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© In t e r IK E A Sy stems B.V.

& Planet


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The IKEA sustainability strategy – People & Planet Positive

– was launched in 2012 with ambitious goals to transform
the IKEA business, the industries in the IKEA value chain
and life at home for people all across the world.

We have made significant progress since and for the entire IKEA ecosystem. This
then, but our rapidly changing world strategy gives us a roadmap to follow CONTENTS
calls for even more ambitious goals and and outlines a strong, common long-
urgent action. term agenda for the entire IKEA value
chain and franchise system. WHAT SUSTAINABILITY MEANS TO IKEA p.3

Positive strategy describes the We don’t have all the answers and
sustainability agenda and ambition for cannot achieve our goals alone.
everyone in the IKEA franchise system Therefore, we are committed to 1: HEALTHY & SUSTAINABLE LIVING p.12

and value chain*. It will stimulate working together in a collaborative 2: CIRCULAR & CLIMATE POSITIVE p.14
action across IKEA in the coming way and being transparent about what
3: FAIR & EQUAL p.16
years. Our sustainability ambitions and we learn. We will rely on our culture
commitments are set for 2030 in line of entrepreneurship, always moving ENABLERS: HOW WE MAKE IT HAPPEN p.18

with the UN Sustainable Development forward and not waiting for perfection. OVERVIEW OF AMBITIONS AND COMMITMENTS p.19
Goals (see p.9). The strategy will be We will work together to achieve
reviewed annually to secure alignment continuous improvements.
with the total IKEA strategic framework.

The purpose of this strategy is to * IKEA: one brand – many companies. The IKEA business is operated through a franchise

system. That means many companies with different owners work under the IKEA trademark.

inspire, activate and lead us in our All work towards the shared IKEA vision – to create a better everyday life for the many

people – that guides every decision. The IKEA business idea is to offer a wide range of
decision-making and goal setting so that well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as

we together can achieve the big positive possible will be able to afford them. The IKEA retail business is operated by independent

franchisees under franchise agreement with Inter IKEA Systems B.V. The whole value chain

changes we want to see in the world means from supplier to customer.

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What sustainability We want to have a positive impact on people

and the planet. For us it’s about balancing

means to IKEA
® economic growth and positive social impact with
environmental protection and regeneration.

We always think long term – to be able

to meet the needs of people today
without compromising the needs of ENVIRONMENTAL
future generations.

To do this requires rethinking and

inspiring changes in lifestyles and
consumption as well as adopting new
ways of working. We are prepared to
lead the way forward together with our
co-workers, customers and partners BETTER BETTER LIFE
and use our size to make a positive
difference. This is both a responsibility
and a business opportunity. The more
people we reach the bigger the impact
we can have together, and the more
people we can enable to live a better
everyday life. SOCIAL ECONOMIC

The better the balance between environmental, economic and social impact, the more
people will have the chance at a better life within the limits of the planet.
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The IKEA vision is our inspiration ®


business model that is
Caring for people and the planet is one We are open and engage with others,
sustainable. The IKEA vision,
of our core values and guides us in how listening and learning and sharing
to create a better everyday
we work. From the very beginning we knowledge and ideas. Together we co-
life for the many people, is have always viewed waste as “a sin”. create a better world. This is how IKEA
our inspiration. We were born in the rocky landscape has worked and is how we continue
of Småland in southern Sweden where to work with sustainability. We see
We must transform our way of working people had to be creative with their the opportunity to use creativity and
– from linear to circular, from only limited resources. knowledge to scale ideas, collaborate
using to also regenerating resources. on challenges and to be a partner for
As a business reliant on natural positive change. Sustainability can’t be
resources and people, it will also mean FACING CHALLENGES achieved alone.
that we can secure the future of the
IKEA business, value chain and the It’s about setting ambitions that we
livelihoods of the millions of people that know we cannot reach alone. Still, FOR POSITIVE CHANGE
contribute to it. being bold is not only about setting high
ambitions, it’s also about being open We work long term for positive change,
We believe that the IKEA culture – and honest about the challenges we face focusing on the root-cause of issues and
how we work and what we value – is and making difficult decisions that lead not only treating the symptoms. The
fundamental to achieving our vision. In to a positive impact. To take the next IKEA business set-up allows us to make
other words, it is not only what we do, big steps will mean talking about our investments for the future in things like
but how we do it that matters. successes and failures, admitting we new technologies, innovative materials,
don’t have all of the answers and being and ways of generating clean energy
part of a wider conversation to find new as well as in social development in the
solutions. IKEA value chain.
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Being positive
in a rapidly
changing world
Our world is changing rapidly in many From our own history we
ways and we believe that over time
know that what at first seem
more and more people can and will have
like challenges can become
a better everyday life. We are optimistic
about the future. opportunities and limitations
can lead to amazing
To create a better everyday life for the innovations.
many, and to ensure the success of IKEA
into the future, we must take on the
challenges that face us, together. We
have identified three major challenges
that are highly relevant for our
business: climate change, unsustainable
consumption, and inequality.
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(% of total greenhouse gas emissions)



