Surgical Treatment of DDH in Adults, Tha

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Surgical Treatment of Developmental Dysplasia of the

Hip in Adults: II. Arthroplasty Options

Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, MD, Daniel J. Berry, MD,

Robert T. Trousdale, MD, and Miguel E. Cabanela, MD


Total hip arthroplasty is the procedure of choice for most patients with sympto- as comparison of results using dif-
matic end-stage coxarthrosis secondary to hip dysplasia. The anatomic abnormal- ferent treatments.
ities associated with the dysplastic hip increase the complexity of hip arthroplasty. The classification of Crowe et al2
When pelvic bone stock allows, it is desirable to reconstruct the socket at or near is widely accepted as a method to
the normal anatomic acetabular location. To obtain sufficient bony coverage of categorize the degree of dysplasia.
the acetabular component, the socket can be medialized or elevated, or a lateral The authors divided dysplastic hips
bone graft can be applied. Uncemented acetabular components allow biologic fix- radiographically into four cate-
ation with potentially improved results compared with cemented cups, especially gories based on the extent of proxi-
in young patients. The location of the acetabular reconstruction and the desired mal migration of the femoral head.
leg length influence the type of femoral reconstruction. Cemented and uncemented The migration is calculated on an
implants can be used in femoral reconstruction, depending on the clinical situa- anteroposterior radiograph of the
tion. Femoral shortening is required in some cases and can be performed by meta- pelvis by measuring the vertical dis-
physeal resection with a greater trochanteric osteotomy and advancement or by a tance between the inter-teardrop
shortening subtrochanteric osteotomy. The results of total hip arthroplasty line and the junction between the
demonstrate a high rate of pain relief and functional improvement. The long-term femoral head and medial edge of
durability of cemented total hip arthroplasty reconstruction in these patients is the neck (Fig. 1). The amount of
inferior to that in the general population. The results of uncemented implants are subluxation is the ratio between this
promising, but only limited early and midterm data are available. distance and the vertical diameter
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2002;10:334-344 of the undeformed femoral head.

Dr. Sanchez-Sotelo is Special Fellow, Adult

In spite of the availability of several commonly has excessive antever-
Reconstruction, Department of Orthopaedic
nonarthroplasty alternatives, many sion and a valgus neck-shaft angle; Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. Dr.
patients with hip dysplasia require and the leg frequently is shortened. Berry is Consultant, Department of Orthopae-
hip replacement surgery. Total hip The location of the placement of the dic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, and Associate
arthroplasty has a higher failure acetabular component defines the Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
Mayo Medical School. Dr. Trousdale is
rate for patients with dysplasia new center of hip rotation, which in
Consultant, Department of Orthopaedic Sur-
than for the general population. turn influences leg length, the need gery, Mayo Clinic, and Associate Professor,
This is probably because of the for femoral shortening procedures, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Mayo
anatomic abnormalities of hip dys- and the optimal type of femoral Medical School. Dr. Cabanela is Consultant,
plasia and the younger mean age of reconstruction. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Mayo
Clinic, and Professor, Department of Orthopae-
patients with this diagnosis who
dic Surgery, Mayo Medical School.
require arthroplasty.1
The surgical planning of hip Classification Reprint requests: Dr. Berry, 200 First Street
reconstruction in dysplastic hips is SW, Rochester, MN 55905.
based on each individual’s anatomic Dysplastic hips can be characterized
abnormalities (Table 1). The acetab- by the severity of anatomic abnor- Copyright 2002 by the American Academy of
ulum usually is deficient anteriorly, malities. Classification systems are Orthopaedic Surgeons.
laterally, and superiorly; the femur useful for patient assessment as well

334 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, MD, et al

Table 1
Reconstruction Options Based on Severity of Hip Dysplasia*

Crowe Type2 Acetabulum Femur Approach

I Uncemented component Cemented or uncemented stem Anterolateral or posterolateral

in true acetabular region based on patient age, bone based on surgeon preference
with slight medialization quality, and bone geometry
II or III Uncemented component Cemented or uncemented stem Anterolateral, posterolateral,
at or near true acetabular based on patient age and transtrochanteric, or
region, if necessary with bone geometry subtrochanteric approach based
autograft augmentation; on reconstructive technique and
or high hip center; or need for femoral shortening
IV Extra-small uncemented Greater trochanteric osteotomy Transtrochanteric or posterior
acetabular component in with sequential proximal shortening approach with shortening
true acetabular region and cemented “DDH stem,” or subtrochanteric osteotomy
shortening subtrochanteric osteotomy
and uncemented stem

* Anatomic variations and previous surgery may require changes in surgical technique.

