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The term ‘Technology” is wide and we use technology to accomplish various tasks
in our daily lives, in brief; we can describe technology as products and processes
used to simplify our daily lives. We use technology to extend our abilities, making
people the most crucial part of any technological system.
We apply technology in almost everything we do in our daily lives. We use
technology at work, we use technology for communication, transportation,
learning, manufacturing, securing data and many more.
Many businesses are using technology to stay competitive, they create new
products and services using technology, and they also use technology to deliver
those products and services to their customers on time and within budget
Types of Technology
 Business Technology
This is technology used to run a business and enhance various business operations,
it normally consists of a combination of software and hardware. Many businesses
are using technology to scale its growth. Small businesses have used technology to
create new ways of competing with well-established companies. To some extent,
some business technologies can make a small company look like a big company,
and this can help a small business gain position in a competitive market.

 Communication Technology
This is a system that uses technical means to transmit information or data from one
place to another place or from one person to another person. Communication is a
daily essential for all; it is used to convey ideas, exchange information, and express
emotions. Humans use communication technology tools like phones, computers,
emails, fax or messaging tools to stay in touch with friends and family. Businesses
use communication technology tools to facilitate the flow of information in a
workplace, to help in decision making, to serve customers’ needs and requests, to
promote new products or services to targeted consumers and so much more.

 Construction Technology
This is the study of advanced methods and equipment used to build basic and
advanced structures. One type includes buildings and heavy engineering structures
like bridges. Construction methods use various technological products to erect a
structure. The use of construction technology tools like heavy tractors to prepare

the land, computer-aided design software to create digital designs for structures in
2D and3D format.

 Assistive Technology
The term “Assistive” means helping or providing an extra hand. Assistive
technology is used by people with disabilities to accomplish specific tasks that are
difficult or impossible to perform. Assistive technology is being used in many
ways, in schools it is used to help students with Autism to learn better, it is used to
help people with disabled bodies move, additionally, with the use of speech
recognition applications those who are unable to type are able to use a computer
and so much more. Due to advancement in technology, we have a variety of
assistive technologies that assist many to accomplish tasks that may otherwise be
considered impossible.

 Medical Technology
This is the type of technology which is used to extend and improve human life.
Medical technology reduces patient’s pain and cares for an injury. Medical
technology is used to diagnose infections, treat diseases and to research diseases
affecting humans, etc.

 Information Technology
Information Technology is a set of hardware and software tools used to store,
transfer and process information. Information technology tools help in providing
the right people with the right information at the right time. Knowledge workers in
an organization use information technology to complete various tasks, and these
can include; transferring of information which facilitates decision making within
an organization, improve customer service, and so much more. In this information
age, it is imperative to manage information systems to ensure accuracy and

 Entertainment Technology
This use of technology to create an entertainment experience. Since entertainment
is too broad, everyone gets entertained in their way. Technology is used to create
video games, to develop musical systems and so much more (PlayStation, Xbox,
Nintendo Wii, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Spotify, etc. Entertainment
technology includes things like video, sound, animations, scenery fabrication,
computer simulations, interactive environments and so much more.

 Educational Technology

Education technology aims at improving students’ performance by creating and

managing various technological processes and resources in or out the classroom. It
is an academic discipline which prepares individuals to acquire deeper
understanding and knowledge. It helps them learn how to devise solutions to
problems through research, design, evaluation, and utilization. Example- Byju’s
the learning app, Edutor tabs, etc.

According to one of the articles on The times of India newspaper, “technology has
not only changed the way we live our lives, but the way we perform our daily
tasks” and continues to mention, how inexpensive and accessible communication
now is, making it easy for even startups to invest in the right business
communications and business communication tools.
Technology has altered modern life in many ways, especially in the workplace.
The invention of computers, the miniaturization of electronics and the development
of wireless communication have all altered the business world. Business
communication, in particular, has seen some of the greatest advancements due to
technological developments.
Effective communication is the key to building a successful business in today’s
world of millions of connected users. Technology is being developed day by day
and bring introduced to help improve the way companies do business and
communicate with the public and their employees.
The impact of technology in the workplace is immeasurable. Some ways in which,
businesses use technology communication include:
 With customers – using technological tools like bots, apps like WhatsApp or
Messenger or free calling platforms like FaceTime or Skype, it is easier than
ever to provide quick, efficient and international customer service. Surveys
are very important for companies, they provide feedbacks based on the
customers view on the products or services provided. Before technological
advancement, surveys were very hard to conduct. Nowadays, surveys are
simply done through the internet (survey monkey, google forms, YouGov,
etc).This is a fast and efficient method that saves the company time and
money. It also enables Social interaction with clients or customers. Through
business technology, companies can open official company websites through
which they can interact with customers. Customers can express their
problems and after that, get a comprehensive response from the company’s

support team. Companies have begun to use Automated Voice Systems.

