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1. The warrant must be based upon probable The executive determination of probable
cause; cause is one made during preliminary
2. The probable cause must be determined investigation. It is a function that
personally by the judge; properly pertains to the public prosecutor
3. The determination must be made after who is given a broad discretion to
examination under oath or affirmation of determine whether the probable cause
exists and to charge those whom he
the complainant and the witnesses he may
believes to have committed the crime as
defined by law and thus should be held for
4. The warrant must particularly describe the trial.
place to be searched and the persons or b. Judicial Determination
things or things to be seized. The judicial determination of probable
cause is one made by the judge to
Probable Cause ascertain whether a warrant of arrest
▪ Definition should be issued against the accused. The
- Referring to such facts and circumstance judge must satisfy himself that based on
antecedent to the issuance of warrant the evidence submitted, there is necessity
that in themselves are sufficient to for placing the accused under custody in
induce a cautious man to rely on them order not to frustrate the ends of justice.
and act in pursuance in thereof; (People v.
Sy Juco, 64 Phil.667; Alvarez v. CFI, 64Phil.33) Judicial Determination of Probable Cause
- Consists of reasonable ground of in Issuing a Warrant of Arrest - Section 5(a),
suspicion supported by circumstances Rule 112, Rules of Court
sufficiently strong in themselves to 1. The judge from the Regional Trial Court
warrant a cautious man in believing shall personally evaluate the resolution of
accused to be committing the offense or the prosecutor and its supporting
to be guilty of the offense; (Kwong How v. Us, evidence within ten days from the filing of
71 F,2d 71, State ex rel Wong) complaint or information;
- The knowledge of facts, actual or 2. If the evidence clearly on record clearly
apparent, strong enough to justify a fails to establish probable cause, the judge
reasonable man in belief that he was may immediately dismiss the case;
lawful grounds for prosecuting 3. If the judge finds probable cause, he shall
defendant in the manner complained of, issue a warrant of arrest;
the concurrence of facts and 4. If the accused has already been arrested
circumstances reasonably warranting pursuant to a warrant issued by the judge
the belief; (You v. District Court,78 P. 2d 353) who conducted preliminary investigation,
- Such facts and circumstances would lead or when the complaint or information was
a reasonably discreet and prudent man filed and the accused was lawfully
to believe that an offense has been arrested without warrant, the judge shall
committed and that the objects sought in issue a commitment order;
connection with the offense are in the 5. In case of doubt in existence of probable
place sought to be searched (Burgos v. Chief cause, the judge may order the prosecutor
of Staff) to present additional evidence within five
days from notice and the issue must be
▪ Determination resolved by the court within thirty days
a. Executive Determination from the filing of complaint of information.

agains Timothy J. Desmond as the

Judicial Determination of Probable Cause Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
in Issuing a Search Warrant – Section 4-6,, SBMEI. Desmond represented that he
Rule 126, Rules of Court possessed the necessary influence,
1. Before issuing the warrant, the judge must expertise, resources (in terms of credit and
personally examine in the form of property) for the project knowing the same
searching questions and answers, in to be false as he never had the capital for
writing and under oath, the complainant the project as borne out by his
and witnesses he may produce on facts correspondences with Virginia Delos
personally known to them and attach to Santos-Dio; and Dio fell for these
misrepresentation and the lure of profit
the record their sworn statements,
offered by Desmond. She invested
together with the affidavits submitted;
$1,150,000 and $1,000,000 to the damage
2. If the judges is satisfied of the existence of and prejudice of her company.
facts upon which the application is based
or that there is probable cause to believe iii. In which court/branch was the
that they exist, he shall issue the warrant, information raffled?
which must be substantially in the form
prescribed by the rules. The information was raffled in the
Regional Trial Court of Olongapo City,
Preliminary Examination Branch 74.
A preliminary examination is a proceeding for
the purpose of determining probable cause for iv. What were the first few motions filed by
the issuance of a warrant of arrest. the Appellee before the Regional Trial
Preliminary Investigation Court?
A preliminary investigation is an inquiry or
proceeding to determine whether there is Desmond filed a Motion for
sufficient ground to engender a well-founded Reconsideration, as well as Motion to
belief that a crime has been committed and the Withdraw Filed Information. He also filed a
respondent is probably guilty, and should be Motion to Defer Further Proceedings and
held for trial. Defer Issuance of Warrant of Arrest but
People v. Desmond1 subsequently withdraw the same and filed,
i. What was the criminal charge involved instead, a Motion for Judicial
and who were complained of committing Determination of Probable Cause.
v. How did the RTC resolved the motion/s
The criminal charge involved was estafa filed by the Appellee?
against Timothy J. Desmond.
The RTC ruled that no probable cause exist
ii. What was the resolution of the City for the crimes against Desmond, since the
Prosecutor? Summarize n your own element of estafa were not all present.
words. First, the element of estafa which is
misrepresentation or deceit must be
The State Prosecutor issued a resolution emphasized that the promises allegedly
finding a probable cause for filing estafa made to the complainant by the accused
that her company’s investment will
1 G.R. No. 178947, June 26, 2013. significantly increase, clearly appeared in

Subic Bay Marine Exploration, Inc.’s determination thereof from judicial

business plan dated January 12, 2001. The determination? Summarize in your own
court cannot find any sufficient evidence words.
that the accused personally assured the
complainant about his so-called power, The Supreme Court rule that the
influence and credit with the SBMA and determination of probable cause may be
other financial institutions that would either executive or judiciary.
supposedly insure the viability and Executive determination of probable cause
profitability of the project. is made by a public prosecutor, during a
Second, the element of personal preliminary investigation, where he is
misappropriation is not present. It may be given broad discretion to determine
conceded that the money was utilized to whether probable cause exist for the
pay salaries of expatriates and staff as well purpose of filing a criminal information in
as the cost of utilities, which Dio failed to court.
show that the money was taken from her Judicial determination of probable cause is
companies’ investments in SBMEI. It must made by a judge to ascertain whether a
be pointed out that other than warrant of arrest should be issued against
complainant’s bare allegation, there was the accused. The judge must satisfy himself
no document presented categorically that, on the basis of the evidence
stating that the investment of Dio’s submitted, there is necessity for the placing
companies were earmark for a particular the accused under custody in order not to
payment or project. Hence, when the frustrate the ends of justice.
investment entered SBMEI’s financial
coffers, the same presumably were co-
ix. Is the filing of Motion for Judicial
mingled with other monies of the
Determination of probable cause
necessary and appropriate?
vi. Was a warrant of arrest issued by the
RTC? The filing of Motion for Judicial
Determination of Probable Cause is
unnecessary and inappropriate because it
The motion to issue warrant of arrest and will become a mere superfluity, of not
hold departure order as well as the prayer deliberate attempt to cut short the process
for provisional remedy are necessarily by asking the judge to weigh in on the
denied. evidence without a full-blown trial.
vii. Was there grave of abuse and discretion
x. Is a judge bound by the findings of the
when the RTC acted on the motions filed Office of Prosecutor of the existence of
by the Appellee? probable cause?
There was a grave of abuse and discretion
when the RTC acted on the motions filed by The judge is not bound by the findings of
the Desmond. The CityProsecutor’s Office the Office of Prosecutor of the existence of
filed a petition for “certiorari and probable cause.
mandamus” before the Court of Appeals on The judge is not bound by the resolution of
the ground of grave abuse of discretion. the public prosecutor who conducted the
preliminary investigation and must himself
viii. How did the Supreme Court define ascertain from the latter’s findings and
probable cause and distinguish executive supporting documents whether probable

