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Element FPG Analysis

Noble character Ø Polite and disciplined

Ø Can distinguish between bad and good,

having noble values

Ø Appreciate humanity, citizenship and

spiritual aspects
Growing up and Ø Knowledge is related to development, so a
scientific teacher needs to be knowledgeable and
perspective skilled

Ø Have professional skills in using and

producing teaching and learning materials to
improve the quality of teaching and learning
Berkomited Ø Efficient, honest, trustworthy, abiding by
upholds State national laws
Ø Always improve yourself, family,
community, religion, nation and country
Maintain national Ø Enforce the practice and promote the
cultural heritage Malaysian culture and its way of life Ø
Practicing pure, loving and empathic,
innovative and creative values

Ø Compliant to the ethics of teaching

Individual Ø Master as agent of change
development and
Ø Strengthen and promote respect for culture
community and harmony
retention are
Ø Love science and lifelong learning
united, democratic,
progressive and

Teachers' conceptual model is based on the National Education

Philosophy (FPK) and Teacher Education Philosophy (FPG) which
emphasizes the importance of three basic aspects ie knowledge,
skills and values are integrated across all disciplines lessons and
planned programs such as diagrams below:

The conceptual model of teacher education focuses on three-

dimensional teacher accountability primary, self, community and
divinity. Imagery of these three dimensions
manifested in the program planned as follows:
Godhead :
Encouraging the enhancement of knowledge, appreciation and
individual practiceas a believer who believes in and adheres to
religious teachings.

Community : Emphasizes the role of teachers as educators, leaders

as agent of change.

Self :Promoting the development of endurance, patriotism,

cultivating the culture of knowledge, the formation of character and
the nature noble.

In line with FPK and FPG, this model illustrates an effort to build
the strength and self-esteem of teachers based on obedience to God
and social prosperity. This desire can be achieved through the
implementation of the curriculum teacher education that integrates
aspects of knowledge, professional skills and practice values of
Undergraduate Postgraduate Courses (KPLI) Primary School was
drafted with taking into account the effort to translate the three
aspects of knowledge, skills and the integrated value as explained

Knowledge : Includes general knowledge and knowledge in subjects

in KBSM as well as professional education knowledge.
Skills :
Includes proficiency skills that lead to skills
communicating, learning skills, thinking skills, literacy
computers and pedagogy. Building and strengthening aspects of
to "by focusing on technology integration
information in curriculum implementation.
Value :
Referring to the application, appreciation and practice of pure values
teaching that characterizes the character and treatment as a teacher
loving, glorious, resilient, patriotic, innovative, creative,
competent and competent and adhere to the profession

Features of FPK Analysis

An education is ongoing  Humans need to adapt to various changes such as
progress in k-economy and ICT; 
 The change promotes knowledge management with
an emphasis on the latest skills and knowledge to
adapt to the rapid changes
To curb the potential of  Individuals possess the hidden, potential and grace
individuals talent of God that may not be realized;
 These potentials and abilities need to be developed
and developed over time through interaction with
environment and quality education .
M empirically develops Potentials and abilities need to be developed in an
an overall and integrated manner
A balanced and  Appreciating and appreciating knowledge, having a
harmonious person superior personality, trusting God's existence, patient
and competent;
 rational, healthy, cooperative, always trying to solve
the problem
Intellectuals Use knowledge for yourself and others, share and
disseminate knowledge
Spirituals Believe the existence of God, profess religion, moral
values and norms of society, behave well, obey, willing
to sacrifice for nation and country, critical and creative
Emotions  Self-reliant, calm, well-behaved, loving, spirit de
 Appreciate beauty and art
Physical  Healthy
 Develop technical / manipulative skills talent
 Distribute information
Trust and obedience to  Relate the self, the environment and God; 
God  Recognize the existence of Creator
 Doing good and avoiding evil
 Follow and practice religious teachings
 Knowing that natural law and phenomena are rules
set by the Creator
Knowledgeable  Love for science
Malaysians  Enjoy reading
 Utilize knowledge for self-righteousness and others
 Always add science
 Enhancing and spreading science
 Think wide and open