Thus, if the distance between the Proximal migration of the fem- thickening, psoas tendon hypertro-
head-neck junction and the teardrop oral head can be accompanied by phy, and shortening of the ham-
is half the vertical diameter of the soft-tissue changes. The abductor string, adductor, and rectus femoris
femoral head, the hip is subluxated muscles may become oriented more muscles. The femoral nerve exits
50%. When the femoral head is transversely and therefore function the pelvis more laterally and superi-
deformed, the predicted vertical less efficiently. There is capsular orly, and the sciatic nerve becomes
diameter of the femoral head was
found to be 20% of the height of the
pelvis as measured from the highest
Pelvic vertical height
point on the iliac crest to the inferior
margin of the ischial tuberosity.
Type I represents proximal migra- Head-neck
tion of the head-neck junction from junction
the inter-teardrop line of <50% of
the vertical diameter of the femoral
head (<10% of the vertical height of Femoral head
the pelvis) (Fig. 2). Type II repre- diameter
sents proximal migration of 50% to
75% of the femoral head diameter
(10% to 15% of the pelvic height).
Type III has 75% to 100% proximal
migration (15% to 20% of the pelvic
height). Type IV has >100% proxi-
mal migration (>20% of the pelvic
Inferior margin
height). Other classification systems Inter-teardrop line of the ischial
also are used, including that of tuberosity
Hartofilakidis et al,3 which divides
congenital hip disease in adults into Figure 1 Radiographic references used to determine the severity of hip dysplasia accord-
three categories: dysplasia, low dis- ing to the system of Crowe et al.2 (By permission of Mayo Foundation.)
location, and high dislocation.

Vol 10, No 5, September/October 2002 335

Surgical Treatment of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: II. Arthroplasty Options

age. When possible, acetabular

reconstruction should seek normal-
ization of the hip center of rotation.4
Because of the anatomic abnormali-
ties, placement of standard-size
acetabular components in a dysplas-
tic acetabulum may leave part of the
component unsupported by native
bone. Lack of support increases the
stresses at the bone-implant (or
bone-cement) interface and thus the
probability of mechanical failure.
However, the minimum surface
area of component that needs to be
supported by native bone has not
been determined and may differ
depending on the type of fixation
used. When sufficient coverage of
the implant by native bone cannot
be achieved with standard acetabu-
lar implant placement, an alterna-
tive reconstructive technique should
be considered.
Acetabular reconstruction in
C D patients with hip dysplasia often
Figure 2 Anteroposterior radiographs of hips showing degrees of dysplasia according to
requires extra-small acetabular im-
the classification of Crowe et al.2 A, Type I. B, Type II. C, Type III. D, Type IV. plant sizes. As a consequence, small
femoral head sizes are needed to
preserve adequate polyethylene
thickness. Some of the very small
shortened over time and therefore is tion and stability. Although cable cemented acetabular components
vulnerable to injury if the limb is fixation may be used, wires allow a have the cavity for the femoral head
lengthened more than 3 cm when stable trochanteric reattachment and placed eccentrically, thus providing
the hip is reconstructed. are less likely to produce local dis- greater polyethylene thickness
comfort or metallic debris. Pro- superiorly in spite of the small exter-
tected weight-bearing, as well as nal diameter. These so-called offset-
Surgical Technique restriction of active abduction and bore components have been used
passive adduction, decreases tension mainly in patients with hip dyspla-
Approach through the osteotomy site and may sia. 5 With press-fit uncemented
Moderately dysplastic hips can facilitate union of the trochanteric sockets, poor bone quality or incom-
be reconstructed through a conven- fragment. When femoral shortening plete coverage of the socket by native
tional anterolateral or posterolateral is needed, a transfemoral approach bone may necessitate the use of aug-
approach according to the prefer- via subtrochanteric osteotomy is a mented socket fixation with screws.
ence of the surgeon. Extensile expo- consideration. The Crowe classification method
sure of the acetabulum for certain (Figs. 1 and 2) provides a useful
difficult reconstructions may re- Acetabular Reconstruction means of subdividing dysplastic
quire one of the variations of the Choosing the optimal anatomic hips by the level of hip subluxation.
transtrochanteric approach. A variety level of acetabular reconstruction Although there are many individual
of techniques is available to prevent represents a series of compromises. variations, typical acetabular and
trochanteric nonunion after a trans- The practical and biomechanical femoral deformities are present for
trochanteric approach. Depending advantages of hip reconstruction at each level of hip subluxation and
on the size and shape of the tro- a normal anatomic location must be dislocation. The suggested method
chanter, a flat or chevron osteotomy balanced with the need to provide of reconstruction is directly related to
may provide the best bony apposi- sufficient acetabular implant cover- the type of bony deformity (Table 1).

