This Is The Beginning of A New Day

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This is the beginning of a new day.

God has given us this day to use as we will.
We can waste it or use it for good.
What we do today is important, because
we are exchanging a day of our life for it.
When tomorrow comes,
this day will be gone forever,
leaving in its place something
that we have traded for it. 

A very warm good morning to all of you present over here. I sujo George( hr club student
president) and our dear Satya Sidharth panda sir. Welcomes you to the business quiz grand
finale 2020. That is ‘ the game of mind, intellectual, interest, power & joy.’ But before
entering into this wonderful quiz , let me introduce our honourable guest DR. Venugopal sir
and dr. Jayram Shetty sir.
I would like to invite dr. Venugopal sir to motivate our students.
I know that everyone must be so curious to know about the finalist . I would like to call DR.
venugopal sir to open the envelope and disclose the finalist names.

I will request the finalist to take their respective seats. I will be carrying the round details

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