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Jurnal Estupro Vol. 4 No. 3.

September 2019 ISSN 2502-1079




Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan

The aim of this research is to know the politeness and the polite menner of women and men when using
information seeking questioning. The research is designed by using descriptive qualitative research.
The sources of the data in this research are refers to the audiences and announcers in the conversation
while ordering the song in the radio. The object of the research is the utterances of audiences and
announcers in ordering the song. This study was conducted in the three radio stations participants were
of a similar age, consisting of 5 males and 8 females. The gender of the announcers was not controlled.
The finding of this research is both women used very polite and polite manner to women and used
polite manner to men. While Men used very polite and polite manner to women and used polite and
average manner to men and it showed that women used 3 up to 5 morphemes to women and 4 up to 8
morphemes to men. Men used 3-7 morphemes to women and 2 up to 4 morphemes to men.

Keywords: Sociolinguistics, Politness-Gender, Radio Program

I. INTRODUCTION (e.g. The choice of intimate v. distant pronouns,

or of first v. last names). Then, Eelen (2001: 1)
The interaction is a kind of
clarifies that politeness, according to the Anglo-
communication between speaker and hearer
Saxon scientific tradition, is investigated from
occurs in many occasion, situation with various
the pragmatic and sociolinguistic perspective.
proposition or goals which all deals with one
It is agreed that theories of politeness are
purpose that is to get information. Relate to the
involved in what belongs to either of these
success of interaction depends on both
linguistic subfields for politeness is
participant (speaker-hearer) that use different
specifically concerned with language use that is
ways which use politeness to tells his/her
connected with pragmatics-and it is a
proposition with different gender. Crystal
phenomenon that represents a link between
(1997: 297) believes that politeness, in
language and the social world.
Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics is a term that
signifies linguistic features associated with Lakoff, one of the most significant
norms of social behavior, in relation to pioneers in this issue, distinguishes women’s
notions like courtesy, rapport, deference and speech from men’s speech in these striking
distance. Such features involve the usage of features including the use of words related to
specific discourse markers (please), suitable their interests, empty adjectives, question
tones of voice, and tolerable forms of address intonation, hedges, hypercorrect grammar and

Jurnal Estupro Vol. 4 No. 3. September 2019 ISSN 2502-1079

super polite forms (1975, p. 53-55). Based on unimpeded by other individuals which relates
Lakoff’s commonsense beliefs and stereotypes negative face.
about differences in the way of being polite In fact, every study makes a marked
between men and women in daily contribution in building an assumption on the
conversations, Montgomery concludes that difference between men and women’s speech.
“women’s speech is more polite than men’s” In order to continue forming a clear
(1995, p. 151). This claim is supported by a sociolinguistic picture of gender differences in
great number of well-known empirical works. communications, this research is dedicated to
whi3e As the last previous study of Gibson Indonesian social setting. The focus is to review
(2013) in her article found contrary with Lakoff these theories and apply them to a new study of
and Montgomery, She found that woman do not politeness and gender in the area of information
use information questions more politely than seeking questions. So, the writer interested to
man and woman do not questioned in a more know is there any difference of the study of
polite than man. gender in seeking information (question) in the
A multitude of studies on language and case of politeness as the previous study found
gender have been devoted to identifying, and and theories said?
trying to explain, differences in the speech Based on the background of this study,
styles of men and women (see Talbot 1998 for the problems of the study are formulated as
a useful survey). One of the main differences following:
has been found in the area of linguistic
politeness. Holmes (1995) characterises 1. Are women or men more polite when using
women’s speech as more polite than men’s. information seeking questioning?
Moreover, various theories concerning 2. Are women or men questioned in a more
whether women are more polite than men, and polite manner?
the possible reasons for why this could be true,
are discussed by theorists such as Brown and
Levinson, Lakoff and Montgomery. As Lakoff 2. Methods
(2004) in his result study claim that women Before conduct a research it must be better to
question in a more polite manner than men. decide the appropriate research design that
According to Holmes (1995) said that suitable to this research. Relate to this topic the
ʹpolitenessʹ will be used to refer to behavior research will be designed by using descriptive
which actively expresses positive concern for qualitative research. The sources of the data in
others, as well as non imposing distancing this research are refers to audiences and
behavior. The politeness often used by the announcers in the conversation while ordering
speaker to face saving and it is a problematic the song in the radio and other relevant
notion to define which explains why there have materials for this research.
been various perspectives on this concept. As
Brown and Levinson's (1987) politeness theory The object of the research is the utterances of
belongs to the face-saving view in which audiences and announcers in ordering the song.
preserving face, defined as the person's public This study was conducted in the three radio
self-image, is of central significance. Face is stations which have similar programs of
composed of two basic wants: the want of being ordering song by phone from the hearers or
approved of by other individuals the fulfillment audiences and the participants were of a similar
of which appeals to the positive face or and the age, consisting of 5 males and 8 females.
want of having one's thoughts and actions While, the gender of the announcers was not

