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NTENT 23 March-5 April

2020 l

Indonesia Covid-19 highs & lows sweep Asia

viewership soars Free-flow stay-at-home fare, production fear abounds
News, kids audiences
reach new highs as
Covid-19 spreads

TV viewership of news has soared 25% in

Indonesia and kids shows are recording
record ratings highs of 16.2% as Covid-19
takes hold, Nielsen Indonesia’s latest
TAM data shows. Indonesia’s first Cov-
id-19 case was reported on 2 March. An
additional one million viewers watched
TV between 11-18 March.

The full story is on page 2

q Insight: 2019 Novel Coronavirus: The Silent Killer, Mediacorp/CNA

Widespread lockdowns and movement to halt the spread of Covid-19 is likely to

Tokyo Olympics restrictions across much of Asia sent me- be catastrophic. Australian producers

delay possible
dia platforms across the region racing for have already put an estimated A$2-billion
social responsibility playbooks, elicited tag on the damage, and warn that their

Cancellation “not on the guarantees of uninterrupted access to

critical news coverage, sent demand for
industry could collapse.
Although they haven’t been as proac-
agenda”, officials say Covid-19/pandemic content soaring, and tive or outspoken in measuring domestic
tore through paywalls in a bid to offer as damage, production industry associations
much entertainment as possible to audi- in Asia are likely to have their own sorry
Japanese officials are for the first time
ences at home. tales in the coming months.
openly expressing support for delaying the
At the same time, production of any- Uncertainty abounds across other sec-
Tokyo Olympics, scheduled to open on 24
thing other than news has pretty much tors. What, for instance, will platforms
July. This coincides with Canada pulling
ground to a halt, and even then, business do with channels that can’t fulfil first-run
out of the 2020 games, saying the safety
continuity plans mean news teams have obligations because there simply isn’t
of their athletes is a priority. U.K. and U.S.
been split and skeleton crews are keeping any? What happens to premium sports
associations are also supporting a delay,
the lights on and cameras rolling. packs without driver events? The closest
along with Australia, which has already
Meanwhile, TV viewership is likely to fol- we have come to an answer is that the
told its athletes to prepare for 2021.
low the record-breaking trend already future is “under discussion”.
being seen in Indonesia (see page 2).
The full story is on page 2
The impact of the measures being taken More at

the C NTENT 24-25 August 2020

Pullman Bangkok King Power
& AWARDS Thailand
C NTENT ASIA 23 March-5 April 2020
Page 2.

Indonesia viewership soars

News, kids audiences reach new highs
as Covid-19 spreads

TV viewership of news has soared 25% in Indonesia and

viewership of kids shows has reached ratings highs of 16.2% as
Covid-19 takes hold, Nielsen Indonesia says.
Indonesia’s first Covid-19 case was reported on 2 March,
kicking off heightened awareness and demand for informa-
tion. Stay-at-home measures kicked in mid-March.
Nielsen Television Audience Measurement (TAM) data in 11
cities shows an increase in TV viewership for the week from
11-18 March, from an average TV rating of 12% on 11 March
to 13.8% on 18 March – equal to an increase of about one
million TV viewers.
TV viewing duration also surged by more than 40 minutes,
from an average of 4 hours 48 minutes on 11 March to 5 hours
29 minutes on 18 March. formats that innovate
Kids’ segment (aged 5-9 years old) viewership increased
significantly, from an average rating of 12% to 15.8% on 18
March. In Jakarta, ratings reached 16.2%.
Nielsen also tracked increased advertising for health and
hygiene products on TV during the period. “In line with the
increase of Covid-19 cases, health issues are becoming the
major concern of the public,” said Hellen Katherina, Nielsen
Indonesia’s executive director of media.

Olympics delay possible
Cancellation “not on the agenda”, officials
say; decision expected within four weeks
Japanese officials are for the first time openly expressing sup-
port for delaying the Tokyo Olympics, scheduled to open on
24 July. This coincides with Canada pulling out of the 2020
games, saying the safety of their athletes is a priority. U.K. and
U.S. associations are also supporting a delay, along with Aus-
tralia, which has already told its athletes to prepare for 2021.
At the same time as supporting a possible delay, Tokyo gover-
nor Yuriko Koike echoed Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe
saying that cancellation was “unthinkable”. Over the week-
end, the International Olympics Committee (IOC) admitted for
the first time that postponing the 2020 Games had become
an option. In a statement on Sunday, the IOC started talking
about stepping up scenario planning – including adjusting
the start date – as a result of the pandemic. One of the con- @all3media_int
siderations is the availability of critical venues. Discussions with
stakeholders are expected to be complete within the next
four weeks. Japan is said to have spent more than US$12 bil-
lion on preparations for the Olympics.
23 March-5 April 2020 page 2.
C NTENT ASIA 23 March-5 April 2020
Page 3.

