall for a few runs close to the coast for hun- papers, including one published in authors, acknowledged this point. wise fashion.
Many people think the ocean months or years. dreds of miles. But when it passes 2015 by a group led by Gerard D. “How the system is working is not “Even if it does get a little better
works something like a bathtub, In previous research, scientists Cape Hatteras, it veers off into the McCarthy of Britain’s National crystal clear to us yet,” he said. for a while,” Dr. Dutton said, “that
with sea level being the same all had noticed big jumps that tended deeper ocean. That had led scien- Oceanography Center in Liver- Still, the paper is likely to open should be a period that people use
the way around. In reality, the to occur either north or south of tists to suggest that changes in the pool. up new research about why sea- to their advantage, to prepare for
ocean is lumpy, with winds, cur- Cape Hatteras, on the North Car- Gulf Stream might account for The new work is based on level hot spots seem to wander up the next hot spot.”
rents and other factors pushing olina coast. For instance, a notable some of the rapid variations in sea
water around to produce substan- jump occurred along hundreds of level.
tial variations in sea level from miles of shoreline north of Cape But now, three University of
place to place. Hatteras in 2009 and 2010, fol- Florida scientists — Dr. Dutton,
Worldwide, the average level of lowed by a sharp increase south of Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, and Jon-
the ocean is rising at a rate of the cape from 2011 to 2015. athan B. Martin — suggest that
about a foot per century, a conse- The increase in the Southeast the Gulf Stream was not the pri-
quence of the warming of the plan- was the largest sudden jump there mary culprit in the 2011 to 2015

True Cost of Cheap Lighthouse?

Should Be Visible a Mile Away
Waterfront views, a cozy interi-
or and old-world charm — all at a
price as low as $10,000. One cav-
eat: The properties need a lot of
Bidding is underway for six de-
commissioned lighthouses built
before 1930 that the federal gov-
ernment has put up for auction.
Five overlook the Great Lakes in
Michigan, and the sixth is on the
Chesapeake Bay.
It’s a tempting prospect, per-
haps, for those who yearn for sce-
nic surroundings — and who have
the stamina to tackle periodic ren-
So far there are a few interested GSA AUCTIONS
parties. Prospective owners
should be aware, however, that
The Detroit River Light, on Lake Erie, is one of six lighthouses
maintenance costs can be sub- currently up for auction by the federal government.
stantial. In fact, the high cost of
ownership is part of the reason
these historic properties are being Six decommissioned generated millions of dollars over
the years — the Graves Island
sold to begin with, according to a
2015 government report.
properties are on the Light Station near Boston was
sold at auction for more than Deepen Your Knowledge, Focus Your Expertise,
Although the Coast Guard will auction block. $930,000 in 2013 — and they’re
continue to visit auctioned light- used for multiple purposes, in- Expand Your Network
houses to maintain lamps that are cluding vacation homes, bed-and-
crucial to navigation, the rest of breakfasts, and concert venues. Business and career opportunities in NYC and around the world are growing
in Lake Erie; the Craighill Chan-
the property will be the responsi- At Borden Flats, overnight and changing. What’s your plan for professional success? The NYU School
nel Lower Range Front Light Sta-
bility of the new owner. guests, who pay $400 a night to
tion on the Chesapeake Bay, of Professional Studies offers Career Advancement Courses that take
Nick Korstad discovered just which was first lit in 1873; and the stay there on summer weekends,
how time consuming it can be Lansing Shoal Light, constructed defray preservation costs. Vis- your career to the next level by deepening your knowledge, focusing your
when he purchased the Borden in 1928, one of the last offshore itors will find a small kitchen, half- expertise, and expanding your network. Learn from working professionals who
Flats Lighthouse in Fall River, lights built on the Great Lakes. bath and a TV/DVD, but “the rest
Mass., for $56,000 at a public auc- of the lighthouse experience re- have their finger on the pulse of the trends and techniques that matter most.
Four of the six lighthouses are
tion in 2010. currently $15,000, one is $27,000 mains true to the late 1800s,” the
Faced with renovating, he re- Borden Flats website says.
ceived contractors’ estimates “be-
and the cheapest is $10,000.
The National Historic Light- “Every year it’s sold out,” said Take Charge of Your Career. Enroll Today for Fall.
tween $300,000 and $400,000,” Mr. house Preservation Act, passed in Mr. Korstad, who takes a maxi-
Korstad said in a phone interview 2000, helps the government pre- mum of 200 guests per season.
from the lighthouse. So he decided Mr. Korstad’s fascination with Attend an Information Session: September 6, 2017, 6-8 p.m.
serve lighthouses that are no long-
to do the work himself. er needed by the Coast Guard. lighthouses started when he was To register visit:
“Honestly, it’s crazy,’’ he said. When the time comes to find a in the sixth grade, he said, when Those who attend this session will qualify for a 10% noncredit tuition discount
“It only cost about $30,000 to put it new owner, officials search for he met a lighthouse keeper in on a Career Advancement Course.
back together.” stewards like nonprofits and edu- Washington state. (restrictions may apply; not all courses qualify for discount)
He estimated that he spends cational agencies. But if there are- He bought his first lighthouse
about 300 hours and $15,000 a n’t any acceptable organizations when he was 24. Mr. Korstad, now
year to keep the 136-year-old stepping up to the plate, the prop- 35, currently owns three of them, Visit
structure looking good, and he erty is then offered to the public and he’s taking over a lease for an-
continues to do much of the work. for sale by auction. other in New London, Conn. or call 212-998-7150
“It’s always falling apart,” he Since 2000, the government has Managing lighthouses is a full-
said. “If you fix something, you parted with 133 lighthouses: Pres- time job, he said, one that involves Accounting • Applied Health • Arts • Building Design • Cities • Construction • Design
know you’re going to fix it again.” ervationists have received 78 of painting, rust prevention, roof re- Educational Test Preparation • English as a Second Language • Entrepreneurship • Film and TV • Finance
The new government auctions, them at no cost, and 55 have been pair and more. Foreign Languages • Fundraising • Global • Grantmaking • Hospitality/Restaurants • Humanities
Language Proficiency Testing • Law • Leadership • Management • Marketing • Public Relations • Publishing
which started in July, are listed on auctioned to the public, the Gen- “It’s a learning experience. Real Estate • Sports • Technology • Tourism • Translation and Interpreting • Writing and Communications
the General Services Administra- eral Services Administration said When people purchase these, this
tion’s website. They include the in a news release. is something they have to be New York University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. ©2017 NYU School of Professional Studies.
Detroit River Light, built in 1885, Public sales of lighthouses have aware of.”


The pool at Grossinger’s Catskill Resort Hotel has seen better days. The owner says he hopes to clean up the contaminated ruins and build a new resort that would draw guests from a nearby casino.

Dreams of Revival at Resort That Inspired ‘Dirty Dancing’

Owner applies for help cleaning up the
grounds of a former borscht belt jewel.


There is graffiti in the ballrooms where
Johnny might have taught the cha-cha, and the
ceiling is falling down in the dining room like
the one where Baby was fatefully seated in a
But the long-defunct Catskills resort that
served as the inspiration for “Dirty Dancing,”
the fictional Kellerman’s in which Baby and
Johnny had the time of their lives, stands to be
reborn after the owner applied for state help to
clean up the contaminated ruins. It is the first
step in a plan to bring a glamorous resort back
to the site, and perhaps, with it, a bygone luster
to the storied but tattered Catskills itself.
The resort, Grossinger’s Catskill Resort Ho-
tel, began its life in the 1910s, and in its heyday
was the fulcrum of the swirling midcentury va-
cation scene in the Catskills. It was a region
where New Yorkers, predominately Jews,
spent their summers in one of more than 500
hotels that thrived in the area. All are now
In the spring, Louis R. Cappelli, a Westch-
ester-based real estate developer who has
owned the complex for two decades, applied to
the State Department of Environmental Con-
servation requesting that a portion of the prop-
erty be designated a brownfield, or contami-
nated site. The former resort is now a hodge-
podge of scores of crumbling buildings on hun-
dreds of acres, land he says is laden with
chemicals spilled by dry-cleaning and ma-
chine repair shops. Such a designation would
make the property eligible for state funds to
help with remediation of the soil and ground-
water, a necessary first step, Mr. Cappelli says,
to bring back the world-class resort.
Grossinger’s was considered the most glam- BETTMANN ARCHIVE, VIA GETTY IMAGES
orous of the Catskills’ resorts. It was visited by
politicians and celebrities and was where Ed- Above, the pool plex task, according to Robert Schick, who di-
die Fisher and Elizabeth Taylor were married. in 1960. Gross- rects the conservation department’s envi-
And while it never in fact hosted Jennifer Grey inger’s was con- ronmental remediation division. To rid soil of
or Patrick Swayze, the stars of “Dirty Danc- chemicals like perchloroethylene, or perc,
sidered a leading used in dry-cleaning, air is sucked out of the
ing” (the movie set was in fact spread out
across several Southern resorts), it was
resort in the earth to extract the contaminant, he said. To
among the resorts that are said to have in- Catskills, and it treat groundwater contaminated with gaso-
spired the writer of the film, Eleanor Berg- was among the line, workers force oxygen into aquifers, which
stein, cementing its reputation for another resorts that are causes the gasoline to break down into less
generation. said to have harmful components.
Today its swimming pool and gazebos sit in inspired Eleanor The application for remediation at Grossing-
ruin outside the village of Liberty, N.Y. Vines Bergstein to er’s is still pending, said Julia Tighe, the de-
and grass are reclaiming it, fighting with graf- write “Dirty partment’s chief of staff; Mr. Cappelli’s com-
fiti to cover the tumbledown bungalows. pany applied to have 72 acres designated a
Dancing,” star- brownfield, but has not sufficiently demon-
“It was much grander than anyone could
imagine today, especially looking at what re- ring Patrick strated that all of it was contaminated, she
mains there,” said John Conway, the historian Swayze and said. On July 26, the state sent a letter asking
of Sullivan County, where Grossinger’s is. Jennifer Grey. for more information.
According to Mr. Conway, it was the advent But Mr. Cappelli’s plans continue — the golf
of the “three As” that caused the demise of the course is already undergoing refurbishment
region and the hotel. “Airfare,” he said. As fly- — though what shape the future resort will
ing became more accessible, the Catskills take is still in flux.
could not compete with more exotic destina- “Do you want to bring back the old and have
tions. “Air-conditioning.” Who needed to es- some flavor of what was there in the ’50s?” he
cape the city heat when you could just push a BRYAN ANSELM FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES VESTRON PICTURES, VIA HULTON ARCHIVE/GETTY IMAGES said, referring to the options he has consid-
button for a cool breeze? And “assimilation.” ered. “I want to build what is a 2017 model of
The Catskills as recreation center was born, chalet-style lodging. It is a bet that piggybacks no is in fact going to be opening up there, I Grossinger’s — with some sort of memories
Mr. Conway said, because “Jews were not wel- on the crowds that he hopes will come to the think the opportunity now exists to have this still there.” Instead of bungalows where Baby
come in a lot of areas, so they created their Resorts World Casino, a $750 million complex kind of original dream come true.” and Johnny carried out their romance, he
own.” The need for the Catskills diminished, he opening next year in another former borscht A first step, he says, would be cleaning the imagines Napa Valley-style chalets set deep in
said, as Jews became more accepted into gen- belt destination, the Concord Resort Hotel in soil. To qualify the land as a brownfield, devel- the woods. Recreation would be more like yoga
eral society. nearby Kiamesha Lake. opers must demonstrate that certain contami- than the rumba.
Mr. Cappelli, who bought the place in 1999, “For 17 years I’ve been a lone wolf trying to nants are present up to a certain threshold. As Max Kellerman, the fictional resort
more than a decade after the Grossinger fam- do this, and I really haven’t been able to ac- The designation allows developers to get tax owner in the 1987 film, said, “You think kids
ily had ceased operations, envisions a grand complish it because of the enormity of the credits to offset the cost of cleanup. want to come with their parents and take fox
future: a conference center, housing, spa and task,” Mr. Cappelli said. “But now that the casi- Remediating soil and groundwater is a com- trot lessons?”

State Democrats’ Rift Looms Larger as Cuomo’s Star Rises A Rezoning

As he looks to heighten his na-
Is Approved
tional profile, criticizing the Re-
publican health care bill and Pres-
ident Trump’s immigration policy,
For a Section
Of Midtown
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New
York has been forced to confront a
political schism far closer to
For five years, a group of rene- By PATRICK McGEEHAN
gade Democrats has enabled Re- The City Council on Wednesday
publicans to control the State Sen- unanimously approved a rezoning
ate, even though they are in the for a section of Midtown Manhat-
minority. Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, tan that is likely to make the area
has at times benefited from that even more densely packed with
strange reality: Having a divided high-rise office buildings but that
Legislature allowed him to posi- promises to yield improvements
tion himself as a deal-making cen- to subway stations and public
trist. spaces.
But after the election of Donald The change will also allow sev-
J. Trump, pressure has mounted
eral buildings with landmark sta-
on Mr. Cuomo to reunite his party.
tus, including St. Patrick’s Cathe-
Reunification was the agenda of
dral, to transfer their unused de-
a strategy session last month in
Mr. Cuomo’s Midtown Manhattan velopment rights to building sites
office, attended by nearly two doz- anywhere in the affected 78-block
en Democratic state senators. area. The rezoned blocks, known
When the discussion turned to as East Midtown, run from East
how to best win elections, Mr. 39th Street to East 57th Street,
Cuomo suggested to the assem- from Third to Madison Avenues.
bled lawmakers — many of them The rezoning, which has been in
from New York City — that the the works for five years, is in-
leader of eight breakaway Demo- tended to revitalize what was once
crats, Senator Jeffrey D. Klein, the core of corporate activity in
had a better understanding of the New York City. The area is home
suburbs than they had. State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, above, clashed with Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo during a strategy session over how to help to more than 250,000 jobs and gen-
That was all Senator Andrea Democrats win more elections. A breakaway faction of Democrats continues to stymie the party’s agenda in the State Senate. erates about 10 percent of the
Stewart-Cousins, the Senate mi- city’s property tax revenue. But
nority leader who represents the the buildings are relics of the
suburbs of Westchester County, “Mad Men” era, with an average
needed to hear. age of 75 years, according to city
“You look at me, Mr. Governor, officials.
but you don’t see me. You see my Large employers have been
black skin and a woman, but you leaving that part of Midtown for
don’t realize I am a suburban leg- state-of-the-art buildings at the
islator,” Ms. Stewart-Cousins said, Hudson Yards project on the Far
according to the accounts of five West Side or at the new World
people who were in the room. “Jeff
Trade Center complex in Lower
Klein doesn’t represent the sub-
Manhattan. City officials have
urbs,” she said. “I do.”
Mr. Cuomo reacted in stunned been seeking ways to increase
silence. East Midtown’s appeal since Mi-
The pointed exchange, which chael R. Bloomberg was mayor.
has not previously been reported, Mr. Bloomberg’s proposal to re-
captures the raw tensions around zone the area failed amid opposi-
the fractured Democratic coali- tion from Council members and
tion in Albany that threaten to dog community leaders who said the
Mr. Cuomo as he looks to his 2018 plan was too generous to develop-
re-election, and possibly beyond. ers without ensuring sufficient
Dani Lever, a spokeswoman for benefits to the public. Mayor Bill
the governor, played down the mo- de Blasio, who supports the re-
ment. vised plan, said it linked the con-
“The comment you describe struction of big buildings in the
was not of particular note,” said area to “real-time improvements
Ms. Lever, who was not at the in its public transit and public
meeting. “Certainly no one took realm.”
any offense because it was a Councilman Daniel R. Garod-
friendly and positive meeting on nick, a Democrat who represents
all levels.” the area and was the main spon-
That is not how those in attend- sor of the bill that was approved
ance reacted, describing it as pro- on Wednesday, said that the re-
found moment in a fractious rela- zoning would allow more inten-
tionship. sive development near subway
Ms. Stewart-Cousins herself stations, which he described as
said in a statement, “My com- ing the Democrats. ministration.” Cuomo: “I consider the governor The closed-door confrontation “certainly the right place to put
ments were in the context of sub- In recent weeks, the state Dem- a fantastic leader.” with Ms. Stewart-Cousins high-
As Senator Kevin Parker, a lots of new density.”
urban representation — there was lighted another sensitive factor:
Brooklyn Democrat, put it, “How ocratic Party adopted a resolution Mr. Klein and Ms. Stewart- The change could result in more
no racial tension whatsoever; it race.
can you be one of the top Demo- to cut off party funds from the Cousins, however, do not enjoy a ultra-tall towers like One Vander-
was a good and productive meet-
crats in the country and not have eight members of Mr. Klein’s Inde- warm relationship. “I can count Mr. Cuomo has had an up-and- bilt, which is going up near Grand
resolved this in your own back- pendent Democratic Conference; on a couple fingers how many down history with New York’s Central Terminal and will be
The issue of New York’s divided
yard?” New York’s Democratic congres- times I’ve spoken to Senator black political leadership dating to nearly as tall as the Empire State
government has attracted atten-
The governor has built his repu- sional delegation asked Mr. Cousins,” Mr. Klein said. his 2002 primary challenge Building. When all of the addi-
tion from national leaders, includ-
tation as a master manager and Cuomo behind closed doors for ac- Many Democrats believe Mr. against H. Carl McCall, who was tional development rights have
ing Representative Nancy Pelosi,
bipartisan deal maker, and the Re- tion during his recent visit to Cuomo could broker an agree- seeking to become the state’s first been used in a decade or two, the
the leader of the House Demo-
publican-led Senate has pre- Washington; and, on a Manhattan ment between the warring Demo- black governor. (Mr. Cuomo has Chrysler Building could cease to
crats, and Representative Keith
vented him from facing the poli- street in July, an activist with a cratic factions, as he did during since appointed Mr. McCall as stand out on the Midtown skyline.
Ellison, the Democratic National
Committee deputy chairman, who tically precarious choice of veto- camera confronted Mr. Cuomo his last run for governor — if it board chairman for the State Uni- Before all of the new towers can
urged a united Democratic front ing or signing more liberal legisla- about his plans for the breakaway served him politically. versity of New York.) New York sprout, developers must strike
against President Trump. tion that would inevitably emerge Democrats. “At this point, he is the solution,” has never had a black woman lead
deals with the owners of landmark
“There’s this new awareness from a fully Democratic Legisla- “I can perform marriages,” Mr. said Mr. Parker, the Democratic a legislative chamber, and if Dem-
buildings like St. Patrick’s. The ca-
about what was formerly a rather ture. Cuomo said in the video, posted on senator. ocrats could unite, Ms. Stewart-
thedral has not made full use of
insider parlor game,” said State But as he looks to 2018 and a YouTube, “but I can’t force them.” Behind the scenes, Mr. Cuomo Cousins would be the first. (The
development rights for the block it
Senator Brad Hoylman, a Man- possible 2020 presidential bid, Mr. That has largely been Mr. Cuo- has begun getting more involved, Assembly currently has an Af-
rican-American leader, Speaker occupies on Fifth Avenue opposite
hattan Democrat. “The winds Cuomo must appeal to a restive mo’s laissez-faire posture when it including arranging a dinner in
Carl E. Heastie.) Rockefeller Center, and can now
shifted on Nov. 8. The No. 1 con- Democratic electorate that is in- comes to the I.D.C., though many Manhattan last week, a gathering
Democrats accuse him of tacitly In the Manhattan meeting last sell the rest, totaling about 1.1 mil-
cern I hear from my constituents creasingly aware and unhappy that lasted more than two hours
supporting the arrangement. month, Mr. Cuomo went around lion square feet.
on the street isn’t Donald Trump. that Republicans hold power in and was attended by only Mr.
the State Senate during such po- Mr. Klein lauded the legislative Cuomo, Ms. Stewart-Cousins and the room to ask Ms. Stewart-Cous- How much are the so-called air
It’s what the Senate’s going to do, rights worth? The market will de-
and how the Democrats can win it larized times. achievements since the I.D.C.’s in- Mr. Klein, according to a person ins’s members if each was willing
“The governor spent a lot of ception in 2011, among them a who spoke on the condition of ano- to join with Mr. Klein’s team to cide. But the rezoning calls for the
time and energy and successfully higher minimum wage, paid fam- nymity. form a united Democratic front. city to collect a tax of at least
Democrats hold 32 of the 63
brought the two sides together in ily leave and legalization of gay “The governor is a ferocious ad- “The question was, ‘Are Demo- $61.49 per square foot from the
seats in the Senate, yet Republi-
cans control the chamber. The me- 2014, but the Democrats failed to marriage. vocate when he chooses to be,” crats prepared to form a coalition sale of such rights.
chanics and math of bringing Sen- win an overall majority,” said Me- “I think the entire political es- said Bill Lipton, state director of with the I.D.C. to govern the Sen- Officials said the proceeds
ate Democrats together are com- lissa DeRosa, the governor’s top tablishment has a lot to learn from the Working Families Party, ate?’ and the answer was a re- would be used to finance the city’s
plex: Ms. Stewart-Cousins leads a aide. “He is working very hard the Independent Democratic Con- which pushes Democrats to adopt sounding yes from every senator commitment to spend up to $50
group of 23 Democrats, while Mr. again to end the personal agendas ference about getting things more liberal positions. “He has in the room,” Mr. Hoylman re- million on improving public
Klein leads the breakaway group and infighting that is causing the done,” said Mr. Klein, whose dis- $25 million in the bank and he’s called. plazas and streets in East Mid-
of eight. The 32nd elected Demo- divide and unify the factions, trict is drawn mostly from the the leader of the Democratic But Mr. Cuomo told them that town.
crat, Simcha Felder of Brooklyn, which is more important than Bronx, where he lives, and in- Party. There’s no question if he put Mr. Klein was still resistant. The “The goal is to improve East
caucuses with the Republicans ever when our democratic values cludes a sliver of Westchester. his foot to the pedal here, he could meeting ended without resolu- Midtown not to simply keep it as it
but has left the door open to rejoin- are under attack by the Trump ad- He had only praise for Mr. have a decisive impact.” tion. is,” Mr. Garodnick said.

New York City Scraps 644,000 Old Arrest Warrants for Minor Offenses NATIONAL
warrants have not been in trouble missed. In addition, it will take at An article on Wednesday about
From Page A1 with the law for a decade or more, least three weeks for court clerks President Trump’s endorsement
tickets for minor offenses that and it is time that they are given to process the dismissals and noti- of Senator Luther Strange in the
used to lead to criminal sum- the opportunity to live productive fy the Police Department, a special Senate election in Ala-
monses; and in June, the Manhat- lives, free from summonses hang- spokesman for the state office of
bama misidentified the position
tan district attorney’s office an- ing over their heads,” Darcel D. court administration said.
that Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
nounced it would no longer pros- Clark, the Bronx district attorney, All five district attorneys have
holds in the Senate. He is the ma-
ecute most people arrested on said in court. “As a result, I move been hosting events at which peo-
ple can go before a judge to clear jority leader, not the minority
fare-beating charges. to vacate and to dismiss these leader.
Cyrus R. Vance Jr., the Manhat- matters in the interest of justice.” up old warrants for minor of-
tan district attorney, said in court The mass dismissal of sum- fenses, usually by having the
monses had the support of Mayor charges dismissed. BUSINESS DAY
on Wednesday that the outstand-
Bill de Blasio, who said in a state- Still, the total of 644,494 sum-
ing warrants had driven apart the An article on Tuesday about a
ment that old outstanding war- monses dismissed on Wednesday
police and the communities they recent surge of initial coin offer-
rants “can derail lives, disrupt dwarfs the number resolved at
serve and created unnecessary ings referred incorrectly to Pat-
families and lead to job loss.” such events. The plan for a mass
obstacles for people seeking jobs rick Murck, a lawyer who com-
VICTOR J. BLUE FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES dismissal of summonses had been
and apartments. The warrant amnesty may be a mented on the regulatory over-
The Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., requested in the works since early 2014 and
“New Yorkers with 10-year-old boon in particular for undocu-
the dismissal of 240,472 arrest warrants for low-level offenses. required extensive negotiations sight of such offerings. He is spe-
summons warrants face unneces- mented immigrants, who immi-
with the Police Department and cial counsel at Cooley, not a
sary unemployment risk, housing gration lawyers say face a greater the mayor’s office. partner in the law firm.
and immigration consequences,” risk of deportation under the prosecutors, the Staten Island dis- munity and our laws,” Mr. McMa- Mr. Vance said the district attor-
Mr. Vance told Criminal Court Trump administration, which has trict attorney, Michael McMahon, hon said in a statement. neys had balanced leniency with
Judge Tamiko A. Amaker in Man- reversed rules created by former did not join in the effort. Like his The dismissals affected a siz- concerns for public safety. He
President Barack Obama pri- Contact the newsroom:
hattan. “And because they fear counterparts, he is a Democrat, able share of the 1.6 million out- noted that exceptions were made
oritizing the arrests of serious or call
they will be arrested for the old in- but he represents a more conser- standing summons warrants city- for people who had warrants for 1-844-NYT-NEWS
fraction, they often don’t collabo- criminals. vative borough, home to many po- wide. As a practical matter, arrest- felonies or who were under inves- (1-844-698-6397).
rate with law enforcement.” The dismissal of the warrants is lice families, where a tough-on- ing people on summons warrants tigation for other crimes — 60,000 Editorials:
Judge Amaker assented to the “very significant in terms of the crime tone has long resonated. is not a high priority for the Police cases in Manhattan alone. Newspaper Delivery:
motion brought by Mr. Vance, dis- immigration consequences,” said “I believe that issuing blanket Department, but such warrants The warrants that were dis- or call
missing 240,472 Manhattan war- Muzaffar Chishti, the director of amnesty for these offenses is un- can prompt an arrest if someone is missed, he said, were for people 1-800-NYTIMES (1-800-698-4637).
rants. Similar scenes played out in the Migration Policy Institute at fair to those citizens who respon- stopped for another reason. who had not had another brush
courthouses in Brooklyn, Queens the New York University School of sibly appear in court and sends Court officials said there was no with the law in the last decade.
and the Bronx. Law. the wrong message about the im- process in place to notify people “This is a group I think we can
“The people who have these Alone among the city’s five portance of respecting our com- whose warrants had been dis- take a risk on,” he said. New ideas. Daily in Op-Ed.


Fears of Missiles, and Words Trump’s ‘Fire and Fury’ Warning

TO THE EDITOR: Of course a pre-emptive strike
would have dire consequences; no
On some emotional level, one might be able to see why Don- Re “In Chilling Nuclear Terms,
Trump Warns North Korea” (front one disputes that. The real question
ald Trump threatened to unleash “fire and fury” against is what are the consequences of the
page, Aug. 9):
North Korea if it endangered the United States. The North’s I understand why President alternative — doing nothing —
nuclear program is a growing menace, its warmongering ti- Trump foments furor over North which I would contend are much
rades are unquestionably unnerving, and peaceful solutions Korea; it is his modus operandi, more grave.
to the threat it poses have been maddeningly elusive over and it works. But the notion that Had we abolished all of North
North Korea is preparing an offen- Korea’s nuclear weapons programs
many years and many American administrations.
sive war seems an utter fantasy in 1999, we’d be in much better
But Mr. Trump is president of the United States, and if shape than we are today. Mr. Trump
divorced from historical precedent
prudent, disciplined leadership was ever required, it is now. or logic. was dead right to have said in an
Rhetorically stomping his feet, as he did on Tuesday, is not This third generation of family interview that year that we should
just irresponsible; it is dangerous. He is no longer a busi- rule in North Korea is interested in consider a pre-emptive strike, as
nessman trying to browbeat someone into a deal. He com- self-preservation, period. It is a North Korea now appears to have
nasty regime, but not unintelligent. warheads that can reach the United
mands the most powerful nuclear and conventional arsenal States.
It recognizes that any external
in the world, and any miscalculation could be catastrophic. Advocating an increased military
aggression would mean its extinc-
Even if Mr. Trump’s provocative remarks were part of a tion, and it remembers well the presence in South Korea and Japan
deliberate strategy for ratcheting up pressure on North Ko- Muammar el-Qaddafi example in in combination with sanctions will
rea — and on China, which as the North’s main food and fuel Libya. It rattles its sabers. only further provoke the regime
supplier has more influence on it than any other nation — For evidence that any imminent and its determination in advancing
war is fantasy we need look no its nuclear apparatus.
they would be at odds with the measured approach of his Ms. Farkas’s initiatives are com-
further than the reaction of the
predecessors. This is a president with no prior government parable to throwing a thimble of
South Koreans. There calm largely
or military experience who has shown prevails, and new initiatives for water on a house fire; if history has
President no clear grasp of complex strategic is- dialogue with the North have lately taught us anything it’s that this
begun. issue will never be solved through
Trump’s reckless sues. soft power. Military confrontation is
statement on As The Times reported Wednesday, The danger, it seems to me,
would lie in so impoverishing the inevitable, and the longer we wait,
North Korea his inflammatory words were entirely the worse it will be when it does
AL DRAGO FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES North with sanctions that it sells
may make the improvised and took his closest associ- happen.
President Trump at the Trump National Golf Club in atomic weaponry to nonstate actors
confrontation ates by surprise. Intentionally or not, Bedminster, N.J. on Tuesday. that are our real enemies. DANIEL S. SMITH
over nuclear they echoed President Harry Truman’s
weapons harder 1945 pledge to inflict a “rain of ruin from
Guam, an American territory with a military base. Mr.
to resolve. the air” if Japan did not surrender after TO THE EDITOR:
Trump’s comments also heightened fears in the region and TO THE EDITOR:
the first atomic bomb was dropped at The more aggressively we act
provided more fodder for hawks in South Korea and Japan On Tuesday, in the midst of the
Hiroshima, which made them seem even more ominous. toward North Korea, the more it
who are pressing their governments to beef up defenses or week that marks the 72nd anniver-
Mr. Trump and his aides must have anticipated that he sary of the atomic bombing of feels threatened and behaves ac-
even develop their own nuclear weapons. cordingly. We need to convince it
would be asked by reporters about North Korea after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki, President
Since Truman, presidents have largely avoided the kind Trump warned North Korea that that we have zero interest in invad-
United Nations Security Council tightened sanctions on Sat-
of militaristic threats issued by Mr. Trump because they any further threats to the United ing the country or bringing about
urday after the North’s latest missile tests. Why, then, didn’t regime change. Maybe Donald
his team of generals — John Kelly, the new chief of staff; Lt. feared such language could escalate a crisis. The Hiroshima States “will be met with fire and
fury like the world has never seen.” Trump is just the person to do this.
Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser; and Jim and Nagasaki bombings chastened the world about the con-
Really, Mr. Trump? Never? I Invite the North Korean leader, Kim
Mattis, the defense secretary, who know well the perils of sequences of nuclear war to such an extent that firing an- Jong-un, to visit Mar-a-Lago. Invite
understand that you are not much
war — caution him about the role of nuclear weapons in na- other nuclear weapon has become, for most people, unthink- Dennis Rodman to join them so that
of a reader, but might I suggest one
able. The Trump administration is now reviewing American exception to peruse during your Mr. Kim feels comfortable.
tional security strategy, about better ways to signal tough-
nuclear policy and it’s anyone’s guess whether it will working vacation: “Hiroshima,” by A new approach is needed. Let’s
ness and about the dangers of idle threats? try this. What is there to lose?
It is hard to believe that they would condone Mr. change. John Hersey, a firsthand account of
Mr. Trump has again made himself the focus of atten- the devastation of that city. CHARLES BLEIFELD
Trump’s risky approach, and on Wednesday, the damage Since your rhetoric seems to SAG HARBOR, N.Y.
control began. While Mr. Mattis reinforced his boss’s bellig- tion, when it should be Kim Jong-un, the ruthless North Ko-
channel that of President Truman
erent tone and expressed confidence that North Korea rean leader, and his accelerating nuclear program that, The from 72 years ago, you really TO THE EDITOR:
would “lose any arms race or conflict it initiates,” he more Washington Post reported, may have succeeded in miniatur- should inform yourself of the un-
precedented misery his action Where is the morality in a stance
prudently focused on the North’s concrete “actions” rather izing a warhead to fit on a missile and may have accumulat-
unleashed. Please, Mr. Trump, read that says: We have weapons; you
than on vague threats and voiced support for a diplomatic ed as many as 60 nuclear weapons. Mr. Trump’s threats cannot have those weapons as you
— or listen to — this book.
solution. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said he saw no rea- have also diverted attention from a genuine accomplish- can’t be trusted not to use them; if
ment, the new Security Council sanctions. PERRIE L. RIDLEY you acquire them and threaten to
son to believe that war was imminent. Meanwhile, some
RIDGEFIELD, CONN. use them, we will use our weapons
White House aides reportedly urged reporters not to read Tougher sanctions, coupled with Mr. Tillerson’s contin-
on you?
too much into the president’s remarks. ued efforts at a diplomatic solution, are the best path to a
It may be too late for that. Mr. Trump’s words speak the peaceful end to this conflict. That is what Mr. Trump should
Re “How Trump Can Contain North
loudest; the North Koreans have heard them and, in re- also be focused on. Engaging in a war of words with North
Korea Without ‘Fire and Fury’,” by TO THE EDITOR:
sponse, warned that they were examining plans to attack Korea only makes it harder for both sides to de-escalate. Evelyn N. Farkas (Op-Ed,, Aug. 9): President If “fire and fury” for North Korea is
Trump is many things, but he is not anything like “shock and awe” was
“oblivious to America’s dominant for Iraq, God help us.

Closing the Courthouse Door economic, political and military


The Trump administration is moving to deny Americans shunted into arbitration. Class-action lawsuits are often the
their day in court when they have been wronged. only way to hold corporations to account for wrongdoing in
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services want which thousands or millions of customers lose amounts that Women and Retirement U.A.E. and the Taliban
to reverse an Obama-era regulation that bars most nursing may be meaningful for each customer, though not enough to TO THE EDITOR: TO THE EDITOR:
homes from forcing residents to agree to resolve disputes in warrant an individual fighting a corporation. Arbitration, in
Re “Hire Women Your Mom’s Age” “U.A.E. Competed With Qatar to
private arbitration, instead of in court. The Department of contrast, is so clearly stacked against customers that most (Sunday Review, Aug. 6): Host Taliban Embassy, Leaked
Education recently announced that it was working to re- people don’t even bother. And yet, arbitration has been the Although I understand Sally Emails Show” (news article, Aug.
verse an Obama-era rule that prevents most for-profit col- only recourse even in cases where customers were de- Koslow’s frustration with being 1) had only half the story about
leges and other schools from enforcing arbitration agree- frauded, like those caught up in the still-unfolding scandals cast aside from a work force that how the Taliban came to call Qatar
ments when resolving loan disputes by students. at Wells Fargo who could not sue because of the bank’s man- she found so rewarding, I’m dis- their second home.
Now, congressional Republicans are getting into the act datory arbitration requirement. heartened that work still looms so At the encouragement of the
large as a source of identity. As United States, the United Arab
by attacking a new rule, issued by the Consumer Financial The first attempt to derail the rule failed recently, but it Emirates was prepared to host a
someone approaching 60, I wonder
Protection Bureau, that will let Americans bring class-ac- underscored the administration’s support for industry argu- Taliban presence in Abu Dhabi.
when it’s socially acceptable to
tion lawsuits against banks instead of being forced into ments. Keith Noreika, a bank lawyer appointed by President move away from “leaning in” to But the U.A.E. offer also had firm
arbitration. Without the rule, which is scheduled to ap- Trump to oversee national banks until a Senate-confirmed stepping away gracefully. conditions:
ply to transactions next year, banks could continue regulator is in place, asked the financial protection bureau to Assuming that working for a First, the Taliban must denounce
to profit from abusive products and practices delay the rule on the ground that more time was needed to paycheck isn’t financially neces- Al Qaeda and its founder, Osama
sary, I’m surprised there’s no bin Laden.
without ever facing a court challenge, determine if it would destabilize the banking system. The bu-
recognition of any other options for Second, the Taliban must recog-
and aggrieved customers reau refused, for good reason. The rule — which will cost nize the Afghan Constitution.
would continue to be banks about $1 billion a year out of more than $171 billion this stage of life. There’s more to
retirement than golf, bridge and Third, the Taliban must re-
in profits, according to analysis by the bureau — does gardening clubs. Just as gratifying, nounce violence and lay down
not threaten the banks’ survival; it only threatens their weapons.
if not more, is sharing one’s talents
their impunity. Moreover, neither the agency that The Taliban refused all three
for causes and institutions that
Mr. Noreika temporarily heads, the Office of the conditions, and the U.A.E. with-
feed our souls.
drew its offer. True to form, Qatar
Comptroller of the Currency, nor other financial MERRI ROSENBERG, ARDSLEY, N.Y. imposed no restrictions, and the
regulators raised safety-and-soundness con- Taliban eagerly set up shop in
cerns during the long rule-making process. Doha, which remains the region’s
Congressional Republicans continue most active financing, ideological
to threaten the rule. Before their summer and media hub for extremists.
Vote Using a Paper Ballot
break began, House Republicans pas- YOUSEF AL OTAIBA, WASHINGTON
sed legislation to scrap it, using the The writer is the United Arab Emir-
fast-track procedures of the Con- Re “To Protect Voting, Use Open-
ates’ ambassador to Washington.
Source,” by R. James Woolsey and
gressional Review Act. Companion Brian J. Fox (Op-Ed, Aug. 3):
legislation has been introduced in the I make a living finding software
Senate. Before this year, the review security bugs and reporting them
act’s procedures had been used only to publishers. Because of that Capturing Adolf Eichmann
once, by the Republican-controlled Con- experience, I believe that voting is
gress of 2001, to invalidate a workplace safety a problem best solved without
computers. Re “A Most-Wanted Nazi in His
rule from the Clinton administration. This year, Re- All we need are paper ballots, Glass Cage,” by Jason Farago
publicans have used it to roll back 14 rules finalized near pens, card tables and patriotic (Exhibition Review, Aug. 4):
the end of the Obama years, including labor and envi- citizens to count ballots by hand. I had to read it twice to believe
ronmental protections. The difference this time is that they Paper ballots are easy to produce, it. Argentina harbored Adolf Eich-
are hard to hack in volume and mann, the criminal who ran the
want to repeal a rule from Mr. Trump’s watch, albeit by an
don’t change themselves once most outrageous genocide in his-
Obama-appointed regulator of the financial protection bu- tory, and The New York Times
reau, an agency Republicans love to loathe. Pens and card tables are cheap, publishes an article in which an art
If Senate Republicans, once again blinded by their antip- and officials can easily get more if critic questions the morality and
athy to President Barack Obama, vote to repeal this rule, a surge of voters appears. Also, legality of Israel’s capturing him
pens and tables don’t fail when the and bringing him to trial?
they will join their House colleagues and the Trump adminis-
power goes out, and they can’t be Talk about a missing moral
tration in closing the courthouse door to vulnerable, victim- compass!
hacked from Moscow.
ized and defrauded Americans. This system is the most “open ALAN STEIN, NATICK, MASS.
source” of all: Anyone can under-
stand it; anyone can participate in
it; and anyone can supervise it.
Let’s turn off the computer, put
away the voting machines and vote
the simplest, most secure and most ONLINE: MORE LETTERS
economical way yet devised: by More about the Korea crisis.
hand. Also: Costly long-term care,
RONALD E. CRANE Medicaid planning and ethics.

Glen When Government Defames


We’re Choking
Campbell, Aziz Huq
On Smoke
MAGINE that a senior gov-
ernment official takes to Twit-
ter, makes a call to a national
news outlet or goes on national
In Seattle
Bill Friskics-Warren television to disparage you. Imag- THE WEATHER FORECAST for Seattle on
NASHVILLE ine that he tells lies about you to a Wednesday reads “89 degrees, smoke.”

national audience, lies harmful to We first noticed the smoke, drifting down
LEN CAMPBELL’s variety
your professional or personal future. from wildfires still burning in British Co-
show, “The Glen Campbell
What could you do to remedy the situ- lumbia, around Aug. 2, just as a heat wave
Goodtime Hour,” was a fixture sent temperatures spiking well into the
on the black-and-white Zenith 90s (the historical average for that week is
You might seek a retraction. Per-
console TV set in the den of my childhood 77) and the ubiquitous Pacific winds dwin-
haps you would go to colleagues and
home in suburban Chicago. It was my fa- friends to privately plead your side of dled to a standstill. “Nature’s air-condi-
ther’s show, being much too corny and the case. Or if you were lucky enough to tioning is broken,” the National Weather
strait-laced for an emerging adolescent have a national platform of your own, Service told the Seattle Times.
like me to embrace, certainly not when maybe you would try to correct the de- The sky turned brown and opaque. The
the more subversive likes of the Beatles famatory statement in public. neighboring city of Bellevue, which nor-
and Jimi Hendrix were to be had. But one thing you couldn’t do is sue. No mally glitters above Lake Washington to
Mr. Campbell, who died on Tuesday of judicial remedy exists when a federal offi- the east, disappeared. The mountains dis-
Alzheimer’s, had his legions of fans, and cial defames someone. This gap in the law appeared. I haven’t seen a tree move in a
his show, which ran on CBS from 1969 to isn’t a result of a conscious decision by week. It’s as though a giant cloche has
1972, was a hit. But most folks in the mu- Congress or federal judges to protect the been placed over the whole region, like
sic establishment saw him as I did. government’s ability to defame you. It was God is playing molecular gastronomy and
Rolling Stone wouldn’t review him. He created inadvertently. In an age when the we are her smoked langoustine cotton
was a sellout, turning his back on his political lie is being weaponized to in- candy duck balloons. You can feel the air
rock ’n’ roll instincts to produce middle- creasing effect, it’s an oversight Congress on your skin, powdery and wrong, some-
of-the-road pop. He was soulless, deriva- should redress. how both sweltering and clammy. Resi-
tive. But we were wrong. Today, if a news outlet like The New dents have been warned not to exercise;
As a member, in the 1960s, of Holly- York Times, CNN or Breitbart News ut- people with asthma are clutching their in-
wood’s celebrated Wrecking Crew, an ex- ters a slander, or if a private citizen cam- halers, white-knuckled.
pansive circle of studio musicians akin to paigning for office does so, the courts There’s a mental health impact, too. To
Motown’s Funk Brothers or Nashville’s stand open. Certainly, remedies are not live in Seattle is to exist, perpetually, in the
A-Team, Mr. Campbell played guitar on unlimited. Worried about defamation’s bargaining stage of grief. From October
iconoclastic recordings produced by Phil chilling effects on the press, the Supreme through May, generally speaking, it driz-
Spector, as well as others made by West Court has rightly erected high hurdles to zles. Every day. This past fall and winter,
Coast pop hitmakers like the Mamas and defamation damages. we broke a 122-year-old record for rain and
the Papas and the Association. He briefly But if a government official makes an had only three sunny, mild days in six
replaced Brian Wilson in the Beach Boys intentional, false and harmful utterance, months. What gets us through the gray,
while the group was on tour in 1964 and, there is nothing to be done. In February, like a mantra, is the promise of summer.
two years later, contributed to the ses- for example, hours after reporting criti- Summers in Seattle are perfect, bright
sions that yielded their psychedelic cally on the Trump administration’s press blue and fresh, and all winter long we as-
touchstone, “Pet Sounds.” operations, Alex Isenstadt of Politico sure ourselves, over and over, “This is
found himself accused (apparently false- worth it, for that.” Please let this one be a
Mr. Campbell, though, was always a
ly) by anonymous White House officials of good summer, a long summer, a real Se-
musical omnivore, his sensibilities
jeering at and dismissing the death of a attle summer. We need it. It’s our medicine.
steeped not only in the unvarnished
Navy SEAL — the sort of cruel and vulgar This smoke is stealing our summer. Peo-
country music of his native Arkansas but
act that might get a journalist fired. Under ple are on edge. Traffic seems worse. Yes-
also in the sophisticated jazz of virtuoso current defamation law, Mr. Isenstadt terday, in the car, my husband was telling
guitarists like Barney Kessel and Django
Reinhardt. Even a baroque-pop vehicle
would have no recourse in that event. No judicial remedy me about two guys he saw fighting on the
How did this gap in defamation law street, when I got distracted by two guys
like “Classical Gas,” a Top 10 instrumen- arise? exists if a federal NICOLAS ORTEGA

fighting on the street. It’s been a freaky,

tal hit for the guitarist Mason Williams in When the government harms someone,
1968, found a home in Mr. Campbell’s big- a 1946 law called the Federal Tort Claims official slanders you. tense time.
It was evocative, to put it mildly, to read
tent repertoire. Act generally provides a judicial remedy.
eral officials, who are fewer in number worry about a flood of minor lawsuits in The Times about a forthcoming federal
Recording under his own name, he In 1988, in the Westfall Act, Congress
and who generally have more access to climate change report while choking on
seamlessly brought it all together, espe- amended the earlier act to cover most per- against local and state officials. Further,
national media platforms. And no one was hot, brown smoke.
cially when collaborating with another sonal injury claims brought against fed- public officials would not be chilled from
really imagining that the White House Not only are human behaviors “primari-
Wrecking Crew alum, Al DeLory, an em- eral officials. These laws, however, carve anything other than reckless and false
would slander people. ly responsible” for climate change, the re-
pathetic arranger who also worked on out immunities for government officials statements. For one thing, it would typi-
Many decades have passed. In that port says, but the repercussions are not
“Pet Sounds” and on several of Mr. Spec- when it comes to “libel, slander, misrepre- cally be hard for a plaintiff to show that an
time, courts have had ample experience some vague abstraction for distant equa-
tor’s girl-group epiphanies of the early sentation” as well as “deceit.” official should have known a statement
torial communities or our faceless de-
’60s. Why those exceptions? Simple caution, with injury claims against the federal gov- was false. Only outright fabrication with
scendants to deal with. Americans are
Mr. Campbell’s honeyed tenor and Mr. explained Alexander Holtzoff, a special ernment. Yet no steps have been taken to no plausible basis in fact would meet this
feeling the impacts of climate change right
DeLory’s swooning string arrangements assistant in the office of the attorney gen- protect against the damage of official test. this second.
on the likes of “Wichita Lineman” and eral, in testimony to the House of Repre- speech that falsely impugns a person’s In addition, the remedy if a plaintiff
character in the national media. “In the United States,” Lisa Friedman
sentatives in 1940. Better, he warned, to were to win would not be damages. No of- wrote, “the report concludes with ‘very
“take it step by step.” Torts of the slip-and- There is a simple solution. Congress ficial would personally pay out of pocket. high’ confidence that the number and se-
fall variety are more straightforward should enact a judicial remedy for any per- Rather, the court would issue a declara-
He embraced music of than, say, a slander case. Congress would son defamed by an official of the federal tory judgment finding the statement false
verity of cool nights have decreased since
the 1960s, while the frequency and severity
government speaking or writing to the
all kinds, but was presumably get around to addressing
those torts as well — except that it hasn’t. public. To foreclose the need for burden-
and defamatory. Where the shaming ef-
fect of this finding seemed insufficient, a
of warm days have increased.” The report
also notes that cold waves are less com-
dismissed as a sellout. In a 1976 case, Paul v. Davis, which in- some discovery or depositions, liability
would turn on whether a reasonable per-
court would have discretion to order an mon and heat waves are more common.
volved a police flier with photographs of apology. Scientists are nervously awaiting the
people “known to be active” as shoplifters, son in the official’s position would have President Trump has talked about Trump administration’s reaction to the re-
“By the Time I Get to Phoenix” were at the Supreme Court held that the Constitu- known the statement was false (and not opening up libel law, though I doubt that port, citing fears that it might be changed
once earthy and elegant — just the right tion’s due process clause does not protect on what the official in fact knew). Discov- this is what he had in mind. Nonetheless, or even suppressed altogether in order to
reputation. Chief Justice William H. Rehn- ery would be allowed in exceptional cases legislators who want to keep our national
accompaniment for the mystical-exist- appease President Trump’s denialist base
quist expressed alarm about the flood of where a defense relied on factual as- political life civil and stable would do well
ential, though unabashedly quotidian, and dystopian corporate bedfellows.
cases that might follow if people were al- sertions that could be tested only by care- to think about libel reform — for govern-
musings of the great songwriter Jimmy I don’t mean to imply that these wild-
lowed to sue their local and state officials ful judicial inquiry into what the official ment speech. 0
Webb. fires and this smoke are the direct result of
for libel and slander. knew.
Beauty likewise abounds in the rip- human-made climate change. I have no
But the court simply failed to account Limiting the remedy to federal officials AZIZ HUQ is a professor of law at the
pling rhythms of the bluegrass-inflected University of Chicago.
idea. I am not a scientist. What I mean is
for the consequences of its ruling on fed- would address Chief Justice Rehnquist’s
“Gentle on My Mind,” a 1967 hit written that they have thrown formerly intangible
by the freewheeling banjoist John Hart- feelings of dread into stark perspective. All
ford, and in Mr. Campbell’s mournful gui- week I have stared at the low, dirty sky and

It’s Not Too Late on North Korea

tar and anguished vocals on “Galveston,” thought, “What if this never left? What if it
yet another composition of Mr. Webb’s to got worse?”
achieve classic status. Irrespective of their cause, the fires’ im-
One of the most subtle and trenchant pact — the claustrophobia, the tension, the
songs ever recorded about the Vietnam rence, or he actually intends war next arsenal because Mr. Kim deems the weap- suffocating, ugly air — feels like a preview
War — about the high price of any war — Susan E. Rice time Mr. Kim behaves provocatively. The ons essential to his regime’s survival. The (and a mild one) of what’s to come if we
“Galveston” is sung from the perspective first scenario is folly, but a United States North can now reportedly reach United don’t take immediate and drastic steps to

of a conflicted young recruit who, having decision to start a pre-emptive war on the States territory with its ICBMs. The chal- halt and mitigate climate change. Tem-
ORTH KOREA’S substantial peratures will almost certainly rise. Air
just bid his sweetheart goodbye before nuclear arsenal and improving Korean Peninsula, in the absence of an im- lenge is to ensure that it would never try.
shipping out, is cleaning his newly issued intercontinental ballistic missile minent threat, would be lunacy. By most assessments, Mr. Kim is vi-
rifle even as he confesses that he’s “so capacity pose a growing threat We carefully studied this contingency. cious and impetuous, but not irrational.
afraid of dying.” to America’s security. But we need not “Preventive war” would result in hun-
dreds of thousands, if not millions, of casu-
Thus, while we quietly continue to refine Could this city’s brown
Of course, in the late 1960s, it was easy our military options, we can rely on tradi-
to ignore Mr. Campbell’s depth and
face an immediate crisis if we play our
hand carefully. alties. Metropolitan Seoul’s 26 million peo- tional deterrence by making crystal clear skies be what’s in store
ple are only 35 miles from the border, that any use of nuclear weapons against
breadth if all you saw was his crooning
and cutting up on the “Goodtime Hour.”
Given the bluster emanating from
Pyongyang and Bedminster, N.J., Ameri-
within easy range of the North’s missiles the United States or its allies would result for everyone?
and artillery. About 23,000 United States in annihilation of North Korea. Defense
He seemed the very opposite of the coun- cans can be forgiven for feeling anxious.
troops, plus their families, live between Secretary James Mattis struck this tone quality will almost certainly decline. I do
terculture and its explosive, mind-ex- Shortly after adoption of new United
Seoul and the Demilitarized Zone; in total, on Wednesday. The same red line must ap- not want to live like this, and you don’t ei-
panding musical scene. To kids like me, Nations sanctions last weekend, North
at least 200,000 Americans reside in South ply to any proof that North Korea has ther.
he was the sound of the silent majority. Korea threatened retaliation against the
Korea. transferred nuclear weapons to another It’s easy, if you are not in immediate dan-
Then one afternoon before the show United States “thousands of times” over.
Japan, and almost 40,000 United States state or nonstate actor. ger of being swallowed by the sea or stran-
was about to air, my dad brought home a Those sanctions were especially potent,
military personnel there, would also be in Second, to avoid blundering into a gled by drought, to slip into normalcy. Mo-
copy of Mr. Campbell’s 1968 album, closing loopholes and cutting off impor-
the cross hairs. The risk to American terri- costly war, the United States needs to im- ment to moment, for a lot of people in
“Wichita Lineman.” He bought the tant funding for the North. August is also
when the United States and South Korea mediately halt the reckless rhetoric. John America, everything still feels fine, un-
record, he told me, as a gift for my Kelly, Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, must as- changed. Even if you genuinely believe
conduct major joint military exercises,
mother because it included a song called
“Ann,” which is my mother’s name,
which always set Pyongyang on edge. In Absent an imminent sert control over the White House, includ-
ing his boss, and curb the Trump surro-
that doom is coming, it is possible to set
aside your panic for a while and, say, go get
August 2015, tensions escalated into cross-
among its 11 tracks.
The album also, to my surprise and de-
border artillery exchanges after two threat, attacking Kim gates whipping up Cuban missile crisis
a coffee. Wash your dog. Bicker with your
South Korean soldiers were wounded by spouse. The stoplights still work and you
light, included versions of Otis Redding’s land mines laid by North Korea. This jux- would be lunacy. Third, we must enhance our antimissile can still buy avocados at the supermarket
“(Sittin’ on the) Dock of the Bay” and the taposition of tough sanctions and military systems and other defenses, and those of and life is still as mundane and tedious as
Bee Gees’ “Words,” giving it at least a exercises has predictably heightened our allies, which need our reassurances it’s always been. Boredom is somehow
modicum of the hip credibility that I tory cannot be discounted, nor the more than ever.
North Korea’s threats. even more reassuring than happiness.
might otherwise have found wanting. prospect of China being drawn into a di- Fourth, we must continue to raise the
We have long lived with successive But we’re well past the window of pro-
rect conflict with the United States. Then costs to North Korea of maintaining its nu-
My dad, though, felt that “Ann,” a sen- Kims’ belligerent and colorful rhetoric — crastination. This is the time.
there would be the devastating impact of clear programs. Ratcheting up sanctions,
timental love song written by the West as ambassador to the United Nations in Seattle this week looks like one of those
war on the global economy. obtaining unfettered United Nations au-
Virginia folk singer Billy Edd Wheeler, the Obama administration, I came to ex- old photos of America’s smog-socked sky-
The national security adviser, H. R. Mc- thority to interdict suspect cargo going in
would strike the perfect note, and of pect it whenever we passed resolutions. lines from before the Clean Air Act and the
Master, said last week that if North Korea or out of the North, increasing Pyong-
course he was right, trusting in Mr. What is unprecedented and especially Environmental Protection Agency, an
“had nuclear weapons that can threaten yang’s political isolation and seeding in-
Campbell’s unwavering commitment to dangerous this time is the reaction of echo as oddly hopeful as it is horrifying.
the United States, it’s intolerable from the formation into the North that can increase
beauty, however simple or accessible its President Trump. Unscripted, the presi- The thing about human-made climate
dent said on Tuesday that if North Korea president’s perspective.” Surely, we must regime fragility are all important ele-
expression. take every reasonable step to reduce and change is that it’s human-made, which
makes new threats to the United States, ments of a pressure campaign.
When Elvis Presley first ventured into eliminate this threat. And surely there Finally, we must begin a dialogue with means that humans, to some degree, can
Sun Studios in the early 1950s, Marion “they will be met with fire and fury like the unmake it. It will take more than good lib-
world has never seen.” These words risk may be circumstances in which war is China about additional efforts and contin-
Keisker, Sam Phillips’s trusted assistant, necessary, including an imminent or actu- gencies on the peninsula, and revive diplo- erals composting their pizza boxes. We
tipping the Korean Peninsula into war, if
asked him, “What kind of singer are al attack on our nation or our allies. macy to test potential negotiated agree- need to make profound changes to the way
the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, believes
you?” Elvis’s immediate response was, But war is not necessary to achieve pre- ments that could verifiably limit or elimi- that industry, commerce and corporations
them and acts precipitously.
“I sing all kinds.” vention, despite what some in the Trump nate North Korea’s arsenal. function in this country, which means that
Either Mr. Trump is issuing an empty
The King’s answer could well have administration seem to have concluded. Rational, steady American leadership we need government intervention, which
threat of nuclear war, which will further
served Mr. Campbell, not only as a rejoin- erode American credibility and deter- History shows that we can, if we must, tol- can avoid a crisis and counter a growing means, unfortunately, that we need a dif-
der to those who never seemed to find his erate nuclear weapons in North Korea — North Korean threat. It’s past time that ferent government. Let your representa-
country-pop sensibilities edgy enough, the same way we tolerated the far greater the United States started exercising its tives know that, and remember it in 2018.
but as a testimony to his prodigious and CORRECTION threat of thousands of Soviet nuclear power responsibly. 0 In Seattle, in a week or so, a big wind will
wide-ranging talent. 0 An Op-Ed article on Aug. 5 by Ariel Dorf- weapons during the Cold War. come and give us our blue sky back. Some-
man misstated the title of his forthcoming It will require being pragmatic. SUSAN E. RICE was the national security day, though, it won’t. 0
BILL FRISKICS-WARREN is the co-author of book. It is “Homeland Security Ate My First, though we can never legitimize adviser from 2013 to 2017 and the United
“Heartaches by the Number: Country Speech,” not “Homeland Security Ate My North Korea as a nuclear power, we know States ambassador to the United Nations Gail Collins and Nicholas Kristof are off
Music’s 500 Greatest Singles.” Homework.” it is highly unlikely to relinquish its sizable from 2009 to 2013. today.


