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All of the experiences and choices you thought about in the previous step are underpinned by
considerable investments made by a substantial, competitive industry that is trying to get you
to see its products in one form or another.

Details of the value of the creative industries and the spend of film distribution is contained in the pdf



You’re looking for an evening out with a partner, friends or perhaps something (indoors) to entertain
your family during a holiday period.

Do you look to see what’s on at the local cinema(s) because you know what you want to see already,
or are you just browsing to find something that appeals?

What can the film distributors do to entice you to see their releases?

How does the marketing campaign of a film – as with any product – turn it from something people
haven’t heard of, into something they are interested in, want to see, then actually pay to consume?
You and film: Communication

Let’s consider the various ways you might have identified as helping you to find out about
current or forthcoming films. Which of these forms of communication do you notice most, or
pay most attention to, day to day?

 Social media channels

 Film trailers

 Film reviews

 Radio

 Websites

 Internet banners with click-throughs

 Television

 Advertising on the side of buses

 Magazines

 Poster sites at bus stops or on the roadside

 Newspaper advertising

 Promotions on products, e.g. breakfast cereals

 Word of mouth eg. friends, family

Share your thoughts in the discussion.

From the steps you have completed so far, you should have begun to see that how we, as individuals,
get to the point of watching a film is the last part in a long chain.

Your personal experiences are very useful and can be used as a starting point in many of the activities
that follow.

aleksandra vonica



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 OR

Oladele Rasheed


27 AUG

film trailers 
film reviews





 LH

Louise H

26 AUG

I find recommendations from friends and family most compelling as they know what I would like and
would only recommend films to me if I would like them too.





 TL

Tommy luke


25 AUG

i cant to see what this coure is about.





 ST

susan t


24 AUG
I think reviews and online or magazine captures my interest





Inna Z


24 AUG

Certain friends recommendations





 CP

charlotte perrin


22 AUG

I think reviews and just researching the listings on at the cinemas I go to.




Oscar Enamino


22 AUG

Social media, television, word of mouth, websites, advert on the side of buses, radio.





 MJ

Martina J


19 AUG

Social media channels, film trailers, film reviews, television and word of mouth. But I also choose a film
because of its actors, actricess, directors and producers.




 EM

Ewa Marcinkowska


19 AUG

Film trailers and film reviews mostly..also a word of mouth





Jenny Levey


18 AUG

good cast and crew 

good story 
someone telling me its good 
the author (jk rowling- harry potter and fantastic beasts )





 HC

Helen Curran


15 AUG

I don't read reviews. This is probably because I am a filmmaker! Trailers normally give away too much
so I usually watch the beginning of them, then turn them off. A striking poster, good cast and crew is
normally what attracts me to a film.





 SD



09 AUG
Social media, trailers, magazines, word of mouth (family, friends, also strangers on the bus)





 MA

Meg Armstrong-Barnes


08 AUG

The big one for me is film trailers but I also notice social media channels, posters at bus stops and
even train stations as well as word of mouth and recommendations.





Femina Mateo


03 AUG
I mostly pay attention to film trailers, social media, word of mouth and sometimes newspaper ads.





 FM

Farhan Muhammad


31 JUL

All of the forms above





 CC

Caroline Cobbing


31 JUL

Probably all but some are actively sought - eg reviews/trailers - whilst others are inflicted - eg
advertising on buses, word of mouth.




Andrew Godfrey


30 JUL

All of the above





Ward Al-Dimashqi


29 JUL

I care about all of the above..!





 MF

Mackenzie Franklin


29 JUL

Social media-ads that pop up on my ig feed etc. 

Film trailers-cinema, on tv on YouTube 
Word of mouth especially during term time and I'm at college





Priya Gopal


29 JUL

social media channels, word of mouth (not necessarily by people I know personally but through their
social media posts), internet, youtube channels.
Never: magazines, radio spots, banners, ad clicks unless there is a prize to win





 EM

Ewa Marcinkowska


26 JUL

I would say - film trailers seen on television and internet, film reviews (also on tv), magazine ads and a
word of mouth, they have the biggest impact on my awareness of a new film

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jonathan arhin


25 JUL
Social media channels, film trailers, word of mouth, websites.





 EZ

Elle Zahrounu


24 JUL

I rely on social media accounts I follow on instagram and from time to time Youtube and their recc
videos or new releases. I also just look at the thumbnail and see what actor is mentioned and then that
allows me to take that step in watching the trailer and then see if it's interesting enough to consider
watching the movie. I don't completely rely on film reviews because I feel like art and film are all
subjective, however, I do subconsciously take it into consideration.





 KP

Kieron Parkinson


23 JUL
I used to pick-up a lot of info from radio and TV reviews, this is still the case although I do find I am
checking the BFI website more now.





Farhana Jafri


18 JUL

Heavy user of internet so my info of a particular movie will majorly gain from social media, film trailers,
film reviews, websites and word of mouth.

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