Skilled  Have the knowledge and qualifications appropriate to

the task
 Having skills in carrying out tasks
 Performing tasks efficiently and perfectly
The people of Malaysia  Knowing good and bad value
who are virtuous  Recognizing the effects of good and bad deeds
 Apply good treatment
 Avoiding poor treatment
Responsible Malaysians  Awareness of the duties and responsibilities
 Carry out tasks efficiently and trustworthy
 Constantly improve productivity
 Comply with national laws and regulations
 Trying to advance self, family and society, religion,
nation and country
Malaysians capable of  Be mind-conscious
achieving their well-being  Calm soul
 Healthy body
 Do not give up easily
 Have strong endurance data to face life challenges
 Establish good relationships
Malaysians who can  Enthusiastic patriotism and love for the country
contribute to the harmony  Appreciating and practicing the principles of Rukun
and prosperity of families, Negara
communities, and nations  Defend self, race, religion, and country dignity from
outside threats
 Fostering pure values in oneself
 The spirit of unity, respectful respect
 Comply with rules and regulations
 To assist the development process of the country

towards the • Integrated program-oriented change

Curriculum syllabus

• Changes in educational materials that

emphasize pure values

• Changes in educational programs that are

oriented to produce a balanced and
harmonious human

• Change of syllabus that corresponds to the

vocational and technological field.

towards teachers • Professional change by changing its

teaching strategies and techniques.

• Change of attitude and value of teachers

Towards • Change of facilities for the effectiveness of

Educational teaching and learning processes.
• Changing school culture activities to nurture
  pure values in the soul of students. 

• Conducive school climate change.


Recognize a teacher’s  A teacher's accountability includes teacher

accountability accountability for students, teachers themselves,
schools, societies and countries, and general
teaching professions.
 A teacher must carry out his duties with a dedicated
dedication in the classroom including time spent in the
timetable as well as conducting teaching and learning
according to the methods and self-efficacy.
 A teacher must maintain his or her hygiene and well-
being in order to become a perfect educator.
 Schools are also responsible for the tasks entrusted
by the school administration.
 Community and country-carrying out tasks to
disseminate and re-engage the ideals and goals of
national education based on the principles of Rukun
 Profesion training-expanding knowledge by reading
various reference books on subjects taught

Showcase qualitative and  commitments to the development of creative

creative teachers processes in the course of enhancement
 the quality of our personalities can be a way to
excellence of schools
 Make the creative in displaying theories and
facilitation in the teaching process as well as to
motivate children in the development
 look for better teaching methods

Referring to the  Have skills
connecting  Relevant relationshipskills
skills,  communicate, deal  the communication is high in theater disco an issue
with problems, adjust and  easy to adapt to a different environment
 Running various tasks  ensure pupils can master their skills or knowledge
delivered by the teacher during the learning process.
 Moves or interest the students to learn 
 Give guidance  to  students   so   they can understand
the topics they are teaching pupils to organize the
facts so that they become concrete concepts and
applying student-centered teaching   
 Establish communication between students and

be sensitive to the  Ensure that the student is fully aware of his / her
behavior of the students achievement in the sessions.
 The teacher should also be able to communicate with
his or her drowsiness or goodness.
 The teacher must also call his / her student in good
and good manner.
 Make good interpersonal characteristics to avoid one-
way communication
Developing potential and  Ensure that the talent in the classroom can be
talent in student self developed and disseminated

Complete   with  Possessed disciplinary skills.

knowledge and  Educating is a good example for a teacher.
knowledge in the lesson
creative  utilizing the knowledge or skills acquired by
and   innovative   implem applying   in teaching teachesparadigma and not in
enting teaching & the classroom to educate their students
learning process  using a resource-based teaching resource center
which is the use of teaching and information
technology (ICT ) to be a creative person

Apply knowledge and  a teacher needs to practice the culture of

be willing to be a knowledge such as reading, thinking, observing,
lifelong student working, mind-changing and seeking new
 In the process of teaching, for example, the teacher
should transfer the good knowledge and should
raise the manners of a student as a practitioner of
 This is because, the culture of knowledge must be
shaped when it comes to learning knowledge and it
should be nurtured in a teacher so that he can be
an example and good example for his students.   
 This will ultimately lead to the birth of a generation
who loves science and thus become the core and
core of life-long education.  

