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Carbon nanotube field effect transistor aptasensors for estrogen detection in liquids

Han Yue Zheng, Omar A. Alsager, Cameron S. Wood, Justin M. Hodgkiss, and Natalie O. V. Plank

Citation: J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 33, 06F904 (2015); doi: 10.1116/1.4935246

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Published by the American Vacuum Society
Carbon nanotube field effect transistor aptasensors for estrogen
detection in liquids
Han Yue Zheng, Omar A. Alsager, Cameron S. Wood, Justin M. Hodgkiss, and
Natalie O. V. Planka)
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington 6021, New Zealand and
The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Victoria University of Wellington,
Wellington 6021, New Zealand
(Received 22 June 2015; accepted 19 October 2015; published 9 November 2015)
The authors demonstrate a small molecule 17 b-estradiol (E2) sensor based on aptamer functional-
ized carbon nanotube network film field effect transistors (CNT FETs). The real time current
response for the 35-mer E2 aptamer functionalized CNT FET shows a clear increase in current
over the range of 50 nM to 1.6 lM of E2. The E2 response using a longer 75-mer version of the
aptamer functionalized CNT FETs, where the aptamer/E2 binding occurs beyond the Debye length,
shows no obvious evidence of sensing. The CNT FET sensing platform has been fabricated via a
simple surfactant free solution processing route, compatible with further carbon nanotube functional-
ization to develop a versatile sensing platform. The CNT FET aptasensors are able to perform real
time monitoring of E2 levels for selective and quantitative detection of E2 in liquids. V C 2015

American Vacuum Society. []

I. INTRODUCTION imaging,21,22 microgravimetric analysis,23 and by electronic

Hormone contamination in waterways could cause serious signal readout via functionalized FETs.24,25 Electrochemical
problems for the environment, as well as being detrimental methods for detection of E2 molecules have included the use
to human health.1–8 There is demand for simple devices of aptamer functionalized conducting electrodes as the sensing
capable of detecting low levels of hormones such as 17 platform for cyclic voltammetry measurements,20,26 square
b-estradiol (E2); however, the small size of the molecule wave voltammetry,20 or impedance measurements.5,19 Optical
makes accurate sensitive real-time detection challenging. techniques for aptasensors have utilized aptamer functional-
We are investigating a route to detect E2 molecules sensi- ized nanoparticles or fibers to determine the E2 concentration
tively and selectively in real time using liquid gated carbon by colorimetric analysis2,27 or fluorescence spectroscopy.21
nanotube field effect transistors (CNT FETs) functionalized Using FET sensor platforms, it has been possible to oper-
with aptamers. ate the FETs at low bias (<1 V) and to measure real time
Aptamers are short strands of DNA or RNA and can be quantitative electronic responses via a current meter, paving
selected in vitro for a specific target using systematic evolution the way for sensors that are integrated with handheld elec-
of ligands by exponential enrichment techniques.9,10 tronics. The current examples of aptamer based CNT FET
Compared to other recognition receptors, for example, anti- biosensors have all been utilized to detect large molecules in
bodies,11,12 using aptamers as the recognition elements in bio- real time, for example, thrombin28 or IgE.25,29 The detection
sensors, offer several advantages.13,14 The artificially of small molecules such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
synthesized aptamers allow a very broad detection of analytes, has been achieved using a CNT FET aptasensor device;
as aptamers can be selectively synthesized for specific targets, however, the detection measurements were from the carbon
including cells, proteins, viruses, and small molecules, which nanotube (CNT) resistance between two electrodes, e.g., the
is a more versatile target range than for antibody based sen- FET device was operated as a simple chemiresistor.30 The
sors.1,13,14 Another major advantage of aptamers is that the 50 chemiresistor measurements based on FETs do successfully
or 30 end sites of the aptamers can be readily functionalized detect small molecules; however, they do not realize real
with a range of functional groups, such as amines, thiols, and time monitoring sensing response. The real time detection of
carboxylic acids, which is beneficial for immobilization onto using CNT FET aptasensors is still in its infancy with only
the sensing platforms.13,14 Furthermore, the handling of one report till date, for bisphenol A (BPA) detection.31 Here,
aptamers is significantly easier and more robust than for anti- we show successful real time detection of the small molecule
bodies. Usually, antibodies must be maintained in buffer under E2 by thin film CNT FET aptasensors. To the best of our
specific conditions13,14 whereas aptamers are found to be sta- knowledge, this is the first example of real time response for
ble in a variety of buffers and even in water resulting in simple E2 detection using CNT FET aptasensors.
functionalization procedures for biosensor fabrication.2,3,14–16 The CNT FET aptasensors were fabricated using the 35-
Previous biosensor research based on aptamers as the rec- mer E2 aptamer and 75-mer E2 aptamer.2 We are able to
ognition elements has used a range of analytical techni- show that successful detection of E2 depends on the length
ques,14,17 including electrochemical sensing,5,18–20,26 optical of the aptamer, as the conformational change in the aptamer
structure upon exposure to the E2 analyte must occur within
Electronic mail: the Debye screening length to affect the CNT FET