Climate change is no longer The current best estimates predict that sea level will

rise up to 6.6 feet, or 2 meters, by the year 2100 – the

a distant threat, but a visible Climate Institute, 2016


reality. We believe that climate 2

Climate change impacts will be seen in changes in 4% 4% 4%
change is one of the biggest various climate extremes and in changes in the global
water cycle – European Environment Agency https://
challenges that humanity faces.





Studies have predicted that the average global


We will see a dramatic sea-level rise1,




temperature may increase by 1.4–5.8 °C and there









would be substantial reduction in fresh water resources

changes in weather patterns2, and food




and agricultural yield by the end of the 21st century.




and water crises3. As temperatures rise

“Climate change and challenges of water and food



security” International Journal of Sustainable built


– 2016 was the hottest on record4 – the




urgency to act is clear. The signing of

the Paris Climate Agreement was a big 4


step towards coordinated global action

to limit the global temperature increase
Baseline calculation FY16, percentages have been rounded.
to well below 2°C, aiming towards
1.5°C, by the end of the century. The biggest opportunity for reducing the IKEA greenhouse gas footprint comes
in raw materials and the life of products in the homes of IKEA customers.
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By 2030, the global population also due to trends in rising consump-

tion of meat and dairy, and the current
is expected to reach nearly
loss or wastage of one third of all food
8.5 billion5, with nearly half a
billion moving into the middle
class. Resource scarcity and air, water and
land pollution is very visible due, in
This means that more and more people part, to unsustainable consumption and
will have a chance for a better life. But, wastefulness.
in a world that already uses resources
requiring more than one planet, these For IKEA, unsustainable consumption is
billions of new consumers put an even one of our biggest challenges: How can
greater pressure on the planet. In we continue to grow and enable more
many parts of the world consumption is people to live better everyday lives with-
growing at an unsustainable rate. And in the limits of the planet?
while many people are escaping poverty,
many also lack access to affordable and 5
healthy food. Today it’s estimated that
the world must produce 70% more food FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of UN estimated that the world must produce 70% more food by 2050 due to

population growth

by 2050 due to population growth, but Current loss or wastage of one third of all food produced.
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Every year, large numbers of While there have been significant moves
forward in some areas, gender equality
people move out of poverty.
is still far from a reality. Rights and
At the same time there is an
opportunities for elderly people, ethnic
ever-increasing level of inequality and LGBTQ+ communities, and people
in the world with a widening gap with disabilities are still far from equal.
between the wealthiest in society
Today more than 100 million people
and the rest7.
have left their home countries to
find employment and a better life for
One in five in developing regions8 still live in
themselves and their families. The
extreme poverty, with children and young
process of finding a job can sometimes
people at the highest risk. Despite economic
lead to large debts from recruitment fees
growth, some people have seen their jobs
and – in the worst cases – forced labour
become more unstable and unpredictable
and human trafficking. Today, there are
and their incomes stagnate. And as the
more than 65 million displaced people
pace and impact of technological change 7
70% of people live in a country that has seen a rise in inequality in the last 30 years. Oxfam ”Even it UP” Report, 2016

in the world and more than 20 million

increases, some have been left behind and 8
are struggling to adapt to a new reality. 9
UN- Global youth unemployment rate was 13.1 per cent in 2016 and is expected to remain at that level throughout 2017
Young people are finding it harder to secure

meaningful and stable work9. 10

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The UN’s Sustainable

Many of the global sustainability
challenges and calls for action are
described in the UN’s Sustainable

Development goals Development Goals (SDGs). Launched

in 2015, the SDGs provide an inspiring

(SDGs) framework for collective action. They

guide us as we develop the IKEA
business, set ambitions and engage
with our partners.

All of the goals are connected and

IKEA will use them as our compass to
mobilise change in our work.
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How IKEA can make ®

” No a positive difference
is more Through our business we have
a unique opportunity to lead
at home to scale ideas and be a partner
for positive change.

effective the way by being a good ex-

ample for positive change in
Having a positive impact means that we
always aim to generate more than we

than a
society. use ourselves, working to make a posi-
tive difference beyond our own business.
Being a leader means to look critically

good at all aspects of our business, but also

to engage in the debate and enabling
We are committed to creating a
better everyday life for the many

customers, co-workers, and partners to people and to be People & Planet
take action and contribute. Now is the Positive.
time for us to take the next big step.