Adopt professional  teachers are professional teachers in the field of

skills teaching which is responsible for educating
students in school. 
 Therefore, teachers with professional skills play an
important role in producing a generation of
educated, skilled, cultured and ethical people. 
 This role is important to bring Malaysia's education
to world-class education.   
 Students must be educated using high-level
thinking skills to produce educated learners for
lifelong learning and have a high intellect in the
face of the globalization era.

Be sensitive to all  a teacher needs to be sensitive to the latest

developments in educational needs.   
education  Teachers who make Teacher's Education
Philosophy as a guide also keep abreast of past
and current studies to update their knowledge and
 teachers should equip themselves with mastering
the skills of using the Internet to gain information on
the development of current teaching pedagogy as
well as guide students using the internet as a
learning process.

Tends to practice  identify effective teaching features in terms of

effective teaching planning, implementation, and in terms of teaching
 the effectiveness of teaching depends on the
planning, implementation and evaluation of learning
processes and objectives. 
 teachers should make self-reflection to evaluate
their teaching objectives after completing their
Can determine how  teachers should have the skills in selecting
each student learns appropriate strategies as it is a plan to carry out
with the appropriate activities in T&L.   
method  Each teacher should be proficient in the use of
teaching methods and techniques to deliver the
contents of the lesson in an effective manner, since
the selection of appropriate methods and
techniques will ensure optimal teaching
effectiveness and achievement of its objectives.   
 At the same time, teachers also need to evaluate
and value the differences of each individual
because each difference will determine the way
each individual learns to give a learning experience
to every student who has diversity in the learning

Seeks to increase the  Each teacher should master the content of

mastery of science knowledge in subjects taught, skillfully apply the
and skills theory of human growth and development and
strive to be a good facilitator.   
 This will make them do their best to equip
themselves with various knowledge, pedagogy and
so on.   
 This is a bit as it helps them to improve their skills
in order to improve their performance to become a
caliber teacher.
Encouraged to master  With good English proficiency, the process of
English well educating students will be easier.   
 Exploring science through the internet in english
will indirectly make a teacher more open and able
to access a variety of diverse knowledge.   
 This makes a teacher think so much that it can
increase his confidence to teach in English well.   
 With this kind of teacher, surely the government's
desire to produce many intellectuals in our country
can be implemented because it has started from a
teacher himself.

Be able to contribute  Teacher is an important organization that is often

in the community expected as a leader to the community. 
 As a Malaysian citizen, teachers need to carry out
their duties with high dedication and commitment
because this is the contribution that every teacher
needs to do.   

Standing firmly on  A teacher should take care of his words and

religion tongues that are not defamatory and cursed
otherwise say the truth.   
 teachers who hold fast to the teachings of religion
always teach only to get the blessings of life in the
world and in the hereafter.   
 the importance of each teacher is to stick to religion
because it will indirectly cause a teacher to be
aware of the responsibility that has been entrusted
so that it can apply the spiritual values of each
student to practice the religion well.
Seeks to increase the  ICT in education means the use of information and
mastery of ICT communication technologies that support core
processes in the management and administration
of education, education and lifelong learning. 
 The use of ICT by teachers and students in the T&L
process can enhance understanding and mastery
in learning. 
 It also allows students to access information and to
find information quickly and up to date.   
 If teachers always apply ICT in T&L, then learning
becomes more meaningful and then the attitude of
students to love knowledge can be nurtured among
 This in turn will enable the students to have the
ability to learn, change their behavior and habits
and take lessons and lessons from new knowledge.
Trying to be a good  Teacher behavior is a model example for
example model students.   
 teacher should have commendable qualities that
can be an example to both students and the
 As we know, the task of a teacher is not limited to
the process of teaching or conveying knowledge
 However, the teacher's responsibility is to ensure
the formation of students' personality including the
formation and development of physical, spiritual,
intellectual and emotional aspects so that students
will be able to become knowledgeable, moral,
harmonious and balanced people.   
 With this kind of effort, surely our society will look
highly at a teacher's career.

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