Hong Kong braces Netflix countdown to 8 new K-series

for tough year Sci-fi detective drama Rugal kicks off new slate
Nielsen charts consumer
confidence lows...
& that’s not counting
Covid-19 impact
Spending remains cautious in Hong
Kong amid widespread economic and
social uncertainty, according to new
Nielsen research, which says consumer
confidence in the territory has hit new
lows. And that’s not counting the impact
of the coronavirus, which was not includ-
ed in the late-2019/early-2020 surveys.
83% of advertisers surveyed for the
latest Advertising Spending Projec-
tions, conducted in collaboration with
the Hong Kong Advertisers Association
(HK2A), expect an economic downturn
in 2020.
Nielsen expects the split between on- Rugal
line and offline advertising spending to
shift from 50/50 in 2019 to 60/40 this year,
Netflix is pushing its new Korean slate in featuring two celebrities from Seoul and
while ROI on advertising investment, es-
a lockdown moment that spans reality, Taipei on a trip around Asia; The School
pecially online, will continue to increase
crime, sci-fi, romance and horror. Nurse Files, about a high-school nurse
in importance.
The five titles coming over the next with supernatural abilities; and monster
Consumer confidence index dropped
three months are high-school crime se- drama Sweet Home, about a reclusive
from 99 at end the of 2018 to 83 in the
ries Extracurricular (29 April); sci-fi detec- student who moves into an old apart-
last quarter of 2019, sparking advertiser
tive drama Rugal (28 March); romantic ment complex after the tragic death of
fears of an even tougher year in 2020.
drama It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (June) his entire family.
The survey shows that brands will con-
about a caretaker in a psych ward and a These follow Korean drama Crash Land-
tinue to use advertising to defend mar-
children’s book writer; fantasy romance ing on You, which premiered on Netflix in
ket share in the coming year.
The King: Eternal Monarch (April), set Dec 2019 and made it onto the stream-
Advertisers predict most growth in
across parallel universes from writer Kim er’s top 10 lists in the Philippines, Singa-
pharmaceutical/healthcare, telecom/
Eun-suk (Descendants of the Sun, Mr Sun- pore, Taiwan and Thailand, and zombie
tech and packaged food sectors and
shine); and dystopian thriller Time to Hunt epic Kingdom, which returned to Netflix
least growth in luxury, entertainment and
(10 April). for a second season on 13 March and is
retail in 2020.
Shows in production are Twogether, also on Netflix top 10 across the region.
Half of the advertisers expect a de-
crease in ad budgets in 2020. Following
a 1.4% increase in 2019, budgets are ex-
pected to drop 7.1% in 2020. The decline
is attributed to an 11% budget cut for OUT 25 MARCH
offline advertising, while the budget for
Philippines network GMA turns 70,
online advertising expands by 0.8%.
Covid-19 video industry update, Asia’s formats winners & losers,
Nielsen warned that the actual decline
what Japan is watching... & more
“might be even deeper” because the
impact of the coronavirus outbreak was
All in the latest issue of print+online
not included in the study.
44% of marketers say ROI calculation is
their top challenge.


Deutsche Welle | | T +60 (3) 2093-0866

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C NTENT ASIA 23 March-5 April 2020
Page 5.

Disney+ India rollout on India’s TV viewership up 38%

hold; no new date yet Barc India tracks 48.4 trillion viewing minutes in 2019
Disney put its Disney+ India rollout on
hold following the postponement of
the Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket
season. No new date has been set.
The streaming platform was scheduled
to go live in conjunction with streamer
Hotstar this coming Sunday (29 March).
Star is said to have paid Rs16,347.50
crore/US$2.295 billion for IPL rights for
five years, earning the IPL the title of
the world’s most expensive cricket
property. “Given the delay of the
season, we have made the decision
to briefly pause the roll-out of Disney+
and will announce a new revised pre-
miere date for the service soon,” Dis-
ney said. The Indian government has
announced a widespread lockdown
until end March to halt the spread of Barc India

q India’s Broadcast Audience Research World Cup match between India and
Council (Barc) says 2019’s TV viewing Pakistan, which garnered 29.4 billion
Aus producers put virus growth story was underscored by the viewing minutes.

damage at A$2b; warn of “continuing rise of regional broadcast

channels”. Hindi increased its share as
“Television ownership and viewing
continues to grow in India,” Barc says.
industry collapse a dominant language in live sports dur- “Over the last four years, viewing min-
ing the year as the consumption of local utes have grown by 38%,” the report
Screen Producers Australia (SPA) says language content grew, the organisa- continues, saying too that viewership re-
the country’s industry is in danger of tion says in its newly released 2019 year- mained stable through the introduction
collapse and has called for “targeted book. of the controversial New Tariff Order.
measures” to be put in place to pre- Over the past four years, TV viewership General entertainment and mov-
vent catastrophe. Preliminary results of grew 38%. Last year, average house- ies continue to account for 75% of TV
the SPA’s coronavirus impact survey holds in India watched five hours and 11 viewership.
shows more than 60 productions, with minutes of television a day, and 222 mil- News is way up, registering a 23%
combined budgets of A$387 million/ lion people tuned into prime-time televi- growth from 2018 to 2019, and taking
US$229.8 million, have already been sion at any given minute, says Barc India 8.9% of total TV viewing – the highest
affected. “This number is likely the tip CEO, Sunil Lulla, pointing to the growth share for news in four years. Barc attri-
of the iceberg as data continues to opportunity in the 100 million Indian butes this to, among other events, the
be collected and as more productions homes that don’t yet have a TV set. general election, the Pulwama terror at-
shut down or delay,” SPA says. Esti- Barc India measured 634 channels in tack, and the ICC World Cup Cricket.
mates are that the damage could be 2019, which generated 48.4 trillion view- Sports channel viewership has grown
in excess of A$2 billion/US$1.2 billion. ing minutes and 1.59 billion seconds of steadily. In 2019, sports viewership grew
Other cost implications include an es- advertising. 17% from 2018, contributing 3.2% of to-
timated A$77 million/ US$45.7 million in More than 26,000 movies aired on TV tal TV viewership for the year, which was
lost export revenue to date, in addition last year. Four South Indian languages the highest in the past four years.
to the cost of lengthy renegotiations, contributed to 48% of these, the year- Advertising has grown along with view-
delayed releases and lost sales. The book says. The most-watched movie ership, from 1.31 billion seconds in 2016
survey is ongoing. The SPA welcomed premiere on TV was Housefull 4, which to 1.59 billion by 2019. Hindi commands
the Aus government’s measures, in- registered 4.1 billion viewing minutes. the largest share of ad volume, at 32%.
cluding wage subsidies for SMEs and a The most-watched game between Tamil’s share is 10% and Telugu/Bangla
guarantee on loans. 2016 and 2019 was the 2019 ICC Cricket 9% each.
C NTENT ASIA countryprofile 23 March-5 April 2020
Page 6.