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A Currency
Safe Haven
Is Feeling
Less Safe
LONDON — It is the closest thing to
a certainty in the global economy. When
trouble flares and anxiety mounts, peo-
ple who manage money traditionally
entrust it to a seemingly indomitable
refuge, the American dollar.
Yet on Wednesday, in the hours after
President’s Trump’s threat to unleash
“fire and fury” on North Korea if it con-
tinued to menace the United States,
global investors sold the dollar. The
same dynamic played out in June, as
Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations
imposed an embargo on Qatar, deliver-
ing a fraught crisis to the oil-rich
Persian Gulf. And the dollar dipped in
July after President Vladimir V. Putin
of Russia expelled 755 American diplo-
mats, ratcheting up tensions between
the two nuclear powers.
Since the beginning of the year, the
dollar has surrendered nearly 8 percent
against a basket of major currencies.
The dollar remains the dominant in-
strument for global trade, a role it is un-
likely to surrender anytime soon. Yet
those who trade in currencies see tenta-
tive signs that the dollar may be losing
some status as markets grapple with
the unorthodox actions of the man lead-
ing the nation printing the money.
Donald J. Trump’s presidency has
been so full of departures from the
norms of international relations that
uncertainty has seeped into the calcula-
tion of America’s plans. That has sub-
jected the dollar to additional skepti-
cism, enhancing the fundamental fac-
tors pulling it down, from worries about
the strength of the American economy
to improved fortunes in Europe and
The dollar has in some sense become
an international medium of expression
about the American political envi-
ronment. Its value offers a gauge of sen-
timent for Mr. Trump’s prospects in
Continued on Page B2


U.S. Markets
Remain Calm,
But Investors
Nod to Caution
President Trump threatened nuclear
war with North Korea, and the markets
While stocks in Asia sold off initially,
the main market measures in the
United States fell less than half a per-
cent on Wednesday and ended the day
nearly unchanged, as investors stuck to
focusing on buoyant economic funda-
mentals and ignoring the chaos of
American politics.
But beneath the calm there were
signs that investors — who have been
conditioned since the presidential elec-
tion in November to embrace risk in-
stead of running from it — are becom-
ing more cautious.
The price of gold, a traditional safe in-
vestment, has been rising, and on
Wednesday it continued its march, in-
creasing more than 1 percent on the day.
Gold’s strong move pushed it just
barely ahead of the benchmark Stand-
ard & Poor’s 500-stock index for the
year — up 10.75 percent, compared with

With Move by Disney to Streaming, a New Video Era Begins 10.69 percent for the S.&P., according to
Y Charts, a data-gathering company.
On Wednesday, the S.&P. 500 and the
By BROOKS BARNES would be felt by almost every television streaming services they would need to about the enormous spending it will narrower Dow Jones industrial aver-
LOS ANGELES — Disney set off a company and cable operator. cobble together to watch what they take to build two streaming services. age ended the day virtually flat.
As part of its announcement on Tues- wanted to watch? Some might have been underwhelmed Earlier, the Nikkei index in Japan
sonic boom in Hollywood by unveiling
day, Disney said that it would spend On Wednesday, as analysts and in- by the company’s plans or might have closed down 1.29 percent, while the
plans to start two Netflix-style services:
heavily on original programming for its vestors scratched for answers, few firm thought that the decision came much Kospi index in South Korea ended down
For the first time in the streaming age,
entertainment streaming service and ones emerged. In a research report, too late. 1.10 percent. European stocks were also
the world’s largest media company had lower, with London down 0.56 percent
pull future Disney and Pixar movies Doug Creutz, an analyst at Cowen and While a few ardent Disney critics held
decided that embracing a new business that view, most analysts applauded the and Frankfurt down 1.12 percent.
from Netflix. That sent Netflix shares Company, summed up Disney’s stream-
model was more important than cling- company’s move. Prices of United States Treasury se-
downward. The question seemed to be, ing plans, especially for movies and
ing to its existing one. television, as “aggressively” pushing “What Disney is doing is a really big curities — often in demand in times of
how would Netflix, even with its head
Disney’s decision to better align itself start in terms of audience and reach, “the traditional content business into deal in terms of trying new things, and I turmoil — rose early in the day, driving
with consumer trends — deemed “a rare manage without the mighty mouse? terra incognita.” don’t think it even has answers to some their yields, which move in the opposite
and impressive pivot” by RBC Capital And would Disney’s plunge into stream- Underscoring the uncertainty, Dis- of these questions, including what the direction, lower. But Treasury prices
Markets — instantly reverberated ing encourage the likes of Discovery ney’s shares declined by more than 4 services will cost,” said Michael gave up ground in the afternoon, and
through the entertainment industry. and Viacom to do the same, intensifying percent on Wednesday, to $102.83. The Vorhaus, president of Magid Advisors, a the yield on the benchmark 10-year
Disney’s cable channels, which include competition? company reported a 9 percent decline in media and digital video consultancy. Treasury note slipped to 2.25 percent,
ESPN, have long been seen as the rea- And would viewers who want to es- quarterly profit on Tuesday, which may “But it’s clearly not the end of linear from 2.26 percent on Tuesday.
son many viewers were refraining from chew traditional cable subscriptions have led to the sell-off. Wider weakness television. It’s not the end of Netflix.” Gold futures rose 1.59 percent, to
cutting the cord entirely. If Disney was eventually find themselves over- in financial markets did not help. Disney’s streaming plans call for the $1,282.40 an ounce.
going all in on streaming, the impact whelmed by the sheer number of Disney investors may also be worried Continued on Page B8 Continued on Page B2

In Uncertain Trump Era,

A Currency Safe Haven
Feels Risky to Investors
tion and a hefty dose of infrastruc-
From First Business Page ture spending would spur eco-
achieving his economic goals, as nomic growth. This formulation
well as worries about his poten- has earned favor in the stock mar-
tially impulsive declarations. ket. During the Trump adminis-
“At the margin, investors may tration, American shares have
be a little more cautious in treat- reached new highs, propelled by
ing the dollar as safe haven,” said strong corporate profits and exec-
Jeremy Cook, chief economist at utives exuding optimism.
World First, a London-based com- Yet the Trump trade was also a
pany that handles foreign ex- wager that the dollar would climb
as investment flooded into the
change transactions. “Certainly,
United States to exploit fresh
the sentiment toward the viability
growth opportunities.
of the Trump administration has
Those expectations have been
not helped. There’s the risk that at
overwhelmed by the turbulence of
3 a.m., Trump tweets something
the Trump presidency. Senior gov-
and the dollar gets hit.” ernment officials have been hired
Before Mr. Trump was even and fired at the pace of a reality
sworn in, many investors were television show. Myriad disclo-
buying into the so-called Trump sures have intensified questions
trade, a bet that the new presi- about whether Mr. Trump’s cote-
dent’s plans for tax cuts, deregula- rie colluded with Russia to influ-
ence the American election. Big
How Many Yen a Dollar Buys parts of his agenda have stalled.
All the while, Mr. Trump has un-
120 Yen leashed his signature Twitter
rants, sometimes undercutting
the positions of his cabinet mem-
bers and sowing confusion. In the YUYA SHINO/GETTY IMAGES
estimation of many economists, Foreign exchange traders, top,
the dollar’s fall reflects an as-
sumption that his administration watching Donald J. Trump
115 will be hard-pressed to deliver on give his victory speech last No-
key goals. vember. At left, driving past a
“The potential for serious in- display board outside the
vestment and tax reform and eco- North Korean embassy in Bei-
nomic growth in the United States jing. Investors must account
is unlikely to be realized,” said Ian for American uncertainty now.
110.8 Goldin, a former World Bank vice
110 president and now professor of
globalization and development at any conversation about daily
the University of Oxford. “There’s price movements. Evidence is
just a mood that gets amplified ev- mixed on whether the dollar is
ery time we have a disaster in the less of a safe haven. While the val-
White House, or a new tweet.” ue of the American currency has
Values as of Aug. 4. Currency values are both vola- dropped, so has another tradi-
105 tile and relative. The dollar’s tional refuge, the Swiss franc. This
worth must be understood as a re- may indicate that geopolitical
flection of contrasting economic events have simply not reached a
Feb. April June Aug.
prospects in the United States and point at which investors are seek-
Source: The Federal Reserve other lands. ing shelter.
Bank of St. Louis. Mr. Trump’s pro-growth initia- “Risk factors are playing out as
THE NEW YORK TIMES tives have been sidelined just as opposed to ‘head for the hills’ kind
the Federal Reserve has lifted in- of panic,” said Lutfey Siddiqi, a
The Dollar’s Decline terest rates, constraining Ameri- visiting professor at the London
can expansion. At the same time, School of Economics. “What has
100 Europe — long a morose topic in
certainly happened is that the out-
the global economic conversation ANDY WONG/ASSOCIATED PRESS look for the United States is dra-
— has shown encouraging signs of
matically less clear than it was at
vigor. precarious positions. A weaker dollar may be pleas- the start of the year.”
Spain has seen its economy re- Since early January, it has lost ing to Mr. Trump. He has previ-
turn to pre-crisis size. France more than 6 percent compared The dollar is no longer ously called for a cheaper green-
But the reaction on Wednesday
to the latest tensions on the Kore-
elected a new president, Emman-
95 uel Macron, who has engendered
with the Japanese currency, the
yen. The strength is perhaps a tes-
the sure thing it once back to make it easier for Ameri-
can companies to sell goods
an Peninsula bolstered the notion
that the dollar is functioning dif-
hopes he will deliver growth. Even
Greece, still saddled with gargan-
tament to recent signs of burgeon-
ing activity in Japan’s economy
was. abroad. He has railed against
countries that have large trade
ferently. The yen rallied, and so
tuan debts, has lately flashed did gold — both safe havens. The
even as the government contends surpluses with the United States,
signs of improvement. dollar dipped.
with a series of scandals. such as China and Germany, while
Given these shifts in fortune, in- Not coincidentally, multinational The fate of the dollar is now sub-
After Britain’s decision to aban- accusing them of profiting from
vestors have been inclined to sell companies based in the United undervalued currencies. ject to the influences of a presiden-
don the European Union, the
90 dollar holdings while shifting the States have seen their earnings Yet if a weaker dollar is part of tial administration that has given
pound plunged last year, lifting
88.5 proceeds into euros. Since Janu- the price of imports while dimin- soar. the administration’s designs, it markets an expectation for the un-
ary, the dollar has lost more than 11 ishing growth. Britain is now con- A weaker dollar also makes va- does not appear to be jibing with expected. As traders seek to di-
percent against the euro. sumed with fractious divorce pro- cations in the United States other elements of its plans. Since vine the risks of geopolitical hot
Major currencies index includes the “Foreign exchange markets ceedings that seem likely to end cheaper, attracting more interna- January, the dollar has slipped spots, this appears to be weighing
Euro Area, Canada, Japan, United were persistently discounting Eu- its inclusion in Europe’s vast com- tional tourists and bolstering em- nearly 4 percent against China’s on the American currency.
Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, and “There is some erosion in the
rope’s strength,” said Adam S. Po- mon marketplace, threatening its ployment in the hospitality indus- currency, the renminbi. At the
Sweden. Values as of Aug. 4.
sen, a former official at the Bank exports. Still, the pound has tries. same time, Trump administration relative stability of the United
85 States in light of this administra-
of England, and now president of gained more than 7 percent But given that the United States officials have been readying a
the Peterson Institute for Interna- against the dollar since the middle imports more than it exports, a case aimed at punishing China for tion’s inconsistency on global af-
Feb. April June Aug. fairs,” said Mr. Posen of the Peter-
tional Economics in Washington. of January. cheaper dollar effectively in- unfair trade practices.
“They are playing catch-up.” For American exporters, a creases prices on wares for Amer- Currencies tend to be nudged son Institute. “The U.S. is at rela-
Source: The Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis. But the dollar has slipped even weaker dollar effectively makes ican consumers, from clothing to by scores of factors that play out tively more risk than we thought
THE NEW YORK TIMES against currencies of nations in goods cheaper on world markets. electronics to tools. at once, rendering speculative in the past.”


Agency Takes Step to Delay
Markets Keep Calm, but Investors Nod to Caution A Rule on Financial Advisers
any piece of bad news or any spike The Dow Minute by Minute By TARA SIEGEL BERNARD by Thrivent Financial for Lu-
From First Business Page in volatility, and that has been a
Position of the Dow Jones industrial average at 1-minute intervals on Regulators are seeking to delay therans against the Labor Depart-
Gold tends to outperform very profitable strategy,” said ment, which oversees retirement
Russ Koesterich, a portfolio man- Wednesday. the deadline for financial advisers
stocks when the markets are slid- 22,100 accounts. A spokesman said the
ing, so it is unusual for such a con- ager for BlackRock’s $39 billion to fully comply with a rule that
would require them to act in their proposal would be published in
servative investment to beat equi- Global Allocation Fund. “But we
do think that there are risks in the customers’ best interest, accord- the Federal Register on Thursday,
ties when they have been on a tear 22,075 but declined further comment.
as has been the case this year. world that are not being priced in.” ing to a federal court filing on
To Mr. Koesterich’s point, some Wednesday. Just a month after President
What is driving this anomaly, Previous close
of the best-performing invest- 22,085.34 The Labor Department, which Trump took office, he ordered a re-
some say, is a recognition that
eventually investors will not be ments in the world this year have 22,050 sent the proposal to the Office of view of the regulation, which has
able to ignore recent headline been exchange-traded vehicles Management and Budget, said it been strongly opposed by the fi-
risks — whether nuclear tensions that investors can use to bet wanted to push back the full im- nancial services and insurance in-
with North Korea, a trade war against the VIX, the Chicago 22,025 plementation of the so-called fidu- dustries.
with China or a debt ceiling crisis Board Options Exchange Volatili- ciary rule to July 1, 2019, from Jan. Some consumer advocates said
in Washington. ty Index, better known as Wall 1, 2018, according to a court docu- they were not surprised by the
“There has been a Pavlovian re- Street’s fear gauge. 22,000 ment filed in Federal District proposed delay but were con-
sponse by investors to disregard The VIX rose nearly 9 percent cerned the move would give the
10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m.
on Wednesday after Mr. Trump’s Trump administration more time
comments about North Korea, be- Source: Reuters THE NEW YORK TIMES to weaken the fiduciary rule,
fore settling up just 1.37 percent, at which was crafted by the Obama
11.11 for the day. The index has been While few people are predicting gan Chase, who warned in a re- Moving to push back administration over roughly six
trading at historically low levels, an actual crash, a growing num- cent report about an increase in
and many investors continue to ber of stock market specialists are trading volatility this fall. “China, a deadline for a years.
“American workers want and
wager that lots of money pouring
into markets and an improving
warning that in the coming
months, markets are likely to start
North Korea and the normaliza-
tion of policies by central banks,
regulation meant to expect retirement advice in their
own best interest, and this further
global economy will keep the in- reacting more to so-called macro which has been underappreciated protect consumers. and unwarranted enforcement
dex quiescent. events such as political volatility by the market.”
delay does not serve anyone who
Mr. Koesterich, however, has and the realization that central Since 2012, after a sharp rise
bankers in Europe and the United is working hard to save for retire-
been taking the opposite side of during the financial crisis, gold, as
BUSINESS that trade. Since the beginning of States are moving toward a more an investment, has not performed Court in Minnesota. ment,” said Cristina Martin
OPPORTUNITIES the year, he has been adding to his restrictive stance on interest rates well as investors have chased re- The first part of the fiduciary Firvida, director of financial secu-
(3400) gold position, and it is now the and intervening in markets. turns in buoyant stock and bond rule took effect in June, and re- rity at AARP.
Capital to Invest 3404 Global Allocation Fund’s second- That is because the benign mar- markets. quires brokers, financial advisers A research note circulated by
For New York and New Jersey largest position, according to Y ket conditions of recent months But while many investors have and insurance agents to put their Compass Point Research & Trad-
financing available for rehab 1-2 family
houses. Please email your info at Charts. have been spurred by better eco- shaken off scares such as Britain customers’ interests ahead of ing, which provides analysis on “Gold can help especially if the nomic news, and, in particular, by exiting the European Union or po- their own, at least when they are the financial services sector, said
Automobile Repair and dollar is not a safe haven any- a very good spate of second-quar- litical unrest in Washington, the handling their retirement ac- the 18-month window “sets the
Gas Stations 3446 more,” he said, referring to how ter earnings. view is taking hold that gold can stage for a substantial rewrite” —
MOBILE SERVICE OF CAR DRY the dollar has weakened in re- Once investors return from va- be a very good hedge against But the final pieces that are not and should provide sufficient time
WASH AND DETAIL - Full insured sponse to the spate of news from cation, the theory goes, and with more serious threats like nuclear yet in place are what gives the rule for the Labor Department to
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Washington. “It is a good headline no good earnings news to inspire confrontation in Asia. “meaningfully soften the rule.”
Miscellaneous 3454 its teeth: Among other things, the
hedge.” them, they will be more sensitive “There has been a wall of rule would require financial pro-
Collection DON QUIXOTE Mr. Koesterich is not alone in to headline events. money supporting markets so
adopting a wary stance, espe- fessionals with conflicts of inter-
FOR SALE, collection of Don Quixote, That could result in sharper far,” said Stuart Culverhouse, a
consist of 1,250 pieces of beautiful and
cially now in August, when trad- est to sign a contract with
great Art pieces : paintings, sculptures, moves downward in stock market market strategist at Exotix Capi- Other points of view
figurines, statues, Lladro, Capida-
ing desks on Wall Street empty indexes. customers, making the rule le-
monte, crystal, tapestries, ornaments, tal in London. “But this time we on the Op-Ed page
CD's, videos, movies, 250 books of Don out and lower levels of buying and “There are risks,” said Marko are not just talking about a macro gally enforceable.
Quixote, among them 65 in different
selling can result in sharper The court document had few de- seven days a week.
languages. Contact: Kolanovic a market strategist and surprise — we are talking about
Albert Askenazi
Cellular = (915)422-6778 downward moves in the market. derivatives specialist at JPMor- full-on military action.” tails, but was part of a lawsuit filed The New York Times
E-mail =
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Albert Askenazi (915)422-6778

A Missing Tycoon’s Links to Dalian Wanda, China’s Troubled Conglomerate

By MICHAEL FORSYTHE Mr. Saich has played host to was done to help the couple exit
Dalian Wanda, the Chinese con- Wanda’s chairman, Wang Jianlin, their investments following Mr.
glomerate that owns the AMC at Harvard and knows Mr. Xiao Xi’s elevation to the top leadership
movie theater chain and nurtures because of his donations to the post. The sale was done “for the
Hollywood ambitions, has some- university. family,” the spokeswoman said.
times turned to the secretive busi- Mr. Saich said that Mr. Xiao Mr. Yang, 54, didn’t respond to a
ness network of a politically con- might be laying out for govern- request for comment.
nected Chinese billionaire in ment regulators the complex and Wanda later took the commer-
times of need. interlocking web of debts and cial properties business public, in
Now both Wanda and that bil- shareholding ties among many 2014. Then, when Wanda took it
lionaire, Xiao Jianhua, are under companies that could pose a dan- private again less than two years
official pressure in China — and ger to China’s financial stability. In later in a $4.4 billion deal, a busi-
one Wanda insider says that may the months ahead of an important ness connected to Mr. Xiao played
not be a coincidence. Communist Party meeting this a crucial role.
Mr. Xiao was escorted out of a autumn, the Chinese leadership — One firm that helped Wanda fi-
Hong Kong hotel in January in the led by Xi Jinping, China’s presi- nance the buyout was an invest-
middle of the night in a wheelchair dent — has placed an even bigger ment vehicle controlled by a part-
by unidentified men. He is now be- emphasis on stability, leaving an nership called Pohua JT Capital
lieved to be across the border in impression that the government Partners, according to corporate
mainland China helping the au- is tightening its grip. records in Hong Kong. Those
thorities with investigations into “My sense is this has gone up records show the partnership
the financial industry. His legal the system to Xi and they are just shared management with a simi-
status is unclear: China’s govern- staggered by what is going on,” larly named firm called JT Capital
ment has not made any announce- Mr. Saich added. Management. JT Capital Manage-
ment about whether he is in cus- Neither Wanda nor Mr. Xiao has ment has recently been the source
tody. ever publicly discussed whether of funds for a scholarship program
Half a year after Mr. Xiao’s dis- they have a relationship. But a re- at the Harvard Kennedy School of
appearance, Wanda is selling off view of documents indicates that Government sponsored by the To-
large portions of its empire of business associates of Mr. Xiao GILLES SABRIÉ FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES morrow Foundation, the charita-
malls, hotels and amusement were involved both in the process A mall owned by Dalian Wanda in Wuhan, China. The company is selling off parts of its empire. ble arm of Mr. Xiao’s main holding
parks, as big Chinese companies leading up to Wanda’s 2014 initial company, the Tomorrow Group.
are under increasing pressure public offering in Hong Kong and politically connected private com- of Mr. Xi, Qi Qiaoqiao, and her hus- one of the companies in Mr. Xiao’s Patrick McKiernan, a spokes-
from regulators to shed debt. its privatization less than two panies that have invested billions band, Deng Jiagui, as sharehold- fleet as a top investor. man for Harvard, said in an email
Chinese authorities have not years later, according to numer- of dollars abroad and borrowed ers in Dalian Wanda Commercial Mr. Yang, Mr. Xiao and Mr. Xi’s that JT Capital’s donation in 2014
discussed Mr. Xiao’s situation ous corporate filings in China and heavily from Chinese banks. Properties, Chinese corporate family had other business connec- went to support programs at the
publicly. But Tony Saich, a profes- Hong Kong. Wanda, with its substantial debts records show. That Wanda unit, tions, corporate records show. Kennedy School, including the To-
sor at the Kennedy School of Gov- It is not clear whether Wanda and extensive financial ties to the the company’s flagship, owns While Mr. Yang was at China Con- morrow Foundation Fellows. The
ernment at Harvard University actively sought his help or families of China’s Communist shopping malls across China. struction Bank’s investment Wall Street Journal previously re-
and a director of Wanda’s AMC whether Mr. Xiao’s connections in Party elite, is the prototypical Mr. Yang at the time ran the bank, it formed a joint venture ported on the connection between
Entertainment arm, said Mr. Xi- the Chinese business world are so gray rhino. China operations of the invest- with Ms. Qi and Mr. Deng to make JT Capital Management and Po-
ao’s work with the authorities and extensive that they could be diffi- Wanda involvement with com- ment banking arm of China Con- China investments. In 2013, after a hua JT Capital Partners. Li
Wanda’s problems might be con- cult to avoid. Mr. Xiao, 45, did not panies connected with Mr. Xiao struction Bank, a huge state-run Bloomberg News report showed Haifeng, a director at Pohua JT
nected. respond to a request for comment. goes back more than eight years. lender, and that investment bank the wealth accumulated by Mr. Capital in Hong Kong, didn’t re-
“I think virtually all these A spokesman for Wanda would A business partner of Mr. Xiao, was itself once one of Wanda’s big- Xi’s family, the company co- spond to an email and fax seeking
things that are unfolding now are not comment when asked about Yang Hongwei, held a senior posi- gest shareholders. founded by Mr. Xiao and Mr. Yang comment.
possibly related to Xiao’s trip ties between Mr. Xiao and the tion at an investment firm that Mr. Yang also had extensive ties bought the joint venture stake Until recently, the office next
across the border,” Mr. Saich said. company. helped oversee a Wanda private with Mr. Xiao. The two founded an owned by Mr. Xi’s relatives. door to the one used by JT Capital
Wanda is one of a number of share sale in 2009. That deal internet company in 2000, then In a statement to The New York Management in New York was oc-
Keith Bradsher contributed re- companies in China that have brought in politically powerful in- Mr. Yang went on to run another Times in June 2014, a spokeswom- cupied by the United States office
porting. come to be known as gray rhinos: vestors, including the older sister technology company that counted an for Mr. Xiao said the purchase of another Chinese company.

Layers of Loans Funded

Deal for Australian Dairy
By JANE PERLEZ the Chinese government.
and RYAN McMORROW The acquisition of the Tasma-
SMITHTON, Australia — Not nian dairy, known as Van
long after China’s leader, Xi Jin- Diemen’s Land Company, or VDL,
ping, visited the remote island is spurring questions about
state of Tasmania, a little-known whether the Australian govern-
Chinese entrepreneur with big ment is fully assessing the risks.
ambitions followed in his foot- Major purchases by overseas
steps, buying Australia’s largest buyers are vetted by Australia’s
dairy, with 20,000 cows and rolling Foreign Investment Review
green pastures, for more than Board. While the board analyzes
$200 million. deals for threats to the country’s
It looked like a good match. national interests, its mandate
Australia was hungry for Chinese does not require deep due dili-
money. And the businessman, Lu gence on the buyers’ finances.
Xianfeng, presented himself as a “The Australian assumption
well-heeled investor, promising to has been that Chinese business
protect jobs and add even more. operates like Australian ones,”
Like much of the splashier over- said Peter Jennings, executive di-
seas spending by Chinese con- rector of the Australian Strategic
glomerates, the acquisition of the Policy Institute. “But they operate
dairy was financed by layers upon in ways that don’t fit with how we
layers of debt, the type of financial do business in the Australian
complexity and opaque deal ma- economy.”
king that worry regulators in The review process, he said, ap-
China and around the world. pears to lack basic due diligence
on potential foreign buyers. “If
Mr. Lu paid for the purchase
they have the capacity, they are
with three loans, one from a lend-
very good at hiding it,” he said.
er in Australia and two from Chi- CHRIS CRERAR
Mr. Lu is not the only Chinese
nese lenders, including the big-
buyer with precarious finances.
gest state-run bank, the Industrial
and Commercial Bank of China, A Chinese company, Land-
bridge, which leased the strategic
according to the filings of his pub-
port in Darwin in 2015, is facing fi-
licly traded company. He then
nancial troubles. Landbridge is
pledged shares in the public com-
trying to secure loans from lend-
pany, Ningbo Xianfeng New Ma-
ers, including China’s Export-Im-
port Bank, raising concerns about
why a facility near Australian and
American defense forces may be-
A type of opaque come tied up with a state-run Chi-
deal-making that nese lender dedicated to carrying
out Beijing’s policy goals.
worries regulators. In a sign of the growing sensi-
tivity, the Australian government
rebuffed two offers from Chinese
companies to buy the nation’s big-
terials, to raise even more money. gest cattle ranch, S. Kidman and
Lately, his businesses have been Co., on the grounds the deal was BRENDON THORNE/BLOOMBERG WILLIAM WEST/EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY
on shaky financial footing, with against the country’s interest. A Lu Xianfeng, top, bought Australia’s largest dairy, known as VDL, above left, for over $200 million in 2016. President Xi Jinping of
Ningbo Xianfeng halting trading year later, a Chinese buyer took a
China, above right, visited Hobart, Tasmania, in 2014. The Tasmanian government has been courting Chinese buyers.
in its shares in China, citing a re- minority interest with an Austral-
structuring. ian businesswoman, Gina Rine-
The deal is part of a problematic hart. an Australia-China free trade the consumer markets in China.” assets, according to corporate fil- said the documents presented by
pattern as indebted Chinese com- Mr. Lu did not respond to re- agreement, Tasmanian exports of To help gain acceptance in tight- ings. Separate public filings the Chinese buyer were confiden-
panies buy marquee assets in the quests for comment sent through fresh produce to China have knit Tasmania, where the popula- showed that a $56 million loan tial.
United States, Europe, Canada his Chinese and Australian com- soared. tion is just 500,000, Mr. Lu chose a from Rabobank in Australia also Rabobank declined to com-
and Australia. China was Austral- panies. A spokeswoman for his From the outset, the deal for the well-connected former politician, funded the deal, debt that was also ment.
ia’s largest source of foreign in- Chinese company, Ningbo Xian- lush land perched high above the David Crean, as the deputy chair- backed by the dairy’s assets. After the purchase closed in
vestment in 2016, as measured by feng, declined to comment. southern Pacific Ocean attracted man of Moon Lake. Mr. Lu im- The Chinese loans were not pre- March 2016, Mr. Lu tried to sell the
approved deals. A spokesman for the Australian attention. The roots of VDL, Aus- pressed officials with his pledge to sented to the review board, ac- dairy to his publicly traded com-
China has started to rein in big treasurer, Scott Morrison, said in a tralia’s most prestigious dairy, honor the cultural heritage of Ab- cording to the managing director pany in a deal that would have
players like the Anbang Insur- statement that “the government stretch back to the settlement of original people on the property, of Moon Lake, Sean Shwe, who paid off the Chinese loans. But the
ance Group, Fosun International, considers a broad range of factors Tasmania by the British in the Mr. Rolley said. helped prepare documents for the China Securities Regulatory Com-
the HNA Group and Dalian against the national interest when early 1800s. The British owned it “They have a naïve fixation” board. Mr. Shwe said he was not mission barred that transaction,
Wanda, concerned that their piles assessing foreign investment pro- for more than a century; the dairy with China, Mark Harrison, asso- aware of the loans from the Chi- citing “uncertain” future profits
of debt, largely from state-run posals,” including financing ar- was owned by a New Zealand ciate professor of Chinese Studies nese lenders. from the dairy, a decision based on
banks, threaten the financial sys- rangements and impact on the company before Mr. Lu bought it. at the University of Tasmania, Around the same time, Mr. Lu declining earnings prompted by
tem and economic growth. For- economy. Mr. Lu, whose main business in said of the state government. began arranging other funding in plunging worldwide milk prices.
eign governments, too, are wary Chinese money has poured into China is manufacturing window “Mr. Lu’s financial problems China. He handed over blocks of Mr. Lu’s businesses have been
of the flood of Chinese deals, with Australia, where buyers are seek- shades, created an Australian were well covered in the Chinese shares in Ningbo Xianfeng to struggling. Ningbo Xianfeng has
complex ownership structures ing wide-open spaces, fresh company, Moon Lake Invest- press and in financial filings,” he lenders as collateral for loans, not traded since April. It an-
that make it difficult to discern the produce and a stable economy. In ments, to buy the dairy. He said. “I know about them. Why eventually pledging 95 percent of nounced in July that profits were
strategic motivations and finan- the last decade, Australia was the promised to invest an additional doesn’t the government?” his shares, according to corporate expected to drop at least 70 per-
cial health of the buyers. second-biggest recipient of Chi- 100 million Australian dollars, pre- After striking an agreement to filings. cent in the first six months of 2017.
While Australian politicians nese money, just behind the serve the existing 140 jobs and add buy the dairy in late 2015, Mr. Lu Such loans are generally ex- The window-shade business
generally view Chinese invest- United States, according to a up to 95 others. He vowed to ex- established Kaixin Investment, a tended at high interest rates. They Mr. Lu owns in Perth, Australia,
ment as advantageous, there are study by the accounting firm port fresh milk from the farm to an Ningbo-based company, to ac- can sour quickly if shares plunge has failed to turn an annual profit
increasing worries that the gov- KPMG. expanding Chinese middle class quire the assets. That company in value, a possibility in China’s since Ningbo Xianfeng acquired it
ernment is approving deals by Chinese players vied for cattle desperate for quality assurances obtained loans of $74 million from seesawing stock market. in 2014.
problematic companies aligned ranches, wineries, ports and and covetous of imported food. the Industrial and Commercial In an interview, the spokesman Last month, Ningbo Xianfeng
with a potential adversary. The at- mines. Tens of thousands of “Here was a proposal from a Bank of China and $22 million for Mr. Morrison, the Australian announced it would sell an online
titudes toward Chinese money homes were snapped up. savvy Chinese investor,” said the from the China Zheshang Bank to treasurer, said that Mr. Morrison auto-parts business in Shanghai.
have been complicated by recent The Tasmanian government chief executive of VDL Farms, finance the purchase. was “comfortable with the advice Employees had staged a revolt,
controversies about election-cam- has been courting Chinese invest- Evan Rolley, a former state gov- The loans were guaranteed by provided by the review board on saying Mr. Lu didn’t live up to his
paign donations from Australians ors since it hosted President Xi ernment official. “He could take Ningbo Xianfeng, which in turn the dairy acquisition.” pledges, according to press re-
of Chinese descent with links to with fanfare in 2014. Bolstered by the Tasmanian product right into was backed by all the dairy farm’s The Australian review board ports and public filings.



A Definitive Guide to Setting Up Your Smart Home

hand corner and then tap Add Acces-
Nearly everything in your home — • Wait for the accessory to be discov-
air-conditioners, thermostats, lights ered. If asked to Add Accessory to
and garage doors, among other things Network, tap allow. Use the camera to
— can today be connected to the inter- scan the accessory setup code on the
net and remotely controlled with a bottom of the Philips Hue Bridge. Fol-
mobile device or smart low the instructions in the app to finish
speaker. setting up your light and give it a name
That sounds ideal, like “Lamp.”
but there’s a problem:
• Now test the light. With your iPhone
Setting up a so-called smart home can
nearby, say “Hey, Siri, turn on my
be mind-boggling. There is a plethora of
lamp.” Then say “Hey, Siri, turn off the
different accessories that work only
with certain products, and some work
better than others. CONTROLLING A FAN You will need: 1.)
Privacy is also a concern. While big an iPhone or iPad; 2.) an iHome smart
companies like Amazon, Google and plug; 3.) a plug-in fan.
Apple offer smart home controllers
with strong security in mind, some How to Control an Electric Fan With Siri
third-party home accessory makers Using iHome’s SmartPlug
might not be as diligent about protect- • Plug the SmartPlug into a power
ing your privacy. outlet. The green light will blink.
So here’s a guide to help you sort • On your iPhone, open the Home app.
through the jumble and become accli- Tap the + symbol in the upper-right-
mated to your first smart home. hand corner and then tap Add Acces-
sory. Wait for the accessory to be dis-
First, Choose an Assistant covered. If asked to Add Accessory to
Network, tap allow. Use the camera to
Virtual voice-controlled assistants like scan the accessory setup code on the
Apple’s Siri, Google’s Assistant and bottom of the SmartPlug. Name the
Amazon’s Alexa make it easy to control plug “Fan.”
smart home products by speaking • Now test the fan. Make sure the fan’s
simple commands like “Alexa, turn on power switch is in the “on” position.
the lights.” With your iPhone nearby, say “Hey,
Siri, turn on the fan.” Then say, “Hey,
AMAZON’S ALEXA Alexa is the virtual
Siri, turn off the fan.”
assistant powering Amazon’s Echo
products. You summon it by saying
“Alexa.” Putting Assistant to Work
PROS Though Google Assistant is included on
• Amazon’s Echo products are easy to newer Android devices, Google’s Home
set up and plug in anywhere that you speaker is the simplest way to control
need to summon Alexa. home accessories. Here are steps for
• At $50, Echo Dot, the smaller speaker, setting up Google Home to control
is one of the cheapest smart home lights and an electric fan.
controllers on the market.
• Alexa has more than 10,000 “skills,” or need: 1.) a Google Home speaker; 2.) a
third-party capabilities, making it the Lifx bulb like the A19; 3.) an Apple or
most broadly supported smart home Android smartphone for setting up
hub. Google Home to talk to the bulb.
CONS • Screw the Lifx bulb into the lamp
• Amazon’s Alexa app for iPhones and down the home button. with a Wi-Fi router and talks to the Alexa to talk to the smart plug. socket and flip on the light switch.
Android phones, required for setting up smart light, there are also smart light • On your smartphone, download the
some smart home products, can be PROS • On your smartphone, download the
bulbs with a built-in Wi-Fi connection. Kasa app from the Apple or Android Lifx app. Open the app. On the screen,
clunky. • With privacy in mind, Apple worked Lifx, a smart bulb with built-in Wi-Fi, app store. tap the + or Add Bulbs button and
• Alexa sometimes has difficulty re- with home accessory makers to ensure doesn’t require a bridge — so setting it
that the data transferred between ac- • Open the Kasa app and register for an follow the setup instructions to connect
sponding to what you ask it to do. up is relatively simple. the bulb to your Wi-Fi network.
cessories and Apple devices is secure To use Alexa to control a Lifx bulb, account. Once logged in, tap the Smart
• The speakers on Echo products are and encrypted. Plug icon. • With Google Home set up, you should
generally mediocre. you will need: 1.) an Amazon Echo
• The integration of HomeKit into Ap- product; 2.) a Lifx bulb like the A19; 3.) • Plug the smart plug into a power have already installed the Google
• In its privacy policy, Amazon says it an Apple or Android smartphone for outlet. Plug your electric fan into the Home app on your smartphone. Open
ple’s mobile devices makes it easier to
takes no responsibility for third-party setting up Alexa to talk to the bulb. smart plug. The light on the plug will the app and tap the menu icon in the
set up Siri with home accessories.
products that work with Alexa. In other turn amber. upper-left corner. Then tap Home Con-
words, the onus is on you to find out CONS • Screw the Lifx bulb into the socket trol. Tap the + sign to add a device. Tap
what third-party home-accessory com- and flip on the light switch. • In the Kasa app, follow the instruc- Lifx and sign into your Lifx account.
• Partly because of Apple’s stringent tions to connect your smartphone to the
panies can do with the data they collect privacy requirements, it has taken • On your smartphone, download the • Tap the Authorize button to let Google
from you. plug. Give the smart plug a name like
longer for smart home accessories Lifx app from the Apple or Android app “Fan.” Turn on the Remote Control Assistant control the light. Assign the
supporting Siri to reach the market, store. option and follow the instructions to light to a room, like the living room.
meaning there are fewer available. • Open the Lifx app. On the screen, tap connect the plug to your Wi-Fi network. • Now test the lamp. With Google Home
smart speaker and some Android
smartphones include Google Assistant. • Siri sometimes has trouble under- the + or Add Bulbs button and follow • Open the Amazon Alexa app. Tap the nearby, say, “O.K., Google, turn on the
To summon it, just say, “O.K., Google.” standing what you ask it to do. the setup instructions to connect the menu icon and select Skills. Search for light in the living room.” Then say,
• Siri is exclusive to Apple products. bulb to your Wi-Fi network. Give the the TP-Link Kasa skill and enable it. “O.K., Google, turn off the light in the
PROS living room.”
bulb a name that is easy to understand, Tap the menu icon and select Smart
• The Home speaker and smartphones like “Lamp.”
running newer versions of Android
include Assistant.
Next, Choose Hardware • Open the Amazon Alexa app. Tap the
Home. Tap Devices, then tap Discover.
The Alexa app will scan for devices and
CONTROLLING A FAN You will need: 1.) a
Google Home; 2.) an iHome Smart-
After you pick your virtual assistant, menu icon and select Skills. Search for discover the smart plug labeled Fan. Plug; 3.) an Android device or iPhone
• At $130, Google Home costs $50 less
you’ll be able to choose a piece of hard- the Lifx skill and enable it. • Now test the fan. Make sure the fan’s to set up the Google Home to talk to the
than Amazon’s standard Echo speaker.
ware that will become your primary • Tap the menu icon and select Smart power switch is in the “on” position. smart plug; 4.) a plug-in fan.
• Assistant is generally smarter than smart home controller. Amazon’s Alexa Home. Tap Devices, then tap Discover. With your Echo nearby, say, “Alexa,
Alexa and Siri because it is powered by works with Echo Dot, Echo and Echo • On your smartphone, download the
The app will scan for devices and dis- turn off the fan.” Then say, “Alexa, turn
the brains of Google search, meaning Show; Google’s Assistant works with iHome Control app and open it.
cover the smart bulb named Lamp. on the fan.”
you can ask a broader array of ques- Google Home and newer Android • Plug the SmartPlug into a power
tions and are more likely to get a cor- smartphones; and Apple’s Siri works • Test the light. Make sure the light outlet. Plug the fan’s cord into the
rect response. with iPhones, iPads and Apple Watch. switch is on. With your Echo nearby, Putting Siri to Work SmartPlug. The green light on the
Then, the fun begins. With your virtu- say, “Alexa, turn off the lamp.” Then SmartPlug will blink.
CONS Setting up home accessories to work
al assistant you can set up your home say, “Alexa, turn on the lamp.” Then try
• Saying “O.K., Google” to summon with Siri is relatively easy, partly be- • In the iHome Control app, tap the
in a number of ways to make it “smart- things like “Alexa, dim the lamp” and
Assistant gets annoying. cause HomeKit is integrated into Ap- Devices tab, tap Add Device and follow
er.” Here’s a rundown of the different “Alexa, brighten the lamp.”
• Google Home’s audio quality is just ple’s mobile products. To find compati- the directions to finish the setup. Use
assistants and some products that work the app to scan the accessory setup
mediocre. CONTROLLING A FAN There are many ble products, look for accessories that
well with them. code on the bottom of the SmartPlug.
• While Assistant is slightly smarter plug-in appliances, like fans, electric are labeled “Works with Apple Home-
water kettles and coffee makers, that Kit” on the packaging or in the product Give the plug a name like “Fan.”
than other virtual assistants, it is still
flawed and sometimes does not know Putting Alexa to Work you probably wish were smarter. By description. • On your smartphone, open the Google
the answers to your questions. plugging them into a smart plug, you Here are steps for setting up Siri to Home app. Tap the menu button in the
To set up your Alexa product, you’ll control lights and an electric fan.
use a personal assistant to do things top left corner. Tap Home control. In the
• Google’s privacy policy on the data it first need to download the Alexa app
like switch the power on or off remotely. devices tab, tap Add. Select iHome and
collects with Google Home is vague. It onto your phone. This app allows you to CONTROLLING THE LIGHTS You will
For this hypothetical example, we log into your iHome account to autho-
says: “Google collects data that’s add “skills” to control accessories or need: 1.) an iPhone or iPad; 2.) a Phil-
will set up a fan to work with Alexa and rize Google Assistant to control the
meant to make our services faster, increase your assistant’s set of capabili- ips Hue lighting kit that works with
a smart plug from TP-Link. You will smart plug.
smarter, more relevant and more useful ties. HomeKit.
need 1.) an Amazon Echo product; 2.) a • Now test the fan. Make sure the fan’s
to you.” • Follow the instructions to connect a
CONTROLLING YOUR LIGHTS A wide TP-Link smart plug; 3.) a plug-in fan switch is in the “on” position. With your
APPLE’S SIRI Apple’s iPhones and iPads variety of smart lighting is on the mar- with a physical power switch that can Hue bridge with a Hue light bulb. iPhone nearby, say, “O.K., Google, turn
include Siri, which can be summoned ket. While some systems require a stay in the “on” position; 4.) an Apple • Open the Home app on your iPhone. off the fan.” Then say, “O.K., Google,
by saying “Hey Siri,” or by holding so-called bridge, a device that connects or Android smartphone for setting up Tap the + symbol in the upper-right- turn on the fan.”


The Alt-Right Finds a New Enemy in Silicon Valley

When James Damore, a Google engi- mote progressive values.
neer, was fired this week for writing a The alt-right isn’t necessarily wrong
10-page manifesto spelling out his when it claims, as its followers often do,
grievances with the company’s progres- that Silicon Valley is steeped in social
sive values and positing that biological liberalism. These are companies that
differences explained the emerged out of Bay Area countercul-
KEVIN tech industry’s gender ture, that sponsor annual floats in gay
gap, it might have pride parades and hang “Black Lives
ROOSE seemed like the end of a Matter” signs on the walls of their
bizarre, short-lived mo- offices. Silicon Valley’s policy prefer-
SHIFT rality tale. ences aren’t always liberal, but tech
But for the alt-right, executives routinely side with progres-
the battle was just beginning. sives on hot-button social issues like
Minutes after Mr. Damore’s firing immigration, the Paris climate accords,
was announced, a flurry of right-wing and President Trump’s recent decision
websites, message boards and social to bar transgender people from military
media cliques sprang into action, eager service. In today’s political climate,
to paint the episode as another example these are partisan positions, and it’s no
of liberal political correctness run big shock that they have drawn suspi-
amok. A headline on Breitbart, the cion from the other side.
conservative news site, screamed in There is a certain poetic justice in the
capital letters about “blacklists.” Users alt-right, largely an internet-based
on Twitter and 4chan, the message political movement, turning against the
board beloved by pro-Trump types, companies that enabled it in the first
began to organize a boycott of Google’s place. Like most modern political move-
services. Milo Yiannopoulos, the alt- ments, the alt-right relies on tech plat-
right provocateur, called Mr. Damore’s forms like YouTube and Twitter to rally
firing “disgusting” in a Facebook post, supporters, collect donations and orga-
and offered to help him land on his feet. nize gatherings. In that sense, Silicon
For alt-right activists, who occupy Valley progressivism isn’t just an ideo-
the rightmost flanks of a powerful logical offense to the alt-right — it’s an
conservative internet subculture, operational threat.
Google’s response to Mr. Damore’s MICHAEL SHORT/BLOOMBERG In an attempt to build a buffer
memo was low-hanging fruit for mock- Google’s offices in against censorship, some alt-right
ery. But there is another reason that the “The decision to remove a creator tions, including hiding those videos activists have begun creating their own
Mountain View, Calif. page has nothing to do with politics and from user recommendations. The poli-
alt-right’s opposition campaign ap- services. Cody Wilson, who describes
peared so quickly, with such well-prac-
A Google engineer’s ideology,” Jack Conte, Patreon’s chief cies did not explicitly mention any himself as a “techno-anarchist,” re-
ticed maneuvers. firing has become a executive, said in a YouTube video political ideology, but conspiracists at cently opened Hatreon, a crowdfunding
For the last several months, far-right cause for right-wing about the incident. sites like Infowars and Breitbart cried site that bills itself as a free-speech
activists have mounted an aggressive activists online. Some company decisions are more foul, claiming that YouTube’s true intent alternative to Patreon. Gab, a Twitter
political campaign against some of explicitly political. At Airbnb last week, was to stop the spread of right-wing clone, was started last year after Twit-
Silicon Valley’s biggest players. Extend- the company discovered that several views. One far-right journalist, Mike ter barred several conservative users.
ing their attacks beyond social net- writers and activists affiliated with The Cernovich, announced on Twitter that RootBocks, a right-wing Kickstarter
works like Facebook and Twitter, tech’s Stickman. In a statement, PayPal said Daily Stormer, a white supremacy he was planning a protest outside knockoff, bills itself as “a crowdfunding
typical free-speech battlegrounds, they that its policy was “not to allow our website, had used its website to book Google’s offices. site that won’t shut you down because
have accused a long list of companies, services to be used for activities that lodging for a right-wing rally in Char- “We’re just doing what the left has of your beliefs.”
including Airbnb, PayPal and Patreon, promote hate, violence or racial intoler- lottesville, Va., and were planning to done for a while,” Mr. Cernovich told These companies are still tiny by
of censoring right-wing views, and have ance.” use rented houses as after-party ven- me. “You use activist tactics to apply Silicon Valley standards, but their sup-
pledged to expose Silicon Valley for A similar fight occurred in July when ues. Airbnb officials canceled the book- pressure to corporations, and the cor- porters say that one day they could
what they say is a pervasive, industry- Patreon and GoFundMe, two crowd- ings and deleted the users’ accounts, porations respond.” serve as the foundation for a kind of
wide liberal bias. funding sites, banned several accounts saying that the gatherings violated the It’s a tech company’s right, of course, parallel right-wing internet where all
Complaints like these might once associated with the alt-right. One of company’s “community commitment.” to bar whomever it wishes. The First speech is allowed, no matter how nox-
have been easily dismissed. But in the them was used by Lauren Southern, a YouTube, which hosts a thriving Amendment, often cited by right-wing ious or incendiary.
Trump era, as the right wing’s internet Canadian activist and journalist who community of right-wing personalities activists as a bulwark against censor- It’s unlikely that any alt-right protest
warriors have refined their tactics and made a name for herself with inflam- — and, not coincidentally, is owned by ship, does not apply to the activities of will make a dent in the bottom lines of
gained legitimate political influence, matory stunts like disrupting a refugee Google — has come under particularly companies, and tech companies almost multibillion-dollar Silicon Valley behe-
they are putting Silicon Valley in an rescue mission in the Mediterranean aggressive criticism from conservative always have terms in the fine print that moths. But by forcing these companies
uncomfortable position. Sea. Patreon banned Ms. Southern’s activists, who have accused the site of give them the right to cut off access to to take sides in an emerging culture
The tensions escalated this spring, account after deciding that her activi- placing them in a “ghetto” by suppress- users for any reason. war, these activists have already
when PayPal restricted the accounts of ties were “likely to cause loss of life,” ing their videos. But the latest wave of right-wing achieved a kind of perverse goal. They
several prominent far-right figures, but emphasized that it was the nature This month, YouTube announced a activism has still forced the hands of have found a new punching bag, and
including Hunter Wallace, a white of Ms. Southern’s work, not the political new slate of content policies that sub- large Silicon Valley companies, many of they have proved that in the hyper-
nationalist blogger, and Kyle Chapman, views behind it, that had violated its jected “controversial religious or su- which have tried to avoid the appear- polarized Trump era, there is no such
an alt-right personality known as Based terms. premacist content” to additional restric- ance of partisanship even as they pro- thing as neutrality.


Intruder or Pet? The Security Cams That Can Tell

By DAMON DARLIN This is one of the reasons I love the
I have a Nest camera for inside my $170 Nest Cam Outdoor. The Nest
house — basically to watch my dog sleep Aware feature can tell the difference
on the couch while I’m at work. I’m between people and pets. Also, like
thinking about a camera for outside, so I everything else in the Nest family, this
turned for advice to Rachel Cericola, camera is always learning. It will actu-
who tests internet-connected devices for ally start to recognize people in your
The Wirecutter, the New York Times site family. Again, that type of service starts
for product evaluations. at $10 a month for one camera, which
includes 10 days of video history. If you
How practical and necessary is it to put don’t want to pay for that, the Netatmo
an internet-connected security camera Presence has a feature that will alert
outside a home? you to people or animals. That one is
I think having an outdoor camera is good, but not as versatile or easy as the
more practical than an indoor one. I do Nest.
enjoy watching my dog move from the
Any tips on where to put them and where
couch to the floor 20 times a day, but
to point them?
having one outside will let you know if
someone is lurking about or trying to Viewing angle, Wi-Fi strength and
break in. Over all, I think the decision RACHEL CERICOLA/THE WIRECUTTER whether the camera is wired or wireless
to buy an outdoor camera may depend may determine how close or far away
Security cameras attached to a porch for testing. The Nest Cam Outdoor you can get. If the camera has a wide
a lot on where you live, if you’re away a
lot and how paranoid you are about
records all the time, so you don’t have to worry about missing something. viewing angle and a clear image, you
prowlers and packages left on the may be able to cover the entire front of
doorstep. a house with one or two cameras. Entry
eras record just when there’s motion. This spot gets a lot of action. Some-
When I say “paranoid,” it doesn’t points are the No. 1 thing to consider,
This one records all the time, so you times it’s too much action, and some
necessarily mean you’re like Jimmy such as the front and back door. The
don’t have to worry about missing cameras will catch every car that SkyBellHD can combine a camera and
Stewart in “Rear Window.” If you have
something. Then, when something does drives by. I’ve tested cameras that have a doorbell to see who’s approaching.
a lot of outdoor critters getting into
happen, you get a little notification on sent me over 100 notifications a day. But some people may want to cover a
trash cans, sheds or other areas, it can
provide answers and peace of mind. I your phone or you can view a timeline That’s why it’s important to look for a shed, a boat or the driveway.
also have a milkman, so it’s nice to of videos in the cellphone app. That camera that has a way to adjust the I like to have the front door covered
know when things are in the box. type of service does require a subscrip- camera’s sensitivity. NEST
so I can see who’s coming and going. I
tion, which may scare some people off, I’ve also put them in the back of my keep the camera close so I can get a
A milkman! but it’s not as scary as someone walk- house and have found that my back- I’m pretty sure some of the neighbor- nice, clear image. I prefer to point it at
Yes. He’s awesome, too. ing right in front of the camera and yard is quite the late-night hotbed for hood kids thought I was a drug dealer the front door, but that typically covers
having your camera miss it. stray cats and rabbits. or something. my front porch as well.
What do you recommend camera-wise,
not milk-wise? How did you test the cameras? Did the neighbors get worried when they The frequent notifications can be annoy- The milkman doesn’t mind?
The best one I’ve seen so far is the I mount them to a board that’s atta- saw all those cameras going up? ing. Are any of the cameras good at He doesn’t seem to. I’m sure barking
Nest Cam Outdoor. It has killer picture ched to my front porch. I think the most I have them in a spot where you can’t recognizing what are people and what dogs are way more startling than the
quality and 24/7 recording. Many cam- I had mounted there at once was seven. really notice until you get up close. But are raccoons? cameras. He’s pretty quick, though.


