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Beat The

winter blues
Make 'n Take Guide

Beat the
Winter Blues
Make 'n take Guide
By Bethany McGough

© 2018
All rights reserved
Copyright © 2018 By Bethany McGough

All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is

prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical. This includes
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
system without express written permission from the author. It is a violation
of copyright and purchase agreement to share any portion of this book to
another person. An ebook is meant to be the personal property of the
purchaser alone. The author DOES give permission to the owner of this
ebook to make ONE copy of the PDF files per guest.

Cover photo and design by Bethany McGough

All photos by Bethany McGough
First published February 2018
I am not a medical doctor and none of this information should be
misconstrued as medical advice. I cannot diagnose conditions or prescribe
treatments for illnesses. If you have any questions whether or not herbs and
essential oils are safe for you to take, please speak with your medical
professional. Essential oils and/or herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure, or prevent disease. Instead, they are intended to support wellness and
an overall healthy lifestyle. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have any
other health concerns, please consult your physician before using any of
these products. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration.
Table of Contents
How a Make 'n Take Class Works..............................................................................2
More About This Theme.............................................................................................3
Products You Will Make..............................................................................................4
Uplifting & Energizing Room Spray.......................................................................5
Calming & Restoring Roller Blend.........................................................................5
Soothing & Restoring Milk Bath.............................................................................6
Invigorating Sugar Scrub.......................................................................................6
Ingredients You Will Need..........................................................................................7
Other Supplies You Will Need....................................................................................7
More About the Ingredients........................................................................................8
Essential Oils.........................................................................................................8
Other Ingredients.................................................................................................11
Apricot Kernel Oil............................................................................................11
Epsom Salt.....................................................................................................11
Powdered Milk................................................................................................12
Baking Soda...................................................................................................12
Ingredient Quality......................................................................................................13
Essential Oils.......................................................................................................13
Carrier Oils...........................................................................................................13
All Other Details........................................................................................................14
Who Pays.......................................................................................................14-15
About Me..................................................................................................................18
Hello! Welcome to your very own make ‘n take party! I’m so excited that you’ve
chosen to host this awesome event and share the fun of creating homemade

This ebook is intended for 1) those who love creating DIY products and want to share
the fun with friends and 2) those who sell essential oils and need quality ready-made
themes that people will be excited to learn more about.

Whether this is your first make ‘n take party or your 9th, this process should be FUN!
The whole purpose of this ebook is to take the stress out of hosting. Finding recipes
on Pinterest can be overwhelming and time consuming. Then there’s the time and
expense involved in testing those recipes, finding accurate and reputable information
on the ingredients, creating invitations, figuring out exactly which supplies you need
and how much, and finally putting it all together into an easy format for guest!! Hey
don’t sweat it. I’ve got ya covered! Everything you need (minus the ingredients) are
right here at your fingertips.

You have access to:

Step by step instructions

Formula sheet so you know exactly how much of each ingredient you need
An example price sheet so you know how much to charge each guest
Timetable so everything gets done on time in the right order
Two checklists so you don’t forget a thing
Printable essential oil profile for each guest to take home
Printable recipe cards for each guest to take home
Printable invitations to invite your guests
Printable labels so everyone knows exactly what they made


How a make 'n take class works
The idea here is to get together with your best buds and/or with your customers to
create beautiful, healthy, luxurious products. You, the leader, will have an area set up
with all the ingredients, supplies, and instructions ready to go before your guests even
arrive. Each person should have their own little “space” to create. However, if space
is limited and guests know each other, sharing is okay. I would suggest about 4-8

Once everyone arrives you will want to introduce the items that you’ll be making.
Briefly explain the ingredients you’ll be using, the supplies, and any other relevant
information. At this point you can choose to let them “have at it” and follow the
instructions on their own and simply be available to answer any questions.
Alternatively you can create along with them and demonstrate how the items are
made. Neither way is better than the other, it just depends on the personalities of the
people present. Some like to be shown exactly what to do, and some prefer to be

It is a good idea, however, to be sure you have already created these items on your
own. This will ensure you will be able to confidently teach others to make them as
well as have the finished products to share as examples.

