Maintenance and Decommissioning Real Options Models For Life-Cycle Cost-Benefit Analysis of Offshore Platforms

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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering

Vol. 7, No. 10, October 2011, 733–745

Maintenance and decommissioning real options models for life-cycle cost-benefit analysis of
offshore platforms
Sandra Santa-Cruza and Ernesto Heredia-Zavonib*
Programa de Maestria y Doctorado en Ingenieria, UNAM, Mexico City 04510, Mexico; bInstituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Eje
Central Lazaro Cardenas Norte 152, Mexico City 07730, Mexico
(Received 31 December 2007; final version received 23 February 2009; published online 16 April 2009)

Maintenance and decommissioning real options (RO) models are developed for life-cycle cost-benefit (LCCB)
analysis of offshore platforms. Uncertainties about hydrocarbon prices, maintenance costs, environmental loading,
structural capacity and damage due to deterioration are taken into consideration in the RO modelling. Expressions
are derived for expected costs and benefits in terms of the availability function of the platform, which depends on the
hazard and restoring functions, and on the annual probability of failure of the structure. Results show that the use of
the net present value (NPV) approach can significantly underestimate the LCCB. The RO formulation developed is
shown to provide a proper framework to account for the value of the managerial flexibility to consider different
options along the service lifetime of the structure, such as maintenance and decommissioning, and to make decisions
adapting to future information.
Keywords: real options; life-cycle cost-benefit analysis; maintenance; decommissioning; net present value; offshore

1. Introduction NPV method presumes a determined scenario of

Optimal design criteria, inspection plans and main- incomes and costs, and does not account for
tenance strategies for engineering infrastructure can be flexibility in the management of the infrastructure in
established based on life-cycle economic assessments order to adapt to future conditions. In economic
aimed at maximising benefits or minimising costs and valuation of projects, it is convenient to account for
losses. In structural engineering, for instance, such an the fact that, depending on future conditions that are
approach has been used to establish optimal design not certain at the present time, a project can be
resistances for buildings in seismic areas (Rosenblueth deferred, or its scale expanded or reduced, or some
and Mendoza 1971, Rosenblueth 1976) and for planned actions can be interrupted and later on
optimal inspection planning of offshore facilities restarted, or that the project can be exchanged or
(Faber et al. 2000, Heredia-Zavoni et al. 2008). Other eventually abandoned. The managerial flexibility to
applications can also be found in engineering fields consider different options and make decisions along
dealing with foundations, water resources and the time, thus adapting to future conditions that, at the
environment (Bouchart and Goulter 1998, Stansbury present time, are uncertain, increases the value of a
1999, Whitman 2000). Life-cycle economic assessment project and should be considered in an economic
of benefits and costs essentially involves the net present valuation. These options can be found in high
value (NPV) method, where total cash inflows and uncertainty investment projects, such as engineering
outflows are computed and compared at the present projects related to infrastructure for exploitation and
time, based on discounted future values distributed production of natural resources. In recent years, the
along the service lifetime of the structure. Then, real option (RO) method has become one of the most
various design, inspection or maintenance choices are accepted methods for project valuation (Luehrman
assessed in order to select as optimal the ones that 1998). It provides a framework to account for
maximise the economic benefits. managerial flexibility where options to make decisions
Although the NPV analysis is a useful tool for and change plans along time are valuated based on
life-cycle economic assessment, it does not provide a the Black and Scholes formula for financial options
framework to properly account for managerial (Black and Scholes 1973). The economic value of a
options along the service lifetime of structures. The project is then equal to the NPV plus the added value

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1573-2479 print/ISSN 1744-8980 online

Ó 2011 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/15732470902842903
734 S. Santa-Cruz and E. Heredia-Zavoni

of flexibility. The RO method has been applied to damage produces a deterioration of the overall structural
valuation of projects for offshore hydrocarbon resistance of the platform, which increases the risk of
production where uncertainty about economic and failure due to extreme storm loading.
production variables has been considered (Paddock Periodic inspections are to be carried out during the
et al. 1988). The main differences between the NPV design service lifetime L to detect if there is any
and RO methods are summarised in Table 1. structural damage and make decisions on maintenance
In this paper, a formulation is presented for life- so that the structure meets safety requirements.
cycle cost-benefit (LCCB) analysis of offshore Suppose an inspection is scheduled at time T1 in
platforms considering that maintenance and decom- [0, L]. Depending on the findings after the inspection,
missioning are ROs for management along the service the decision maker will consider whether to carry out
lifetime. The platform structure is subjected to some maintenance work in order to repair or upgrade
deterioration, and thus the probability of structural the structure. If the decision is made not to repair or
failure due to extreme environmental events evolves upgrade the structure, the probability of the platform
with time. Maintenance can be provided, depending not being in operation due to structural failure will
on findings from future inspections, and management continue to increase over time due to damage
will have the option to provide maintenance or not. accumulation; therefore, the expected net cash flow
At some point in time, management also has the (benefits minus costs) will decrease. The expected cash
option to consider decommissioning the platform. RO flow, F, is depicted schematically in Figure 1 for the
models are developed here for the economic value of cases where maintenance is provided or not at time T1.
both the maintenance and decommissioning options Consider the two alternatives at time T1: (1) to
to assess the LCCB. The RO models are based on the carry out repair and maintenance work and continue
Black and Scholes formulation for financial options. operating the platform and (2) not to carry out any
Uncertainties on the environmental hazards and maintenance and continue operating the platform. Let
structural capacity and deterioration are accounted us divide the service lifetime L into two phases: the first
through an availability function that is used in the phase corresponds to time interval [0, T1] and the
RO models. Uncertainties about financial variables second phase to time interval [T1, L]. Let S0 denote the
used for the assessment of economic benefits, such as expected value of cash flow at time t ¼ 0 from the first
hydrocarbon market price, are also accounted for in phase; S1 denote the expected value of cash flow at
the RO formulation. An example is given to illustrate t ¼ T1 from the second phase if maintenance is
an application, and numerical results are used to provided; s1 denote the expected cash flow at t ¼ T1
compare the LCCB using the RO approach and the from the second phase if there is no maintenance;
NPV method. and X1 denote the maintenance costs, as illustrated
in Figure 2. Alternative number 1 will be the most
advantageous if s1 ¼ S1 – s1 4 X1; on the contrary,
2. Maintenance and decommissioning ROs the best alternative will be the second one. The
Consider an offshore jacket platform with initial cost X0 expected value of the second phase at T1 is:
and design service lifetime L. Initial costs include plan-
ning, well drilling, design, construction, transportation V2 ¼ s1 þ CM ; where CM  ¼ max½ðs1  X1 Þ; 0
and installation of the structure, as well as the equip- ð1Þ
ment. The platform structure is subjected to progressive
deterioration with time as a result of damage accumula- and the total LCCB at the present value, VT, is:
tion. Among causes of damage are corrosion, fatigue,
dropped objects and ship impacts. The accumulation of VT ¼ S0  X0 þ s1 exp ðdT1 Þ þ CM ; ð2Þ