Automated voice response systems are another way to provide customer
service while allowing employees to stay focused on other tasks. The
automated system handles the call and either directs the customer to the
appropriate individual or retrieves data and communicates the basic
information requested by the caller. Similarly computer "bots" handle online
requests for information through live chats. The companies can also join
social media platforms from which their customers can follow them such as
Instagram or Facebook. These platforms can be used by the companies to
announce the release of new products among others.
 With each other – Workers no longer need to be in the same building or sit
in a lengthy meeting to share their ideas. Whether they are working from
corporate headquarters or working from home, individuals can create task
lists, assign work, upload content, set appointments and track progress all in
one online application. Companies also use Video conferencing (skype,
google Hangouts, WhatsApp Video Call) for long distant one-on-one
communication among members of an organization or business. They can be
used in the business meeting.
 With others in the industry – it is now a lot easier to communicate with
people working for other companies in their industries; people who are
selling products between companies or collaborating in another way can
communicate easily using technological tools.

Vlogging is the act of producing and publishing frequent video content on an
owned website or channel on a sharing platform. Vlogs are considered to be a great
medium to establish oneself as an expert in their field. It can be used to build their
trust, by providing valuable information. It enables the target group, to know more
about the business and products. V logs help to develop a close relationship with
target group. It’s not easy to establish a relationship with target group, however,
video content is a great way for you to personalize your message and start to
develop a close relationship with customers. With the addition of video, blogging
becomes true multimedia experience that gives bloggers an easy way to share
sights and sounds with their audiences.

Social networks make it easy for people to share your videos. This sharing gives
your vlog the potential to reach out to the audiences exponentially. The more
entertaining and helpful you make your vlogs that better are the chances of sharing.

Times of India, Economic times, the Hindu and other news channels use Live
broadcasting Vlogs and Informative Vlogs on their own websites and accounts on
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and twitter, etc. to keep their stakeholders updated
with what’s happening around the world with the objective to educate the viewer
about a particular subject.

A blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website
displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts
appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their
views on an individual subject. News channels use blogging as an aid to
journalism. The blogs will keep the organizations website visible, searchable and
competitive. It will connect you to the relevant audience and send quality leads to
your website. The more blog posts an organization has the greater the chance of
reaching the target audience. Blogs help organizations to showcase authority and
build a brand.
Benefits of Blogging:
1. Show that you are an expert in your industry.
2. Create Value for your customers.
3. Search engine optimization
4. Demand Generation
5. Build Your Network with Influencer Marketing

Podcasts- a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a
computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new instalments of
which can be received by subscribers automatically. Businesses use podcasts for a
variety of purposes, including sharing information about new products, company
information, or general information related to the industry.

Impact of podcasts such as mann-ki-baat:

 It has played a vital role in bridging the ever grown gap between the Old
India and today’s new India.
 This is one of the most successful initiatives taken by Narendra Modi, heard
by 3 million population of India and spreading important messages across
the country.
 People from many villages write hundreds of letters to this radio station
stating their problems directly to the prime minister of this country.

Vodcasts- also known as video casts, are podcasts which also consists of videos.
The major benefit of using podcasts and vodcasts for your business is that it
provides content on demand. Simply make a pod / vodcast available online and
your audience can access the information whenever and wherever they desire by
simply downloading it into their conveyable media device, such as your android
phone/iPhone, iPad/android tablets laptops/MacBook and Chromecast/firestick.
The following are some reasons why should we use podcasts or vodcasts:
• Your prospects are listening.
• Reach more qualified prospects.
• Attract high-quality customers and clients.
• Fits into a busy schedule
• Podcasting can be lucrative.

Creating business pages in the sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter, google+,
Pinterest, skype etc. helps in building a conversation with one’s clients and
consumers. Consumers are successfully using social media to drive sales, build
traffic, find employees, build community and create a positive, well-known brand.
1. LinkedIn:
• To recruit new hires
• To conduct market research
• To ask for reviews

2. Facebook:
• It provides great exposure

• facilitates online discussions to gain valuable inputs

• helps in being connected with customer

3. Twitter:
• For international communication
• For customer outreach
• For branding and visibility
• For supporting other online presence

4. Google Plus:
• To understand one’s own statics on web
• Helps in integrating with other platforms very easily
• Google Plus, Factors in local carousel results

5. Pinterest:
• To find ideas for one’s projects and interests
• Acts as personalized media platform
• Users can browse the contents of others on the main page

6. Skype:
• cut the cost of your business call
• reduce business travel costs
• stay in touch with stakeholders
• Instant messaging.
• Enables the person to take important video calls, irrespective of wherever
they are, from home or from vacation.

7. YouTube:
• Video content is a powerful branding tool

• Huge potential to get your message in front of a wide audience.

• Used by a lot of vloggers, music artists, news reporters, tutors to spread their
art or knowledge to a large number of people, where they can earn money by
increase in the number of views of the video they have uploaded.

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