cause exist for the issuance of warrant of External-Vice President; and John Doe and
arrest. Peter Doe.
The Constitution provides that the judge
must determine personally after xiii. Who was the prosecutor and what was his
examination under oath oar affirmation of resolution?
the complainant and the witnesses he may The State Prosecutor was Carlos C.
produce before issuing a warrant of arrest. Pormento. He issued a resolution
recommending that an information for
xi. What evidentiary threshold must be met Destructive Arson be filed against Wilson
in order for a judge to dismiss an Ting, Edward Yao, Willy So Tan and Carol
information filed before the court? Ortega while the case against Samson Ting
be dismissed for lack of sufficient evidence
Within ten (10) days from the filing of to indict him under the charge.
complaint or information, the judge shall
14. When one is accused of committing a crime,
personally evaluate the resolution of the
a complaint is filed against him before the Office
prosecutor and its supporting evidence. He
may immediately dismiss the case if the of the Prosecutor. Then, the Office of the
evidence on record fails to establish Prosecutor is tasked to determine whether there
probable cause. If there is probable cause, is probable cause that the person accused of the
he shall issue a warrant of arrest, or a crime committed the same.
commitment order if the accused had
already been arrested, pursuant to a
Rule 112 of the Rules of Court:
warrant issued by the judge who conducted
Section 1 - Preliminary investigation is an
the preliminary investigation or when the
inquiry or proceeding to determine
complaint or information was filed. In case
whether there is sufficient ground to
of doubt on the existence of probable cause,
engender a well-founded belief that a
the judge may order the prosecutor to
crime has been committed and the
present additional evidence within five (5)
respondent is probably guilty thereof and
days from notice and the issue must be
should be held for trial.
resolved by the court within thirty (30)
Section 3 (f) Within 10 days after the
days from the filing of the complaint or
investigation, the investigating officer
shall determine whether or not there is
sufficient ground to hold the
People v. Gabo2 respondent for trial.
xii. What was the criminal charge involved 15. Said determination of probable cause is an
and who were complained of committing executive determination; it is not the the
the same? “pobable cause” referred to by Article III, Section
The criminal charge involved was 2 of the Constitution for purposes of issuing a
destructive arson against Samson Cua warrant of arrest or search warrant. Instead the
Ting, alias Ding Jian Zhi, External Vice-
“probable cause” which is relevant in discussing
President; Wilson Cua Ting, Plant
a valid warrant of arrest or search warrant is one
Manager; Edward Ngo Yao, President of
Marketing Corporation; Willy So Tan, alias which is judicially determined --- by the Judge,
Chen Yi Ming, Vice President for Operation; not by the Office of the Prosecutor.
Carol Fernan Ortega, Assistant to the i. Under Rule 112 of the Rules of
Court, the provision which governs
the judicial determination of
2 G.R. No. 161083 August 3, 2010.

probable cause for purposes of governs the judicial determination

issuing a warrant of arrest is of probable cause for purposes of
Section 6. issuing a search.

In summary, Rule 112, Section 6 of the Rules of

Under Rule 126 of the Rules of Court, the
Court, provides:
provision/s which governs the judicial
Within 10 days from the filing of the complaint
determination of probable cause for purposes of
or information, there’s a resolution attached with
issuing a search are Sections 4 and 5.
supporting evidence from the prosecutor.
The judge will personally re-evaluate the
Rule 126, Section 4 of the Rules of Court,
resolution with supporting evidence
There must be personal determination by
After evaluating (4) circumstances might
the judge of a probable cause with respect to
a specific offense.
1. If the judge finds probable
Personal determination will be made after
cause, then the judge will
examination under oath or affirmation of the
issue a warrant of arrest complainant and witnesses he may produce.
2. If the accused was already The search warrant must specifically
arrested because of a describe the place to be searched and the
warrant by the judge who things to be seized which must be anywhere
did a preliminary in the Philippines.
investigation or if the
complaint of information Rule 126, Section 5 of the Rules of Court,
was filed on the basis of provides:
Section 7 of the Rules of There must be personal examination by the
Court the judge will issue a judge of the complainant as well as the
commitment order. witnesses he may produce.
The judge will personally examine them in
3. On the face of the evidence,
the form of searching questions and
there is no clear showing of
answers, in writing and under oath, the facts
a probable cause, the judge known to the complainant and witnesses.
will immediately dismiss The record must reflect attachments of the
the case. complainant’s and witnesses’ sworn
4. If the judge doubts the statements with their affidavits.
existence of probable cause,
the judge will order the 16. The following case show the various
prosecutor for additional distinctions between a ‘preliminary
evidence within five days investigation’ and a ‘preliminary
from notice and the issue inquiry/examination’: People v. Desmond, and
must be resolved by the People v. Gabo.
court within 30 days from
the filing of the complaint
Preliminary Investigation v. Preliminary
or information. Inquiry/Examination

ii. Identify which provision/s under Preliminary investigation should be

Rule 126 of the Rules of Court distinguished as to whether it is an investigation

for the determination of a sufficient ground for of confidence through misappropriation or