Each one of us can be a leader for
change. To change the world, good ideas
must be nurtured and magnified to
reach as many people as possible.
Part of our role is to use our size, crea-
tivity, innovation and knowledge in life
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Three focus areas

As a response to the three
major challenges impacting
the IKEA business, we have
identified three corresponding
focus areas to help us to fulfil Healthy & Circular Fair
the IKEA vision and become sustainable & climate &
people and planet positive.
living positive equal
Under each focus area we outline
our commitments to achieving our
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By 2030 our
Healthy &
ambition is to sustainable living
inspire and enable Our homes and the way we being more conscious and less wasteful

more than 1 billion

in what they buy, and for prolonging the
live have a huge impact on
life of their things.
our health, well-being, and

people to live a the planet. As one of the top ten largest food
companies in the world, we also have a

better everyday life

Households, for example, are estimat- responsibility to provide healthy and nu-
ed to consume one third of the global tritious food. We strive to not only offer
energy use11 and 10% of the water more sustainable home furnishing and

within the limits of use12. Enabling as many people as

possible to generate renewable energy
food products, solutions and services,
but also to inspire and support people to

the planet
and to reduce their home energy and make positive changes in their lifestyles
water consumption would have a great and to consume in more sustainable
impact. Water, food and air quality are ways. Until now our focus has been on
also major concerns for people around helping customers to become energy
the world. The impact of pollution and and resource efficient and reduce waste.
waste is already visible in everyday life We will now also focus on enabling a
for many people. shift through promoting a new mind-set
for healthy and sustainable living.
People expect businesses and brands
like IKEA to make living a more sustain-
able life affordable and appealing. They sustainable-consumption-production/

are searching for ideas and solutions 12

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
and are counting on new, innovative Nations, The State of the World’s Land and Water
Resources for Food and Agriculture (SOLAW),
ways of living: in smaller spaces, for
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IKEA already enables people to actively By 2030, we will inspire and enable people Creating a movement in society around Promoting circular and sustainable con-
live a healthier and more sustainable life to make healthier and more sustainable better everyday living sumption
at home with a focus on the efficiency choices by offering knowledge, ideas and new
and functions of the home, offering affordable solutions. We will, together with Inspiring and enabling people to redefine Seeing IKEA products as raw materials for
affordable products and solutions for others, define what sustainable consumption their life at home – a life that is sustainable, the future and ensuring that all products have
water efficiency, energy efficiency, means for IKEA. We will develop all products supports safety, health and well-being, and is circular capabilities: designed from the very
renewable energy, and waste sorting using the IKEA democratic design approach within the means of the many people. beginning to be repurposed, repaired, reused,
solutions. and circular design principles. We will work resold and recycled.
together with others to prolong the life of Leading the transition towards a new defi-
For many years IKEA has worked products and materials and thereby promote nition of a better everyday life and being a Providing and promoting services, solu-
proactively when it comes to the use of a sharing and circular economy. driving force behind changes in unsustainable tions, inspiration and offering easy access to
chemicals in IKEA products, phasing out, consumption patterns. knowledge to prolong the life of product and
often ahead of legislation, potentially Sustainability cannot be a luxury for a materials. Inviting and enabling customers
harmful chemicals. few! We will make healthy and sustainable Inspiring and enabling people to live and other partners to be part of the solution
living a desirable choice that is affordable, healthier, more sustainable lives by making it easy to buy, fix, sell, share and
All IKEA products and solutions are attractive and accessible for as many people give away products.
designed with quality, form, function, as possible. Offering better, more affordable, smart prod-
low price, and sustainability as the IKEA ucts and solutions that enable people to live
democratic design dimensions. The IKEA business will enable people to safer, healthier and more sustainable lives.
generate renewable energy and be energy
Even though we have accomplished many and water efficient, to purify the water and Providing knowledge and ideas to inspire peo-
things, we are only at the beginning and air in their homes, eliminate waste, and ple to live better, healthier and more sustain-
there is still much to be done. contribute to adapting their homes to cope able lives.
with the impact of climate change. We will
encourage people to come together and work Offering a food range that makes more
to improve their health and well-being. sustainable, healthier eating delicious and
affordable for the many people.
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By 2030 our
ambition is to
become climate
Circular &
positive and
regenerate climate positive
resources while We have only one planet with throughout the IKEA value chain. To be

growing the IKEA

people and planet positive in the future
® limited resources. Pressure
we must further develop responsible
on forests, fisheries and agri-
sourcing programmes, continue to

culture, loss of biodiversity improve resource utilisation and
and wildlife, ocean pollution, dramatically reduce greenhouse gases
erosion of soil and increasing in absolute terms, independent of how
much we grow the IKEA business.
levels of air and fresh water
pollution affect the lives and
livelihoods of millions of
people around the world.