Table 1. Differences between the NPV and RO methods.

Feature NPV RO
Changing Not possible Possible. Decision to
plans change depends on
future conditions
Capital cost Cost of Risk-free rate
Monetary Expected value Expected value of cash
valuation of cash flow flow plus value due to Figure 1. Expected cash flow of benefits and costs: with
possibility of change maintenance at time T1 (continuous line) and without
maintenance (dashed line).
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 735

expiration date. This analogy is also used to evaluate

corporate finances and investment projects when there
are options to differ, abandon, expand or reduce the
scale of projects at some time in the future. This
approach is known as the RO method (Paddock et al.
1988, Bouchart and Goulter 1998, Luehrman 1998).
Figure 2. Concentrated cash flows: (a) with maintenance at
time T1 and (b) without maintenance. 2.1. Cash flow of benefits and costs
The cash flow of benefits and costs at time t, F(t), along
where CM is the present expected value of CM* and d is the service lifetime L can be written as:
the discount rate. We define CM as the ‘maintenance 8
option’. Note that the discount rate is generally greater >
> NðtÞpðtÞ  GðtÞ; when the structure is in an
than the risk-free rate of return, r. By definition, r is the operational or safe state,
FðtÞ ¼
percentage of return generated by investing in risk-free >
> CR; when the structure is in a
securities, such as government bonds. failure state.
Consider now the case where the decision has to be ð5Þ
made at time T1 (0 5 T1 5 L) whether to continue
with operation of the platform or to decommission it N(t) is the volume of hydrocarbon produced per unit
and sell the asset for some liquidation value, A1. Note time; p(t) is the hydrocarbon price; G(t) is the cost of
that T1 is a decision point where the decision maker operation per unit time; and CR is the cost of failure per
has two alternatives: (1) to continue operation and unit time, including costs to repair or rebuild the facility,
production until the end of the service lifetime and (2) injuries and loss of human lives and damages to the
to decommission the platform and sell it for a environment. Note that production is interrupted during
liquidation value. Alternative number 1 will be chosen the time the platform is in a failure state and there is no
if cash flow at T1 from time interval [T1, L] is greater income flow from production sells. N(t) and G(t) are
than the liquidation value, i.e. if A1 5 S1. On the modelled here as continuous and deterministic functions
contrary, if A1 4 S1, alternative number 2 will be and CR is taken to be a deterministic constant. The
chosen. The value of the second phase at time T1 is: hydrocarbon price p(t) is a random process that can be
modelled as a geometric Brownian motion, as is carried
V2 ¼ A1 þ CD ; where CD  ¼ max ½ðS1  A1 ;Þ0 out in finances for stock prices (Paddock et al. 1988,
ð3Þ Hull 1993, Bouchart and Goulter 1998); thus:

and the total LCCB at the present value, VT, is: dp ¼ mpdt þ spdz; ð6Þ

VT ¼ S0  X1 þ A1 expðrT1 Þ þ CD ; ð4Þ where m and s are constants and z is a Wiener process.

It is well known that p(t) is lognormally distributed,
where CD is the present expected value of CD* and r is and that the expected value of p(tj) given that p(ti) is
the risk-free rate. We define CD as the ‘decommission- known, ti 5 tj, is:
ing option’. Note that the risk-free rate r is used in      
Equation (4) since the opportunity to choose the best E p tj ¼ pðti Þexp m Tj  Ti : ð7Þ
second phase makes it riskless.
In finances, a call option (Hull 1993) is a derivative The expected value of F(t) is then:
security that gives the owner the right, but not the
obligation, to buy an asset at a specified price (the E½FðtÞ ¼ ½NðtÞE½pðtÞ  GðtÞDðtÞ  CRð1  DðtÞÞ;
exercise or strike price) up to a specified time (the expi- ð8Þ
ration date). The formulation for the maintenance RO
in Equation (1) is similar to the expression to estimate where D(t) is the availability function of the platform
the value of a call option: s1 would be the asset value, X1 structure, defined as the probability that the structure
the exercise price and CM* the call option value just is in an operational or safe state at time t.
before the expiration date. In the same way, the The expected value of cash flow at t ¼ 0 from the
formulation for the decommissioning RO in Equation first phase is then:
(3) is similar to the expression for assessing the value of Z T1
a call option: S1 would be the asset value, A1 the exercise S0 ¼ E½FðtÞ½expðdtÞdt: ð9Þ
price and CD* the call option value just before the 0
736 S. Santa-Cruz and E. Heredia-Zavoni

