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Maintenances Engineering

Terotechnology concept
• Terotechnology is a multidisciplinary concept and its aim is to achieve the
economic life cycle costs.
• This can only be achieved by a coordinated consideration of reliability,
maintainability and performance aspects from the design stage

Greek Word Tero = “I Care” + Technology


Financial, Economic life

It is the Combination of
cycle costs

Practices applied to physical assets

10‐04‐2019 Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT mesra, Ranchi

Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT 
mesra, Ranchi 1

Terotechnology Includes


Installation Commissioning

Plant Design Manufacturing of the

plant and equipment

Plant Removal


10‐04‐2019 Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT mesra, Ranchi

Objective of Terotechnology

• Minimized total life cycle cost

• Extend the useful life of the plant and equipment

• Assure optimum availability of plant equipment /Installed


• To ensure operational readiness at all times

10‐04‐2019 Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT mesra, Ranchi

Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT 
mesra, Ranchi 2

Activities of Terotechnology
• Decision regarding design, production and cost targets
• Decision as regards requirement of physical resources, plant and equipment
• Considering requirement of plant and equipment from the point of view of
production capability reliability environment control safety of operation
decreases toxicity of material and process or human aspects.
• Deciding the specification of the equipment to be procured from outside
• Acquiring, installing and commissioning the plant and equipment and
equipment and handling it over to the production department after carefully
carried-out tests and inspection
10‐04‐2019 Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT mesra, Ranchi

Benefits of Terotechnology

• Better maintenance and higher reliability of plant and equipment

• Lower costs of maintenance and repair

• Lesser breakdowns

• Higher quality and better efficiency of operations

• Better communication between suppliers, producers and customers

• Better image of the company among its customers

10‐04‐2019 Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT mesra, Ranchi

Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT 
mesra, Ranchi 3

Strategies for Terotechnology

• Terotechnology is concerned with the provisioning and subsequent
management of physical assets.

• Assets management is a cradle-to-grave strategy which commences

with techno economic studies prior to an investment and proceeds
through the implementation cycle into the lie-cycle to use.

• During the period of use, there will be operation and maintenance

strategies, designed to give best use at least cost and eventually a
replacement or disposal strategy will be formulated, based on technical
and economic reviews.
10‐04‐2019 Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT mesra, Ranchi

Types of Phase in Terotechnology

Preparation Phase
• Consideration of feedback (operations and maintenance)
• Planning (operations and maintenance policies)
• Technical forecasting
• Whole life planning
• Life cycle costing

Decision Phase

• Direct participation by users (past and future)

• Preparation of procurement check lists
• Reviews of supplier profiles and quality ratings
• Specification of support systems
• Review of life plans and life cycle costs
10‐04‐2019 Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT mesra, Ranchi

Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT 
mesra, Ranchi 4

Types of Phase in Terotechnology

Implementation Phase
• Design (records, reviews, configuration control)
• Studies (maintainability, reliability, feedback)
• Project planning and control
• Support planning (information, training, spares)
• Information system
• Documentations
• Maintenance planning
• Commissioning
• Handover
10‐04‐2019 Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT mesra, Ranchi

Types of Phase in Terotechnology

Utilization Phase
• Operation, maintenance, condition monitoring
• Technical and cost records
• Analysis of records
• Feedback to operations, maintenance, design, procurement
• Improvement and updating
• Reviews of life plan and life cycle costing

Review Phase
• Technical and financial reviews
• Disposal or replacement decisions
• Feedback to benefit future projects

10‐04‐2019 Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT mesra, Ranchi


Binay kumar, Deptt. of production engg. BIT 
mesra, Ranchi 5

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