336 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, MD, et al

Crowe Type I Hips

Mildly dysplastic hips typically
have a less pronounced acetabular
bony deformity and relatively good
bone quality. Most can be recon-
structed with a standard acetabular
component placed in the true ace-
tabular region. The component may
be safely medialized to the inner
acetabular wall to provide satisfac-
tory coverage of the implant.

Crowe Type II and III Hips

Subluxation of the femoral head
without complete dislocation usually
results in lateral acetabular bone de-
ficiency because of developmental A B
deficiency, with subsequent erosion
by the femoral head. This leaves Figure 3 A, Preoperative anteroposterior radiograph of Crow type II hip. B, Acetabular
reconstruction with medialization of the component to but not through the medial wall of
less bone to support a socket that is the acetabulum.
placed in the normal position. Ace-
tabular deformities present in the
Crowe type II or III hip are the most
difficult to reconstruct, and their construction of the acetabulum in a increase bone stock, which in turn
management is the most controver- superior location (high hip center), may facilitate revision surgery 6,7
sial subject in acetabular reconstruc- or medialization of the cup (Fig. 4). (Fig. 5) There are also disadvan-
tion for hip dysplasia. In some Acetabular augmentation by tages: bone grafting increases the
cases, sufficient lateral coverage of structural grafting of the deficient technical complexity of the proce-
the socket can be obtained at or near acetabulum in combination with dure, and when a large amount of
the normal anatomic position by placement of the component in its the component is supported by graft,
deepening the socket with reaming anatomic position has some desir- there is a risk of long-term graft
to the medial wall (Fig. 3). When able features. Autograft bone is resorption and collapse, leading to
this is not feasible, three alternative available by using the patient’s own socket failure.8
methods of reconstruction can be femoral head; the hip center can be A second alternative is to place
used: acetabular augmentation with restored to a biomechanically nor- the acetabular component superior
superior lateral bone grafting, re- mal position; and bone grafting can to its true anatomic location, at a


Figure 4 Three alternative methods to reconstruct (A) Crowe type II and III dysplastic acetabuli: B, augmentation with bone grafting,
C, high hip center, and D, medialization of the cup. (By permission of Mayo Foundation.)

Vol 10, No 5, September/October 2002 337

Surgical Treatment of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: II. Arthroplasty Options

