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We live in an age where self-care has become a priority. Whether its

waking up early for that yoga class or hitting the gym after a day at the
office, we value our bodies and what we put in them. Unlike generations
before us, we make it a point to treat ourselves .However, like all
imbalances, focusing on one need – in this case, the physical – shifts
attention away from your emotional needs. Self-love can be defined as
loving yourself emotionally irrespective of what you have; it’s knowing
your worth and valuing yourself for it. Many people struggle to maintain
this type of well-being throughout their week. Unlike self-care, self-love is
a more conscious exercise that requires daily practice to be effective. It is
easy to conflate the two practices and mistake loving yourself by the acts
of self-care you engage in. Yet, doing so is a disservice – as you are only
treating yourself at a symptom-level, a physical-level. Self-love is treating
yourself at the source. To love yourself means to accept yourself as you are and to
come to terms with those aspects of yourself that you cannot change. It means to have self-
respect, a positive self-image, and unconditional self-acceptance. Needless to say, it does
not mean being arrogant, conceited or thinking that you are better than anyone else. It
means having a healthy regard for yourself knowing that you are a worthy human being. It is
important to remind ourselves that no one is perfect. 

To love yourself you have to love:

Your Body: You take care of your body by eating well, exercising and getting plenty of
rest. There are many wonderful books available that can help you learn what types of food
and exercise are good for you and your particular body type.
Your Mind: Your mind needs nourishment and exercise too. Don't take it for granted.
Stimulate it by learning about new and interesting things. Keeping your mind active helps
prevent certain old age diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia. Keeping the neural
connections of your mind active helps maintain memory and brain functions at optimum

Your Spirit: If you take care of your mind and body but neglect your spirit, you will
lack balance and feel that something is missing in your life. Taking care of your spirit
rejuvenates you, and helps you deal with the daily stresses and challenges of
everyday life. When you love yourself, you invest in your personal growth and
development. You endeavor to be the best that you can be, and you strive to achieve
your potential .

But do not be narcissist.

Salma Lagriha.
Sec: B.

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