the filing of the information or it is an conversion under Article 315(2)(a) of the RPC.
investigation for the determination of a probable Timothy Desmond, the Chief Executive Officer of
cause for the issuance of a warrant of arrest. The the Subic Bay Marine Exploratorium, Inc.
first kind of preliminary investigation is (SBMEI) and authorized representative of Active
executive in nature. It is part of the prosecution's Environments, Inc. and JV China, was the one
complained of committing the same.
job. The second kind of preliminary investigation
which is more properly called preliminary
ii. In said case, what was the resolution of the
examination is judicial in nature and is lodged
City Prosecutor?
with the judge.
In said case, the resolution of the City Prosecutor
On this score, it bears to stress that a judge is not was that the probable cause clearly exists to
bound by the resolution of the public prosecutor indict Desmond of estafa. The City Prosecutor
who conducted the preliminary investigation and was able to establish the elements of the crime
must himself ascertain from the latter’s findings charged, to wit: (1) Desmond, being the
and supporting documents whether probable Chairman and CEO of SBMEI enticed Dio on the
false pretense that Desmond had the capacity
cause exists for the purpose of issuing a warrant
and resources for the projects; and (2) Desmond,
of arrest. This prerogative is granted by no less
misappropriated funds when he made certain
than the Constitution which provides that "no disbursements from Westdale’s special account,
warrant of arrest shall issue except upon meant only for Miracle Beach expenditures,
probable cause to be determined personally by without the knowledge and consent of Dio. Thus,
the judge after examination under oath or corresponding criminal information were filed
affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses with Branch 74, RTC of Olongapo City.
he may produce." (People v. Desmond)
iii. In said case in which court or branch was
It is well to remember that there is a the information raffled?
distinction between the preliminary inquiry,
which determines probable cause for the In said case, the information was raffled in
issuance of a warrant of arrest, and the Regional Trial Court of Olongapo City, Branch 74
preliminary investigation proper, which
ascertains whether the offender should be held iv. In said case, what were the first few
for trial or be released. The determination of motions filed by the Appellee before the
probable cause for purposes of issuing a warrant Regional Trial Court?
of arrest is made by the judge. The preliminary
The first few motions filed by the Appellee
investigation proper – whether or not there is
before the Regional Trial Court were Motion for
reasonable ground to believe that the accused is
Reconsideration, Motion to Withdraw Filed
guilty of the offense charged – is the function of
Information, Motion to Defer Further
the investigating prosecutor. (People v. Gabo)
Proceedings, and Motion to Defer Issuance of
i. In the case of People v. Desmond what was
Warrant of Arrest, which he subsequently
the criminal charge involved and who were the withdrew, and filed instead a Motion for Judicial
complained of the committing the same? Determination of Probable Cause.
In the case of People v. Desmond, the criminal
charge was estafa (a) through false pretenses v. In said case, how did the RTC resolve the
under Article 315(1)(b) of the Revised Penal motion/s filed by the Appellee? What was its
Code (RPC); and (b) with unfaithfulness or abuse reasoning?

The RTC solved the motion/s filed by the discretion when the RTC acted on the motions
Appellee by ruling in favor of Desmond and filed by the Appellee?
declaring that no probable cause exists for the
crime charged against him since the elements of Yes, when the RTC acted on the motions filed by
estafa were not all present. Its reasoning was the Appellee, there was grave abuse of discretion
that the promise of significant increase of according to the Supreme Court because the
investment was on the business plan presented standard of clear lack of probable cause was not
by SBMEI through Desmond, thus, it is not a observed. Certain essential facts namely,
personal assurance of Desmond. Likewise, there whether or not Desmond committed false
is no evidence showing that Desmond, being the representations that induced Dio to invest in
Chairman and CEO of SBMEI, personally Ocean Adventure and whether or not Desmond
prepared the business plan and thereby making utilized the funds invested by Dio solely for the
it his personal enticements to Dio. Also, there is Miracle Beach Project for purposes different
no sufficient evidence that Desmond personally from what was agreed upon, remain
assured Dio of his so-called power, influence and controverted.
credit with the SBMA and other financial
institutions that would supposedly insure the viii. In said case, how did the Supreme Court
viability and profitability of the project. define probable cause and distinguish
Furthermore, Desmond was not the one who executive determination thereof from judicial
personally valuated the marine mammals determination? Summarize in your own
because there is a Buy-Out Agreement pointing words.
to an independent valuation done by Beijing
Landa Aquarium. Then, on to Desmond’s The Supreme Court define probable cause by
personal misappropriation, this was also discussing it in two respects, (1) judicial
unfounded, as there was no document presented determination; and (2) executive determination.
categorically stating that Dio’s investment were As to judicial determination, probable cause is
only for a particular payment or project. defined as: the judge must satisfy himself that, on
Moreover, there was no showing that Desmond the basis of the evidence submitted, there is a
personally caused the payment of the expenses necessity for placing the accused under custody
allegedly in violation of the investment because in order not to frustrate the ends of justice. As to
SBMEI is a corporation and payment of expenses executive determination, probable cause is
such as utilities and salaries are corporate acts, defined as: being merely to determine whether
thus, it can only be done through passage of there is sufficient ground, to engender a well-
Board Resolutions. Hence, in no way it can be founded belief that a crime has been committed
considered as personal acts of Desmond. Finally, and that the respondent is probably guilty
there is again insufficiency of evidence that the thereof and should be held for trial.
accused alone caused the payment of these Consequently, the Supreme Court also
salaries and utilities for the sole purpose of distinguished executive determination from
pocketing the money thereby using the same for judicial determination. Executive determination
personal gain. is the determination of probable cause for the
purpose of filing a criminal information in court
vi. In said case, was a warrant issued by the and this is done by the Prosecutor in a
RTC? preliminary investigation. On the other hand,
judicial determination is the determination of
In said case, warrant of arrest was not issued by probable cause for the purpose of issuing a
the RTC. warrant of arrest and this is the job of the Judge
in a preliminary inquiry/examination.
vii. In said case was there a grave abuse of

ix. Is the filing of a Motion for Judicial charge involved and who were complained in
Determination of Probable Cause necessary committing the same?
and appropriate?
In the case of People v. Gabo, the criminal
The filling of a Motion for Judicial Determination charge involved was Destructive Arson and were
of Probable Cause is not necessary and complained against Wilson Ting, Edward Yao,
appropriate. The judge is already duty-bound to Willy So Tan and Carol Ortega. The case against
determine the existence or non-existence of Samson Ting be dismissed for lack of sufficient
probable cause for the arrest of the accused evidence to indict him under the charge.
immediately upon the filing of the information,
the filing of a motion for judicial determination xiii. In said case who was the prosecutor and
of probable cause becomes a mere superfluity, if what was his resolution?
not a deliberate attempt to cut short the process
by asking the judge to weigh in on the evidence In said case, the prosecutor was State Prosecutor
without a full-blown trial. Carlos C. Pormento and he issued a Resolution,
the dispositive portion of which reads:
x. Is a judge bound by the founding of the WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is
respectfully recommended that an information
Office of the Prosecutor the existence of
for Destructive Arson be filed against Wilson
Probable Cause?
Ting, Edward Yao, Willy So Tan and Carol Ortega.
A judge is not bound by the finding of the Office That the case against Samson Ting be dismissed
of the Prosecutor of the existence of probable for lack of sufficient evidence to indict him under
cause because he must himself ascertain from the charge. Pursuant to the foregoing Resolution,
the latter’s findings and supporting documents an Information19 for Arson was filed against
whether probable cause exists for the purpose of Wilson Cua Ting, Edward Ngo Yao, Willy So Tan,
issuing a warrant of arrest. This prerogative is Carol F. Ortega, John Doe and Peter Doe, of the
granted by no less than the Constitution which crime of arson, to wit: That on or about May 14,
provides that "no warrant of arrest shall issue 2001, in the Municipality of Bocaue, Province of
except upon probable cause to be determined Bulacan, and within the jurisdiction of this
personally by the judge after examination under Honorable Court, the above-named accused,
oath or affirmation of the complainant and the conspiring and confederating and mutually
witnesses he may produce." helping one another, acting in common accord,
did then and there, willfully, unlawfully, and
xi. What evidentiary threshold must be met in feloniously, destroy the warehouses known as
court in order for a judge to dismiss an Sanyoware Plastic Products Manufacturing Plant
information filed before the court? and New Unitedware Marketing Corporation,
including the stocks of raw materials and finish
The evidentiary threshold that must be met in products, machineries and various equipments
order for a judge to dismiss an information filed by maliciously burning the same for the purpose
before the court is the standard of clear lack of of concealing or destroying evidence of another
probable cause. A judge's discretion to dismiss a violation of law, and to conceal bankruptcy to
case immediately after the filing of the defraud creditors and to collect from insurance.
information in court is appropriate only when
the failure to establish probable cause can be xiv. In said case, in which court or branch was
clearly inferred from the evidence presented and the infformation raffled?
not when its existence is simply doubtful
The Information was raffled to Branch XI,
xii. In People v. Gabo, what was the criminal Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Malolos Bulacan,