I highly recommend that you read through this entire packet before diving in so
that you are ready to go once your friends arrive. Are you ready? Great! Let’s dive in.


More About This Theme
Winter can be a tough time for a lot of people due to the long, cold, and often dark
winters. While it’s important to take care of the body with a healthy lifestyle, essential
oils can be a great way to bring back some “sunshine”. Essential oils have properties
in them that can be re-energizing during this often depressing season .*

In this make ‘n take class we will be focusing on essential oils that uplift and energize
while also relaxing the mind and body. Winter can certainly cause feelings of lethargy
so a little kick may be needed to get us going. At the same time our body might be
telling us that it needs a little time to rest and recuperate. The beauty of essential oils
is they can both uplift and relax the body at once. These recipes will not give
you that caffeine high, per se, but they can help to gently boost your mood which will
allow you to feel more calm, motivated, and peaceful.

*Please note that we are talking about the general “blues” and not actual depression.
If you are chronically depressed please speak to a healthcare professional about your


There are 4 recipes included with
this guide. They all focus on uplifting
and rejuvenating the body and mind.

When making the recipes, it works
best to start with the easiest recipe
and work your way up. I’ve listed
them here in the order that I
personally would make them when
working in a group. Doing it this way
will eliminate the need for each
guest to have more than one mixing
bowl and one spoon. The less
dishes the better in my opinion!

Uplifting & Energizing Room Spray
This room spray is great for a quick little mood boost. All you do is spritz a little in the
air and enjoy the lingering scent. Use it in the living room, bedroom, bathroom, or
anywhere you will be spending a little time. Alternatively you can use the room spray
as a body spray. Just mist a little all over your clothing. Do keep in mind that animals
such as dogs as cats have a more sensitive sense of smell than we do, so it's best
not to mist this right around where they are hanging out.

Calming & Restoring Roller Blend

Roller bottles are glass vials with a small “ball” attached to one end that glides easily
onto the skin distributing the oils neatly onto your body. They comprise of essential
oils diluted in a carrier oil which are great for applying to very specific locations on the
body. For our purposes, applying them to the wrists and back of the neck works really
well. Be sure to use the recommended amount of essential oils as they will be applied
to the skin. Adding more oils will not make the blend more effective and could cause
irritation if made stronger. Check out my free dilution chart on my blog for a
quick easy reference for future roller bottles.


Soothing and Brightening Milk Bath
Another great way to beat the winter blues is to relax in a warm bath. Slow the world
down and do a little deep breathing. Let all your stresses and worries float away while
you soak those tense tight muscles. Baths are great for detoxifying and rejuvenating
the mind and body. The essential oils take this bath to the next level to uplift and
restore. Not to mention the benefits of the the milk and epsom salt!

Invigorating Sugar Scrub

Sugar scrubs in and of themselves can be rejuvenating and invigorating just by the
action of exfoliation. With the added benefit of essential oils, however, this really is a
mood boosting treat. I love to give myself a good scrub in the shower first thing in the
morning. A little goes a long way, and since we are using a carrier oil, your shower
floor may become slippery. USE CAUTION. Sugar scrubs are also great for shaving!
Wet your skin, rinse the sugar off briefly with warm water, and shave away. The
lingering oil makes for a smooth and excellent shave. The only downside is the oil
does tend to clog the razors. Nothing a little warm water can’t fix.


Ingredients You will need
Here is a quick list of the supplies you will need to gather. Some you may already
have in your cupboards. Later on we will discuss the purpose of each ingredient and
also where you can purchase them.