06F904-1 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 33(6), Nov/Dec 2015 2166-2746/2015/33(6)/06F904/8/$30.00 C 2015 American Vacuum Society
V 06F904-1
06F904-2 Zheng et al.: CNT FET aptasensors for estrogen detection in liquids 06F904-2

current.12,25,32 We have observed a measurable current CNT FET was then baked at a 200  C on a hot plate in air.
change on exposure to E2 for the 35-mer E2 CNT FET apta- Scanning electron microcopy (SEM) via the Jeol JSM 6500F
sensor, but no E2 response is observed for the 75-mer E2 was used to determine the morphology of the CNTs in the
aptamer. We also tested a control device with a random 35- device platform. The CNT FETs are then ready for chemical
mer DNA sequence, which shows no E2 specific response. functionalization to fabricate aptasensors.

II. EXPERIMENT B. CNT aptasensor fabrication

A. Carbon nanotube thin film transistor fabrication To immobilize aptamers on the surface of the CNTs,
Carbon nanotube thin film transistors are fabricated 1-pyrenebutanoic acid succinimidyl ester (PBASE) (95%
through a surfactant free solution processing route. First of purity) (Sigma Aldrich) was exposed to the CNTs by sub-
all, a CNT suspension was produced in anhydrous 1,2- merging the entire device in a 1 mM PBASE methanol solu-
dichlorobenzene (DCB) (Sigma Aldrich). A tweezer tip tion for an hour. The PBASE methanol solution of 1 mM
amount of 99% IsoNanotube-S CNTs bucky paper concentration was prepared by sonication for 1 min before
(NanoIntegris) was dispersed into a 5 ml DCB solvent and use. After PBASE functionalization, any excess PBASE was
was sonicated using the Sonorex ultrasonic water bath for 1 removed by rinsing three times in pure methanol before
h to create the suspension to the point where there are no finally dipping in deionized (DI) water for 5 s. The samples
obvious particles visible through the naked eye. The SiO2/Si are then dried in clean N2.
substrates (Silicon Quest International, Inc.) with highly All aptamers were purchased from AlphaDNA. The
doped p-type Si and an oxide thickness of 100 nm were sequence of 35-mer E2 aptamer, 35-mer random sequence,
cleaned by sonication in acetone for 3 min and followed by and 75-mer E2 aptamer is listed in Table I. The aptamers
thoroughly rinsing in Isopropyl alcohol and then dried in were hydrated in DI water and stored at 4  C when not in
clean N2. In order to functionalize the SiO2 surface, a polydi- use. To prepare the aptamer solution, the aptamers were
methylsiloxane (PDMS) (Sylgard 184) stamping method initially denatured at 75  C in an oven for 5 min before
was used to transfer a thin layer of 2-thiolpyridine onto SiO2 cooling down to room temperature. The aptamers were
surface.33 The 2-thiolpyridine functionalized SiO2 substrates then diluted using 10 mM phosphate-buffered saline
were then submerged into the premade CNT DCB suspen- (PBS) buffer (1 PBS, pH ¼ 7.4, 0.0027 M potassium chlo-
sion for half an hour. The SiO2/Si substrates were then taken ride, and 0.137 M sodium chloride) (Sigma Aldrich) at a