3rd Judicial Region. The case was docketed as proper under the circumstances of the case at
Criminal Case No. 300-47M 2002. bar, the same, however, does not equate to an
abuse of discretion on the part of the RTC, but at
xv. In said case, what were the first few most, merely an error of judgment. More
motions filed by the appellee before the RTC? importantly, this Court finds that the RTC had in
fact complied with the requirement under the
The first few motions that were applied by the rules of personally evaluating the resolution of
appellee’s were (1) Motion for Reconsideration the prosecutor and its supporting evidence and
which was denied by the by the RTC (2) appellee that the assailed Order was arrived at after due
filed a petition for certiorari in CA which was consideration of the merits thereto.
denied by the CA
xix. What is the task of a presiding Judge when
xvi. In said case, how did the RTC resolve the an information is filed with the court?
motions filed by the Appellee? What was its
reasoning? The task of the presiding judge when an
information is filed with the court is first and
In said case, the RTC applied the equipoise rule foremost to determine the existence or non-
in dismissing the case, because of its observation existence of probable cause for the arrest of the
that the sworn statements submitted by accused.
petitioner and respondents contained
contradictory positions. there being no grave xx. In said case, how did the Supreme Court
abuse of discretion committed by the public define probable cause and distinguish
respondent, the assailed Orders dated February executive determination. Summarize in your
27, 2002 and March 25, 2002 are hereby own words.
AFFIRMED in toto and the present petition is
hereby DENIED DUE COURSE and is, accordingly, The Supreme Court defined probable cause in
DISMISSED for lack of merit. this case that probable cause demands more
than just a suspicion and it requires less than
xvii. In said case was a Warrant of Arrest evidence that would justify conviction. Probable
issued by the RTC? cause is such set of facts and circumstances as
would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent
No, based on the foregoing, the RTC acted within man to believe that the offense charged in the
its jurisdiction when it dismissed the case on Information, or any offense included therein, has
lack of probable cause as the same is sanctioned been committed by the person sought to be
under Section 6, Rule 112 of the Rules of Court. arrested. In determining probable cause, a
person should weigh the given facts and
xviii. In said case, was it proper for the RTC to circumstances without getting technical such as
apply the equipoise rule? the Rules of Court in which he does not have any
No, as the Supreme Court ruled that the reliance or enough knowledge. He relies on common
of the RTC in the equipoise rule is misplaced as a sense. A finding of probable cause needs only to
review of previous Court decisions would show rest on evidence showing that, more likely than
that the position of petitioner is in fact correct. not, a crime has been committed and there is an
The equipoise rule has been generally applied accused.
when the parties have already concluded the
presentation of their respective evidence as 17. On the other hand, in the case of People v.
shown in a plethora of cases such as Abarquez v. Gayoso, discuss the concept of probable cause
People, Tin v. People, and Leano v. People. in relation to a valid search warrant.
While the use of the equipoise rule was not

The RTC in the case of People v. Gayoso, issued rules in Rule 112, Section 6 for a warrant of
a search warrant after finding probable cause arrest, and in Rule 126, Sections 4 and 5 thus:
Probable cause for a valid search warrant is
defined "as such facts and circumstances which
would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent Rule 112, Section 6. When warrant of arrest may
man to believe that an offense has been issue. ---- (a) By the Regional Trial Court. ---
committed, and that objects sought in connection Within (10) days from the filling of the complaint
with the offense are in the place sought to be or information, the judge shall personally
searched." The probable cause must be evaluate the resolution of the prosecutor
"determined personally by the judge, after and its supporting evidence. He may
examination under oath or affirmation of the immediately dismiss the case if the evidenceon
complainant and the witnesses he may produce, record clearly fails to establish probable cause. If
and particularly describing the place to be he finds probable cause, he shall issue a warrant of
searched and the persons or things to be seized." arrest, or a commitment order if the accused had
Probable cause does not mean actual and already been arrested pursuant to a warrant of
positive cause, nor does it import absolute arrest issued by the judge who conducted the
certainty. The determination of the existence of preliminary investigation or when the complaint
probable cause is concerned only with the or information was filed pursuant to section
question of whether the affiant has reasonable 7 of this Rule. In case of doubt on the existence of
grounds to believe that the accused committed probable cause, the judge may order the
or is committing the crime charged. prosecutor to present additional evidence within
five (5) days from notice and the issue must be
PERSONAL DETERMINATION BY THE JUDGE resolved by the court (30) days from the filing of
18. Notice that Article III, Section 2 of the 1987 the complaint of information.”
Constitution refers to both search warrant and
“Rule 126, Section 4. Requisites for issuing search
warrant of arrest. When said provision requires
warrant. --- A search warrant shall not issue
that a warrant may only be issued upon probable
except upon probable cause in connection with
cause to be determined personally by the Judge, one specific offfense to be determined
such requirement on ‘personal determination by personally by the judge after examination
the judge’ applies to a search warrant and a under oath or affirmation of the complainant
warrant of arrest alike, thus: and the witnesses he may produce, and
particularly describing the things to be seized
Section 2. The right of the people to be secure
which may be anywhere in the Philippines.”
in their persons, houses, papers, and effects
against unreasonable searches and seizures of
“Rule 126, Section 5. Examination of
whatever nature and for any purposes
complainant; record.--- The judge must, before
shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or
issuing the warrant, personally examine in the
warrant of arrest shall issue except upon
form of searching questions and answers, in
probable cause to be determined personally
writing and under oath, the complainant and
by the judge after examination under oath or
the witnesses he may produce on facts personally
affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses
known to them and attach to the record their
he may produce, and particularly describing the
sworn statements, together with the affidavits
place to be searched and the persons or things to
be seized.
20. These varying rules have been further
19. However, such requirement on ‘personal explained by jurisprudence.
determination by the judge, varies in operation,
so much that the Rules of Court provide separate