Water (ideally distilled or filtered)

Apricot Kernal Oil
Epsom Salt (plain)
Powdered Milk
Baking Soda
Grapefruit Essential Oil
Lemon Essential Oil
Bergamot Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil

Other Supplies
2 ounce glass fine mist spray bottles
5 mL roller bottles
8 ounce glass jars with lids (mason jars work well)
Various bowls, spoons, etc. for mixing
Measuring cups
Towels or washcloths for cleanup

Depending on the purpose of this event, you may want to use brand new containers
for each person, or you may be able to repurpose old ones you have lying around. If
you are doing this in coordination with your business I highly recommend purchasing
new for the sake of professionalism. If you are getting together with a few girlfriends,
repurposed (as in old mason jars, baby food jars, etc.) may totally be appropriate.

Whichever route you choose to go, make sure the containers have been thoroughly
washed and dried. Homemade products can easily become contaminated if care is
not taken.
Essential Oils In this guide, I assume you have some
former knowledge of essential oils. If not,
In this course we will be focusing on the or you’d like to learn more, please see the
use of essential oils. Essential oils come end of the ebook for suggestions on where
from various parts of certain plants by an to learn more about essential oils. It’s such
extraction process. Some oils are a fascinating topic I encourage you to
extracted from the fruit, the seed, the check out my favorite resources!
flower, the peel, or even the bark. They are
highly concentrated and should be used If you already have your own source of
with respect and caution. Essential oils high quality essential oils, great! If not, I
make great additions to bath and body have a few suggestions at the end of the
care. They smell amazing, plus have ebook. I am in no way endorsing any of
healthy benefits such as being uplifting, these companies, nor do I make any sort
energizing, and calming. of profit from them. I understand how very
hard it can be to source top notch oils so I
In general, essential oils should never be am sharing the ones I personally love.
used undiluted on the skin. Because of
their high concentration they can cause The specific oils we will be using are as
skin irritation and other issues if not diluted follows. Please note that these oils are
properly. generally regarded as safe for the majority
of people, but there can be a few
Lavender Essential Oil  Lavendula oficinalis
Ah, who has not heard about Lavender essential oil? I would beg to argue that it is
THE most popular essential oil. It truly is a powerhouse as far as oils are concerned.
It can be used for so many conditions and is an extremely safe oil. Lavender is one of
the very few oils that is regarded as safe to use neat, or undiluted, on the skin. Many
people find the scent of Lavender to be quite amazing. There are some, however, that
find the scent overpowering. If that is the case, feel free to let your guests know they
can certainly reduce the amount of Lavender in each blend.

Lavender essential oil has been shown to have calming properties that can help with
insomnia and nervous tension. It helps to calm panic and ease frustration and also
works as an anti-depressant. Lavender is both nourishing and balancing.

Bergamot Essential Oil Citrus bergamia

Bergamot essential oil comes from a tropical citrus plant that is a cross between a
sour orange and lemon. It was most widely cultivated in Italy and even named after
an Italian city. Bergamot is known as a relaxant whereby it reduces nervous
tension and feelings of stress and anxiety. The smell of this oil causes one to feel at
ease and content.

Bergamot is one of the most highly researched essential oils for its anti-depressant
qualities. It is a very uplifting, refreshing, and balancing oil. It helps to decrease
stress, calm anxiety, and counters anxious or depressed moods.


Grapefruit Essential Oil Citrus paradisi

Grapefruit essential oil is an incredibly brilliant smelling oil. It’s so happy and cheerful
with a bit of zing that makes one feel alive! The scent of grapefruit is uplifting,
clarifying, and yet soothing. It’s a great stress-buster as it both relaxes and uplifts at
the same time.

Lemon Essential Oil Citrus limon

Lemon essential oil comes from the peel of the lemon and is very uplifting and helps
to calm worried thinking. It’s a great mood booster and provides antidepressant
benefits and calming benefits especially to those with anxiety, nervousness, and
tension. Lemon is great for boosting the immune system which may be useful during
the winter.


Other Ingredients
In all my recipes and ebooks I strive to use ingredients that are easy to source and
ones that can be used for many different purposes. I shy away from ingredients that
are crazy expensive and ones you will most likely only use once. I’m all about multi-
purpose!! In addition to the essential oils, these are the handful of other ingredients
you may need to purchase, or you may already have them in your cupboards. If not,
you may be able to find them in your local grocery store, otherwise I have some
suggestions as where to purchase them at the end of this ebook.