Substituting Equations (7) and (8) into (9), one Dn1 is a measure of the difference in expected
obtains: production volume between the structure with and
S0 ¼ p0 n0  g0  m0 ; ð10Þ without maintenance; Dg1 is the difference in expected
operational costs due to the maintenance actions; and
where p0 ¼ p(0); Dm1 is the difference in expected failure costs between
Z the structure with and without maintenance.
Since n1 is positive, s1 in Equation (12) is an
n0 ¼ NðtÞDðtÞ½expððd  mÞtÞdt;
0 increasing function of p1; therefore, the probability
Z T1 density function (pdf) of s1, fs, can be obtained directly
g0 ¼ GðtÞDðtÞ½expðdtÞdt; from the pdf of p1, fp, as follows:
and 1 x þ g1 þ m 1
fS ðxÞ ¼ fp : ð16Þ
Z T1 n1 n1
m0 ¼ CR ð1  DðtÞÞ½expðdtÞdt ð11Þ
0 It can be shown that (Santa-Cruz 2007):

Similarly, the expected cash flow at t ¼ T1 from the (1) s1 is lognormally distributed over the domain ]–
second phase if there is no maintenance, s1, is: (g1 þ m1), þ ? [ with a pdf given by:

s 1 ¼ p1 n1  g1  m 1 ; ð12Þ 1
fS ðs1 Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi
O 2pðs1 þ g1 þ m1 Þ
where p1 ¼ p(T1); ( 
s 1 þ g1 þ m 1
 exp  ln M
n1 ¼ NðtÞDðtÞ½expððd  mÞðt  T1 ÞÞdt;
T1 =2O2 ; ð17Þ
g1 ¼ GðtÞDðtÞ½expðdðt  T1 ÞÞdt; and Where:

Z L s2 pffiffiffiffiffiffi
M ¼ ln p0 þ m  T1 and O ¼ s T1 :
m1 ¼ CR ð1  DðtÞÞ½expðdðt  T1 ÞÞdt: ð13Þ 2
If maintenance is carried, the expected value of cash (2) s1 follows Ito’s process:
flow, S1, is computed using an availability function of
the structure that considers that maintenance has
ds1 ¼ ðs1 þ b1 Þðmdt þ sdzÞ; where b1 ¼ g1 þ m1 :
taken place, say DM. Let s1 ¼ S17s1 denote the
difference between expected cash flows when main- ð19Þ
tenance is provided and when it is not. From
Equations (10) to (12), it follows that: Note that s1 in Equation (14) has the same functional
form as s1 in Equation (12); thus, it can be shown that
s1 ¼ S1  s1 ¼ Dn1 p1  Dg1 þ Dm1 ; ð14Þ s1 is also lognormally distributed over domain ]–(Dg1 –
Dm1), þ? [, and also follows Ito’s process:
ds1 ¼ s1 þ b1 ðmdt þ sdzÞ;
Dn1 ¼ Nt kðtÞ½expððd  mÞðt  Ti ÞÞdt; were b1 ¼ Dg1  Dm1 :
A similar derivation can be made for S1 (Santa-Cruz
Dg1 ¼ Gt kðtÞ½expðdðt  Ti ÞÞdt;
T1 2007).
Dm1 ¼ CR kðtÞ½expðdðt  T1 ÞÞdt;
T1 2.2. Black–Scholes formulation for RO valuation
and kðtÞ ¼ DM ðtÞ  DðtÞ: ð15Þ Black and Scholes (1973) obtained the analytical
solution to evaluate call options in a market that
All parameters in Equations (11), (13) and (15) are follows the hypotheses listed in Table 2. We assume
deterministic and depend on the volume, cost of that all of the conditions of the market are valid for
production and maintenance strategies. The parameter our analysis, except that, in our case, the assets s1 and
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 737

Table 2. Hypotheses of the Black–Scholes formulation Notice that Equation (26) does not involve
(1973). constant m from Ito’s process for oil price (Equation
1 Only market risks exist (6)); this is also the case in the Black–Scholes
2 The market is efficient differential equation for call options (Black and
3 Market transactions are continuous Scholes 1973). Equation (26) depends only on the
4 Asset prices follow a geometric Brownian behaviour value of s, constant b, time t, constant s and the risk-
5 Risk rate and volatility are constants
6 Assets do not pay dividends free interest rate, r. All of these parameters are
7 Asset prices are not necessarily an integer number independent from the risk preferences of the investors.
8 There is no arbitrage, meaning that the discount rate This argument can be used to apply the neutral value
of a project with no risk is the riskless rate of theorem (Cox and Ross 1976), which states that, for
the bank
obtaining the present value of an option, one can
assume a riskless world; thus constant m and the
discount rate are both equal to the risk-free interest
rate r. Therefore, the present expected value of the
S1 follow Ito’s process, rather than a Brownian options in Equations (2) and (4) is obtained from:
geometric process (which is a particular case of Ito’s
process). Despite that difference, one can use Itos’s C ¼ expðrT1 Þ E  fmax ½ðs  XÞ; 0g; ð27Þ
lemma, as in the Black–Scholes formulation:

