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Activity no. 1: Narrative Report

Author: Lilian P. Lomboy

An incomplete abortion is an abortion that has only been partially successful. The
pregnancy has ended— no fetus will develop, but the body has only expelled part of the tissue
and products of pregnancy. An incomplete abortion involves vaginal bleeding, cramping
(contractions), cervical dilatation, and incomplete passage of the products of conception. A
woman experiencing incomplete abortion frequently describes passage of clots or pieces of
tissue, and reports vaginal bleeding. The cramping may be rhythmic or labor-like, although less
intense than a full-term labor.

Causes of this type of abortion may include: (1) Acute infections, (2) Uncontrolled
diabetes, (3) Cervix and uterus problems, (4) Thyroid disease, (5) Severe high blood pressure, (6)
Kidney disease, (7) Lupus and other autoimmune diseases, (8) Fibroids, and (9) Poor muscle
tone in the womb

In the event of an incomplete miscarriage, patients have different treatment options for
their condition. Treatment options for this case may include: (1) Medical treatment- which is
an ideal option for patients who do not want to undergo surgical procedures or are unwilling to
wait for up to four weeks for the miscarriage to complete. Medications, such as misoprostol, are
used to soften the cervix and trigger uterine contractions. (2) Surgical treatment- these are for
patients who have an active infection. During this treatment a surgical procedure called dilation
and curettage (D&C) is being performed. For this procedure, the doctor will clear the uterine
lining using a surgical instrument (curette).

At this point, our case study focuses on a female patient whose final diagnosis is an
example of an incomplete abortion. Ms. Merly Cabuang, our adviser for the said case study
tasked our group before the start of the said community quarantine due to COVID- 19 to
continue with what we have started on our case study. During the first week of the community
quarantine, I've just reviewed and researched about our case study in order for me to fully
understand and gather more information about the case. Now according to the gathered data
which was gathered by some of my groupmates, our patient, Ms. V.M has an OB History
(GPFPAL) of 2-1-1-0-1-1 was admitted on March 11, 2020 in Pangasinan Provincial Hospital
and undergone dilation and curettage which is one of the said treatment and management for
incomplete abortion; [Dilation and Curettage (D&C) is a procedure to remove tissue from
inside your uterus. Doctors perform dilation and curettage to diagnose and treat certain uterine
conditions — such as heavy bleeding — or to clear the uterine lining after a miscarriage or
abortion.] and was discharged on March 12, 2020.
What I’ve researched for our case study was all stated above and I am willing to continue
searching for the rest of the community quarantine in order to fulfill my duties and contribute
whatever knowledge I gather during the said research in our case study. Also I’ve realized that
This case study aims to furnish important information about Incomplete Abortion; how it starts,
what are the causes and what are the signs and symptoms especially on how to prevent, treat and
manage the patient by providing nursing responsibilities and nursing care which a student nurse
is educated about, competent and has authority to perform. This case study will have an
important role in presentation, early detection, patient education, patient care and rehabilitation
for Incomplete Abortion. It will also give an important role in contributing to the improvement of
educational preparation and in providing quality health care to our patient (Ms. V.M)

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