from CNT suspension and cleaned in ethanol for 5 min to concentration of 2 lM mixed together with 1 mg/ml N-
remove excess solvents before being dried in clean N2. (3-dimethylaminopropyl)N-ethylcarbodiimidehydrochloride/
After submersion, the entire SiO2 surface was coated with N-hydroxysuccinimide (EDC/NHS). CNT FETs were
a uniform CNT thin film. In our experiment, 100 lm (width) exposed to the aptamer/EDC/NHS solution for 3 h. After
 300 lm (length) areas of CNT thin films are left at controlled functionalization, excess aptamers were then washed off by
locations defined by photolithography using O2 plasma etching rinsing in PBS buffer three times followed by a rinse in
using an Oxford Plasmalab 80 Plus etcher at 600 mTorr, 200 DI water before drying in clean N2. The remaining exposed
W, 40 sccm O2 flow, and an etch time of 3 min. These CNT CNT FETs were passivated by submerging the devices in
regions then form the active channel of FETs. We use the Karl 0.05 wt. % Tween20 (Sigma Aldrich) in PBS for 2 h. The
Suss MJB3 UV lamp mask aligner for photolithography. Tween20 solution was prepared by stirring Tween20 in 1
Metallization is achieved using the Angstrom Engineering PBS at a weight ratio of 0.05% until well mixed. Excess
Nexdep Evaporator with contacts of 5 nm Cr and 35 nm Au de- Tween20 was removed by rinsing the CNT FETs in PBS
posited directly onto the CNT thin films as the source and drain solution three times before a final clean in DI water and
electrodes. After a lift-off process, the channel length of CNT drying in clean N2.
FETs is 40 lm, and the channel width is 100 lm.
To encapsulate electrodes to avoid current leakage and C. Electrical measurement
electrode damage in the aqueous sensing environment, pho- The analyte 17 b-estradiol (E2) (Sigma Aldrich) was dis-
toresist SU8 2150 from Microchemicals was patterned by solved in ethanol at a concentration of 0.03 M. The E2 etha-
photolithography. The SU8 2150 photoresist was diluted nol solution is stored at 4  C when not in use. The 0.03 M
using cyclopentane (Simga Aldrich, reagent 98%) at a E2 ethanol solution was then diluted to 20 lM concentration
weight ratio of 1.8:1 before use. The active exposed area of using diluted 0.05 PBS (5% ethanol). More diluted concen-
CNT is 10 lm length by 100 lm width. SU8 encapsulated trations were also prepared in 0.05 PBS (5% ethanol)

TABLE I. DNA sequences.

DNA Sequence




J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 33, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2015

06F904-3 Zheng et al.: CNT FET aptasensors for estrogen detection in liquids 06F904-3

FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) SEM image shows uniform CNT film on SiO2/Si substrates. (b) A schematic diagram of CNT FET measured in liquid using Ag/
AgCl as reference electrodes. (c) An overview optical image of CNT FET post SU8 electrode encapsulation: the areas of CNTs exposed for aptamer function-
alization are indicated by the rectangular solid lines.