Speaking Up tion” and choose the Windows Speech

Recognition control panel from the
operating system converts speech into
text and can also be used to orally com-
typical password. The codes you need
for that second security step can be
the phone’s SIM card becoming compro-
mised or messages getting intercepted,
search results. A link in the control mand the computer. To enable it, click supplied by SMS text message to your as the app generates the security codes
To Windows 10 panel takes you through a tutorial on on the System Preferences icon in the phone or from a special authenticator locally on the phone. Authy, Google
using voice commands and dictation. Mac’s desktop dock, select Keyboard app connected to that account. Authenticator and Microsoft Authentica-
Q. Does Windows 10 come with its own When you use the onscreen tutorials, and then click the Dictation tab. Older Preprinted backup codes and voice mail tor are three popular programs in this
dictation function like the Mac does? the software begins to learn your voice. versions of the Mac operating system messages are other ways to confirm category.
A. Windows 10 does have an integrated If you plan to do a lot of dictation, con- keep these settings on the Dictation & your identity in a two-factor situation. While it is much better than using a
speech-recognition feature that you can sider using a headset microphone so Speech preferences. There are pros and cons to getting single password, two-factor authentica-
use for things like dictating text into a your voice comes in loud and clear. codes by text message or an authentica- tion is not completely uncrackable.
word-processing program or giving Another option in the Speech Recogni- tion app. Using the text-message Skilled criminals have hijacked authenti-
vocal commands to navigate the system. tion control panel guides you through Protecting method means a quicker setup, and you cation text messages sent to mobile
(Windows 7 also includes speech recog- setting up an external microphone. don’t have to download and configure a phone numbers, and the National Insti-
nition functions in the Ease of Access The experimental Microsoft Garage
group recently released Dictate, an
Your Accounts separate app just to log into an account.
You typically get text alerts immediately
tute of Standards and Technology re-
cently stopped recommending that
To set up a Windows 10 computer to add-on for Microsoft Word, PowerPoint Q. Which is better to use for two-step when someone is trying to hack into users get their codes by text message
take dictation, go the search bar next to and Outlook that uses the same speech- verification: getting the codes sent by your account. because of underlying security issues.
the Start menu, enter “speech recogni- recognition technology as the Windows text message or using an authentication But going with an authenticator app Authenticator apps are not infallible,
Cortana assistant so you can “type with app? means you do not need a network con- either. Having both your accounts and
Personal Tech invites questions about your voice.” Google Docs has a similar A. Two-step verification — also known nection to get a fresh code — which can your codes on the same device can
computer-based technology to voice-typing feature for those who pre- as two-factor authentication, or 2FA for be helpful when traveling outside of provide one-stop shopping for thieves, This column will fer to dictate their thoughts, rather than short — makes your online accounts your carrier’s network. Some security but the apps are still widely considered
answer questions of general interest, but pound them out through a keyboard. safer by requiring a separate numeric experts consider the app approach safer harder to crack than code sent by text.
letters cannot be answered individually. The Dictation feature within the Mac code to be typed in after you fill in the because you do not have to worry about J. D. BIERSDORFER


Devices at Home
To Monitor Asthma
And Heart Ailments
By CAROL POGASH tients, wherever they live, would
BERKELEY, Calif. — He could allow cardiologists to intervene
have been surfing in Cabo. In- “before a crisis.”
stead, Tyler Crouch, then a 21- Other doctors say it is too soon
year-old mechanical-engineering to tell how helpful telemedicine
student, spent spring break of devices — which include home
2013 building a digitized stetho- monitoring devices for diabetes,
scope and thinking, “This better asthma and sleep disorders — will
be worth it.” be, given the many obstacles. For
one, patients can’t always be re-
Since then, he and two class-
lied on to use them consistently or
mates from the University of Cali-
fornia, Berkeley, have formed a
“Medicine is experiencing a po-
company — Eko Devices, which is
tentially tectonic shift,” said Dr.
based here — raised nearly $5 mil-
Jeffrey Olgin, professor and chief
lion and sold 6,000 digital stetho-
of cardiology at the U.C. San Fran-
scopes, used in 700 hospitals. The cisco School of Medicine, who con-
wireless stethoscopes can trans- ducts research into mobile and
fer a patient’s heart rate and other digital health. “There is a huge
vital signs directly to Eko’s secure amount of venture investment in
portal, where it can, among other these kinds of things. People are
things, be shared with other doc- betting this is going to happen —
tors for a second opinion. but it hasn’t happened yet.”
Now they have built something Telemedicine is a $9.2 billion
with a potentially larger market: business, said Bruce Carlson, pub-
It is the Duo, a digital stethoscope lisher of Kalorama Information, a
for home use, which could change health care market-research firm
how heart patients are monitored, in New York. The field is growing
the entrepreneurs say. It is sched- lessly reach patients’ records, she built a device for asthma pa-
at 8 percent annually, nearly three
which is something he and his tients. Five years later, she is chief
times as fast as other medical de-
partners are working on, he said. executive of Knox Medical Diag-
And insurance companies must nostics, a San Francisco start-up
The Duo enters a competitive
Telemedicine is a field. The more established Kardia
agree to reimbursement, another
that has developed a device for
children with asthma to monitor
Mobile, which is the size of a stick
$9.2 billion business of gum and attaches to the back of
Dr. Olgin, the U.C. San Fran-
cisco cardiologist, said he be-
their health at home, sending re-
sults to a smartphone app.
with room to grow. a smartphone, takes an E.K.G.
reading in 30 seconds. It sells on
lieved “very strongly that it’s not She said her device, called the
enough to do consumer-grade Aeris, replaces the commonly
Amazon for $99. This spring, evaluations of telemedicine de- used peak flow meter, which she
AliveCor, the maker of the device, vices.” said, “doesn’t show what’s fully
uled to become available by pre- received over $30 million in fund- going on in children’s lungs.” Her
“They should be held up to the
scription in the fall. ing, including an undisclosed same level as drugs, because product is undergoing testing at
The product, which fits in your amount from the Mayo Clinic, there are always unintended con- the U.C. San Francisco School of
hand, combines electrocardio- which is collaborating with the sequences,” he said. Medicine, where the pediatric pul-
gram, or E.K.G., readings and company on development of its monology department is helping
The market potential for prod-
heart sounds into a device that al- devices. with development and funding.
ucts that address heart failure is
lows patients to monitor their The competition does not deter great. The Centers for Disease Ms. Shetty’s device is a portable
health at home and send data to Eko’s founders. PHOTOGRAPHS BY CHRISTIE HEMM KLOK FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
Control and Prevention estimates spirometer that measures airway
their physicians. Mr. Bellet said the Duo could be- that 610,000 people die of heart obstructions and the severity of
The partners behind Eko De- come “Shazam for the heartbeat,” The founders of Eko
failure in the United States every inflammation in a child’s lungs
vices are all young. Connor Land- referring to the hugely popular Devices, from left at cause it’s so highly regulated and
year, making it the leading cause and, she said, alerts a parent be-
graf, 26, is a bioengineer and for- song-identification app. “If you top, Tyler Crouch, a slow-moving industry,” Mr. Bel-
of death. Half of heart-failure pa- fore a child has an asthma attack.
mer president of Berkeley’s stu- can walk into a Walmart and find Jason Bellet and Con- let said.
tients who leave a hospital return More than 8 percent of children
dent body. Jason Bellet, 24, a busi- out what someone is playing on nor Landgraf, in The Duo and other telemedicine within six months. They keep tabs in the United States have asthma,
ness school graduate, ran for the radio, why can’t a doctor iden- devices address a common medi-
Berkeley, Calif. cal problem. “There is a black
on themselves by weighing them- according to the C.D.C. While they
president the following year, and tify unusual heart sounds?” Mr. selves daily, looking for sudden are a fourth of all asthma patients
Bellet said. Above, the company’s space,” said Dr. Robert Pearl, a
lost. None have a medical back- weight gain that can mean water in the nation, a study conducted in
ground. “Fun fact,” he added: The digital stethoscope. lecturer on health care policy at retention — a sign the heart is not 2010 found that children make up
But from the start, physicians founders of Shazam are early in- Stanford University’s medical and functioning properly. nearly a third of asthma patients
have guided them. The Eko team vestors. business schools and, until re- The Duo received clearance in who are hospitalized annually.
relies on cardiologists at the Mayo If Eko’s devices reach even 10 cently, the chief executive of Kai- May from the Food and Drug Ad- After testing her device with
Clinic, Stanford University’s percent of its target market, Mr. onds as he watched the Duo’s ser Permanente Medical Group, ministration, and the new device asthmatic children, Ms. Shetty
School of Medicine, Massachu- Bellet said, “It turns it into a $1.2 iPhone app display a graph of his which represents 10,000 physi- will ship in the fall. Over the next added a video game to the app, to
setts General Hospital and the billion company.” But there are heart sounds and electrocardio- cians. two years, the company will par- encourage young patients to use
University of California, San Fran- plenty of ifs. gram, which tests the heart’s elec- Many small companies are de- ticipate in two studies at U.C. San the device effectively while keep-
cisco, School of Medicine. The $350 Duo (which does not trical activity. veloping devices for home moni- Francisco. ing them engaged. “Some 6-year-
The Duo gives at-home heart include a $45 monthly charge) is “I can also analyze it,” he said, toring, he said, “but doctors do not “If you compare Eko to Uber, it olds are able to understand better
patients “a cardiology-level not for Fitbit aficionados. It is a clicking to another screen. “This want continuous information.” looks like we’re moving at a snail’s what’s going on with the app than
exam” said Dr. Ami B. Bhatt, di- prescription-only device for heart is one of the features we’re work- They only want to know when pace,” Mr. Bellet said. “But if you the adults,” she said.
rector of outpatient cardiology at patients. ing on.” That next step, an algo- there’s a problem, Dr. Pearl said. look at health care as a whole, In November, the Aeris will be-
MGH and an assistant professor From Eko’s airy Berkeley of- rithm, will send data to the cloud, Physicians tend to want more we’re actually making quite a come available for research pur-
of medicine at Harvard Univer- fices, Mr. Landgraf demonstrated where it will be analyzed for heart time talking to patients and less splash.” poses, she said, for $99 plus a $10
sity. the Duo. “l’ll just slip it under my abnormalities. time scanning screens — and Charvi Shetty, a Berkeley class- monthly subscription for the mo-
Dr. Bhatt, who is a scientific ad- shirt,” he said, scooping up the The Eko team has discovered some of them are tech averse. mate and friend of Mr. Landgraf’s, bile application. She expects to
viser to Eko and will be compen- one-button device, which resem- that medicine is not like other in- “Some doctors are still faxing pre- has followed a similar path as the seek clearance from the Food and
sated with a small stock option for bles a cellphone for preschoolers. dustries. “It’s a five-to-10 year cy- scriptions,” Mr. Bellet said. Eko Devices team. For her senior Drug Administration later this
her work, said that tracking pa- He held it to his chest for 15 sec- cle to get a product to market, be- Telemedicine data must seam- design project in bioengineering, year.

2 Senators Question Effects Facebook Chases Ad Dollars

Of a Reverse Mortgage Plan By Making It Easy to Tune In
By MATTHEW GOLDSTEIN But reverse mortgages are By DAISUKE WAKABAYASHI coming to Facebook with the in-
Advocates for the elderly per- viewed as crucial pieces in help- SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook tention of watching videos,” said
suaded federal housing officials ing an aging population plan for is coming for broadcast television. Fidji Simo, who leads Facebook’s
two years ago to offer more rights retirement, and new lenders are And YouTube. And Netflix. And video efforts. “This is the next
and protections to the spouse of a coming into the market. The loans every other place for video. step.”
borrower who takes out a reverse permit an elderly person to bor- On Wednesday, Facebook intro- To encourage more people to
mortgage and later dies. row against the equity in his or her duced Watch, a dedicated home create shows for Watch, Facebook
Now there is concern that a home and avoid making any for videos in the social network. said it would expand its video ad-
small wording change in the monthly payments until the bor- Watch is a redesign of the site’s vertisement monetization pro-
Trump administration’s proposed rower either dies or sells the current video tab, altered in a way gram, which shares revenue from
budget request for the Depart- house. intended to entice people to watch commercials that appear during
ment of Housing and Urban De- Before the change in policy two for longer stretches and return videos. Facebook has limited the
years ago, a surviving spouse who STEVE MARCUS/LAS VEGAS SUN, VIA A.P. AL DRAGO/THE NEW YORK TIMES
regularly to view shows, including number of content creators who
velopment could undo some of
had not signed the mortgage doc- Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, a Nevada Democrat, left, and the first programs funded by the can take advantage of the pro-
those protections — potentially in-
ument often had to pay what was Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, have expressed company. The idea is that when gram during a testing phase.
creasing the chances that a sur-
left on the loan in full or risk being concern over wording in a Trump administration proposal. users open Watch, the latest Many Facebook users see vid-
viving spouse who did not sign the
evicted in a foreclosure. episodes of their favorite shows eos only as they scroll past a
mortgage documents could lose a
In their May 31 letter, the sena- will be there waiting for them. friend’s wedding photos or a cous-
home in a foreclosure. ing to undo hard-fought existing the cash.
tors referred to the old policy as a The redesign is part of a push in’s political rant, unlike YouTube
Two United State senators sent protections,” Ms. Cortez Masto users who visit that site for the
“loophole” that had “compounded Yet for those over age 62 who for Facebook to be more than a re-
a joint letter to Ben Carson, the said in an emailed statement on purpose of watching videos. As
the stress faced by widows and want to stay in their homes and pository of one-off viral videos by
secretary of HUD and Mick Mul- advertising dollars earmarked for
widowers at a time when they Tuesday. “I hope the administra- owe little to nothing on a mort- offering higher-quality shows that
vaney, director of the Office of television move online, Facebook
were already grieving the loss of tion can make clear that they’re gage, these investment products appeal to deep-pocketed TV ad-
Management and the Budget two is seeking a way to coax its huge
their spouse.” not looking to push seniors out of have some appeal. The loans, vertisers and give viewers a rea-
months ago, seeking clarity on the audience — two billion users
The language that concerns the their homes after the death of which the Federal Housing Ad- son to keep coming back. The
proposed wording in the budget monthly — to see it as a destina-
senators and advocates for the their spouse.” ministration guarantees against company said it was rolling out
request. The two — Senator tion for video.
elderly is a proposed change in the H.U.D. declined to comment. default, are also known as home Watch to a limited group of users
Marco Rubio, Republican of Flor- YouTube has said its mobile
National Housing Act that says, in Making the wording change all equity conversion mortgages. in the United States before a wider
ida, and Senator Catherine Cortez viewers watch videos for more
regard to reverse mortgages, that the more perplexing is that the The market peaked in 2008, release in the future.
Masto, a Nevada Democrat — than an hour a day on average.
a mortgagor “shall not include the National Reverse Mortgage Lend- when the industry funded 114,923 Facebook is betting that adding
asked whether the agency was Facebook has not disclosed the
successors and assigns of the ers Association, the industry’s pri- loans, but it fell off sharply during a social component to online video
seeking to reverse the earlier pol- time its users spend viewing, but
mary trade group, has not pushed the financial crisis, according to consumption — the ability to chat
icy change. original borrower under a mort- it is expected to be much less. The
for any regulatory changes over Reverse Market Insight. The in- with people in your network dur-
The senators have yet to re- gage.” Watch initiative could change
the ability of a surviving spouse to dustry has slowly rebounded with ing a show or knowing what’s pop-
ceive a response from the housing The phrase appears in a section ular among your friends — will that; Facebook said it expects the
agency about its intent for reverse of the housing act discussing what stay in a home after the death of a 48,732 loans funded in 2016 and
make the experience notably dif- videos within Watch to be longer
mortgages, investment products kinds of reverse mortgages are el- spouse. 24,000 this year as of the end of
ferent from YouTube and Netflix. than the videos users find in their
that allow the elderly to tap the eq- igible for insurance guarantees HUD extended the protections May. Newsfeeds.
For example, Watch will high-
uity they have built up in their from the Federal Housing Admin- to surviving spouses after a series The most active reverse mort- The shows that will appear in
light different shows under cate-
homes. And that is causing some istration, a division of HUD. of lawsuits and critical news cov- gage lenders this year, according Watch are a mix of videos that are
gories such as “Most Talked
concern. The revised wording would erage about spouses losing their to Reverse Market Insight, are: already popular on Facebook —
About” or “What’s Making People
“Our sense is it is bad drafting, seem to suggest that a surviving homes after the death of a partner. the American Advisors Group; Fi- Laugh.” Facebook said the videos like “Nas Daily,” a series that
but when bad drafting goes spouse is not necessarily entitled Controversy over reverse mort- nance of America Reverse, an af- that will appear in Watch will be chronicles the travels of a social
through, it can lead to bad policy,” to stay in the home. At the same gages is not new. filiate of the private equity giant pulled from creators and publish- media star around the world —
Alys Cohen, a staff lawyer in time, however, the budget pro- It is an industry that has drawn the Blackstone Group; and Re- ers who have created “Show” and original programs funded by
Washington with the National posal includes a new line that its fair share of scorn for using verse Mortgage Funding, a rela- pages on Facebook — akin to how Facebook.
Consumer Law Center, said Tues- would give the secretary of HUD Hollywood actors to hawk its tive upstart in the business. some small businesses create a Among the shows Facebook is
day. “And you can lose control of wide discretion to determine loans on late-night television ad- Many predict that with home dedicated page. paying for are “Returning the Fa-
things once you have new lan- when a loan is payable after the vertisements. Some consumer ad- prices rising again and a growing Facebook said the show pages vor,” a show about inspiring peo-
guage.” death of the borrower. vocates have complained that the number of baby boomers reach- would also provide a way for dedi- ple starring Mike Rowe, who was
The three-decade-old market “HUD’s proposed changes to reverse mortgage business preys ing retirement age, there will be a cated fans to interact with the the host of “Dirty Jobs.”
for reverse mortgages is a niche reverse mortgages included in the on the financially ill-informed, revival in this market as the eld- shows’ creators beyond merely Watch will also feature live pro-
one — there are about one million last budget raised concerns that who might be better off simply erly look to supplement their liv- watching the episodes. gramming, including one Major
such loans outstanding. the administration may be seek- selling their homes and banking ing expenses. “More and more people are League Baseball game a week.

Cinematographer Is the Film Academy’s New President What Is Your

Opposite Job?
LOS ANGELES — Hollywood
has a new de facto mayor: John
Bailey, a cinematographer, who
was elected to a one-year term as
president of the Academy of Mo-
tion Picture Arts and Sciences on
Tuesday night. What if you could start over and take the career path most different from
The academy’s 54-member the one you’re on? Here are some examples.
board, which includes luminaries
like Steven Spielberg and Whoopi
Goldberg, chose Mr. Bailey, 74,
whose credits stretch from “Ordi- The opposite job of a news editor is a model.
nary People” in 1980 to “How to Be
a Latin Lover” in April, to succeed The opposite job of a kindergarten teacher is a physicist.
Cheryl Boone Isaacs, who was in-
eligible for re-election. Ms. Boone
The opposite job of a chief executive is an agricultural grader.
Isaacs, who turns 68 this month,
was president for four consecu-
tive one-year terms, the maxi- The opposite job of a writer and author is a mobile home installer.
mum. She also left the academy’s
The opposite job of an
an architect is a slaughterer and meat packer.
The job of academy president is
largely ceremonial. It is unpaid
and meant to be part time. The ac- The opposite job of a survey researcher is a car washer.
tual running of the organization
falls to Dawn Hudson, who works The opposite job of an
an aircraft mechanic is a locker room attendant.
under contract (one that was re-
cently renewed through 2020) as
chief executive. It was primarily an
The opposite job of an auto mechanic is a high school principal.
Ms. Hudson, for instance, who
handled the fallout in February, The opposite job of a chef is a physicist.
led to the wrong film being an-
nounced as best picture at the
John Bailey’s election is a victory for the academy’s “below the line” artists — those who are not The opposite job of a bill and account collector is a surgeon.
Academy Awards. (The winner actors, writers, directors or producers — many of whom have felt overlooked in Hollywood.
was “Moonlight” and not “La La The opposite job of a member of the clergy is a car washer.
Land.”) Most of all, Mr. Bailey will be ex- academy affairs. Whether Mr. and most Hollywood insiders had
But Mr. Bailey will serve as the pected to serve as a voice on the Bailey will have a better working expected the actress Laura Dern
public face of an institution that topics of race and gender — two relationship with Ms. Hudson is to be named president. Other con- The opposite job of a customer sales representative is a lumberjack.
faces an array of challenges. things few people in Hollywood unknown. He has been on the tenders included the documenta-
The academy’s long-delayed want to discuss in the open, large- academy’s board for 14 years, re- ry filmmaker Rory Kennedy and The opposite job of a family doctor is a model.
movie museum is finally rising on ly because the entertainment in- cently serving as a vice president. David Rubin, a longtime casting
Wilshire Boulevard in Los Ange- dustry has such a long history of He has never been nominated for director.
les, but the organization still exclusion. an Oscar. The opposite job of a heavy and tractor-trailer truck driver is a physicist.
Mr. Bailey, who received the
needs to raise a large portion of its In wake of the #OscarsSoWhite His election represents a vic- American Society of Cinemato-
$388 million cost. storms, Ms. Boone Isaacs helped tory for the academy’s less-visible graphers Lifetime Achievement The opposite job of a tool maker is a community service manager.
The Academy Awards have ex- mount an effort to double female contingent of “below the line” art- Award in 2014, will help lead the
perienced slumping ratings, in and minority membership in the ists — those who are not actors, academy with the assistance of
The opposite job of an
an occupational therapist is an airline pilot.
part because members ignore organization by 2020. But even af- writers, directors or producers — Lois Burwell, an Oscar-winning
mass-market films in favor of art- ter two years of the initiative, the many of whom have felt over- makeup artist who was elected
house nominees. Will the group fi- academy remains 72 percent male looked in Hollywood. first vice president. Serving as The opposite job of a mathematician is a mine car operator.
nally embrace Netflix as a mem- and 87 percent white. Under the academy’s some- vice presidents will be Kathleen
ber of the Hollywood club? Some Ms. Hudson and Ms. Boone times stuffy rituals, board mem- Kennedy, the Lucasfilm chief; Mi- The opposite job of a machinist is a chief executive.
hard-liners say no way, no how; Isaacs often clashed, with Ms. bers are not allowed to openly chael Tronick, a music editor; and
others point out that Netflix plans Boone Isaacs seen as taking a seek the job of president. But Nancy Utley, president of Fox
to make 50 original movies a year. more conservative approach to whisper campaigns are rampant, Searchlight. The opposite job of a travel agent is a lumberjack.

The opposite job of a fashion designer is an agricultural grader.

Suspended Fox News Host Sues Over Lewd-Photo Story The opposite job of a surveyor is a locker room attendant.

By EMILY STEEL tionable false and misleading said in one post. “I’ve had family come of $476 million, or 26 cents a
statements about the plaintiff’s members killed/jailed in Iran, a share, down from $567 million, or The opposite job of an
an air cargo handling supervisor is a telemarketer.
Eric Bolling, the suspended Fox
News host, initiated a $50 million conduct and character.” lawsuit isn’t going to scare me.” 30 cents a share in the same peri-
defamation lawsuit on Wednes- Mr. Bolling, who was most re- Mr. Ali is a freelance writer od a year earlier, which included a The opposite job of a fine artist is a physicist.
day against the author of a Huff- cently a host of “The Fox News whose work has been published $60 million tax benefit.
Post report that said Mr. Bolling Specialists,” is represented by Mi- by New York magazine and Total revenue for the quarter
The opposite job of a judge is a model
had sent lewd photographs to chael J. Bowe of the law firm Ka- Mother Jones in addition to Huff- was $6.75 billion, up 1.5 percent
three female colleagues. sowitz Benson Torres. Marc E. Ka- Post. from the same period last year.
sowitz, one of the firm’s partners, Lydia Polgreen, HuffPost’s edi- Fueling that growth was a 10.4 per- an
The opposite job of an iron and steel worker is a high school principal
The article, by Yashar Ali, cited
is a longtime personal lawyer for tor in chief, said the news organi- cent increase in revenue at the
a dozen unidentified people who
President Trump who has also zation stood by the story. “Yashar company’s cable network group,
said that Mr. Bolling had “sent an The opposite job of a forester is a model
represented Bill O’Reilly, the for- Ali is a careful and meticulous re- which includes Fox News, FX Net-
unsolicited photo of male genitalia
mer Fox News host who was porter,” she said in a statement. works and its FS1 sports network.
via text message to at least two
ousted in April amid allegations of HuffPost is not named in the Results in the company’s broad- The opposite job of a financial examiner is a car washer.
colleagues at Fox Business and
sexual harassment. summons; Mr. Ali said he was in- cast division and film divisions,
one colleague at Fox News.” On however, were lackluster. Reve-
Saturday, a day after the article “This anonymously sourced demnified by the news organiza- The opposite job of a customer service representative is a lumberjack
nue in the broadcast television
was published, Fox News said it and uncorroborated story is false, tion.
group slipped 3.6 percent to $1 bil-
had suspended Mr. Bolling pend- defamatory, and obviously in- Fox News said its investigation lion, reflecting a decline in adver- an
The opposite job of an astronomer is an agricultural grader.
ing an investigation into the accu- tended to destroy this good man’s into Mr. Bolling was continuing. tising sales. Revenue in the com-
sations. The network said it had career and family,” Mr. Bowe said Word of the pending lawsuit pany’s film group dropped 11.5 per-
learned about the allegations fol- in a statement. “We will defend came as the parent company of The opposite job of a highway maintenance worker is a physicist
cent from the same period last
lowing an inquiry from HuffPost. Eric aggressively in court, where Fox News, 21st Century Fox, re- year, when it was bolstered by the
Mr. Bolling is seeking at least actual facts, based on evidence, ported mixed quarterly earnings. strong performance of the “Dead- The opposite job of a film and video editor is a mobile home installer.
$50 million in reputational, mone- testimony and cross-examination, Even as scandal has engulfed Fox pool” movie.
tary and punitive damages and will belie these anonymous accu- News over the past year, the net- On Wednesday, 21st Century
sations.” work has continued to fuel growth
The opposite job of a model is a physicist.
other costs, according to a sum- Fox executives said they re-
mons filed in State Supreme Court Mr. Ali, in a series of messages at the company. mained optimistic about the com-
in Manhattan. The summons cites posted on Twitter on Wednesday, For the quarter that ended June pany’s $15 billion bid for Sky, the The opposite job of a set and exhibit designer is a proofreader.
what it calls Mr. Ali’s “efforts to in- said he stood by his reporting and 30, 21st Century Fox beat ana- European satellite giant. The
jure the plaintiff’s reputation would protect his sources. lysts’ expectations for profit but company is awaiting regulatory an
The opposite job of an electrician is a high school principal
through the intentional and/or “Not going to stop reporting on fell just short of revenue targets. approval on the deal, which was
highly reckless publication of ac- Eric Bolling or anyone else,” he The company reported net in- announced in December.
The opposite job of an animal scientist is a lumberjack

With Shift by Disney to Streaming, New Video Era Begins The opposite job of a nurse midwife is an agricultural grader.

The opposite job of a commercial diver is a locker room attendant.

Notably, Netflix has been build-
From First Business Page ing up a huge original movie oper-
introduction early next year of a ation, including spending the $90 The opposite job of a barber is a physicist
subscription service to be built million “Bright,” a forthcoming
around ESPN’s sports program- Will Smith movie. Netflix plans to The opposite job of a secretary is a surgeon.
ming. It will be powered by start making as many as 50 of its
BamTech, a technology company own movies annually.
that handles direct-to-consumer BamTech, which Disney plans The opposite job of a parking lot attendant is a physicist
video for baseball teams and to use as the backbone of its
HBO, among others. Disney paid streaming services, has substan- an
The opposite job of an agent is a lumberjack.
$1 billion a year ago for a 33 per- tial operations. But Disney faces a
cent stake in BamTech. On Tues- steep learning curve. By the time
day, Robert A. Iger, Disney’s chief Disney even introduces its enter- The opposite job of a subway and streetcar operator is a physicist.
executive, announced that Disney tainment-based service in 2019,
had accelerated an option to Netflix will have about 64 million The opposite job of a physicist is a model.
spend $1.58 billion for an addi- subscribers in the United States
tional 42 percent share. PIXAR/DISNEY and 158 million worldwide, accord-
But this still-unnamed sub- An image from the 2016 Disney/Pixar film hit “Finding Dory.” ing to BTIG Research.
Disney would probably contend Not listed? Find your opposite job at
scription service is designed to Disney will pull future Disney and Pixar movies from Netflix.
protect the cable bundle, at least that Netflix’s head start is irrele-
initially. The service will offer only vant.
Children’s programming, an ob- strike at Netflix, as the content be- “It’s high time we got in this The Labor Department keeps sharing skills that you learn in
sports programming that is not
vious strength for Disney, has ing pulled is actually rather lim- business,” Mr. Iger told analysts detailed and at times delightfully preschool.
available on ESPN’s traditional
proved especially important for ited,” said Mr. Creutz of Cowan on a conference call on Tuesday. odd records on the skills and Some skills are important for
channels. Only people who also
streaming services. Amazon last and Company. “The profitability, the revenue- tasks required for each job. Some both relatively high-paying and
pay to receive ESPN the old-fash-
ioned way (via a cable or satellite year acquired a significant Disney has not yet decided generating capability of this initia- of them are physical: trunk low-paying jobs. The most promi-
hookup) will be able to stream ES- amount of PBS’s library of original whether to pull its Marvel or “Star tive is substantially greater than strength, speed of limb move- nent skill for waiters and wait-
PN’s core offerings, including series to exclusively stream on its Wars” movies from Netflix. Net- the business models we’re cur- ment, the ability to stay upright. resses is influencing others and
N.F.L. and N.B.A. games. service, and Netflix has said it ex- rently being served by.” Others are more knowl- selling, which is also an important
Mr. Iger has also made an im- pects to have 75 original children’s In the end, there was only one edge-based: economics and ac- skill for writers, salespeople and
portant calculation that Disney — programs by the end of next year. aspect of Disney’s move that ev- counting, physics, programming. fashion designers.
unlike most of its competitors — Disney’s announcement had an
immediate impact on Netflix, as
A move by a media eryone seemed to agree on: The Together, they capture the es- The dynamic nature of our
economy makes it difficult to cap-
has programming that is must- streaming boom is only begin- sence of what makes a job distinc-
have in the old model (cable and the news media raced to pit the giant stirs the world ning. tive. ture the nuances in every job. Our
satellite) and in the new (stream- two companies against each other, Netflix, Amazon, HBO Now, We’ve used these records to estimates simply point to which
ing). Put another way, Disney has and some investors worried about of entertainment. CBS All Access and Hulu (part- determine what each job’s polar skills are used most or least, rela-
the power to introduce streaming Disney taking back its movies. owned by Disney) are all barrel- opposite would be. tive to other jobs.
offerings around ESPN, Pixar (Starting in late 2019, new-release ing ahead online. FX is dipping a Besides being an amusing ex- The most distinctive jobs in
films and Disney Channel shows Disney and Pixar films will move toe in the water with Comcast. ercise, exploring an opposite job the American work force are
to Disney’s entertainment-fo- flix will not lose access to Marvel- has some value. Breaking a job physicist and model, at least ac-
without worrying about being AMC has done the same. And now
cused streaming service.) On branded television shows like comes Disney with two services, into its component parts helps us cording to the data. They’re the
dropped by third-party distribu-
Wednesday, Netflix shares de- “The Defenders” because Netflix which will undoubtedly prod other look beyond the obvious and two opposite jobs that appear
tors, including upstarts like Sling
TV and PlayStation Vue. clined 1.5 percent, to $175.78. is a co-producer of them. entertainment giants to move be- think clearly about the things most frequently on our list.
PlayStation Vue, for instance, Omar Sheikh, an analyst at Executives at Disney and Net- yond niche direct-to-consumer of- that people actually do. Chances are you won’t reinvent
tried to introduce a “skinny” tele- Credit Suisse, said Disney’s move flix declined to comment publicly ferings. For instance, does your job re- yourself as a nuclear physicist or
vision package without ESPN in “arguably reduces the consumer on Wednesday. In a statement on The race for streaming suprem- quire a lot of social skills, as is as the next Gisele Bündchen. But
March 2015 and drew little con- value of Netflix.” Tuesday, Netflix said, “We contin- acy, Mr. Creutz said, “may well ac- true for social workers, priests the good news is that government
sumer interest. When PlayStation But most analysts contended ue to do business with the Walt celerate problems for the whole and psychologists? You’re in luck. data shows there is a fair amount
Vue started offering ESPN in that the news was less worrisome Disney Company on many fronts, ecosystem via atomization of con- Many of the jobs with the most of overlap in skills between many
spring 2016, the distributor for Netflix than it would initially including our ongoing deal with tent and an overpopulation of con- employment growth in the last jobs. A new start may not be as
quickly started gaining traction. seem. “We don’t view this as a Marvel TV.” tent apps.” few decades require listening and daunting as you might think.

2,474.02 22,048.70 6,352.33 10-YEAR 2.25% $49.56 $1,273.00 $1.1755
500 –0.90 INDUSTRIALS –36.64 COMPOSITE –18.13 –0.01 OIL +$0.39 (N.Y.) +$16.60 EURO +$0.0006

Standard & Poor’s 500-Stock Index 3-MONTH TREND Nasdaq Composite Index 3-MONTH TREND Dow Jones Industrial Average 3-MONTH TREND

+10% +10% 23,000 +10%
2,600 6,600

2,500 + 5% 6,400 + 5% 22,000 + 5%

2,400 21,000
0% 0% 0%
5,800 20,000
– 5% – 5% – 5%

June July June July June July

When the index follows a white line, it is changing at a constant pace; when it moves into a lighter band, the rate of change is faster.


% 52-Wk YTD % 52-Wk YTD % Volume % Volume % Volume
Index Close Chg Chg % Chg % Chg Index Close Chg Chg % Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Close Chg Chg (100) Stock (TICKER) Close Chg Chg (100) Stock (TICKER) Close Chg Chg (100)


Industrials 22048.70 ◊ 36.64 ◊ 0.17 + 18.97 + 11.57 Nasdaq 100 5919.39 ◊ 6.96 ◊ 0.12 + 23.43 + 21.71 AMD (AMD) 12.83 ◊0.28 ◊2.1 587602 Natera (NTRA) 10.35 +2.19 +26.8 11179 Surgery Part (SGRY) 12.15 ◊7.00 ◊36.6 49918
Transportation 9235.41 + 2.56 + 0.03 + 17.85 + 2.12 Composite 6352.33 ◊ 18.13 ◊ 0.28 + 21.56 + 18.00 Bank of Ameri (BAC) 24.74 ◊0.16 ◊0.6 564714 Hertz Glo Hld (HTZ) 17.57 +3.29 +23.0 288188 Vitmn Shpe (VSI) 6.10 ◊3.50 ◊36.5 51455
Utilities 732.89 ◊ 2.79 ◊ 0.38 + 6.12 + 11.11 Industrials 5128.20 ◊ 24.84 ◊ 0.48 + 17.46 + 15.37 Valeant Pharm (VRX) 14.07 ◊1.57 ◊10.0 389719 Zynerba Phar (ZYNE) 7.60 +1.33 +21.2 43037 Maiden Hldgs (MHLD) 7.73 ◊2.83 ◊26.8 21326
Banks 3680.47 ◊ 48.47 ◊ 1.30 + 26.36 ◊ 4.46 Vonage Holding (VG) 8.42 +0.14 +1.7 377993 Silver Sprin (SSNI) 13.38 +2.17 +19.4 13997 Fossil Group (FOSL) 8.87 ◊2.97 ◊25.1 195412
Composite 7509.73 ◊ 11.23 ◊ 0.15 + 16.37 + 8.80
Ford Motor (F) 10.92 +0.03 +0.3 320479 Precipio (PRPO) 5.17 +0.79 +18.0 168 Wesco Air Hl (WAIR) 7.85 ◊2.50 ◊24.2 26296
Insurance 8659.12 ◊ 32.63 ◊ 0.38 + 12.67 + 3.66 25.77
Mylan NL (MYL) 32.08 +0.29 +0.9 320214 Envestnet (ENV) 44.60 +6.35 +16.6 14875 Vectrus (VEC) ◊7.53 ◊22.6 3808
Other Finance 7303.97 ◊ 11.84 ◊ 0.16 + 23.39 + 12.92 GE (GE) 25.71 +0.15 +0.6 295557 Sanchez Enrgy (SN) 5.13 +0.66 +14.8 37953 ChemoCentryx (CCXI) 7.85 ◊2.29 ◊22.6 6674
100 Stocks 1095.14 ◊ 0.08 ◊ 0.01 + 13.26 + 10.46 Telecommunications 301.67 ◊ 1.34 ◊ 0.44 + 5.85 + 4.64 Hertz Glo Hld (HTZ) 17.57 +3.29 +23.0 288188 Omeros (OMER) 24.90 +3.18 +14.6 18149 Calix (CALX) 5.35 ◊1.50 ◊21.9 12686
500 Stocks 2474.02 ◊ 0.90 ◊ 0.04 + 13.40 + 10.51 Computer 3662.73 ◊ 0.38 ◊ 0.01 + 30.68 + 25.19 Walt Disney (DIS) 102.83 ◊4.15 ◊3.9 276509 Green Dot (GDOT) 45.92 +5.57 +13.8 15062 Bellicum Pha (BLCM) 8.44 ◊2.28 ◊21.2 28371
Mid-Cap 400 1735.94 ◊ 12.07 ◊ 0.69 + 11.10 + 4.54 Snap (SNAP) 13.56 +0.54 +4.1 267002 Medifast (MED) 50.02 +5.81 +13.1 4277 Theravance (TBPH) 23.88 ◊5.91 ◊19.8 15201
Small-Cap 600 844.00 ◊ 7.48 ◊ 0.88 + 13.16 + 0.72 OTHER INDEXES Brocade Comm (BRCD) 12.05 ◊0.20 ◊1.6 262948 Leap (LPTX) 7.15 +0.80 +12.5 813 ClearOne (CLRO) 8.00 ◊1.65 ◊17.1 205
American Exch 2526.23 ◊ 4.71 ◊ 0.19 + 5.19 + 9.45 Apple (AAPL) 161.06 +0.98 +0.6 260266 ACADIA Pharm (ACAD) 33.21 +3.67 +12.4 79004 FTD Companies (FTD) 16.02 ◊2.93 ◊15.4 11272
NEW YORK Wilshire 5000 25634.29 ◊ 35.75 ◊ 0.14 + 13.23 + 9.43 Intel (INTC) 36.59 +0.18 +0.5 227556 Everi Holdin (EVRI) 8.34 +0.92 +12.4 34090 Progenics Ph (PGNX) 5.13 ◊0.93 ◊15.3 42288
JC Penney (JCP) 5.16 ◊0.23 ◊4.3 217975 Tucows (TCX) 59.20 +6.45 +12.2 3182 Coca Cola bo (COKE) 206.84 ◊35.62 ◊14.7 1483
STOCK EXCHANGE Value Line Arith 5528.03 ◊ 31.19 ◊ 0.56 + 12.12 + 5.06
Microsoft (MSFT) 72.47 ◊0.32 ◊0.4 209288 TPI Composit (TPIC) 21.40 +2.31 +12.1 11739 Natures Suns (NATR) 10.50 ◊1.75 ◊14.3 487
NYSE Comp. 11929.46 ◊ 20.50 ◊ 0.17 + 10.41 + 7.89 Russell 2000 1396.95 ◊ 13.20 ◊ 0.94 + 13.41 + 2.93 Staples (SPLS) 10.16 ◊0.03 ◊0.3 204418 Regenxbio (RGNX) 20.80 +2.10 +11.2 6309 TrueCar (TRUE) 16.73 ◊2.78 ◊14.2 88355
Tech/Media/Telecom 8288.62 ◊ 49.72 ◊ 0.60 + 5.40 + 6.56 Phila Gold & Silver 82.84 + 1.13 + 1.38 ◊ 25.44 + 5.05 AT&T (T) 38.36 0.00 0.0 197004 Triple S Mgt (GTS) 21.26 +1.97 +10.2 2768 Zogenix (ZGNX) 10.65 ◊1.70 ◊13.8 5931
Energy 10269.78 ◊ 15.34 ◊ 0.15 ◊ 2.36 ◊ 10.73 Phila Semiconductor 1090.49 ◊ 3.28 ◊ 0.30 + 40.03 + 20.30 Transocea (RIG) 8.32 ◊0.25 ◊2.9 196157 Immersion (IMMR) 7.28 +0.67 +10.1 2932 PRA Group (PRAA) 34.55 ◊5.50 ◊13.7 22507
Financial 7652.71 ◊ 19.00 ◊ 0.25 + 22.65 + 9.93 KBW Bank 96.55 ◊ 0.54 ◊ 0.56 + 38.05 + 5.19 Fossil Group (FOSL) 8.87 ◊2.97 ◊25.1 195412 Eldorado (ERI) 21.95 +2.00 +10.0 48529 Ultra Ptrlum (UPL) 7.76 ◊1.20 ◊13.4 51953
Healthcare 13525.95 + 27.28 + 0.20 + 4.24 + 13.59 Phila Oil Service 126.13 ◊ 1.51 ◊ 1.18 ◊ 23.20 ◊ 31.37 Citigroup (C) 68.43 ◊0.45 ◊0.7 191833 Array Biopha (ARRY) 8.66 +0.76 +9.6 52534 Hackett Grou (HCKT) 13.80 ◊2.13 ◊13.4 6703


52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD 52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD 52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD 52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD
Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg
Apple (AAPL) 102.53 161.83 161.06 + 0.98 + 48.02 + 39.1 CVS Health (CVS) 69.30 98.44 79.43 + 0.86 ◊ 18.49 + 0.7 Johnson&Jo (JNJ) 109.32 137.08 133.23 + 0.96 + 7.94 + 15.6 Procter Ga (PG) 81.18 92.00 91.92 + 0.34 + 6.90 + 9.3
AbbVie (ABBV) 55.06 75.04 72.02 + 0.55 + 7.88 + 15.0 Chevron (CVX) 97.53 119.00 110.89 + 0.54 + 9.45 ◊ 5.8 JPMorgan (JPM) 64.86 95.22 93.53 ◊ 0.15 + 41.99 + 8.4 PMI (PM) 86.78 123.55 115.41 + 0.74 + 17.29 + 26.1
Abbott (ABT) 37.38 51.13 48.77 ◊ 0.11 + 8.19 + 27.0 Du Pont (DD) 66.02 86.36 81.33 + 0.21 + 18.21 + 10.8 Kinder Mor (KMI) 18.31 23.36 19.75 0.00 ◊ 3.42 ◊ 4.6 PayPal Hld (PYPL) 36.30 61.30 59.67 + 0.19 + 56.61 + 51.2
Accenture (ACN) 108.83 130.67 129.62 + 0.49 + 14.83 + 10.7 Danaher (DHR) 75.71 88.01 80.23 ◊ 0.04 ◊ 1.19 + 3.1 Kraft Hein (KHC) 79.69 97.77 86.46 + 0.30 ◊ 3.70 ◊ 1.0 Qualcomm (QCOM) 51.05 71.62 52.77 + 0.48 ◊ 14.87 ◊ 19.1
Allergan (AGN) 184.50 256.80 237.97 ◊ 1.77 ◊ 5.23 + 13.3 Walt Disne (DIS) 90.32 116.10 102.83 ◊ 4.15 + 6.37 ◊ 1.3 Coca-Cola (KO) 39.88 46.43 45.59 ◊ 0.01 + 4.88 + 10.0 Raytheon (RTN) 132.89 179.59 179.30 + 4.50 + 27.96 + 26.3
AIG (AIG) 57.35 67.47 64.01 ◊ 0.56 + 8.00 ◊ 2.0 Dow (DOW) 51.57 67.50 63.50 + 0.09 + 18.94 + 11.0 Lilly (LLY) 64.18 86.72 82.57 + 0.60 + 1.31 + 12.3 Starbucks (SBUX) 50.84 64.87 53.74 ◊ 0.78 ◊ 2.64 ◊ 3.2
Allstate (ALL) 66.55 94.70 94.70 + 0.49 + 36.51 + 27.8 Duke Energ (DUK) 72.34 87.75 86.20 ◊ 0.40 + 1.73 + 11.1 Lockheed (LMT) 228.50 305.54 305.22 + 5.12 + 17.10 + 22.1 Schlumberg (SLB) 64.15 87.84 65.49 0.00 ◊ 19.97 ◊ 22.0
Amgen (AMGN) 133.64 184.21 173.55 ◊ 0.14 + 0.85 + 18.7 Emerson El (EMR) 49.22 64.36 60.03 ◊ 0.40 + 10.49 + 7.7 Lowes (LOW) 64.87 86.25 78.34 + 1.13 ◊ 3.69 + 10.2 Southern C (SO) 46.20 53.73 48.85 ◊ 0.27 ◊ 7.55 ◊ 0.7 (AMZN) 710.10 1083.31 982.01 ◊ 7.83 + 27.81 + 31.0 Exelon (EXC) 29.82 38.78 37.70 ◊ 0.51 + 5.16 + 6.2 Mastercard (MA) 94.41 132.20 129.72 ◊ 0.12 + 34.15 + 25.6 Simon Prop (SPG) 150.15 221.37 163.41 ◊ 0.68 ◊ 25.93 ◊ 8.0
American E (AXP) 59.50 86.67 85.69 ◊ 0.25 + 31.04 + 15.7 Ford Motor (F) 10.67 13.27 10.92 + 0.03 ◊ 11.29 ◊ 10.0 McDonalds (MCD) 110.33 159.98 154.92 0.00 + 30.94 + 27.3 AT&T (T) 35.81 43.48 38.36 0.00 ◊ 10.96 ◊ 9.8
Boeing (BA) 126.31 246.49 234.31 ◊ 5.19 + 76.68 + 50.5 Facebook (FB) 113.55 175.49 171.18 ◊ 0.05 + 36.88 + 48.8 Mondelez I (MDLZ) 40.50 47.23 43.47 ◊ 0.17 ◊ 0.11 ◊ 1.9 Target (TGT) 48.56 79.33 57.87 ◊ 0.87 ◊ 20.30 ◊ 19.9
Bank of Am (BAC) 14.70 25.80 24.74 ◊ 0.16 + 62.87 + 12.0 FedEx (FDX) 158.20 219.99 206.18 ◊ 0.82 + 25.47 + 10.7 Medtronic (MDT) 69.35 89.72 83.95 + 0.12 ◊ 4.32 + 17.9 Time Warne (TWX) 74.27 103.34 102.28 + 0.11 + 29.21 + 6.0
Biogen (BIIB) 244.28 329.83 288.74 ◊ 0.52 ◊ 0.30 + 10.5 Fox (FOX) 23.88 31.94 27.51 ◊ 0.20 + 5.08 + 1.0 MetLife (MET) 39.50 58.09 48.31 ◊ 0.46 + 31.33 + 0.6 Texas Inst (TXN) 66.30 84.65 82.28 ◊ 0.17 + 17.12 + 12.8
BONY Mello (BK) 38.68 54.59 54.04 + 0.25 + 34.16 + 14.1 Fox (FOXA) 23.33 32.60 27.90 ◊ 0.13 + 9.50 ◊ 0.5 3M (MMM) 163.85 214.57 206.48 + 0.05 + 15.75 + 15.6 UnitedHeal (UNH) 132.39 196.04 194.83 ◊ 0.07 + 37.38 + 21.7
BlackRock (BLK) 336.84 442.84 431.34 + 2.52 + 17.01 + 13.4 General Dy (GD) 148.10 205.90 201.00 + 2.20 + 35.29 + 16.4 Altria Gro (MO) 60.01 77.79 65.31 ◊ 0.07 ◊ 1.97 ◊ 3.4 Union Paci (UNP) 87.06 115.15 103.77 + 0.71 + 11.50 + 0.1
Bristol-My (BMY) 46.01 62.25 57.40 + 0.49 ◊ 6.83 ◊ 1.8 GE (GE) 25.26 32.38 25.71 + 0.15 ◊ 17.86 ◊ 18.6 Monsanto (MON) 97.35 118.97 117.34 + 0.08 + 10.18 + 11.5 United Par (UPS) 102.12 120.44 112.41 + 0.52 + 2.52 ◊ 2.0
Berkshire (BRKb) 141.92 179.99 178.06 + 1.63 + 20.95 + 9.3 Gilead Sci (GILD) 63.76 82.10 73.90 + 0.63 ◊ 6.84 + 3.2 Merck & Co (MRK) 58.29 66.80 62.49 + 0.17 0.00 + 6.2 US Bancorp (USB) 42.17 56.61 53.23 + 0.04 + 24.28 + 3.6
Citigroup (C) 45.16 69.86 68.43 ◊ 0.45 + 49.08 + 15.1 GM (GM) 30.13 38.55 35.28 ◊ 0.11 + 13.55 + 1.3 Morgan Sta (MS) 28.86 48.90 47.65 ◊ 0.28 + 62.41 + 12.8 UTC (UTX) 97.62 124.79 117.20 ◊ 0.99 + 8.18 + 6.9
Caterpilla (CAT) 79.93 115.46 114.34 ◊ 0.07 + 38.04 + 23.3 Alphabet (GOOG) 727.54 988.25 922.90 ◊ 3.89 N.A. N.A. Microsoft (MSFT) 55.61 74.42 72.47 ◊ 0.32 + 24.52 + 16.6 Visa (V) 75.17 101.72 100.97 ◊ 0.31 + 26.12 + 29.4
Celgene (CELG) 96.93 139.00 135.57 + 0.30 + 19.13 + 17.1 Alphabet (GOOGL) 743.59 1008.61 940.08 ◊ 4.11 + 16.42 + 18.6 NextEra (NEE) 110.49 148.19 147.24 ◊ 0.11 + 16.79 + 23.3 Verizon (VZ) 42.80 54.83 48.22 ◊ 0.38 ◊ 10.14 ◊ 9.7
Colgate (CL) 63.43 77.27 71.57 ◊ 0.13 ◊ 4.29 + 9.4 Goldman Sa (GS) 157.77 255.15 231.01 ◊ 1.04 + 41.34 ◊ 3.5 Nike (NKE) 49.01 60.53 59.90 + 0.44 + 7.41 + 17.8 Walgreens (WBA) 75.18 88.00 81.28 + 0.20 + 0.48 ◊ 1.8
Comcast (CMCSA) 30.02 42.18 40.63 + 0.71 + 21.46 + 17.7 Halliburto (HAL) 40.12 58.78 41.29 + 0.26 ◊ 6.27 ◊ 23.7 Oracle (ORCL) 37.62 51.85 49.06 ◊ 0.04 + 19.37 + 27.6 WalMart (WMT) 65.28 81.99 81.61 + 0.02 + 10.97 + 18.1
Capital On (COF) 66.61 96.92 85.14 ◊ 0.37 + 25.61 ◊ 2.4 Home Depot (HD) 119.20 160.86 155.26 + 1.91 + 14.07 + 15.8 Occidental (OXY) 57.20 78.48 61.66 + 0.31 ◊ 16.31 ◊ 13.4 Wells Farg (WFC) 43.55 59.99 52.79 + 0.08 + 7.89 ◊ 4.2
ConocoPhil (COP) 39.00 53.17 45.65 + 0.02 + 10.69 ◊ 9.0 Honeywell (HON) 105.25 140.21 139.00 + 0.33 + 20.24 + 20.0 Priceline (PCLN) 1392 2068 1907 ◊142.20 + 35.52 + 30.1 Exxon Mobi (XOM) 78.27 93.22 80.21 + 0.25 ◊ 9.57 ◊ 11.1
Costco Who (COST) 142.11 183.18 156.86 ◊ 0.89 ◊ 2.78 + 1.9 IBM (IBM) 141.19 182.79 141.77 ◊ 0.34 ◊ 12.36 ◊ 14.6 PepsiCo (PEP) 98.50 118.24 116.63 ◊ 0.08 + 7.71 + 11.5
Cisco Syst (CSCO) 29.12 34.60 31.62 ◊ 0.05 + 2.20 + 4.6 Intel (INTC) 33.23 38.45 36.59 + 0.18 + 4.78 + 0.9 Pfizer (PFE) 29.83 35.38 33.45 + 0.17 ◊ 4.65 + 3.0

Prices shown are for regular trading for the New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange which runs from 9:30 a.m., Eastern time, through the close of the Pacific Exchange, at 4:30 p.m. For the Nasdaq stock market, it is through 4 p.m. Close Last trade of the day in regular trading. + – indicates stocks
· or ·
that reached a new 52-week high or low. Change Difference between last trade and previous day’s price in regular trading. „ or ‰ indicates stocks that rose or fell at least 4 percent. ” indicates stocks that traded 1 percent or more of their outstanding shares. n Stock was a new issue in the last year.


Yields 52-Week Total Returns Market Breadth Yield Curve Key Rates Most Recent Issues
FINRA-BLOOMBERG FINRA-BLOOMBERG All Investment High Yest. 1-mo. ago 1-yr. ago 10-year Treas. Prime Rate
CORPORATE BOND INDEXES CORPORATE BOND INDEXES Issues Grade Yield Conv 2-year Treas. Fed Funds Mat. Date Rate Bid Ask Chg Yield
4% 5%
8% high yield +5.74% +10% high yield +8.95% Total Issues Traded 7,338 5,002 2,160 176 T-BILLS
Advances 3,175 2,417 689 69
3 4 3-mo. Nov 09 ◊ ◊ 1.05 1.04 –0.01 1.06
Declines 3,745 2,411 1,238 96 6-mo. Feb 08 ◊ ◊ 1.15 1.14 –0.02 1.17
Unchanged 122 39 79 4
6 52 Week High 184 81 97 6 3 BONDS & NOTES
+ 5 52 Week Low 184 101 72 11 2 2-yr. Jul 31 1] ◊ 100.06 100.07 +0.02 1.36
Dollar Volume* 24,992 15,696 8,132 1,163 5-yr. Jul 31 1~ ◊ 100.32 100.33 +0.05 1.82
2 10-yr. May 15 2] ◊ 101.09 101.11 +0.11 2.26
4 End of day data. Activity as reported to FINRA TRACE.
30-yr. May 15 3.000 ◊ 103.50 103.52 +0.38 2.84
Market breadth represents activity in all TRACE eligible 1 1
publicly traded securities. Shown below are the most
0 active fixed-coupon bonds ranked by par value traded.
5-yr. Apr 15 [ ◊ 100.27 100.33 +0.09 0.09
2 Investment grade or high-yield is determined using 0 Maturity 0 10-yr. Jul 15 ] ◊ 99.50 99.59 +0.13 0.44
credit ratings as outlined in FINRA rules. “C” – Yield is
unavailable because of issue’s call criteria. 20-yr. Jan 15 2ø ◊ 121.62 121.86 +0.14 0.56
*Par value in millions.
3 6 2 5 10 30 2016 2017 30-yr. Feb 15 ~ ◊ 98.63 98.88 +0.37 0.94
0 invest. grade +3.52% – 5 invest. grade +1.05% Source: FINRA TRACE data. Reference information from Months Years Source: Thomson Reuters
Source: Thomson Reuters
Reuters DataScope Data. Credit ratings from Moody’s® &
2016 2017 2016 2017 Standard & Poor’s.