People v. Desmond3 - In its November 8, 2006 court itself does not and may not be compelled to
Decision, the CA upheld the RTC’s authority to pass upon.
dismiss a criminal case if in the process of
determining probable cause for issuing a The judicial determination of probable cause is
warrant of arrest, it also finds the evidence on one made by the judge to ascertain whether a
record insufficient to establish probable cause. It warrant of arrest should be issued against the
explained that such dismissal is an exercise of accused. The judge must satisfy himself that
judicial discretion sanctioned under Section 6(a),
based on the evidence submitted, there is
Rule 112 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
necessity for placing the accused under custody
Procedure. On this score, the CA evaluated the
evidence presented and agreed with the RTC’s in order not to frustrate the ends of justice. If the
conclusions that there was no sufficient basis judge finds no probable cause, the judge cannot
showing that Desmond committed estafa by be forced to issue the arrest warrant. Paragraph
means of false pretenses. Neither was it (a), Section 5, Rule 112 of the Rules of Court
established that the money sourced from outlines the procedure to be followed by the RTC.
petitioner Dio was converted by respondent
Desmond for some other purpose other than that To move the court to conduct a judicial
for which it was intended. While a judge’s determination of probable cause is a mere
determination of probable cause is generally superfluity, for with or without such motion, the
confined to the limited purpose of issuing arrest judge is duty-bound to personally evaluate the
warrants, Section 5(a), Rule 112 of the Revised resolution of the public prosecutor and the
Rules of Criminal Procedure explicitly states that supporting evidence. In fact, the task of the
a judge may immediately dismiss a case if the
presiding judge when the Information is filed
evidence on record clearly fails to establish
probable cause. with the court is first and foremost to determine
the existence or non-existence of probable cause
Leviste v. Alameda4 - There are two kinds of for the arrest of the accused.
determination of probable cause: executive and
judicial. The executive determination of probable
21. The case of Soliven v. Makasiar5 leads in
cause is one made during preliminary
interpreting the requirement of ‘personal
investigation. It is a function that properly
determination’ in Article III, Section 2 of the
pertains to the public prosecutor who is given a
broad discretion to determine whether probable 1987 Constitution for purposes of issuing a
warrant of arrest.
cause exists and to charge those whom he
believes to have committed the crime as defined
by law and thus should be held for trial. i. Is ‘personal detemination’ synonymous with
Otherwise stated, such official has the quasi- ‘personal examination’?
judicial authority to determine whether or not a
No, personal determination is not synonymous
criminal case must be filed in court. Whether
to personal examination. In the case of Soliven
that function has been correctly discharged by
v. Makasiar, what the Constitution underscores
the public prosecutor, i.e., whether he has made a is the exclusive and personal responsibility of
correct ascertainment of the existence of the issuing judge to satisfy himself of the
probable cause in a case, is a matter that the trial existence of probable cause. In satisfying
himself of the existence of probable cause for
the issuance of a warrant of arrest, the judge is
3 G.R. No. 178947, June 26, 2013.
4 G.R. No. 182677, August 3, 2010. 5 G.R. No. 82585, November 14, 1988.

not required to personally examine the Sandiganbayan. The charge against the
complainant and his witnesses. petitioner which is Murder is a non-bailable
offense. The Ombudsman, however, did nothing
ii. Following established doctrine and of the sort and instead swallowed hook, line and
procedure, in determining probable cause for sinker the resolution and recommendation of
purpose of issuing a warrant of arrest, what Graft Investigation Officer II Cynthia V. Vivar,
must a judge do? among them the finding that, "aside from the
averment of respondent that the victim fired at
Following established doctrine and procedure, him and he was only forced to fire back, no
the Judge shall: (1) personally evaluate the other evidence was adduced to indicate that
report and the supporting documents such was what happened. Furthermore, other
submitted by the fiscal regarding the existence dubious circumstances which should have
of probable cause and, on the basis thereof, prompted the Ombudsman to take a second,
issue a warrant of arrest; or (2) if on the basis deeper look instead of adopting in toto the
thereof he finds no probable cause, he may recommendation of GIO II Vivar. Among these is
disregard the fiscal's report and require the the matter of the two (2) different autopsies on
submission of supporting affidavits of witnesses the cadaver of the victim, one indicating that the
to aid him in arriving at a conclusion as to the victim sustained two (2) wounds only and the
existence of probable cause. other showing that the victim had three (3)
wounds. The significance of this fact was not
iii. What is the policy consideration appreciated by the Ombudsman who likewise
underlying the answer to the immediate glossed over the adamant refusal of the private
preceding question? respondent to subject the cadaver of the victim
to a paraffin test, despite the claims of the
Sound policy dictates this procedure, otherwise accused's witnesses that the victim fired the
judges would be unduly laden with the Armalite rifle. The Ombudsman for all practical
preliminary examination and investigation of purposes adopted in its entirety the findings of
criminal complaints instead of concentrating on the investigating officer despite its obvious
hearing and deciding cases filed before their flaws, he actually did nothing at all and, in
courts. effect, threw everything to the Sandiganbayan
for evaluation. Prosecutors are endowed with
22. Some illustrations reinforcing the foregoing ample powers in order that they may properly
rules are the cases of Sales v Sandiganbayan6, fulfill their assigned role in the administration
Lim v. Felix7, and Okabe v. Judge Gutierrez8. of justice.

ii. In said case, was there a proper judicial

i. In Sales v. Sandiganbayan what patent
determination of probable cause? Support
error was committed by the Ombudsman?
with factual predicates.
In Sales v. Sandiganbayan the Ombudsman
committed the patent error of “Passing of the No, the court cannot accept the
Buck” There was not one continuous Sandiganbayan's assertions of having found
proceeding but rather a case of passing the probable cause on its own, considering the
buck, so to speak, the last one being the Ombudsman's defective report and findings,
Ombudsman hurriedly throwing the buck to the which merely relied on the testimonies of the
witnesses for the prosecution and disregarded
the evidence for the defense. Probable cause
6 G.R. No. 143802, November 16, 2001. may not be established simply by showing that
7 G.R. Nos. 94054-57, February 19, 1991. a trial judge subjectively believes that he has
8 G.R. NO. 150185, May 27, 2004.