solution if required. To test the devices in a liquid environ- shown in Fig. 1(b). Figure 1(c) shows an optical microscope
ment, a handmade PDMS well was placed on top of the image of the electrodes post SU8 encapsulation. The exposed
CNT FET to avoid liquid leakage to the probe electrodes. CNT area marked by the rectangle is 100  10 lm where those
Buffer solution of 150 ll was added into PDMS well before CNTs are the active area for aptamer functionalization.
measurement to ensure that the exposed active area of the The transfer characteristics of a CNT FET are shown in
reference electrode, which is enclosed in plastic up to the Fig. 2 for both the case of a back gated CNT FET through the
end pad, was completely covered in buffer at all times to pre- SiO2 and a liquid gated CNT FET. As expected, the CNT
vent the issue of an altered I-V response coming from a FETs exhibit p-type semiconductor behavior. In back gating,
change in the active area of the gate electrode. All electrical the voltage Vbg is applied through the highly doped Si, which
measurements were taken with the Agilent 4156C parameter acts as the electrode, and the 100 nm thermal SiO2 is an effec-
analyzer connected to the sample via micromanipulators and tive dielectric. The voltage Vbg is swept from þ10 to 10 V
a Rucker and Kolls probes station. During real time sensing and a fixed Vds ¼ 100 mV. The back gated device shows poor
measurements, the applied voltage and time are set from pa- field dependency with undefined Vth. In liquid gating, the volt-
rameter analyzer. The gate voltage was set to 0, the source–- age Vlg is applied through the Ag/AgCl reference electrode.
drain voltage was set to 50 or 100 mV, and the time step was Charges within the PBS buffer redistribute due to the applied
1 s. Throughout the sensing measurements, 10 ll of the E2 voltage, and an electric double layer (EDL) is formed, which
analyte was added. The concentration of E2 in PDMS varies acts as the dielectric region.32,34 The transfer characteristics
from 50 nM, 147 nM, 640 nM, and 1.6 lM. achieved from the same CNT FET show much stronger field
dependency properties under liquid gating compared to back
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION gating, even at a shorter sweeping voltage range from þ0.5 to
0.5 V and a fixed Vds ¼ 50 mV. Moreover, for the liquid
A. Device platform gated device, there is a clearly defined Vth ¼ þ0.1 V. To oper-
Uniform films of CNTs have been successfully realized on ate the CNT FET as a biosensor for E2, it is advantageous to
the 2-thiolpyridine functionalized SiO2/Si substrates [Fig. 1(a)] operate the device under a liquid gate environment. Figure 2
via the CNT DCB suspension method detailed in Sec. II. In order clearly shows that these network CNT FETs exhibit suitable
to use CNT FETs as sensor platforms, the CNT FET electrodes device performance.
are encapsulated with SU8 to prevent leakage currents from the
reference electrode and the source and drain, as schematically B. Aptamer immobilization
In order to immobilize aptamers on the CNT FET surfaces,
it is necessary to functionalize the pristine CNTs, as described
in Sec. II. PBASE is chosen to act as the linker between the
CNT and the aptamer because it provides nondestructive func-
tionalization of the CNT surface, meaning that the structure
and hence the electronic properties of the CNTs are not dam-
aged. The aptamer used in this research is functionalized by
amine groups (-NH2) at the 50 end. In our experiments, the
CNT FETs are first immersed in PBASE methanol solu-
tion.12,35 PBASE stacks onto the CNT sidewalls due to the
p–p interaction between the pyrene on PBASE and the ben-
zene rings on CNTs, as shown schematically in Fig. 3(a).
Once the PBASE functionalized CNT FET is immersed in the
aptamer/EDC/NHS solution for 3 h, the amine groups on the
50 end of the aptamer are then linked onto PBASE by nucleo-
philic substitution and formation of an amide bond (OC-NH)
FIG. 2. (Color online) Transfer characteristics of the same CNT FET using
back gating (Vds ¼ 100 mV) and liquid gating (Vds ¼ 50 mV) after SU8 elec- between the aptamer and PBASE.35 The NH2 terminated
trode encapsulation. aptamers are the most widely available form used for