Most Active Foreign Currency Dollars in Foreign Currency Dollars in
Credit Rating Price
Issuer Name (SYMBOL) Coupon% Maturity Moody’s S&P High Low Last Chg Yld% in Dollars Foreign Currency in Dollars Foreign Currency

Argentina (Peso) .0566 17.6790
One Dollar in Euros Australia (Dollar) .7886 1.2681
One Dollar in Yen
Unitedhealth Group Inc (UNH) 1.900 Jul’18 A3 A+ 100.500 99.960 99.960 –0.629 1.943 Bolivia (Boliviano) .1451 6.8900 1.00 euros $1 = 0.8507 China (Yuan) .1499 6.6720 120 yen $1 = 110.06
At&t Inc (T) 5.150 Feb’50 Baa1 BBB+ 102.250 98.784 99.047 0.108 5.211 Brazil (Real) .3169 3.1556 Hong Kong (Dollar) .1280 7.8152
Teva Pharmaceutical Fin Neth Iii B V (TEVA) 3.150 Oct’26 Baa3 BBB 93.500 90.914 93.370 1.823 4.024 Canada (Dollar) .7875 1.2698 India (Rupee) .0157 63.8550
At&t Inc (T) 3.400 Aug’24 Baa1 BBB+ 101.635 99.636 100.000 –1.325 3.400 Chile (Peso) .0015 647.87 0.95 Japan (Yen) .0091 110.06
Teva Pharmaceutical Fin Neth Iii B V (TEVA) 4.100 Oct’46 Baa3 BBB 88.483 84.922 85.113 0.193 5.085 Colombia (Peso) .0003 3001.0 Malaysia (Ringgit) .2333 4.2870
Mylan N V (MYL) 3.950 Jun’26 Baa3 BBB– 100.228 99.252 100.151 –0.144 3.929 Dom. Rep. (Peso) .0213 47.0200 110
New Zealand (Dollar) .7337 1.3630
Teva Pharmaceutical Fin Neth Iii B V (TEVA) 2.800 Jul’23 Baa3 BBB 96.299 94.178 94.596 0.226 3.826
Comcast Corp New (CMCS) 4.000 Aug’47 NR A– 101.403 98.233 98.672 0.408 4.077
El Salvador (Colon) .1147 8.7220 0.90 Pakistan (Rupee) .0095 105.25
Guatemala (Quetzal) .1375 7.2740 Philippines (Peso) .0198 50.6250 105
Anheuser-busch Inbev Fin Inc (BUD) 3.650 Feb’26 A3 A– 105.021 103.076 103.200 –1.900 3.204
Honduras (Lempira) .0429 23.3200 Singapore (Dollar) .7335 1.3634
At&t Inc (T) 3.900 Aug’27 Baa1 BBB+ 102.203 99.238 99.360 –0.131 3.978
Mexico (Peso) .0557 17.9435 0.85 So. Korea (Won) .0009 1138.4
Nicaragua (Cordoba) .0341 29.3600 Taiwan (Dollar) .0331 30.2050
HIGH YIELD Paraguay (Guarani) .0002 5571.0 Thailand (Baht) .0301 33.2500
Petrobras Global Fin B V (PBR) 7.375 Jan’27 B1 BB– 111.088 108.500 109.000 0.050 6.104 Peru (New Sol) .3082 3.2443 0.80 Vietnam (Dong) .00004 22729 95
Petrobras Global Fin B V (PBR) 8.375 May’21 B1 BB– 113.250 111.550 112.625 0.125 4.684 Uruguay (New Peso) .0349 28.6500
Hertz Corp (HTZ.AS) 6.750 Apr’19 B3 B– 100.000 94.125 100.000 1.250 6.742 Venezuela (Bolivar) .1003 9.9750 2016 2017 2016 2017
Petrobras Global Fin B V (PBR) 6.125 Jan’22 B1 BB– 105.600 103.901 105.250 –0.100 4.793 Bahrain (Dinar) 2.6537 .3768
Nrg Energy, Inc. (NRG) 6.625 Jan’27 B1 BB– 107.500 105.625 105.640 –0.735 5.629 EUROPE Lebanon (Pound) .0007 1505.7
Norway (Krone) .1257 7.9550 Egypt (Pound) .0563 17.7500
Noble Energy Inc (NBL) 3.850 Jan’28 NR 100.053 99.671 99.866 0.203 N.A. Britain (Pound) 1.3004 .7690 Saudi Arabia (Riyal) .2667 3.7501
Poland (Zloty) .2757 3.6277 Iran (Rial) .00003 32822
Delta Air Lines Inc Del (DAL) 3.625 Mar’22 Baa3 BB+ 103.411 102.865 102.865 –0.325 2.941 So. Africa (Rand) .0745 13.4189
Czech Rep (Koruna) .0449 22.2480 Russia (Ruble) .0166 60.0860 Israel (Shekel) .2781 3.5952
Frontier Communications Corp (FTR) 11.000 Sep’25 B2 B 89.335 85.400 88.250 –1.250 13.420 U.A.E (Dirham) .2723 3.6727
Denmark (Krone) .1581 6.3255 Sweden (Krona) .1223 8.1752 Jordan (Dinar) 1.4144 .7070
Frontier Communications Corp (FTR) 10.500 Sep’22 B2 B 92.275 90.500 90.750 –1.500 13.038
Europe (Euro) 1.1755 .8507 Switzerland (Franc) 1.0380 .9634 Kenya (Shilling) .0096 103.80
Csc Hldgs Inc (ALLVF) 7.625 Jul’18 B2 B 104.920 103.490 104.893 0.268 2.216 Prices as of 4:45 p.m. Eastern Time.
Hungary (Forint) .0039 259.64 Turkey (Lira) .2828 3.5366 Kuwait (Dinar) 3.3151 .3016
Source: Thomson Reuters
Red Hat Inc (RHAT) 0.250 Oct’19 BBB 139.924 137.000 138.670 –2.010 –14.565
Radius Health Inc (RDUS) 2.750 Sep’24 NR 100.500 97.547 100.000 100.000 N.A.
Cobalt Intl Energy Inc (CIE)
Biomarin Pharmaceutical Inc (BMRN)
D 29.000
Priceline Group Inc (PCLN)
Jazz Invts I Ltd (JAZZ)
0.406 units per Lifetime Open Crude Oil
Future Exchange quantity High Low Date Open High Low Settle Change Interest $60 $49.56 a barrel
Tesla Inc (TSLA) 1.250 Mar’21 NR B– 119.510 118.250 118.707 –0.043 –3.642
Priceline Group Inc (PCLN) 1.000 Mar’18 NR BBB+ 216.090 197.000 198.520 –18.890 –88.034 Corn CBT ¢/bushel 432.00 348.25 Sep 17 369.00 372.50 368.75 372.25 + 2.50 400,254
Mercadolibre Inc (MELI) 2.250 Jul’19 NR NR 202.371 200.623 202.371 –4.629 –32.712 Soybeans CBT ¢/bushel 1088.00 876.00 Aug 17 964.00 965.25 958.00 963.00 0.00 399
Cobalt Intl Energy Inc (CIE) 2.625 Dec’19 NR D 30.375 29.000 30.375 2.875 64.915 Wheat CBT ¢/bushel 590.00 430.75 Sep 17 457.25 461.50 454.00 459.50 + 2.50 148,965 55
Live Cattle CME ¢/lb 127.65 89.88 Aug 17 112.30 112.45 109.88 110.00 ◊ 2.47 16,941
Hogs-Lean CME ¢/lb 85.38 66.33 Aug 17 83.80 84.18 83.73 84.13 + 0.60 14,897
Cocoa NYBOT $/ton 3295.00 1767.00 Sep 17 2011.00 2021.00 1971.00 2002.00 ◊ 16.00 56,234 50
Coffee NYBOT ¢/lb 191.20 115.50 Sep 17 142.00 143.40 140.25 142.65 ◊ 0.10 66,886
CONSUMER RATES ECONOMIC INDICATORS Sugar-World NYBOT ¢/lb 21.32 12.27 Sep 17 13.80 13.90 13.59 13.64 ◊ 0.14 392,304
Yesterday Change from last week
Gold COMX $/oz 1391.50 1133.30 Aug 17 1276.60 1276.60 1276.40 1273.00 + 16.60 2,306 45
Silver COMX $/oz 17.73 15.13 Aug 17 16.51 16.85 16.48 16.83 + 0.47 110
Hi Grade Copper COMX $/lb 2.94 2.49 Aug 17 2.93 2.94 2.92 2.93 ◊ 0.01 1,971
Up Flat Down
1-year range
Light Sweet Crude NYMX $/bbl 88.27 41.55 Aug 17 49.00 49.72 48.90 49.56 + 0.39 411,744 40
Heating Oil NYMX $/gal 2.52 1.20 Aug 17 1.62 1.66 1.61 1.65 + 0.02 112,600
Natural Gas NYMX $/mil.btu 5.89 2.41 Aug 17 2.81 2.90 2.80 2.88 + 0.06 276,246 2016 2017
Home Year
Mortgages Wednesday
Friday Ago 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5-YEAR HISTORY Key to exchanges: CBT-Chicago Board of Trade. CME-Chicago Mercantile Exchange. CMX-Comex division of NYM. KC-Kansas City Board of Trade. NYBOT-New York Board of
Trade. NYM-New York Mercantile Exchange. Open interest is the number of contracts outstanding.
Source: Thomson Reuters
Federal funds 1.16% 0.40% Durable Goods Orders +40%
Prime rate 4.25 3.50 Change from
15-yr fixed 2.97 2.66 previous year
15-yr fixed jumbo 3.68 3.40 June ’17 +16.2% –40
May ’17 +4.0 ’12 ’17 % Total Returns Exp. Assets % Total Returns Exp. Assets
30-yr fixed 3.77 3.37 Fund Name (TICKER) Type YTD 1 Yr 5 Yr* Ratio (mil.$)
Fund Name (TICKER) Type YTD 1 Yr 5 Yr* Ratio (mil.$)
30-yr fixed jumbo 4.10 3.85 LARGEST FUNDS LEADERS
5/1 adj. rate 3.15 2.83
Consumer Borrowing +8%
Vanguard Total Intl Stock Index Inv(VGTSX) FB +18.7 +17.7 +7.6 0.17 109,524 Oakmark International Investor(OAKIX) FB +22.3 +33.8 +13.0 0.96 30,308
Change from American Funds Capital Income Bldr A(CAIBX) IH +9.7 +7.8 +7.4 0.59 71,518 Evermore Global Value Institutional(EVGIX) SW +17.9 +33.5 +15.3 1.24 458
5/1 adj. rate jumbo 3.34 2.96 previous year Dodge & Cox International Stock(DODFX) FB +18.9 +24.7 +10.1 0.64 64,391 ALPS|Red Rocks Listed Private Equity I(LPEIX) SW +23.6 +30.9 +16.4 1.25 129
1-year adj. rate 3.14 2.78 American Funds Capital World Gr&Inc A(CWGIX) WS +15.8 +15.8 +10.9 0.77 55,362 Vanguard International Growth Adm(VWILX) FG +32.2 +28.1 +11.2 0.32 22,021
June ’17 +5.7% 0 American Funds New Perspective A(ANWPX) WS +20.7 +19.0 +12.7 0.76 40,162 Oppenheimer Global Opportunities Y(OGIYX) SW +25.8 +27.9 +17.5 0.92 1,411
May ’17 +5.8 Oakmark International Investor(OAKIX) FB +22.3 +33.8 +13.0 0.96 30,308 PIMCO RAE Fundamental PLUS Intl Inst(PTSIX) FV +19.0 +27.6 +9.9 0.82 1,224
’12 ’17 Harbor International Institutional(HAINX) FB +16.9 +13.4 +6.1 0.77 28,994 Oakmark Global Investor(OAKGX) WS +16.3 +27.4 +12.4 1.16 1,761
Home Equity 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 American Funds Europacific Growth A(AEPGX) FG +22.5 +19.3 +9.2 0.85 28,050 Franklin Intl Small Cap Growth R6(FCAPX) FQ +25.8 +27.3 NA 1.00 492
DFA International Core Equity I(DFIEX) FB +18.6 +20.4 +10.1 0.32 23,571 Oakmark Global Select Investor(OAKWX) WS +14.7 +26.7 +14.3 1.14 2,057
$75K line good credit* 4.95% 4.43%
Producer Prices +4% Vanguard International Growth Adm(VWILX) FG +32.2 +28.1 +11.2 0.32 22,021 Oakmark International Small Cap Invest(OAKEX) FQ +23.0 +26.3 +11.9 1.38 2,129
$75K line excel. credit* 4.74 4.36 American Funds SMALLCAP World A(SMCWX) SW +15.7 +15.3 +12.4 1.07 20,763 Hartford International Value Y(HILYX) FV +17.0 +25.4 +13.3 0.84 620
Change from Old Westbury Large Cap Strategies(OWLSX) WS +12.7 +11.5 +10.6 1.11 16,783 Oppenheimer Global Y(OGLYX) WS +23.3 +25.0 +13.3 0.89 1,529
$75K loan good credit* 4.64 4.07 previous year BlackRock Global Allocation Instl(MALOX) IH +9.8 +10.3 +6.6 0.80 16,209
DFA International Small Cap Value I(DISVX) FA +19.1 +24.3 +14.1 0.68 15,669 LAGGARDS
$75K loan excel. credit* 4.63 4.04 June ’17 +2.2% –6 First Eagle Global A(SGENX) IH +8.1 +7.4 +8.1 1.11 15,091 Voya Global Real Estate A(IGLAX) GR +5.6 ◊4.3 +5.7 1.33 311
T. Rowe Price International Stock(PRITX) FG +21.8 +19.0 +8.8 0.83 13,609 T. Rowe Price Global Real Estate(TRGRX) GR +4.0 ◊4.1 +6.4 1.05 167
May ’17 +2.6 ’12 ’17 Oppenheimer International Growth Y(OIGYX) FG +18.7 +13.4 +9.3 0.87 13,512 EuroPac International Value A(EPIVX) FV +12.3 ◊3.9 ◊2.4 1.75 64
Auto Loan Rates 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DFA International Small Company I(DFISX) FQ +20.2 +20.8 +12.6 0.53 13,134 DFA Global Real Estate Securities Port(DFGEX) GR +5.0 ◊3.4 +8.2 0.24 6,377
Vanguard Developed Markets Index Admir(VTMGX) FB +17.9 +17.7 +8.9 0.07 13,086 Franklin Global Real Estate A(FGRRX) GR +6.8 ◊3.1 +6.4 1.40 80
36-mo. used car 3.03% 3.19% Real Hourly Earnings +1% T. Rowe Price International Value Eq(TRIGX) FV +16.9 +15.5 +7.6 0.83 11,902 Hussman Strategic Total Return(HSTRX) TV +1.6 ◊2.8 +0.7 0.71 371
T. Rowe Price Overseas Stock(TROSX) FB +20.0 +21.1 +8.8 0.83 11,424 Prudential Global Real Estate C(PURCX) GR +5.8 ◊2.6 +5.7 1.97 103
60-mo. new car 3.12 2.93 Change from Templeton Growth A(TEPLX) WS +11.6 +18.3 +9.8 1.06 11,197 American Century Global Real Estate In(ARYVX) GR +8.7 ◊1.9 +7.4 1.12 67
previous year Fidelity Diversified International(FDIVX) FG +19.7 +15.6 +9.3 0.92 11,175 DFA International Real Estate Sec I(DFITX) GR +9.4 ◊1.6 +6.4 0.28 5,288
Brookfield Global Listed Real Estate I(BLRIX) GR +6.2 ◊1.2 +9.3 0.95 423
CD’s and Money Market Rates 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 July ’17 +0.3% –1 Average performance for all such funds +16.6 +15.5 +8.8 Invesco Global Real Estate A(AGREX) GR +8.2 ◊1.2 +6.5 1.36 178
Number of funds for period 646 646 633 Northern Multi-Manager Glbl Real Estat(NMMGX) GR +6.7 ◊0.5 +6.4 0.96 169
June ’17 +0.3 ’12 ’17
Money-market 0.27% 0.25%
*Annualized. Leaders and Laggards are among funds with at least $50 million in assets, and include no more than one class of any fund. Today’s fund types: FA-Foreign Small/Mid Val.
$10K min. money-mkt 0.28 0.24 FB-Foreign Large Blend. FG-Foreign Large Growth. FQ-Foreign Small/Mid Bl.. FR-Foreign Small/Mid Gr.. FV-Foreign Large Value. GR-Global Real Estate. IH-World Allocation. MQ-Miscellaneous
Existing Home Sales 6
Region. TV-Tactical Allocation. WS-World Large Stock. SW-World Small/Mid Stock. NA-Not Available. YTD-Year to date. Spotlight tables rotate on a 2-week basis. Source: Morningstar
6-month CD 0.43 0.33
Annual Rate, in millions
1-year CD 0.76 0.56 Seasonally adjusted
2-year CD 0.87 0.75 June ’17 5.5 4 ONLINE: MORE PRICES AND ANALYSIS
5-year IRA CD 1.69 1.41 May ’17 5.6 ’12 ’17
Information on all United States stocks, plus bonds, mutual funds, commodities and foreign stocks along
*Credit ratings: good, FICO score 660-749; excellent, FICO score 750-850. Source: with analysis of industry sectors and stock indexes:


No Longer Just Any Old Town

In lesser-known areas, the true value of a promotion
to England’s Premier League goes beyond the monetary.

HUDDERSFIELD, England — It was not The Terriers, it appears, will have a

just the size of its new fan base that caught larger audience in more ways than one this
Huddersfield Town by surprise this sum- season.
mer, but the size of its new fans. Huddersfield the town, like Huddersfield
Early in July — little more than a month the club, will need some time to get used to
after the club had secured entry the spotlight. Both had their heyday in the
RORY to the Premier League’s promised
land, and with little more than a
1920s, when the team won three English
championships and the town was thriving
SMITH month to go until it made its de- and prosperous, its wealth rooted in the
but — Huddersfield revealed its textile industry. Since then, said Raj Bains,
ON jerseys for the season ahead. the author of “Underdog,” a book charting
Within two weeks, all three the club’s rise last season, “their fortunes
editions of the jersey had all but sold out — run almost in sync.” Slowly, inexorably,
even though the shirts were available only town and team faded.
through the club’s online shop and at one of Now, he says, both are “in the healthiest
its two stores here. state they have been for a while.” The tend-
The club quickly contacted Puma, its ency, when discussing those Premier
apparel supplier, with an urgent request to League clubs rooted away from the bright
deliver a new batch as quickly as possible. lights and the big cities, is to cast their
It will not arrive until September, but when towns as rust-belt relics, still reeling and
it does, it will be in a greater variety of resentful from the devastating loss of heavy LYNNE CAMERON/GETTY IMAGES

sizes than before: In another surprise, industry in the 1980s. Fans on the streets of Huddersfield to toast the city’s soccer team, Huddersfield
there had been a surge of requests for The cliché rarely holds true. Huddersfield Town, after it won promotion to the Premier League in May. A sign in Turf Moor sta-
jerseys in 3XL and 4XL. Continued on Page B13 dium, where Burnley, the smallest city in the league, hosts its Premier League games.

Yanks Get Opportunity the Bambino Never Had Time Is No Friend

For nearly a century, the Yankees’ uni- In Spieth’s Slam Bid
forms have remained distinctly uniform:
white with navy blue pinstripes at home, CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Pres- youngest man to win all four
traveling grays with navy trim on the road. sure? What pressure? At first, majors or the sixth over all to
They are the only major league franchise Jordan Spieth took the long view complete the feat — ahead of
From Aug. 25 when asked about completing Rory McIlroy, who is missing
that has never placed names on the back of
their jerseys at home or on the road.
to 27, the the career grand slam at this only the Masters green jacket,
While the Houston Astros may have uniforms of week’s P.G.A. Champi- and Phil Mickelson, who is short
sported tequila sunrise uniforms, the Pitts- C. C. KAREN onship, a prospect
made possible by his
a United States Open title.
burgh Pirates pillbox caps and the Chicago Sabathia, left, At Spieth’s age, it would be
White Sox short pants, the Yankees have and Aaron CROUSE victory last month at easy to view the future as a
the British Open. highway that he can drive on
been impervious to the sport’s fashion Judge will be ON
trends. “If I’m healthy and cruise control all night long. But
among those GOLF
playing well, I play in
For the Yankees, it is a point of pride that the road is never smooth. There
with 30 of them, I believe I’ll have will be blind curves and detours,
Babe Ruth did not dress much different nicknames. plenty of chances to win them, flat tires and overheated engines,
from Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, Reg-
but it doesn’t have to be this starless nights and sunless days.
gie Jackson, Don Mattingly or Derek Jeter.
year,” Spieth said before trying to The proof is all around him.
But later this month, the Yankees will win his third tournament in a
play a home series against the Seattle Mar- MLB Look at Jimmy Walker, who
row last week at the Bridgestone became a first-time major winner
iners looking like something else altogeth- Invitational.
er. As part of a Major League Baseball- spikes, batting gloves, wristbands, com- M.L.B.-apparel licensee, which is selling at last year’s P.G.A. Champi-
By the end of the week, Spieth onship and then helped the
wide “Players Weekend,” from Aug. 25 to pression sleeves, catcher’s masks and bats. the replica uniforms for $200. had revised his thinking. As he
27, the Yankees will wear an alternate uni- And each uniform will have a blank patch “Their tradition is so rich that a little bit United States to the Ryder Cup.
put the final strokes on a tie for He anticipated a luminous 2017,
form with a script “Yankees” across the on the right sleeve for players to write the of change in the tradition won’t upset the 13th, his first finish outside the
front, gray caps and — take a deep breath name of a person or organization that was apple cart,” Allen Adamson, a branding and but a Lyme disease diagnosis in
top 10 since the United States
here — the players’ nicknames on the back instrumental in his development. marketing expert, said of the effect the April sidelined him for over a
Open in June, Spieth found his
of their jerseys. In the past, the Yankees have worn weekend might have on the Yankees’ im- month. It continues to sap his
mind wandering.
Clint Frazier will be wearing a jersey throwback uniforms and tweaked their age. “I’m not suggesting the Yankee go to strength. Walker has one top-10
“I was thinking about it a little
with “Red Thunder” on the back. Aaron look to conform with whatever Major polka dots, but the iconic nature of the finish in 19 official tour events,
today on the course,” he said
Judge will wear “All Rise” on the back of League Baseball might have designed for a brand is so sharp, they have the latitude to and he can’t be sure how he’ll
Sunday in Akron, Ohio. “You
his. C. C. Sabathia will wear “Dub” — short holiday commemoration. But it is unlikely shake it up a bit.” know, if you don’t win next week, feel from one round to the next.
for Double C. And Todd Frazier, the proud that the Yankees, who carefully police the The weekend initiative by baseball is an next year obviously you focus on “This is just life, and bad
Jersey guy, will wear “The Toddfather” on length of their players’ hair and do not al- acknowledgment of — and an attempt to the majors, but the P.G.A. does things happen sometimes,”
his back. It will also be the first time the low beards, would have gone along with address — the notion that the sport does become kind of that one that’s Walker said.
Yankees — the only franchise to never have something like Players Weekend if they not engage young fans in the way that starred and that’s so long away, “I’m just glad that I’m feeling
veered away from buttoned jerseys — will had not been obligated to do so. other sports, particularly the N.B.A., do. In 365 days away.” better,” he added, “but there’s
wear pullover tops. In this instance the team has no choice an interview with ESPN The Magazine last Spieth, 24, is wise to sense the still a lot of stuff that is linger-
In addition to the uniforms, players will but to be part of an initiative driven by the year, the Washington Nationals star Bryce urgency, even if he says he is not ing.”
be allowed to wear individually designed players’ union and Majestic Athletic, the Continued on Page B12 obsessed with becoming the Continued on Page B14


The Prospects Should Be the Must-See Mets Bruce

So no one told you life was
gonna be this way . . . .
Is Traded
As long as Wilmer Flores uses
the “Friends” theme song before
he hits, Mets fans will have a
To Indians
reason to applaud.
Yes, it is contrived.
But these days, it is
For Pitcher
better than nothing.
The Mets shuffled
ON Amid a disappointing season,
BASEBALL off for a long week-
end late Wednesday the Mets on Wednesday swung
afternoon, bound for a four-game another trade of a veteran for
visit to the Philadelphia Phillies, young talent as they retool their
the only team behind them in the roster with an eye toward 2018.
National League East. They left This time, the deal involved a
town quietly, losing, 5-1, to the large cash savings, the clearing of
Texas Rangers and collecting a roster spot, and their best power
just three hits. Except for a hitter, Jay Bruce, who was in-
homer by Flores, the Mets never formed that he was sent to the
moved a runner past first base. Cleveland Indians.
“Real chopped-up game,’’ right In exchange, the Mets received
fielder Jay Bruce said. “We spent low-level relief prospect Ryder
a lot of time in the field and not Ryan, whose fastball was clocked
much time in the dugout.” in the mid-to-high 90s this year.
Hours after the game, Bruce The Indians also assumed the
was shipped off to another dug- remainder of Bruce’s $13 million
out, that of the Cleveland Indi- salary this year, according to a
ans. The Mets traded him for a person familiar with the deal who
prospect — and salary relief — requested anonymity because the
as they rightly prioritize their money in the deal was not made
future over their dreary present. public. This saves the Mets about
This was Wednesday’s bleak $5 million.
story: The Rangers’ Martin Bruce was going to be a free
Perez threw 89 pitches in eight agent at the end of this season.
innings. The Mets’ Rafael Mon- The Mets failed to deal him ahead
tero threw 87 in three. Montero of the July 31 nonwaiver trade
hit two batters, balked in a run, JIM M cISAAC/GETTY IMAGES
deadline, saying that the market
allowed two stolen bases to Elvis for position players was weak but
Andrus, an upper-deck home run One of the Mets’ top prospects, Amed Rosario, above, ending his 0-for-13 stretch with an eighth- that the franchise was open to
to Joey Gallo — you get the idea. more moves in August.
inning hit in a 5-1 loss to Texas on Wednesday. Wilmer Flores, left, homered for the only run. Bruce recently cleared waivers,
“I think it’s just a bad day,”
Montero said through an inter- which meant the Mets were free to
preter. “I’ll keep working hard. Amed Rosario’s eighth-inning get through it.” Mets activated him from the trade him to any team.
Anyone can have a bad day, and single, which snapped his 0-for-13 Fans can tolerate a losing team disabled list July 28; Collins said Bruce, 30, hit .256 and led the
today was one of them.” stretch. Rosario is hitting .179 — if they believe they can glimpse a he knew what Nimmo had to Mets with 29 homers and 75 R.B.I.
Montero (1-8) has had a lot of Aaron Judge’s average last sea- better future. A lineup of veteran offer, after his 73-at-bat trial last The Mets acquired him from the
them, like so many of his team- son, across town — and he has placeholders, unwanted by other season. Maybe trading Bruce Cincinnati Reds at the trade dead-
mates. The Mets’ rotation has a not walked in his first eight ma- teams at the nonwaiver trading clears some space for a longer line last summer, and he struggled
5.11 earned run average. The staff jor league games. He sought out deadline, offers little appeal. look. in his first two months in New
issued eight walks on Wednes- the hitting coach, Kevin Long, to Trading Bruce — a free-agent-to- Collins knows much less about York, but he rebounded to help the
day and has handed out nearly help him let the ball travel far- be — underscores the reality that Dominic Smith, who has not Mets reach the National League
400 this season, with 51 games to ther before he swings, which the kids are the show. Maybe the made his debut. The Mets plan to wild-card game.
go. Last year, the Mets tied for should improve pitch recognition Mets can also find takers for promote Smith, their 22-year-old The Mets exercised the $13 mil-
the fewest walks allowed in the and allow him to use the whole Curtis Granderson and Neil first-base prospect, this month — lion option on Bruce’s contract,
majors, 439. field. Walker before the end of the and Smith should be here al- and he was among the team’s big-
“We have not walked people in Rosario’s development is ta- month. ready. Through Tuesday, he had gest bright spots this season. Nor-
the past,” Manager Terry Collins king place in the majors, which is “It’s fun to watch young guys hit .301 with a .398 on-base per- mally a right fielder, he played ev-
said. “Obviously, this year, home ANDY MARLIN/USA TODAY SPORTS, VIA REUTERS how it should be for a team like kind of get their feet wet and centage in a five-year minor ery day, and even switched to first
runs are everywhere. But you the Mets. This is the time to figure all of it out,” Bruce said, league career, and his power base when necessary.
can’t put runners on base. You Matz, Zack Wheeler and Robert make adjustments and learn the presciently, after the game. continues to rise. He was a candidate to receive
can’t do it. Hitting’s a tough art, Gsellman. They have combined rigors of a new life. Speaking of Rosario, he added: The Mets have tested several an $18 million qualifying offer at
and you’ve got to make them for 55 starts and a 5.58 E.R.A. “Minor league players, when “He’s got so much to learn — in a young arms this season, and the the end of this season, but the
swing the bat. If you’re at this Indeed, no one told the Mets they’re in a league where they’ve positive way. He’s got all the lackluster results still help, if Mets decided to trade him now. If
level, you ought to be able to life was gonna be this way. This obviously shown it’s time to go, tools, all the talent, and I hope only as a guide to understanding Bruce had received the offer,
throw a strike when you need to.” was supposed to be their third it’s time to give ’em another we just all continue to let him just what they have. The Mets turned it down and signed else-
It is too easy to say that the playoff season in a row, a modest challenge,” Collins said. “They play and develop and become should commit fully to finding where, the Mets would have re-
Mets fell apart because their streak the franchise has never need to be moved. Amed Rosario who he is.” out as much as they can about ceived draft pick compensation.
pitchers were hurt. Montero was reached. Yet they headed to will be a better player down the For now, it is all about Rosario, their young players. That is the Now the Mets save money, and
not much more than a depth Philadelphia with a 50-61 record road when he realizes what it but that should change soon. best way to use the rest of their they add another relief prospect
and a strikingly dull product. takes to deal with failure. You Outfielder Brandon Nimmo season, and the best reason to — the fifth they have acquired via
option this season, but the Mets
deals in the past few weeks.
counted on Matt Harvey, Steven Wednesday’s highlight was have to fail to understand how to has not started at all since the pay attention.
Trades of Lucas Duda and Addi-
son Reed, also pending free
agents, netted four relief

Yanks Generate a Lot of Runs, and a Lot of Ugliness Along the Way prospects ahead of the nonwaiver
deadline. The deals in total saved
the Mets $10 million to $11 million.
By BILLY WITZ American League East. ble to Ryan Goins and Tommy Ryan, 22, a 30th-round pick last
As for any signs that the Yan- Kahnle yielded a run-scoring sin- year by the Indians who was an in-
TORONTO — Everywhere you
kees are emerging from their gle to Donaldson. fielder at the University of North
looked Wednesday, there were ex-
post-trade deadline funk, it would The Yankees began to pull away Carolina, has a 4.79 E.R.A. at Class
amples of what kind of night it was A Lake County this season, but
for the Yankees. require some pinstriped-colored in the eighth, but it was not alto-
glasses to see that. gether painless. When Torreyes one scout said he was an intrigu-
There was the third base coach, ing pitcher who looked better than
Joe Espada, For an offense that has strug- singled up the middle to drive in
YANKEES 11 crumpling gled to score over the last week — two runs, Espada appeared to roll his numbers. He was not ranked in
to’s top 30 Indians
BLUE JAYS 5 the artificial and for a lineup that lost Clint Fra- his ankle as he was shuffling along
prospects, making it appear as if
turf as he zier as a late scratch because of an the third-base line to wave home
the Mets mostly wanted the cash
waved a runner home. (He oblique injury — the Yankees Cooper. He stayed on the turf for a
savings and the roster spot
needed tending to from a trainer were handed a gift in the form of moment until he was attended to
cleared. The Yankees reportedly
but remained in the game.) There Toronto’s emergency starter, Nick by a trainer and Girardi, and then
made an offer to the Mets for
were the Yankees’ needing five Tepesch, who had been released hobbled back to his position. Bruce, but the Mets chose the In-
throws to execute (barely) a 5-2- by five organizations over the pre- In a little more than 24 hours dians’ proposal.
6-2-6-1 rundown between third vious 14 months. here, the Yankees have lost Clint In trading Bruce, the Mets have
and home. There was Ronald Tor- Gary Sanchez, Todd Frazier Frazier, have had Todd Frazier freed one spot in a crowded out-
reyes being thrown out at home and Didi Gregorius pelted Te- (Wednesday) and Sanchez (Tues- field rotation that also included
standing up, Jeremy Giambi- pesch for solo home runs, and the MARK BLINCH/THE CANADIAN PRESS, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS
day) hit by pitches on their elbow Yoenis Cespedes, Michael Con-
style. And there was Masahiro Ta- Yankees finally pulled away and hand, and had C. C. Sabathia forto, Brandon Nimmo and Curtis
naka (rightly) getting the hook against a depleted Blue Jays Blue Jays outfielder Kevin Pillar was tagged out at home after a leave Tuesday’s start with a knee Granderson, another pending free
with a three-run lead, nobody out bullpen. Their six pitchers includ- rundown between third and home during the second inning. injury. agent who could also be traded. It
in the fifth and having surren- ed Taylor Cole, whose major Sabathia learned Wednesday also opens up a spot in the lineup
dered only two hits. league debut was a forgettable ex- in the second inning that ended Bautista to begin the fifth, then after having a magnetic reso- for the awaited call-up of the first-
The Yankees walked away with perience as he gave up four runs with Gregorius throwing to Tana- walked Josh Donaldson on four nance imaging test on his degen- base prospect Dominic Smith.
a 11-5 victory against the Toronto and took a smash from Gregorius ka, who tagged Kevin Pillar just pitches — his fifth walk of the erative right knee that there was After the trade of Reed last
Blue Jays, but it was an arduous, off his foot. before he reached home with a night. This was enough for Man- no further damage. And while it is week, the Mets called up their top
laborious slog that seemed to But aside from Garrett Cooper’s dive. ager Joe Girardi to turn to the uncertain whether he will pitch prospect Amed Rosario, a short-
have only one redeeming quality: four hits, there was little artistic Tanaka, given a 6-2 lead, sur- bullpen. The Blue Jays then crept Sunday night against the Red Sox, stop. As the Mets roster is
It kept the Yankees four games be- about the night, beginning with rendered a solo home run to Jose within 6-5 in the sixth when Chad it might qualify as the best news of changed again, Smith may not be
hind first-place Boston in the the Little League-esque rundown Green gave up a run-scoring dou- the day for the Yankees. far behind.


Mexico’s Márquez Accused Márquez’s assets “that are under

U.S. jurisdiction or are in the con-
trol of U.S. persons” have been
of evidence to take action.
Márquez, 38, is one of Mexico’s
greatest soccer players. A center

Of Aiding a Drug Kingpin

frozen. back and defensive midfielder, he
In addition to having assets has appeared for his national
frozen, once an individual or enti- team 142 times over the last 21
ty is designated as a specially des- years, and was Mexico’s captain
By KEVIN DRAPER the attorney general’s office in a ignated national, according to the at each of the last four World Cups.
and ELISABETH MALKIN news release. The office added Treasury Department's descrip- His club career has taken him to
The Mexican soccer star Rafael that it was working closely with tion of the list, “U.S. Persons are Europe, where he won four league
Márquez and several of his busi- the Treasury Department in a generally prohibited from dealing titles and two Champions League
nesses have acted as fronts and continuing investigation. with them.” trophies while playing for the
held assets for a major drug traf- Márquez and nine businesses The United States sees the act Spanish powerhouse Barcelona,
ficking organization, the United linked to him, including his soccer as an important tool to disrupt the and to the United States, where he
States Treasury Department said school and charitable foundation, finances of organized crime and played two years with the Red
Wednesday after it added the were among the 22 individuals drug-trafficking groups, and to Bulls of Major League Soccer.
player’s name to a list of people and 42 entities added to the list by expose the vast web of dummy The news that Márquez had
and entities that face financial the Treasury Department on businesses that allow criminals to been linked to the drug trade,
penalties and possible forfeitures Wednesday. All were accused of obscure and launder their ill-got- even peripherally, was met with
for such ties. providing support to, or being un- HECTOR GUERRERO/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES ten gains. But defense lawyers disbelief in Mexico. Márquez’s ca-
Márquez, who plays for the der the control of, another Mexi- The Treasury Department said Rafael Márquez and nine busi- and some people named to the list reer in Barcelona was a source of
Mexican club Atlas and has repre- can national, Raúl Flores — which now totals more than pride for Mexican football fans,
Hernández, and what the depart-
nesses linked to him have provided support to drug traffickers.
sented Mexico at the last four 2,000 individuals and entities — proof that the country produces
World Cups, was placed on a Spe- ment called the “Flores drug traf- have complained that it is rife with world-class players. At the height
cially Designated Nationals list by ficking organization.” with the authorities in the investi- Treasury Department to freeze errors and tarnishes reputations of his career, his personal life was
the Treasury Department’s Office In March, Flores Hernández gation. “I clarify that I have not the assets of foreign nationals it with scant evidence and no due closely followed by Mexico’s ce-
of Foreign Assets Control. was indicted on a federal drug now or ever participated in any of believes to be involved in interna- process. lebrity magazines, and he ap-
Márquez appeared voluntarily in trafficking charge. the organizations that have been tional narcotics trafficking and to A number of businesses added peared in commercials for every-
the Mexican attorney general’s of- At a news conference at Atlas’s mentioned,” he said. prosecute Americans who handle to the list still manage to operate, thing from Gillette razors to a
fice today to make a statement, practice facility on Wednesday, The Foreign Narcotics Kingpin drug trafficking money. Accord- because the authorities outside of Mexican pension fund.
Márquez denied any connection Designation Act, better known as ing to a Treasury Department the United States do not always Neither Atlas nor the Mexican
Randal C. Archibold contributed to the drug trafficking organiza- the Kingpin Act, was passed by news release announcing follow up on the Treasury Depart- soccer federation responded to re-
reporting. tion and promised to cooperate Congress in 1999 and allows the Wednesday’s actions, all of ment’s designation or find a lack quests for comment.


With Names on Uniforms, the Yanks Get a Chance the Bambino Never Had
spring training for not cutting his
From First Sports Page hair to Yankees standards, said he
Harper said: “Baseball’s tired. It’s would have spikes with an outline
a tired sport because you can’t ex- of his face, and other surprises.
press yourself.” “I think a lot of guys are keeping
The World Baseball Classic in it pretty bland,” he said with a
March drew raves for the flair and smile. “But I’m not doing that.”
passion that many countries be- Judge said he was just going to
sides the United States displayed put his last name, or his childhood
— be it an audacious bat flip by nickname on the back of his jersey,
Wladimir Balentien of the Nether- until Todd Frazier told him that
lands, the dyed blond hair of the would be too vanilla.
Puerto Rican players or the rau- “I said: ‘Man, are you kidding
cous Dominican Republic fans me? Get your brand out there. Ev-
(and reliever Fernando Rodney’s erybody loves you,” Todd Frazier
good-luck golden plantain). said. “You put ‘All Rise’ on there,
Sabathia, who often wears an 1), you know how many people are
Oakland Raiders cap or jersey to MLB going to buy that jersey? and 2), if
the ballpark and organizes trips to Nickname jerseys for the Yankees’ Didi Gregorius and Todd Frazier, and the Mets’ Curtis Granderson and Noah Syndergaard. you have Judge, you’re going to be
N.B.A. games with his team- Plain Jane out there.”
mates, says he is keenly aware of But in an era when nicknames
the criticisms of his sport, particu-
players,” Sabathia added. “It al-
lows you to show your personality
The N.B.A., which in 2014 al-
lowed players to wear uniforms
An M.L.B.-mandated “Unlocking the individual char-
acteristics of the players is one of
are often contrived or colorless —
larly compared with how well the where have you gone Mudcat
N.B.A., via social media and other
a little bit, show what you would with nicknames on the back for a effort to bring younger the levers they need to push,” Ad- Grant and Blue Moon Odom? — it
do if you had no rules. I think it will selected game, has recently done amson said. “The story is richer if
platforms, has connected with
young fans. be fun to see that and to see the away with home and road uni- fans to the ballpark. each player has his own unique
is not easy to come up with some-
thing attention-getting and clever.
“This is the first step in getting imagination that some guys forms, giving teams an option of story.” Yankees Manager Joe Girardi,
there,” said Sabathia, who is have.” four uniforms to wear. In the Yankees’ clubhouse, re- hardly the frivolous type, said he
among 11 major leaguers who Todd Radom, a graphic de- “It’s the Oregon Ducks syn- Adamson, the branding expert, liever Tommy Kahnle, who wore a was not sure what he would put on
served on an advisory committee signer who has designed the logos drome writ very specific for said that while baseball had much print short-sleeve shirt with his uniform. Though he gives just
for the coming weekend. Among for the Los Angeles Angels and M.L.B.,” Radom said. “I think work to do to draw younger fans to Darth Vader logos to the ballpark about all his players a nickname
the others are the Chicago Cubs’ the Nationals, and a patch hon- you’re seeing the barriers erode of the ballpark — including speeding on Tuesday, said he would not — borrowing from the hockey tra-
Javier Baez, Baltimore’s Manny oring the inaugural season of the traditional notions, and I think it the pace of games and making have a nickname on the back of his dition of adding a y to their last
Machado, Toronto’s Jose Bautista new Yankee Stadium, says he sees does stem quite a bit from college tickets more affordable — the jersey, but he is having Marvel name — he said he never had one.
and Cleveland’s Francisco Lindor. this move as following a greater football. Seeing it bleed into base- Players Weekend is a modest, Comic-themed spikes made. Clint “The players might have one for
“It shows a different side of the trend in sports. ball isn’t surprising.’’ fleeting step in the right direction. Frazier, who got in hot water in me,” he said. “I personally don’t.”

Weather Report Meteorology by AccuWeather

Va Metropolitan Forecast
Regina TODAY .....................................Mostly sunny
e Winnipeg
eg Quebec
eb c
High 84. An area of high pressure off the 100°
n H 70ss
coast will provide another rain-free day
d 70s Mont
t highs
100+ Helena
across the area, with a mostly sunny sky
ne Fargo Ottaw
Billings Burling
and temperatures around normal for early
80s 70s
L St. Paul
S Torontto
To Albany
anyy 8
80s Bos
Boston H TODAY
TONIGHT ................................Patchy clouds
Pierre Milwauke
ee Buffalo
o Har
100+ 60s Detroit 90° S S M T W T F S S M
ou Fallss
New York
N Low 67. An area of high pressure off the
Reno Cheyenn
nn 6
Des Moines
D Chicago Cleveland Pittsburgh
coast persists, and will bring a rain-free
Salt La
Lake Omaha
night, along with patchy clouds. Tem-
City Washi
an Francisc
an scco
sco 90ss Denver Kansas
peratures will be around normal.
80s Springfield
e Richm
C ollorado
ora Topeka
pekk City
resn Las
as Spring
Sp rin
gs St. Louis
e oon
Norfolk TOMORROW ....................Afternoon shower Normal
Louisville highs
100+ Ve
Vegas 60s
70s Raleigh
gh High 80. High pressure will move away
os Ange
geles Santa Fe
80s Nashville
ville Charlotte from the area as the next storm system
70s Oklahoma City
itttl Rock
Memphis approaches from the west. Some sun-
an Diego
oenix Albuquerque
bia shine will give way to clouds, along with a
n 80s
Lubbock Atlanta
passing afternoon shower.
El Paso Ft. Worth Jackson SATURDAY .........A shower or thunderstorm
80s 90ss
A storm system will be moving east
Honolulu San Antonio
o Rouge
on Mo
across the region. This will result in a
New Or
0s 70ss Hou
ouston Orleans Tampa
a mostly cloudy and more humid day along Normal
with a shower or thunderstorm around. lows
80s Corpus Christi
50s 90ss
Nassau MONDAY ........Showers and thunderstorms
Weather patterns shown as expected at noon today, Eastern time. Sunday will be variably cloudy and humid
with the chance for a shower or thunder- 60°
0s storm. The high temperature will be 84 Forecast
<0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+
Actual range
An degrees. Monday will be cloudy with a High High
H L chance for rain and a thunderstorm. The
high temperature will be 78 degrees. Low Low

Highlight: The Weekend Outlook National Forecast Metropolitan Almanac

Dry air will hold over much of the North- In Central Park for the 16 hours ended at 4 p.m. yesterday.
east states. This pocket of dry air will
promote at least partial sunshine as an Temperature Precipitation (in inches)

H area of high pressure moves offshore. Record Yesterday ............... 0.00

JET STREAM L Showers and thunderstorms will continue 100°
high 103°
Record .................... 4.10

to affect the south central and southeast- For the last 30 days
Actual ..................... 3.03
ern states. Pockets of torrential rain and TUE. YESTERDAY
Normal .................... 4.71
H flooding are likely. 90° 84° For the last 365 days
Farther northwest, a storm system will 3 p.m. Actual ................... 50.18
spread soaking rain to part of the upper Normal
high 84°
Normal .................. 49.94
Midwest. Locally heavy thunderstorms LAST 30 DAYS

will extend farther to the southwest to the 80° Air pressure Humidity
central Plains and central Rockies. Iso- High ......... 30.24 11 a.m.
Low ............ 30.13 1 a.m.
High ............. 77% 5 a.m.
Low .............. 39% 1 p.m.
Unusually Unusually lated severe storms may occur.
warm cool Dry air will expand over the northern 70°
Cooling Degree Days
Plains. The heat wave will continue in the low 69°
An index of fuel consumption that tracks how
Northwest under hazy sunshine and, in far the day’s mean temperature rose above 65
A large area of high pressure will move south out of central Canada and lead to dry, mild some cases, smoky skies from nearby 64° Record
Yesterday..................................................................... 9
weather across the Great Lakes. Showers and thunderstorms will stretch from the wildfires. Sunshine and seasonable heat 60° 6 a.m. low 57°
So far this month........................................................ 88
So far this season (since January 1) ........................ 791
Northeast through the Gulf Coast and into the Intermountain West. will hold in the Southwest. (1989)
Normal to date for the season ................................. 739

4 12 6 12 4
p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Trends Temperature Precipitation
Little Rock 86/ 71 0 88/ 72 C 87/ 72 T New Delhi 88/ 82 0.39 93/ 83 T 95/ 80 PC
Cities Los Angeles 87/ 67 0 85/ 67 PC 86/ 68 PC Riyadh 110/ 84 0 113/ 84 S 113/ 85 S Average Average
High/low temperatures for the 16 hours ended at 4 Louisville 86/ 66 0 86/ 68 PC 84/ 70 PC Seoul 90/ 76 0.04 88/ 75 T 88/ 76 C Avg. daily departure Avg. daily departure Below Above Below Above
p.m. yesterday, Eastern time, and precipitation (in inches) Memphis 88/ 72 0 89/ 73 C 88/ 73 T Shanghai 89/ 81 1.27 94/ 81 C 95/ 82 PC from normal from normal Last 10 days
for the 16 hours ended at 4 p.m. yesterday. Miami 92/ 79 0.05 89/ 79 T 90/ 81 T Singapore 86/ 74 0.45 86/ 77 T 85/ 78 T this month.............. –1.9° this year ................ +1.5°
Milwaukee 81/ 65 0 80/ 64 PC 76/ 60 PC Sydney 69/ 49 0 76/ 59 PC 75/ 51 PC 30 days
Expected conditions for today and tomorrow.
Mpls.-St. Paul 77/ 62 0.05 75/ 59 Sh 77/ 60 PC Taipei 99/ 84 0 101/ 83 PC 101/ 82 PC 90 days
C ........................ Clouds S .............................Sun Nashville 86/ 70 0 85/ 70 PC 85/ 71 T Tehran 101/ 80 0 97/ 77 S 94/ 77 S Reservoir levels (New York City water supply) 365 days
F............................. Fog Sn ....................... Snow New Orleans 88/ 77 0.09 88/ 77 T 88/ 76 T Tokyo 97/ 79 0.30 89/ 76 Sh 84/ 76 C
H .......................... Haze SS .......... Snow showers Norfolk 80/ 69 0 81/ 71 S 81/ 72 T Yesterday ............... 92% Chart shows how recent temperature and precipitation
Oklahoma City 87/ 69 0 92/ 70 PC 85/ 73 T Europe Yesterday Today Tomorrow
I............................... Ice T............ Thunderstorms Est. normal ............. 85% trends compare with those of the last 30 years.
Omaha 82/ 65 0 82/ 60 PC 83/ 62 PC Amsterdam 70/ 55 0.30 68/ 54 Sh 67/ 58 C
PC ............. Partly cloudy Tr ......................... Trace Athens 95/ 80 0 95/ 80 PC 96/ 78 PC
Orlando 92/ 75 0 91/ 75 T 90/ 75 T
R ........................... Rain W ........................ Windy Berlin 81/ 63 0.02 74/ 59 Sh 71/ 57 R
Philadelphia 83/ 65 0 85/ 67 S 82/ 68 T
Sh ................... Showers –............... Not available Brussels 70/ 54 0.04 69/ 56 T 68/ 55 C
108/ 86 PC
79/ 65 PC
T Budapest 91/ 64 0 97/ 69 PC 96/ 64 T
Recreational Forecast
N.Y.C. region Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Portland, Me. 81/ 60 0 80/ 60 S 76/ 60 PC Copenhagen 72/ 61 0.01 71/ 56 PC 69/ 57 PC
New York City 84/ 64 0 84/ 67 S 80/ 69 PC Portland, Ore. 93/ 63 0 94/ 63 PC 88/ 59 PC Dublin 68/ 49 0 65/ 54 PC 67/ 51 Sh Sun, Moon and Planets Beach and Ocean Temperatures
Bridgeport 81/ 62 0 82/ 64 S 78/ 67 PC Providence 83/ 62 0 83/ 61 S 80/ 64 PC Edinburgh 66/ 47 0 64/ 52 PC 64/ 48 Sh
Caldwell 82/ 56 0 83/ 60 S 79/ 63 PC Raleigh 86/ 65 0.04 86/ 69 PC 85/ 70 T Frankfurt 75/ 58 0.02 65/ 56 R 67/ 55 R Last Quarter New First Quarter Full
Danbury 82/ 53 0 83/ 58 S 78/ 62 PC Reno 90/ 61 0 93/ 66 PC 92/ 61 S Geneva 73/ 57 0.02 67/ 51 Sh 65/ 53 Sh Today’s forecast
Islip 83/ 62 0 82/ 63 S 80/ 67 PC Richmond 85/ 62 0 85/ 66 PC 83/ 69 T Helsinki 72/ 52 0 72/ 52 PC 74/ 56 PC
Newark 84/ 61 0 84/ 63 S 80/ 68 PC Rochester 81/ 61 0 85/ 64 PC 79/ 64 Sh Istanbul 85/ 77 0 88/ 76 S 89/ 75 S
Trenton 83/ 58 0 84/ 62 S 79/ 66 Sh Sacramento 91/ 62 0 94/ 61 S 98/ 59 S Kiev 79/ 57 0 83/ 61 S 88/ 63 S Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 29 Sep. 6
White Plains 82/ 58 0 83/ 60 S 78/ 64 PC Salt Lake City 90/ 66 0.02 91/ 70 T 93/ 70 T Lisbon 73/ 60 0 86/ 63 S 92/ 65 S 2:30 p.m. 3:03 a.m.
United States Yesterday Today Tomorrow San Antonio 95/ 76 0 96/ 77 PC 98/ 78 PC London 61/ 56 1.78 68/ 52 PC 67/ 59 PC Kennebunkport
San Diego 79/ 69 0 79/ 69 PC 79/ 69 PC Madrid 84/ 60 0 82/ 56 S 87/ 60 S Sun RISE 6:01 a.m. Moon S 8:49 a.m. 79/59 Sunny to partly cloudy
Albany 82/ 59 0 84/ 62 S 79/ 63 PC Moscow 72/ 54 0 76/ 59 PC 78/ 61 PC
San Francisco 72/ 61 0 71/ 59 PC 71/ 59 PC SET 8:01 p.m. R 9:47 p.m.
Albuquerque 92/ 69 0 93/ 68 PC 88/ 65 PC Nice 82/ 71 0 84/ 66 PC 78/ 67 PC
San Jose 79/ 62 0 80/ 60 PC 80/ 60 PC NEXT R 6:02 a.m. S 9:53 a.m. Cape Cod
Anchorage 64/ 55 0.05 65/ 54 C 61/ 54 C Oslo 63/ 56 1.17 74/ 53 PC 72/ 53 PC
San Juan 88/ 77 0.10 89/ 76 PC 89/ 78 Sh 80/61 Mostly sunny
Atlanta 79/ 70 0.29 83/ 71 T 86/ 72 T Paris 66/ 54 0.36 69/ 55 T 73/ 56 C Jupiter R 11:06 a.m. Mars R 5:36 a.m.
Seattle 90/ 62 0 90/ 61 PC 85/ 58 PC
Atlantic City 80/ 63 0 80/ 65 S 77/ 69 T Prague 77/ 60 0.04 78/ 60 R 67/ 54 R S 10:29 p.m. S 7:52 p.m.
Sioux Falls 78/ 58 0.55 76/ 55 T 77/ 58 PC L.I. North Shore
Austin 94/ 73 0 97/ 75 PC 99/ 76 PC Rome 93/ 73 0 89/ 71 PC 82/ 64 S
Spokane 95/ 64 0 96/ 66 PC 96/ 66 PC Saturn S 1:47 a.m. Venus R 3:04 a.m.
Baltimore 82/ 62 0 82/ 64 S 80/ 68 T St. Petersburg 75/ 54 0 73/ 58 C 71/ 54 PC 84/64 Mostly sunny
St. Louis 87/ 69 0 89/ 71 PC 84/ 68 PC R 4:23 p.m. S 5:54 p.m.
Baton Rouge 87/ 75 0.24 88/ 75 T 87/ 76 T Stockholm 72/ 57 0.20 72/ 56 PC 78/ 57 PC
St. Thomas 88/ 79 0.06 89/ 79 Sh 89/ 80 Sh
Birmingham 81/ 72 0.33 84/ 72 T 85/ 73 T Vienna 86/ 66 0 94/ 64 T 79/ 59 T L.I. South Shore 60s
Syracuse 81/ 60 0 83/ 64 PC 78/ 64 Sh Boating
Boise 92/ 67 0 93/ 67 PC 94/ 67 PC Tampa 92/ 78 0 92/ 77 T 90/ 79 C Warsaw 86/ 59 0 91/ 69 T 94/ 69 PC 80/67 Mostly sunny
Boston 83/ 66 0 82/ 64 S 77/ 65 PC Toledo 82/ 58 0 83/ 63 S 81/ 58 PC
North America Yesterday Today Tomorrow From Montauk Point to Sandy Hook, N.J., out to 20
Buffalo 80/ 61 0 84/ 64 PC 78/ 65 Sh Tucson 103/ 78 0 100/ 78 PC 99/ 78 C N.J. Shore
Burlington 79/ 61 0.08 85/ 64 PC 84/ 62 C nautical miles, including Long Island Sound and New York
Tulsa 86/ 71 0 90/ 71 T 85/ 72 T Acapulco 87/ 78 0.21 82/ 73 T 88/ 78 PC 80/65 Sunny to partly cloudy
Casper 78/ 49 0 76/ 49 PC 79/ 49 PC Harbor.
Virginia Beach 79/ 70 0 79/ 69 S 79/ 72 C Bermuda 87/ 79 0 87/ 79 PC 87/ 81 PC
Charlotte 82/ 68 0.04 82/ 68 T 84/ 69 T Washington 85/ 67 0 85/ 68 S 81/ 72 T Edmonton 70/ 42 0 75/ 48 S 74/ 50 S Wind will be from the south at 5-10 knots. Waves will be Eastern Shore
Chattanooga 83/ 70 0 83/ 71 T 85/ 71 T Wichita 82/ 67 0 88/ 68 PC 83/ 69 T Guadalajara 84/ 61 0.12 82/ 63 PC 77/ 59 T 1-3 feet on the ocean and a foot or less on Long Island 83/65 Increasing clouds
Chicago 84/ 65 0 83/ 66 PC 79/ 61 PC 70s
Wilmington, Del. 84/ 62 0 83/ 66 PC 80/ 69 T Havana 93/ 73 0 89/ 74 PC 90/ 74 PC Sound and on New York Harbor. Visibility will largely be
Cincinnati 81/ 62 0 81/ 64 PC 80/ 65 T Kingston 92/ 79 0.03 92/ 81 PC 89/ 80 PC clear to the horizon. Ocean City Md.
Cleveland 84/ 62 0 84/ 66 S 83/ 64 T Africa Yesterday Today Tomorrow Martinique 89/ 78 0.21 89/ 78 Sh 90/ 77 Sh 77/67 Turning cloudy
Colorado Springs 76/ 56 0 77/ 57 T 74/ 58 PC Algiers 95/ 73 0 87/ 70 PC 86/ 68 PC Mexico City 73/ 55 0.04 66/ 56 T 74/ 56 T High Tides
Columbus 83/ 61 0 81/ 64 PC 81/ 65 PC Cairo 96/ 80 0 98/ 78 S 98/ 79 S Monterrey 95/ 71 0 90/ 73 PC 93/ 70 PC Virginia Beach Color bands
Concord, N.H. 85/ 55 0 87/ 58 S 83/ 56 C Cape Town 63/ 41 0 62/ 53 W 59/ 45 R Montreal 74/ 59 0 81/ 61 C 83/ 63 PC Atlantic City .................... 9:54 a.m. ............ 10:08 p.m. indicate water
79/69 Turning cloudy
Dallas-Ft. Worth 91/ 75 0 95/ 79 PC 97/ 79 C Dakar 88/ 78 0.03 87/ 80 C 86/ 79 PC Nassau 90/ 79 0.27 92/ 81 PC 93/ 80 PC Barnegat Inlet ............... 10:07 a.m. ............ 10:23 p.m. temperature.
Denver 79/ 55 0 79/ 56 T 82/ 56 PC Johannesburg 67/ 46 0 69/ 45 S 72/ 47 S Panama City 86/ 73 0 87/ 76 T 87/ 76 T The Battery ................... 10:41 a.m. ............ 10:48 p.m.
Des Moines 86/ 66 0 86/ 63 T 82/ 60 PC Nairobi 72/ 53 0 74/ 52 PC 74/ 56 PC Quebec City 71/ 54 0.05 76/ 59 PC 79/ 60 Sh Beach Haven ................ 11:34 a.m. ............ 11:47 p.m.
Detroit 85/ 63 0 84/ 65 S 83/ 63 PC Tunis 106/ 80 0 99/ 76 PC 88/ 71 S Santo Domingo 90/ 75 0.10 90/ 74 PC 89/ 75 PC
El Paso 95/ 74 0 96/ 75 PC 97/ 77 PC Toronto 80/ 61 0 80/ 66 PC 78/ 63 T
Bridgeport ...................... 1:27 a.m.
City Island ....................... 1:07 a.m.
.............. 1:53 p.m.
.............. 1:31 p.m.
An area of high pressure will bring an-
Asia/Pacific Yesterday Today Tomorrow
75/ 58 0.55 74/ 54 PC
85/ 60 0 85/ 60 S
76/ 55 PC
82/ 62 PC Baghdad 122/ 87 0 122/ 87 S 121/ 86 S
Vancouver 74/ 60 0 76/ 59 S 75/ 58 S Fire Island Lt. ................ 11:02 a.m. ............ 11:15 p.m. other dry day with a sunny to partly
Winnipeg 66/ 54 0.14 74/ 50 S 75/ 53 S
Honolulu 87/ 76 0.02 87/ 77 PC 87/ 76 PC Bangkok 91/ 79 0.06 96/ 80 PC 96/ 80 T Montauk Point .............. 11:43 a.m. ............ 11:52 p.m. cloudy sky to the New England beaches
South America Yesterday Today Tomorrow Northport ....................... 1:27 a.m. .............. 1:53 p.m.
88/ 76 0.35 91/ 77 PC
82/ 61 0 83/ 66 PC
93/ 78 T
80/ 64 PC
84/ 72 0.10 91/ 74 PC
108/ 71 0 106/ 68 S
95/ 75 C
104/ 67 S Buenos Aires 63/ 49 0 64/ 57 R 64/ 55 R Port Washington ............. 1:15 a.m. .............. 1:40 p.m. and the Jersey Shore. A system to the
Jackson 85/ 73 0.44 87/ 73 T 89/ 74 T Hong Kong 91/ 84 0.28 94/ 86 T 93/ 85 T Caracas 93/ 77 0.31 90/ 80 PC 91/ 81 PC Sandy Hook .................. 10:16 a.m. ............ 10:29 p.m. south will bring more clouds from the
Kansas City
88/ 75 0.23 89/ 74 T
80/ 65 0 83/ 64 PC
90/ 75 PC
81/ 63 PC
90/ 77 0.04 89/ 75 C
91/ 71 0 89/ 70 S
89/ 75 C
89/ 70 S
69/ 58 0
67/ 50 0.03
69/ 58 C
75/ 52 R
68/ 58 PC
71/ 52 R
Shinnecock Inlet ........... 10:09 a.m.
Stamford ........................ 1:30 a.m.
............ 10:25 p.m.
.............. 1:56 p.m.
Delmarva Peninsula south to Virginia
Key West 90/ 82 0.03 89/ 82 C 89/ 83 C Karachi 89/ 81 0.03 87/ 81 C 87/ 81 C Recife 84/ 72 0.08 83/ 73 S 83/ 72 PC Tarrytown ..................... 12:30 p.m. ......................... --- Beach. High temperatures will range from
Las Vegas 106/ 82 0 106/ 83 S 105/ 84 S Manila 90/ 81 0.02 92/ 80 PC 93/ 80 PC Rio de Janeiro 90/ 68 0 75/ 65 Sh 73/ 63 C
Lexington 83/ 65 0 81/ 63 PC 81/ 67 T Mumbai 88/ 80 0.35 88/ 80 Sh 88/ 80 Sh Santiago 56/ 41 0.01 54/ 37 R 51/ 35 Sh
Willets Point .................... 1:09 a.m. .............. 1:34 p.m. the 70s to the lower 80s.