where E* is the expected value in a risk-free world;
@C 1 @ 2 C 2 2 @C hence:
dC ¼ þ s ð s þ b Þ dt þ ds; ð21Þ Z 1
@t 2 @s2 @s
C ¼ ½expðrT1 Þ ðs  XÞfS ðsÞds: ð28Þ
where s and C are equal to s1 and CM for the mainte-
nance option, and to S1 and CD for the decommissioning The pdf, fS , is the same as that in Equation (17), except
option, respectively. Let VH be a portfolio consisting of that m is replaced by r. The analytical solution of
selling @C
@s assets s and buying one call option C. Then: Equation (28) for the value of option C is given in
Appendix 1. Following from Appendix 1, the main-

tenance option value is:
VH ¼ ðsÞ  ð1ÞðCÞ ð22Þ 

@s 2M þ O2
CM ¼ Dn1 ½expðrT1 Þ exp
and 2
2 3
@C ln X1 þðDg 1 Dm1 Þ
þ ðM þ O 2
dVH ¼ ds  dC: ð23Þ Dn1
@s  F4 5
Replacing Equation (21) in (23), we obtain:
 ðX1 þ Dg1  Dm1 Þ½expðrT1 Þ

@C 1 @ 2 C 2 lnðX1 þ Dg1  Dm1 Þ  ðlnðDn1 Þ þ MÞ
dvH ¼   s ð s þ b Þ 2
dt: ð24Þ F  ;
@t 2 @s2 O
Equation (24) is independent from dz and portfolio VH
can be considered to be risk-free in the time interval dt. where F is the normal standard distribution and M
In that case: and O are given in Equation (18) with r ¼ m. Replacing
dVH ¼ rVH dt; ð25Þ M and O in Equation (29):

where r is the risk-free interest rate. Replacing CM ¼ Dn1 p0 F½k1  ðX1 þ Dg1  Dm1 Þ
Equation (22) in (25), and from Equation (24): ð30Þ
 ½expðrT1 ÞF½k2;
@C @C 1 @ 2 C 2 where:
¼ rC  rs  s ð s þ bÞ 2 : ð26Þ  
@t @t 2 @s2 ln Dn1 po
þ r þ s2 =2 T1
X1 þDg1 Dm1
k1 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi and
The following boundary conditions are in place: s T1
C ¼ max[(s – X,) 0], when t ¼ T1, just before the k2 ¼ k1  s T1 : ð31Þ
expiration date (X is equal to X1 or A1 for the
maintenance or decommissioning options, respec- Equation (30) is valid for X1 4 7Dg1 þ Dm1.
tively) and C ¼ 0 when s ¼ 0. Furthermore, s1 is always greater than X1 and we can
738 S. Santa-Cruz and E. Heredia-Zavoni

use the following approach. Consider a hypothetical 2.3. Multiple ROs: decommissioning and maintenance
portfolio P, consisting of selling Dn1 units of hydro- Suppose now that at T1 (0 5 T1 5 L), the decision
carbon and buying one option CM, then: maker has the following alternatives: (1) to carry out
maintenance and continue production; (2) not to carry
PðtÞ ¼ Dn1 pðtÞ  CM : ð32Þ out maintenance and continue production; and (3) to
decommission the platform and gain a liquidation
Just before the expiration date, the portfolio value is: value. In this case, it is said that the RO is multiple.
  Cash flows for these multiple options are shown in
PðT1 Þ ¼ Dn1 p1  s1  X1 ¼ Dg1  Dm1 þ X1 : ð33Þ Figure 3. If the decision maker is to choose the most
advantageous alternative, then the value of the second
We can see that the portfolio value at T1 is constant, so phase at T1 is the maximum of S17X1,s1,A1. From
it gives a riskless benefit. Considering that the discount Equations (10) and (14), it is seen that s1 and S1 are not
rate with no risk is equal to the riskless rate of the bank uncorrelated. The value of the second phase is thus
(i.e. the market is arbitrage-free), then: written in terms of s1:

Pðt ¼ 0Þ ¼ ðDg1  Dm1 þ X1 ÞexpðrT1 :Þ ð34Þ V2 ¼ max ½ðas1  b  X1 Þ; s1 ; A1 ;

n1 þ Dn1 ð38Þ
From Equations (34) and (32), we obtain the option a¼ > 1 and b ¼ Dg1  Dm1
value at t ¼ 0. In summary, the value of the
maintenance option is: The value V2 is shown schematically in Figure 4 with a
CM ¼ Dn1 p0  ðX1 þ Dg1  Dm1 Þ solid line: X1* is the value of s1 when the second phases
with and without maintenance are the same and A1* is
 expðrT1 Þ if Dm1  x1  Dg1  0
the value of s1 when the second phase with main-
and tenance is equal to the liquidation value A1:

CM ¼ Dn1 p0 F½k1  ðX1 þ Dg1  Dm1 Þ½expðrT1 ÞF½k2 X1 þ b A1 þ X1 þ b

X1  ¼ and A1  ¼ : ð39Þ
if Dm1  x1  Dg1 < 0; ð35Þ a1 a

If X1* 5 A1* 5 A1, then:

where k1 and k2 are given in Equation (31). If there is no
maintenance option, the LCCB at the present value is:
V2 ¼ max ½A1 ; ðas1  b  X1 Þ ¼ A1 þ aC1 ;
VT ¼ S0  X0 þ ½exp ðdT1 Þðs1 Þ; ð36Þ C1 ¼ max 0; s1  A1 ;

where s1 is the value of the second phase without where C* is a decommissioning option with liquidation
maintenance. value equal to A1*. Note that if we express Equation
Similar to CM, one obtains that the present value of (40) in terms of S1 instead of s1, we obtain Equation
the decommissioning option CD in Equation (3) is: (3). This means that, if X1* 5 A1* 5 A1, the multiple
options transform into a single decommissioning
CD ¼ n1 p0 F½k1  ðA1 þ g1 þ m1 Þ½expðrT1 ÞF½k2; option. On the other hand, if A1 5 A1* 5 X1*, then:

where k1 is given in Equation (31) and Dn1 ¼ n1, V2 ¼ A1 þC2 þða  1ÞC3 ; C2 ¼ max½ðs1  A1 Þ;0 and
Dg1 ¼ g1, Dm1 ¼ m1 and X1 ¼ A1. C3 ¼ max ðs1  X1 Þ;0 ; ð41Þ

Figure 3. Concentrated cash flows: (a) with maintenance, (b) without maintenance and (c) decommissioning at time T1 and
gaining the liquidation value.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 739

similar to those obtained by Geske (1979) for

compound financial options. For more than two
decisions points, expressions for valuating the options
become more complex. Formulations for such cases
are beyond the scope of this paper and should be the
subject of further developments.

3. Application of the RO method: offshore jacket

The availability function, D(t), is the probability that
the platform jacket will not be in a failure state at time
t. For a structure that is repaired after failure and thus
restored to an operating state, we have (Ang and
Tang 1984):
Z t
DðtÞ ¼ 1  fexp½QðtÞg lðtÞfexp½QðtÞgdt;
Z t ð44Þ
Q ðt Þ ¼ ½lðtÞ þ gðtÞdt;

Figure 4. Value of the second phase with maintenance and where l(t) is the hazard function and g(t) is the
decommissioning options. restoring function. The hazard function is the rate at
which a platform jacket in an operating or safety state
would go into a failure state at time t. The restoring
where C2* and C3* are decommissioning options with function is the rate at which a platform jacket in a
liquidation values equal to A1 and X1*, respectively. failure state will be restored to an operating or safety
The total LCCB at the present value is: state at time t.
Let Pa(k) be the annual probability of failure of the
VT ¼ S0  X0 þ A1 ½expðrT1 Þ þ aC1 ; jacket due to storm loading at the kth year:
if X1  < A1 
and PaðkÞ ¼ P½failure jdðkÞ ¼ di  P½dðkÞ ¼ di ; ð45Þ

VT ¼ S0  X0 þ A1 ½expðrT1 Þ þ C2 þ ða  1ÞC3 ;
where P[failure j d(k) ¼ di] is the annual conditional
if X1  > A1  : ð43Þ probability of failure of the jacket due to storm loading
given damage state d(k) ¼ di in the kth year; P[d(k) ¼
From Figure 4, we can easily notice that the total di] is the probability that damage state di is reached in
LCCB considering multiple options is greater than that the kth year; and Nd is the number of damage states.
for single options. For instance, from Equation (2), the Procedures for assessing P[failure j d(k) ¼ di] have been
value of the second phase with a single maintenance devised based on the reserve strength ratio formulation
option is max[(S1 – X1), s1] (see dashed line in and on the ultimate base shear capacity of the jacket
Figure 4a). In the same way, the value of the second using Monte Carlo simulations (Bea et al. 1998, Ayala
phase with a single decommissioning option is max[S1, 2001, Silva and Heredia-Zavoni 2004). Equation (45)
A1] (see dotted line in Figure 4b). neglects correlation between damage states, which is
The formulation presented here for one decision taken to be conservative (Moan et al. 1999).
point can be extended to the case of two or more Without loss of generality, let us consider that a
decision points along the service lifetime of the damage state is defined as a condition where fatigue
structure. Following a procedure similar to the one failure occurs at one or more joints of the jacket. Let
given in this paper for the simple maintenance and Nc be the total number of joints and di be the damage
decommissioning options, a formulation has been state where joints {J} ¼ {joint i1, joint i2, . . . , joint
derived in Santa-Cruz (2007) for valuating decom- in}, n 5 Nc, fail because of fatigue. Extensive litera-
missioning options with two decision points. It is ture is available on the assessment of fatigue failure
shown that such a formulation results in expressions probabilities for joints in jacket platforms using
740 S. Santa-Cruz and E. Heredia-Zavoni

fracture mechanics based on the Paris–Erdogan law It has been shown that the difference between these
(Paris and Erdogan 1963). Assuming independence two probability distribution models for the repair
among fatigue processes in the joints, the probability time is not significant for most practical cases (Lewis
that damage state di is reached in the kth year can be 1987).
estimated from:

Nc 4. Illustrative example
P½dðkÞ ¼ di  ¼ Pi1 ðkÞPi2 ðkÞ . . . Pin ðkÞ ½1  Pj ðkÞ
Consider an eight-leg jacket platform with L ¼ 35
years to be installed at a site in the Bay of Campeche
for j 6¼ i1; i2; . . . in; ð46Þ in the Gulf of Mexico. The jacket has two long-
itudinal and four transverse frames. The platform is
where Pj(k) is the probability of fatigue damage in joint installed in a water depth of 40 m and is to produce
j in the kth year. 4.8 6 106 m3 of gas per day. The jacket structure is
The failure probability of the jacket in [0,t] years is: exposed to fatigue deterioration due to stress cycles
from wave loading, which may produce cracks in the
PfðtÞ ¼ 1  ½1  PaðjÞ: ð47Þ welded joints of the jacket. For the purpose of the
j¼1 example, suppose that three joints of the jacket have
been identified as critical for the structural integrity of
In terms of the hazard function, the probability of the platform and therefore selected for future inspec-
failure of the platform jacket can be expressed as: tions. There are 8 (23) possible damage states defined
 Z t  by the combinations of fatigue failure of the three
PfðtÞ ¼ 1  exp  lðxÞdx : ð48Þ joints. Table 3 describes each damage state. The
0 variation of the probability of fatigue joint failure
with time and the conditional probabilities of plat-
If l(t) is given at discrete time intervals of 1 year, then: form failure given a fatigue damage state were taken
" # from a detailed reliability analysis of steel jacket
t Y
t platforms in the Bay of Campeche (Ayala 2001,
PfðtÞ ¼ 1  exp  lðiÞ ¼ 1  exp½lðiÞ: Heredia-Zavoni and Montes 2002, Silva and Heredia-
i¼1 i¼1
Zavoni 2004, Heredia-Zavoni et al. 2008). In these
ð49Þ studies, the platform capacity is characterised in terms
of the ultimate base shear for each damage state. The
From Equations (47) and (49) and using a Taylor’s conditional probabilities of jacket failure are then
series expansion: obtained by means of Monte Carlo simulations
considering an extreme value probability distribution
lðiÞ2 lðiÞ3 for wave heights according to hindcast metocean data
1  PaðiÞ ¼ exp½lðiÞ ¼ 1  lðiÞ þ  þ ::: :
2 6 for the site and a lognormal probability distribution
ð50Þ for the base shear resistance. Fatigue failure prob-
abilities of joints are obtained based on the Paris–
Under the assumption that l(i) is very small compared Erdogan formulation for crack growth. Figure 5
to 1, higher order terms can be neglected in the series shows the probabilities that damage states numbers 1,
and thus: 4 and 7 develop, that no fatigue damage develops, as
lðiÞ  PaðiÞ: ð51Þ well as the annual probability of failure of the
platform as a function of time.
Hence, the hazard function can be approximated by
the annual probability of failure.
The restoring function g(t) depends on the pdf of Table 3. Damage states.
repair time, Y. If Y is assumed to be exponentially State Description
distributed, the restoring function is constant and
equal to the inverse of the mean repair time, E[Y], d0 Intact structure
(Ang and Tang 1984): d1 Fatigue failure of joint 1
d2 Fatigue failure of joint 2
1 d3 Fatigue failure of joint 3
gð t Þ ¼ g0 ¼ : ð52Þ d4 Fatigue failure of joints 1 and 2
d5 Fatigue failure of joints 1 and 3
If the repair time is considered to be a constant, then d6 Fatigue failure of joints 2 and 3
d7 Fatigue failure of joints 1, 2 and 3
its density function is given by a Dirac delta function.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 741

Figure 6. Platform availability with maintenance at T1.

Figure 5. Probability of occurrence of damage states and

annual probability of failure.
less than the minimum detectable one and no repair
action is taken, X1 ¼ 0; (2) the detected crack size is less
The probability of fatigue failure of joint i after than a repair threshold and the joint is grouted,
ideal maintenance PiM(t), is: X1 ¼ US$15,000; and (3) the detected crack size
exceeds the repair threshold and a bracket is placed,
i ðtÞ ¼ Pi  ðt  T1 Þ for t > T1 ; ð53Þ X1 ¼ US$30,000. The probability that any of these
repair actions is taken is equal to the probability that
where Pi* is the probability of fatigue failure of the the fatigue crack size is less than the detectable one, or
joint updated using the inspection findings at time T1. less (greater) than the repair threshold. Since there are
A Bayesian formulation can be used for such updating three critical joints and three repair actions, then there
procedure (Zhang and Mahadevan 2000, Heredia- are 27(33) possible maintenance programs. The total
Zavoni and Montes 2002, 2004). If no maintenance cost of each maintenance program and its correspond-
action is taken, then: ing probability are listed in Table 4. The annual
probability of failure of the platform for some of the
i ðtÞ ¼ Pi  ðtÞ for t > T1 : ð54Þ maintenance programs is shown in Figure 7. Ideal
maintenance of the three joints brings the structure
For the purpose of this application and for the sake back to its original condition, hence, Pa(t) ¼ Pa(t – T1)
of simplicity, no Bayesian updating is performed for for t 4 T1. Availability functions for some of these
this example and it is simply taken that PM i ðtÞ ¼ Pi  maintenance programs are shown in Figure 8. As seen,
ðt  T1 Þ ¼ Pi ðt  T1 Þ, for t 4 T1. the maximum values of availability are obtained when
The hazard function was obtained from the annual the three critical joints are all given ideal maintenance.
probability of failure shown in Figure 5. Suppose that The availability functions are used for the assess-
the mean time for full reposition of the platform after a ment of the maintenance option values and the
structural collapse is 4 years; thus g(t) ¼ 0.25. Figure 6 computation of the LCCB for each possible main-
shows plots of the availability function of the structure tenance program. Table 5 shows data and results for
when maintenance of the three critical joints is carried maintenance program number 27. The corresponding
out at time T1. It is interesting to note the increase in results for all maintenance programs are listed in
the availability of the platform structure after main- Table 4. The total expected LCCB at the present value
tenance is performed. Suppose that a minimum is then given by:
availability of 0.97 was required, then first mainte- X
nance of the three critical joints should be performed in E½VT  ¼ E½VTi Pp ; ð55Þ
the 15th year. However, if an availability lower than
0.995 was not allowed, then first maintenance of the where E[VTi] and Pp are the expected LCCB for each
three joints should be carried out in the fifth year. maintenance program and the corresponding prob-
Suppose the decision maker is to assess the LCCB ability of these programs, respectively. Using Equation
considering the option of providing maintenance at (55), the LCCB with the maintenance option is found
T1 ¼ 15 years, based on the findings of a planned to be US$4442 6 106. On the other hand, the NPV
fatigue inspection of the platform jacket. The main- considering all possible maintenance programs is
tenance cost, X1, is uncertain, and its possible values US$4409 6 106. Thus, using the NPV method under-
depend on the fatigue crack size to be measured at a estimates the total LCCB by US$33 6 106.
future inspection. For this example, we consider three Suppose now that at T1 ¼ 15 years, the decision
possible repair actions and costs: (1) the crack size is maker is to decide whether to decommission or to
742 S. Santa-Cruz and E. Heredia-Zavoni