JVST B - Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena

06F904-4 Zheng et al.: CNT FET aptasensors for estrogen detection in liquids 06F904-4

FIG. 3. (Color online) Schematic representation of the CNT FET functionalization process: (a) PBASE stacks onto the CNT surfaces via p–p interaction. (b)
Aptamers are tethered on to the PBASE coated CNTs, via nucleophilic substitution. (c) When the aptamer senses the E2, the DNA strand is wrapped around
the analyte, bringing charges closer to the CNT surface.

conjugation and aptasensor research.36 Primary amines on Tween20 passivation), and the same CNT FET post E2 response
base groups of DNA as part of aromatic rings are not suffi- are all compared under liquid gating in 0.05 PBS (Fig. 4).
ciently reactive for controlled binding, unlike the alkyl amine It is clear that after the CNT FET has been functionalized
added to the end of the aptamer.37 Therefore, the alkyl amine with the E2 aptamer and Tween20 passivation, the magni-
terminated aptamer on the 50 end is necessary to link onto the tude of the current is reduced in comparison to the pristine
N-hydroxysuccinimide group of PBASE to form the amide CNT FET. The reduction in current is mainly due to the
tether.35 Without the NH2 termination, the aptamers will Tween20 passivation, which can act as scattering centers on
adsorb nonselectively onto the CNTs due to the p–p interac- the CNT surface and has the effect of both hindering the
tion between the benzene ring on CNT sidewall and the purine hole transportation along the CNTs and influencing the tube
and pyrimidine bases on aptamer.38 However, with the NH2 to tube junction sites in the percolating network of CNTs.
termination, the aptamer linking is controlled, and it takes After exposure to 1.6 lM of the E2 analyte, the functional-
place on the PBASE, as schematically shown in Fig. 3(b). To ized CNT FET device shows an increase in current (Fig. 4),
avoid hydrolysis of the PBASE during the aptamer functional- which can be explained by the negatively charged molecules
ization in liquid, the aptamer solution is prepared in a buffer of the DNA aptamer moving closer to CNT surface and
containing the EDC/NHS coupling solution. This ensures that changing the effective gating of the device.34 During the liq-
EDC/NHS activates the carboxyl groups if hydrolysis does uid gate measurements of the CNT FETs, an EDL is formed
happen.1,15 After the aptamer immobilization, the entire CNT close to the CNT surface. The thickness of the EDL is the
FET device chips are submerged in 0.05 wt. % Tween20 to Debye length.25,32,34 In CNT FET aptasensors, the confor-
passivate any remaining unfunctionalized CNTs and the mational change of negatively charged aptamers after bind-
exposed SiO2 substrate to avoid nonspecific adsorption of the ing alters the EDL at the CNT surface. For the binding
target analyte during the sensing measurements.28,30 events that take place within the Debye length, a change in
Aptamers are negatively charged due to the phosphate the current response will be observed for the CNT FET due
groups of the DNA backbone. After recognition between the to the effective change to the gate potential. Thus, the length
E2 aptamer and the E2 target analyte, the conformation of of recognition element prior to and upon detection is critical.
the aptamer will change and it may appear as though the Using the transfer characteristics of the CNT FETs (Fig.
aptamer “latches on” to the E2 molecule [Fig. 3(c)]. The 4), we have been able to determine that the E2 molecule has
change in conformation of the aptamer from random coil altered the current of the device. Previously, Pacios et al.15
motion in the solution to the aptamer wrapping onto the tar- have observed changes in the CNT FET transfer characteris-
get brings the negative charges from the DNA closer to the tics for a thrombin aptamer functionalized CNT FET to
CNT surface. Various degrees of folding are expected for
the unbound aptamer; however, the more compact conforma-
tion associated with E2 binding means that the negative
charges from the DNA will, on average, be closer to the sur-
face of the CNTs than in the unbound state. The binding
induced more compact conformation has been demonstrated
by previous studies using this aptamer tethered to nanopar-
ticles1 or electrode surfaces.5 The conformational change of
the aptamer structure also alters the charge distribution in
the EDL.1,15,25,32 The subsequent screening effect due to
charge redistribution has a large impact on the current
response of the CNT FET, and it is this effect that we aim to
observe in real time for the devices.