Crowe Type IV Hips

When a high dislocation is pres-
ent, there is often quite good lateral
bone over a small hypoplastic native
hip socket because the femoral head,
which lies more superiorly, has not
eroded the bone near the anatomic
socket. In most cases, the acetabu-
lum can be reconstructed with an
extra-small acetabular component at
the anatomic hip center without
bone grafting. Several points of sur-
A B gical technique facilitate the recon-
struction. The acetabular rim can be
Figure 5 Preoperative (A) and postoperative (B) anteroposterior radiographs demonstrat-
ing reconstruction of the acetabulum with structural augmentation and an uncemented
overgrown by bone and may be
component in Crowe type III hips. opened with a burr. The acetabular
fovea and teardrop can be used as
internal landmarks during the ream-
ing process. Most socket coverage is
so-called high hip center9,10 (Fig. 6). tive forces through medialization of gained from the posterior column;
Placing the component superiorly the hip center of rotation. Its main special caution is required to avoid
allows the component to be covered disadvantages are the loss of medial overreaming the anterior and medial
more completely by native bone, bone stock—which may compro- walls. The bone usually is quite soft,
which facilitates biologic fixation mise future revision surgery—and and using the last reamers in a re-
and avoids the need for bone graft- the risk of early catastrophic acetab- verse mode preserves bone stock by
ing. In some cases, it also decreases ular component migration into the expanding the acetabulum and com-
the need for a concomitant shorten- pelvis. pacting rather than removing bone.
ing femoral osteotomy. A high hip
center also has disadvantages: it re-
quires very small acetabular compo-
nents with thin polyethylene, does
not increase acetabular bone stock,
affords a limited amount of leg
lengthening, and leads to abnormal
hip biomechanics. Careful assess-
ment with trial components should
be done to ensure that there is no
impingement with flexion on the
anterior inferior iliac spine or with
extension on the ischial tuberosity.
Concomitant lateralization of the hip
center of rotation should be avoided
when this technique is used.4
The third alternative for acetabu-
lar reconstruction in Crowe type II
or III hips is socket medialization
by intentional overreaming or even
deliberate fracture of the medial
wall of the acetabulum. 3,11 This
technique, termed acetabuloplasty
by some authors, provides in-
creased lateral coverage of the Figure 6 Preoperative (A) and postoperative (B) anteroposterior radiographs demonstrat-
acetabular component by native ing acetabular reconstruction at a high hip center in a Crowe type III hip.
iliac bone and decreases joint reac-

338 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, MD, et al

Femoral Reconstruction stem to be oriented independent of than 2 to 4 cm during arthroplasty

The abnormal anatomy of the the patient’s anteversion and avoids has been associated with an in-
dysplastic femur, with its excessive insertion of the femoral component creased risk of neural injury.12 As a
anteversion and coxa valga, presents in varus even when there is coxa general rule, the leg should be
several reconstructive problems. valga. Uncemented femoral compo- lengthened the minimum amount
The medullary canal often is small nents are appealing because many required to reestablish reasonable
and can be unusually shaped, with a patients with dysplastic hips are function and hip stability.
much smaller medial-lateral than young.13 Nonmodular, proximally Shortening can be done either by
anterior-posterior diameter. The porous-coated, metaphyseal-filling sequentially resecting the proximal
greater trochanter is located posteri- implants can be used when anatomic femur or by performing a shortening
orly and may need to be moved to a abnormalities are mild, but they subtrochanteric osteotomy. The com-
more anatomic position. The charac- have a limited role when the proxi- bination of greater trochanteric os-
teristics and severity of the femoral mal anatomic abnormalities are teotomy, sequential proximal femoral
deformity and the level of the associ- marked. Extensively porous-coated resection, and insertion of a cement-
ated acetabular reconstruction must implants can bypass the metaphy- ed stem is the technically easier of the
be taken into consideration when seal abnormalities and gain distal two (Fig. 7), but it has several disad-
planning femoral reconstruction. fixation, and therefore are versatile vantages. The osteotomized greater
The anteversion of the implanted even in the presence of substantial trochanteric fragment is advanced
acetabular component will influence deformity. Extensively coated im- onto a tube of cortical bone and may
how much anteversion can be ac- plants with reduced metaphyseal fail to unite. In addition, the resultant
cepted on the femoral side without cross-sections allow the surgeon to shape of the femur is abnormal: a
compromising hip stability. Femoral compensate for mild to moderate straight tube with a small metaphy-
shortening may be needed to avoid anteversion abnormalities. However, seal flare. The small straight tube of
excessively lengthening the lower they cannot be used when the canal remaining femur usually is unsuit-
extremity and stretching the sciatic is very small because of the risk of able for uncemented implants and
nerve.12 fatigue failure with very-small-diam- typically necessitates use of a small,
eter, porous-coated stems. Modular cemented DDH stem with a straight
Crowe Type I and II Hips femoral implants allow the surgeon proximal medial geometry without a
Because the acetabular recon- to fill the metaphysis with an unce- metaphyseal flare. Finally, if the
struction usually changes the hip mented, proximally porous-coated osteotomy reaches the level of the
center of rotation relatively little, implant and still orient the implant lesser trochanter, the psoas tendon
length is not a major problem and anteversion independent of the pa- has to be released, and hip flexion
femoral shortening generally is not tient’s anatomy. Implants with mod- strength may be compromised.
needed. The type of implant used is ular bodies also allow the surgeon to A subtrochanteric shortening
based on patient demographic fea- mix and match metaphyseal shapes osteotomy is more attractive from a
tures, bone quality, bone geometry, and diaphyseal sizes to match a val- theoretic point of view: it preserves
and surgeon preference. The com- gus femoral neck or other anatomic the metaphyseal femoral region
ponent should not be placed in ex- abnormalities. (which provides most of the rotation-
cessive anteversion, which can occur al stability of the implant), obviates
if the patient’s excessively anteverted Crowe Type III and IV Hips the need for a greater trochanteric
native femoral neck is used as a ref- When the center of hip rotation is osteotomy, and allows concomitant
erence. Excessive femoral compo- brought from a markedly elevated correction of angular and antever-
nent anteversion can lead to anterior position down to a normal or nearly sion deformities 14-16 (Fig. 7). Its
hip instability and can compromise normal position, femoral shortening main disadvantages are the techni-
external rotation of the hip. usually is required. Without fem- cal difficulty of the procedure and
Crowe type I and II femurs can oral shortening, soft-tissue contrac- the risk of nonunion.
be reconstructed with either cement- tures make it difficult to reduce the Subtrochanteric osteotomy allows
ed or uncemented components. prosthetic femoral head into the ace- the proximal fragment to be rotated
Cemented implants allow the sur- tabular component, and leg-length superiorly on its abductor pedicle,
geon to deal with moderate degrees discrepancy may result. The exact thus providing exposure to the ace-
of deformity, especially excessive amount of lengthening that will tabulum. However, this requires ex-
anteversion.1 So-called DDH stems result in the occurrence of sciatic tensive soft-tissue stripping and
are smaller and have a minimal nerve dysfunction is not known. devascularization of the proximal
metaphyseal flare, which allows the Acute limb lengthening of more fragment. An alternative method is