A World-Record Holder May Finally Win a Title

LONDON — After hurdling for Hotel shuttle bus to transport the
redemption at London Stadium family, which featured a seat
last year, and getting plenty of it, near the front called “the timeout
Keni Harrison is back in the seat.” He never quite got around
same place, hurdling for a title to painting over the “Marriott”
and only a title. on the side of the bus, he said.
rison, a 24-year-
Remembering all of the chil-
dren’s current ages remains a
CLAREY old American challenge. “I have a spread-
from a family of sheet,” he said.
ON TRACK 13, is in the un-
AND FIELD Keni Harrison, born prema-
common position turely to a black single mother,
of being a world-record holder was adopted as a newborn
who has yet to win a medal of shortly after her sister Tasha had
any color in a major global cham- been adopted. “They are like
pionship. twins in terms of their ages, so
That could change in a hurry we got two babies in like a
on Saturday at the world champi- month,” Gary Harrison said.
onship final in the 100-meter “Keni was in the I.C.U. for 30
hurdles — the tricky, technical days, and I picked her up on Day
and spectacular event that Harri- 31.”
son redefined last year when her She did not grow tall — she is 5
time of 12.20 seconds at a Dia- foot 3 inches, short for an elite
mond League meet here broke
sprinter — but she did grow up
Yordanka Donkova’s 28-year-old
to be agile and fast, and her
world mark of 12.21, long consid-
speed on the soccer field eventu-
ered untouchable.
ally caught the attention of track
“Being back in London is
coaches in Clayton, N.C.
definitely a confidence booster,”
She received a full track schol-
Harrison said in an interview at
arship to Clemson, and then
the United States team’s hotel in
transferred to Kentucky, where
central London. “I know the
crowd is going to be amazing. I she is now part of an elite profes-
love the track. It is fast, obvi- sional group training under
ously, so I’m just getting ready Floréal that includes Omar Mc-
for that moment and to live it Leod, the reigning world and
fully.” Olympic champion in the men’s
Harrison, whose first name is ANDY LYONS/GETTY IMAGES 110 hurdles.
Kendra but who prefers her Keni Harrison, center, at last year’s U.S. Olympic team trials. She failed to make the Rio team but set a record two weeks later. Harrison volunteers as an
nickname Keni, considers herself assistant and helped recruit
an introvert. She projected calm Sydney McLaughlin, the 18-year-
and blamed himself for not sens- go,’” Harrison said. now.” the Harrisons’ biological chil- old from New Jersey who com-
on Wednesday for a nearly hour- ing the trouble. Once there, he shepherded her Harrison has the world’s lead- dren. “If you want to irritate your
long interview, speaking thought- peted in the Olympics in the 400
He and Harrison stayed up through her routines. “Basically ing time again in 2017: a 12.28 last wife, get a mother of 10 preg- hurdles last year. McLaughlin,
fully and seldom shifting in her until “4 or 5 in the morning” the 24/7: breakfast, lunch and dinner month in Hungary. She also feels nant,” Gary Harrison joked.
seat. the youngest track and field
night after the defeat, he said, together,” Floréal said in an fresh, partly because she broke The Harrison’s other nine athlete in 26 years to make the
Anyone who grew up with 10 talking it through. He insisted interview this week. “She was her left hand warming up at a children were adopted in a wide
siblings — she is the middle child United States Olympic team, will
that she report the next morning embarrassed about the Diamond League meet in Doha, range of circumstances.
— can clearly handle pandemo- attend Kentucky this fall.
to the track. Olympics, had her head down, Qatar, in May (she still won the “I have two siblings who are
nium. But sangfroid is not yet didn’t want anyone to see her ensuing race), forcing her to take Harrison will have to wait for
“I’m pretty sure I was crying African-American, two that are
her trademark in the biggest throughout the workout because face.” time off. biracial, two that are Korean, two her Olympic moment (she
races. In her first world champi- I didn’t want to be there,” she But after the first round, he “I don’t feel tired,” she said. “I that are Bolivian and two that watched at her parents’ house on
onships in 2015, she did not reach said. “The reality hits you: ‘You said, her confidence returned. don’t feel like I ran too many are my parents’ biological kids,” television last year as the Ameri-
the final. Her world record in didn’t make the team. You are “And when the gun went off in meets, so I think it was probably Keni Harrison said. “I don’t even can women swept the medals in
London last year came just two No. 1 in the world. You didn’t the final, she was determined to a blessing in disguise.” think about it.” the 100 hurdles in Rio). But the
weeks after she had faltered as make the team. You even broke make a statement that ‘I’m not a Win or lose, Harrison has quite “My family came to visit this former Olympic stadium in Lon-
the favorite at the United States the American record. You didn’t choker. I just had a bad meet,’” a cheering section in London. morning, and a lot of people on don has already provided her
Olympic trials in Eugene, Ore., make the team.’ All those he said. “And I think had that Her parents, Karon and Gary, the team don’t really know I’m with quite a showcase for her
finishing sixth and failing to thoughts in your mind, but he meet and that moment not hap- and six of her siblings made the adopted, and they were like, fast-twitch talents.
make the team for the Games in kept pushing me, and that’s what pened, I’m not sure that world journey. ‘Who are these people, Keni?’ Time for an encore?
Rio de Janeiro. got me through.” record would ever have been “We’re a traveling road show,” And I’m like, ‘It’s my family,’ and “Coach Flo put it this way: He
It was a brutal blow to Harri- Floréal told her he would trav- broken. It was the perfect Gary Harrison said on Wednes- they’re like, ‘O.K.!’ Clearly peo- said breaking that world record
son and an illuminating moment el to London for last year’s Dia- storm.” day amid touring London in the ple on the outside see it, but I is the hardest thing you can do,”
to her coach, Edrick Floréal, who mond League meet on one condi- Will it thus be impossible to rain. “We’re kind of overwhelm- don’t really see it as different Harrison said. “The next thing is
had been convinced that Harri- tion. generate another one? ing when we show up.” races.” to go get some medals. That’s a
son, who had already set an “He said, ‘If you don’t think “I do think it could happen The Harrison children range in Gary Harrison, a former Navy lot easier than trying to chase
American record, 12.24, was in you’re going to do something again,” Floréal said. “I think age from 19 to 34. The oldest, pilot who recently retired after the record. That’s how I’m think-
the right place and head space amazing, then I’m not going to she’s in the right place right Casey, and youngest, Kara, are 20 years, once bought a Marriott ing of it, anyway.”


No Longer Just Any Old Town After Premier League Promotion

a place. Mike Garlick, the Burn- trepreneurship award the same think of is football” — not angst
From First Sports Page ley F.C. chairman, points out the year as we were promoted. That or decay, not decline and fall, but
— to take one example — has a economic transformation, the sort of thing gives a place a success. It changes perceptions,
growing craft beer industry. “away fans and journalists, all winning mentality. It shows you and it does so across the world.
Some of the unused mills on the needing somewhere to stay,” and can go and do things for your- “I have an office in Singapore,”
town’s outskirts have been given the physical one, too: Burnley self.” he said. “I was out there a couple
over to creative spaces and start- has spent £12 million building a It is that self-confidence, he of years ago. I walked along a
ups. In the picturesque villages state-of-the-art training center at believes, that is the greatest street full of bars, and they were
of the Holme Valley, a few miles Gawthorpe Hall, just outside benefit of a place in the Premier all showing Burnley. From 7,000
outside town, there are craft town. League, of being a Premier
miles away. Burnley. The Pre-
shops and coffee bars offering But he lingers more on the League place. Garlick lives in
mier League puts us — places
social media courses. Yorkshire psychological impact. He sees Hertfordshire, just north of Lon-
don. Yet when he mentions his like us — on the map. And that
flags flutter from almost every the chairman’s role, which he has has got to be a good thing.”
other building, a white rose on a occupied for the last five years, hometown, “the first thing people
sky-blue field. This is not a hope- as almost a civic one (“You’re a
less place. custodian. You own it, techni-
And yet — both Bains and cally, but really you’re just look-
Steven Leigh, of the Mid York- ing after it.”) and as his way of
shire Chamber of Commerce, giving something back to his
agreed — it is a place trying to hometown.
shake off the sense of being a Huddersfield Town fans in late May. Shortly after the team’s He takes immense pride in the
waypoint, a place defined not by promotion, it saw a surge of demand for Huddersfield’s jerseys. work Burnley does in the com-
what it is, but by what it is near. munity — sports facilities and
“It does not want to be some- educational programs, financed CO−OPS & CONDOS MARSHAL /
had seen a surge in applications response, too. In 2013, Burnley
where in between Leeds and
Manchester,” Leigh said. “It is a
since it earned the right to call was voted the most entrepre- in no small part by Premier MANHATTAN SHERIFF
itself a Premier League city. “I neurial place in Britain. League grants — but also in WESTSIDE SALES
place in its own right.”
speak to some of the people who Now, on the verge of its team’s what the club does for the com- (830) (3650)
The value of a spot in the
travel the world to recruit stu- third season in the Premier munity just by being a Premier MARSHAL'S EXECUTION SALE
Premier League, with its global West End Ave, 185 No Board Approval RE NYC Parking Violations bureau
dents, and as soon as they hear League in the last four, it is well League team. vs. Various Judgement Debtors.
reach and its lucrative television
the word Swansea, they associ- positioned to assess what being “It is a great feel-good factor,” REDUCED AGAIN Arthur Vigar, Auct'r #767619 Sells
rights, tends to be described in Alcove studio facing west w/ partial riv- For City Marshal Howard J. Schain,
ate it with football,” he told Wales part of the competition can do to he said. “Burnley won the en- er views. Newly reno'd w/ Caesarstone Sat 08/12/2017, 9:30am Ken Ben Inc,
financial terms. Even if Hudders- counters, SS applic., and newly tiled 1908 Shore Prkwy., Brooklyn, NY 11214.
field spends only one season Online. bath. 97 AUDI WAUGA84A5VN030423
Approx 542 sf. Ask $625,000 03 INFINITI JNKCV51E23M301337
among English soccer’s elite, it The evidence is anecdotal — Call 212-787-5500. Brokers welcome. 03 DODGE 1D4GP25373B247472
Offering by Prospectus only 00 NISSAN 1N4DL01A1YC181545
one 2008 study found no correla-
stands to receive somewhere in
the region of 165 million pounds tion between the presence of a C A L E N DA R 09 CHEVROLET 1G1AS58H197205068
98 TOYOTA 2T1BR12E3WC016902
($214 million) plus, in the event Premier League team and uni- Apts. Unfurnished 1095
07 TOYOTA 4T1BK46K97UO33578
of relegation, two years of para- versity applications — but the 97 FORD 1FTHE24L1VHA97805

chute payments to ease the drop anecdotes are common: Similar TV Highlights RIVERDALE 97 CHEVY

back down the ladder. views have been expressed by Baseball 11:00 a.m. Little League, Midwest Regional final ESPN
Spacious 3 Bedrooms
1 and › Bathrooms
Yet that is just the start of the Staffordshire University, in 1:00 p.m. Little League, New England Regional final ESPN
Laundry Room on site 01 MERCEDES 4JGAB54E51A241254
05 FORD 2FAFP74W85X141894
RENT $2,500 includes
true value of the sort of exposure Stoke, and Cardiff University, 3:00 p.m. Little League, Northwest Regional final ESPN
all utilities. Contact Owner 917-837-9394 SALVAGE
02 HONDA 1HGEM22602L017746
that competing in the Premier which cited a surge of applicants 06 HYUNDAI 5NPEU46F66H002330
7:00 p.m. Little League, Mid-Atlantic Regional final ESPN
League brings. To a club — as from Malaysia after Vincent Tan, Connecticut 03 GMC
7:00 p.m. Mets at Philadelphia SNY Houses for Sale 1805 03 ISUZU
witnessed by the surge of de- a Malaysian, bought the city’s 4NUET16S236101283
7:00 p.m. Yankees at Toronto YES 07 CHRYSLER 1A8HW58247F530010
mand for Huddersfield’s jerseys club in 2010. SALVAGE
7:00 p.m. Cleveland at Tampa Bay MLB Guilford Lakefront 02 CHEVY 1GNDT13S822226992
— there is the merchandising, as Business, too, can benefit from 3 BR, 2 bath cape. Huge deck and dock. 97 JEEP 1J4GZ78Y1VC529626
10:00 p.m. Baltimore at Oakland MLB Milie Legenhausen, Calcagni. Real Es- 07 MITSUBISHI 4A3AB36F37E082697
well as the increase in ticket the association, and in Hudders- tate 203-214-4447 98 PLYMOUTH 1P4GP44R7WB524586
9:00 p.m. Little League, West Regional final ESPN
sales and an uptick in sponsor- field it has started already: Hud- 05 VOLKS 3VWRF71K85M616917
dersfield Town’s promotion has Basketball / W.N.B.A. 8:00 p.m. Phoenix at Dallas ESPN2
ship income. Football / N.F.L. 8:00 p.m. Preseason, Denver at Chicago NFL NET
Texas 08 NISSA
03 BMW
To a place, there is more still, a accelerated discussions over 06 FORD 1FAFP56U16A239739
HD1, a £100 million retail and Golf 1:00 p.m. PGA Championship, first round TNT LIEN
set of advantages that are cast TEXAS 03 MERCURY 2MEFM75W23X649047
leisure development in the area 6:00 p.m. U.S. Women’s Amateur, round of 32/round of 16 FS1 Austin - Custom built home combines a LIEN
into the sharpest relief when the Mediterranean flavor with an Italian 01 DODGE 1B7HL2AX41S259761
around John Smith’s Stadium, Tennis 12:30 p.m. ATP Tennis Rogers Cup, round of 16 ESPN2 flair in Waterford on Lake Travis.
place is one like Huddersfield, or 98 FORD
$770,000. 4-3.5, Lake Views! Rise' Johns, 04 VOLVO
Burnley, West Bromwich, Stoke, the club’s home. There is even a Track and Field 2:00 p.m. I.A.A.F. World Championships, Day 7 NBCSN Keller Williams Realty, 512-567-7576 04 GMC IGKET16SX46142326
02 MERCURY 4M2DU86E42UJ04701
Bournemouth or Swansea, or the plan — albeit one straight out of (Fri.) 5:00 a.m. I.A.A.F. World Championships, Day 8 NBCSN 99 HONDA JHLRD1863XC052289
dozen or so other small towns the Lyle Lanley playbook — to
build a monorail from the town’s
This Week Help Wanted 2600 04 HONDA 2HKYF18634H611603
04 CHEVROLET 1G1ZS52F24F190539
and cities that have enjoyed a GERIATRICIAN - FT, Maimonides Hos- 00 KIA
03 CHEVROLET 2G1WH55K139296935
train station to the stadium. HOME THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED
taste of even brief membership 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16
pital. Teach and supervise residents in 00 FORD 1FAFP5527YG200072
AWAY clinic and care for patients in geriatric 03 NISSAN JN1DA31A63T409584
in the world’s highest-profile But the most significant bene- office. Email CV to Dr. Barbara 04 GMC 1GKDT13S142370738
sports league. METS 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. LIEN
Some of the benefits are direct, ately be quantified financially. SNY SNY CH. 11 SNY ESPN, SNY, YES CH. 11, SNY ESPN, SNY 95 CHEVY
of course: Leigh suggested that, Burnley is, perhaps, the best TORONTO BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON METS METS METS 04 ACURA JH4DC54854S000980
Right, Title, & Interest In & To
in the case of Bournemouth, as parallel for Huddersfield. It is a YANKEES 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 4 p.m. 8 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. Inspect › Hour Prior to Sale.
much as £70 million flowed into substantially smaller city, with a YES YES YES ESPN ESPN, SNY, YES CH. 11, SNY ESPN, SNY For Cash Only. Howard J. Schain,
City Marshal Badge #83
town businesses related to soc- population of just 73,000, making ATLANTA LOS ANGELES Tel: (718) 330-0242
LIBERTY 7:30 p.m. 3 p.m.
cer — restaurants and bars and it the smallest place to host a MSG MSG, NBA TV
PCE Services Inc. vs Liberty Deli & Grill
hotels — in the course of a single Premier League team. But it Inc., Supreme Index 000011\2017. City
Marshal Martin Bienstock, #75, sells
season. would recognize not only many LOS ANGELES ORLANDO Today, Thursday, August 10th, 2017 At
N.Y.C.F.C. 11:00 P.M. SATURDAY ESPN2 RED BULLS 7:30 P.M. SATURDAY MSG 11:30 AM At 1184 Broadway, Brooklyn,
Others are more tangential. of the historic issues that face NY 11221. All R\T\I In & To Inventory In-
cludes: Refrigerators, Display Cases,
Huw Morris, academic registrar Huddersfield — social depriva- Canned Goods, Cut, Flat Screen
at the University of Swansea, tion, unemployment, the decline GIANTS 7:00 P.M. FRIDAY NBC, NFL NET JETS 7:30 P.M. SATURDAY CBS
TV\Scales Etc. Immediate Removal.
City Marshal Martin Bienstock #75
said in 2015 that the institution of industry — but much of the Telephone: (718) 279-3660


Time Is No Ally in Spieth’s Slam Bid BASEBALL




Texas ab r h bi bb so avg. Uniprix Stadium
East W L Pct GB Choo rf 3 1 2 0 3 1 .256 MONTREAL
From First Sports Page Boston 65 49 .570 — Claudio p 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Singles
Andrus ss 6 1 0 0 0 1 .292 Second Round
Mazara lf-rf 5 2 3 1 0 1 .247 Roger Federer (2), Switzerland, d.
Spieth is on the kind of roll that Yankees 60 52 .536 4
Beltre 3b 5 0 2 0 0 2 .295 Peter Polansky, Canada, 6-2, 6-1.
Walker imagined for himself when he Tampa Bay 58 57 .504 7{ Gallo 1b 2 1 1 2 3 1 .212 Roberto Bautista Agut (12), Spain, d.
Gomez cf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .252 Ryan Harrison, United States, 7-5, 6-2.
held aloft the Wanamaker Trophy last Baltimore 56 58 .491 9 Robinson 2b-lf 3 0 0 1 2 3 .182 Robin Haase, Netherlands, d. Ernesto
summer. In 18 starts this season, Toronto 53 60 .469 11{
Nicholas c 5 0 1 0 0 1 .143 Escobedo, United States, 6-4, 6-1.
Perez p 4 0 0 0 0 4 .000 Gael Monfils, France, d. Kei Nishikori
Spieth has eight top-10 finishes, in- Odor ph-2b 1 0 0 0 0 1 .215 (5), Japan, 6-7 (4), 7-5, 7-6 (6). Denis
Central W L Pct GB Totals 37 5 10 4 8 15
cluding three victories. New York ab r h bi bb so avg.
Shapovalov, Canada, d. Juan Martin
del Potro, Argentina, 6-3, 7-6 (4). David
With momentum comes a kind of Cleveland 60 51 .541 — Conforto cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .289 Ferrer, Spain, d. Jack Sock (15), United
Reyes 2b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .220 States, 7-6 (7), 3-6, 6-1. Grigor Dimitrov
amnesia. Even the best are served Kansas City 57 55 .509 3{
Cespedes lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .270 (7), Bulgaria, d. Mischa Zverev, Germany,
reminders that they are mortals, not Minnesota 55 56 .495 5 Bruce rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .256 6-3, 3-6, 6-3. Kevin Anderson, South
Flores 1b 3 1 1 1 0 0 .281 Africa, d. Pablo Carreno Busta (11),
magicians. Detroit 52 61 .460 9 Walker 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .250 Spain, 6-3, 7-6 (6). Nick Kyrgios (16),
For Ernie Els, that moment came Chicago 43 68 .387 17
Rivera c
Robles p
0 0 0 0 0 .239
0 0 0 0 0 ---
Australia, d. Paolo Lorenzi, Italy, 6-2,
6-3. Alexander Zverev (4), Germany, d.
on the Sunday of the 1995 P.G.A. Nimmo ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .280 Richard Gasquet, France, 6-3, 4-6, 7-6 (3).
West W L Pct GB Bradford p 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Rafael Nadal (1), Spain, d. Borna Coric,
Championship. Els, then 25 and al- Rosario ss 3 0 1 0 0 1 .179 Croatia, 6-1, 6-2. Adrian Mannarino,
Houston 71 42 .628 —
ready a United States Open winner, Montero p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .143 France, d. Milos Raonic (6), Canada,
Lugo ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .158 6-4, 6-4. Chung Hyeon, South Korea, d.
shot sub-70 scores at Riviera Country Seattle 59 56 .513 13
Smoker p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 David Goffin (9), Belgium, 7-5, 6-3.
Club in Los Angeles in each of the Los Angeles 57 58 .496 15 d'Arnaud c 2 0 0 0 0 0 .240
Totals 29 1 3 1 0 7
first three rounds to take a three- Texas 54 59 .478 17 WTA ROGERS CUP
Texas 310 001 000—5 10 0
stroke lead into the final day. He Oakland 50 64 .439 21{ New York 000 010 000—1 3 0 Aviva Centre
closed with a two-over 72 to finish TORONTO
WEDNESDAY LOB—Texas 15, New York 2. 2B—Choo Singles
tied for third. In 74 subsequent Yankees 11, Toronto 5 (11), Gomez (15). HR—Gallo (32), off Second Round
Montero; Flores (13), off Perez. RBIs— Garbine Muguruza (4), Spain, d. Kirsten
rounds at the P.G.A. Championship, ROSS KINNAIRD/GETTY IMAGES Texas 5, Mets 1 Mazara (69), Gallo 2 (61), Robinson (5), Flipkens, Belgium, 7-5, 6-2. CiCi Bellis,
Els has never again held the lead. Colorado 3, Cleveland 2, 12 innings Flores (34). SB—Andrus 2 (22). CS— United States, d. Svetlana Kuznetsova
He won a second U.S. Open in 1997, Jordan Spieth greeted fans on Monday during a practice for the 2017 Seattle 6, Oakland 3 Mazara (2). DP—Texas 1 (8), Russia, 6-4, 7-5. Caroline Garcia,
Texas ip h r er bb so np era France, d. Varvara Lepchenko, United
three years after his first, and added P.G.A. Championship. A win would give him a career Grand Slam at 24. L.A. Angels 5, Baltimore 1 PerezW6-10 8 3 1 1 0 5 89 5.18 States, 6-1, 6-4. Lucie Safarova,
Boston 8, Tampa Bay 2 Claudio 1 0 0 0 0 2 13 2.37 Czech Republic, d. Dominika Cibulkova
the 2002 and 2012 British Open titles. New York ip h r er bb so np era (11), Slovakia, 6-2, 6-4. Ashleigh
Detroit 10, Pittsburgh 0 MonteroL1-8 3 5 4 4 3 5 87 6.06 Barty, Australia, d. Elena Vesnina (16),
Els’s four major titles propelled him thirds in majors that Woods won. in which they are played during the Smoker 2 5 1 1 2 3 52 7.17 Russia, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4. Karolina Pliskova
Chicago White Sox 7, Houston 1
into the World Golf Hall of Fame. But “I could have had a couple more, year, starting with the Masters and Minnesota at Milwaukee Robles 3 0 0 0 2 5 50 4.72 (1), Czech Republic, d. Anastasia
Bradford 1 0 0 0 1 2 21 4.63 Pavlyuchenkova, Russia, 6-3, 6-3. Venus
Els expected to be farther along definitely, without him around,” Els then the U.S. Open in 2015. Kansas City at St. Louis T—3:07. A—34,222 (41,922). Williams (9), United States, d. Katerina
Glory Road by now. said with a rueful smile. “Do I have to be the youngest?” he THURSDAY
Siniakova, Czech Republic, 7-5, 7-5.
Agnieszka Radwanska (10), Poland, d.
“In ’95, I had a three-shot lead YANKEES 11, BLUE JAYS 5
On the road that Spieth is speeding said. “No, I don’t feel that kind of Yankees (Gray 6-6) at Toronto (Es- Timea Babos, Hungary, 6-0, 6-1. Naomi
going to the P.G.A., couldn’t get it along now, who is to say that he won’t pressure. Would it be really cool?
trada 4-7), 7:07 New York ab r h bi bb so avg. Osaka, Japan, d. Anastasija Sevastova
(15), Latvia, 6-3, 6-4. Ekaterina
Gardner lf 5 0 1 0 1 1 .257
done and in ’96 missed out on an- be passed at some point by Hideki Absolutely.”
Pittsburgh (Cole 9-8) at Detroit
Headley dh 5 0 1 0 0 3 .272 Makarova, Russia, d. Johanna Konta (7),
(VerHagen 0-1), 1:10 Britain, 5-7, 7-6 (4), 6-3. Simona Halep
other very narrow loss,” Els said, Judge rf 4 1 0 0 1 1 .294
Matsuyama of Japan? Or by some Spieth added: “I’m here, so I’m Cleveland (Salazar 4-5) at Tampa Gregorius ss 5 3 3 1 0 0 .311 (2), Romania, d. Magdalena Rybarikova,
referring to his tie for second at the Bay (Snell 0-6), 7:10 Sanchez c 5 2 2 1 0 2 .265 Slovakia, 6-3, 6-4.
teenager from China who pops up on going to go ahead and try. But I be-
British Open, two strokes behind Tom Kansas City (Hammel 5-9) at St. Frazier 3b 4 4 3 3 0 0 .213
the horizon? lieve I’m going to have plenty of Wade 2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .128
Lehman. “And I kind of stalled.” Louis (Lynn 10-6), 7:15 Ellsbury cf 5 0 1 2 0 1 .243 TRACK AND FIELD
Of course, Spieth should savor chances, and I’m young enough to Cooper 1b 5 1 4 2 0 0 .364
Around the same time, a youngster Houston (Peacock 10-1) at Chicago
named Tiger Woods materialized like what he has already accomplished. believe in my abilities that it will White Sox (Rodon 1-4), 8:10 Torreyes 2b-3b 5
Totals 43
2 0 1 .289
a boulder in his path. “When Tiger “It was only two weeks ago that I happen at some point.” Minnesota (Gibson 6-9) at Milwau- Toronto ab r h bi bb so avg.
kee (Davies 13-5), 8:10 Bautista rf 5 1 1 1 0 0 .216
came in ’97, and him winning the was able to get the third leg, and But he knows not to take his foot Donaldson 3b 2 0 1 1 3 0 .249 Men's 400m Hurdles Final
Baltimore (Miley 5-9) at Oakland 1. Karsten Warholm, Norway, 48.35
Masters in the way he did,” Els said, that’s so fresh in my mind,” he said off the gas or his eyes off the Wana- (Blackburn 3-1), 10:05
Smoak 1b 4 0 0 0 1 4 .296
2. Yasmani Copello, Turkey, 48.49
Pearce dh 3 1 1 1 1 1 .267
referring to Woods’s 12-stroke victory Wednesday, referring to the British maker Trophy. The road that looks so L.A. Angels (Skaggs 1-2) at Seattle Pillar cf 5 0 1 0 0 2 .245 3. Kerron Clement, United States, 48.52
4. Kemar Mowatt, Jamaica, 48.99
seductive now can rise up to defeat Aoki lf 4 0 1 1 0 0 .270
for the first of his 14 major titles, “that Open. “I’m so happy about that that I (Paxton 12-3), 10:10
Barney 2b 3 1 0 0 0 0 .230 5. TJ Holmes, United States, 49.00
FRIDAY 6. Juander Santos, Dominican Republic,
kind of threw me off a little bit. I can’t add pressure to this week. I’m him. Carrera ph 0 0 0 0 0 0 .302
Boston at Yankees, 7:05 Refsnyder 2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .143
thought I was really one of the top free-rolling, and it feels good.” “If I don’t win one in the next 10 Goins ss 3 1 1 1 1 0 .221 7. Abderrahaman Samba, Qatar, 49.74
Pittsburgh at Toronto, 7:07 Lopez c 2 1 0 0 1 2 .000 8. Kariem Hussein, Switzerland, 50.07
players, which I was, but that was a With a victory, Spieth can surpass years,” Spieth said, referring to the Cleveland at Tampa Bay, 7:10 Totals 31 5 6 5 7 9 Women's 400m Final
P.G.A. Championship, “then maybe 1. Phyllis Francis, United States, 49.92
pretty special display of golf.” Woods as the youngest to win all four Minnesota at Detroit, 7:10 New York 021 030 023—11 17 1 2. Salwa Eid Naser, Bahrain, 50.06
Els finished second to Woods at the majors. And he’d do it in a fashion there’s added pressure then. Hope- Houston at Texas, 8:05 Toronto 011 012 000—5 6 0 3. Allyson Felix, United States, 50.08.
4. Shaunae Miller-Uibo, Bahamas, 50.49
United States and British Opens in that befits his fastidiousness on the fully we don’t have to have this con- Kansas City at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 E—Sanchez (11). LOB—New York 8, 5. Shericka Jackson, Jamaica, 50.76
2000. He also recorded a couple of course — chronologically in the order versation in 10 years.” Baltimore at Oakland, 10:05 Toronto 9. 2B—Gardner (18), Gregorius 6. Stephenie Ann McPherson, Jamaica,
L.A. Angels at Seattle, 10:10 (17), Frazier (16), Ellsbury (10), Cooper (4), 50.86
Pillar (26), Goins (15). HR—Sanchez (18), 7. Kabange Mupopo, Zambia, 51.15
off Tepesch; Frazier (19), off Tepesch; 8. Novlene Williams-Mills, Jamaica, 51.48
N.L. STANDINGS Gregorius (18), off Tepesch; Bautista
(18), off Tanaka. RBIs—Gregorius (55),
Women's Shot Put Final
1. Lijiao Gong, China, 19.94
Sanchez (53), Frazier 3 (52), Ellsbury 2 2. Anita Marton, Hungary, 19.49
East W L Pct GB (23), Cooper 2 (5), Torreyes 2 (30), Bautista 3. Michelle Carter, Unites States, 19.14
(50), Donaldson (41), Pearce (33), Aoki (22), 4. Danniel Thomas-Dodd, Jamaica, 18.91
Washington 67 45 .598 — Goins (41). SF—Pearce. DP—New York 1 5. Yang Gao, China, 18.25
Miami 53 59 .473 14 New York ip h r er bb so np era 6. Brittany Crew, Canada, 18.21
Tanaka 4 2 3 2 5 2 88 4.92 7. Yuliya Leantsiuk, Belarus, 18.12
Atlanta 51 61 .455 16 GreenW2-0 1Í/¯ 2 2 2 0 3 27 2.06 8. Yaniuvis Lopez, Cuba, 18.03
KahnleH10 Î/¯ 1 0 0 1 1 19 2.38 9. Geisa Arcanjo, Brazil, 18.03
Mets 50 61 .450 16{ RobertsonH2 1 0 0 0 0 1 12 2.44 10. Raven Saunders, United States, 17.86
BetancesH16 1 0 0 0 0 1 10 2.36 11. Melissa Boekelman, Netherlands,
Philadelphia 42 69 .378 24{ Warren 1 1 0 0 1 1 22 1.89 17.73
Toronto ip h r er bb so np era 12. Ka Bian, China, 17.60
Central W L Pct GB TepeschL0-2 4Í/¯ 8 5 5 1 4 81 9.00
Campos Î/¯ 2 1 1 0 1 18 2.89
Chicago 59 54 .522 — Loup 1 0 0 0 0 1 9 4.71 PRO FOOTBALL
Milwaukee 59 56 .513 1 Leone 1 1 1 1 0 0 14 2.63
Howell Í/¯ 0 0 0 0 1 6 8.10
St. Louis 57 56 .504 2 Cole 1 6 4 4 1 1 41 36.00 N.F.L. PRESEASON SCHEDULE
Barnes Î/¯ 0 0 0 0 1 7 3.13
Pittsburgh 56 58 .491 3{ T—3:44. A—39,554 (49,282). All Times EDT
Cincinnati 47 67 .412 12{ Carolina 27, Houston 17
West W L Pct GB
Minnesota at Buffalo, 7 p.m.
Los Angeles 79 33 .705 — Atlanta at Miami, 7 p.m.
M.L.B. Washington at Baltimore, 7:30 p.m.
Arizona 64 48 .571 15 Jacksonville at New England, 7:30 p.m.
American League Denver at Chicago, 8 p.m.
Colorado 65 49 .570 15 BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Optioned LHP New Orleans at Cleveland, 8 p.m.
Donnie Hart to Norfolk (IL). Reinstated DH Philadelphia at Green Bay, 8 p.m.
San Diego 50 63 .442 29{ Mark Trumbo from the 10-day DL. Friday
BOSTON RED SOX — Sent RHPs Ben Pittsburgh at Giants, 7 p.m.
San Francisco 46 70 .397 35 Taylor and Carson Smith to Pawtucket (IL) Tampa Bay at Cincinnati, 7:30 p.m.
for rehab assignments.
San Francisco at Kansas City, 9 p.m.
Texas 5, Mets 1 Bruce from the New York Mets for RHP Tennessee at Jets, 7:30 p.m.
Colorado 3, Cleveland 2, 12 innings Ryder Ryan. Placed OF Michael Brantley Dallas at L.A. Rams, 9 p.m.
on the 10-day DL. Recalled INF Erik Oakland at Arizona, 10 p.m.
San Francisco 3, Chicago Cubs 1 Gonzalez from Columbus (IL). Sunday, Aug. 13
Washington 10, Miami 1 DETROIT TIGERS — Optioned 3B Jeimer Detroit at Indianapolis, 1:30 p.m.
Candelario to Toledo (IL). Seattle at L.A. Chargers, 8 p.m.
Cincinnati 8, San Diego 3 HOUSTON ASTROS — Optioned 1B Tyler
Detroit 10, Pittsburgh 0 White to Fresno (PCL). Reinstated OF
Philadelphia 3, Atlanta 2 George Springer from the 10-day DL.
Minnesota at Milwaukee Adalberto Mejia on the 10-day DL. Recalled
Kansas City at St. Louis 1B/DH Kennys Vargas from Rochester (IL). W.N.B.A. STANDINGS
L.A. Dodgers at Arizona YANKEES — Sent OF Aaron Hicks to
Trenton (EL) for a rehab assignment. EASTERN CONFERENCE
W L Pct GB
Connecticut 16 9 .640 —
Mets (deGrom 12-5) at Philadelphia Cody Martin outright to Tacoma (PCL).
TAMPA BAY RAYS — Placed RHP Alex Washington 15 10 .600 1
(Velasquez 2-6), 7:05 Cobb on the 10-day DL. Recalled LHP Liberty 13 12 .520 3
San Diego (Lamet 6-4) at Cincinnati Blake Snell from Durham (IL). Atlanta 10 16 .385 6{
KAI PFAFFENBACH/REUTERS Chicago 10 16 .385 6{
(Castillo 2-5), 12:35 TEXAS RANGERS — Optioned RHP Nick
Indiana 9 18 .333 8
Raven Saunders of the United States competing in the women’s shot put final at the world championships. Pittsburgh (Cole 9-8) at Detroit
Martinez to Round Rock (PCL). Recalled
INF Tyler Smith from Round Rock. WESTERN CONFERENCE
(VerHagen 0-1), 1:10 TORONTO BLUE JAYS — Placed RHP W L Pct GB
Miami (Straily 7-8) at Washington Cesar Valdez on the 10-day DL. Recalled x-Minnesota 21 3 .875 —
G OLF (Roark 9-7), 7:05
RHP Leonel Campos from Buffalo (IL). Los Angeles 18 7 .720 3{
Selected the contract of RHP Nick Phoenix 13 12 .520 8{
Kansas City (Hammel 5-9) at St. Tepesch from Buffalo. Dallas 13 14 .481 9{

Woods Reaches Plea Deal in His D.U.I. Case

Louis (Lynn 10-6), 7:15 National League Seattle 10 16 .385 12
Minnesota (Gibson 6-9) at Milwau- ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Sent OF San Antonio 6 21 .222 16{
Rey Fuentes to Reno (PCL) for a rehab x-clinched playoff spot
kee (Davies 13-5), 8:10 assignment. Agreed to terms with RHP Wednesday's Games
L.A. Dodgers (Darvish 7-9) at Arizona Andury Acevedo on a minor league No games scheduled.
(Banda 1-1), 9:40 contract.
Tiger Woods has agreed to plead guilty to reckless driv- Sox in an 8-2 road victory over the Tampa Bay Rays that ATLANTA BRAVES — Placed SS Johan Thursday's Games
extended Boston’s winning streak to a season-high eight, FRIDAY Camargo on the 10-day DL. Recalled SS Phoenix at Dallas, 8 p.m.
ing and enter a diversion program that will allow him to Mets at Philadelphia, 7:05 Dansby Swanson from Gwinnett (IL). San Antonio at Chicago, 8 p.m.
have his record wiped clean, a prosecutor said Wednesday. the team’s longest run since it captured 11 in a row last Sep- San Francisco at Washington, 7:05 CHICAGO CUBS — Placed RHP Koji Friday's Games
Uehara on the 10-day DL. Recalled RHP
Woods, 41, was charged with driving under the influ- tember. After being struck, Odorizzi hobbled off with assist- Pittsburgh at Toronto, 7:07 Justin Grimm from Iowa (PCL).
Liberty at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m.
Los Angeles at Minnesota, 8 p.m.
ence in May when he was found asleep in his Mercedes- ance from Rays Manager Kevin Cash and an assistant Colorado at Miami, 7:10 CINCINNATI REDS — Designated OF/INF
Scott Van Slyke for assignment. Claimed
Benz, apparently under the influence of a prescription trainer. Tampa Bay said that Odorizzi had sustained a Cincinnati at Milwaukee, 8:10 RHP Luke Farrell off waivers from the L.A. W.N.B.A. LEADERS
painkiller and sleeping medication. No alcohol was found in bruise and that X-rays showed no serious injuries. Atlanta at St. Louis, 8:15 Dodgers and optioned him to Louisville (IL).
Chicago Cubs at Arizona, 9:40 Scoring
his system. Prosecutor Adrienne Ellis said Woods, who did NATIONALS’ ZIMMERMAN HAS BIG NIGHT Ryan Zimmerman had terms with 3B Jose Brizuela on a minor G FG FT PTS AVG
San Diego at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 league contract. Griner, PHO . . . . . 18 143 116 402 22.3
not appear at the Palm Beach County courthouse for his four hits, including two solo home runs, drove in five runs MIAMI MARLINS — Placed LHP Chris Fowles, MIN. . . . . 24 189 118 496 20.7
arraignment, is to plead guilty at an Oct. 25 hearing and and became the franchise’s career R.B.I. leader as the Na- A.L. LEADERS O'Grady on the 10-day DL. Selected the Stewart, SEA . . . . 25 175 121 511 20.4
contract of RHP Javy Guerra from New Charles, Liberty . . 25 197 93 503 20.1
enter the county’s program for first-time D.U.I. offenders. tionals defeated the Miami Marlins, 10-1, in Washington. BATTING G AB R H BA Orleans (PCL). Agreed to terms with LHP Ogwumike, LAS . . 25 179 116 490 19.6
Altuve, HOU . . . 108 427 78 156 .365 Carlos Diaz on a minor league contract. Taurasi, PHO . . . . 23 130 104 441 19.2
Correa, HOU . . . . 84 325 64 104 .320 MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Sent RHP Chase Delle Donne, WAS 20 121 112 376 18.8
Hosmer, KC. . . . 112 431 69 135 .313 Anderson to Wisconsin (MWL) for a rehab Diggins-Smith, DAL27 155 148 496 18.4
TR ACK AN D FIE L D T ENNIS Ramirez, CLE. . . 110 426 75 133 .312 assignment. Loyd, SEA . . . . . . 26 150 108 446 17.2
Springer, HOU . . . 93 368 82 114 .310 PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES — Recalled RHP
Zach Eflin from Lehigh Valley (IL). Rebounds
Sprinter Belatedly Qualifies for 200 Final Federer and Nadal Win in Rogers Cup HOME RUNS
Judge, Yankees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
SAN DIEGO PADRES — Agreed to terms
with RHP Jordan Lyles on a minor league Jones, CON . . . .
. 25 97 189 286 11.4
Gallo, TEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 contract. Fowles, MIN. . . . . 24 89 151 240 10.0
After five push-ups to prove he had beaten a stomach Top-seeded Rafael Nadal and No. 2 Roger Federer Moustakas, KC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 WASHINGTON NATIONALS — Sent OF Charles, Liberty . . 25 49 188 237 9.5
Smoak, TOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
virus, Isaac Makwala of Botswana made the most of a be- cruised to easy victories in their opening matches at the Davis, OAK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Michael Taylor to Harrisburg (EL) for a
rehab assignment.
Thomas, WAS . . . 25 81 150 231 9.2
Johnson, DAL . . . 27 63 169 232 8.6
lated chance to compete in the 200 meters at the world Rogers Cup in Montreal. Nadal breezed past Borna Coric, RUNS BATTED IN
championships in London. 6-1, 6-2, to advance to the third round, and Federer routed
Cruz, SEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 N.B.A. Assists
Schoop, BAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 G AST AVG
Makwala was first allowed to race alone ahead of the Peter Polansky, 6-2, 6-1. Davis, OAK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 ATLANTA HAWKS — Signed F Luke Babbitt Vandersloot, CHI. . . . . . . 19 147 7.7
Judge, Yankees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 to a one-year contract. Clarendon, ATL . . . . . . . 26 177 6.8
evening session, two days after the other sprinters had Upton, DET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Bird, SEA . . . . . . . . . . . 24 158 6.6
done so. He finished 0.33 of a second under the qualifying EARNED RUN AVG. Johnson assistant coach, Milt Newton Diggins-Smith, DAL . . . . . 27 154 5.7
gan her reign as world No. 1 with a ragged 6-3, 6-3 second- assistant general manager, David Mincberg
mark. Then, on a wet track, he powered through a tough Sale, BOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.57
director of basketball strategy, Tony Bollier
round win over Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova at the Rogers Kluber, CLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.65
inside lane assignment to qualify second from his heat. The Severino,Yankees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.91 director of basketball operations and SOCCER
Cup in Toronto. (REUTERS) Stroman, TOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.17 Ronald Dupree scout.
400 champion Wayde van Niekerk got through as the last
qualifier after finishing third in his heat. MURRAY WITHDRAWS FROM TOURNAMENT Sale, BOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-4 N.F.L.
pulled out of next week’s Western & Southern Open in Ma- Vargas, KC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-6 EAST W L T Pts GF GA
In the women’s 400, Phyllis Francis of the United States Paxton, SEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3 ATLANTA FALCONS — Agreed to terms Toronto FC 12 3 8 44 42 23
upset the favorites. The Olympic champion Shaunae son, Ohio, because of a lingering hip injury. The top-ranked Santana, MIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7 with RB Devonta Freeman on a five-year Chicago 12 5 5 41 44 25
contract extension. NYCFC 12 7 4 40 43 33
Miller-Uibo looked poised to win gold until she slowed in Murray has not played since his Wimbledon quarterfinal CINCINNATI BENGALS — Released WR Atlanta United 10 7 5 35 42 29
loss to Sam Querrey on July 12. N.L. LEADERS Jake Kumerow. Signed P Will Monday. Red Bulls 11 9 2 35 34 29
the final meters. Salwa Eid Naser swept past the American DALLAS COWBOYS — Signed P Chris Columbus 10 12 2 32 34 39
veteran Allyson Felix near the line and lunged for silver. Turner, LAD . . . . . 86 302 52 106 .351
Jones to a four-year contract extension Orlando City 8 9 6 30 24 33
through 2021. Philadelphia 8 10 5 29 32 28
The biggest surprise came in the 400 hurdles. Karsten PR O FO OT BALL Blackmon, COL . 112 463 102 154 .333 DETROIT LIONS — Waived TE Brandon Montreal 7 8 6 27 32 37
Murphy, WAS . . . 103 395 73 131 .332
Warholm of Norway held off Yasmani Copello of Turkey Harper, WAS . . . 103 393 90 128 .326
Barnes. Signed TE Tim Wright.
New England 7 10 5 26 37 38
D.C. United 5 14 4 19 19 43
and Kerron Clement of the United States for gold. Goldschmidt, ARI 111 397 86 128 .322
Falcons and Star Back Reach a Deal Posey, SF . . . . . 102 357 50 115 .322
Kendall Langford. Waived/injured WRs
Chris Briggs and Tevaun Smith. Signed WEST W L T Pts GF GA
HOME RUNS WR Valdez Showers and RB George Winn. Kansas City 9 4 10 37 29 18
The defending N.F.C. champion Atlanta Falcons agreed Stanton, MIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS — Released OL Houston
FC Dallas
9 7
9 5
7 34 39 32
7 34 33 26
BASEBALL Bellinger, LAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Jeremy Zuttah. Signed LB Sean Porter to a
to terms on a five-year, $41.25 million extension with Dev- Votto, CIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 one-year contract. Seattle 9 7 7 34 36 31
onta Freeman, making him the highest-paid running back Bruce, Mets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Portland 9 8 7 34 42 39
Homer Lifts Rockies Over Indians in 12 in the league in terms of the overall package.
Harper, WAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 M.L.S.
San Jose
9 9
9 8
5 32 26 35
4 31 32 31
RUNS BATTED IN Real Salt Lake 7 12 5 26 30 44
COLUMBUS CREW — Traded M Ethan
Charlie Blackmon homered in the 12th inning, atoning Arenado, COL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Finlay to Minnesota for targeted and
Los Angeles 6 11 5 23 32 40
Lamb, ARI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Minnesota United 6 13 4 22 29 49
for a baserunning blunder and lifting the Colorado Rockies PR O BAS K ET BALL Goldschmidt, ARI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 general allocation money. Colorado 6 12 3 21 22 31
Ozuna, MIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 D.C. UNITED — Acquired M Zoltan Stieber
over the Indians, 3-2, in Cleveland. Colorado tied the score on permanent transfer from Kaiserslautern
NOTE: Three points for victory, one point
EARNED RUN AVG. for tie.
in the ninth when Carlos Gonzalez singled with one out and Nets to Play Two Games in Mexico City Kershaw, LAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.04
(Germany-2. Bundesliga).
Saturday's Games
FC DALLAS — Signed M Luis Gonzalez.
came home on Jonathan Lucroy’s double off Cody Allen. Scherzer, WAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23 LOS ANGELES FC — Announed F Carlos Orlando City at Red Bulls, 7:30 p.m.
Gonzalez, WAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.66 Vela will join the club as designated NYCFC at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m.
The Nets will travel to Mexico City in December for two Greinke, ARI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10 player from Real Sociedad (Spain-La Liga), Kansas City at Seattle, 4 p.m.
chased Jake Odorizzi when he lined a single off the pitch- regular-season games as part of the 25th anniversary of WON-LOST effective Jan. 1. Portland at Toronto FC, 6 p.m.
MINNESOTA UNITED — Loaned M Rasmus Real Salt Lake at D.C. United, 7 p.m.
er’s right foot, starting a five-run fifth inning for the Red the first N.B.A. game in Mexico. The league announced that Kershaw, LAD .
Wood, LAD . . .
. 15-2
. 13-1 Schuller to Helsingin Jalkapalloklubi Chicago at Columbus, 7:30 p.m.
the Nets and the Oklahoma City Thunder would play in Greinke, ARI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-4 (Veikkausliiga-Finland) for the remainder of Colorado at FC Dallas, 8 p.m.
Montreal at Philadelphia, 8 p.m.
Davies, MIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-5 the MLS season.
Mexico City on Dec. 7. The Nets will play the Miami Heat Scherzer, WAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5 RED BULLS — Loaned F Anatole Abang to Vancouver at New England, 8 p.m.
San Jose at Houston, 9 p.m.
All news by The Associated Press unless noted. there on Dec. 9. deGrom, Mets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5 Astra Giurgiu (Romania-Liga 1).

