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CILT Course

Section A- Attempt all the questions in section A

1. To whom is the managing director responsible to in a public limited company? (5 marks- Answer
in not more than 20 words)

ANS: In a Public limited Company the Managing Director will be responsible to the shareholders
of the business.

2. A supply chain director is responsible for managing full supply chain operations and generally
has some degree of accountability in some key areas. List five of these areas. (5 marks - 1 mark

1. New Product Development
2. Procurement
3. Manufacturing
4. Logistics
5. Inventory Management

3. Define the term brand reputation. (5 marks- Define using not more than 50 words)

Brand reputation is Recognition by the market of your company and the products you sell.
4. List the core responsibilities of the human resource manager.(5 marks- 1 mark for each)


 Job Analysis and staffing.

 Professional development of work
 Implementation of reward system
 Organizing and utilizing work force

5. Give two key responsibilities of the financial director in your company.(5 Marks- 2.5 marks


 Budgeting
 Credit control
6. Organizations may group customers in terms of geographic location, business types, and size or
turn over. Outline two reasons for these groupings. (5 marks- 2.5 marks each)
Segmenting your customers into groups according to their needs has a number of advantages. It
can help you to:

identify your most and least profitable customers

focus your marketing on the customers who will be most likely to buy your products or services

7. Identify two requirements of the retailer prior to the delivery of goods.(5 marks- 2.5 marks each)


 E-COMMERCE from retailer to customer

 Supply chain management

8. List three ways by which a business can achieve organic growth.(5 marks- 1.5 marks each and .5
marks for correctly attempting the Question)
Organic growth is the growth a company achieves by increasing output and enhancing sales
1. Continual optimization of commercial activities, which involves how goods and services are
priced, marketed, and sold

2. Reallocating funds into activities – e.g., production of high-earning goods – that fuel earnings
and growth

3. Developing new models for operations or creating and developing new goods to sell and/or
services to offer

SECTION B- Answer any four questions in an essay format. Each question carries 15 marks.
Q1- Discuss the SMART of a business plan. (15 marks- 3 marks each for all the five points)
Note: Discuss by using not more than 100 words for each point (Total 15 Marks)
SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timescale

1. Specific:
The plan must be simple and clearly outline the goal you want to achive, and you must
know about that how this can be achieve.


If I want increase in revenue I must increase in my sale

2. Measurable:
The plan must comprise various elements so that progress can be measured, for
this purpose we can see the numerical indicators like cash flow of the business,
credit days, and debit day.

Example: The numbers of sales per day.

A business plan will not be capable of delivery if it is not achievable.
So we must look for that idea which is achievable

Example: If you want to do such a business which is ban by the Law so this type of business cannot be
achievable in such circumstances.

Your Business plan must be realistic that you are we known of the environment .
Example: you want to open new branch In next few years but new competitors already done there home
work in the place you want to open the business so you have to think if its good for your business or not.

Timing to a business is very important. You must know about the competition so if you see some gap or
opportunity in the market other people have done the same. So you plan on the current market situation
for the beneficial of your business.
Q2- Differentiate the functional, divisional and matrix types of management structures. (15 marks- 5
marks each)
Note: Differentiate by using not more than 75 words each (Total 15 Marks)

The functional structure is based on an organization being divided up into smaller groups with specific
tasks or roles. For example, a company could have a group working in information technology, another in
marketing and another in finance.

Each department has a manager or director who answers to an executive a level up in the hierarchy who
may oversee multiple departments. One such example is a director of marketing who supervises the
marketing department and answers to a vice president who is in charge of the marketing, finance and IT


Division essentially operates as its own company, controlling its own resources and how much money it
spends on certain projects or aspects of the division.

This structure, divisions could also be created geographically, with a company having divisions in North
America, Europe, East Asia,


In the matrix structure, employees may report to two or more bosses depending on the situation or project.

Example, under normal functional circumstances, an engineer at a large engineering firm could work for
one boss, but a new project may arise where that engineer’s expertise is needed. For the duration of that
project, the employee would also report to that project’s manager, as well as his or her boss for all other
daily tasks.

Q3 a) Describe a customer. (3 Mark)

A customer is an individual or business that purchases another company's goods or
services. Customers are important because they drive revenues; without them, businesses have nothing to
b) Outline the difference between an internal customer and an external customer (6 marks- 3+3 for
internal and external customer)
A person that is a part of the company or has a direct contact with the company and purchases products
from it is known as an internal customer 
 Internal customers are usually stakeholders, employees, or shareholders.

Customer that uses and pays for the items, products or services that a company or an organization
offers is known as an external customer.
Example. We went to store to buy products for daily use. And we are not part of any company.

c) Differentiate between business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) models. (6

marks- 3 +3 for both B2B and B2C)
Note: Explain all the parts by using not more than 150 words (Total 15 Marks)

Ans: The B2C sectors contains companies that manufacture and sell directly to the consumer.

Example. Like Major retailers. Some business use internet to sell there products directly to customers by
avoiding opening retail store. Many local Clothing brands.

The B2B sectors contain transactions between organizations. In this sector the customer is another
organization rather than an individual consumers.

Example. Samsung make mobile screen of Iphone for apple. The transaction between these two
companies is B2B.

Q4 a) Outline the role of investment in a business. (5 marks)

Ans: The role of investment in a business is to cover start Up cost or otherwise assist the cash flow over a
particular period of time.

Invesment drive a business and fuel its cash flow, for the purchase of an assest and stock so to support

b) Discuss three potential risks in sourcing funding. (10 marks- 3 marks each for each potential risk
and 1 mark for attempting the question correctly)
Ans: First, If you invest your own money and you cannot manage to business run properly or your plan
was a fail its means that you will lose your business and also the money you invested in your business.
Second, If you get funding from bank you have to sign on personal guarantee. This PG makes you liable
for any loss of funds within that business which are sucured on assests. If you do not good in business
then you have to lose your assets.

Third, If you get investment by shareholding you have to sacrificing a certain degree of ownership of the
company for cash and potential dividents payments in the future.
In this anyone can invest in your business by purchases share of the company but it will create pressure
and this pressure generate focus within the business to make things good.
Note: Explain all the parts by using not more than 150 words (Total 15 Marks)

Q5) a) Map out the management corridor of your organization. (10 marks)




Logistic Operation Transport Accounts WareHouse

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

My company is logistic base company.

b) Identify five kinds of information that the warehouse manager has to provide to the logistics
manager to help him/her in the performance of his/her job. (5 Marks- 1 mark each for every kind of

 Shipping Supervision
 IT and Data
 Supply Chain Activities
 Materials Management
 Distribution Center Supervision

Note: Explain all the parts by using not more than 150 words (Total 15 Marks)

Faculty signature Moderator’s signature

Muhammad Zuhair __________________

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