C. Electrical measurement FIG. 4. (Color online) Liquid gate performance of a pristine CNT FET, the
same CNT FET functionalized with the 35-mer E2 aptamer and 0.05 wt. %
1. Transfer characteristics Tween20 passivation, and the same CNT FET postexposure to 1.6 lM con-
centration of E2. The measurement is swept from þ1 V to 500 mV at fixed
The transfer characteristics for a bare CNT FET, the same Vds ¼ 100 mV. The device is measured in 0.05 PBS using an Ag/AgCl ref-
CNT FET functionalized with the 35-mer E2 aptamer (with erence electrode as the gate.

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 33, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2015

06F904-5 Zheng et al.: CNT FET aptasensors for estrogen detection in liquids 06F904-5

detect thrombin molecules. They observed that the current

increases when the thrombin concentration increases from
0.1 to 1 nM, but the current then starts decreasing when the
concentration increases from 1 to 5 nM.15 Our results are
consistent with their low thrombin concentration detection
results. They also conclude that the reduced current is due to
the aptamer/target binding, which causes the negatively
charged aptamers to move closer to the CNT surface and
alters the effective gating. However, the thrombin protein
molecule is slightly negatively charged; therefore, the altera-
tion to the ionic strength in the buffer results in a decreased
current with a large quantity of thrombin. In our system,
there are some differences. First, the E2 molecule is neutral,
and so, the ionic strength of the buffer plus analyte liquid
remains the same even at high concentrations; therefore, we
do not observe a reduced current for the CNT FET across
our E2 concentration range. Second, the E2 molecule is
physically small, whereas thrombin is large. It is possible
that the thrombin molecule itself disrupts the charge transfer
along the CNT networks, whereas this is unlikely to happen
for the E2 case. Detection of small molecules via CNT FET
aptasensors is still in its infancy and up till date used only
for ATP (Ref. 30) and BPA detection.31 Although transfer
characteristics are able to determine recognition (comparing
the shift prior and post E2 exposure), this is not a true real
time detection as had been previously observed for the apta-
mer–thrombin system.15

2. Influence of aptamer length on real time response

to E2
The real time current response to E2 was tested for CNT
FETs that were functionalized with the 35-mer E2 aptamer
and the 75-mer E2 aptamer [Figs. 5(a) and 5(b)], respec-
tively. The concentration of E2 added into the PDMS well is
increased from 50 nM to 147 nM, 640 nM, and 1.6 lM
(where the total concentration takes into account the content FIG. 5. (Color online) Real time response to E2 for (a) CNT FET þ 35-mer
in the well prior to each addition). To do so, 10 ll of E2 solu- E2 aptamer; (b) CNT FET þ 75-mer E2 aptamer; and (c) a control measure-
ment from a CNT FET þ 35-mer E2 aptamer response PBS buffer.
tion was added every 10 min, and the current output was
monitored in real time [Figs. 5(a) and 5(b)]. For the 35-mer
E2 aptamer functionalized CNT FET in Fig. 5(a), the current thickness.12,15,32 The thickness of EDL and the subsequent
after adding 1.6 lM E2 to the well increases by 25% with Debye length is inversely related to the ionic strength of the
respect to the initial current I0. However, over identical mea- liquid,14,15,32 e.g., by reducing the ionic strength of the
surement conditions, there is almost no response to E2 from buffer, the Debye length is increased. The buffer during the
the 75-mer E2 aptamer functionalized CNT FET [Fig. 5(b)]. real-time current measurements shown here was diluted
As a further control, the response to PBS for the 35-mer E2 0.05 PBS. The Debye length in 0.05 PBS buffer is
aptamer functionalized CNT FET was tested under similar 4.6 nm (compared to 1 nm for 1 PBS buffer).15 The
conditions [Fig. 5(c)], and although a very slight increase in length of the aptamer also has an influence on the successful
current over the 3000 s measurement is observed, there is no operation of the device as a sensor. For the E2 aptamers, the
clear detection signal. With incorrect passivation or elec- fully extended length is about 11 nm for the 35-mer and
trode preparation, a CNT FET device can show changes due 25 nm for the 75-mer. Various degrees of folding are
to PBS addition that can be confused with a real sensing expected for the unbound aptamers, and the length of the
event. With this in mind, we reliably conclude that the 35- random coil structures is shorter than the fully extended
mer E2 aptamer functionalized CNT FET is showing a real length of the aptamers. However, an alteration in the current
time response to the E2 present in the PDMS well. response of the device will be only possible if upon binding
As discussed in Sec. III C 1, during measurements in liq- of E2 the conformational change to the aptamer takes place
uid, an EDL forms nearby the CNT surface. The sensitivity within the Debye length. The conformational change upon
of the biosensor strongly depends on the EDL binding to the target molecule brings the negative charges of