Apricot Kernel oil

Apricot oil comes from the kernel of the apricot. It is called a “base” or “carrier oil”. In
their pure state, most essential oils are much too concentrated to use directly on the
skin. And so we dilute them into a carrier oil such as apricot. Apricot oil is rich in
vitamins and minerals and great for all skin types. Even skin that is sensitive,
inflamed, or dry. If you have a hard time sourcing apricot oil, sweet almond oil can be
used instead. But please note that if any of your guests have a NUT allergy, this
would be a very poor substitution!!

Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is a naturally occuring
mineral compound of magnesium
and sulfate. Both of these
compounds are easily absorbed
through the skin which is why a bath
is an excellent way to use epsom
salt. Magnesium is well known to
relax muscles and reduce
inflammation. Sulfates are known to
improve absorption of nutrients and
flush toxins out of the body.


Powdered Milk
The addition of powdered milk in body care is soothing and nourishing to the skin
thanks to the lactic acid and various vitamins and minerals. Cleopatra is well known
for taking camel milk baths sprinkled with rose petals. As I'm sure most of us do not
have access to camel's milk, we will be using dry milk powder from a cow. You could
use goat milk powder or even powdered coconut milk if you prefer.

Sugar makes a great exfoliator for the skin. Unlike salt, it does not sting if you happen
to have a cut or abrasion. Although, if you do prefer salt, feel free to substitute that in
place of the sugar. Gently rubbing the sugar on wet skin helps to slough off dead skin
and allows the new skin to breath better. It is not recommended for use on the face or
other extremely sensitive areas.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is soothing and
helps relieve dry itchy winter skin.
Baking soda also helps to detox and
alkalize the body and is known to
absorb heavy metals from the body.
It works as a gentle exfoliator which
helps smooth and soften the skin.


Ingredient Quality
There are many opinions on the topic of ingredient quality. It can be frustrating to
know what is "ideal." I encourage you to do some research and then simply purchase
what works best for you and your budget. Making small changes are powerful and by
creating homemade products you are doing great things for you body and the
environment. When it comes to products that will be used directly on my skin, I do try
and use the best I can, within my budget. With that being said here are some
guidelines for choosing products.

Essential Oils
Great options for quality oils are those that are labeled as certified organic. Another
great options are oils that have been ethically wildcrafted. As hard as this may be to
hear, please keep in mind that labels such as “therapeutic grade” sound great, but
those terminologies are used for marketing. There are no government regulations for
what that means. Let me say that again. There is no test that an oil undergoes to
make it therapeutic grade unlike certified organic, which does have to pass rigorous
tests. That is NOT to say oils labeled therapeutic grade are not high quality. Wherever
you choose to purchase your oils, please be sure they are from a reputable company
and be very sure not to be mis-leading in how you discuss essential oils.

Adulterated oils are common and can cause harm to the body due to the filler
ingredients that are added. There are also certain oils that have been over-harvested
and this is a cause for concern. Do your research and be sure to only purchase oils
that are ethically crafted and not in danger of being over-harvested. See the resource
section for some of my favorite essential oil companies.

Carrier Oils
The best carrier oils are ones that have been cold
pressed as this does not damage the nutrients
during the extraction process. And again, organic is
always a great choice if your budget allows.


Other Details
Now let’s chat about all the extra little details, like invitations, who pays, etc.

I have provided you with printable invitations so all you have to do is print them off, fill
them out, and send or hand to each friend.

To make your life easier, send out those invitations early! And put an “RSVP by” date.
This will let you know exactly how many people to plan for so you can be sure and
purchase the correct amount of ingredients. Nothing is more embarrassing than not
having enough product on hand. On the flip side, having too much can be expensive.
Knowing a couple weeks in advance is especially important if you live in a more
remote location and need to purchase items online.

If one or two people forget to RSVP, follow up with them and explain that you need a
final head count so you can get all the ingredients in time. People get busy and forget
to respond even if they plan on attending.