Vol 10, No 5, September/October 2002 339

Surgical Treatment of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: II. Arthroplasty Options

the potential interference of acrylic

cement with union of the osteotomy
site and may provide a more durable
result in young patients (although
no published evidence substantiates
this speculation) (Fig. 9).


Pain relief in patients with hip dys-

plasia after total hip arthroplasty
parallels the excellent results of
total hip arthroplasty in the general
population.1 Notable overall im-
provements in hip scores also are
reported in most series. 1,3,4,17,18
Patients with very stiff hips preop-
eratively may have some residual
postoperative stiffness. Historic-
ally, functional results have tended
to be excellent in patients with
Crowe type I and II dysplasia but
not as good in patients with Crowe
A B type III and IV hip disease, who
have had more tendency for persis-
Figure 7 Preoperative (A) and postoperative (B) anteroposterior radiographs of a patient
with Crowe type IV hip dislocation treated with femoral shortening by proximal resection
tent limp with a waddling gait.
and greater trochanteric osteotomy. The poorer functional results in
patients with the most severe bony
abnormalities have been attributed
to longstanding abductor muscle
a posterior approach to the hip fol- Different subtrochanteric osteoto- deconditioning and longstanding
lowed by anterior displacement of my geometries, including trans- gait abnormalities. Current meth-
the proximal femur, preserving as verse, oblique, stepcut, and chevron ods of reconstructing high disloca-
much soft-tissue attachment and shapes, can be used; the more com-
vascularity as possible. Once the ace- plex osteotomy shapes provide
tabular reconstruction is completed, more inherent rotational stability.
the femoral canal can be provisionally When good fixation of the proximal
prepared. The subtrochanteric os- and distal fragments can be obtained
teotomy is then performed, a trial with the implant itself, a transverse
femoral component is placed into osteotomy is easiest and allows cor-
the proximal fragment, the hip is rection of rotational abnormalities.
reduced, and the required amount Although cemented stems can be
of femoral shortening is determined implanted in conjunction with sub-
by judging the amount of overlap trochanteric osteotomy, uncemented
between the distal femur and proxi- stems with extensive porous coating
mal fragment, with a moderate or other design features (such as dis-
amount of longitudinal traction on tal flutes) that allow fixation of both
the leg. Both angular and rotational the proximal and distal fragments Figure 8 Subtrochanteric osteotomy
correction can be determined. The are usually preferable for several allows both shortening (A) and correction
resected subtrochanteric section of reasons. Uncemented stems can of rotational abnormalities (C) while pre-
serving the metaphysis. The resected bone
the femur can be split longitudinally provide excellent stability of the (B) may be used as an onlay autograft (D).
and placed around the osteotomy osteotomy site, acting as press-fit in- (By permission of Mayo Foundation.)
site as onlay autogenous grafts (Fig. 8). tramedullary rods. They also avoid