George Bundy Smith, 80, A New York judge lost

his job after his ruling
Influential Jurist, Is Dead on the death penalty.
By SAM ROBERTS bany Law School wrote in an
George Bundy Smith, a former email. college professor; his sister, Inez,
civil rights activist who in 2004 The 2004 capital punishment
a senior judge on the District of
wrote the benchmark decision by decision was the fourth time the
Columbia Court of Appeals; his
New York’s highest court that, in Court of Appeals had overturned a brother, Dr. Sidney R. Smith; and
effect, voided the state’s death death sentence since a new stat- two grandchildren.
penalty, died on Saturday at his ute was passed in 1995 to over- Governor Pataki, who was
home in Harlem. He was 80. come the constitutional shortcom-
vexed by Judge Smith’s 2004 opin-
His death was confirmed by his ings of earlier measures. ion in the death-penalty case, did
son, George Bundy Smith Jr. No Judge Smith had foreshadowed
not appoint him to a second term
cause was specified. his doubts about the statute’s le-
in 2006.
As the third black person ap- gality in 2003, when he expressed After leaving the court, as a
pointed to the state’s highest concerns that in most states the partner in the Manhattan law firm
court, the Court of Appeals, Judge death penalty had been imposed of Chadbourne & Parke, Judge
Smith wrote the 4-3 ruling declar- disproportionately on blacks. Smith sued the state in 2007 on be-
ing unconstitutional a central pro- “New York is no less deserving half of judges who argued that be-
vision of a capital punishment bill of a badge of shame for the role cause they had not received a pay
that had been championed a dec- race played in capital punish- raise since 1999, inflation had, in
ade earlier by the state’s incoming ment,” he wrote at the time. effect, unconstitutionally dimin-
Republican governor, George E. The ruling written by Judge ished their compensation. In 2008,
Pataki. Smith directly affected four in- a State Supreme Court justice or-
While Judge Smith was consid- mates on death row, including NATHANIEL BROOKS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES dered the Legislature to grant the
ered a liberal lion, he also repeat- Stephen LaValle, a former Long state’s 1,250 judges a raise.
edly demonstrated his independ- Island roofer who raped and killed Judge George Bundy Smith, whose decision nullified capital punishment in New York, in 2006. It was not the first time Judge
ence as a jurist. In 2006, he joined a schoolteacher, Cynthia Quinn, in Smith had defended the independ-
the majority in rejecting the argu- 1997, and whose appeal was before Phillips Academy in Andover, elected to the Supreme Court, considering each case on its mer- ence of the judicial branch. Re-
ment by gay and lesbian couples the court. Mass., where he was the only where he sat from 1980 to 1986; its.” sponding to the criticism generat-
that denying them the right to Writing for the slim majority, black student in his class. In 1959 and then appointed to the Appel- Judge Smith and his wife, the ed by the death-penalty decision,
marry violated the state Constitu- Judge Smith affirmed the convic- he earned a bachelor’s degree in late Division. Gov. Mario M. former Alene Lohman Jackson, a he acknowledged that second-
tion. For nearly a century, the tion, but said a so-called deadlock history from Yale, where he was Cuomo appointed him to the Court retired professor at Hunter Col- guessing court decisions is a nor-
court said, the New York State provision unique to New York had one of the few black students. of Appeals in 1992. lege of the City University of New mal part of the legal process.
Legislature intended to limit mar- coerced jurors in the penalty With his twin sister, Inez, he grad- At the time, Guido Calabresi, York, wrote “You Decide!: Apply- “It is the attacks on the judicia-
riage to a union between a man phase of deliberations to vote for uated from Yale Law School in the dean of Yale Law School, who ing the Bill of Rights to Real ry itself which I think are cause for
and a woman, and had a rational death. According to that provi- 1962. He later received a master’s had taught him torts in 1959, said: Cases” in 1992. She and his son, a concern,” he said. “I think that
basis for doing so. sion, if a jury failed to decide be- and a doctorate from New York “I couldn’t tell you very much television sportscaster for WFLD judges have to do the job that they
In 2011, the Legislature legal- tween death and life without par- University. about his politics, and that’s the in Chicago, survive him, as do have been selected and appointed
ized same-sex marriage, a right ole, the judge would have to im- In 1961, before graduation, he way it should be. George is not Judge Smith is survived by his to do, and can’t fear the criticism
later upheld by the United States pose a sentence that would qualify enlisted in the civil rights move- doctrinaire, and he is known for daughter, Beth Beatrice Smith, a of anyone.”
Supreme Court. the defendant for parole after as ment at the urging of the Rev.
In almost three decades on the little as 20 years. William Sloane Coffin Jr., the Yale
bench, Judge Smith opposed tele- “The deadlock instruction,” chaplain. He was one of about 10 Deaths Deaths Deaths
vision coverage in protesters, includ- BRAHAM—Marvin, FORSYTH—Louise Joy, Braham, Marvin Haverkamp Sokol, Marilyn
most courtrooms. ing Dr. Coffin, the June 8, 1923 - August 7, 2017. May 15, 1947 - August 7, 2017, Cook, Barbara McConnell, Wilbur Stalter, David
Services to be held Friday, died on a rainy afternoon af-
He temporarily up- Rev. Ralph Aber- August 11, 2017 at 12:30pm at ter a valiant two year battle Dean, Lea McEnroe, Katherine Taub, Carol
held the city’s right nathy and the Rev. Sinai Chapels, 162-05 Horace with cancer. She was sur- Forsyth, Louise Morawetz, Cathleen
Harding Expwy, Fresh Mea- rounded and held by Denis,
to hospitalize a Wyatt Tee Walker, dows, NY 11365. Burial to fol- her companero of seven Gold, Arlene Pincus, Ann
mentally disturbed who were arrested low at Mt. Lebanon Cemete-
ry in Glendale, NY.
years, her brother, David, her Greenberg, Bert
two daughters, Leonora and
Schindler, Sidney
homeless woman when they ordered Micaela, and her daughter-
in-law, Amy, listening to the McCONNELL—Wilbur E., Jr., PINCUS—Ann, 82, died peace-
involuntarily. (An- coffee at a whites- Bach Cello Suites and other age 62 of Saylorsburg, PA for- fully on August 5th in Bethes-
other judge re- only lunch counter music she loved. Louise was merly of Byram Township, da, MD, surrounded by her fa-
leased her after in the Montgomery, Dear Barbara: The heavens atory, scholar and teacher of his- NJ passed away August 7th
a world traveler, and a peacefully at home. He was
mily. Ann was the devoted
wife of the late Dr. Murray
trial.) Ala., bus terminal. are so fortunate as they now
have a truly heavenly voice
fighter for social justice. She born in Dover, NJ on July 28, Pincus, loving mother of Beth
was a person with a singular 1955 son of Theresa (Ruggie- (Andrew) and Lynn, and
He ruled that de- (Their convictions and a heavenly being to lead hunger for learning and life, ri) McConnell of Saylorsburg, adoring grandmother of Jake
fendants in New on civil disobedi- the Lord's choir. Somewhere
in your Georgia church sing-
with an inspiring passion for PA and the late Wilbur E. Mc-
culture and new experiences.
and Rachel. She is also sur-
Connell Sr. Wil worked for the vived by her beloved sister
York City had to be ence charges were ing roots, you found the puri- Louise ate life to the marrow, New York Times in the Data Joan and brother-in-law Wil-
ty, innocence and pristine and then went for seconds.
arraigned within 24 overturned in 1965 crystal beauty of face and She was an alumna of Mid- partment for over 30 years. In liam Button.
Storage Reconciliation De-

hours of their ar- by the United voice, brought it to Broadway wood High School, received addition to his mother, There- SCHINDLER—Sidney.
and, you made it. And then, it her B.A. from the University
rest, that the Legis- States Supreme all unraveled. But you of Rochester, her M.A. from sa, he is survived by his sister: Passed away August 8, 2017
Darlene Francomacaro and of Boca Raton, FL, formerly
lature could not ar- Mr. Smith, a Yale law student, was arrested in Alabama Court.) climbed out of your despair
and your hell with little, if
City College and did doctoral her husband Anthony of Scio-
work at the Graduate Center.
of Oceanside, NY. Loving
ta, PA and their children, nep-
bitrarily kill bills it Observing Mr. anything, to show what you She was a teacher for nearly hews, Joel and David Franco- husband of Lorraine to whom

had already ap-

in 1961 during a protest at a whites-only lunch counter. had gone through except that 30 years at Poly Prep Country
Smith studiously you made it back to the world Day School, a participant in Francomacaro. Wil was years. Adored father of Bon-
macaro and niece, Melissa
he was married to for 63

proved, and that review his class of the living with two invisible many NEH programs includ- gentle and loving and will be nie (George) Ribet and Peg-
gy (Jeffrey) Elias. Cherished
but incredibly valuable trea-
the state had shortchanged New Judge Smith wrote for the major- notes during the dangerous Free- sures. These treasures sus- ing the Bach Institute, an au-
thor of AP European History
dearly missed. Services and grandfather of Barrie (Mar-
Interment will be private and tyn), Carley, Sammy and Jes-
York City’s schools. He also ity, “gives rise to an unconstitu- dom Ride, Dr. Coffin, by his ac- tained you and maintained
you and your God-given in-
guides and a committed doer at the convenience of the fa- sica, great-grandfather of
of The New York Times mily. Gower Funeral Home &
awarded back pay to a police offi- tionally palpable risk that one or count, marveled at the young strument, that remarkable, “double-cross stick,” in pen. Crematory, Inc., Rt. 209, Gil- Max and Mia. Beloved broth-
er of Pearl (Irwin) Gordon.
cer who had been fired because more jurors who cannot bear the man’s equanimity — to which Mr. fragile strong
and delicate but
and magnificent
Louise was beloved by a
community of friends, col-
bert, PA in charge of services
she posed nude for a magazine. thought that a defendant may Smith replied, “Sticks and stones voice...willed one of your treasures. leagues, family and students com SOKOL—Marilyn.
The Officers and members of
In 1999, Judge Smith insisted walk the streets again after serv- can break my bones but law ex- You your singing to
reinvent itself from the les-
who gathered around her in
her last days to read poems, McENROE—Katherine Tres- the Board of Directors of the
that Ralph J. Tortorici was men- ing 20 to 25 years will join jurors ams will kill me.” sons you learned in the hel- play music, and share how ham, 81, passed away on
Wednesday, August 2, 2017.
Jewish Home Family, note
with profound sorrow the
lish world you had visited. she had changed their lives.
tally incompetent and should not favoring death in order to avoid As a newly minted lawyer, Mr. That world gave you insights There will be a service Sun- She was the mother of John, passing of our longtime sup-
Mark and Patrick McEnroe. porter and wife of Jewish
have been tried — without a com- the deadlock sentence.” Smith joined the NAACP Legal strument with new expres- day,
which served your in- August 13, 1pm, at the
Picnic House in Prospect Kay Tresham was the class Home Family board member
petency hearing — on charges of Defense and Education Fund and sion, with new understanding, Park followed by a reception valedictorian of Greenport and very dear friend, Marilyn
The court concluded that “un- High School, and graduated Sokol. Marilyn, and her be-
holding 35 students and a profes- helped the civil rights lawyer Con- with one who had seen and in her home. If you feel
from the Lenox Hill Hospital loved husband's association
der the present statute, the death felt and knew pain, anguish moved, please donate to the
sor hostage in a State University stance Baker Motley draft briefs and the meaning of every SPLC, Planned Parenthood, School of Nursing in 1955. with the Jewish Home spans
of New York classroom in Albany. penalty may not be imposed.” The for James Meredith’s successful tegrated your descent into Park Alliance or spend some she met John P. McEnroe, rosity extended to many Jew-
word you sang. When you in- the ACLU or the Prospect While working at Lenox Hill, over two decades. Her gene-

Six months after the Court of Ap- Legislature never revised the law challenge to the University of Mis- that gifted throat, you be- time cleaning up a park you who would become her hus- ish and communal causes.
love. Tonight, drink a glass of band of almost 60 years. Kay
peals upheld the conviction, Mr. to pass judicial muster. New York sissippi’s refusal to admit black able, the one-of-a-kind Barba- wine, listen to music you love, was a volunteer with the Le- tend our deepest sympathy
came the great, the remark- She will be missed. We ex-

Tortorici hanged himself in a psy- last executed an inmate in 1963. students. ra Cook... we all remember. or fight for a cause you be- gal Aid Society of New York, to her beloved husband Leon,
Your support team consisted lieve in, in her honor. a Chair of the Lenox Hill Hos- her children Randy and
chiatric hospital. George Bundy Smith was born He then became a law secretary really only of Wally Harper, GOLD—Arlene, pital Auxiliary, and a member Shawn, Deborah, Laura and
of the Board of Trustees of
“George Bundy Smith had the on April 7, 1937, in New Orleans to to several New York judges and er. He didn't just accompany 80
who wasn't just a piano play- William, her six grandchild-
years old, of Englewood Lenox Hill Hospital. Kay ren, her brother, and sister.
Cliffs, NJ. Beloved wife of the joined the Cosmopolitan Club
independence and the courage the Rev. Sidney R. Smith Sr. and served as the administrator of you, Wally became an exten-
sion of you. Both of you were
late Arthur Gold; devoted
May her memory be for a
in 1998 and in 2015, became its blessing.
among all his colleagues to stick the former Beatrice Bundy, a Model Cities, a federally funded blessed that a visionary Jerry mother of Russell Gold,
Sheree Linker and her hus-
President, a position she held Eli Ungar, Chairman
his neck out and say that this man teacher. Kravat made it his life's mis- upon
antipoverty program in New York sion to get the world not to band, David; loving grand- Tresham McEnroe is sur- her death. Katherine Carol Silver Elliott,
President and CEO
mother of Lacee Gold, Yael
should not have been prosecuted,” Raised in segregated Washing- City. He was appointed and then look on you with disdain or to and Jacob Linker; dear sister vived by her son John, his
wife, Patty Smyth McEnroe, STALTER—David Edward IV,
Prof. Vincent M. Bonventre of Al- ton, he won a scholarship to elected to the Civil Court in 1975; think you were the same Bar-
bara Cook they once knew
of Gary Bender and his wife, and their children, Ruby, Ke- of New York and formerly of
Sondra; loving aunt of Kelli vin, Sean, Emily, Anna and
but to rediscover who you and Eric Bender. Service at Seattle, WA. Beloved son of
had become. He realized that Ava; son Mark, his wife, Mary Graves Stalter and of
the Sanctuary of Abraham Diane Crosson McEnroe, and
the magic you could weave and Sarah at Cedar Park Ce- David Edward Stalter III, and
with your songs would reso- their children, Liam, Maria of his sister, Mary Stalter
metery, Paramus, NJ, Friday and Ciaran; and son Patrick,
nate with the audience. They at 10:45am. Memorial contri- Radsch. David was a gentle-
thought that they knew the his wife, Melissa Errico, and

Dick MacPherson, 86; Coached at Syracuse

butions should be directed to man in every sense of the
lyrics, they thought they their children, Victoria, Diana word. His friends commented
Jewish National Fund in me- and Juliette. Her husband
knew how a song should be mory of Arlene Gold at on his sweetness and kind-
sung. Jerry believed in the passed away in February ness. His wonderful smile, Funeral under 2017. In lieu of flowers, dona-
strength of who and what you the direction of Gutterman laugh, and sense of humor
were and your gifts and the tions may be made to The will be greatly missed. He
By The Associated Press and Musicant, 201-489-3800. Katherine Tresham McEnroe
“new” Barbara. He told me, was brave, strong, and un-
you had a Stradivarius in your GREENBERG—Bert, Surgical Nurse Scholarship
Dick MacPherson, who resur- throat and had become flaw- passed away on August 7, Fund, c/o Lenox Hill Hospital,
complaining through long
hospital and nursing home
2017 from pneumonia. He Foundation Office, 100 East
rected a declining football pro- less in your breathing, phras-
ing, articulation and intel- was born on December 29, 77th Street, New York, New
stays. He passed away when
his gallant heart stopped. In
gram at Syracuse University and ligent interpretation which 1922 in Brooklyn, NY to Jack York 10075; Attention: Andrea Seattle he attended Shoreline
made you a virtuoso... He and Etta Greenberg. He gra- Dowd.
returned it to national promi- said “She's Paganini, her duated from The New School,
Community College. He was
a member of the Washington
nence, died on Tuesday at his voice is her Strad.” Those of studied playwriting at Yale,
and served in India and Bur- Synge, State Sons of the Revolution
us who knew you knew that it and the Seattle Tennis Club. A
home in Syracuse. He was 86. was only because of the pain ma during WWII. Married in private family service will be
you had suffered, the losses, 1950, Bert and his first wife
His death was announced by the descent to the depths that Betsy moved from Manhat-
held in Graham, North Caroli-
na. Memorial Donations may
the university, which did not gave you the strength, forti- tan to Great Neck and had
four children. He worked as
be made to the Glaucoma
tude and faith to climb out of Research Foundation, 251
specify the cause. that and then open your an apparel manufacturer and Post Street, Suite 600, San
mouth and sing out with fresh importer, and his most recent
MacPherson had a relatively insights and make every passion was writing poetry. In
Francisco, CA 94108-5017.
brief coaching career in profes- song we ever heard sound 1995, Bert married Nicolette
Zamparini. Together they TAUB—Carol.
new again and we under-
sional football, including a disap- stood what the songs really traveled extensively and We mourn the passing of our
lived in China, France, and dear friend Carol. A more
pointing stint as head coach of the meant. Your choice of reper-
tory was prescient. It was Manhattan. Bert is survived devoted, sincere person
New England Patriots. But it was painfully so at the Carlyle Ho- by his wife Nicolette Green- would be hard to find.
Love, The Finkelstein Family
tel. It was another Barbara berg; his children, Andrew
in college ball that he made his Cook opening. Many celebs Greenberg and his wife Carol
Prendergast, Daniel Green-
greatest mark. were present. So were Marty
and Jerry and so were we. berg and his wife Joann Alvis,
Our vivacious friend who
He arrived at Syracuse before Jerry stood where you could Lee Greenberg, and Kather- 94, died peacefully at her epitomizes love and beauty.
see him. Jerry smiled so that ine Gabbay and her husband longtime home in Greenwich June and Ira Gelb
the 1981 season, replacing Frank you could see his smile. We Ken Franz; and his grand- Village on August 8, 2017. A
Maloney and taking over a pro- were all there. The concert children, Emma, Julia, Will woman of extraordinary

gram that had slumped through a

was lovely. Then you sang
one last song. The song you
and Philip Greenberg Anna
Adelstein and her husband
achievement, she was an in-
spiration to her large and
In Memoriam
sang was “For All We Know”. Yosef Adelstein, and Natasha growing family. She loved
decade of mediocrity, in which it There was Jerry, light from Gabbay. Funeral services will sailing in Lake Muskoka, had SOMKIN—Lawrence B.
produced only three winning sea- KATHY WILLENS/ASSOCIATED PRESS
the stage reflecting on him be held at 10:30am, Friday,
August 11th at the chapel at
a wonderful sense of humor
and was as much at home
We are frequently reminded
standing in the back beaming of how wonderful you were.
sons. By the time he left, in 1990, New York-Presbyterian/Weill proving a complex theorem Your Loving Family
Dick MacPherson in 2009. His Syracuse record was 66-46-4. and smiling. We knew what
Cornell Medical Center, 525 as getting down on the floor
he had compiled a 66-46-4 record you did not know. The three
of us knew what Jerry also East 68th St, New York, NY to play with her grandchild- SUTTER—Beatrice
and was the school’s second-win- knew but you did not know — (east of York Avenue). ren. As a pioneering woman Weinberger. August 10, 1992.
in mathematics, she served
An undefeated season ing a 6-24 record over two seasons that the very next day, Jerry HAVERKAMP-
ningest coach. would go into Sloan Kettering BEGEMANN—Egbert. as Director of the Courant In-
Forever loved.
Your Family
In 1987, he led Syracuse to a and retired from coaching. for very risky and problema- The trustees of the Robert stitute of Mathematical

No. 4 national ranking and an 11- marred by a tie on a MacPherson is survived by his
tic surgery. As you eyeballed
Jerry, you were concluding
Lehman Foundation and the
staff of the Robert Lehman
Sciences at New York Uni-
versity, President of the
America Mathematical So-
0-1 mark, blemished only by a tie wife, Sandra; his daughters, Mau- your song: “So love me to- Collection at the Metropolitan

with Auburn in the Sugar Bowl; late Auburn field goal. reen and Janet; and four grand-
night. Tomorrow was made
for some. Tomorrow may
never come, For all we
Museum of Art mourn the
death of our friend and advi-
ciety, where she was the first
woman to deliver their distin-
guished Gibbs lecture, and
he was named national college children. His grandsons, Macky know.” As the audience
sor Egbert Haverkamp-
Begemann, John Langeloth was a recipient of the Nation-
al Medal of Science. She was
coach of the year by several orga- and Cameron, played football at screamed and applauded,
you never saw Marty, Myrna
Loeb Professor Emeritus in
twice a Guggenheim Fellow
the History of Art at NYU's In-
nizations. Korean War. Syracuse, where Macky is cur- and Freddie were crying. Jer- stitute of Fine Arts. For the and served as a Trustee of
ry kept smiling and beaming Princeton University and the
MacPherson’s success was in After working as an assistant rently in his second season as a with pride at you, nodding his
best part of three decades,
Egbert oversaw the prepara- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
part owed to the Carrier Dome. with the Denver Broncos from graduate assistant coach. approval. Barbara, may the tion and publication of the Her
good Lord bless and keep scholarly catalogue of the
The stadium had recently been 1967 to 1970, he became head coach Of all the games MacPherson you. Robert Lehman Collection Princeton, Trinity College
Your friends, Dublin, Duke, Smith and New
built on the Syracuse campus at the University of Massachu- coached, the Sugar Bowl tie with Myrna and Freddie Gershon
from its early stages to the
publication of the fifteenth, fi- York University. She was
when he arrived in 1981, and with setts, in Amherst, where he re- Auburn, spoiling an undefeated and Marty Kravat nal volume in 2012. He did so deeply proud of her Irish heri-
tage, including her great-
with unsurpassed dedication,
its roof alleviating the burden of mained for seven years before re- season, may have rankled him the scholarship, collegiality and uncle, the playwright John
Millington Synge and her
playing in the harsh late fall, when turning to pro football in 1978 as most. The game ended when patience, for which we and all
father, the distinguished
students of art history will
heavy snowfalls were common, it linebackers coach for the Cleve- coach Pat Dye of Auburn decided DEAN—Lea King, forever be in his debt. We will mathematician John Lighton
88, of Flushing, New York, Synge. She is survived by her
enabled him to recruit more land Browns. to attempt a 30-yard field goal passed away peacefully on
miss him.
husband of 71 years, Herbert
August 8, 2017. She was pre- Morawetz, her sister, Isabel
widely, particularly in the South. He left the Browns to become with four seconds left rather than ceded by her devoted hus- Seddon, her children, Pegeen
MacPherson was born in Old Syracuse’s head coach. His career try to win the game with a touch- band Bernie of over 50 years Rubinstein (David), John
and her cherished son Andy, Morawetz, Lida Jeck
Town, Me., on Nov. 4, 1930. He was college coaching record at Syra- down. The kick was successful, ty- MD PhD. She is survived, (James), Nancy Morawetz
a three-sport star in high school cuse and UMass was 111-73-5. ing the score at 16-16. mourned and celebrated by
her beloved children Mary,
(Manuel Vargas), her grand-
children, Eric (Lauren), Wil-
and played football at Springfield Although he adopted Syracuse MacPherson was bitter about Alan, Arnold and Grace liam (Abigail), Daniel (Tiffa-
Heckman, and grandchildren ny), Alicia, Marisa, her step-
College in Massachusetts before as his second home, he seized the the rival coach’s call. “What did Dean, Caroline and Kather- grandchildren, Jeremy, Chris,
serving in the Air Force during the opportunity to become head they come here for in the first ine, Paul, Jennifer Lloyd-
Harris and Laura Heckman.
Aupala and Keenan, her
great-grandchildren, Xavier,
coach of the Patriots in 1991. But place?” he said. He added, “I gotta The family will receive Linus and Peter, and adoring
friends at Fox Funeral Home, relatives around the world.
The New York Times contributed his tenure there was brief: He was believe his menu was to stop us 98-07 Ascan Avenue, Forest Contributions in her memory
reporting. fired in January 1993 after compil- from being 12-0.” Hills, New York from 2 to 5pm can be made to the Cathleen
on Sunday, August 13. Her life Synge Morawetz Post -
will be celebrated at 11am on Doctoral Fellowship at the
Monday, August 14 at Fox Courant Institute of Mathe-
Funeral Home. matical Sciences.

Alan Peckolick, Leading Logo Designer, Dies at 76

Alan Peckolick, who overcame
a failed art school career to
emerge as a leading designer of
some the world’s most distinctive
logos, died on Aug. 3 in Danbury,
Conn. He was 76.
The cause was brain damage
sustained after a fall, his wife, Jes-
sica Weber, said. He had Parkin-
son’s disease.
A protégé and partner of the in-
fluential graphic designer Herb
Lubalin, whose acolytes also in-
Cameron Diaz wearing Fred Leighton jewelry in 2007; and Lois and the photographer Art
Kane, Mr. Peckolick was a virtu-
Fred Leighton earrings worn in 2016 by Patricia Arquette. oso man of letters.
His typography distinguished
Fred Leighton, 85, Jeweler; familiar logos, like GM’s ( just the
two initials underscored by a mus-

cular solid bar), and the typefaces

Made Stars Glitter at Oscars for company names, including Pfi-
zer, Revlon and Mercedes-Benz,
and institutions like New York
By RICHARD SANDOMIR driving a taxi, his father, Irving, University and the City College of
Fred Leighton, a so-called jew- collected rent for his landlord New York.
eler to the stars whose antique brother’s buildings. His mother, A poster featuring blue block
jewelry became coveted acces- the former Renee Sosnowsky, was lettering and the word “free” in
sories for actresses like Nicole a homemaker. Murray Mond- bright red announcing late-night
Kidman and Lupita Nyong’o when schein served in the Army in Italy, museum openings in New York
they walked the red carpet of the where, he told his daughter, he City, sponsored by Mobil, is in the
Academy Awards, died on July 26 was in charge of camp beautifica- permanent collection of the Gu-
in Manhattan. He was 85. tion. tenberg Museum in Mainz, Ger-
His death was confirmed by his He opened a florist shop in Los many. VIA A.F.P. — GETTY IMAGES

daughter Mara Leighton. Angeles and later, back in New “Basically, for me, if a word was
a beautiful word, it wasn’t the Mr. Peckolick’s designs includ-
A cabdriver’s son from the York, bought a store that sold
sound of the word that intrigued ed posters and the GM logo —
Bronx, Mr. Leighton was not born Mexican arts and crafts on Mac-
dougal Street in Greenwich Vil- me but the look of the word,” Mr. two initials and an underscore.
to a life in gemology or high fash-
lage in 1959. It was called Fred Peckolick (pronounced PECK-oh-
ion. But through shrewd buying lick) told The Huffington Post in mentor, Mr. Lubalin, Mr. Peckolick
and gregarious salesmanship, he Leighton, after its former owner
recalled, “I discovered other peo-
turned Fred Leighton in Manhat- — the name he would take as his
ple like Saul Bass, Lou Dorfsman,
tan into a retail mecca for those own.
George Lois — people who could
seeking Art Deco, Art Nouveau, He added wedding dresses to
his store, and later Mexican and
A graphic artist who think as well as design.”
Victorian, Indian Mughal, royal “Then,” he added, “I was in the
jewels and 18th century ship- Native American silver jewelry. was intrigued by ‘the lap of luxury; I could steal from
wreck emeralds. But when a dealer gave him some the best.”
From the outside, the store, at Victorian-era jewelry to sell, and look of the word.’ He and Ms. Weber, who is also a
Madison Avenue and 66th Street, he saw the prices he could get, he graphic designer, lived in Manhat-
looked like “an outsized brooch began to envision a different fu- tan and Sherman, Conn. In addi-
with precious stones,” The New ture. tion to her, he is survived by his
2015. “I saw each letterform as a
Yorker wrote in 2005. Although the jewelry that en- piece of design. Cat is not ‘cat’ — brother, Paul, and his sister, Gael
Inside, Mr. Leighton thought of tranced him were not considered it’s c-a-t. That’s what led to the be- Rae-Garwood.
it as partly a gallery. too fashionable in the 1960s and Mr. Peckolick was the author of
ginning of the expressive topogra-
’70s, Mr. Leighton loved it. He did several books, including “Teach-
“We’ll put out a necklace that’s phy.”
not want to remove the diamonds ing Type to Talk” (2013), and illus-
19th century, a bracelet that’s 18th Seymour Chwast, a fellow de-
from their vintage settings and re- trated a number of others.
century and a pair of earrings that signer and illustrator, said in an
cycle them into new, contempo- Despite his growing fame for
were made in India,” he told email that Mr. Peckolick “was to-
rary ones. He wanted to sell them defining corporate identities and
Martha Stewart in a videotaped tally dedicated to design, its his-
as they were. designing annual reports, book
interview on her website, “and tory, its function and what it might
jackets and posters (for, among
people look at it as art.” “I was drawn to Art Deco offer in the future.” others, Alfred Hitchcock’s 1958
The jewelry — acquired from Eventually fed up with being a thriller “Vertigo”), his longevity
estates, dealers, individuals and rainmaker for the advertising at advertising agencies mirrored
auction houses — found their agencies he worked for, diverting his art school experience.
greatest visibility on red carpets. his creative his energies to court- “I kept getting fired from these
Models wore some of his finest ing clients, Mr. Peckolick took up agencies,” he recalled, “because I
baubles on runways, and ac- painting. As an artist, he was cap- ALAN PECKOLICK spent too much time worrying
tivated by weathered billboards about what the type looked like in-
tresses donned them for awards
and their faded evocations of a
Alan Peckolick discussing the
ceremonies like the Oscars, the future of typography at the In- stead of selling the soap.”
vanishing cityscape. After taking an afternoon off to
Tonys and the Golden Globes, and ternational Typeface Corpora-
“Signage has been covered so go to a movie, he found himself
high-profile events like the Met tion in an undated photo.
often by photography that as a standing in front of an art supply
Gala at the Metropolitan Museum subject it is a commonplace,”
of Art. store in the late 1990s.
Grace Glueck of The New York the grocery bags.” “I thought, I’ve never painted
Mark Badgley, co-owner of the Times wrote in reviewing an ex- He graduated from Elmont Me- before, I’ve never held a paint-
fashion designer Badgley Mis- hibition of his work at a SoHo morial High School on Long Is- brush in my hand, let’s start some-
chka, regularly decked his models gallery in 2002, “but Mr. Peck- land, just across the Queens bor- thing fresh,” he said.
and clients in Leighton jewels. olick, good at the colors and tex- der, after which, he said: “My But fine art proved to be chal-
“He’d come down when we’d do tures of erosion, nicely captures mother put together a portfolio lenging in its own way.
fittings on models, sit there for the sense of time past that gives which was made of anything I “When you are working for a
hours, and when a gorgeous mod- these brief messages their nostal- drew on — handkerchiefs, scraps, graphic design client, you are
el would come out in a new gown, gic appeal.” whatever — and put it literally “I explained to him,” he re- solving the client’s problem,” Mr.
he would just gasp,” Mr. Badgley A screenshot from a Martha Alan Jay Peckolick was born on into a brown paper bag. She sent called, “that I was kicked out of art Peckolick said. “When you are a
said in an interview. “He got so Stewart interview with Mr. Oct. 3, 1940, in the Bronx to me out into the world to go to school because I couldn’t draw fine artist, you have to come up
much joy out of seeing something Leighton, who was known as a Charles Peckolick, a letter carrier places like Cooper Union and the very well. He said: ‘Well that’s no with the problem and the solution.
beautiful, and he would enhance it “jeweler to the stars.” (actual letters, not the kind his son School of Visual Arts. Both problem. Why don’t you just be- When I started, there was nothing
with his jewelry.” would work with) and the former schools, he said, “immediately come a graphic designer?’ I said, more frightening than looking at a
Like other elite jewelers, among Belle Binenbaum. saw there was no talent here, and ‘What’s that?’ He said, ‘Don’t blank canvas.”
them Harry Winston and Pieces for Kidman, “I never knew anything about they rejected me.” worry about what it is, but you He began painting profession-
design or graphics or any of those Pratt Institute in Brooklyn ac- don’t have to know how to draw!’” ally in 1998, a few years before he
Chopard, Mr. Leighton regularly
lent jewels to celebrity clients. For
Nyong’o, Winslet, fancy words,” Mr. Peckolick re- cepted him, in the illustration de- Mr. Peckolick graduated from learned he had Parkinson’s dis-
Mr. Leighton, the practice began Theron and Loren. called in 2015. “But I used to draw.
I used to draw everything. When
partment. But three months later,
he was told to leave because his
Pratt in 1964 and opened his own
office. In 1972 he joined Lubalin,
“It’s a hard disease,” he said,
in 1996 when Miuccia Prada se-
lected a 19th-century Australian my mother used to send me out to work was not improving. A school- Smith & Carnase (the firm later “but I always say to people, ‘If it
opal choker for Ms. Kidman to get groceries, by the time I was mate discovered him in a coffee became Pushpin Lubalin Peck- really gets bad, I can become an
things, jewelry from the 1920s,” he back there were little drawings on shop, dejected. olick Associates). Through his abstract painter.’”
wear as she walked the red carpet
told Ms. Stewart.
at the Oscars with Tom Cruise,
Fascinated but largely unedu-
then her husband.

Haruo Nakajima, 88, Who Terrorized Tokyo as Godzilla

cated in jewelry, he bought what
“That moment was very im-
he liked.
pactful in elevating vintage jew-
He moved his store to Lexing-
elry around the world,” Greg
ton Avenue for a brief time in the
Kwiat, whose family company ac- By RUSSELL GOLDMAN
1970s before finding the first of
quired the Leighton store in 2009, three locations on Madison Ave- Haruo Nakajima, the Japanese
said in a telephone interview. nue. Along the way, he attended actor who played the movie mon-
The moments kept coming as gemological school. ster Godzilla in a dozen films and
some of the stars of Leighton’s in- And, in 1986, he legally changed whose booming steps in a 200-
ventory turned up routinely at the his name to Fred Leighton. It was pound rubber suit sent the deni-
Oscars, even if Mr. Leighton him- a logical decision: Customers zens of Tokyo running into cine-
self did not. were asking to speak to Fred matic history, died on Monday. He
In 1999, Sophia Loren was wear- Leighton. His daughter and his was 88.
ing one of his diamond necklaces wife, Glorya, also changed their His daughter, Sonoe Nakajima,
when she presented the Oscar for said the cause was pneumonia.
surnames. But friends and fam-
best actor to Roberto Benigni. In She did not say where he died.
ily? They still called him Murray.
2000, Vera Wang designed a tan- Mr. Nakajima was a 25-year-old
In addition to his daughter, Mr. stunt actor with just four movies
gerine gown for Charlize Theron Leighton is survived by two
around diamond dress clips from to his credit when he was cast in
grandchildren and his sister, Glo- what are perhaps Japan’s two
Leighton. In 2001, Jennifer Lopez ria Feuerman. His wife, the for- JUNJI KUROKAWA/ASSOCIATED PRESS
wore his cascade diamond ear- most famous films of that era, both
mer Glorya Krauss, died in 2015. released in 1954: Akira Kurosa- Haruo Nakajima in 2014. Mr.
rings. In separate years, Ms. Ny- They had met after his store wa’s masterpiece “Seven Samu- Nakajima had the title roles in
ong’o and Natalie Portman wore and one of her clothing shops, in
his diamond headbands. And in
rai,” in which he had a bit part, and “Godzilla” (1954), right, and
Greenwich Village, had been vic- “Godzilla.” “King Kong Returns” (1967).
2005, Mr. Badgley borrowed two timized by a group of neighbor- In “Godzilla” he played the title TOHO CO. LTD.
Art Deco diamond clips to use on hood shoplifters, one of whom was character: a gigantic, irradiated
the straps of Kate Winslet’s blue apprehended carrying a bag with lizard whose mutated form and put on the heavy rubber monster in “Sword for Hire,” in 1952, when
gown. costume 12 times from 1954 to 1972 he was 23.
Mr. Badgley typically showed
merchandise from both stores.
Mr. Leighton sold the business
destructive power wreak havoc
on Tokyo. The first movie in a in a series of movies that became Wearing a 200-pound As a contract actor for the Japa-
Mr. Leighton sketches, photo-
graphs or the actual dresses he
in 2006, a year after his company long-running franchise, it was re- an international phenomenon.
The success of Godzilla kicked
rubber suit to play a nese studio Toho, Mr. Nakajima
starred in dozens of other monster
pleaded guilty to tax fraud for fail- leased nine years after the bomb-
was designing for stars heading to ing to collect sales tax on millions’ ings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki off Japan’s golden age of tokusa- monster in 12 movies. movies, including “King Kong Re-
red carpets, he said, and “he of dollars of jewelry. Ralph Esme- as a not-so-thinly veiled fable tsu, or “special filming” movies, in turns,” a 1967 Japanese production
would go down into his archives, about the dangers of nuclear which rubber-costumed actors in which he again played the title
rian, the buyer, filed for bank-
search the store and come back weapons. portraying colossal, terrifying character, this time in an ape cos-
ruptcy in 2008 and was subse-
with a selection of the most amaz- “One might remotely regard creatures typically destroyed Wearing a hot, heavy suit be- tume.
quently sentenced to six years in
ing pieces.” him as a symbol of Japanese hate scale-model sets, creating illu- neath the soundstage’s bright He retired from acting in 1973.
prison for bankruptcy and wire sions of reality that would one day
Although the comedian Joan for the destruction that came out lights had him sweating so much, Beginning in the 1990s, he made
fraud and concealing assets as be generated even more spectacu-
of nowhere and descended upon he said, that at the end of a day’s frequent appearances at conven-
Rivers frequently excoriated ac- part of an embezzling scheme.
Hiroshima one pleasant August larly by computers. shooting he could wring enough tions of comic-book and movie
tresses’ fashion choices at the Os- For a year after selling his em-
morn,” Bosley Crowther of The “We had to improvise, and perspiration from his undershirt fans. He lived in a suburb of To-
cars, she also wore Leighton. porium, Mr. Leighton had a con- make it all look real on screen,”
New York Times wrote of the to fill half a bucket. kyo. There was no immediate in-
“I distinctly remember a beauti- sulting deal. He then became a Mr. Nakajima told The Times in To perfect the monster’s de- formation on survivors, besides
monster in a 1956 review of
ful big pair of emerald and dia- regular visitor, traveling from his “Godzilla: King of the Monsters,” 2013. structive gait, Mr. Nakajima spent his daughter.
mond earrings that she wore on apartment above the store. “He’d the English-dubbed version of the He recalled Godzilla’s creator, hours at the zoo studying how ele- Mr. Nakajima was the first iter-
the red carpet,” Rebecca Selva, stop by, look at the windows and film released in North America. Eiji Tsuburaya, struggling amid phants and bears walked. He ation of Godzilla but not the last.
the chief creative officer and pub- come in for a cup of coffee,” Ms. “But we assure you that the qual- Japan’s postwar shortages and ra- wanted the monster to be believ- Toho produced 27 more Godzilla
lic relations director for the store, Selva said. ity of the picture and the childish- tioning to find enough rubber and able, he said in interviews. films after Mr. Nakajima hung up
said in an interview. And on his own, he continued to ness of the whole idea do not indi- latex to construct the costume. Mr. Nakajima was born on Jan. his rubber suit in 1972. Since then,
Fred Leighton was not, for most buy and sell vintage jewelry. cate such a calculation. Godzilla “You don’t learn this from a 1, 1929, in Yamagata, Japan. He Hollywood has produced three
of his life, Fred Leighton. He was “He was talking about jewelry was simply meant to scare peo- textbook but by doing,” Mr. Naka- was 16 when Japan surrendered to “Godzilla” movies. The next will
born Murray Mondschein in the until just before he died,” Ms. ple.” jima said of those early days. the Allies, ending World War II. star Ken Watanabe and is sched-
Bronx, on July 23, 1932. Besides Leighton said. Mr. Nakajima would eventually “There is no chance to learn now.” His first credited acting role was uled for release in 2019.

Bruce Springsteen plans In Dina Nayeri’s

‘intimate’ Broadway shows.
‘Refuge,’ a woman in
Ozploitation on film: Death exile tries to change.
and mayhem Down Under. BY JENNIFER SENIOR



Legal Chains
Still Bind
A battle with her longtime
producer shadows an album.
Three years into an acrimonious legal and
public relations battle between the pop
singer Kesha and her longtime producer Dr.
Luke, who was once one of the industry’s
most untouchable titans, the pair remain
deeply, uncomfortably entwined not just in
court, but in business.
On Friday, Kesha will release “Rainbow,”
her first album since “Warrior” in 2012,
chronicling, with an inspirational bent, her
years of personal and professional turmoil
on songs like “Bastards,” “Let ’Em Talk”
and “Learn to Let Go.” But she will do so un-
der the same extensive recording and mu-
sic publishing contracts with Dr. Luke (born
Lukasz Gottwald) that existed before she
claimed in a 2014 lawsuit that he had for
years “sexually, physically, verbally and
emotionally abused” her. (Dr. Luke has
strongly denied the accusations and no
criminal charges have been filed.)
Though #FreeKesha became a cause
célèbre — at its height, Taylor Swift said she
would donate $250,000 to support the sing-
er — and her comeback has been greeted by
fans as a victory and a rebirth, it follows a
string of legal defeats that prevented Kesha
from releasing music outside of her deals
with Dr. Luke. While her own contract
claims were largely rejected by the court or
withdrawn, she continues to face a lawsuit
for defamation and breach of contract from
Dr. Luke, who argues that her campaign
against him has caused his work to dry up.
(Though Dr. Luke has contributed to 40 Bill-
board Top 10 hits in his career, he has not

Ready for Another Round?

Bill Murray relives a signature role by attending ognized him. There were gestures and guf-
faws during the first act. But by the end of
Bill Murray on
Tuesday at the bar of
‘Groundhog Day’ on Broadway. the performance, Mr. Murray was visibly
the August Wilson
Theater before the
When he arrived, he went to the bar to get musical “Groundhog
Buster in the film, as well as Danny Rubin, a Day,” based on the
By SOPAN DEB a glass of water. The bartender, Janet
co-writer of the screenplay for the movie film in which he
Bill? Bill Murray? I thought that was you! and the writer of the book for the musical. Polanco, offered him a bottle — but Mr. Mur-
ray wanted a glass and gave a $50 tip. Then starred. Left, Danny
There he was in the audience at the Au- “Groundhog Day” — a story about a self- Rubin, a co-writer of
gust Wilson Theater in New York City on absorbed weatherman who keeps repeat- he whispered, “This is too much for a glass
the screenplay and
Tuesday night, taking in a performance of ing the same day over and over again in of water.” Mr. Murray walked to his seat
the writer of the
“Groundhog Day,” the Broadway musical Punxsutawney, Pa. — is one of the most crit- mostly unnoticed. One audience member
musical’s book.
based on the 1993 movie that he starred in. ically acclaimed comedies in history and told him he looked “taller and thinner.” Mur-
It was Mr. Murray’s first time seeing the one of Mr. Murray’s best works. ray responded, “Yeah, I’ve been working RICHARD SHOTWELL/INVISION, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS

musical — Watch out for that first step, it’s a Mr. Murray exhibited a range of emotions out.” Kesha’s “Rainbow,” her first album since
doozy! — and he was accompanied by his throughout the night. At first, it was quirky Minutes later, Mr. Murray got a brief 2012, chronicles her years of personal
brother, Brian Doyle-Murray, who played one-liners to gleeful fans who suddenly rec- CONTINUED ON PAGE C6 and professional turmoil.


A World
In Woe
And at War
SALZBURG, AUSTRIA — For those who were
dizzied by the artist William Kentridge’s
frenetic productions of “The Nose” and
“Lulu” at the Metropolitan Opera, he starts
his extraordinary new “Wozzeck” with a
self-deprecating joke. As the opera opens,
the title character, a cruelly exploited sol-
dier who murders his lover in a fit of jeal-
ousy, is screening a very Kentridge kind of
animated film: jittery black-and-white

Salzburg Festival

drawings, surreal juxtapositions and

swiftly flowing images.
“Slowly, Wozzeck, slowly!” the bullying
Captain shouts at him, watching the
footage. “One thing at a time. You make me
quite giddy.”
He’s speaking for many in the entranced,
sometimes mystified audiences for Mr.
Kentridge’s stagings, which place boldly
layered films, still images, fractured de-
signs and onstage hordes on top of already
complex works.

Mauro Peter, left, as Anders, and

Matthias Goerne in the title role
of Alban Berg’s “Wozzeck.”

Deranged Down Under

Predatory trucks, bloodthirsty
boars and psychopaths are
part of a film series exploring
the world of Ozploitation.
“Is that about Dorothy or Down Under?”
That’s the question a friend posted on
Facebook in response to my search for hor-
ror geeks who would talk to me about the
exploitation subgenre Ozploitation. I’ll for-
give him for not knowing that the Oz here
refers to Australia, not Munchkinland. Oz-
ploitation remains an under-the-radar mon-
ster, at least in the United States.
The IFC Center in New York hopes to
change that with “To Hell and Outback,” an
introduction to Ozploitation debauchery
that runs through Sept. 30. The comprehen-
sive series includes proto-Ozploitation
films, like Peter Weir’s disappearance mys-
tery “Picnic at Hanging Rock” (1975), but
also modern oddballs like Sean Byrne’s
twisted-prom dark comedy “The Loved
Ones” (2009).
What passes for exploitation in Austral-
ia? Marauding packs of bullies and car
chases shot through a “fetishistic lens,” as
the director Quentin Tarantino said in the
2008 Ozploitation documentary “Not Quite
Hollywood.” Another common subject? The
menace that is the country’s dangerously
rugged terrain.
Australia “was a Western culture that
was founded by convicts stranded in an in-
credibly hostile natural environment,” said
Colin Geddes, a curator for the horror
streaming service Shudder and a former in-
ternational programmer for the Toronto In-
ternational Film Festival. “Their cinema
embraces this and is filled with death-defy-
ing challenges, threat and survival from
both man and nature.” SEVERIN FILMS

Unlike blaxploitation, a genre that had its

heyday in the ’70s, Ozploitation continues to
thrive. There are horror movies, like the
mother-protector fable “The Babadook”;
the newly released killer-hillbilly thriller
“Killing Ground”; and action films like the
Oscar-winning “Mad Max: Fury Road,”
with its throbbing emphasis on survival and
tricked-out vehicles. Here are other Oz-
ploitation films to check out; three can still
be seen at the IFC Center.

‘Patrick’ (1978)
Set at a Melbourne hospital, this creepy
spine-tingler is about a handsome young
man who uses his psychic powers to throw
people into the air and otherwise interfere
in the life of a nurse he’s fallen in love with.
As “Carrie” did two years before, “Patrick”
tapped into the cinematic fascination with
diabolical telekinesis that surfaced in the
late ’70s. Mr. Tarantino said the movie in-
spired part of his “Kill Bill, Vol. 1.” (Stream-
ing on Fandor and available on DVD and

‘Road Games’ (1981)

This down-and-dirty psychological white ‘Razorback’ (1984) ‘Dead End Drive-In’ (1986) ‘Wolf Creek’ (2005) The Ozploitation horror
subgenre includes, clockwise
knuckler is about a poetry-loving truck Tapping into the exploitation genre’s love Set in a futuristic 1995, this psycho- Evil that lurks in Australia’s rocky and
from top, Robert Thompson in
driver (Stacy Keach) who picks up a hitch- of animals gone wrong, this intense chiller shocker is about a drive-in cinema where rough landscape continues to feed the mod-
the film “Patrick”; John Jarratt
hiker (a post-”Halloween” Jamie Lee Cur- tracks the path of a giant wild boar — “as big punks and other young misfits are held cap- ern Ozploitation film. Set in the outback,
in “Wolf Creek”; and Stacy
tis) as he hunts down the killer of young as a rhino,” as it’s described in the film — tive and fed a diet of drugs, music and this grisly pageant of suffering tells an ul-
Keach and Jamie Lee Curtis in
women along deserted stretches of the Aus- that goes on a killing rampage in the out- cheeseburgers as the world outside crum- traviolent story of backpackers who be-
“Road Games.”
tralian nowhere. Initial reaction was mixed. back. The film is often compared to “Jaws” bles. A mix of ’80s rebellion film and dysto- come the victim of a torture-loving loner.
One fan praised it as “‘Rear Window’ on a in how it sparingly yet viciously shows the pian political parable — “‘The Road War- The director, Greg McLean, said he took
highway.” But The New York Times, ques- animal in attack. When it was released the- rior’ crossed with ‘The Exterminating An- cues from the life of Ivan Milat, an Austral-
tioning the film’s American cast, wrote: atrically in New York, it was on a double bill gel’” as The Los Angeles Times put it — the ian serial killer in the 1990s. The film
“The Outback might as well be the New Jer- with perhaps Australia’s most famous cine- movie also touches on Australia’s history of spawned both a sequel and a TV series.
sey Turnpike.” (Friday and Saturday at IFC matic export: “Mad Max.” (Sept. 22-23 at racial tensions. (Available on Amazon via (Aug. 18-19 at IFC)
and available on DVD and Blu-ray) IFC) Shudder)


A Darkened World, in Woe and at War

But while hardly serene or simple, Wozzeck
“Wozzeck,” written by Alban Berg between Through Aug. 27 at the Salzburg Festival;
1914 and 1922, is a more focused piece than
the composer’s “Lulu” or Shostakovich’s
“The Nose.” And Mr. Kentridge has given it
his most elegant and powerful operatic Verdi’s “Aida.”
treatment yet, in a production that opened There is no ensemble quite as colorfully
on Tuesday at the Salzburg Festival and will brutal yet agile in the dyspeptic accompani-
travel to the Met in the 2019-20 season. (It is ment of the opening scene, issuing angular
also shared with the Canadian Opera Com- interjections and then dissolving into trem-
pany in Toronto and Opera Australia.) bling electricity as Wozzeck bemoans how
Berg’s opera was based on Georg Büch- difficult it is for the poor to be virtuous. The
ner’s 19th-century play “Woyzeck,” but was frosty vaporization of the strings as
crucially shaped by its composer’s experi- Wozzeck is about to murder Marie had ter-
ences on the front during World War I. So rifying precision and poise.
Mr. Kentridge sets the work on and near a But unlike in “Lady Macbeth” and “Aida”
battlefield of that conflict. — and unlike in the “Wozzeck” I heard this
The stage is dominated by a precarious ensemble play as the orchestra of the Vien-
mountain of platforms, staircase fragments na State Opera a few years ago — here vir-
and discarded furniture that, with the help tuosity was the means, not the end. Sonic
of stage-filling, smoky charcoal animations, effects didn’t seem detached from what was
shifts during Berg’s brooding interludes happening onstage, a vision of the pit as its
from inside to outside, from tavern to bar- own private world of hermetic beauties; in-
racks to bombed-out heath. The searing fi- stead, the orchestra acted as an enhancer
nal D minor interlude is echoed onstage in and interlocutor. The violin solo as Marie
an orgy of charcoal explosions. (The sets read to her child from the Bible wasn’t self-
are by Sabine Theunissen; costumes, Greta regarding, as some of the Philharmonic’s
Goiris; video, Catherine Meyburgh; and opera playing has been this week, but inten-
lighting, Urs Schönebaum. Mr. Kentridge’s sifying.
co-director is Luc De Wit.) Despite this orchestra’s myriad seduc-
This is a world of crashed airplanes, flick- tions, Mr. Jurowski resisted the urge to
ering maps of troop movements and the overplay; the emphasis was on guiding a
tension and violence born of endless wait- coherent, accumulating drama. Climaxes —
ing. Other directors have made of The Lithuanian soprano the beginning — is on view until November often by Mr. Goerne), as a wild-eyed lunatic. like the unison B note that crescendos to
“Wozzeck” a more general societal indict- Asmik Grigorian sings in a retrospective at Salzburg’s Museum He’s rather a kind of stymied artist on full-ensemble fury, and that final D minor
ment; Mr. Kentridge indicts war, war, war. A the role of Marie. The der Moderne.) whom, and in whom, pressure slowly outpouring — earned their impact honestly.
recurring image shows the young son of son she has with The partying tavern crowd not long be-
Beyond that melancholy puppet, Mr. builds. Marie, here the young, penetrating
Wozzeck and Marie, his common-law wife, Wozzeck is portrayed by fore the opera’s end is a danse macabre, one
Kentridge doesn’t stint the piece’s forlorn, soprano Asmik Grigorian, is a more girlish
aging into a soldier, his face thickened by in- a puppet in a gas mask. of the sprawling parades of humanity that
savage humor, with the office of the Doctor and irresponsible, less sympathetically ma-
juries, like something out of the grotesque Mr. Kentridge has long taken as a theme.
battlefield prints of Otto Dix or George (Jens Larsen) jammed into an armoire and ternal presence than usual. Theirs is not a But where is the procession headed? The
Grosz. the helmet of the Captain (the piercing Ger- collision of archetypes, but of people. production aptly captures the Europe of the
That son is depicted onstage by a gangly hard Siegel) detonating in an enormous This was the third opera I heard here over early 1920s, the world in which “Wozzeck”
puppet in a gas mask, perhaps a nod to one feather plume. But for all its antic fanciful- the past few days featuring the Vienna Phil- was born: a dazed shambles, on the verge of
of Mr. Kentridge’s first collaborative ven- ness, this is also the truest, least over-the- harmonic, the Salzburg Festival’s house still more suffering.
tures: a 1992 adaptation of the Büchner play top “Wozzeck” I’ve seen. band, in the pit. Led with relentless re- The audience seemed stunned at the end,
called “Woyzeck on the Highveld,” with the Played with mellow disbelief and sung straint by Vladimir Jurowski, the orchestra yet grateful. For my part — and this doesn’t
Handspring Puppet Company of South Af- with parched, wounded tone by the baritone was as virtuosic as it was under Mariss Jan- often happen, even after the rawest operas
rica. (Rich evidence of the full sweep of his Matthias Goerne, the title character doesn’t sons for Shostakovich’s “Lady Macbeth of — I needed a walk in the mild evening, some
artistic career — the theater central from start off, as he does in many stagings (and the Mtsensk District” and Riccardo Muti for deep breaths and a beer.