In numbers
Population.............................. 5.703 million
Households............................. 1.372 million
Avg. household size............................. 3.16
TV penetration...................................... 97%
Pay TV households....................... 712,000*
TV transmission (weekly)......... 1,009 hours
Fixed line subscriptions................ 1.903 million
Broadband internet subs......... 12.272 million
Wireless bb subs....................... 10.752 million
Mobile phone subs (3G/4G)........ 9.03 million
Mobile phone population rate........158.3%
Source: Department of Statistics Singapore
(population and households in 2019; TV
penetration in 2017/2018), Infocomm Media
Development Authority (TV transmission in 2018;
broadband, mobile and fixed line in 2019)
* Combined StarHub/Singtel households
StarHub: 329,000 (Dec 2019)
Singtel: 383,000 (Dec 2019)

Free TV Kin, Mediacorp’s second longest drama series with 366 eps
behind 2015’s Tanglin with 823 eps, as of 19 Mar 2020

cost from S$16.90/US$12.50 for the Korean Asia video focus on Japan and India.
Singapore’s sole terrestrial broadcaster,
Annyeong pack to S$64.90/US$48 a The video platform is packaged with
with a combo public service/
month for the mio Stadium+ sports pack. a Prime membership (e-shopping/
commercial remit, operates six TV
deliveries) for S$2.99/US$2.20 a month.
channels, 11 radio stations and
StarHub Subscription is available direct or via
multiple digital platforms, including
Launched in 2000, StarHub Entertainment telco platforms.
video streaming platform meWatch
offers about 150 linear/on-demand
(formerly Toggle). Mediacorp pioneered
channels, including in-house channels: Cast
the development of Singapore’s
Chinese entertainment (Hub E City, Hub Singtel launched standalone app, Cast,
broadcasting industry, with radio in 1936
Drama First, Hub VV Drama, Hub Ruyi in July 2016, aggregating on-demand
and television in 1963. Today, it reaches
VOD); sports (Hub Sports 1, Hub Sports 2, and linear channels plus regional
98% of Singaporeans in four languages
Hub Sports 3); & Malay entertainment (Hub streaming services such as Viu, HBO Go
weekly and has a growing international
Sensasi). StarHub also offers digital services and Yupp TV. Monthly subscription starts
audience base through news channel
including OTT (StarHub Go) and in March from S$5.90/US$4.40.
CNA as well as entertainment content
2020 added new bundles that include
distributed across markets in the region. Catchplay+
access to Netflix. StarHub has 329,000 pay-
TV households, 2.229 million post/prepaid Taiwan's Catchplay+ launched on
StarHub in June 2016, and direct-to-
Subscription TV mobile customers and 501,000 residential
broadband customers (Dec 2019). consumer (DTC) in Aug 2016. StarHub
dropped Catchplay at end May 2019.
Singtel TV
The platform is now only available direct.
Singapore telco Singtel launched digital Streaming/OTT Free tier offers 10 titles a month plus single
pay-TV platform Singtel TV (formerly Mio
rentals for between S$3.50/US$2.60 and
TV) in July 2007. The IPTV service offers Along with the ongoing trade in S$6/US$4.40. Monthly subscription for the
more than 150 channels to 383,000 streaming boxes that offer illicit access Movie Lovers basic plan costs S$9.90/
residential subscribers (Dec 2019) to a world of content, Singapore US$7.30. Catchplay+ claimed 100,000
along with on-demand, mobile and consumers also have legal access registered users in Singapore in June 2019.
streaming options. These include in-house a robust range of global/regional
platforms Singtel TV Go and standalone standalone streaming services. Dimsum
aggregator app, Cast (see streaming).
Dimsum launched on StarHub in April 2018
Singtel TV set-top boxes provide access Amazon Prime Video as part of StarHub Go monthly. Direct
to streaming services, Hooq and Netflix. Amazon rolled out Prime Video
subscription costs S$6.90/US$5 a month.
Singtel’s set-top-box-based channels globally at the end of 2016, with an

Channels Programming
& Tech Syndication &
2020 Licensing

Asia’s definitive media content and services directory Asia’s definitive media content and services directory

0. TBL_DIGITAL_COVERS.indd 4 13/02/2020 14:37

ContentAsia’s The Big List directory

Asia’s definitive content and services directory

For editorial info, contact Janine at

To advertise in any of ContentAsia’s publications or online,
contact Masliana at (Asia, Australia and Middle East)
or Leah at (Americas and Europe)
C NTENT ASIA countryprofile 23 March-5 April 2020
Page 8.