340 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, MD, et al

Acetabular Augmentation
Autogenous bone graft augmen-
tation in association with cemented
acetabular components for hip dys-
plasia has provided satisfactory
early clinical results but a higher rate
of failure with longer follow-up,
particularly when a large amount of
the socket is supported by graft. At
10 to 11 years, about 40% of cement-
ed acetabular components partly
supported by autograft show radio-
graphic signs of loosening, and 10%
to 20% have been revised.6,8 Better
results have been reported when the
hip center initially is restored to its
anatomic position,20 when the graft
supports less than 30% to 40% of the
component, and when posterior as
well as superior support is provid-
ed.6,8 Large bone grafts in associa-
tion with cemented sockets have not
A B provided optimal long-term dura-
bility; however, when the recon-
Figure 9 Preoperative (A) and postoperative (B) anteroposterior radiographs of a patient struction fails, the bone graft usually
with a Crowe type IV high dislocation treated with femoral reconstruction using shorten-
ing subtrochanteric osteotomy and implantation of an uncemented, fully coated stem. provides additional bone stock res-
toration and facilitates subsequent
revision surgery.
Published experience with lateral
tions that provide more nearly mented Charnley offset-bore com- bone graft augmentation in associa-
normal hip anatomy and biome- ponents5 (Table 2). tion with uncemented acetabular
chanics may improve the function- Uncemented acetabular compo- components is limited to small series
al results. nents may provide more long-last- of patients with a short follow-up.
ing reconstructions in patients with All the failures in one series13 used
Acetabular Reconstruction hip dysplasia, but published infor- threaded acetabular components.
mation is still limited. Anderson However, none of the porous-coated
Standard Reconstruction and Harris19 reported on 20 dysplas- components in either series had
High long-term mechanical fail- tic hips reconstructed with an unce- failed at a mean follow-up of 3 to 6.6
ure rates have been reported for mented hemispheric cup and fol- years. 13,21 Although these short-
cemented acetabular components lowed for a mean of 6.9 years. term results are promising, longer
implanted without structural aug- Native bone covered 75% to 100% of follow-up is required to prove the
mentation or intentional elevation the components, which were placed durability of uncemented compo-
or medialization. Reported failure an average of 28 mm (range, 5 to 66 nents supported by structural auto-
rates have varied from 16% to 52% at mm) proximal to the inter-teardrop graft in dysplastic hips (Table 2).
a mean follow-up of approximately line. None of the sockets had been
10 to 20 years.1,4,17,18 Younger age revised and none had loosening, High Hip Center
at surgery, extensive preoperative migration, osteolysis, or a complete Intentional proximal placement
proximal migration of the hip center radiolucent line. These results are of the acetabular component was rec-
of rotation, and nonanatomic place- promising, but longer follow-up of a ommended by Russotti and Harris9
ment of the acetabular component greater number of patients is re- for cases in which placement of the
correlated with a poor outcome in quired before uncemented sockets acetabular component in the true
these studies. Others have reported can definitively be said to outper- anatomic position would otherwise
low wear, revision, and loosening form cemented cups in dysplastic require grafts to provide most of the
rates resulting from the use of ce- hips (Table 2). socket’s structural support. They