Arts, Briefly

Sean Baker (“Tangerine”), and

Jennifer Lawrence’s “The Square,” by Ruben Ready, Set, Go
Ostlund, had their premieres at
New Vogue Cover Cannes before going on to New

No airbrushing controversy here. York. (“The Square” won the

Jennifer Lawrence is fully Palme d’Or.) Two other selec-
brushed in a new painting by the tions — Dee Rees’s “Mudbound”
artist John Currin. The portrait is and Luca Guadagnino’s “Call Me
one of four different cover im- by Your Name” — were both
ages commissioned by Vogue for Sundance favorites and also
its September issue, marking the count among this season’s more
magazine’s 125th anniversary. anticipated releases.
Despite Mr. Currin’s reputation In addition to Ms. Rees, the
for eroticism, his portrait of Ms. female directors in the main
Lawrence, below, is demure. She lineup include Ms. Varda, with
appears wearing a simple tan “Faces Places,” a collaboration
chemise and a Miu Miu pat- with the artist JR, and Ms. Ger-
wig, with the comedy “Lady
terned fur hat, holding a purple series at the Museum of the
and green purse. “To be in a Moving Image continues
The New York Film Festival,
situation of producing a cover for with the 1962 Oscar-winning
presented by the Film Society of
this famous magazine, I’m a little
Lincoln Center, runs Sept. 28 to film “Lawrence of Arabia.”
scared,” Mr. Currin said in an
Oct. 15. For the lineup and more 7 p.m.
interview. “I do worry about details, go to
The other three covers will
feature photographs of Ms.
Lawrence, by Annie Leibovitz,
Bruce Weber and the duo Inez The Coen Brothers
and Vinoodh. This is the actress’s Come to Netflix
third appearance on Vogue’s NETFLIX
cover. “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs,”
The painting puts Mr. Currin’s said Dodie Kazanjian, a contrib- World War II, will end its run on Corey Cott starred; Richard the first television series di-
many influences on full display. uting editor at Vogue who often Sept. 17 after 166 performances. Oberacker wrote the music and rected by the Oscar-winning
Ms. Lawrence is depicted in a writes about art. Robert Taylor and Mr. Oberacker filmmakers Joel and Ethan
The musical was directed and
Mannerist pose, unnatural but wrote the book and lyrics. Coen, will have its premiere on
Mr. Currin deviated from his choreographed by Andy
Netflix in 2018.
elegant. Perspective is min- normal method for the portrait of Blankenbuehler, who won a Tony The cast’s performance on the
Ms. Lawrence. He doesn’t usu- The series, which Netflix said
imized and a Rococo palette this June for the show’s choreo- Tonys was introduced by Jill
will be a six-episode anthology
competes with a hint of Dutch ally worry about likenesses, he graphy. His victory, combined Biden, who paid tribute to veter-
set during the frontier era in the ‘THE TERMS OF MY SURREN-
old master sobriety. The hat said. But for the portrait of Ms. with the cast’s high-energy ans returning home. A tour of
American West, will star Tim DER’ Opening night for
provides the element of the ab- Lawrence, he had to be faithful to performance on the Tonys the musical is currently in the
Blake Nelson (“O Brother, Michael Moore’s debut on
surd that Mr. Currin is known for. a very well known face. “It has to broadcast, provided a momen- works.
Where Art Thou?”) in the title Broadway. 6:30 p.m. at the
And all of this is filtered through look like her,” he said. tary bump in ticket sales, with ANDREW R. CHOW
role. Each episode will depict a
a pictorial style that evokes While this is the first painted grosses peaking at $642,594 the Belasco Theater.
different character and story
classic magazine illustrations September cover, Vogue has a week of June 18. But sales have michaelmooreonbroadway
from the 1930s and 1940s. long history of commissioning declined steadily since, with the
“One of the reasons I thought artwork. show earning just 51 percent of
New York Film Festival “The Coens are visionary .com
directors, masterful storytellers
John would be good for the cover Salvador Dalí contributed four its gross potential last week. The Fills Out Its Lineup and colorful linguists,” Cindy
was that fashion was a huge covers showcasing his trade- production did not recoup its New movies from Noah Baum- Holland, Netflix’s vice president
influence on his work early on,” mark style from the 1930s to the initial investment of $13.5 mil- bach, Todd Haynes, Greta Ger- of original content, said in a
1970s. Giorgio de Chirico created lion. wig, Richard Linklater, Woody statement. “We are thrilled for
a slyly subversive cover for the “We always knew that it Allen and Agnès Varda are Netflix to become home to the
November 1935 issue that en- would be difficult to find an among the 25 films — including full range of their talents.”
dowed a traditional fashion still audience, because it wasn’t eight directed by women — that The show will be produced by
life with a hint of Surrealist men- branded material,” Tom Smedes, will be featured in the main Annapurna Television, with the
ace. Andy Warhol, a natural the lead producer, said in an lineup of the 55th New York Coen brothers as executive
choice for a fashion magazine, interview. “We seem to have Film Festival this fall. producers, writers and direc-
created an image of Caroline of gotten lost in the noise.” Several of the pictures have tors.
Monaco for the December 1983 “Bandstand” premiered at the gotten healthy buzz at earlier With this series, the Coens
issue of the French edition. Paper Mill Playhouse in 2015 and festivals, among them Mr. will join other big-screen direc-
PETER LIBBEY opened on Broadway this April. Baumbach’s “The Meyerowitz tors who have recently dipped DANISH STRING QUARTET
(In her review for The Times, Stories (New and Selected)” their toes into TV, including Works by Beethoven at the
Alexis Soloski called it “an un- (photo above), starring Adam Woody Allen (“Crisis in Six Mostly Mozart Festival. 7:30
‘Bandstand’ to Close dercooked slice of apple pie.”) Sandler and Ben Stiller, and Mr. Scenes”), Baz Luhrmann (“The
p.m. at Alice Tully Hall.
The musical depicts the life of Haynes’s “Wonderstruck,” which Get Down”) and David O. Rus-
Next Month soldiers returning home from will be the New York event’s sell, who is developing a drama
“Bandstand,” a swing-inspired war and turning to swing music centerpiece. Those films, along series for Amazon.
Broadway musical set after as a reprieve. Laura Osnes and with “The Florida Project,” from THOMAS LOTITO

“Aims right for the heart CINEMAS
Advance Tickets - For more information call (212)757-2280

—Kirkus Reviews, (starred)
WENDY WALKER 11:05AM, 12:45, 2:30, 4:30, 6:25, 8:20, 10:15 STEP •n
12:00, 12:30, 2:00, 2:40, 4:00, 4:45,
MENASHE 7:30, 10:00
11:00AM, 12:40, 2:25, 3:05, 4:25, 6:20,
8:15, 9:15, 10:05
LADY MACBETH 12:35, 2:45, 5:00, 7:20, 9:25

1:30, 3:30, 5:40, 7:50, 9:40
12:10, 2:15, 4:35
Edited by Will Shortz 12:25, 2:00, 3:40, 5:20, 7:00, 9:10
MAUDIE 12:30, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 A GHOST STORY •
12:15, 2:20, 4:25
40 Attachment to a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Diner staple, for job app 4:55 DAY!*

short 41 Congested place, 14 15 16

4 Wine, informally, at times

17 18 19
with “the” 42 Attraction at Corner of Houston & Mercer (212) 995-2000
Boeing’s Museum
9 Astronaut Kelly
of Flight, for short
20 21
10:30, 11:30AM, 12:40, 1:40, 2:50, 3:50, 5:00, 6:00,
14 [Shrug]
43 “J’adore ___” (ad 22 23 24 25 7:10, 8:10, 9:20, 10:15PM
15 Itching
16 Right to the point
26 27 28 29 30 31
10:30 , 1:00, 3:40, 6:30, 9:10
44 Sound of metallic AM PM

17 Whatever it takes impact

32 33 34
10:00 , 12:20, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:45
20 Party person 45 2016 Disney film
21 Musician whose 46 Carriage with its 35 36 37 38 THE BEGUILED
10:45 , 1:05, 3:20, 5:40, 8:00, 10:20
first name is a horse
toy 47 It might prevent 39 40 41 MAUDIE
11:00 , 1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40
22 ___ trick you from drifting
42 43 44
23 Home to an
annual Ideas 51 James I and 45 46
Festival Charles I
26 First name of 55 Whatever it 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
the second vice takes … as
president to hinted at in the 55 56 57
resign from office arrangements
28 Mulching of black squares 58 59 60
around the
29 Dynamite
circled letters 61 62 63
58 Together
32 “Pagliacci” role
33 China’s ___
Short loin cut
Pac-12 athlete
2 Dunham of 12 Silent part of 34 Seat of New
Truly Madly Guilty
Dynasty “Girls” “mnemonic” Mexico’s Doña
34 Symbol of 61 Like a workaholic 3 “What you have 13 Banks of Ana County GOODREADS BEST FICTION OF THE YEAR AWARD
gentleness 62 Big rolls to realize …” “America’s Got 38 Pose

35 ___ Sound 63 Seat of 4 Transmission 43 Square one
36 Hoary Christianity? element 18 Spent the most?
45 Bucks
37 Latin American 5 “The Martha ___ 19 Something said
by a put-out 47 Somewhat Answers to
sweetie DOWN Show” of 1950s Previous Puzzles
TV Putin? 48 Letters that
39 Symbol of 1 Standout in a
Christianity quad 6 Recluse’s 24 Flippered animal might precede
problem, maybe along the Pacific 10001
Coast 49 Bloke
7 What a “/” may
ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE mean 25 Don’t open it! 50 Darn it!
A N T E S I D O L G L A D 8 Procter & 26 Indy racer
52 Newcastle upon
Gamble cleaning sponsor
M O O L A P O N E E A S E ___, England
C H E S S M A T C H E M I L brand 27 Hairstyles that
need lots of 53 Add (up)
I S R H E A R E M U 9 Do a little
cuddling combing 54 Distort
10 ___ desk 29 Everyday 56 Rare occurrences
F E T A A M E S I O W A (newspaper post) 30 -NH2 at Super Bowls,
11 Roman emperor attachment, in briefly
who overthrew chemistry 57 Clutch hitter’s
Galba 31 Toy shooter stat
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The Reinvention of an Exile

A character strains to remake And his opium. What we learn about the
specifics of opium addiction in this book —
her life and to hold on to a “ei vai,” as Nayeri’s characters say. Oh dear.
connection with her father. So the story of Niloo’s dispersed clan un-
folds, crisscrossing both time and time
zones, with scenes in Oklahoma, where
ON A MAP, the path of an exile is easy enough Niloo seeks asylum with her mother and
to trace. He or she flees one country, goes to brother; in Iran, where Niloo’s father is em-
another. But the geography of an exile’s in- broiled in an impressively nasty divorce
terior life defies traditional cartography. “I from his third wife (ei vai); in the Nether-
am not caught between two points,” André lands, where Niloo’s own marriage suffers
Aciman wrote in “False Papers,” a col- as her buried identity reasserts itself; and
lection of essays published in 2000. “I am in the various cities where Niloo sees her fa-
two points caught in the same spot. Correc- ther those four times.
tion: I am two points caught in different Their visits are some of the most painful
spots.” The self splits. episodes in the book. Each time, Niloo’s fa-
Many of the characters in Dina Nayeri’s ther cannot reconcile the serious person in
second novel, “Refuge,” are estranged from front of him with the happy and mis-
themselves, but none more so than its pro- chievous girl he once knew, or make the
tagonist, Niloo. When we meet her at 30, she proper mental adjustments to account for
has willed her world into one of orderly pre- her maturation, her new habits. When, at 14,
cision and hospital corners; she’s an anx- Refuge she recoils from his touch, as teenagers are
ious striver, a workhorse, a maker of lists. By Dina Nayeri wont to do, he squirms in distress. “He

“Wanna show you love me? Waste some 322 pages. Riverhead looked straight ahead, hungrily chewing his Austin Pendleton, center right, as a playwright who teaches a course in dramatic writing in
time,” her husband, Gui, writes to her in a Books. $27. mustache,” Nayeri writes, “as if trying to Torrey Townsend’s “The Workshop.” The tight confines are used to create and sustain tension.
teasing and slightly exasperated email. calculate his real daughter’s coordinates.”
“Have some pointless fun with all that crazy Niloo, for her part, finds her father em-

Aspiring Writers:
energy.” barrassing. She flinches every time he
Once, Niloo was capable of such things. makes a pungent goulash of the English lan-
The hardened crust she has developed is guage, especially when it’s in the service of
adaptive, meant to protect her from that his excesses. “Miss, please come with the

Meet Acerbic Wit

“forever refugee feeling” of suspicion that quickness,” he tells a waitress in London,
she’s unwelcome wherever she goes. Never hoping to order another 11 a.m. beer.
mind her fancy Yale degree. Never mind Nayeri’s prose can be rich and colorful,
her French and American passports. (Gui bolts of words prettily unfurling; it can also
was raised in New York and Provence.) At 8 be florid, melodramatic — she sometimes Austin Pendleton portrays a these millennials waffle between passive-
aggression and mere passivity, with little
years old, she left Iran, along with her
mother and brother. It was the last time she
writes with a heavy hand as well as a heavy playwright who spins discernible passions and interests besides
heart, particularly in the last third of her
experienced joy. It was also the last time she book. Opium addiction becomes an over- hilarious, self-serving tales. their navels.
shared a home with her father. She has seen The director Knud Adams craftily uses
chewed metaphor for the lulling security of the tight confines to create and sustain ten-
him just four times over the course of the one’s native home. Niloo’s omnipresent THE CHARACTERS OF “The Workshop” are
last 22 years. sion, and the actors portraying the students
backpack becomes a crude symbol of inse- prone to delivering speeches with a pro- are all excellent. But “The Workshop” isn’t
Reinvention may be a necessity for most curity in one’s adopted country. fane, irreverent verve reminiscent of
exiles, but it does not always come natu- a satire of creative-writing factories but a
And Gui, clueless though he may be about Quentin Tarantino’s. The dialogue is a suc- play about ideals, especially of the crushed
rally; the new identity can graft roughly Niloo’s suffering, is far too saintly. He ab- cession of quick jabs and uppercuts, and ref-
onto the old. The strains and indignities that kind. A visual clue sits in the middle of the
sorbs her hooks and uppercuts without erences abound. Except that here they are bookshelf standing behind the table: a
come with remaking a life are what give once falling to the ground. not about B movies or the Royale with framed Obie Award from 1979, acknowledg-
“Refuge” poignancy and relevance. The cheese, à la “Pulp Fiction,” but theater. This
But “Refuge” also has the kind of immedi- ing Stein and his play “Deaf Snowlight.”
world is now flooded with the displaced, and
acy commonly associated with memoir, is the kind of show that lands jokes about
the countries best positioned to receive
which lends it heft, intimacy, atmosphere. Eugene O’Neill, David Mamet and The New
them are increasingly hostile. In Amster- The Workshop
This is no accident. “My own story is similar York Times’s own Ben Brantley, and where
dam, where much of the novel takes place Through Sunday at the Bank Street
to Niloo’s,” Nayeri writes in an author’s people are so passionate about Tony Kush- Theater, Manhattan;
(Niloo has moved there with Gui), the real-
note. She also left Iran when she was 8, lived ner that they physically fight over his artis- Running time: 2 hours 15 minutes.
life, far-right politician Geert Wilders
in Amsterdam and visited with her father tic worth.
makes several appearances, exploiting and
just four times in 30 years. At the same time, “The Workshop” does
fomenting anti-Muslim sentiment. Nayeri
The novel may indulge in a few purple not feel overly insidery. Yes, this Torrey Throughout the evening, we’ve watched
even quotes him directly: “You will not
paragraphs too many. But that won’t stop Townsend Off Off Broadway play, brought Stein alternate between patronizingly ta-
make the Netherlands home.”
many readers from responding to it with af- by the new producing outfit softFocus, can king the students to task for their ignorance
Gui dismisses this blunt warning as poli-
fection — and perhaps recognition. What milk a laugh from the current popularity of and spinning hilariously self-serving tales
tics as usual. Niloo fumes. Her husband
person, in adulthood, doesn’t feel him- or the avant-director Ivo van Hove. But as an about his own accomplishments and fa-
hasn’t a clue what a privilege it is to lead a
herself twisting into impossible shapes? incisive and insightful tale of ambition and mous friends. His monologue about fixing
life unburdened by politics, unbent by the
In Amsterdam, Niloo finds refuge in Za- envy, inspiration and mediocrity, the show the end of “Glengarry Glen Ross” (“it took
strongmen of history.
khmeh, a Persian squat filled with exiles should resonate with a wide swath of thea- another artist — me! — to figure it out”) is a
If displacement demands extraordinary
who tell stories in their native Farsi, eat tergoers. terrific comic set piece.
accommodations of personality, so does re-
lemon-barley soup and protest Wilders’s The entire action takes place around a ta- But the writing, bolstered by Mr. Pendle-
maining in a country run by a brutal auto-
nationalism. It is there that she begins to re- ble, a few feet from the audience of about 40. ton’s poignant performance, transcends the
crat. Niloo’s father, one of the most exciting
locate herself, finding a mirror in the “mis- That table is where the playwright Ward chuckles as it depicts a man staring at the
reasons to read this book — he’s a dentist,
fits with whom she shares noses and dark Stein (Austin Pendleton, himself a beloved abyss of his failure. Stein keeps prattling on
an atheist and, above all, a hedonist, an exu-
hair, restless fits and native tastes.” director and acting teacher) leads a gradu- about “Deaf Snowlight,” which was his first
berant devotee of opium and poetry and
It is the beginning of a slow awakening ate seminar in dramatic writing attended play, a success that he never repeated. The
drink — feels terrible shame about his pas-
that stretches over the course of the novel. by two women (Claire Siebers and Laura name-dropping and humblebrags, the dis-
sivity in the face of Ahmadinejad’s Iran. But
When Niloo’s father hears about her in- Lassy Townsend) and two men (Cesar J. dain for “commercial” theater are his way
he’s too afraid to uproot, “unable to leave be-
volvement in this den of refugees, he is not Rosado and Tim Platt) in their mid-20s. The to cover up for his inability to come any-
hind his practice, his reputation, his warm
surprised. “When you’ve lost something,” play’s general setup is similar to Theresa where near the high-art accomplishments
he silently reasons, “you return to the place Rebeck’s Broadway show “Seminar.” As Mr. of his hero O’Neill. Stein cannot, so he
Follow Jennifer Senior on Twitter: you last saw it and you search, turning that Townsend, who holds an M.F.A. in playwrit- teaches. Let us wish the promising Mr.
@jenseniorny room upside down.” ing from Columbia University, paints them, Townsend a better outcome.

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Daily News
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Tonight at 7 TONY AWARD
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Mon 8; Tue 7; Wed - Sat 8; Thu & Sat 2
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Music & Lyrics by Tim Minchin
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WINNER! BEST MUSICAL Majestic Theatre (+) 247 W. 44th St. Mo,Tu & Th 7; We 2&7; Fr & Sa 2&8 or 877-250-2929
Groups 10+ 877-536-3437 DRAMA DESK AWARD Groups: 646-289-6885/877-321-0020 Mo, Fr 8; Tu, Th 7; We, Sa 2 & 8
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- Ben Brantley, The New York Times
Based on 'Old Possum's Book - Ben Brantley, The New York Times
JAYNE HOUDYSHELL of Practical Cats' by T.S. Eliot. “WONDERFUL!” -Deadline / 877-250-2929
M & F 8, Tue & Thu 7, Sat 2 & 8, Sun 2 & 7
Janeane Garofalo Lili Taylor THE BOOK OF MORMON GOES WRONG
BEST ACTRESS IN A MUSICAL Celia Weston 877-250-2929 or
Neil Simon Theatre (+) 250 West 52nd St Groups 10+: 866-302-0995

Tonight at 7
TONIGHT AT 7 By Scott McPherson Tue - Thu 7; Fri 8; Sat 2 & 8; Sun 2 & 7 or 212-239-6200
TOMORROW AT 8 Directed by Anne Kauffman Eugene O'Neill Theatre (+), 230 W 49th St
Group Sales: 212.719.9393
BETTE American Airlines Theatre (+), 227 W 42 St

- Peter Marks, The Washington Post
MIDLER Written & Directed by Arnold L. Cohen
Roald Dahl's
Theatre at St. Clement's, 423 W. 46th St.
Mo, Tu 7; We 2; Fr 8; Sa 2 & 8; Su 1 & 6:30 also starring DAVID TONY AWARD WINNER! “A LITTLE SLICE OF HEAVEN!” - EW
A new play by LUCAS HNATH
Directed by SAM GOLD
Lunt-Fontanne Theatre (+), 205 W. 46th St or 877-250-2929 HYDE Best Scenic & Lighting Design Tonight at 7:30; Tom'w at 8 or 212-239-6200
Groups of 12+ Call 1-800-BROADWAY x2 PIERCE TONIGHT AT 8
Music and Lyrics by Sara Bareilles
Golden Theatre (+), 252 W 45th St Based on The Matchmaker by PRODUCTION.” - WNBC Book by Jessie Nelson
“One of the best musicals of the decade.”
MISS SAIGON -Time Out New York Directed by Diane Paulus
Book by / 877-250-2929
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Music & Lyrics by or 212-239-6200 The 'Sex and the City' ladies would
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TONIGHT AT 7 TONIGHT AT 7 Book by ALEXANDER DINELARIS Tonight at 8 Lincoln Center Theater Presents


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Next Week:T7;W2&8;Th8;F8;S2&8;Su3 A NEW MUSICAL PIPELINE
A New Musical A New Musical or 877-250-2929 Tu 7; We 2&8; Th&Fr 8; Sa 2&8; Su 3 A New Play By Dominique Morisseau or 212-239-6200 or 212-239-6200 866-870-2717 Directed By Lileana Blain-Cruz Tue7; W2&8; Thu7; F8; Sa2&8; Sun3 Minskoff Theatre (+), B'way & 45th Street or 877-250-2929 or 212-239-6200
Tue, Thu 7; Fri 8; Wed, Sat 2 & 8; Sun 3 Tu, Th 7; Fr 8; We, Sa 2 & 8; Su 3 For Groups: 1-800-BROADWAYx2
Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre (+) Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre (+) Nederlander Theatre (+) 208 W. 41st St. Mitzi E.Newhouse Theater(+),W.65th St.

Pop Music

Bruce Springsteen: Greetings From Broadway

By BEN SISARIO To cut down on scalping, tickets to
MetLife Stadium, in East Rutherford, N.J., the Boss’s Kerr Theater shows will
can accommodate well over 50,000 people be sold via a new technology.
for a concert. The Walter Kerr Theater on
Broadway is a fraction of that size, with
room for just under 1,000. Like everything Ticketmaster does, the
What they have in common is Bruce system has drawn plenty of gripes online.
Springsteen, who sold out MetLife three But the company has been promoting the
times last year and is coming to the Walter technology as its best effort to eliminate the
Kerr in October for eight weeks of solo plague of online ticket bots, which are now
shows that he wants to be “as personal and banned by federal law.
intimate as possible.”
According to Ticketmaster, 90 percent of
“I chose Broadway for this project be-
the tickets it has sold through Verified Fan
cause it has the beautiful old theaters which
were kept from immediately appearing on
seemed like the right setting for what I have
secondary markets. But with secondary
in mind,” Mr. Springsteen said in a state-
ticket sales estimated at $8 billion a year,
ment. “In fact, with one or two exceptions,
the 960 seats of the Walter Kerr Theater is that market may never been fully elimi-
probably the smallest venue I’ve played in nated.
the last 40 years.” Ticket registration for “Springsteen on
The show, “Springsteen on Broadway,” Broadway” begins Wednesday and will
will run five nights a week, Tuesday to Sat- close on Aug. 27. Lucky fans will be notified
urday, at the Walter Kerr, the rose-and-gold- on Aug. 29, and the tickets, priced at $75 to
decorated jewel box on West 48th Street $850, will go on sale the next day.
that last housed the short-lived “Amélie: A For Mr. Springsteen, whose last tour with
New Musical.” The official opening is set for the E Street Band sold an estimated $268
Oct. 12, and the run is planned through Nov. million in tickets around the world, the
26. Preview performances begin on Oct. 3. show’s economics may be less important
In addition to his music, the show will fea- than the simple lure of playing to fans in
ture Mr. Springsteen, 67, reading excerpts close contact. Jon Landau, his longtime
from his 2016 autobiography, “Born to Run,” manager, said the plans for the show have
and performing other spoken reminis- NICOLE FARA SILVER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES been in the works since last year.
cences written for the show. “Bruce has had this specific idea in mind
“My show is just me, the guitar, the piano leaked in June. But one aspect of it has still weed out bots and high-volume scalpers Bruce Springsteen since last December. It came into focus
and the words and music,” he said. “Some of held some suspense: How would Mr. from the ticketing-buying process. The sys- and the E Street Band slowly and then all at once last January,” Mr.
the show is spoken, some of it is sung. It Springsteen, who has had well-documented tem, which Ticketmaster has been using at Madison Square Landau said in a statement.
loosely follows the arc of my life and my frustrations with scalpers, handle what will since February, asks prospective buyers to Garden last year. “All of it together,” Mr. Springsteen add-
work.” surely be a crushing ticket demand? register in advance, and checks users’ pur- ed, “is in pursuit of my constant goal to pro-
The show has been perhaps the worst- The answer is Verified Fan, a new tech- chase histories and even social media activ- vide an entertaining evening and to com-
kept secret on Broadway since news of it nology from Ticketmaster that is meant to ity to confirm their legitimacy. municate something of value.”


Legal Chains Are Still Binding Kesha

CONTINUED FROM PAGE C1 Kesha performing Big Boi’s “All Night,” by a Sony artist this contract, while Dr. Luke was still Ke- for someone else even if they hurt you or
been credited on one since 2015.) last year at year — he may profit from her affiliation mosabe’s chief executive. scare you,” she wrote of the single “Pray-
For the last year, as the cases wound Warsaw in with Kemosabe via KMI, which ultimately “It was a collaborative process, just like ing” in Lenny Letter.
slowly through the system, Kesha and com- Brooklyn. owns her work. (Sony declined to comment the making of a typical album,” said Chris-
panies closely affiliated with Dr. Luke have for this report.) tine Lepera, a lawyer for the producer, add- Where do the lawsuits stand now?
worked together on completing “Rainbow.” ing, “Everything proceeded with the full
The album will be released by Kemosabe Dr. Luke’s allegations against Kesha, which
Why is the album coming out now? support of Luke.” include breach-of-contract claims and two
Records — a subsidiary of Sony Music On tour last summer, Kesha told fans: “I His team argues that this arrangement —
started in 2012 as a joint venture with Dr. claims for defamation, are still in the early
can’t share my new music with you. Please with Dr. Luke working in an approval capac- phases of fact discovery, expert discovery
Luke — and RCA, another Sony label, with bear with me and keep praying that soon ity, but not hands-on with the album — could
Dr. Luke still standing to profit off an artist and depositions, with a trial unlikely until
that day will come.” have happened all along. “Nothing changed 2018. Kesha has appealed the dismissal of
he first signed more than a decade ago. Be- In court, lawyers for Sony and Dr. Luke legally that allowed her to release this al-
low is a breakdown of where things cur- her own claims (infliction of emotional dis-
had said that the companies were willing to bum,” Ms. Lepera said. “Nobody was stop- tress, gender-based hate crimes, employ-
rently stand between the parties. facilitate recording sessions for the singer ping her from doing this years earlier.” ment discrimination), as well as her request
with other producers, but her team argued While Kesha’s contracts stipulate that Dr. for a preliminary injunction, which would
Will Kesha’s success benefit Dr. Luke? that Dr. Luke had effectively blocked Kesha Luke must produce at least six songs on any have allowed her to release music apart
The short answer is yes — any commercial from making and releasing music because album she releases, he has forgone that re- from Sony and Dr. Luke; there has been lit-
triumphs Kesha experiences with “Rain- of her allegations. “Dr. Luke promised me quirement on “Rainbow” and will instead tle movement on either appeal.
bow” are, on paper, a win for Dr. Luke as he would stall my career if I ever stood up pursue the equivalent producer royalties in
well, given the ongoing contracts that cover for myself for any reason,” she wrote in a In yet another tabloid-baiting subplot,
court. lawyers for Dr. Luke are demanding a depo-
both her recorded music and her songwrit- 2015 affidavit. “He is doing just that.” Representatives for Kesha declined to
ing royalties (or publishing). According to her collaborators, including sition from Lady Gaga, whom they say re-
comment for this report. ceived defamatory text messages about the
Although Dr. Luke’s term as chief execu- Ricky Reed and Ben Folds, Kesha began re-
tive of Kemosabe expired in March and was cording demos of new songs on her own producer from Kesha. Lady Gaga has re-
Is Kesha barred from mentioning Dr. Luke? sisted, citing her demanding schedule, with
not renewed by Sony, Kesha’s deals with Ke- and, as the legal quagmire continued, even-
mosabe and RCA are entirely dependent on tually handed over 22 tracks in various Lawyers for the producer say no. Kesha’s a spokesman arguing that she is “at most an
earlier agreements she made beginning in states of completion to her labels. From promotion of her raw new music — includ- ancillary witness.” (She is on tour promot-
2005, at the age of 18, with Dr. Luke’s Kasz there, executives at both Kemosabe and ing op-eds she has written for publications ing her most recent album, “Joanne.”)
Money Inc. (KMI). She is also signed to his RCA helped to steer the album process, like Rolling Stone and Mic — has relied on Barring any surprises, like a settlement
publishing company, Prescription Songs. So jointly approving producers; lawyers for not-so-veiled allusions to her oppressors or a third-party buyout of Kesha’s contracts,
even if Sony is distancing itself from the Dr. Luke said Kesha was paid a “substantial without mentioning Dr. Luke explicitly. the singer owes Dr. Luke two more albums
producer — he has worked on just one song, recording advance,” as stipulated in her “This song is about coming to feel empathy after “Rainbow.”

A No. 1 Film With Pros and (a Lot of) Cons

Why the big-screen version of
the Stephen King series ‘The
Dark Tower’ was not exactly
what fans had hoped for.
On one level, “The Dark Tower,” the big-
screen Stephen King adaptation released
Friday, should have been a gimme. It’s
based on a seven-book series by one of the
world’s most popular writers. A fantasy-sci-
fi-western-action-adventure, it’s full of
enough genre elements to please most mov-
iegoers. The story’s detailed mythology is
seemingly tailor-made for these franchise-
obsessed times.
The film debuted atop the weekend box
office, but it was savaged by critics and was
the weakest No. 1 premiere of the season.
And while its producers are developing a
TV series that will depict the main charac-
ter in his youth, it’s hard to imagine future
installments in the series. It’s easy, howev-
er, to do a post-mortem and assess the ele-
ments of the film that did and did not work.
(Spoilers follow.)

Bad: The Structure

The film is derailed by two foundational
issues. The first is that the movie is essen-
tially a sequel to the books. (Without ruin-
ing the novels too much, they end after
thousands of pages in a manner that sug-
gests the story can and will continue.) This
is a problem. “The Dark Tower” is full of im-
ages, tossed-off phrases and concepts that
make sense only to book readers and are
never explained to viewers new to the se-
ries. Want to know what a “house demon”
is? Curious about what a “beam-quake”
refers to? Confused by all the graffiti refer-
ring to the “Crimson King”? Sorry, go read
Wikipedia. (Or, you know, the books.) ILZE KITSHOFF/SONY PICTURES
The second problem is the decision to es-
sentially make the movie into a familiar- the burden of being the last gunslinger, times; a quickly glanced rusted carnival see a forest, what looks like a Depression- Idris Elba in “The Dark
feeling young adult film, focused on a teen- plays his moments of humorous dislocation sign references Pennywise, the clown from era shantytown and the Man in Black’s Tower,” which won the
ager, Jake Chambers (Tom Taylor), who well and looks smashing in a neckerchief, “It”; there’s a toy version of the 1958 red C.G.I. mountain fortress. There are refer- box-office race this past
discovers that he has special powers. The vest and leather duster. Plymouth Fury from “Christine”; the same ences to Earthlike amusement parks and weekend but with a
story becomes more about him than the Rita Hayworth poster from “The Shaw- radiation poisoning, hints of a full world relatively small take of
gunslinger Roland Deschain (Idris Elba) or Bad: Matthew McConaughey shank Redemption” appears here; the co- with history and conflict — but the just under $20 million.
his eternal enemy the Man in Black ordinates of one portal are “14-08,” which is offhanded way in which everything is han-
As a wizard who can kill people by saying
(Matthew McConaughey). It’s a commonly the title of a short story and film about a dled undercuts any attempt to inspire audi-
“stop breathing,” or make little girls angry
stated maxim in Hollywood that audiences haunted hotel room. (Look, you have to get ence curiosity.
by whispering “hate” to them, Mr. McCon- your pleasures where you can.)
need a surrogate to serve as their guide
through confusing genre worlds. But Jake, aughey somehow manages to go big and Huh? The Ending
with his predictable teen outsider angst, small at the same time, both all powerful Bad: World Building
and incredibly boring. It doesn’t help that At the end of the film, Roland invites Jake
feels more like an audience barrier. It’s telling that the film’s title structure back to Mid-World, arguing that since the
he’s saddled with dialogue like “Have a
appears only briefly, maybe four times. If boy’s entire family is dead, he should join
Great: Idris Elba great apocalypse” and “You ain’t seen noth-
you name your movie “The Dark Tower” the gunslinger back in his hellscape of a
ing yet.”
Based in part on Clint Eastwood’s Man and assert that it stands at the center of the wasteland and go on adventures. Given that
With No Name in the Sergio Leone trilogy, universe, maybe make it more of a pres- they’ve just defeated the one person who is
Roland Deschain is the last surviving mem- Good: References to Other Movies ence? It’s of a piece with the film’s minimal ever established as a villain and saved the
ber of what is essentially an order of medi- Sharp-eyed fans might have spotted the approach to setting. The first time we really Dark Tower from destruction, it’s a mystery
eval knights. He is taciturn, focused and following nods to other King stories — see Mid-World, which runs parallel to our as to what those adventures could be. And
preternaturally good at shooting guns. Mr. Jake’s “shine” and a picture of the Overlook own, it’s a desert with magical, mystical, at this rate, at least on the big screen, it’s
Elba is simply fantastic in the role — he sells Hotel from “The Shining” come up several wondrous . . . tornadoes. Further along, we doubtful we’ll ever know.


Are You Ready for Another Round?

round of applause from the crowd. Once the ‘As actors, I can’t respect
show started, he immediately started bob- enough how disciplined
bing his head to the music. During a scene
in which Ned Ryerson, a pushy insurance
you are and how serving
salesman, meets Phil Connors, the lead of you are of the process.’
the show (played by Andy Karl in the musi- BILL MURRAY
cal), Mr. Murray pumped his fist. OF ‘GROUNDHOG DAY.’
At intermission, Mr. Murray headed back
to the bar to get a beer. On his way, he de-
cided to climb over a woman in a mostly
empty row, rather than walk up the aisle.
“He said, ‘Excuse me, don’t move,’” said idea that we just have to try again. We just
Toby Arbel, who came in from New Jersey have to try again. It’s such a beautiful, pow-
to see the show. “‘I’ll walk over you,’ and erful idea.”
then he did and got stuck because my bag The movie was considered by many crit-
was here. And he said, ‘You have a suitcase ics to be a comic masterpiece. The New
with you.’” York Times critic Janet Maslin wrote that it
In the lobby, Mr. Murray took selfies with showed Mr. Murray in “top form,” as he
fans as they lined up to greet him. At one smoothly alternated between nihilism and
point, he reached into his pocket and gave the traditional physical comedy that the
two young boys pieces from a Junior Mints script required. It became an oft-quoted
box. classic and added another strong showing
During the second act, he could be heard to the partnership of Mr. Murray and Har-
yelling, “Wow!” after a performance of old Ramis, the film’s director. The men had
“Playing Nancy,” sung by Rebecca Faulken- previously collaborated on “Meatballs”
(1979), “Caddyshack” (1980) and “Ghost-
berry. By the time the cast was bowing on
busters” (1984).
stage, Mr. Murray was in tears. He waited a
Mr. Ramis and Mr. Murray clashed often
minute to compose himself before joining
during filming about the direction of
the rest of the audience to cheer the cast.
“Groundhog Day” and did not speak for
Afterward, Mr. Murray took more pic- decades afterward. They never worked to-
tures with fans. When Zoey Jacobs, 11, ap- gether again. Mr. Ramis died in 2014 of com-
proached him on crutches, Mr. Murray told plications from autoimmune inflammatory
her: “Don’t sell short on the rehab. Other- vasculitis.
wise, you’ll limp and gimp for a long time.” “They were pretty far apart on what the
Then Mr. Murray, Mr. Doyle-Murray and HILARY SWIFT FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES movie was about — Bill wanted it to be more
Mr. Rubin went backstage to greet the cast philosophical, and Harold kept reminding
and take pictures. Mr. Murray was clearly Clockwise from top left: Bill disciplined you are and how serving you are Murray said. “And that person will sing to him it was a comedy,” Mr. Rubin told The
still moved by the show, telling the conduc- Murray with a fan Tuesday of the process,” Mr. Murray said. “There’s the person next to that person, and then you New Yorker in 2004.
tor, David Holcenberg, “It really killed me.” night; Andy Karl in the starring nothing worse than seeing someone that’s will have this force that’s even stronger.” When asked what Mr. Ramis would have
To Sean Montgomery, who played the sher- role onstage in March; and Mr. out for themselves. And you are all in it for In an interview afterward, Mr. Murray thought of the musical, Mr. Murray did not
iff, he said: “It was really beautiful. You got Murray greeting the cast and each other.” said it was the message behind the story skip a beat.
me. You really got me.” crew after the show. He did have some suggestions, though. brought to life on stage that made him weep. “I think he would’ve been flabbergasted,”
Eventually, he addressed the whole cast. “When you ever feel you don’t know what “The idea that . . . ” Mr. Murray trailed off Mr. Murray said. “Brian and I are flabber-
“As actors, I can’t respect enough how to do, sing to the person next to you,” Mr. as he paused to collect his thoughts. “The gasted. It’s really something.”

7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 What’s on Thursday
2 WCBS The Insider “I Entertainment The Big Bang Kevin Can Wait Big Brother Eviction; head of Zoo “Wham, Bam, Thank You Sam.” CBS 2 News at The Late Show With Stephen
Love Kellie Pick- Tonight (N) (G) Theory (PG) (PG) (8:31) household competition. (N) (Live) A rescue mission for Isaac. (N) (14) 11PM (N) Colbert Millie Bobby Brown; Jim “Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me” follows the
ler.” (N) (PG) Jefferies. (N) (PG) (11:35) singer and guitarist, who died on Tuesday
4 WNBC Extra (N) (PG) Access Holly- The Wall “Tomeka and Andre.” (N) O Saturday Night Great News Sur- The Night Shift “Keep the Faith.” News 4 NY at The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy after battling Alzheimer’s, on his farewell
wood (N) (PG) (PG) Live: Weekend gery forces Chuck The team treats injured veterans. 11 (N) Fallon Anthony Anderson; Terry
Update (N) (14) to miss work. (N) (14) Gross; Kesha. (N) (14) (11:34) tour. And “Saturday Night Live: Weekend
5 WNYW Modern Family Modern Family Beat Shazam “Episode Ten.” (N) Love Connection “Devilish in a Fox 5 News at 10 (N) The Big Bang The Simpsons TMZ Live (PG) Update” lampoons the news in a summer
“Won’t You Be “Halloween 3: (PG) Blue Dress.” (N) (14) Theory (PG) “Waiting for Duff-
Our Neighbor.” AwesomeLand.” man.” (PG) edition.
7 WABC Jeopardy! “Teen Wheel of For- Boy Band “Girl Power!” Hits made O The Story of Diana “Part Two.” The life of Princess Diana. (N) (Part 2 Eyewitness Jimmy Kimmel Live John Lithgow;
Tournament tune (G) popular by female artists. (N) (Live) of 2) (14) News at 11 (N) Jay Baruchel; Diana Krall. (N) (14)

Week 2.” (G)
Family Feud The Big Bang
Bones “The Change in the Game.” Bones “The Memories in the Shal- Family Feud iWitness (PG)
Chasing News Inside Edition Anger Manage-
What’s Streaming
(PG) Theory (PG) Booth and Brennan go under cover. low Grave.” (14) (PG) (N) (N) (PG) ment (14)
11 WPIX Two and a Half Two and a Half Penn & Teller: Fool Us “Does This Whose Line Is It Whose Line Is It PIX11 News at Ten (N) Seinfeld (Part 1 Seinfeld “The Friends (Part 1
Men (14) Men (14) Trick Ring a Bell?” (N) (PG) Anyway? (N) (14) Anyway? (14) of 2) (PG) Opposite.” (PG) of 2) (PG)
13 WNET PBS NewsHour (N) N.Y.C. Arts MetroFocus The Legends of Folk: Isn’t This a Time! Folk artists Emmylou Harris, At the Ryman Emmylou Harris and Charlie Rose (N)
perform. (G) The Nash Ramblers. (G) (PG)
21 WLIW MetroFocus WLIW Arts Beat Treasures-N.Y. When the World India: Nature’s Wonderland (PG) Uranium: Twisting MetroFocus World News Antiques
25 WNYE Great Conversations (G) Food. Curated. Potluck Frankie Cooks Bare Feet-N.Y.C. Globe Trekker Exploring Bolivia. (G) Theater Talk (G) Stories of Mind Her Big Idea
31 WPXN Blue Bloods “Warriors.” (14) Blue Bloods “Quid Pro Quo.” (14) Blue Bloods “Protest Too Much.” Blue Bloods “No Regrets.” (14) Blue Bloods “Loss of Faith.” (14) Blue Bloods (14)
41 WXTV La Rosa de Guadalupe (N) (14) Enamorándome de Ramón La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo La Tierra Prometida Noticias 41 Noticiero Uni Deportivo
47 WNJU Caso Cerrado: Edición Estelar (N) Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso (N) (14) El Señor de los Cielos (N) (14) Noticiero Tele Titulares y más Sin Senos Sí
48 WRNN Newsline (N) LifeLock ThermoSpas Back Pain Relief Tai Cheng Phil Collins Wealth Now Paid Program Know the Cause Tummy Tuck Back Pain Relief
49 CPTV PBS NewsHour (N) Forever Painless With Miranda Edmonde-White (G) 2Cellos Live From the Sydney Opera House (G) Sgt. Pepper’s Musical Revolution
50 WNJN One on One NJTV News The Greeks “The Good Strife.” (PG) Superheroes: A Never-Ending SciTech Now (G) MetroFocus NJTV News State of the Arts Charlie Rose (N) AREA 23A

55 WLNY 2 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Dr. Phil Children and divorce. (PG) WLNY News at 9PM (N) Judge Judy (PG) Judge Judy (PG) Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Ent. Tonight A scene from “Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me.”
63 WMBC Signs of aging Regrowth Vision Lecture Compass (8:40) WMBC News & Essentials of Skin Care Copper Chef Balding Darkspots Regrowth
68 WFUT La Candidata Totalmente Diva Rosario Tijeras (14) Noticias 41 Noticiero Uni Laura (14) GLEN CAMPBELL: I’LL BE ME (2014) on Ama-
PREMIUM CABLE zon and iTunes. In 2011, at 75, Mr. Campbell
FLIX The Ladykillers (2004). Tom Miss Potter (2006). Beatrix Potter faces obstacles in Cinderella Man (2005). Russell Crowe, Renée Zellweger. Depression-era boxer James J. Factory Girl (2006). — the singer and guitarist behind stand-
Hanks, Irma P. Hall. (R) (6:15) her quest to become a writer. Too nice for its own good. Braddock gets a last chance at glory. Blood, sweat, tears. (PG-13) (9:35) Sienna Miller. (R)
ards like “Gentle on My Mind,” “Wichita
HBO Keeping Up Vice News To- Collateral Beauty (2016). Will Smith. Colleagues help Ballers “In the George Lopez: The Wall, Live Room 104 “Pizza Suicide Squad (2016). Will Smith,
With Joneses night (N) an ad executive recover from a tragedy. (PG-13) Teeth.” (9:40) From Washington, D.C. (10:15) Boy.” (MA) (11:15) Jared Leto. (PG-13) (11:45) Lineman” and “By the Time I Get to
HBO2 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001). Ballers “Seeds of Ballers “Bull Ballers “In the Vice Special Report: A World in Disarray Examining . Born on the Fourth of July (1989). Tom Cruise. (R) Phoenix” — revealed that he had
Angelina Jolie. (PG-13) (6:15) Expansion.” (MA) Rush.” (MA) Teeth.” (MA) foreign policies. (14) Alzheimer’s and would embark on a
MAX The Omen (1976). Gregory Peck, Reign of Fire (2002). Christian Bale, Matthew McCo- Incarnate (2016). Aaron Eckhart. An exorcist tries to Bug (2006). Ashley Judd. Barmaid and paranoid lover farewell tour. James Keach chronicles what
Lee Remick. (R) (6:05) naughey. (PG-13) free a boy from demonic possession. (PG-13) (9:45) in desert motel. Only Judd is believable. (R) (11:15)
began as a five-week excursion, but ex-
SHO . A Bronx Tale (1993). Robert De Twin Peaks: The Return “Part 13.” I’m Dying up Here “Lingchi.” Goldie Ray Donovan “Abby.” Ray begins Gigolos (MA) Gigolos (MA) Ray Donovan
Niro, Chazz Palminteri. (R) (6) What story is that, Charlie? (MA) grapples with Marty and Eli. (MA) anger management. (MA) “Abby.” (MA) panded to 151 shows over 15 months. Watch-
SHO2 The Score (2001). One last big heist, there’s an origi- Max Steel (2016). Ben Winchell. A teen and an alien The Babadook (2014). Essie Davis. A widow discov- Triple 9 (2016). Casey Affleck, Chi- ing Mr. Campbell’s facilities diminish is
nal idea. Bob just seems sleepy. (R) (6:15) combine together to become a superhero. (PG-13) (8:25) ers a monster is lurking around the house. wetel Ejiofor. (R) (11:35) both bittersweet and surprisingly heart-
STARZ Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk (2016). Joe Alwyn. Soldier and squad . Little Miss Sunshine (2006). Greg Kinnear, Steve Galaxy Quest (1999). Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver. Aliens enlist cast of ening. He forgets lyrics to songs his fans
get hero’s welcome after Iraq firefight. Stagy but absorbing. (R) (6:57) Carell. (R) (8:53) sci-fi series to save their people. (PG) (10:37)
STZENC Step Brothers (2008). Will Ferrell, . Moonraker (1979). Roger Moore, Lois Chiles. James Bond goes inter- Survivor’s Re- Survivor’s Re- The Best of Times (1986). Football-team reunion
know by rote and struggles to name his
John C. Reilly. (R) (6:11) galactic. Very zingy, though not the crest. (PG) (7:51) morse (MA) morse (10:29) yarn. Familiar but with rousing, muddy finale. (PG-13) band members, including three of his chil-
TMC . Hoop Dreams (1994). (PG-13) Southpaw (2015). Jake Gyllenhaal, Forest Whitaker. Boxing champ who The Count of Monte Cristo (2002). Jim Caviezel. Dumas’s French sailor out for revenge. dren. But the music in his nimble fingers
(5) lost everything tries to come back. Strictly undercard. (R) Refreshing old-style entertainment and only occasionally anachronistic. (PG-13) (10:05)
and clarion voice, as deep-rooted as his
CABLE Arkansas childhood, clings even as the man
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 fades away. “I have cried and I have
A&E The First 48 “Snapshot.” A photo The First 48 “House of Cards.” A The First 48: Revenge Kills “Cold The First 48 “Officer Down.” A killer The First 48 “Taken for a Ride.” A The First 48 (14) laughed,” Mr. Campbell says in a more lucid
provides a clue in a murder. (14) deadly crime involves guns and meth. Betrayal.” (N) (14) targets the law. (14) (10:01) murder in front of a school. (11:03) (12:03)
AHC Dawn of the Apocalypse (PG) Top Secret Nazi UFOs (PG) Military UFO Encounters (PG) Ancient UFO Encounters (N) (PG) Top Secret Nazi UFOs (PG) Military UFO En
moment. “Laughing is a hell of a lot better.”
AMC . GoodFellas (1990). Robert De . The Shawshank Redemption (1994). Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman. Prison drama surprise. Slow, gentle . The Fugitive (1993). Super juggernaut of an adventure
He died on Tuesday at 81.
Niro, Ray Liotta. (R) (5) and persuasive. (R) owes nothing to the past, including that series. (PG-13)
APL Last Alaskans: No Man’s Last Alaskans: No Man’s Yukon Men: Roughing It (N) (PG) Yukon Men: Roughing It (N) (PG) Last Alaskans: No Man’s Yukon Men
BBCA Man vs. Wild (Part 2 of 2) (PG) Man vs. Wild “Baja Desert.” (PG) Man vs. Wild “Guatemala.” (PG) Man vs. Wild “Namibia.” (PG) Man vs. Wild “Zambia.” (PG) Man vs. Wild
BET A Thin Line Between Love and The Players Club (1998). LisaRaye. Single mom working as stripper to pay tuition. Predictable soap. (R) Martin (Part 1 of Martin (Part 2 of Martin (PG)
Hate (1996). Martin Lawrence. (R) (5) 2) (PG) 2) (PG) (11:36) (12:12)
BLOOM Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia (N) (Live) Bloomberg Markets: Asia (N) (Live) Charlie Rose (PG) Bloomberg Technology Paid Program
BRV Million Dollar Listing New York Million Dollar Listing New York Million Dollar Listing New York Million Dollar Listing New York Watch What Million Dollar Listing New York
“Wake. Sell. Repeat.” (14) “Pushing the Envelopes.” (14) (Season Finale) (N) (14) “The French Connection.” (10:15) Happens Live “The French Connection.” (11:45)
CBSSN Toughest Mudder South P.G.A. Championship Report World’s Strong World’s Strong Toughest Mudder South P.G.A. Championship Report Toughest Mud
CMT Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing Nashville (Season Finale) (N) (PG) Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders I Love Kellie Nashville “Reasons to Quit.” (PG)
CN We Bare Bears We Bare Bears King of the Hill American Dad Cleveland Show American Dad Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Family Guy (14) Family Guy (14)
Robot Chicken IFC FILMS
CNBC Shark Tank Environmental lawn- Shark Tank An innovative shoe ac- Shark Tank Savory cake balls; Shark Tank Brian McKnight and a The Profit “Marijuana Millions.” Pro-
The Profit “The
mowers. (PG) cessory. (PG) gourmet pickles. (PG) DJ pitch a show. (PG) files of pot entrepreneurs. (PG)
Soup Market.” Isabelle Huppert
CNN Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (PG) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (PG) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N)
Anderson Coo-
per 360 (PG) WHITE MATERIAL (2010) on the Criterion
COM Futurama (PG) South Park (14) South Park “The South Park Tosh.0 “Sting Tosh.0 “Bumbling Tosh.0 A comic’s Tosh.0 (14) The Daily Show The President South Park (14) Channel on FilmStruck. Isabelle Huppert —
(6:50) (7:25) Cissy.” (14) “Handicar.” (14) Wrestling Fan.” Surfer.” (14) Web redemption. Show (14) (11:31) (12:01)
sublime — plays a coffee farmer who re-
COOK Carnival Eats (G) Carnival Eats (G) Carnival Eats (G) Carnival Eats (G) Carnival Eats (N) Carnival Eats (G) Carnival Eats (G) Carnival Eats (G) Good Eats (G) Good Eats (G) Carnival Eats (G)
fuses to leave an unnamed African country
CSPAN Public Affairs Events (3) Future of American Politics and Public Policy Today (9:14) Politics-Public
on the precipice of anarchy in Claire
CSPAN2 Public Affairs Events Your Brain Is a Time Machine How Emotions Are Made Behave (10:45) The Knowledge Illusion (11:45)
Denis’s exploration of the ravages of Euro-
CUNY Democracy Focus-Europe La grande librairie DW Docum- Treasure-World Nueva York 21st Century Ind Sources Building NY Classic Arts
pean colonialism. Writing in The Times,
DIS K.C. Undercover Bizaardvark Stuck in the Bunk’d “Fog’d Bizaardvark “In Andi Mack “13.” K.C. Undercover K.C. Undercover Bunk’d “Bride Jessie (G) Stuck in the
(Y7) “Pretty-Con.” (G) Middle (G) In.” (G) Your Space!” (G) (G) “Trust No One.” (Y7) and Doom.” (G) Middle (G) Manohla Dargis called it “a striking film
DIY Tiny Luxury (G) Tiny Luxury (G) Tiny Luxury (G) Tiny Luxury (G) Tiny Luxury (N) Tiny Luxury (G) Tiny Luxury (G) Tiny Luxury (G) Tiny Luxury (G) Tiny Luxury (G) Tiny Luxury (G) filled with images that sometimes reveal
DSC Alaskan Bush People “Weight of Alaskan Bush People: Brown First in Human “Admission.” Patients with serious illnesses arrive. (Se- First in Human “Admission.” Patients with serious ill- their full meaning only when their beauty
the Wolfpack.” (PG) Family Bonds “Episode 29.” (N) ries Premiere) (N) (PG) nesses arrive. (PG) (11:02) curdles in the chain of signification.” This
E! E! News (N) (PG) Botched (14) Botched (N) (14) Botched (14) E! News Lori Loughlin (“Fuller House”). (N) (PG) Criterion Collection Edition includes inter-
ELREY The Butterfly Effect (2004). Ashton Kutcher, Amy Smart. (R) (6:30) Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (2005). Robert Downey Jr., Val Kilmer. (R) Sabotage (2014). Arnold Schwarzenegger. (R) views with Ms. Denis and Ms. Huppert, a
ESPN Little League Baseball Little League Baseball SportsCenter SportsCenter short documentary taken at the film’s
ESPN2 SportsCenter WN.B.A. Phoenix Mercury vs. Dallas Wings. SportsCenter SportsCenter Special Nación ESPN premiere in Cameroon and a deleted scene.
ESPNCL Network Stars College Football From Sept. 18, 2010. College Football From Oct. 21, 2000. College Football
FOOD Chopped “Offal Surprise.” (G) Chopped “Grill Masters: Battle 2.” Chopped “Clock Shock.” (G) Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Chopped (G)
FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCal- Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) The Five (N) Hannity (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight The Five
lum (N)
FREEFRM Coming-Amer. . Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003). Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush. (PG-13) (7:45) The 700 Club (G) Mirror Mirror
FS1 Golf U.S. Women’s Amateur, Round of 32/Round of 16. (6) U.F.C. Unleashed U.F.C. U.F.C. M.L.B. Whiparound (N) (Live) Speak for Your
FUSE Moesha (PG) Moesha (PG) Moesha (PG) Puppet Puppet . Tupac: Resurrection (2003). (R) Ninja Assassin
FX Kingsman: The Secret Service The Wolverine (2013). Hugh Jackman, Hiroyuki Sanada. Wolverine confronts real mortality. The Wolverine (2013). Hugh Jackman, Hiroyuki Sanada. Wolverine con-
(2014). Colin Firth. (R) (5) Unusually intimate. (PG-13) fronts real mortality. Unusually intimate. (PG-13)
FXM Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (2012). Voice of Ben Stiller. Ani- Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (2012). FXM Presents Monte Carlo (2011). Selena Gomez. Vacationing friends
mated. Animal buddies join traveling circus. Machine keeps humming. (PG) Voices of Ben Stiller, Chris Rock. (PG) (8:50) (10:38) pose as jet setters. At times awkwardly charming. (PG)
FXX The Karate Kid (2010). (PG) (5) The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Archer (MA)
FYI Flipping Vegas “Hoarder House.” Flipping Vegas “Red Rock House.” Flipping Vegas “Haunted House.” Flipping Vegas “Reptile House.” Flipping Vegas (PG) (11:01) Flipping Vegas
GOLF Live From the P.G.A. Championship Live From the P.G.A. Championship Live coverage of the P.G.A. Championship. CRAIG BLANKENHORN/HBO, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS

GSN Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Cash Cab (G) Cash Cab (G) Family Feud Thomas Haden Church, Sarah Jessica Parker.
HALL Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls
HGTV Caribbean Life Caribbean Life Flip or Flop (G) Flip or Flop (G) Flip or Flop At Desert Flippers House Hunters Hunters Int’l House Hunters Hunters Int’l Flip or Flop At
HIST Mountain Men “The Cut.” Marty Mountain Men: Fully Loaded Mountain Men “Only the Strong Alone “My Brother’s Keeper.” (N) Mountain Men “Only the Strong Mountain Men:
targets a wolf pack. (PG) “Birthright.” (N) (PG) Survive.” (N) (PG) (PG) (10:03) Survive.” (PG) (11:03) Fully Loaded Twelve years after the end of “Sex and the
HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Primetime Justice Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files City,” Sarah Jessica Parker returned with
ID Married With Secrets “Fear the Murder Among Friends “Stick to Murder Among Friends “Muscle Bad Blood “A Brother Murdered.” Murder Among Friends “Stick to Murder Among this series, which suggested a bitter after-
Ether Man.” (14) the Plan.” (14) Bound.” (N) (14) (N) (14) the Plan.” (14) Friends (14) taste to the love found amid all those cos-
IFC . Fargo (1996). Frances McDor- Predator (1987). Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thriller set in Latin America. Alternately grisly and Dredd (2012). Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby. Future cop is also judge, jury mos. But it wasn’t Carrie Bradshaw in the
mand, William H. Macy. (R) (5:45) dull. (R) and executioner. Disposable. (R)
LIFE Grey’s Anatomy “Idle Hands.” Mer- Project Runway “Road to the Run- Date Night Live Cameras follow couples on dates. (N) (Live) (14) Little Women: LA “Couples Re- Project Runway
’burbs. In this creation by Sharon Horgan
edith worries about her unborn baby. way Season 16.” (N) (PG) treat: Breakfast Beef.” (14) (11:02) (PG) (12:02) of Amazon’s “Catastrophe,” Ms. Parker
LMN His Secret Family (2015). Vanished His Secret Past (2016, TVF). Brigid Brannagh, Austin James. Novelist is His Double Life (2016). Emmanuelle Vaugier, Brian Krause. Young His Secret Past plays Frances, an arty type turned corpo-
husband has a big secret. (6) suspicious of daughter’s new boyfriend. woman suspects new stepfather may be killer. (2016, TVF).
rate recruiter, navigating marital purgatory
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 in Westchester County with Robert (Thom-
LOGO RuPaul’s Drag Race “RuVealed Rupaul’s Drag Race: RuVealed Married . With Married . With Married . With Married . With Married . With Rules of Engagement “Flirting With
Season 9: Snatch Game.” (14) “9021-HO.” (N) (14) Children (PG) Children (9:33) Children (10:06) Children (10:39) Children (11:12) Disaster.” (PG) (11:45) as Haden Church), a flailing real-estate
MLB M.L.B. Regional Coverage. M.L.B. Regional Coverage. developer. But when a friend’s 50th birth-
MSG Giants Chron. NY Giants Train 30 for 30 Shorts People Sports People Sports 30 for 30 Shorts People Sports People Sports NY Giants Train JB Smoove People Sports day party turns amusingly violent, exist-
MSGPL NJ Devils Best of 2016-17 Rewind From Jan. 13, 2017. NY Islanders Best of 2016-17 Rewind From March 7, 2017. People Sports People Sports Focused ential navel-gazing ensues. “‘Divorce’ feels
MSNBC Hardball With Chris Matthews (N) All In With Chris Hayes (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word The 11th Hour Rachel Maddow middle-aged in its bones, from the themes
MTV Nick Cannon: Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out SafeWord (N) Wild ’n Out to the wintry setting to the ’70s-rock sound-
NBCS Cycling Colorado Classic. (6:30) Grudge Race Grudge Race Grudge Race Grudge Race Motorcycle Race Journey to the Journey to the Grudge Race track,” James Poniewozik wrote in The
NGEO Wild China (Part 5 of 6) (G) Life Below Zero “The 11th Hour.” Life Below Zero: Ice Breakers (N) Life Below Zero (N) (PG) Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks (14) Life Below Zero New York Times. “It’s not going to reinvent
NICK Henry Danger Henry Danger Yogi Bear (2010). Voice of Dan Aykroyd. (PG) Full House (G) Nashville “Reasons to Quit.” (PG) Friends (PG) Friends (PG) Friends (PG) the breakup comedy or the HBO comedy.
NICKJR Rusty Rivets (Y) Bubble Guppies Peppa Pig (Y) Peppa Pig (Y) Paw Patrol (Y) Paw Patrol (Y) Paw Patrol (Y) Paw Patrol (Y) Blaze, Monster Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Its goal is more modest and midlife-appro-
NY1 Road to City Hall (N) New York Tonight News All Evening Road to City Hall News at Eleven Sports on 1 (11:35) priate: to tell one more story of two people
OVA The Karate Kid (1984). Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita. Victimized student aided by karate master. Cluttered. (PG) . A Time to Kill (1996). Matthew McConaughey, Sandra Bullock. (R) trying to reinvent themselves.”
OWN 20/20 on ID (14) 20/20 on ID Presents: Homicide 20/20 on ID (14) 20/20 on ID “Stolen at Birth.” (14) 20/20 on ID Presents: Homicide 20/20 on ID (14)
OXY NCIS “Iceman.” (PG) NCIS “Grace Period.” (14) NCIS “Cover Story.” (PG) NCIS “Brothers in Arms.” (PG) NCIS “In the Dark.” (PG) NCIS (PG)
SCIENCE How It’s Made How It’s Made How It’s Made: How It’s Made Mega Shippers (PG) (9:02) Mega Shippers (PG) (10:04) How It’s Made: How It’s Made Mega Shippers What’s on TV
SMITH Secrets “The Sphinx.” (PG) King Tut’s Final Mystery (PG) Secrets “Tut’s Tomb.” (PG) Combat Trains “Secrets And Lies.” King Tut’s Final Mystery (PG) Secrets (PG)
SNY M.L.B. New York Mets vs. Philadelphia Phillies. Mets Postgame SportsNite SportsNite SportsNite SportsNite
SPIKE Day-Tomorrow I, Robot (2004). Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan. (PG-13) The Mist “The Law of Nature.” (N) . Walking Tall (2004). The Rock. (PG-13)
SUMMER EDITION 9 p.m. on NBC. Colin Jost
STZENF Robots (2005). (PG) (6:30) . Ratatouille (2007). Voices of Patton Oswalt, Ian Holm. (G) Uptown Girls (2003). Brittany Murphy. (PG-13) (9:53) Picture Perfect (1997). (11:27) and Michael Che host this four-week series
SUN Law & Order “Sanctuary.” Accident Law & Order “Flight.” Detectives Law & Order “Agony.” Serial killer Law & Order “Scrambled.” An em- Law & Order “Venom.” A high-soci- Law & Order
spawns racial tension. (PG) search for a lethal virus. (14) gives false confession. (14) bryologist is murdered. (14) ety escort is shot. (14) “Punk.” (14) covering all the news that’s fit to mock.
SYFY Joy Ride (2001). Trucker who can’t take a joke and Annabelle (2014). Annabelle Wallis, Ward Horton. Vintage doll channels evil. Scary “Conjur- Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead (2008). Nicki Aycox. Crazy THE STORY OF DIANA 9 p.m. on ABC. The
three scared travelers. Effectively terrifying. (R) (6:30) ing” prequel. (R) killer chases youths who took his car. (10:52) conclusion of this 20th-anniversary remem-
TBS Seinfeld (PG) Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Guest Book Conan Actor Bryan Cranston. (N) The Guest Book
Cartoon.” (PG) Strong Box.” (PG) Wizard.” (PG) Theory (PG) Theory (PG) Theory (PG) “Story Three.” (N) (14) “Story Three.” brance of the death of Princess Diana.
TCM A Patch of Blue (1965). Elizabeth . To Sir, With Love (1967). Sidney Poitier, Lulu. West Indian teacher vs. . The Defiant Ones (1958). Tony Curtis, Sidney Poitier. And the perfor- . In the Heat of
Hartman, Sidney Poitier. (6) unruly London students. Smoothly engaging. mances of their lives, as fleeing convicts. Memorable. the Night (1967).
TLC My 600-Lb. Life “Steven & Justin’s Story, Part 1.” (Part 1 of 2) (PG) My 600-Lb. Life “Steven and Justin’s Story, Part 2.” (Part 2 of 2) (PG) My 600-Lb. Life (Part 1 of 2) (PG) (11:02)
TNT Bones “The Man With the Bone.” A American Sniper (2014). Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller. Navy SEAL sniper racks up kills in Iraq. Blunt, effec- . Collateral (2004). Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx. (R) ONLINE: TELEVISION LISTINGS
300-year-old finger bone. (14) tive and troubling. (R) (11:01) Daily television highlights, recent reviews by
TRAV Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Mysteries at the Museum (N) (PG) Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Mysteries at The Times's critics, series recaps and what to
TRU Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers After Party The Chris Gethard Show (N) (14) Imp. Jokers watch recommendations.
TVLAND M*A*S*H (PG) M*A*S*H (7:36) M*A*S*H (PG) (8:12) Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens
USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Queen of the South “Que Manden The Sinner “Part II.” Cora tries to Shooter (14)
“Spousal Privilege.” (14) “Parole Violations.” (14) “Devastating Story.” (14) los Payasos.” (N) (14) block the investigation. (14) (11:01) (12:01)
Definitions of symbols used in Ratings:
VH1 Martha & Snoop’s Dinner Party Space Jam (1996). Michael Jordan. (PG) . Liar Liar (1997). Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney. (PG-13) Scary Movie 2 the program listings: (Y) All children
VICE That’s Delicious That’s Delicious King of the Road (14) King of the Road (N) (14) What Would Di Nuts & Bolts (N) Desus & Mero Desus & Mero King of Road ★ Recommended film (Y7) Directed to older children
✩ Recommended series (G) General audience
WE Growing Up Hip Hop “Bad and Growing Up Hip Hop “Bad to the Growing Up Hip Hop “Gossip Girl.” Bossip on WE Growing Up Hip Hop “Gossip Girl.” Bossip on WE Growing Up Hip ● New or noteworthy program (PG) Parental guidance
Boogie.” (14) Throne.” (14) Angela breaks down. (N) (14) TV (N) (14) Angela breaks down. (14) TV (14) Hop (14) (N) New show or episode suggested
WGN-A Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (14) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) (CC) Closed-caption (14) Parents strongly cautioned
(HD) High definition (MA) Mature audience only
YES M.L.B. New York Yankees vs. Toronto Blue Jays. New York Yankees Postgame M.L.B. New York Yankees vs. Toronto Blue Jays.

