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Na Honua Mauli Ola Standard 2

To meet aspects of, and to satisfy Na Honua Mauli Ola standard 2, in an effort to

perpetuate Hawaiian heritage and language, I provide opportunities for my students to learn

Hawaiian language/vocabulary through our Hawaiian Word of the Week (HWOW). The HWOW

is my version of Maui High’s Word of the Week (WOW) which is a school-wide initiative to

increase students’ vocabulary by providing terms that are chosen from the ACT guidelines list.

My HWOW provides my students with the opportunity to not only learn different numbers in

‘olelo Hawai’i such as ‘umi (the number 10), but to learn and appreciate new words such as

Mana (power/strength/authority). These Hawaiian words of the week are segways to

perpetuating Hawaiian language by honoring some of the cultural knowledge that a few students

might share prior to providing the definition. For instance, one of our Hawaiian words of the

week is the term Mana. Many Hawaiian and local students have an understanding of what this

word represents—strength or power—by sharing their knowledge of the vocabulary through

their learnings from kupuna or older Hawaiian relatives. Additionally, to perpetuate Hawaiian

language in the classroom and in the lesson, I utilize some of the HWOW within word problems

to support reinforcement of those words and to encourage habitual practice. Lastly, by utilizing

Hawaiian numbers and/or names within word problems, I am able to provide a connection

between the problems, my students, and the local environment.

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