The global resource scarcity is already

impacting the IKEA business and,
more important, the lives of people
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Our approach of making more from By 2030, our ambition is to be a circular Transforming into a circular business Actively reducing air pollutants.
Designing, building, operating and maintain-
less has enabled the IKEA business business built on clean, renewable
Prolonging the life of products and ing all of our buildings individually according
to reduce waste and become more energy and regenerative resources, de- materials and using resources in a to local conditions, in order to stay within the
efficient in all we do. coupling material use from our growth. smarter way. planetary boundaries.

The aim is to end our dependency on Turning waste into resources, sending zero Regenerating resources, protecting eco-
We have also come a long way in virgin fossil materials and fuels. We will waste to landfill. systems and improving biodiversity

transforming how we source more reduce greenhouse gases and contribute Taking the lead in transforming secondary Continuing to secure and develop
sustainable materials. Since 2015, to limiting global temperature increase to materials (i.e. reused and recycled materials) responsible sourcing standards that
into clean and safe resources. include environmental, social and animal
100% of our cotton, fish and seafood well below 2°C, aiming towards 1.5°C, by welfare criteria.
come from more sustainable sources the end of the century. We will contribute Sourcing and producing renewable and re-
cycled materials with a positive environmen- Becoming forest positive, promoting sus-
(BCI+, MSC, ASC). to a world of clean air and water and
tal impact. tainable forest management to eliminate
improved biodiversity. forest degradation and deforestation. Using
Establishing and promoting systems and ser- innovative approaches to forest management,
We are getting closer to our 2020 goal
vices to enable a circular economy. protection, restoration and regeneration.
of sourcing 100% of our wood & paper
from more sustainable sources. And Becoming climate positive Leading regenerative projects on degraded
land, deforested areas and agriculturally
we have taken steps to begin to phase Dramatically reducing absolute green- cultivated areas.
out virgin fossil plastic from the IKEA house gas emissions to contribute to
limiting global temperature increase to Becoming water positive by leading and
product range. well below 2°C, aiming towards 1.5°C, developing water stewardship programmes.
by the end of the century. Leading regenerative projects to clean pollut-
ed waters and protect biodiversity. Specifical-
We have been vocal in our support for Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from ly focusing on leading projects to clean plastic
a transition to a low carbon economy, the IKEA value chain in absolute terms com- pollutants from oceans.
pared to FY16. The scope includes the foot-
and have invested heavily in renewable prints of materials, food ingredients, trans- Sourcing wood, cotton, food, and other raw
energy and improved energy efficiency. port, the production at suppliers, and the use materials from “more sustainable sources”.
of IKEA products in customers’ homes13.

Aiming for only renewable electricity and heat

in IKEA operations14.

Promoting on-site renewable energy genera-

tion and new installations. 13
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (scope 3 emissions)
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (scope 1 & 2 emissions)
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By 2030 our ambition

is to create a positive Fair & equal
social impact for Although we face many chal- and opportunities for elderly people,

everyone across the lenges in the world today,

we believe that through our
ethnic, LGBTQ+ communities and people
with disabilities.

IKEA value chain ®

business we can support and
influence positive change.
Through our business and global reach
we can provide opportunities for migrant
workers, refugees and other groups
We need to embrace change in ways who are moving away from their home
that make people’s lives better. By grow- by choice, necessity or force. We can
ing the IKEA business in an even more provide emergency support, training and
inclusive way and providing decent15, employment and work with others to
and meaningful work, we can play our create change in the systems that put
part in creating a fair and equal society. people at risk.

Children and families have always been The IKEA vision and ambitions for
a focus for IKEA. We have seen that by people go across the full IKEA value
making decisions with the best inter- chain and we expect the same or higher
est of children in mind we can create standards of ourselves as we do of our
positive change and opportunities for suppliers and business partners.
families and communities.