good grounds for his action. Good faith is not of the investigation are still in Masbate, he/she
enough. If subjective good faith alone were the has not personally determined probable cause.
test, the constitutional protection would be The Provincial Prosecutor makes the
demeaned and the people would be "secure in determination. The Judge commits a grave abuse
their persons, houses, papers and effects" only of discretion.
in the fallible discretion of the judge.
v. In Okabe v. Judge Gutierrez, why did the SC
iii. In Lim v. Felix, may a Judge without find that the judge committed grave abuse of
ascertaining the facts through his own discretion amounting to lack or excess of
personal determination and relying solely on jurisdiction?
the certification or recommendation of a The respondent judge committed a grave abuse
prosecutor that a probable cause exists issue of his discretion amounting to lack or excess of
a warrant of arrest? jurisdiction in finding probable cause for the
petitioner’s arrest in the absence of copies of the
No, if a Judge relies solely on the certification of affidavits of the witnesses of the private
the Prosecutor as in this case where all the complainant, and her reply affidavit, the counter-
records of the investigation are in Masbate, he affidavit of the petitioner and the evidence
or she has not personally determined probable adduced by the private complainant as required
cause. The determination is made by the by case law, and now by Section 8(a), Rule 112 of
Provincial Prosecutor. The constitutional the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure
requirement has not been satisfied. The Judge (Records supporting the information or
commits a grave abuse of discretion. The Judge complaint). The afore-cited affidavits, more
must go beyond the Prosecutor's certification specifically the fax message of Lorna Tanghal and
and investigation report whenever necessary. the document signed by her covering the amount
He should call for the complainant and of US$1,000 are of vital importance, as they
witnesses themselves to answer the court's would enable the respondent judge to properly
probing questions when the circumstances of determine the existence or non-existence of
the case so require. probable cause.
iv. In said case, how did the Supreme Court
explain the requirement of personal VI. In said case, how did the SC explain the
determination of probable cause for purposes requirement of personal determination of
of issuing a warrant of arrest? probable cause for purposes of issuing a
In relation to Art. III Section 2, what the warrant of arrest?
constitution underscores is the exclusive and Before the RTC judge issues a warrant of arrest
personal responsibility of the issuing judge to under Section 6, Rule 112 of the Rules of Court,
satisfy himself of the existence of probable cause. in relation to Section 2 Article 3 of the 1987
Following established doctrine and procedures Constitution, the judge must make a personal
he shall: (1) personally evaluate the report and determination of the existence or non-existence
the supporting documents submitted by the of probable cause for the arrest of the accused.
fiscal regarding the existence of probable cause The duty to make such determination is personal
and issue a warrant of arrest or (2) if he finds no and exclusive to the issuing judge. He cannot
probable cause, may require the submission of abdicate his duty and rely on the certification of
supporting affidavits and witnesses. the investigating prosecutor for such
The judge cannot ignore the clear words of the certification is, by itself, ineffective.
constitution, which requires “probable cause to In determining the existence or non-existence of
be personally determined by the judge.” If a probable cause, the RTC judge may rely on the
judge relies solely on the certification of the findings and conclusions in the resolution of the
Prosecutor as in this case where all the records investigating prosecutor. However, the judge

should not rely solely on the said report. The probable cause in connection with one specific
judge should consider not only the report of the offense to be determined personally by the judge
investigating prosecutor but also the after examination under oath or affirmation of the
affidavit/affidavits and the documentary complainant and the witnesses he may produce,
evidence of the parties, the counter-affidavit of and particularly describing the place to be
the accused and his witnesses, as well as the searched and things to be seized.
transcript of stenographic notes submitted to the Section 4. Examination of complainant, record
court upon filing the information. – the judge must, before issuing the warrant
23. personally examine in the form of searching
i. Based on Rule 126, Sections 4 and 5 of the questions and answers, in writing and under oath
Rules of Court, how must a judge comply with the complainant and any witnesses he may
the requirement of “personal determination” produce on facts personally known to them and to
of probable cause? attach to the record their sworn statements.
Sec. 4. Requisites for issuing search warrant. –
A search warrant shall not issue except upon iii. In said case, how did the SC characterize
probable cause in connection with one specific the questions propounded by the judge during
offense to be determined personally by the judge the deposition?
after examination under oath or affirmation of the The court examined the questioned search
complainant and the witness he may produce, and warrant and found that Judge Ontal failed to
particularly describing the place to be searched comply with the legal requirement that he must
and the things to be seized which may be examine the applicant and his witnesses in the
anywhere in the Philippines. form of searching questions and answers in
Sec. 5. Examination of complainant; record. – order to determine the existence of probable
The judge must, before issuing the warrant, cause. The “Deposition of Witness” which was
personally examine in the form of searching submitted contained, for the most part,
questions and answers, in writing and under oath, suggestive questions answerable by merely
the complainant and the witnesses he may placing “yes” or “no” in the blanks provided. The
produce on facts personally known to them and above disposition did not only contain leading
attach to the record their sworn statements, questions, but it was also very broad. The
together with the affidavits submitted. questions propounded to the witnesses were in
fact, not probing but were merely routinary. The
ii. In the case of Silva v. Presiding Judge, RTC of deposition was already mimeographed and all
Negros Oriental, Br. XXXIII, why did the SC that the witnesses had to do was fill in their
declare Search Warrant No. 1 null and void? answers on the blanks provided.
In issuing a search warrant, the judge must
strictly comply with the constitutional and iv. In said case, how did the SC characterize
statutory requirement that he must determine probable cause for purposes of issuing a
the existence of probable cause by personally search warrant?
examining the applicant and his witnesses in the
form of searching questions and answers. His Here, the court cited the case of Prudente vs.
failure to comply with this requirement Dayrit for their discussion on probable cause:
constitutes grave abuse of discretion. “The ‘probable cause’ for a valid search warrant,
Sections 3 and 4, Rule 126 of the Rules of Court has been defined ‘as such facts and
provide for the requisites for the issuance of a circumstances which would lead a reasonably
search warrant, to wit: discreet and prudent man to believe that an
offense has been committed, and that objects
Section 3. Requisite for issuing search warrant sought in connection with the offense are in the
- a search warrant shall not issue but upon place sought to be searched.’ This probable cause

must be shown to be within the personal vii. Make a table summarizing the differences
knowledge of the complainant or the witnesses between the determination of probable cause
as he may produce and not based on mere in issuing a warrant of arrest and a search
hearsay.” warrant .
v. In the case of People v. Mamaril9, why did ARREST
the SC declare Search Warrant No. 99-51
invalid? 1. The judge must 1. The judge must
The court found that the requirement mandated personally evaluate examine the complaint
by law that the examination of the complainant the report and the and his witnesses
and his witnesses must be under oath and supporting personally
reduced into writing in the form of searching documents submitted
questions and answers was not complied with, by the fiscal regarding
rendering the search warrant invalid. the existence of
The issuance of a search warrant is justified only probable cause and
upon a finding of probable cause. In determining issue a warrant of
the existence of probable cause, it is required arrest
1. The judge must examine the complainant 2. If on the basis 2. The examination
and his witnesses personally; thereof, he finds no must be under oath
2. The examination must be under oath; and probable cause, he (must refer to the truth
3. The examination must be reduced in may require the of facts within personal
writing in the form of searching questions and submission of knowledge of applicant
answers. supporting affidavits or his witnesses)
and witnesses.
v. In said what were the factual predicates that
led the SC to declare the subject warrant 3. The examination 3. The examination
invalid? must be reduced in must be reduced in
Atty. Enrico O. Castillo presented before the writing in the form of writing in the form of
court only the application for search warrant and searching questions searching questions and
supporting affidavits of PO3 Alberto Santiago and answers answers
and Diosdado Fernandez. Atty. Castillo could not
produce the sworn statements of the
complainant and his witnesses showing that 24.
judge examined in the form of searching Nothing much may be discussed under this
questions and answers in writing as required by requisite, maybe, except the significance of
law. an oath or affirmation in examining the
Based on the above testimony and the other complainant and witness. These testimonies
evidence on record, the prosecution failed to under oath or affirmation must be within the
prove that Executive Judge Eugenio G. Ramos put ‘personal knowledge’ of the complainant and
into writing his examination of the applicant and the witnesses, as in the case of Cupcupin v.
his witnesses in the form of searching questions People, thus:
and answers before the issuance of the search
warrant. The records only show the existence of “In determining the probable cause in the
an application for a search warrant and the issuance of a search warrant, the oath
affidavits of the complainant’s witnesses. required must refer to the truth of the facts
within the personal knowledge of the
9 G.R. No. 147607, January 22, 2004. applicant or his witnesses, because the