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Itinerary 7 days beautiful areas.
Jim Robbins Departs April 29, May 13, Sept. 9 and Sept. 23, 2018
Science Reporter Travelers 18
Jim Robbins has written for The New York Times for more
than 35 years, primarily on science and environmental
issues. He has also written five books. His first was about
Yellowstone National Park and the West. He has just completed a sixth
book about the future of birds in a changing world. He joins our May
and September 23rd tours.


Legacies of Spanish Cuba: History, Culture Winter in Yellowstone

and Native American and Contemporary Life and the Tetons
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Itinerary 11 days
Itinerary 7 days
Departs Jan. 8 and Jan. 15, 2018
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Travelers 58
Travelers 25
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Itinerary 8 days Vessel Le Ponant, PONANT
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Travelers 16
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After thousands of years of Native American settlement, culture. None is quite as intimate as meeting the locals journey, with insight provided by a New York Times-
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William deBuys Anthony DePalma Jim Robbins

Writer and Conservationist Former Times Foreign Correspondent Science Reporter
William deBuys is an award-winning writer, Anthony DePalma spent 22 years as a Jim Robbins has written for The New York
eight of whose nine books concern the land reporter and foreign correspondent for Times for more than 35 years, primarily on
and culture of the American Southwest. His The New York Times, focusing most of his science and environmental issues. He has
conservation work over many years has included land attention toward Mexico and Cuba. His book “The Man also written five books. His first was about Yellowstone
acquisition and grassland restoration. He joins all of Who Invented Fidel,” about U.S.-Cuba relations, was National Park and the West. He has just completed a
our departures. published in 2006. sixth book about the future of birds in a changing world.
He joins our January 15th departure.

Follow us on Facebook
Book Now 855 698 6368
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Quoted tour prices are per person, double occupancy except where indicated and subject to availability. Excludes internal and international air. Programs subject to change. All terms and conditions can be found at or you can call 855-NYT-7979 and
request a copy be sent to you. Abercrombie & Kent CST#2007274-20, Mountain Travel CST#2014882-10, Academic Travel Abroad CST#2059002-40, Insight Cruises CST#2065380-40, Judy Perl Worldwide Travel LLC CST#2122227-40. Times Journeys trips to Cuba are permitted
by a special people-to-people license from the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, or O.F.A.C.

Cheryl Strayed and Steve Is an $85 pedicure worth it?

Almond on how to write. BY MARISA MELTZER


The hunt for the perfect They can’t beat ‘dad bod.’




For The
At the Wrecking Club in Manhattan, a
television screen lies in shards after a
reporter took a bat to it.

The Fun
A Crowbar
Can Bring
Smashing things may not seem at first
blush to be a winning idea to wrap a busi-
ness around. Since March, however, nearly
1,500 people have shown up to break house-
wares, electronics and furniture at the
Wrecking Club, two reinforced rooms in the
basement of a building in the garment dis-
trict of Manhattan.
Many of this number are couples looking
for something more piquant than the usual
date-night fare, said Tom Daly, the Wreck-
ing Club’s proprietor. But rage is not con-
fined to matrimony and other romantic un-
ions, as Mr. Daly has also found.
“That’s the cool thing about addressing
an instinct,” he said on a recent steamy af-
ternoon. “Everyone’s got it.”
The Wrecking Club is not the first rage-
based enterprise. Last fall, politics drove
the business at the Anger Room, which
opened in Dallas in 2008. Clients showed up
by the hundreds to batter human effigies of
Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump. Three

Paying to smash things to

pieces is popular with
very angry people and
those on dates, too.

Trump mannequins and two Clintons were

utterly destroyed, according to the owner,
Donna Alexander, and had to be replaced.
The Rage Room, which first opened in To-
ronto in 2015, now has licensees in Buda-
pest, Singapore, Australia and Britain.
“We’ve helped a lot of angry couples,” said
Stephen Shew, the owner. (His date-night
package, $70 for two electronic devices and
20 items of crockery, from lawn gnomes to
ceramic vases, is wildly popular on Valen-
tine’s Day.)
For those who would rather act out at
home, the online marketplace presents an
armory’s worth of what are known as ther-
apy tools. Foam anger bats, for example,
start at about $10. At the high end, a pair of
well-padded, cherry-red canvas, German-
made, jumbo encounter bats cost about $210
and look like something the performance
artist Leigh Bowery might have designed
as a special kind of evening wear.

Stefano Ricci, the tightly held family business that outfits the 0.001 percent,
is expanding eastward and catering to the unapologetic strongman.
your client base is the 0.001 percent. Stefano Ricci, the man dividualism in the United States, but
After nearly four decades, the Stefano behind the label, in his strength in China, dynastic glory in the Mid-
At the Stefano Ricci boutique on Park Ave- Ricci label has come to occupy a unique castle in the Tuscan dle East and ruling authority in Russia go-
nue, Filippo Ricci, the brand’s creative di- place in the fashion firmament. Makers of hills. ing back to the czars.
rector, was recounting a story about one of hypermasculine, hyperexpensive men’s Which explains, in a roundabout way,
his clients, a wealthy industrialist. wear and accessories, this tightly held fam- why the eagle is an apt logo for Stefano
“He had his first son’s wedding one year, ily business has outfitted Kremlin power Ricci, popping up on $5,000 Stefano Ricci
so he bought a pair of three-carat diamond brokers, Middle Eastern oil scions, celebri- crocodile sneakers, $1,950 silk-and-croco-
cuff links that we made in our workshop,” ties (Andrea Bocelli, Tom Cruise) and world dile baseball caps and $2,000 matte croco-
said Filippo, the younger son of the label’s leaders (Nelson Mandela, Helmut Kohl). dile sunglasses. The company even uses
founder. It is not so well known in the United bronze eagle heads in place of the standard
The cuff links, he added, cost $100,000. States as its fellow Florence-based luxury human ones for its in-store mannequins.
“A year later,” he continued, “his other brands Gucci and Salvatore Ferragamo, “I’m emotionally tied to the concept of the
son got married. So we presented him with given its focus on emerging markets like eagle, with its elegance,” Stefano Ricci, 67,
an $80,000 tie, with 100 diamonds on it. We Russia, China and the Middle East. said in an interview last week. “The eagle
made six of them. One of them is owned by But at a time when the balance of power is stands for a sense of strength, control.”
Elton John. When we went personally to de- tipping eastward, and leaders like Donald J. That matters when you’re selling $25,000
liver it, we said, ‘Are you happy with the cuff
Finishing Touches links?’”
The father responded with a shrug. “‘You
Trump and Vladimir V. Putin have revived
the concept of the unapologetic strongman,
custom suits to heads of state or $120,000
crocodile shirts for nightclubbing industri-
the time might be right for Stefano Ricci’s alists. To the Stefano Ricci client, clothing
At Cipriani 42nd Street, know what?’” he said, according to Filippo, sumptuous brand of oligarch chic. serves a psychological function as much as
34. “ ‘I lost them at the wedding. I partied
accessories were the main too much.’” CONSIDER THE EAGLE: a predator among
a sartorial one — it must remind everyone,
the wearers most of all, that they stand be-
event. By Taylor Harris, Page 5. Such mishaps are bound to arise when predators that symbolizes not just fierce in- CONTINUED ON PAGE D6



How to Become a Writer? Start Writing

Dear Sugars, their youths nurturing their artistic inter-
My career path has been shaped by fear and expectation. I ests — getting to take lessons and go to
camp and such. I was jealous of people
had a fortunate upbringing, sheltered from financial struggles, who hadn’t spent their teenage summers
but when I was in college, my mother went through bankruptcy working a full-time, minimum-wage job
like I did — I worked at a Dairy Queen,
and I began to understand financial insecurity. I dropped my among other things. And I felt the same
pursuit of journalism to become a C.P.A. because seeing what resentment as I waited tables all through
my mom went through scared me. I convinced myself that I my 20s while writing on the side. I re-
member being sure that I’d be a better
wanted to be an accountant. Isn’t it funny how we trick our- writer if I’d had those creative, literary
AVENTURA • BOSTON • DALLAS • GARDEN STATE PLAZA • GREENWICH selves into seeing the silver lining? I’m not tricking myself any- opportunities that some others got. But in
KING OF PRUSSIA • LAS VEGAS • MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT • NEW YORK more recent years, I’ve come to believe
SAN FRANCISCO • SOUTH COAST PLAZA • WASHINGTON, DC more. I’m just 25, and yet I feel as though parts of me have been with all my heart that I was the lucky
LONGCHAMP.COM | 1866-LONGCHAMP obliterated: my creativity, my genuineness, my passion. one. I learned so much about the nature
of our existence by working the sorts of
A few months ago, I had a dream that I wrote a book. The jobs I did: mopping floors at 11 p.m., deal-
dream was so powerful that it woke me from my sleep in tears. ing with customers and bosses. I thought

Money Betrayal When I have a bad day at work or feel hopeless about figuring
out what’s next, I think about that dream. How do I get closer to
I was spinning my wheels, but now I see I
was learning and developing my craft.
SA What matters to artists, and writers in

Trauma Dating it? Do I quit my mediocre-paying job with benefits to work as a

barista and figure it out, or do I stay in it, though I feel depleted?
particular, isn’t the quality of a particular
life, but the quality of the attention paid to
that life. And that includes your own life,

Sex Forgiveness Do I find a way to care less about work?

Career Purgatory. I think it’s awesome
that you’re a C.P.A. That’s a world I know
nothing about. The creative impulse is

Rejection Loss Cheryl Strayed I think you had that dream

because writing is for you a powerful call,
you uncouple your artistic aspirations
from financial expectation, so you can
ultimately driven not by your personal or
professional history, but by a kind of
uninhibited curiosity, the capacity to let

Fathers Abuse
C. P. Listen to that. But also remember write what you feel called to write with-
there’s a whole lot between having a out worrying about whether it will make yourself improvise, to play around with-
dream and making it come true. Writing a money. It’s worth thinking, too, about the out imposing judgment. So in addition to
role you want writing to play in your life finding time to write, you’re going to have

Friendship Jobs
book is drudgery. It requires an appren-
ticeship. I suggest that you begin by doing and what you’re willing to sacrifice to to find a way to let go of the fear and
it. Sign up for a workshop or take a vaca- make that happen. I realize this doesn’t expectation you mention, because those
tion and spend it writing. See where that sound very romantic, but there is a prac- feelings will crush your creative impulses

Empathy is the leads you. You don’t have to immediately

quit your job to become a writer. You need
only to start writing.
tical aspect to the pursuit of our dreams.
You have to ask yourself a few candid
questions about what you consider essen-
and sap your energy and lead you down
all kinds of false alleys. It’s a delicate
balance, even a paradoxical one. You

best medicine. Steve Almond Adam Smith talked about

the invisible hand of the market. What
you’re experiencing is the invisible hand of
tial, whether it’s a decent car or a nice
place to live or enough financial security
to keep anxiety at bay. The last thing you
have to lower your expectations at the
keyboard, so that you can free up your
imagination and finish those first drafts.
At the same time, you have to get your-
want is for writing to become a source of
art, the desire to pursue a life of creativity. stress, because you’ll come to resent it as self to the keyboard, which means you
That’s beautiful. But it’s unlikely to lead to you do your current job. have to become your own boss.
financial security, at least in the short
CS In asking these questions, you’re CS So what you’re hearing from us is go.
term, which is important to you because of
undoing some of the ideas you absorbed But know that going in the direction of
your mother’s experiences. So you have to
that led you down the wrong career path, becoming a writer may look different
do what every artist does: find a patron. It
C. P. That’s exactly what you’re supposed than you imagine it will. Maybe you need
might help to think of your accounting gig
to be doing at this moment in your life. to quit your job as an accountant to pur-
Dear Sugars is a podcast hosted by as that patron, at least for now. It will
There’s an enormous sense of regret in sue your writing. Maybe you don’t. It isn’t
Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond that gives underwrite your apprenticeship and help
your letter, but your job as an accountant all or nothing. You haven’t wasted a
listeners the guidance, perspective and
. ...................................................................................... is a part of your experience that will minute. You don’t have to feel hopeless
understanding needed to shake the baggage.
This column is an edited excerpt from the Aug. likely contribute to your writing someday about what’s next. You get to decide what 5 “Dear Sugars” podcast, which contains an rather than detract from it. For many it is by doing the work you feel called to
extended conversation and more letters. years, I envied writer peers who spent do. Now is a great time to begin.


The Gilded Touch

A curator teams with his
mother to run an art advisory.

Age 23

THE BRIGHTEST Hometown Paris

Now Lives In an art-covered, two-bedroom
STARS. THE SMARTEST house in the Chelsea neighborhood of Lon-
CONVERSATIONS. Claim to Fame Lawrence Van Hagen is a
dashing, shaggy-haired art adviser and cu-
Watch the interviews you might have missed rator known for his gilded touch and a roam-
ing exhibition called “What’s Up,” which
from our remarkable library of memorable videos.
showcases 50 young contemporary artists. It
Cumberbatch, Winslet, Fey, Ansari ... browse helps that handling Picassos is in his blood.
among your favorite stars at His mother is Susanne Van Hagen, the well-
heeled art connoisseur. “I have been in the
arts since I was a little kid,” he said, recount-
ing visits to Sotheby’s and Christie’s by age 6.
Together they operate LVH Art, a mother- DANIEL WEISS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
and-son art advisory that places expensive Lawrence Van Hagen in May at his “What’s Up” show in New York.
works in even more expensive homes.
Big Break After years of playing behind- are getting bored of going to one gallery after
Latest Project The first stateside “What’s
the-scenes matchmaker for artists and col- another.” Instead, he wants to try his hand at
Up” was staged in May in New York to co-
lectors, Mr. Van Hagen decided to curate his virtual exhibitions. “Today it’s very tricky to
first “What’s Up” show last year. “I wanted to incidence with Frieze New York, held in a
buy art online, and I don’t think it’s working
know what’s up today,” he said. “What are three-story building in the Chelsea gallery
as it should,” he said. “A dream of mine would
the artists my friends should be looking at district. To create “a dialogue” between
be to become the go-to guy in that space.”
now?” The show was a hit: 85 percent of the young and more establishment artists, he
paired John Chamberlain sculptures with Like Mother, Like Son Working with his
works sold.
those of Ernesto Burgos. “I’m not as well mother comes with advantages and disad-
known in New York,” he said. “So it was im- vantages. “My mother loves young people
portant to have the right space in a prime lo- and has more energy than I do,” he said. “At
cation.” art fairs, she gets along with all of my friends,
An article on July 27 about the decline of shop-
and I get along with all of hers. Although, of
ping malls, and nostalgia for them, misidenti- Next Thing He hopes to take “What’s Up” to
fied the network that broadcast the opening of
course, sometimes it can be irritating when
WATCH AT TIMESTALKS.COM the Owings Mills Mall in Maryland. It was
Los Angeles, Buenos Aires and Hong Kong. your mother wants to go out later than you at
“I don’t believe in the gallery model,” he said. a party. I’m like, ‘Mom, it’s time to go home.’”
NBC, not ABC, though the station in question,
Baltimore’s Channel 2, is now an ABC affiliate. “Things are changing so quickly and people ALEX HAWGOOD



• The best way to simplify your TO TIE-DYE
morning routine is to have a uni-
form. Lacausa, a Los Angeles label • When fashion’s top designers need
with sustainable and ethical produc- a truly original color, they turn to
tion practices baked in, makes one Audrey Louise Reynolds, an arti-
for modern-day tomboys and cool sanal dyer in Brooklyn who mixes
girls alike. This month, the company dyes using all natural ingredients
released the aptly titled Uniform foraged from the most unexpected
collection, a line of T-shirts cut from places, including the mundane (soil,
lightweight vintage jersey and gauze flowers, minerals) and the exotic
jersey in core colorways like black, (squid ink, shells, seaweed). Natu-
navy and white, as well as seasonal rally, it didn’t take Ms. Reynolds long
one-offs in tie-dye and specially to go out on her own. Her line of
formulated pinks. basics, available at her website, are
steeped in her unusual craft.
Lacausa vintage cotton T-shirt, $55
at Audrey Louise Reynolds cotton
T-shirt, $65 at


A Guide to Finding the Perfect Summer T-Shirt

Neuroscience be damned. It seems a truth self-evident that our brains don’t work as well in the summer. Therefore, when it comes
to getting dressed, it’s best to think as little as possible to save our neurons for more noble tasks (like deciding between the rosé
from Provence or Sancerre). And it doesn’t get much easier than your basic T-shirt. Dress it up. Dress it down. Wear it at the office,
to the gym or out at night. The challenge is finding one that fills the bill. It sounds simple, but as is so often the case, the simplest
things are the hardest to perfect. Here, a few labels doing their darnedest to try.

• Californians sure do know their
T-shirts. No wonder Amanda Blake,
a designer who lives in the Venice
neighborhood of Los Angeles, does
them so well. Her roomy Calder
THRASHER LIVES Blake boyfriend T-shirt is exactly the STYLE, BY THE DAY
kind of tee you’d like to steal from a
• Vetements may have put Thrasher • Every day of the week has its own
significant other — without the
on the map for some of the fashion particular feeling — and now its
messy complications of an actual
pack, but the skate magazine has own T-shirt, courtesy of the Parisian
been around for decades. Vans is label Maje. The company recently
celebrating that heritage — and Calder Blake supima cotton jersey introduced seven graphic styles,
cashing in on its newly chic rep — T-shirt, $98 at each imprinted with a French
with a line of apparel and footwear phrase that pays tribute to a day of
emblazoned with the publication’s the week. So if you’re stumped
classic flame logo, introduced in about what to wear, just consult
1981. Though technically a men’s your calendar.
style, the long-sleeve shirt is sure to
A LO O K Maje cotton T-shirt, $110 at Maje;
be a hit with Demna fans. Best of
all, it will set you back a good deal ST R I NG S
less than the high-fashion version. AT TAC HED.
Vans x Thrasher cotton T-shirt, $30


A Designer Who Left Still Captivates the Scene

periment as opposed to a commitment to
Saint Laurent behind him, helping his customers understand how to
Hedi Slimane isn’t going away. express themselves in an ongoing way
through dress.
By VANESSA FRIEDMAN And while fashion then invented lots of
Why is fashion so obsessed with Hedi Sli- reasons Mr. Slimane might have wanted to
mane? leave, largely centering on better and big-
Sixteen months after he left his post as ger jobs, none of them have come to pass.
creative director of Saint Laurent, the for- Which raises the question of whether they
mer designer-turned-photographer- were rooted in our own fantasies of Hedi,
turned-designer-turned-etc. is once again rather than in reality.
all over the industry after an extensive As to where those fantasies came from:
“California” photography portfolio for Ital- Well, you always want what you cannot
ian Vogue and an interview he gave (via have, and in this period of insecurity
email) to the magazine’s editor at large, (whither fashion? whither fashion weeks?),
Luke Leitch. Amid a discussion of his art absolute belief in your own absolute right-
and life, he once again left the door open to ness is a powerfully seductive weapon to
returning to the business of clothes, causing wield.
a flurry of breathless headlines from i-D to Mr. Slimane was a genius at appearing to
WWD and multiple Vogues along the lines reject the industry while never actually
of “Is Hedi Ready to Return?” turning his back on it. He refused to give in-
But let’s be honest, people: He’s been say- terviews, but invited journalists backstage
ing this since he left Saint Laurent, most of- after shows to pay their respects. He in-
ten in the context of his photography being sisted on moving the Saint Laurent design
published in a fashion magazine. He said it, studio to Los Angeles, but he also created a
for example, in The New York Times early new maison in Paris. He swapped elegance
this year, when another portfolio was pub- for grunge on the runway, but actually mer-
lished in V Magazine. chandised his collections to the hilt, so there
It’s a dysfunctional relationship neither was plenty for everyone hidden under the
party can quite bring itself to sever. Among post-angst aesthetic. He has left fashion —
all the very talented designers currently rent, the company also didn’t seem to fight Hedi Slimane at a Saint
that his departure has not hurt the house or but not fashion magazines. You know what I
without a big job — Alber Elbaz, Stefano Pi- too hard to keep him. Laurent show in 2013. He
its image. mean.
lati, Peter Copping, Bouchra Jarrar, to name And while he brought a new silhouette to left his creative director
In the most recent financial reports from And the worse he treated fashion, the
a few — he has remained the most in-fash- post 16 months ago.
Saint Laurent’s parent company, Kering, men’s wear during his time at Dior Homme more fashion tried to win his favor. It’s been
ion out-of-fashion. But before this goes any
sales at the brand rose 28.5 percent in the (another brand he left, back in 2007), nar- almost like an extended piece of perform-
further, perhaps it’s time for a reality check:
to ask why we can’t quite let go (nor, appar- first half of 2017 (this, after they were up row and sharp, he never really changed ance art, conceived to see how far he could
ently, can he), and whether it is time to put 25.5 percent in 2016). The industry, in other how women dressed. Rather, his greatest push the industry and keep it coming back
the myth in perspective. words, misses Mr. Slimane more than the contribution during his Saint Laurent ten- for more.
It would be easy, in answer to the first consumer does. ure was arguably to change how brands Maybe we should just wait until Mr. Sli-
question, to say it’s because Mr. Slimane Meanwhile, before he left, there was grip- were conceived, starting the vogue for mane stops teasing his re-entry and actu-
was so talented or so successful, and why ing within the house that Mr. Slimane’s in- handing full creative control to a designer ally makes a return. It seems pretty clear
should anyone turn their back on success? sistence on ironclad control over every as- (see: Gucci, Calvin Klein, Givenchy). he’s interested; otherwise, why keep agree-
But while there’s no question that he pect of the brand created roadblocks to Which is no small thing. Except then he ex- ing it’s possible?
pressed the reset button on Saint Laurent, growth (there’s only so much one man can ited his creation, declaring that he had done Then he can be welcomed back, his work
making it relevant again and supercharging do in a day). While there are obvious rea- what he came to do, which made it seem like judged on its merits instead of on his per-
its sales figures, it is also worth pointing out sons for this kind of spin from Saint Lau- the whole thing had been a conceptual ex- sonal mystique.


Is the Best Pedicure in New York Worth $85?



pedicure to a sweaty New Yorker? Plop
down, let someone soak and exfoliate and
massage and moisturize your feet, and all
that is asked of you is to stare into space,
read that week’s tabloid or, in my case, gen- I ended the pedicure with a rose beige in
tly stalk your high school crush’s wife on In- LeChat’s B-52, but it was almost an after-
stagram. It’s a respite, a meditation, a way thought given that my feet had probably
for me to incorporate some color into my last been that soft at birth. It was an indul-
wardrobe. gence but one that I felt good about. I swore
It’s even relaxing to experience second- I’d never let anyone else touch my feet
hand. Chanel used to have a manicure tuto- again.
rial video on its site that was so soothing I It was a memorable pedicure, the best
had it bookmarked on my computer to use I’ve ever had, but no matter how much you
during cases of severe nerves. spend, nails grow and polish chips. Two
Much has rightly been made about the weeks later, my feet were returning to their
conditions of workers in nail salons, partic- usual hooflike appearance, and I don’t have
ularly after a 2015 investigation published in the kind of bank balance that could justify
this paper. In the years since, many nail- pedicures that cost nearly three figures. So
care enthusiasts have started to pick salons I made an appointment at the NoMad loca-
for not just the quality of their work, but also tion of Sundays, a new nail studio that has
for their values: nontoxic polishes, ethical its own in-house line of nontoxic, vegan,
labor conditions, medical training. They cruelty-free polishes.
tend to come with a higher price tag, too.
SUNDAYS IS A STEP UP from the usual neigh-
I’ve paid $40 for room-service breakfast,
borhood salon, but with comparable prices.
but when I saw that Shen Beauty, a beauty
The vibe is Instagram chic, with cowhide
store and salon in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn,
chairs, pillows with a Memphis-style print,
was offering $85 pedicures, I came down
and the leafy plants that are so ubiquitous in
with a case of sticker shock, then booked an
businesses catering to a certain millennial,
appointment. It was a pop-up for Dr. Krista
city-dwelling, female clientele. It’s also cas-
Archer, a podiatric surgeon whose office is
ually luxurious, with pedicures starting at
on the Upper East Side.
$45. I had to stop myself from showing too
Dr. Archer is the only podiatrist I’ve ever
much visible excitement when I was given a
met, but I feel confident saying she’s the
whole bottle of green juice from Pressed
hippest in the city, if not the planet. The day
Juicery and puffed rice snacks. There are
of my appointment, she wore tiny diamonds
no magazines to be found; instead, a single
snaking up the multiple piercings in her
copy of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidy-
ears and casually mentioned being a super-
ing Up” by Marie Kondo sat on a side table
fan of Pearl Jam. If names are destiny, Dr.
as an invitation to get one’s life in order.
Archer heeded the call: Her line of natural
Self-improvement is big at Sundays. It of-
foot products are simply called Arch.
fers a guided meditation you can listen to on
What she offers is a medical pedicure,
headphones while technicians in blush pink
performed by nail technicians she trains
cardigans work on your nails. And they cer-
and supervises who use sterilized and sin-
tainly know what they’re doing. Your feet
gle-use instruments. In practice, the pedi-
KENDRA DANDY are thoroughly attended to: There’s a soak
cure doesn’t seem all that different from the
with sea salt, a lot of attention to sloughing
typical upscale one: There’s cleaning the
off rough spots and repairing cuticles with
feet, filing the nails, grooming the cuticles
sterile tools, and a massage with a home-
and nail beds, moisturizing and massaging
made cream.
and polishing. What you’re really paying
French language songs played faintly in
for, besides guaranteed sterility, is a kind of
Type A pedicure in its thorough and exact-
ing approach.
The Price of Pretty Feet the background, and I listened to a woman
in a Chanel jacket tell her companion that
“orange is the one color that looks good on
There was a glycolic peel, followed by a Dr. Krista Archer products. everyone.” I didn’t test out her questionable
soak with pink Himalayan sea salts and Dr. 870 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1F, 646-484- Perks Fanatical attention to cleanli- Vibe Arid desert meets Nordic min- theory, instead opting for No. 14 polish, a
Archer’s own Sole Savour Scrub that has 5185; ness. imalism for the most social-media- raspberry shade from the house line.
fine bits of pumice in it and a slightly herba- Vibe Uptown whimsy, with a chande- Pedicures from $85. friendly décor possible. I then put my pedicure to the test, going
ceous scent. After my heels and cuticles lier, a status address, orchids and . .......................................................................
Perks Snacks and tea or green juice. on a beach trip and walking through tide
were polished and pushed back, there was a medical equipment peacefully co- Sundays Nail Studio Pedicures from $45. pools. My polish didn’t budge. But when it
cream, a balm and an antifungal tea tree existing with colorful prints and natural 51 East 25th Street, 646-998-5711;
does, I can afford to keep going back.
nail oil.


I Fought ‘Dad Bod,’ and ‘Dad Bod’ Won

For many men, the dream black V-neck T-shirt, he can see the extra
pounds (he would like to be down to 185).
of the perfect body falls short And he is not fine with it.
by five to 15 pounds. “The question is, what am I going to do
about it?” Mr. Edis said over lunch at Mar-
ket Table on Carmine Street.
As with others, Mr. Edis, who said he
Over avocado toast and coffee at Cafe Cluny weighed himself at most four times a year,
in the West Village, Michael Bailey held up may not have much say in the outcome. The
his iPhone to show an image of himself tak- extreme exercise he endured in his 20s and
en 15 years ago, back when he was a fit mod- 30s has limited how far he can physically
el for a major clothing line. This was the push himself these days. In 2015, his doctor
photo he recently posted on his Facebook told him to stop running.
wall on his 52nd birthday. “I think this is where the irritation has
“I named that photo ‘Target,’” said Mr. less to do with 10 to 15 pounds and more to do
Bailey, an interior designer for kitchens. with knowing I am losing control of my
“Because it’s still my target. I know I will body,” Mr. Edis said, “through age, not con-
never have that skin again, and I know that trol of choices that I can make anymore.”
I’ll never be as cut and ripped as I was in Kirk Read, a 58-year-old professor of
that photo. But it’s a nice goal to have. A nice French and Francophone studies at Bates
visual to work toward.” College in Lewiston, Me., summed up how
Mr. Bailey is dealing with something that he felt about being five pounds away from
many men deal with — not obesity, exactly, his ideal weight with one word: failure.
but being five to 15 pounds heavier than he “In every other aspect of my life, I know
would like to be. In other words, he has the ‘The irritation has . . . more to do with knowing I ‘I would ask myself, “Why am I not more
what to do,” Dr. Read said. “I follow my little
slightly doughy look known as “dad bod.” am losing control of my body.’ JAMYN EDIS defined?”’ CASEY PETERSON
plan. I make a list. I check them off. People
Although the term is not necessarily meant are happy. And I move forward. This is one
as an insult, Mr. Bailey would like to leave where it’s just me and my will. And it’s em-
that look behind. barrassing to me that, in this aspect of my
What frustrates Mr. Bailey, like others life, I don’t have control.”
with this affliction, is that he believes he is Much of that has to do with what he de-
so close to getting his body to where he scribed as a “chubby” boyhood. Dr. Read,
wants it to be. And yet he keeps falling who weighs 205 pounds, recoils at the mem-
short. ories of shirts-and-skins football games.
In Mr. Bailey’s case, the need to drop from He said that in his teenage years, shop-
his current weight, 190 pounds, to his ideal ping for jeans was traumatizing. After he
weight, 178, has real consequences. As tried several options with no luck, his
someone with a prediabetic condition, he mother decided the best solution was to buy
knows the risk of not losing the weight. And some denim and make a pair for him her-
although he survived a bout with colon can- self. When another boy at school realized
cer, diagnosed in 2015, those extra pounds that his jeans were homemade, Dr. Read
have proved a tough foe indeed. was embarrassed.
Mr. Bailey said his perhaps quixotic quest In time, he stretched out to more than six
may be complicated by the fact that he is feet. But his work often takes him to Paris,
gay. Half the photos he showed me from the that city of fashion and cruelty.
social media accounts he follows featured “I’ve actually had a French saleswoman
friends who look trim, if not cut. When Mr. say, ‘You are enormous,’” he said. “And you
Bailey is around them, he knows he is being say: ‘Thank you very much. Are you trying
judged, just as he once judged other people. to shun me out of the store?’ Over there, I’m
“Having a crazy-hot body is so important ‘I know that I’ll never be as cut and ripped as I was ‘I’ve actually had a French saleswoman say, “You just surrounded by people who make me
in gay culture,” he said. “You go on Face- in that photo.’ MICHAEL BAILEY are enormous.”’ KIRK READ feel like I don’t want to be the enormous guy
book, especially in the summer, and every- walking into the store.”
one is just posting shirtless photos. It’s a lit- tor had to write a letter saying he was in fine would like to weigh 190. “My natural waist is Dr. Read said he sees the role played by
tle intimidating. The feeling of being a shape. a 31, but I have to buy pants that actually fit his own vanity in all this. Unlike many aca-
“Going to a gay beach is crazy intimidat- “I would have to tell myself, ‘I’m not fat,’” over my butt and my thighs. So then I am demics, he likes to dress up. And he feels
ing,” he continued. “It’s always in my face.
few pounds away from better when he looks thinner and healthier.
Mr. Peterson said of his youthful build. “But always the guy in baggy pants.”
One of the best things in the world for a gay the ideal weight can be I would ask myself: ‘Why am I not more de- When Jamyn Edis, 41, was coming up as a Standing on the scale recently, he said he
man is to go to a straight beach. I would summed up in one fined? Why do I just sort of look thick?’” management consultant in London, he asked himself: “What would it be like to
much rather stay at a gay beach, because I word: failure. He still has those questions, although he watched his older colleagues’ stomachs weigh 200 pounds, or even 199? How would
like what I am looking at, but to be at a non- bikes 12 miles to and from his home in St. loom large over their Savile Row suits as it feel?”
gay beach, I feel like the hottest dude on the Paul to Minneapolis, where he works as a they smoked cigars in their offices. He told “I know men in my life who stride
planet.” social strategist at an advertising firm. He himself he would never be one of those men through the world with confidence, even if
Speaking from almost 1,200 miles away, in also runs four to six miles at least three — and for the most part, he hasn’t been. He they have a little paunch,” he said. “You can
Minnesota, Casey Peterson, 34, said he had times a week and puts himself through the has competed in three marathons and one tell they’re not holding in their gut, which I
never felt like the hottest man on the planet. grueling Insanity workout as often as he triathlon. But that led to foot and shoulder do most of the time. That’s a natural pose for
Not even close. As an athlete in high school, can. And while he enjoys the internal re- surgeries and even a spinal fusion pro- me.
he played football, basketball and baseball, wards, the external ones that people seek — cedure. And then there’s the weight. “I assume they feel attractive and sexy,”
and even did his turn at wrestling. But still whether they will admit it or not — still At 6-foot-2 and 195 pounds, Mr. Edis, the he continued. “They exude self-confidence.
he was stocky. When he applied for the elude him. chief executive and a founder of the smart- That’s a place I would love to get to. Because
Peace Corps after college, he was initially “I can’t find pants,” said Mr. Peterson, car start-up Dash, cuts an impressive figure I’m not fat. I’m corpulent. In some ways,
turned away because of his weight. His doc- who, at 5 feet 11 inches and 200 pounds, to other people. But when he takes off his that feels worse.”


Betsey Johnson Gets a Cake With Her Style Icon Award

The A.C.E. Awards honored
the designer and the year’s
best in fashion accessories.
Betsey Johnson took the stage at 9:30 p.m.
on Monday, ostensibly to accept the style
icon award from the Accessories Council, a
trade organization for the $54-billion-a-year
industry. But she had other plans.
“I’m not doing anything for my birthday
except I’m going to be in bed with my
boyfriend and have dinner with my family,”
said Ms. Johnson, who was dressed in a
black T-shirt and gold lamé miniskirt. “But I
would so love it if you all sang ‘Happy Birth-
day.’ That would make my 75th birthday.”
As the audience of 600 broke into song, a
hot pink birthday cake was rolled out and
Ms. Johnson did her trademark split.
It was midway through the annual Acces-
sories Council Excellence Awards ceremo-
ny at Cipriani 42nd Street, during which 13
honors were bestowed before an industry-
heavy crowd that included luminaries like
Eva Longoria, Victoria Justice and Grand-
master Flash.
“I’m on a sugar rush from the cake,”
Garance Doré, the French fashion photog- From top: Eva Longoria accepts the style PHOTOGRAPHS BY KRISTA SCHLUETER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
rapher, said before presenting the brand of ambassador award from Robert Verdi; Carol
the year award for footwear to Jessie Ran- Alt, left, and Brooke Shields, who presented
dall of Loeffler Randall. the sustainability award. Below, Grandmaster
She was followed by Brooke Shields, who Flash was honored as a style influencer.
presented the sustainability award to
Manny Chirico, the chairman of PVH Cor-
poration, the fashion conglomerate that
owns Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger.
“He’s my new crush,” Ms. Shields said.
“Tall, dark and handsome. I was told I could
say that.”
Other notable pairings included Joseph
Altuzarra and Barneys New York’s fashion
director Marina Larroudé, who presented Above, Fern Mallis, left, and Kendra Scott
Mr. Altuzarra with the designer of the year attended the A.C.E Awards ceremony, as did,
award, and Robert Verdi and Ms. Longoria, below, Jessie Randall, left, and Garance Doré,
who was given the style ambassador who presented Ms. Randall with the brand of
award. Katy Perry, who was supposed to the year award for footwear.
present the business visionary award to Ja-
son Rabin of Global Brands Group, pulled
out at the last minute.
Over the course of the three-hour dinner, the occasion. “Well, I’ve got a lot going on From top: Betsey Johnson
which included an arugula salad and here. It’s a marriage of a disco ball and tin- does a split over her birthday
branzino, attendees compared their sel,” said Ms. Penick, referring to her cake with Victoria Justice;
minaudières, necklaces and other shiny ac- sparkly jumpsuit by Temperley London and Marina Larroudé presents
cessories. Should anyone have felt under- velvet heels by Aquazzura. “I think that ac- Joseph Altuzarra with the
dressed, the bedazzled napkins rings, cour- cessories have the power to make an entire designer of the year award;
outfit and make a woman feel really good from left, Danielle Kosann,
tesy of Swarovski, could have doubled as
walking out the door.” Monica Rich Kosann and
makeshift bracelets.
Ms. Longoria would agree, though maybe Laura Kosann.
Darcy Penick, the chief executive of
Shopbop, who accepted the award for re- not exactly in the way the fashion trade
tailer of the year, went without jewelry for group might hope. “Wait,” she said onstage.
“Do Spanx count as an accessory?”



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Luxury for the Alpha Male

Poggio ai Segugi, nestled in the Tuscan hills
stride the world like a colossus. north of Florence.
It is that very swashbuckling sensibility, The label’s powerful clientele “is literally
in fact, that Stefano Ricci himself relied on connected to the city where I was born,” Ste-
to build his business. fano said. “If you are in Florence, you get
Since 1972, this Falstaffian Florentine — used to excellence. You get used to the emo-
who hunts buffalo in Tanzania, keeps fal- tion of the sculpture, of the paintings, the
cons on his Tuscan country estate, and detail of the roofs. I approach my job from
wears a set of ivory cuff links presented to the only side that I was able to approach it. I
him by a shaman in Africa — has charted don’t know any other way.”
his own course, one that seems to cry out for Stefano, whose family has family roots in
satellite navigation, given that, among its the apparel industry (his mother made silk
54 stores worldwide, the company operates sleepwear for ladies), tends to dress the
boutiques in Yerevan, Armenia; Baku, part of the country squire, padding around
Azerbaijan; and Astana, Kazakhstan, in ad- his refurbished 17th-century castle, outside
dition to those in the standard fashion capi- of which he keeps 22 hunting dogs and bags
tals like Milan and London. wild boar, in earth-tone jackets and gentle-
That eastward expansion — a reversal, of manly hunting attire.
sorts, of the Silk Road that once led from Given the brand’s easy relationship with
Asia to Italy — has been a company strat- capitalism, it is no wonder the Ricci family
egy since it opened its first outpost in China loves to joke about how the bearded patri-
in 1993, when a Stefano Ricci tie cost about arch is a dead ringer for Karl Marx.
four months’ salary of the average Chinese Humor is hardly the only thing that binds
worker, Stefano said. the Ricci family, which also includes Ste-
“Everybody thought that I was crazy,” he
said. “They were not wrong.”
But he said the potential was obvious to
him when he walked the streets of Beijing
and Shanghai back then.
“I had the opportunity to see all these
young people that were just walking faster
than how I was used to seeing the people
walking,” Stefano said. “When I looked into PHOTOGRAPHS BY YANA PASKOVA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
their eyes, I found an energy. I decided, my
God, these people are going to conquer the conference of the Group of 8 industrialized
world.” countries. Stefano Ricci flew a tailor to the
As China’s cities grew into forests of G8 meeting, where he produced one in two
gleaming skyscrapers over the next quar- days.
ter-century, the company opened another 11 Another client from East Asia used to
boutiques there, including the 22,000- send a plane to Florence every month to fano’s wife, Claudia, and the eldest son, Nic-
square-foot “mansion” in Shanghai that fea- colo, 40, who serve as the company’s co-
pick up 100 silk shirts at a cost of about
tures an upstairs private club available to chief executives. “Like all Italian families,
$1,000 apiece. “He only wears silk shirts,”
clients who spend more than $100,000 a the boss is mama,” Filippo said.
Filippo said. “But a month only has about 30
year, offering Cohiba cigars and white truf- days; that’s three shirts a day.” The family races together, driving mu-
fle ravioli courtesy of Florentine chefs, seum-quality automobiles like an Aston
Even when client requests push the
among other amenities. Martin Le Mans from 1933, or a Jaguar
boundaries of good taste, the company is
Stefano also jumped in early on the Rus- XK120 from 1952, in the Mille Miglia vintage
happy to satisfy them — up to a point.
sian market, forging ties with its emergent car race.
One well-heeled Ukrainian client, for ex-
industrialist class in the 1990s and opening The family also hunts together, stalking
ample, asked the label to design a crocodile
a Moscow boutique in 2004. Seven years lat- moose on horseback in the Canadian Rock-
trench coat with a mink collar in a custom ies, or the elusive Bongo, a species of ante-
er, the company celebrated the opening of shade of lemon yellow to match his Harley-
its second Moscow boutique, a short stroll lope, on journeys down the Congo River
Davidson. “We convinced him, and he got it with Pygmy guides. Donald Trump Jr.
from the Kremlin, with a lavish fashion in black,” Filippo said. tagged along on a family hunt in Namibia
show for 5,000. With clients like these, it is little wonder some 15 years ago, Filippo said, although
The interior of the Kremlin, in fact, al- that the typical Stefano Ricci boutique looks back then, “he was just a developer’s son.”
ready featured sumptuous silk curtains and more like a genteel private club than a sell- Despite his endless world travels, for
upholstery from the Antico Setificio ing floor. both fun and business, Stefano hardly con-
Fiorentino, an 18th-century silk factory pur- The two-story Park Avenue store in New
for the straphanger-class executive are Clockwise from top, Filippo siders the United States an afterthought.
chased by Stefano Ricci in 2009. It still uses York, which opened in 2004, features gleam-
typically made from relatively heavy, dura- Ricci, creative director and a This year, the company plans to open bou-
a warping machine designed by Leonardo ing brown walnut paneling, travertine tiques in Miami and Las Vegas, bringing the
da Vinci and has become a popular stop for ble fabrics like Super 100-grade wool, Ste- son of Stefano Ricci, in the New
floors and a staircase featuring banisters total in this country to five.
vacationing plutocrats like Jeff Bezos. Last fano Ricci’s suits start at the finer, more deli- York store; shirt jackets for
lined with crocodile skin. There are also The Miami location, in the budding lux-
year, the company presented a silk damask cate Super 150, and go all the way to an ul- sale; a crocodile-skin bag
$60,000 chairs — “thrones” is probably a ury and art enclave of the Design District,
trafine Super 240, woven from fibers one- displayed with an eagle, a
casula made of fabric from this artisanal more apt term — upholstered in crocodile will feature a brighter, breezier interior de-
fifth the size of a human hair, creating a fab- symbol for the company.
workshop to Pope Francis on a visit to Flor- for lounging clients. (Given the annual de- sign and an emphasis on sportswear, not
ence. ric that is highly sensitive to humidity and
mand of 20,000 crocodile skins, the com- just suits, to cater to a younger clientele.
The historic mill also supplies the compa- wear.
pany recently started its own crocodile The same goes for the second Las Vegas
ny’s Stefano Ricci Home division with ex- “They are beautiful to look at,” he said,
farm in Darwin, Australia.) The company chooses boutique, in Wynn Plaza, where the oppor-
quisite fabrics like Ermisino — a shimmer- “but it’s like preserving a fine wine.”
“There is a magic about the crocodile, be- to shred thousands of tunities are considerable, Filippo said: “If
ing silk taffeta woven from different color It is interesting, then, that Stefano Ricci’s
ing one of those very strong predators,” Fil- they win, they will spend money to cele-
threads that has been a favorite of the aris- ippo explained. “People are afraid but very
most famous client, Nelson Mandela, es- unsold items each year brate. If they lose, they will spend money to
tocracy since the Renaissance. Customers chewed such attire when attended a 1996 rather than put them
fascinated by them.” feel less depressed.”
use it to decorate the interiors of their banquet in his honor at Buckingham Palace
While some may consider such design with Queen Elizabeth II. The South African on sale. As with any expansion, this one is not
20,000-square-foot pleasure domes, as well flourishes overkill (of more than just without risks, particularly in a time of great
president raised eyebrows by greeting the
as their 230-foot yachts. swamp-dwelling reptiles), this no-expense- economic uncertainty, with wobbliness in
queen in a look that might be described as
“How do you say, ‘maximize’?” said Fil- spared mentality is appropriate to a brand the luxury sector.
Stefano Ricci casino casual: a black
ippo, explaining the company’s business in whose custom suits start around $8,000 and If nothing else, however, Stefano always
jacquard silk shirt and slacks. But as he lat-
yacht interiors. “What is the most luxurious can quickly climb past $25,000. feels as if he can look to the skies for guid-
er recounted to the Ricci family, Filippo
thing that you can buy for yourself? It’s the In a sense, you get what you pay for. Ste- said, the queen told him, “You have a very ance. Throughout his travels, he said, in the
mega-yacht. It’s more than a plane, more fano still renders the designs by hand, in nice shirt.” Northwest Territories, the Yukon, the Alps,
than a car. You use it, what, two or three pencil. “He doesn’t even have an iPhone,” South America, “I always had over my
weeks a year? And it can be $100 million. It’s Filippo said. Many suits are made from lim- AS MUCH AS Milan has come to dominate the head, an eagle flying,” he said. “And I was
over-the-top luxury.” ited-edition fabrics, “so there might be may- Italian fashion landscape, locals consider always begging the eagle, help me to go
The brand also specializes in the kind of be 10 suits around the world made of that Florence a cradle of Italian fashion, and, in a home safe.”
customer service meant to impress its al- fabric,” Filippo added. Adding to the sense sense, of capitalism itself, thanks to ruling So maybe that’s the real meaning of the
pha-male clientele. of exclusivity, the company chooses to families of the Renaissance like the Medicis. eagle in his collection — the eagle as guard-
One client, a “world leader” whom Fil- shred thousands of unsold items each year Stefano Ricci the label would be unthink- ian angel.
ippo declined to name, as a matter of com- — shirts, jeans, even suits — rather than of- able without Florence as home, the patri- “Maybe I don’t deserve as much an an-
pany policy, needed a new power suit a few fer them at reduced prices in sales. arch said in a telephone interview last week gel,” he said with a hearty smoker’s cough.
years ago for an important appearance at a And while other brands’ business suits from the family’s 1,800-acre country estate, “But I appreciate the presence.”

The Fun a Crowbar Can Bring

CONTINUED FROM PAGE D1 scene. The rooms have been lightly embel- I pined for something more jolly; Blondie’s
There is no such cosseting at the Wreck- lished in black and orange spray paint by “Heart of Glass,” say, or that very satisfying
ing Club. The bats and crowbars are solid Derrick Gutierrez, a graffiti artist who is Carrie Underwood song in which she crows
metal. A starter session costs $30 for 30 also Mr. Daly’s FedEx delivery guy. “He about demolishing her cheating ex’s car
minutes with two or three electronic de- tagged the place as if it were a bridge,” Mr. with a bat and a set of keys.
vices and a bucket of dishes. A menu of add- Daly said admiringly. “I wanted it to have a “Most people are hesitant at first,” Mr.
ons — advertised on a white board like daily Brooklyn-in-the-1990s vibe. I think he Daly said. “They’re a little timid. They say,
specials at a restaurant — includes boxes of crushed it.” ‘Can I break that?’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, you can
dishes ($20 for one box; two for $35); lap- There were some early setbacks, like the break that.’ Usually after the first hit, they
tops ($15); computer monitors ($20); cell- time a couple destroyed Mr. Daly’s laptop. go crazy.”
phones ($5); and large-screen TVs ($25). He had left it in the room after showing the Here’s what I have to report: Hastening
The most requested items are laptops, mon- two a safety video and did not think to tell an object toward entropy isn’t as easy as
itors, printers and extra dishes. (Mr. Daly them it wasn’t part of their package. “All I you might think. Televisions are extremely
estimates he runs through about 60 to 70 can say is, ‘Thank God for the Cloud,’” he hard to destroy, even with a metal bat. Ap-
electronic devices each week.) said, shaking his head. “I didn’t tell the ple monitors are even more durable. Chairs
Finding these materials is one of his big- customers what they’d done, because I did-
are impossible. And unlike David Bowie, I
gest challenges. Companies going out of n’t want them to feel bad.” But new
don’t like the sound of breaking glass; it
business are an irregular source. Some- customers will see that some areas and ob-
times people donate things, Mr. Daly said, makes my teeth hurt. And it’s scary as hell
jects in the rooms are now marked with an X
adding that everything smashed at the when a mist of tiny shards sprays back at
for “Please don’t smash.”
Wrecking Club is properly recycled. you. The deep reservoir of rage I was hop-
Mr. Daly is keeping the building’s location
A year or so ago, Mr. Daly, 29, was bored ing to tap turned out to be a dry creek,
a secret (after you sign up for a session on-
with his finance job in Stamford, Conn. He line, your confirmation email contains the drained by time — who can remember the
quit before it was too late, he said, “to do address): not to protect his landlords, but to hurts of yore? — and self-consciousness.
something really cool.” A cheerful, fresh- maintain the atmosphere of a speakeasy.
DINA LITOVSKY FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES There would be no primal screaming on
faced guy wearing a backward black base- Close-toed shoes are required, and long West 38th Street that hot summer day. Two
ball cap, blue polo shirt and blue linen pants, pants and long sleeves suggested. people breaking things seems festive; a
Mr. Daly has happy memories of demolish- I ordered a monitor, a large flat-screen Penelope Green takes a metal solo smasher is just weird.
Customers who are visibly drunk or stoned
TV, a chair and a box of dishes. Mr. Daly said bat to a television at the I found a bit of a rhythm, finally, with my
ing a swing set in his parents’ backyard, at will be turned away and their deposit for-
that most customers play music, and I Wrecking Club in the garment bat, and systematically worked my way
their request, after he and his siblings had feited. Mr. Daly provides safety goggles,
looked to Dina Litovsky, the photographer district. She found that it was over the TV screen — pop, pop, pop — until
left home, and these sparked his imagina- hard hats, work gloves and black nylon
who had accompanied me to document the difficult to destroy. the floor sparkled with black glass. I stifled
tion. “It was more fun than playing on the smocks.
swing set,” he said. “The memory stayed He seemed surprised when this reporter proceedings, for assistance. “Metallica, ob- an urge to ask for a dustpan and broom.
with me and that’s what made me think arrived alone. “It’s just more fun with two,” viously,” she said, and cued up the thrash Mr. Daly has learned a thing or two about
about breaking things.” he said. But inviting a new boyfriend to anthem “Battery” on her phone. human nature in the last few months.
The vibe and aesthetic of the Wrecking what surely constitutes end-stage relation- In a corner were a metal bat and a long “From my very humble and limited edu-
Club is part CBGB’s basement circa 1977, ship behavior did not appeal (I was not ea- crowbar. Dina and I were stymied by the cation, I think that part of what’s going on
part Stasi interrogation room. Each room is ger to fast-track into Martha and George heat — the air-conditioning wasn’t working here is that breaking stuff gives people back
clad in pocked cement and plywood for territory). And breaking crockery seemed — and our goggles kept fogging up as our their edge,” he said. “It lets people take their
maximum “smash effect,” as Mr. Daly put it. too intimate an activity to share with even eyes stung with sweat. I picked up a bat, ap- power back. Imagine getting fired. It sucks.
Drywall, he pointed out, wouldn’t be hard an old friend. proached the TV, and, then, I am ashamed It’s defeating. Or you got dumped, or you
enough to break stuff against. Hanging on Indeed, there are two things that propel to say, I hit the thing like a girl. Minor crack. didn’t get into the college you wanted, or
an entry wall is a still photograph from the people into the Wrecking Club, Mr. Daly James Hetfield of Metallica barked and imagine whatever it is that makes you feel
cult turn-of-the-millennium movie “Office said. “One is to have some fun, and the other howled: “Hungry violence seeker, feeding weak. This is a place where you can get back
Space”: the beloved printer-smashing is to work something out.” off the weaker.” Really, it was embarrassing. your power.”

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