Fox+ targeting South Asia and the South a month) or via Singtel’s Cast (S$6.90/
Fox+ launched in Singapore in May 2017. Asian diaspora. The service offers US$5 a month with no contract or
Rates: S$19.90/US$14.80 a month for full-length movies in Hindi, Tamil, S$4.90/US$3.60 a month on a 12-month
billing with Singtel TV/StarHub. Malayalam, Telugu and Punjabi, among contract). Viu Premium offers unlimited
other Indian regional languages. The downloads/full HD.
Hooq premium plan costs S$4.99/US$3.69 a
Hooq Singapore lauched in Nov 2016. month or S$49.99/US$36.75 a year, with
Rates start at S$4.90/US$3.60 a month a free one-month trial. Production
(Singtel customers) and S$7.98/US$5.90 a
month directly from Hooq. StarHub Go August Media
Launched in Aug 2015, StarHub Go is a August Media co-produces with partners
meWatch standalone streaming service offering a such as Korea's Studio Gale. Production
Singapore’s free-TV broadcaster selection of StarHub TV content. Pricing unit is part of August Media Holdings, which
Mediacorp debuted online streaming ranges from S$9.90/US$7 for the Go Select creates/manages IP targeting kids/youth.
platform, meWatch (formerly Toggle), pack or the Go Sports pack. Third-party
in Feb 2013. meWatch relaunched in streaming services include Go Disney BananaMana Films
April 2015 after Mediacorp’s alliance (S$4.90/US$3.50 a month), TVB Anywhere BananaMana Films (est 2012) creates Asian
with Microsoft ended in March 2015. (S$4.98/US$3.70 a month) and HBO Go content in English for global distribution.
The service offers free/paid on-demand (S$13.98/US$10.40 a month). StarHub's Best-known titles are Perfect Girl and
titles and channels, original content and postpaid mobile subscribers get free Go Singapore/Japan co-pro Jimami Tofu.
acquired TV series/movies. Paid tier (for video streaming. StarHub's OTT debut
unlimited access to all content, including was in June 2012 with the launch of the BDA Creative
premium linear/VOD & free-TV previews) StarHub TV Anywhere/Wherever platform. BDA Creative (est 2003) produces long/
costs S$9.90/US$7 a month. Also offers HBO short-form content, including branded
Go at S$13.98/US$10.30 a month and tvN TVBAnywhere+ storytelling & channel promos.
Movies at S$5.90/US$4.40 a month. Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB)
launched TVBAnywhere+ in Singapore in Beach House Pictures
Netflix Oct 2018, offering classic and new TVB Established in 2005, Beach House
Netflix launched in Singapore in Jan 2016 programmes. The geo-blocked service Pictures (subsidiary of Blue Ant Media
as part of the U.S. streaming platform’s costs SG$4.98/US$3.70 a month. Select since May 2017) specialises in factual
global rollout. Standalone subscriptions content is offered for free. TVBAnywhere+ and entertainment.
start at S$11.98/US$8.70. is available standalone as well as via
telcos M1, StarHub and Singtel Cast and Birdmandog
Singtel TV Go broadband provider MyRepublic. Birdmandog (Incorporated 2013),
Singtel TV Go is a companion app to produced 2020's Invisible Stories, a six-
Singtel TV's pay-TV set-top box and Viddsee part half-hour drama series for HBO
is offered only to Singtel TV subs. The Launched in 2013, Viddsee offers Asia, and docu series Borderlands for
mobile platform launched in July 2013 as regional/int'l short-form content across Mediacorp's CNA.
mio TV Go and relaunched as Singtel TV various genres, including drama,
Go in Jan 2015. The service carries 100+ animation and docu for free. The service Bomanbridge Media
channels (incl on-demand) delivered to hits about 4.5 million MAU (Mar 2020). Bomanbridge Media is a content
TV sets via Singtel fibre broadband and distribution and production company,
channels (incl catch-up) via mobile, as Viu offering 6,000+ hours of programming
well as catch-up/on-demand content. Viu Singapore is part of Hong Kong telco consisting of formats, lifestyle, specialist
Singtel had 193,000 OTT subscribers PCCW’s regional mobile streaming factual, factual entertainment,
(including Cast) at the end of Dec 2019. play. The free Viu app launched in drama, kids and educational content.
Singapore in Jan 2016, and has a Bomanbridge has been ramping up
SPH Razor distribution partnership with telco Singtel. its investment in originals, including
Launched in Aug 2008, SPH Razor is a Viu’s biggest selling point is an enviable Mandarin Film's adventure series Walking
free access, interactive service offering library of mobile rights for Korean drama, the Yangtze and Jellyfish Pictures'
local news/trends, entertainment, some of which are offered within four preschool series Ivy and the Inklings.
lifestyle and sports. hours of their domestic debut, along
with titles from Japan, mainland China Coconuts TV
Spuul and Taiwan. The platform also carries Coconuts TV produces short videos
Founded in 2010 and launched in an increasing number of Viu original spanning news, food, travel and docu,
April 2012, Singapore-based Spuul is a productions. Viu’s premium subscription published online every week and licensed
video streaming subscription service tier is offered directly (S$7.98/US$5.20 to broadcast TV channels worldwide.
C NTENT ASIA countryprofile 23 March-5 April 2020
Page 9.

