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Office Order Dale: 02.04.


Instructions for employees to restrict spread of Novel

Coronavirus/COVID-19) in 400/220KV S/S Pirana:
1)All employees residing in colony need not to come office, however, shall be available in the
allotted quarters. The employees shall attend office only if they are called for urgent work
requirement .

2)Employees who are staying outside the Pirana Substation premises, shall work from home
and need not to come office. However, they shall remain in attentive mode on phone at home
at all the time so as to report for emergency duties at short notice, as & when called for.

3)If an employee is feeling unwell and experiences symptom of cough, cold, fever, Asthma etc,
then he has to immediate report under signed and should not come to the office.

4)No employee has to leave the substation premises without permission from under signed.

5)All employees of Pirana S/S are informed to update his health status on daily basis by
Whatsapp messaging.

6)Housekeeping and security staff have been minimised and 03 NOS Security Guard
staying in guest house Dormetry room and 02 nos sanitation labour staying in room at
Community centre. Proper living arrangements (food, water, cleaning & sanitization of place)
of these staff shall be monitored by Sh. Ashok Kumar Sharma.

7)If an employee/ their famlly member vlsits hospital for any medical emergency, It is
requested that upon returnlng, the clothes should be put in detergent water and he / she
should take bath immediately.
8)All employees are Informed that they should have sufficient cash till completion of lockdown
9)If a vehicle goes to the hospital, the driver shall not come out from the vehicle and upon
returning such vehicle shall not be used at least for next 24 hours.
10)All employees and their family members are instructed not to conduct any collective
activities such as birthdays, anniversa ry, kitty parties & other event till lockdown continues
so as to follow social distancing.
11)Gym room has been identified as quarantine facility to meet out any such contingent
requirement for any employee/family member/contractual staff.
12)Employees / Family members shall confined to their respective quarters & no one
should gather outside in groups. Morning / Evening walk is permitted, however, it should
be individual and not in any group of two or more.

13)Community Centre, Playground area, playground equipment and park at township

have been closed till completion of lockdown period.
14)The milkman should pour milk in the utensils of families so as to avoid mutual contact of
utensils of Milkman and family members. The milk should be put for heating immediately.
15)Ensure personal hygiene and maintain physical distancing.

(GM, Pirana)

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