Table 4. Option values and LCCB for the various maintenance programs at T1 ¼ 15 years.

Maintenance of joint Maintenance of joint Maintenance of joint

1 2 3
Cost Cost Cost Total cost value LCCB
(6103 (6103 (6103 X1 (6103 (6106 (6106
Program $US) Probability $US) Probability $US) Probability $US) Probability $US) $US)

1 0 0.177 0 0.177 0 0.177 0 0.0055 0 4350.00

2 0 0.177 0 0.177 15 0.177 15 0.0055 58.34 4408.34
3 0 0.177 0 0.177 30 0.647 30 0.0202 58.34 4408.33
4 0 0.177 15 0.177 0 0.177 15 0.0055 58.35 4408.35
5 0 0.177 15 0.177 15 0.177 30 0.0055 85.54 4435.54
6 0 0.177 15 0.177 30 0.647 45 0.0202 85.54 4435.53
7 0 0.177 30 0.647 0 0.177 30 0.0202 58.34 4408.34
8 0 0.177 30 0.647 15 0.177 45 0.0202 85.54 4435.53
9 0 0.177 30 0.647 30 0.647 60 0.0739 85.53 4435.53
10 15 0.177 0 0.177 0 0.177 15 0.0055 58.37 4408.37
11 15 0.177 0 0.177 15 0.177 30 0.0055 85.61 4435.61
12 15 0.177 0 0.177 30 0.647 45 0.0202 85.60 4435.60
13 15 0.177 15 0.177 0 0.177 30 0.0055 85.62 4435.62
14 15 0.177 15 0.177 15 0.177 45 0.0055 101.86 4451.85
15 15 0.177 15 0.177 30 0.647 60 0.0202 101.85 4451.85
16 15 0.177 30 0.647 0 0.177 45 0.0202 85.62 4435.61
17 15 0.177 30 0.647 15 0.177 60 0.0202 101.85 4451.84
18 15 0.177 30 0.647 30 0.647 75 0.0739 101.84 4451.84
19 30 0.647 0 0.177 0 0.177 30 0.0202 58.37 4408.37
20 30 0.647 0 0.177 15 0.177 45 0.0202 85.60 4435.60
21 30 0.647 0 0.177 30 0.647 60 0.0739 85.59 4435.59
22 30 0.647 15 0.177 0 0.177 45 0.0202 85.62 4435.61
23 30 0.647 15 0.177 15 0.177 60 0.0202 101.85 4451.86
24 30 0.647 15 0.177 30 0.647 75 0.0739 101.84 4451.84
25 30 0.647 30 0.647 0 0.177 60 0.0739 85.61 4435.61
26 30 0.647 30 0.647 15 0.177 75 0.0739 101.84 4451.84
27 30 0.647 30 0.647 30 0.647 90 0.2704 101.83 4451.83

carry out maintenance program number 27, continuing

with operations until the end of the service time.
Consider that, if decommissioned, the platform jacket
can be re-used in a new site. At the present time, the
decision is uncertain and depends on the conditions in
the 15th year of production. Suppose the jacket will be
worth US$100 6 106 at that time. In this case,
A1 ¼ US$100 6 106, S0 ¼ US$2579 6 106 and X1 ¼
US$90,000. The option value turns to be US$3143 6
Figure 7. Annual probability of failure for some 106 and the total LCCB is therefore US$5569 6 106.
maintenance programs. The NPV corresponding to maintenance program 27 is
only US$4416 6 106, thus yielding a LCCB that is
US$1153 6 106 less than the one considering the
decommissioning option. As seen, using the NPV
method in this case will underestimate significantly the
total LCCB when decommissioning is a RO in the
It is interesting to analyse the variation of the
LCCB with decommissioning time, T1. If the decision
on whether to decommission the platform is made at
the beginning of the service lifetime, T1 ¼ 0, then
S0 ¼ 0 and S1 is a deterministic variable since it
Figure 8. Platform availability for some maintenance depends on the hydrocarbon price at the present time,
programs at T1 ¼ 15 years. which is known. The value of CD is simply S1 – A1.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 743

Table 5. Valuation of LCCB with a maintenance option.