Eye Creative
The Eye Creative Group (est in Hong Kong
in 2015) set up in Singapore in 2016 and
Ho Chi Minh City in 2020. The company
conceptualises and produces original
entertainment and branded videos for
digital platforms. Entertainment projects
include digital content for Fox Networks'
franchises, National Geographic, NBA
and AXN. Clients include Puma, Thai
Tourism Board, Fiji Airways, Emirates,
Maybelline, and Manulife.

Freeflow Productions
Freeflow Productions' services include
pre- and post-production. 2019 projects
include one-off reality series Ed Stafford:
Man Woman Child Wild for Discovery U.K.

IFA Media
IFA Media (est 2005 in Singapore),
specialises in film, TV and digital content
production for international markets. Ah Boys to Men, mm2 Entertainment

Production credits include Bardo, a

Netflix Original from Taiwan. comedy series Oddbods. One produces drama series, variety, factual,
Animation's YouTube channel has about reality and kids content.
Infinite Studios four million subscribers (Jan 2020).
Infinite Studios offers a suite of media
entertainment/creative services in Refinery Media Broadband
Singapore and Batam/Indonesia. Best known for SupermodelMe (2009-2015)
and two seasons of Asia’s Next Top Model. MyRepublic
mm2 Entertainment MyRepublic (founded 2011, commercial
mm2 Entertainment, the production arm Sitting In Pictures services Feb 2012) is a high-speed
of Singapore-listed mm2 Asia, produces Sitting In Pictures (est 2000), has service provider using Singapore’s
films and TV/online content. Has co- produced 300+ hours of factual lifestyle, next-gen network. Subscriptions from
produced and/or distributed more than travel/adventure, science, history, kids S$49.99/US$31.60 a month for 1-Gbps
100 drama/films across Asia since 2008, drama and game shows. broadband (24-month contract). Offers
including Agent From Above, Ah Boys to OTT platform TVB Anywhere Premium for
Men and Vampire Cleanup Department. Sparky Animation S$4.98/US$3.70 a month.
Sparky Animation (est 2006) has
The Moving Visuals Co a games division in addition to its ViewQwest Fibernet
The Moving Visuals (est 1998) creates animation activities. Show credits ViewQwest (est 2001) started
content across multiple genres & formats. include Dinosaur Train. providing fibre broadband services in
2012. Standard monthly subscriptions
Oak3 Films Threesixzero Productions for 24-month bundles cost from
Oak3 Films (est 1996) and produces Threesixzero (est 2001) specialises in S$42.50/US$31.50 for a 1 Gbps
across multiple genres and formats for factual programming for, among others, connection. The bundle includes
local and regional platforms. Mediacorp, National Geographic and ViewQwest Freedom DNS.
Ochre Pictures WhizComms
Ochre Pictures (est 2000) has produced Tiny Island Productions WhizComms (est 2016) offers home
500+ hours of TV content across a range Tiny Island (est 2002), specialises in 3D broadband/IDD voice services.
of genres/languages. animation production. Project credits Subscriptions cost S$38/US$28 a month
include Dream Defenders. (12 months contract) or S$34/US$25 a
One Animation month (24 months contract) for 1 Gbps
One Animation is a CG Animation studio Wawa Pictures fibre broadband connection.
best known for its Emmy nominated Established in Aug 2007, Wawa Pictures
C NTENT ASIA countryprofile 23 March-5 April 2020
Page 10.

M1 (est 1997), provides mobile/fixed
services – incl. 4G, broadband – to
about two million customers. The telco
shuttered its IPTV MiBox on the Next
Be included!
Generation Nationwide Broadband
Network in early 2016 and delisted from
the Singapore Exchange in April 2019.

Singtel ContentAsia’s directory listings are updated

Singtel offers broadband internet, IPTV,
mobile and fixed line telephony services. continuously.
4G/Wifi plans start at S$34.32/US$25.40
(2Gb data & 2Gb wifi). Fibre broadband
subscriptions start at S$49.90/US$37 a
month (1Gb). Singtel has 4.3 million mobile If you would like to be included, send your
subs, 643,000 fixed broadband subs, and
details to Malena at
383,000 pay-TV subs (Dec 2019). or
StarHub +65 6846 5982
StarHub (launched 2000) operates
3G/4G mobile networks with plans
for 5G. StarHub's island-wide HFC
network delivers multi-channel pay-
TV services and ultra-high speed
residential broadband services. StarHub
had 501,000 residential broadband
customers and 2.229 million mobile
customers at the end of Dec 2019.

TPG Telecom
Australia's TPG Telecom won Singapore’s
4th telecoms licence in Dec 2016 with
a bid of S$105 million/US$73 million. TPG
started offering free trial unlimited data
roaming in Singapore in 2018.

