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New Lesson


All over the world, but especially in Korea, people are moving off the farms and out of the villages into
urban areas. Cities are getting ever bigger, even though the pollution and poverty get worse, and towns
are either becoming cities or disappearing completely. Why are people flocking to the cities?


1. The idea of insurance is actually fairly recent-two hundred years or so- and has removed or
reduced risk as a major consideration in the conduct of business and daily life. And yet, most
ordinary people seem reluctant to buy life insurance. Can you explain why?

2. People say they want a divorce, but they seldom follow through. Why not? If they are unhappy
in their marriages, why don’t they do something to make their lives less miserable.

3. Some people say they hate to see payday. Why? Would they prefer to work for free? Don’t they
like money?

4. “Going Dutch” is the practice of each person in a party paying his own way, especially at a
restaurant. Most Koreans don’t like to go Dutch. Why not? Isn’t it more convenient to share the
expense than to put the entire burden on one pair of shoulders?

5. Today it seems engagements are less necessary than ever before. People can get married, and
unmarried, at a drop of a hat, or they can just move in together without getting married at all.
Can you explain why engagements are necessary step before marriage?

6. People know that smoking and drinking are dangerous but they don’t stop. Those habits are also
expensive, foolish and messy. Can you explain why folks, knowing all these things to be true,

7. Driving too fast is dangerous-everybody knows that. It leads to enormous and unnecessary
tragedy every year, both to the families of the drivers themselves and to innocent victims as
well. It is also expensive: not only because of fines and damage, but also because the faster one
drives the more gasoline it takes to propel the car. But most people continue to speed. Why?

8. When troubled, many seek advice from a fortune teller-even if they don’t believe that people
can really see the future. In fact, around the world, Astrology and other forms of divination
mean big business, even though scientific thought is supposed to have replaced superstition.

9. Moral leaders have often felt the need to apply a carrot-and-stick approach to ethical problems,
promising an eternity . Even nonreligious people seem to feel the need to believe in Heaven and
Hell. Why?

10. Reading a magazine, watching a movie or TV, or even just walking down the street, I am struck
by how much female skin is on public display. Why is it women want to expose so much of their
bodies to complete strangers.

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