Variable Value Units

N 62,050,000 6 10 p3
CR 50 6 106 US$
CI 10 6 103 US$
d 0.1
r 0.05
m 0.07
P0 3.5 US$
E(p1) 10.00178 US$
S0 2,579,116,976.30 US$ Figure 9. LCCB with decommissioning option at t ¼ T1.
X0 200 6 106 US$ —, LCCB with deccommissioning option; - - - , NPV.
s1 8,832,877,124.43 US$
Dn1 27,671,858.11 p3
Dg1 679,001.88 US$ Table 6. Valuation of LCCB with decommissioning and
Dm1 11,316,698.03 US$
maintenance options.
X1 90,000.00 US$
s1 287,405,503.04 US$ Variable Value Units
S1 9,120,282,627.46 US$
A1 100,000,000.00 US$
n1 25,924,670 m3
n1* 25,116,666 m3
Hence, the total LCCB is VTP ¼ 0 – X0 þ A1 þ S1 – g1 25,531,768.72 US$
A1 ¼ S1 – X0, which is equal to the NPV. When the g1* 24,819,816.21 US$
decision to continue operating the platform or to m1 7,163,096.64 US$
m1* 19,028,971.81 US$
decommission it is made at the end of the service life, a 1.032170042 –
(T1 ¼ L ¼ 35 years), S0 becomes deterministic and b 711,952.51 US$
S1 ¼ 0. The option value CD is zero, and the total g 11,865,875.16 US$
LCCB with the decommissioning option is S0 – X0 þ X1* –343,920,055.47 US$
A1* 86,164,172.30 US$
A1exp(–rL), which is equal to the NPV plus the present C1 3,044,887,723.26 US$
value of liquidation. Thus, at T1 ¼ L, the difference LCCB 5,569,197,752.28 US$
between the RO approach and the NPV method is the
present value of liquidation. For the example, the total
LCCB with the decommissioning option at 35 years is
US$4433 6 106 and the NPV is US$4416 6 106; the Table 7. LCCB for the different options.
difference being US$17 6 106, which is equal to Options Value (6106 US$)
the liquidation value at the present time discounted by
the risk-free rate. Figure 9 shows the variation of the None: net present value 4416
LCCB with the decommissioning option as a function Decommissioning option only 5569
Maintenance option only 4451
of time T1; the NPV is also shown. This plot indicates Maintenance and decommissioning 5569
that the best time to decide whether to decommission or options
not is approximately at the 18th year.
We will now assess the LCCB considering both
the maintenance and decommissioning options. In maintenance option in Table 7 has been assessed
this case, the decision maker may choose to decom- considering maintenance program number 27. The
mission, to continue operations with maintenance or least LCCB is the one computed using the NPV
to continue operations without maintenance. Con- method. The LCCB values for the decommissioning
sider X1 ¼ US$90,000, liquidation value A1 ¼ option only and for both maintenance and decom-
US$100 6 106 and T1 ¼ 15 years. Parameters and missioning options are, in this case, the same because
variables used for valuation are listed in Table 6. The X1* 5 A1* 5 A1.
LCCB considering the options is found to be equal to
US$5500 6 106 and the NPV is US$4416 6 106.
Thus, considering the managerial flexibility to carry 5. Conclusions
out, or not carry out, maintenance or to decommis- Maintenance and decommissioning real option (RO)
sion gives an additional value of US$1153 6 106 with models have been developed in this paper for life-cycle
respect to the NPV approach. A comparison of the cost-benefit (LCCB) analysis of offshore platforms.
LCCB for the different options analysed is shown in The modelling of the maintenance and decommission-
Table 7. For consistency, the LCCB for the ing options has been based on an analogy with
744 S. Santa-Cruz and E. Heredia-Zavoni

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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 745

Appendix 1. Call option valuation For the first term on the right-hand side of Equation (A4), we
We have the following equation: 
 "    #
2M þ D2 ln Xþgn þ M þ D2
Z 1 n½expðrTÞ exp F ;
2 D
E½c ¼ ½expðrTÞ ðS  XÞfS ðSÞdS; ðA1Þ
X ðA7Þ
where X is a constant and S is a random variable with pdf:
where F is the standard normal probability distribution
 h  function. Using the change of variables:
1 x þ g i2
fS ðxÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp  ln  M =2D ;
D 2pðx þ gÞ n
S þ g ¼ expo; and dS ¼ expo do; ðA8Þ
 g < x < 1; ðA2Þ
where M, D, g, and n are constants. From Equation (A1): o  ðlnðnÞ þ MÞ do
z¼ and dZ ¼ ; ðA9Þ
Z 1 Z 1
E½c ¼ ½expðrTÞ SfS ðSÞdS  exp½rT XfS ðSÞdS The second term on the right-hand side of Equation (A4)
X X transforms into:
lnðX þ gÞ  ðlnðnÞ þ MÞ
Z 1
ðg þ XÞ½expðrTÞF  : ðA10Þ
1 D
¼ ½expðrTÞ ðS þ gÞ pffiffiffiffiffiffi
X D 2pðS þ gÞ

2 # Then, replacing Equations (A7) and (A10) in (A4), we
Sþg obtain:
 exp  ln  M =2D2 dS
Z 1 

1 2M þ D2
 ½expðrTÞ ðg þ XÞ pffiffiffiffiffiffi E½c ¼ n½expðrTÞ exp
X D 2pðS þ gÞ 2

2 # "    #
Sþg ln Xþg þ M þ D2
 exp  ln  M =2D2 dS ðA4Þ F n
n D
lnðX þ gÞ  ðlnðnÞ þ MÞ
 ðX þ gÞ½expðrTÞF  :
Consider the change of variables: D
Sþg dS
¼ expo and ¼ expo do; ðA5Þ
n n
o  M þ D2 do
z¼ and dz ¼ : ðA6Þ
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