JVST B - Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena

06F904-6 Zheng et al.: CNT FET aptasensors for estrogen detection in liquids 06F904-6

aptamer/E2 sensors in the literature. The linear relationship

between the concentration of E2 and the detection signal is
also observed in aptasensors fabricated on other sensing plat-
forms such as aptamer coated Au nanoparticle sensing plat-
forms.2,26 Huang et al. also observed a linear relationship for
detection of E2 against the logarithmic concentration range
from 10 pM to 10 nM using pulse voltammetry measure-
ments. Alsager et al.2 found a linear relationship for detection
of E2 from 200 to 800 pM (R2 ¼ 0.94) using colorimetric
analysis of nanoparticle aggregates in solution. Lin et al.19
reported an E2 detection limit of 10 pM from electrochemical
impedance measurements based on aptamer functionalized
FIG. 6. (Color online) Relative current response vs E2 concentration in loga- Au electrode sensing platform. We can therefore trust that the
rithmic scale from the 35-mer E2 aptamer functionalized CNT FET. aptamer/E2 binding is known to be reliable for sensing appli-
cations in a variety of different sensor architectures. We com-
the aptamer close to the CNT surface and fixes them into pared our E2 detection results to presently known E2
position. We can conclude from the response to E2 shown in detection based on aptasensors, as shown in Table II.
Figs. 5(a) and 5(b) that the E2 binding occurs within the Although our experimental detection limit at 50 nM based on
Debye length for CNT FETs functionalized with the 35-mer our CNT FET aptasensors is higher than previously published
aptamer; however, for the CNT FETs with the 75-mer E2 detection based on voltammetry,20,26,39 colorimetric,2,27
aptamer, the change in conformation of the aptamer due to impedance spectra,5,8,19 or fluorescence characteriza-
the presence of E2 happens beyond the Debye length 4.6 nm. tions,1,21,40 the E2 sensing based on our sensing platform is a
There is no clear current response for the CNT FET with the fast and direct method with a simple device platform and able
75-mer aptamer even after exposure to 1.6 lM concentration. to real time monitor the aptamer/E2 recognition that fulfills
The detection limit associated with EDL thickness has also the demand for environmental screening.
been observed by Kim et al.12 using a fragment antibody To further ensure that our sensing signal is truly a selec-
instead of a whole antibody to ensure that binding occurs tive response, we have also compared the response to E2 for
within EDL for immunoglobulin (IgE) detection to improve the CNT FETs functionalized with the 35-mer E2 aptamer to
the sensitivity from 1000 ng/ml to 1 pg/ml by comparing the a 35-mer randomly sequenced aptamer (consists of the same
current at each concentration.12 Figure 6 shows the stabilized base composition but in a random order, see Table I). Figure
current response of the CNT FET þ 35-mer E2 aptamer post 7 shows the DI/I0 vs E2 concentration plot for the CNT FET
E2 exposure at 50 nM, 147 nM, 640 nM, and 1.6 lM with functionalized with the 35-mer E2 aptamer (squares) and the
reference to the initial current I0. The current DI shows a lin- 35-mer random aptamer (circles) along with the current
ear increase as the concentration of the analyte is increased response of a 35-mer E2 aptamer functionalized CNT FET
logarithmically, with the linear coefficient, R2 ¼ 0.9987. to PBS buffer (triangles).
Although our results are the only real time detection of The results clearly show a much weaker response to E2
E2 from a CNT FET aptasensor, there are other examples of from the 35-mer random DNA sequence CNT FET device in