Vol 10, No 5, September/October 2002 341

Surgical Treatment of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: II. Arthroplasty Options

Table 2
Results of Acetabular Reconstruction in Hip Dysplasia

Total No. of Mean Patient Age Mean Follow-up Revision for Mechanical
Study Hips in Study* in Years (Range) in Years (Range) Aseptic Loosening Failure†

Cemented without acetabular augmentation

Numair et al17 182 45.2 (19.5-76.5) 9.9 (3.1-22.8) 10% 16%
Pagnano et al4 145 51 (15-76) 14 (2-22) 12% 52%
MacKenzie et al18 59 53 (23-73) 16 (10-21) 7% 39%
Sochart and Porter1 60 32.4 (17-39) 20.3 (7.3-30) 37% 37%
Cementless without acetabular augmentation
Anderson and Harris19 20 52 (25-87) 6.9 (5.3-8.5) 0% 0%
Cemented with acetabular augmentation
Mulroy and Harris8 46 46.5 (14-69) 11.8 (10-15.9) 20% 46%
Rodriguez et al6 29 49 (20-78) 11 (7-17) 10% 38%
Lee et al7 36 (102) 51 (21-78)‡ 10.2 (4-18.6)‡ 35%§ 38%§
Cementless with acetabular augmentation
Silber and Engh13 19 45 (NR) 3 (2-6.3) 5% 26%
Morsi et al21 17 (33) 50.3 (36-65)‡ 6.6 (5.1-9.8)‡ 0% 0%
High hip center
Russotti and Harris9 19 (37) 51 (16-73)‡ 11 (7-17)‡ 2.7%‡ 16%‡
Schutzer and Harris10 5 (56) 51 (26-81)‡ 3.3 (2-5.3)‡ 0% 0%
Hartofilakidis et al3 86 47 (23-70) 7 (2-15) 2% NRll
Dorr et al11 24 45 (22-69) 7 (5-13) 0% 0%

* Total number of patients with dysplasia and other diagnosis included in the study.
† Mechanical failure, including revision and radiographic loosening.
‡ Data for the total number of patients included in the study, not for only those with hip dysplasia.
§ Probability of revision and loosening at 12 years for patients with dysplasia.
ll 12% incidence of complete radiolucent lines.
NR = not reported

reported revision and loosening that the component was not lateral- Medialization of the Component
rates of 2.7% and 16%, respectively, ized. Intentional medialization of the
in a group of complex cemented However, other reports support acetabular component through the
total hip replacements that included placement of the acetabular compo- medial wall by reaming or creating a
19 dysplastic hips. Schutzer and nents in the true acetabular region. controlled comminuted fracture has
Harris10 later reported the results of Higher loosening and revision rates been reported to provide reasonable
superiorly placed uncemented com- for both femoral and acetabular com- midterm results. Low revision rates
ponents in a mixed group of 56 hips ponents have been reported in sever- have been published combining this
that included only 5 primary arthro- al series when cemented acetabular technique with both cemented3 and
plasties on dysplastic hips. At a cups are initially placed superior or uncemented11 components followed
mean follow-up of 3.3 years, no lateral to the anatomic position.4,20 for an average of 7 years. However,
acetabular component had been Proximal placement of the acetabular nonprogressive but complete radio-
revised for loosening. These two component probably should be lucent lines >1 mm wide were found
studies suggest that proximal place- reserved for cases in which acetabu- around 18% of the cemented acetab-
ment of both cemented and unce- lar reconstruction in the anatomic ular cups.3 In reviewing their results
mented acetabular components did position would leave more than 40% with press-fit uncemented acetabu-
not negatively affect the outcome of to 50% of the socket surface uncov- lar components inserted after ream-
acetabular reconstruction provided ered or covered by bone graft. ing the medial acetabular wall, Dorr