purpose thereof is to convince the sweeping descriptions, which will authorize

committing magistrate, not the individual, police officers to undertake a fishing expedition
making the affidavit and seeking the issuance to seize and confiscate any and all kinds of
of the warrant, of the existence of probable evidence or articles relating to an offense.
cause. Search warrants are not issued on
loose, vague or doubtful basis of fact, nor on 26.
mere suspicion or belief.” In the case of Nolasco v. Pano12, the Supreme
Court explained the invalidity of “General
25. Warrant.” On the other hand, the Supreme
In the cases of Corro v. Lising10 and People v. Court also explained the invalidity of a
Tee 11 , the Supreme Court explained the “Scatter-shot Warrant” in the case of
different purposes of the requirement of Tambasen v. People13.
particularity of description in the warrants.
What are these? Invalidity of a General Warrant (Nolasco v.
Corro v. Lising - A search warrant should There is absent a definite guideline to the
particularly describe the place to be searched searching team as to what items might be
and the things to be seized. The evident purpose lawfully seized thus giving the officers of the law
and intent of this requirement is to limit the discretion regarding what articles they should
things to be seized to those and only those, seize as, in fact, taken also were a portable
particularly described in the search warrant- to typewriter and 2 wooden boxes.
leave the officers of the law with no discretion
regarding what articles they should seize, to the The warrant issued by respondent judge here is
end that unreasonable searches and seizures in the nature of a general warrant and infringes
may not be committed – that abuses may not be on the constitutional mandate requiring
committed. particular description of the things to be seized.
The language used is so all embracing as to
Thus, an application for search warrant must include all conceivable records and equipment of
state with particularly the alleged subversive petitioner regardless of whether they are legal or
materials published or intended to be published illegal.
by the publisher and the editor.
Invalidity of a Scatter-shot Warrant
People v. Tee - The constitutional requirement of (Tambasen v. People)
reasonable particularity of description of the The search warrant issued herein violates
things to be seized is primarily meant to enable Section 3, Rule 126 of the Revised Rules of Court,
the law enforcers serving the warrant to: (1) which prohibits the issuance of a search warrant
readily identify the properties to be seized and for more than one specified offense. Here, the
thus prevent them from seizing the wrong items; caption of Search warrant No. 365 reflects the
and (2) leave said peace officers with no violation of two special laws: PD No. 1866 for
discretion regarding the articles to be seized and illegal possession of firearms and RA No. 1700,
thus prevent unreasonable searches and the Anti-Subversion Law. Said Search Warrant
seizures. was therefore a “scatter-shot warrant” and
totally null and void.
What the constitution seeks to avoid are search
warrants of broad or general characterization or

10 G.R. No. L-69899, July 15, 1985. 12 G.R. No. L-69803, October 8, 1985.
11 G.R. Nos. 140546-47, January 20, 2003. 13 G.R. No. 89103, July 14, 1995.

Moreover, by their seizure of articles not section 1434, the chief secret service agent and a
described in the search warrant, the police acted supervising agent of the Bureau of Internal
beyond the parameters of their authority under Revenue gave testimony under oath before Judge
the search warrant. Section 2, Article II of the Revilla in which they specified the premises
1987 Constitution requires that a search warrant occupied by Jose Rubio, which it was desired to
should particularly describe the things to be search. The witnesses stated that there are
seized. The evident purpose and intent of which fraudulent books, invoices and records in the
is to leave the officers of the law with no premises.
discretion regarding what articles they should
seize, to the end that unreasonable searches and Appellant contended that the application and the
seizures may not be made and that abuses may warrant did not particularly describe the things
not be committed. to be seized.

The same constitutional provision is also aimed Issue: How particular must the description of
at preventing violations of security in person and the items subject of the search and seizure
property and unlawful invasions of the sanctity be?
of the home, giving remedy against such
usurpations when attempted. Ruling: While it is true that the property to be
seized under a warrant must be particularly
described herein and no other property can be
27. taken thereunder, yet the description required to
How particular must the description of the be specific only in so far as the circumstances
items subject of the search and seizure be? will ordinarily allow. It has been held that,
The answer to this question varies from case where, by the nature of the goods to be seized,
to case. However, the following cases may be their description must be rather general, it is not
inquired into for guidance: People v. Rubio14 required that a technical description be given, as
and Kho v. Judge Makalintal 15 . Supply an this would mean that no warrant could issue.
answer and a summary of relevant facts
leading to the relevant ruling. Appellant has not shown that the agents
exceeded their powers under the warrant by
It has been held that, where, by the nature of the seizing property other than that described in the
goods to be seized, their description must be warrant in question. The list of books, invoices
rather general, it is not required that a technical and records seized by officers is the best
description be given, as this would mean that no evidence to show that they strictly obeyed the
warrant could issue. command of their warrant by seizing those
things and only those described in the warrant.
The law does not require that the things to be
seized must be described in precise and minute Kho v. Judge Makalintal - NBI agents applied for
detail as to leave no room for doubt. Otherwise, the issuance of two search warrants against
it would be virtually be impossible for applicants Benjamin Kho after conducting surveillance and
to obtain a warrant, as they would not know investigation in the two houses referred to on
exactly what kind of things they are looking for. the basis of the information that it was used as
storage centers for unlicensed firearms and
People v. Rubio - By virtue of the police power “chop-chop” vehicles. The 2 searches yielded
granted to them by the Administrative Code, several high-powered firearms with explosives
and ammunition.
14 G.R. No. L-35500, October 27, 1932.
15 G.R. No. 94902-06, April 21, 1999.

