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VocabularY 1: Clothes ::e picrures above' Which

items can ttT"tt
is not there? Wftut oitt"t -.--.----------
dungar-= rracksuit bottoms
jumPer dinner jacket
waistcoat blazer
bracelet trarners high-heeied shoes
borv rle

to the Pictures above?
tight-fitting formal shabbl'
brggy colourful ri aterproof
plain sman
'are verb in each space'
the correct forrn of the
*E In exercises A and B' put

A fit suit match go with

PersonallY, I don't think tho

n him to me'
(4) him ProPe

B wear Put on get ressed didn't

I got eer-ed jumPer at
until and I sPent the
atelY and shorts'
rvhole dav (3) l
Lif estyle

VocabularY 1: Clothes .-] ;-e pictures above' Which

of clothing and access.:.:.=:
Find the following items
items can t"It"*-
is not there? What oiher
dul.-al:<= rracksuit bottoms
jumPer dinner jacket
waistcoat biazer
trainers high-heeied shoes
bos :e
*^,.ft to the Pictures above?
tight-fitting formai shabbv
colourful unfa-'hiolacre
baggy rr'arerProof
piain smarl
I --
in each sPace'
put the correct form of the approplt are 'erb
3 tn exercises A and B'
A fit match go with
PersonallY, I dont think tho

n him to me'

B wear on get ressed

Put didn't
As it was Sunday I
got eer ed jumper at
( 1) - u;il and I sPent the
fi.rt-,U"t immediately rt and shorts'
rvhole dav (3) l

t f: t

D Lifestyle

-\fter recent accounts of drug-taking amongst teenage suppori i!'eir giis oni moke sure thot onother ogency doesn't

models in the care of their model agencies' the catwalk world iry to ottroct :r'ern wiii o beiter controct.
has once again come under public scrutiny. Jess llallett used '
3 'ever forget ihe time when Chorles de
to be a booker, taking bookings for models, organizing their Goulle olr-oor- *cs : csec down becouse of o strike ond Kote
itineraries and generally running their lives. She talks about Moss hod io g€r ro Poris for o very importont iob. The
the lengths she went to in order to protect her girls. Chonnel Tunne rrc-' :een built then, so I flew with her to
While bod behoviour in the modelling world evidently Brussels with the ideo of gefiing the |roin from there.
exists, there ore mony in the foshion indusky who work ,i-- The uthob ir,r.ney took 12 hours, but
very hord to try ond moke sure it doesn't. I spent olmost ten with o studio {r., o: eoe wciiing for her ot the other end, we
yeors os o booker, ond become emotionolly involved with hod no choice.
olmost every girl in my core. Bookers core for ond protect One donger r.e 'oc e P':'ect models from wos their
these young models to such o point thot they ore often too porents- 5 I wos quite cleor thot she wos
I tired ot the end of the doy even to go home. humilioed bV tris befpviour ond wosn'i ot oll interested in
We did oll kinds of things lor our girls.Sl-l being o model.
Sometimes we hod lo tolk to them ond cheer them up There were lrlfle ralrinswho would let their doughter go
even when rhey did get ihe iob they wonted; such os
qlone to foshion shccrs
:: 4'neoni fome ond forlune.
the cover of ltolion Vogue'or the Chonel show in Poris. They A; li.e roqd ogency where I worked, Porents
were terrified they were going to do it bodly ond the booker were usuolly encolroged rc get irvofved in their doughters'
would reossure them ond tell them they looked fontostic. coreers ond troveir:c '..ili iftem whenever they could.
The trend of using girls os young os l4 or l5 meons o lot of
The foct is thot the miqity dgfuls love the lifestyle.
responsibility. The consequences of not toking good Ttre Russicr: model Udo Egorovo told me
cqre of lhem ore too huge for ony ogency to consider' ,"..ntty how hoppy sfre *cs working with creotive ond
fr]-----_] Bockstoge ot ony show in New York, Poris or
tolented people. She rvos ..eolthy ond living in Poris; ond the
Milon, you see bookers from oll over the world, there to night before she hod met l'fodonno o't o porty- Whot more
could ony girl wont?

One father insisted that his daughter E -\nd considerilg horv many of them
was better-looking than anYone in there are nos-adavs, you don't hear
'Vogue'and complained about rne to rnflny complaints.
my boss because I wouldnt emPloY Horver-er. seemed that the rest of
her. Europe had the same idea, so we had
B If you don't look after thent to persuade a ta-ri driver to take us all
properly, then someone else will. the way to Paris.
Others never allowed them to go G Sfte said sftc rt'as having a wonderful
anywhere unaccompanied. time and couldn't imagine doing anY
other job.
D Whether it was because theY were
having a hard time at school, had split H Models tend to travel a lot and
up with their boyfriend, or hadn't n'henever necessary a booker will
got a job they really wanted, their accompany them on a triP.
booker was the one theY talked to.

When you have finished, check that the sentence which you have not used does not fit
into any of the gaps.

Reacting to the text

Jess Hallett finishes with the words: 'What more could any girl want?'Do you agree
with this assumption?
Do you think that children who are encouraged to step into adult roles, such as
cats-alk modelling, are being exploited?
Do vou think it is right that models should be so highly paid?

D Lifestyte

Vocabula ry 2: Get
: Expressions with get
The following senten^ces allcontain phrasal verbs
or expressions with get.Decide
\-hich answer A, B, c or D best fits ;ach gap and ,r.ra"ii.r"
it. There is an example at
the beginninC (0).
0 That jumper looks so old and dirty. when are you going
to get
A away -- of it?
B throw c waste D rid
I Here's my telephone number. If you have any probrems, just get in _- with me.
A talk B speak C touch D tact
2 Iheard she was a lovely woman. Unfortunately, I never got the
to meet her.
A occasion B opportunities C possibilities D chance
3 I asked him how much he got but he refused to tell me.
I A Paid B earned C money D salary
4 Come on, hurr5' up and get _- ! your bus leaves in five mlnutes.
A ready B ordered C fit D prepare
5 His parents are worried about his behaviour. He,s always getting
into at
school. --
A problems B trouble C difficultv D punishment
5 His girlfriend left him in March and he still hasnt got
---- it.
Aby Bover Coff D past
7 l-can't speak French very well, but I always manage
to get
dictionary and a few gestures. with a

Abv B over C across D through

8 He wanted to get to the town centre but he got
the wrong bus and ended
up at the station. --
Ain B outof C on Doff
Meanings of get
G Get can_have many different meanings. Look at
the uses of get (r_g) and match each
one with an appropriate equivalent (a-h). The first on" hus"b""n
done for you.
@S"t better a recelve
2 get thebus b ask
3 get to the station become
4 get a headache d become ill with
5 gel somebody to do somethins e catch
6 get something for Christmas f arrive atlreach
7 get a newspaper g go out
8 get out ofthe house h buy
Look back at the text on teenage models and find
examples ot get. Decide on the
meaning in each case.
I Discuss the following questions.
. long does it take you to get to work/school?
. 19."
\\'hen did you last get u*uy f- the weekend?
. \\hat presents did you get for your last
. Do vou often get angry?
. \\:here do r-ou usually get your clothes?

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