The Ministry of Communications and
Information oversees the development
of the infocomm technology, media and
design sectors; the national and public
libraries; and government information and
public communication policies.

The Infocomm Media Development
Authority (IMDA) is tasked with developing
and regulating the converging info-comm
and media sectors in a holistic way.

Adapted from ContentAsia’s

The Big List 2020
C NTENT ASIA 23 March-5 April 2020
programmingpicks Page 11.

Mist of Love
Truth lies in past lives…To save the future, Plerngfha
must use his ability to see the past to reveal the
truth, protect the love of his life, Sitang, and decode
the ancient prophecy that will shake the core of
people’s beliefs. Deciphering the ancient inscriptions
will lead them to the sacred statue, which gives them
the ability not only to see the past but also the future.
They also discover their past of related characters that span
three lifetimes. Will these people be freed from this endless cycle
Dino Dana of murderous love, lies, betrayal, virtue and power? Length 13x95 min JKN Global
Dana is a feisty 10-year-old with a big
Media Public Company Limited JKN Gallery Salaya Building 45/14 M.1, Songkanong
imagination who eats, sleeps and
Sub-District, Sam Pran District, Nakhon Pathom, 73210 T: +66 3431 0569
breathes dinos. So much so that her
dad made her a special backpack
that she can transform to look like any Alex Rider
dinosaur she wants. Fortunately for When Alex Rider learns that his uncle
Dana, after a chance encounter with has been killed in the line of duty as
Trek and his Dino Field Guide, Dana a British spy, everything changes for
can now see dinosaurs too! With new this otherwise normal teen. He
prehistoric creatures, including for is approached by the
the first time mammals and in- head of a shadowy
sects, Dino Dana continues offshoot of MI6,
the Emmy award-winning who reveals that PIAGGIO
tradition of imagining Alex has been The successful story of Enrico Piaggio goes
the awesomeness of the unknowingly through many important historical moments.
past into an adventure trained since Before the Second World War, he was build-
in the present. Produced childhood for the ing warplanes. His factory was destroyed
by Sinking Ship and dis- dangerous world and, taken by the sense of remorse, he
tributed by Bomanbridge of espionage. started working on the Vespa project, sav-
Media. Length: 26x22 mins Pressured to help ing machinery and workers. This movie tells
Bomanbridge Media 8 Smith investigate his uncle’s the little known side of the story: the Vespa
Street, #02-01 Singapore 058922 death, and how it con- was close but Enrico Piaggio managed
T: +65 6224 4211 nects to other assassinations, Alex to change its destiny through revolution-
reluctantly assumes a new identity ary methods: an advertisement based on
and goes undercover in a remote female communication and pro-rata pay-
boarding school called Point Blanc. ment system. This scooter became famous
Length: 8 episodes x 45 minutes Sony worldwide, testified by the 18 million units
Pictures Television 2/F, Cityplaza sold around the globe. Length: 1x100 mins
Three, 14 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Rai Com S.p.A. Via Umberto Novaro, 18,
Shing, Hong Kong T: +852 2913 3788 00195 Rome, Italy T: +39 0 633 178 229
F: +852 2913 3798

My Husband in law (Aok Guerb Hak

Ab Rak Khun Samee)
Tiarawat, a talented and successful architect,
lands in hot water over his affair with a married
Thin Ice woman, whose husband, the son of an influential
A timely and thought-provoking thriller man, wants him killed. To escape, he marries his
capturing the burning issues of cli- childhood friend Nateerin, a sweet girl next door
mate change, geo-politics and Arctic who is the opposite of the type of girl he likes. All
exploitation. Length: 8 x 45 mins Banijay is well until he discovers that Nateerin has a crush
Rights Gloucester Building, Kensington on him. Length: 15x95 mins BEC World (Public) Company Limited. 3199 Maleenont
Village, Avonmore Road, London, U.K. Tower, Floor B1, G, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 30-34, Rama 4 Road, Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok
W148TS T: +44 207 013 4079 10110, Thailand T: +66 2 022 7395 E:
C NTENT ASIA 23 March-5 April 2020
programmingpicks Page 12.