Jurnal Estupro Vol. 4 No. 3. September 2019 ISSN 2502-1079

controlled. The instruments of this research is questioning? and are women or men questioned
the conversation record in a more polite manner?
a. Collecting Data Conversation at the Radio 1 while ordering
song by phone between announcers and
The participants’ results were collected some
participants (ordering song)
steps, such as:
1. Female (announcer)>< Male
- Recording the conversation of the
F : Selamat siang.. Dengan siapa ni?
- Underlined the conversation (script) that relate
to the topic of the research study. M : siang..dengan Ari.
- Describing the script on a form which noted F : mau order lagu apa Ri?
the radio program, the gender of the M : Katty Perry aja yang unconditional.
announcers, the information seeking
question that was asked. and the participants’ F : Ok, Ari lgi dimana ni?
overall, holistic rating of the politeness M : Lagi istrhat aja,..
in the question interaction.
F : Oh..lagunya buat sapa ni di salam-
b. Analyzing Data salamnya?
In order to analyze how polite the announcers’ M : Buat temen-temen aku aj yang lagi
information seeking questions were, I employed suntuk
Lakoff’s (2004) proposal concerning requests.
The theory states that the more compound the F : kenapa emangnya ri?haha kok ada
request, the more polite it is perceived to be. acara suntuk-suntukan gitu?
Then, the categorize as follows: M : Lagi males aja. Mau masuk kelas sore
1. Counted the number of free morphemes in nanti
their questions, making the assumption that the F : Aduhhh...yang semnagat dong
more morphemes that there are in the question, ya..hahha
the more polite it is.
M : Ok.
2. The participants gave the announcers one
of the following ratings: very polite, polite, F : ok deh, bye Ari...
average, impolite or rude by asking their 2. Female (announcer) >< Female
cashiers holistically, to determine how polite (participants) :
they felt the cashier came across during the
F : Halo.. dengan siapa ni?
M : Tika
3. Data Analysis
F : Yup, Tika udah makan siang belom?
This chapter presents the data analysis of
research findings and discussion. It shows how M : udah sihh, tapi masih kurang,
the research findings according the politeness maksudnya kurang banyak tadi..
used by women or men when using information F : Waw. Porsi jumbo ya?hahah
seeking questioning in ordering song. The
findings of this research are discussed in M : Masa pertumbuhan,,hahha
relation to the following research questions of F : gitu ya? Ok mau lagu apa ni?
the study, such as : Are women or men more
polite when using information seeking M : Miror aja yg Justin Timberlake.

Jurnal Estupro Vol. 4 No. 3. September 2019 ISSN 2502-1079

F : OK. F : mau order lagu apa ni, ada pop, india,

barat jg boleh atau dangdut hahahha. Yang
3. Male (announcer) >< Male
mana maunya Ri?
(participants) :
M : aaaa..aa Rihana aja lah.
F : Radio Kardova selamat siang.
F : Rihana. Yang mana tu, Diamond?
M : selamat siang..
M : yah,..itu aja.
F : dengan siapa ni?
F : Terus salam-salam buat siapa aja?
M : Coki.
M : Buat sahabat KIIS yang lagi denger aja
F : lagunya apa ni bro?
dan buat ka Dea.
M : Novia Kolovaking
F : makasih..Ari.
F : yang mana?
M : ya ka..
M : Bunga mawar
Female(announcer) >< Female (participants):
F : Salamnya buat siapa?
F : Waralaba selamat sore? dengan siapa
M : Semua yang lagi deger aja. ni?
M : sore ka Dhea..Uli di SSPM.
4. Male (announcer) >< Female F : Uli mau dengerin lagu apa di dore
(participants) : hari ini?
M : Radio Kardova selamat siang.. M : itu kak, lagunya Fatin ‘memili setia’
F : siang..Ria F : ohh sory Uli, Fatin udh diputerin tadi,
M : Hi..Ria ya? yuk, lagunya apa ni? yang lain aja ya?

F : sama aja. M : kalo gitu Kotak aja ka, pelan-pelan

M : salamnya buat siapa?
F : mau di kirim-kirim buat siapa?
F : buat Andre, Isa, Erik, Aura, Reni, Deli,
ada juga Rosma M : buat anak kos modis yang lagi mals
M : banyak banget
F : Hahahha bau donk? Terus siapa lagi?
F : iya..heehee
M : Udah itu aja kak, oh ya buat ka Dhea
M : terima kasih Ria. smnagt ya nyiarnya ka.
Conversation at the Radio 2 while ordering F : Thank you Uli...heheh
song by phone between announcers and
participants (ordering song) Male (announcer) >< Male (participants) :

Female (announcer)>< Male (participants) M : Halo dengan siapa dimana?