Petitioners claim that subject search warrants “Sundry items such as labels, boxes, prints,
are general warrants as the things to be seized packages, wrappers, receptacles, advertisements
were not described and detailed out. and other paraphernalia bearing the copyrights
and/or trademarks owned by Microsoft
Issue: How particular must the description of Corporation.”
the items subject of the search and seizure
be? Maxicorp argues that the warrants issued against
it are too broad in scope and lack the specificity
Ruling: The court holds that the warrants required with respect to the objects to be seized.
comply with Constitutional and statutory
requirements. The law does not require that the Ruling: The court found paragraph (c) of the
things to be seized must be described in precise search warrants lacking in particularity. It
and minute detail as to leave no room for doubt. simply calls for the seizure of all items bearing
Otherwise, it would be virtually be impossible the Microsoft logo. Neither does it limit the
for applicants to obtain a warrant, as they would seizure to products used in copyright
not know exactly what kind of things they are infringement or unfair competition.
looking for.
Still, no provision of law exists which requires
ITCAB, the NBI agents could not have been in a that a warrant, partially defective in specifying
position to know beforehand the exact caliber or some items sought to be seized yet particular
make of the firearms to be seized. They could not with respect to the other items, should be
have known the particular type of weapons nullified as a whole.
involved before seeing such weapons at close
range, which was of course impossible at the Thus, a search warrant is severable; the items
time of the filing of the applications for subject not sufficiently described may be cut off without
search warrants. destroying the whole warrant.

Is a search warrant severable? What does it 29.
mean to be one? The answer to this question May an item not embraced by a warrant be
is found in the case of Microsoft Corporation seized? The answer to this question is found
v. Maxicorp, Inc. Supply an answer and a in the cases of People v. Salanguit and Del
summary of relevant facts leading to the Rosario v. People. Supply an answer and a
relevant ruling. summary of relevant facts leading to the
relevant ruling.
A search warrant may be severable; the items
not sufficiently described may be cut off without Only the articles particularly described in the
destroying the whole warrant. warrant may be seized.

Microsoft Corporation v. Maxicorp, Inc.16 - NBI People vs. Salanguit17 - Sr. Insp. Aguilar applied
agents filed several applications for search for a warrant in the RTC to search for shabu in
warrants against Maxicorp for alleged violation the residence of accused-appellant Robert
of Section 29 of PD 49 and Art. 189 of the RPC. Salanguit y Ko. After showing the search warrant
Judge Bayhon issued such warrants paragraph to the occupants, they found 12 small heat-
(c) of which states: sealed plastic bags and a paper clip box
containing white crystalline substance, and 2

16 G.R. No. 140946, September 13, 2004. 17 G.R. No. 133254-55, April 19, 2001.

bricks of dried leaves, which appeared to be without the necessary licenses. P/Sr. Inspr.
marijuana. The trial court found accused guilty Adique applied for a search warrant to enable his
beyond reasonable doubt. team to search the house of appellant, in which
the judge issued. The search yielded a caliber .45
The search warrant authorized the seizure of pistol, rifle and a revolver.
methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu but
not marijuana. However, the seizure of the latter Petitioner submits that he had a license for the
is being justified on the grand that it was seized .45 caliber firearm and ammunition, the other
within the “plain view” of the searching party. firearms were either planted by the police or
This is contested by accused-appellant. illegally seized as they were not mentioned in the
search warrant.
Issue: May an item not embraced by a
warrant be seized? Issue: May an item not embraced by a
warrant be seized?
Ruling: Under the “plain view doctrine”,
unlawful objects within the “plain view” of an Ruling: Section 2, Article III states that a search
officer who has the right to be in the position to and seizure must be carried out through or on
have that view are subject to seizure and may be the strength of a judicial warrant, absent which
presented in evidence. For this to apply there such search and seizure becomes
must be: “unreasonable”.

a. Prior justification The following are requisites for a search

b. Inadvertent discovery of the evidence warrant’s validity, the absence of one will cause
c. Immediate apparent illegality of the its downright nullification
evidence before the police
1. It must be issued upon probable cause
It is assumed that the police found the packets of 2. The probable cause must be determined by
shabu first. Once the valid portion of the search the judge himself
warrant has been executed, the “plain view 3. The judge must examine the complainant and
doctrine” can no longer provide any basis for witnesses
admitting the other items subsequently found. 4. The warrant issued must particularly
This doctrine may not be used to extend a describe the place to be searched and
general exploratory search from one object to persons or things to be seized. Seizure is
another until something incriminating at last limited to those items particularly described
emerges. in a valid search warrant. Evidence seized on
occasion of such an unreasonable search and
A search incident to a lawful arrest is limited to seizure is tainted and excluded for being
the person of the one arrested and the premises “fruit of a poisonous tree” – inadmissible in
within his control. The police failed to allege the evidence for any purpose.
time when the marijuana was found. Its
recovery, presumably after the shabu had been ITCAB, the firearm was not found inadvertently
recovered, was invalid. and in plain view. It was found as a result of a
meticulous search in the kitchen of petitioner’s
Del Rosario v. People18 - Sometime in May 1996, house. Hence, the seizure was illegal.
the police received a report that Vicente del
Rosario was in possession of certain firearms 30.
How particular must the description of the
place/s to be searched be? The answer to this
18 G.R. No. 142295, May 31, 2001.

question may be found in the following cases: the “Paper Industries Corporation of the
Retired SPO4 Bienvenido Laud v. People and Philippines located at PICOP Compoound, Brgy,
Paper Industries Corporation of the Tabon, Bislig, Surigao del Sur. The compound,
Philippines v. Asuncion however is made up of numerous
offices/buildings, powerplants, staff houses,
airstrip and warehouses. Obviously, the warrant
Laud v. People19 - The Court concludes that gives the police officers unbridled and thus
there was compliance with the constitutional illegal authority to search all the structures
requirement that there be a particular found inside the PICOP compound.
description of “the place to be searched and the
persons or things to be seized.” In People v. CA, this Court ruled that the place to
be searched cannot be changed, enlarged or
“A description of a place to be searched is amplified by the police. Only the Judge may
sufficient if the officer with the warrant can, with properly do the particularization of the
reasonable effort, ascertain and identify the description of the place to be searched, and only
place intended and distinguish it from other in the warrant itself; it cannot be left to the
places in the community. Any designation or discretion of the police officers conducting the
description known to the locality that points out search.
the place to the exclusion of all others, and on
inquiry, leads the officers unerringly to it,
satisfies the constitutional requirement”

The search warrant evidently complies with the

foregoing standard since it particularly describes
the place to be searched, namely, the three (3)
caves located inside the Laud Compound in
Purok 3, Brgy. Ma-a, Davao City.

Paper Industries Corporation of the

Philippines v. Asuncion20 - The Constitution and
the Rules limit the place to be searched only to
those described in the warrant. The requisite of
particularity is related to the probable cause
requirement in that, at least under some
circumstances, the lack of a more specific
description will make it apparent that there has
not been a sufficient showing to the magistrate
that the described items are to be found in a
particular place.

ITCAB, the assailed search warrant failed to

describe the place with particularity. It simply
authorizes a search of “the aforementioned
premises,” but it did not specify such premises.
The warrant identifies only one place, and that is

19 G.R. No. 199032, November 19, 2014.

20 G.R. No. 122092, May 19, 1999.

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