24/7 100% Wolf – Legend of the

Mia is a single mom working as a Moonstone
night shift guard of a local hospital to Freddy Lupin, heir to a proud family line
provide for her son, Xavier. When Xavier of werewolves, was in shock
contracts the deadly disease that when on his 13th birth-
terrorizes the country, Mia stops day his first “warfing”
at nothing to find the cure. went awry, turning
She then discovers that the him into a fero-
national epidemic is actu- cious... poodle.
ally a money-making scheme of a pharmaceutical company. Deter- Enrolled in the
mined and desperate to procure the medicine for her dying son, Mia mysterious
forces her way into a secret laboratory only to end up dead. But mys- Howlington
teriously, time resets, and Mia wakes up to the time before the disease Academy,
even began. Will things turn out differently this time around? Length: Freddy is going
10x45 mins ABS-CBN Corporation 10/F, ELJ Communications Center,Lopez to try to prove
Drive,Quezon City 1103,Metro Manila, Philippines T: +63 23 415 2272 that despite his
appearance, he
Ana’s Revenge still has the heart of a
Analía will become the candidate’s werewolf! Episodes/Length:
most important political advisor and 26x22 mins. Comedy, Adventure (CGI
right hand; she will put him at the top Animation) Studio 100 Media GmbH
of the polls to later tear him down and Neumarkter Str. 18-20, 81673 Munich,
bring his corrupt past to light. She will Germany
make him lose the presidency and
even his freedom. Still, she doesn’t
have an important piece of informa-
London Kills tion: the man she hates so much is
The world’s most exciting city is the back- her own father. Moreover, her journey
drop for a series of murders – all investigat- to defeat evil will take the only man
ed by an elite murder squad. This specialist she’s ever loved, Pablo de la Torre,
group is headed by hugely experienced Mejia’s top political opponent, to the
Detective Inspector David Bradford. He abyss. Length: 60x60 mins
has just come back to work after compas- Caracol Televisión
sionate leave – his wife has been missing 150 Alhambra
for three months. David’s team is com- Circle, Suite
prised of ambitious Detective Sergeant #1250, Miami,
Vivienne Cole who plays by her own rules, FL 33134,
seasoned crime-solver Detective Consta- United State
ble Rob Brady and inexperienced Trainee T: +1 305 960 Evil
Detective Constable Billie Fitzgerald. Epi- 2018 Evil is a psychological mystery
sodes/length: 10x60mins | Series | Crime that examines the origins of evil
+ Suspense ZDF Enterprises GmbH Erich- along the dividing line between
Dombrowski-Str. 1, 55127 Mainz, Germany science and religion. The series
focuses on a skeptical female psy-
chologist who joins a priest-in-training
Kahat Hanuman Jai Shri Ram and a contractor as they investigate
(Hanuman – The Biggest Devotee) the Church’s backlog of unexplained
Kahat Hanuman Jai Shri Ram is a mythological saga that high- mysteries, including supposed miracles,
lights the purpose behind Lord Hanuman’s devotion towards demonic possessions, and hauntings.
Lord Ram. The story beautifully captures many unexplored Their job is to assess if there is a logical
aspects of Lord Hanuman’s powers and his unwavering faith explanation or if something truly su-
in Lord Ram which makes him one of the greatest devotees pernatural is at work. Episodes/length:
of all times. Zee Global Content Sales ZEE Entertainment 13x60 mins ViacomCBS Global Distribu-
Enterprises Limited, 18th Floor, Marathon Futurex, N M Joshi tion Group
Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400013, India
C NTENT ASIA 23 March-5 April 2020
programmingpicks Page 13.

Tokyo Legacy
This one-off special will look at the city’s rapid devel-
opment from the aftermath of WWII to becoming
the “economic animal” of the world. Tokyo Legacy
will explore the fascinating and at times tumultu-
ous history of Japan with a focus around the turning
point that was 1964 and the road to the 2020 Olym-
pics. Episodes/lengths: 1x90 mins A+E Networks 80
Bendemeer Road, #07-04, Singapore 339949

The Dog House The Walking Dead:

In this heart-warming format, un- World Beyond
wanted and abandoned dogs get a The Walking Dead: World Beyond will fo-
chance at a new home with a ‘forever cus on the first generation raised
family’. Follow the re-homing team in the zombie apocalypse.
as they try to find each dog a Some will become
new human to love, but mak- heroes. Some will be-
ing the right match takes come villains. In the
both experience and a bit end, all of them
of luck. Often, it’s not only will be changed
the dogs who need rescu- forever. Grown-up Hercai
ing. Those looking to adopt and cemented Reyyan is the granddaughter of the
have heart-wrenching rea- in their identities, powerful Sadoglu family, one of the
sons for wanting a canine both good and strongest families in Midyat. After she
pal and we see how lives can bad. Episodes/length: marries Miran, the newlyweds go to their
be changed by the perfect 10x60 mins (first season) mansion to begin their new life. But Miran
match. All3media International AMC Studios 2425 Olympic ends the relationship after spending just
1 George Street, #10-01, Blvd Suite 400E, Santa Monica, CA, one night with his bride. The reason is
Singapore 049145 USA 90404 that Reyyan’s father had killed Miran’s
parents many years ago and Miran was
Malawi Wildlife Rescue brought up by his grandmother to take
Malawi Wildlife Rescue is a docu- revenge for their deaths. Over time, the
series that follows American veteri- secrets are revealed while Reyyan and
narian, Dr. Amanda Salb and her Miran try to appreciate their love despite
colleagues at the country’s only all obstacles. Episodes/length: 160x45
wildlife rescue centre. The team mins; Drama ATV Gayrettepe mah.
cares for injured and abandoned Barbaros Bulvarı, No: 153, Cam Han
animals until they are ready to be 34349 Beşiktaş. Istanbul, Turkey
released back into the wild. The
Centre receives most of its orphans during the rainy season and the staff have their
hands full looking after baby vervet monkeys and baboons in particular. As one of
the poorest countries in Africa, resources in Malawi are hard to come by and pow-
er cuts are common, meaning the rains can wreak havoc on the Centre. Length:
6x60 mins Blue Ant International 200-130 Merton Street, Toronto, Ontario M4S 1A4,
Canada T: +1 416 646 4434 F: +1 416 646 4444

Mary’s Kitchen Crush

For Mary Berg, (MasterChef Canada Season 3 winner), cooking and baking has long
been the best way for her to express love to the people in her life. In each episode
of Mary’s Kitchen Crush, she demonstrates her culinary skill and creativity with 3 to 4
original recipes – inspired by someone who has made a meaningful impact on her life.
The resulting meal acts as an edible love letter for family members and close friends.
Episodes/Length 30x30 mins. Factual, Food, Lifestyle. Boat Rocker Studios Boat Rocker
Rights, 310 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 1K6
C NTENT ASIA events 23 March-5 April 2020
Page 14.