F : Halo selamat sore sahabat KIIS, M : Taufik di parsalakan

dengan siapa dimana? M : Taufik ya? Order lagu apa?
M : sore..Ari di Rambin. M : Judika aja
M : Judika yang mana tu?

Jurnal Estupro Vol. 4 No. 3. September 2019 ISSN 2502-1079

M : Yang tersakiti aj bro.

M 
M : Yap! Dikirim-kirim buat siapa aja fik?
F 
M : Buat seseorang dan teman kerja aja,
dan sahabat KIIS yang lagi denger M 
M : Oke bro, selmat sore. From the table, it showed that both women used
very polite and polite manner to women and
Male (announcer) >< Female (participants):
used polite manner to men. While Men used
M : Halo, Warung Lagu Serba Asyik, very polite and polite manner to women and
dengan siapa? used polite and average manner to men.
F : Dengan Devi bang. 3.2 Morpheme analysis of the announcersʹ
M : Dimana Devi nya? information question politeness

F : Di SM Raja. Bg bisa order lagunya Table 2 shows the number of free morphemes
Raisha? used in an information seeking question used
by an announcer to clarify a participants’ song
M : Bisa banget. Hehhe yang mana tu? order by phone.
F : Yang ada, apa aja bang? Table 2
M : Ohh banyak, ada pemeran utama,
mantan terindah, Could it Be..mau Announcers Participants Morphemes Count
yang mana nih devi?
1. Female F 4-5
F : yang mantan terindah aja lah bang.
M 4-8

3.1 Holistic marks of the audiences question2. Male F 3-5

M 3-4
Table 1 shows the marks that pair A and B
awarded their announcers through holistic1. Female F 3-4
judgment of the information seeking questions
used to ask their song orders. M 3-5
Table 1
2. Male F 4-7
ouncers Audiences V. Polite Polite Average Impolite
M 2-3
male F 

M  From the data in table 2, it showed that women

used 3 up to 5 morphemes to women and 4 up
ale F  to 8 morphemes to men. While men used 3-7
morphemes to women and 2 up to 4 morphemes
M 
to men.
male F  From the data collection and both data
analyzing holistic and analytic based on

Jurnal Estupro Vol. 4 No. 3. September 2019 ISSN 2502-1079

Lakoffs’concerning requests proposal which the the function of the language itself to convey
theory states that the more compound the their feeling, thoughts. For the reason, it should
request, the more polite it is perceived to be. It be better to see in using the politeness. Both
is found that both women and men using polite man and women used politeness in every
language in information seeking question to the situation, trying to treat other people in good
participants who are ordering song by phone in way especially in radio program.
radio station and both women or men also are
questioned in the same range of politeness
based on count morphemes that they used. References
4. Discussion
Based on the result findings in the study of Brown, P., & Levinson, S.C. (1987).
gender and it’s relation to language in the area Politeness: some universals in
of radio program of ordering song by phone, it language usage.
is claimed that this results are contrast with Cambridge: Cambridge University
previous Lakoff’s theory that women are more Press.
polite than men, due to the way they are
socialized as children (Lakoff 2004, p.77). Lakoff, R. T. (2004). Language and
While this result study has the same result with Womenʹs Place. Rev. and
previous article of gender and language in fast expanded ed. New York;
food industry. So, it showed that both women Oxford: Oxford University
and men are appropriate to be an announcer Press.
which an assumption that announcer has a kind Montgomery, M. B. (1998).
and try to be polite while having interaction Multiple Modals in LAGS
with the hearers as their audience of the radio and LAMSAS in From the
program. Gulf States and Beyond: The
Conclusions Legacy of Lee Pederson and
LAGS. Ed. M. B.
Based of the data analysis, the conclusions are Montgomery and T. E.
presented in this following:
Gibson, Katherine, Emma. (2009),
1. Both women used very polite and polite Would you like manners with
manner to women and used polite manner to that? A study of gender,
men polite questions and the fast‐
2. While Men used very polite and polite food industry. 2, 1 (2009), 1-
manner to women and used polite and average 17.
manner to men.
Accessed on 10th April 2014.
3. Women used 3 up to 5 morphemes to
women and 4 up to 8 morphemes to men. -"Gender Differences In Politeness." 11 2018. All
4. While men used 3-7 morphemes to Answers Ltd. 03 2020
women and 2 up to 4 morphemes to men. <
Suggestions daily-conversations-english-
Language is assumed to be more effective and language-essay.php?vref=1>.
comfortable of the language user understanding


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