Equality is a base from which to build a

The ILO (International Labour Organisation) definition
better life. We have the ability to directly of decent work
support gender equality as well as rights
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We have already taken some important By 2030, IKEA will be a leader in creating Providing and supporting decent and Being an inclusive business
meaningful work across the IKEA value
steps and are ready to do more to achieve a fair and equal society that benefits the
chain Growing the IKEA business providing
our vision. many. We will do this by growing the IKEA opportunities for the many.
business in an even more inclusive way, Respecting human rights in all areas of the
IKEA business and continuing to ensure the Continuing to build a diverse, inclusive work-
Children’s rights have always been at the respecting and encouraging diversity and implementation of international labour stand- place and empowering and supporting people
heart of what we do and we were part of promoting decent and meaningful work ards. to be themselves at work.

the development, and now implementa- across the IKEA value chain, enabling Always ensuring that workplaces are safe Making gender equality a reality.
tion of, the Children’s Rights and Business people to provide a good life for them- and contribute to the healthy development of
people. Ensuring that children’s rights are integrated
Principles. selves and their families. Being inclusive into everything that we do.
is about both engaging with others in the Ensuring access to competence and skills
development, enabling people to grow and Providing and promoting learning and work-
IWAY – our supplier Code of Conduct work they do and inviting others to partic-
reach their full potential. ing opportunities for young people.
continues to be the base of our work to ipate in our work.
Providing and supporting stable, regular and Ensuring that the IKEA value chain is made
secure human rights and good working
predictable employment. up of diverse business partnerships that
conditions throughout our supply chain drive innovation, business growth and social
and we have significantly expanded the Ensuring that we - together with others - de- impact.
fine what constitutes a fair income and make
scope of its implementation. it possible for everyone in the IKEA value Engaging in our communities to create a
chain to have a fair income. positive impact on livelihoods and contribute
to an inclusive local economy.
We are working with social entrepreneurs Ensuring that everyone in the IKEA val-
and engaging actively in local commu- ue chain has a voice and is engaged and Promoting equality
empowered to play an active role in their
nities to be an inclusive business. And workplace. We will stand up for our ambitions, values
we continually develop our approach to and beliefs, advocating for change and play-
ing an active role to support it.
vulnerable groups within the IKEA value
chain. We will engage with others, sharing knowl-
edge, challenging each other and being trans-
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Enablers: how we make it happen

and business set-up we can
We will use our size and influence and We will be open and transparent
think long-term and make play an active role in society advocating We will be inclusive and actively engage and allow others to learn from our
our commitments become for and promoting positive change based in the communities where we operate successes, failures, challenges and ways
on our values. through IKEA stores, offices, warehouses, of working. IKEA is 100% committed
a reality. We will influence
factories and online. to reporting our progress in line with
positive change in the world the SDG goals. To move from vision
and will share our approach CO-CREATION & PARTNERSHIP
to action, each business needs to set
and what we learn to inspire We will work together in new ways and
clear goals and targets that will help us
A key enabler is to secure that invest- prioritise and measure our progress.
others through: continue to support organisations that
develop sustainable value for people, the ment mechanisms and incentives are in

planet and our business. We will seek out place to support the transformational

new partners with unique perspectives change needed.

and insights and support them in scaling
up solutions to reach the many. We will use communication to inspire a
more sustainable way of living, secure
The IKEA supplier code of conduct, co-creation and a continuous dialogue.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION IWAY, has been the base for much of our We will activate people to make a positive
sustainability work since 2000. We will difference in their everyday lives, in their
We will rely on our entrepreneurial spirit continue to develop IWAY standards and communities and in the world. Communi-
for innovation and turning challenges expand its implementation further in the cation around our impact on people and
into opportunities. We will also look to IKEA value chain to meet new challeng- society will be an integrated part of our
others like social entrepreneurs for ideas es and to secure good working condi- communication around our commercial
and inspiration for making the world tions at IKEA suppliers. We will continue offer from the very beginning.
more sustainable and fair. setting clear standards and expectations
for the IKEA business relationships and
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Overview of ambitions
and commitments

People Healthy & Circular Fair

& Planet sustainable & climate &
Positive living positive equal

Ambitions for 2030 Inspire and enable more than Become climate positive and Create a positive social
1 billion people to live a better regenerate resources while impact for everyone across
everyday life within the limits growing the IKEA business the IKEA value chain
of the planet

Commitments Creating a movement in society Transforming into a circular business Providing and supporting decent and
around better everyday living meaningful work across the IKEA
Becoming climate positive value chain
Inspiring and enabling people to live
healthier, more sustainable lives Regenerating resources, protecting Being an inclusive business
ecosystems and improving
Promoting circular and sustainable biodiversity Promoting equality

Key enablers

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