342 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, MD, et al

et al11 recommend creating a medial femoral components specifically in occur and can be associated with
wall defect of about 25% of the hip dysplasia.13 fatigue failure of the stem15 or asep-
acetabular area. Of 24 hips followed The results of total hip arthro- tic loosening.22
for a mean of 7 years, 2 required plasty for hip dysplasia with differ-
polyethylene exchange, but none of ent forms of femoral osteotomy have
the metal shells were revised or been reported with short-term to Summary
found radiographically to be loose. midterm follow-up. Reikeraas et al14
The average medialization of the hip reported on 25 dislocated hips that The wide range of anatomic abnor-
center was 12.7 mm, and supple- were treated with femoral shorten- malities that characterize hip dyspla-
mental structural bone graft cover- ing through a subtrochanteric trans- sia dictate the need for different re-
ing 15% to 30% of the component verse osteotomy with an uncement- constructive techniques when hip
was used in only six hips. Longer- ed stem. After follow-up of 3 to 7 replacement is required. The age and
term follow-up of the durability of years, one delayed union and one activity level of this patient popula-
this form of reconstruction in con- malunion were reported but no tion, coupled with the increased com-
junction with uncemented cups is mechanical failures. Yasgur et al15 plexity of surgery, explain the some-
needed to demonstrate whether its reported on a series of eight patients what elevated historical failure rate of
advantages (technical simplicity and with Crowe type IV hips who had hip replacement in dysplasia and em-
good lateral support of the cup on replacement with fully coated (six phasize the need for careful analysis
native bone) will outweigh the un- hips), modular (one hip), or cemented of each case and selection of the most
desirable loss of remaining medial (two hips) stems combined with a appropriate reconstruction options.
acetabular bone stock. transverse subtrochanteric osteotomy In regard to the acetabular cup,
for shortening and retroversion. At a deficient bone stock may limit the
Femoral Reconstruction mean follow-up of 3.6 years (range, 2 ability to place the component fully
Cemented femoral components to 7 years), one hip required revision on native bone at the true acetabular
have provided more satisfactory and an asymptomatic patient devel- region. When standard techniques
long-term results than have cemented oped radiographic nonunion. The of reconstruction leave a significant
acetabular components in hip dys- rate of satisfactory results was 87%. portion of the component uncov-
plasia. Numair et al17 reported a 3% Chareancholvanich et al16 reported ered, the alternatives include acetab-
revision rate in a series of 182 dys- on 15 dislocated hips that were treated ular augmentation with bone auto-
plastic hips followed for a mean of with a double chevron subtrochan- graft, intentional high placement of
9.9 years. In the series of McKenzie teric osteotomy and insertion of a the component, or medialization of
et al18 of 59 hips followed for a mean stem that was uncemented in all but the component. Uncemented sock-
of 16 years, 3.4% of the femoral com- one case. All osteotomies united, ets have provided promising mid-
ponents required revision, and an and the rate of satisfactory results term results with and without sup-
additional 5% were considered was 80%. The Mayo Clinic series22 plemental bone augmentation.
loose. Sochart and Porter1 reported included 14 primary hip replace- Either cemented or uncemented
rates of femoral revision and aseptic ments in patients with hip dysplasia, femoral components may be used
loosening of 10% each in 60 cemented 8 of them with previous failed proxi- depending on patient age and bone
replacements of dysplastic hips per- mal femoral osteotomy. Shortening quality. Although proximally coated
formed at a young age and followed and correction of angular and rota- monolithic stems may be used in
for a mean of 20.3 years. The proba- tional deformities were performed mild dysplasia, they are less versatile
bility of survival of the femoral com- at the osteotomy site. Two of the in the presence of significant meta-
ponent at 25 years in their series was four patients treated with femoral physeal abnormalities. For more
81%. The use of uncemented fem- shortening required revision surgery marked deformities, extensively
oral components in hip dysplasia is for osteotomy nonunion and aseptic coated and modular uncemented
based on the hope that uncemented loosening of the femoral component. stems offer technical advantages.
fixation will outperform cemented Overall, subtrochanteric osteotomy Subtrochanteric or metaphyseal
fixation in young, active patients. has provided satisfactory results in osteotomy may be required for
However, limited information is at least 80% of cases.14-16 However, shortening or the correction of rota-
available on the results of uncemented malunion and nonunion occasionally tional deformities.

Vol 10, No 5, September/October 2002 343

Surgical Treatment of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: II. Arthroplasty Options

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344 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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