What’s on where...
June 2020 29-30 AVIA OTT Summit Singapore

August 2020 24-25 ContentAsia Summit Bangkok, Thailand

26 AVIA Thailand in View Bangkok, Thailand

27-29 Hong Kong Filmart Hong Kong

September 2020 1-3 APOS Bali, Indonesia

8-11 BCWW Seoul, South Korea

10 AVIA Taiwan in View Taipei, Taiwan

17-20 Gwangju ACE Fair Gwangju, South Korea

17-19 Vietnam Telefilm Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

28 AVIA Satellite Industry Forum Singapore

29 Sept-1 Oct BroadcastAsia/CommunicAsia Singapore

October 2020 6 AVIA Future of Video India Mumbai, India

9-14 Canneseries Cannes, France

10-11 MIP Junior Cannes, France

12-15 MIPCOM Cannes, France

21-22 SportsPro OTT Asia Singapore

31 Oct-9 Nov 33rd Tokyo International Film Festival Tokyo, Japan

November 2020 2 AVIA Asia Video Summit To be confirmed

4-6 TIFFCOM Tokyo, Japan

December 2020 2-4 Asia TV Forum & Market Singapore

7-8 Dubai International Content Market Dubai, U.A.E.

10 AVIA India Video 360 Delhi, India

April 2021 10-11 MIP Doc 2021 Cannes, France

10-11 MIP Formats 2021 Cannes, France

12-15 MIP TV 2021 Cannes, France

* As of Friday, 20 March 2020

The full list of events is available at

C NTENT ASIA data 23 March-5 April 2020
Page 15.

Thai format adaptations stand tall

I Can See Your Voice & MasterChef Thailand make Top 10 C NTENT
Editorial Director
Thai versions of international formats – I Workpoint Entertainment for Workpoint
Janine Stein
Can See Your Voice Thailand based on TV, entered the top 10 at number four,
Korean media company CJ ENM’s IP with MasterChef Thailand at number Assistant Editor
and MasterChef Thailand, an Endemol seven, between Star Trek: Picard at Malena Amzah
Shine format adapted by Thai produc- number six and Better Call Saul at num-
tion house Heliconia for free-TV station, ber eight. Events Manager
Bangkok Broadcasting & TV (BBTV Chan- The Walking Dead topped the overall CJ Yong
nel 7) – stood tall among high-impact list of TV shows with a bigger lead than
multi-million dollar global properties in between any of the other titles on the Editorial Research
Thailand for the week of 11-17 March, top 10 list. The Fox series was 693,732 Aqilah Yunus
according to the latest findings of data demand expressions ahead of HBO’s
Marketing Assistant
science company Parrot Analytics. Game of Thrones, which was second,
Rhealyn Rigodon
I Can See Your Voice Thailand, by failing to hit the four million demand ex-
local production house/broadcaster pressions mark by a sliver.
Top 10 overall TV shows: Thailand Rae Yong
Rank Title Average Demand
Expressions® Associate Publisher
1 The Walking Dead 4,675,776 (Americas, Europe) and VP,
International Business Development
2 Game of Thrones 3,982,044
Leah Gordon
3 My Hero Academia 3,458,715
4 I Can See Your Voice Thailand 3,189,832
Sales and Marketing (Asia)
5 Avatar: The Last Airbender 3,009,623
Masliana Masron
6 Star Trek: Picard 2,920,188
7 MasterChef Thailand 2,805,345
To receive your regular free copy
8 Better Call Saul 2,766,892
of ContentAsia, please email
9 Homeland 2,743,771
10 The Mandalorian 2,624,155
Published fortnightly by:
Top 10 digital originals: Thailand Pencil Media Pte Ltd
730A Geylang Road
Rank Title Platform Average Demand Singapore 389641
Tel: +65 6846-5987
1 Star Trek: Picard CBS All Access 2,920,188
2 The Mandalorian Disney+ 2,624,155
Copyright 2020 Pencil Media Pte Ltd.
3 The Witcher Netflix 1,985,702
All Rights Reserved.
4 Narcos Netflix 1,803,721
5 The Man In The High Castle Prime Video 1,784,350
6 Stranger Things Netflix 1,750,953
7 Kingdom (2019) Netflix 1,612,925
8 Altered Carbon Netflix 1,534,046
9 Black Mirror Netflix 1,150,031 C NTENT
10 Star Trek: Discovery CBS All Access 1,119,297 Daily news with
ContentAsia Insider
Date range: 11-17 March 2020
Demand Expressions® (DEx): The global TV measurement standard developed email
by Parrot Analytics, which represents the total audience demand being for subscription details
expressed for a title, within a market. Audience demand reflects the desire,
engagement and viewership, weighted by importance; so a stream/down-
load is a higher expression of demand than a ‘like’/comment. NOTE: Local
titles are still being uploaded into the system and may not be reflected here.

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