TABLE II. E2 molecule detection based on aptasensors.

Sensor platform Analytical techniques Detection limit (M) Dynamic range (M) Real time Year and references

Au electrode Electrochemical voltammetry 1  1010 1  1011 to 1  109 no 2007 (Ref. 20)

Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxylthiopene)-gold Electrochemical voltammetry 2  1011 1  1010 to 1  107 no 2010 (Ref. 39)
Au nanoparticles and vanadium disulfide Electrochemical voltammetry 1  1012 1  1011 to 1  108 no 2014 (Ref. 26)
Au electrode Electrochemical impedance spectra 2  1012 1  1011 to 1  108 no 2012 (Ref. 19)
Dendritic gold modified boron-doped Electrochemical impedance spectra 5  1015 1  1014 to 1  109 no 2014 (Ref. 8)
diamond electrode
Nanoporous conducting polymer Electrochemical impedance spectra 1  1015 1  1015 to 1  106 no 2015 (Ref. 5)
Evanescent wave all-fiber Fluorescence 2.1  109 5  109 to 7.5  108 Time-course 2012 (Ref. 21)
Au nanoparticles Fluorescence 5  109 5  109 to 1.5  107 no 2014 (Ref. 1)
Quantum dot Fluorescence 2.2  1010 8.2  1010 to 2.05  108 no 2014 (Ref. 40)
CdSe nanoparticles modified Photocurrent 3.3  1014 5  1014 to 1.5  1011 Time-course 2014 (Ref. 3)
TiO2 nanotube
Au electrode Electrochemiluminescence 1.1  1012 1  1011 to 1  108 no 2014 (Ref. 41)
Au nanoparticles Colorimetric 2  1010 2  1010 to 8  1010 no 2015 (Ref. 2)
Carbon nanotube Transistor device output current 5  108 5  108 to 1.6  106 yes This work

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 33, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2015

06F904-7 Zheng et al.: CNT FET aptasensors for estrogen detection in liquids 06F904-7

increase in current over the range of 50 nM to 1.6 lM of E2.

For the same device structure functionalized with the 75-mer
E2 aptamer, no sensing response is observed over the same
concentration range of the E2 analyte due to the detection
taking place beyond the Debye screening length. Our 35-mer
aptamer functionalized CNT FETs sensors are the first
example of electronic real-time detection of E2, paving the
way for mobile sensors for selective and quantitative detec-
tion of E2 in liquids.

H.Z. thanks Victoria University of Wellington and the
FIG. 7. (Color online) Normalized current change (DI/I0) in response to the Chinese Government joint Scholarship. N.P. thanks the
added concentration of the E2 analyte for the 35-mer E2 aptamer CNT FET, Foundation for Research Science and Technology Project
the random DNA sequence CNT FET, and the 35-mer E2 aptamer CNT
FET response to PBS buffer.
No. VICX0911 and the Marsden fund, Project No. E1728.
O.A. acknowledges a fellowship from King Abdulaziz City
comparison to the 35-mer E2 aptamer CNT FET. Although for Science and Technology.
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J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 33, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2015

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