TARIKH: 03.01.2020 Hari: Isnin Semester: 1 Minggu: 6

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TARIKH : 03.01.

2020 HARI : Isnin SEMESTER : 1 MINGGU : 6

Subject English Language
Theme World of self,family and friends
Year 2 Kuning
Time 0750-0850
Topic Free Time
Focus Language
3.1.2-Recognise and sound out with some support beginning, medial and final
STANDARDS 3.1.1-Identify, recognise and name the letters of the alphabet

Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. Write the words play,watch,day,game,ball,what,hurray, match
2. Practise listening skills
CCE/EE Values
Added Value Respect/tolerance
Teaching Aids Flash cards, textbooks, projectors
Activities 1. Teacher elicit the common letter (a).
2. Teacher model the /ei/sound.Ask pupils to tell their patner which words have this sounds.
3. Teacher elicit spellings for/ei/sounds:ay and a+C+e
4. Worksheets are given to the pupils.
Level Of Learning -
Assessment -
Reflection Pedagogy:
Learning content:


Subject English
Theme World of self
Year 3 Hijau
Time 1010-1110
Topic Welcome
Focus speaking


Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. Describe their friends based on their hair types and colour.
2. Able to use simple sentences to describe their friend’s features.
CCE/EE Values
Added Value Respect/tolerance
Teaching Aids Flash cards, textbooks, projectors
Activities 1. Use flashcards of characters from the textbook to introduce language, e.g. He/she
has got brown hair / I have got brown hair.
2. Randomly choose a partner and play a guessing games of Who is it?
3. Teacher calls one pupils to take the flashcard and match it to his/her friend.
4. The first pupils describe one of their friends & the other will guess.
5. Work in pair and repeat the above activity.
6. pupils do activity in the activity book.
7. Teacher give advice on how to appreciate others no matter how their looks like.
8. Teacher play the song Smart Friends(track 3) hand have Ss sing along.

Level Of Learning -
Assessment -
Tunjang Kemahiran
Tahun 5 Hijau
Tajuk Gimnastik Asas
Topik Putar dan bentuk
Masa 0820-0850
Standard 1.4.2
Pembelajaran 2.4.2
Objektif Pada akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran ini, murid dapat:
Psikomotor :Melakukan kemahiran putaran dengan lakuan yang betul.
Kognitif: Menyatakan otot yang terlibat dalam putaran.
Pengisian Nilai: Toleransi
Kurikulum BBM: Tilam, bangku
EMK: Kreativiti
Aktiviti 1. Pemanasan badan(ABC Stop)
2. Penerangan kemahiran putaran.
3. Putaran(ansur maju)
4. Putaran dan membuat pelbagai bentuk badan.
5. Penyejukan badan

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