Who Pays
You have several options, so choose
whichever one works best for your

You can foot the bill, just like you

would having your friends over for a
nice dinner.
You can charge them the cost of
the goods to cover expenses.
You can charge them the cost of
the goods, PLUS a little extra to
pay for your time as well.


There is certainly no wrong way to do this, however please be up front with your
guests so no one is left wondering how much they owe you. Or even worse is if they
think it’s a gift and then you hand them the bill. There is a spot on the invitations for
cost to make things clear for each guest. If you choose to foot the bill, simply write in
“my treat!”

If you require payment ahead of time (probably a good practice, especially if you are
running a business) make sure they know that and when you need the payment by.
Be very clear whether or not you offer refunds if they are unable to attend for some
last minute reason. Being up front and honest will eliminate any questions or
concerns guests might have later.

Again, there are several different things you could do
here. A lot of it may depend on the time of day you
are hosting the party. Some options include.

Serve hors d'oeuvres! Serve drinks! Make it a party!

Keep it simple with some cheese, crackers, and wine
Keep it super simple and set out some coffee, tea, and water
Ask your guest to bring a dish to pass. (This could be a great option if you are
paying for all the supplies yourself.)

Whatever you do, don’t stress! Keep it fun! I am a big believer in food making
everything more fun, so my personal favorite option is the cheese, cracker, and wine
option. But with that being said, it is much better to serve coffee and tea and enjoy
yourself than serve a feast and be stressed out and scattered due to stretching
yourself too thin. The last thing you want to do is totally overwhelm yourself with extra
details so the actual make ‘n take part suffers.


Printables For the Hostess
Use these for your benefit to help plan, prepare, and invite your guest. The invitations
will work best if you print them out on cardstock. The labels are formatted for Avery
#5160. If you do not have these or don't want to purchase them, feel free to print the
labels off on blank paper and use packing tape to attach them to the containers.

Time Table
Day of Checklist
Supply Amount Worksheet
Estimated Cost of Supplies
At-A-Glance Checklist

Printables For the guests

Feel free to make one copy of the following for each of your guests and one for
yourself. Again, I would probably print these out on cardstock.

Recipe Cards
Ingredient Profiles


Below you will find a few of my favorite places to purchase ingredients. A few of these
companies I may receive a small compensation from (at no extra cost to you) but all
of these companies are ones I know and trust. You will also find a few of my favorite
online resources for further learning and some great books as well.

Online Sources for Ingredients

Starwest Botanicals
Garden Essence
Specialty Bottles
Mountain Rose Herbs

Further Learning
I love taking online classes to further my knowledge. One place I have learned a lot
from is The School of Natural Skincare. You can find them here.

My other very favorite place is The Herbal Academy of New England. They offer
classes as well but mainly focus on herbal learning. They also have a great blog.
Find them here.

The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood
The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils by Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D.
Aromatherapy Workbook by Marcel Lavabre

Websites (Great website with lots of info including a free introductory
Aromatherapy course) (Another great resource also offering a free aromatherapy intro
About Me
Hey hey! Thanks so much for perusing this fun little make 'n take guide. I truly hope it
was beneficial to you.

My love for all things herbal began when I was pretty young and grew my own herbs
for a science class. Over the years I have continued to study and work with herbs and
essential oils. Currently I'm taking a class on hydrosols and one on natural skincare. I
love sharing my learning with others which is why I started the blog.

My husband and I are both from Montana where we currently reside. For over 5 years
we were blessed to call Alaska our home which was an incredible place to live and
experience. Life in Alaska is very unique and we loved every second of it. We are
now in the process of building a home on 32 acres of beautiful Montana land. We
plan to raise chickens, bees, cows, and pigs. Chickens and bees we had in Alaska,
but cows and pigs will be a new addition!

Our other latest venture is becoming foster parents. We are thoroughly excited to be
beginning this journey once we complete all the home studies and paperwork. Hoping
it's soon!

If you'd like to keep up with the fun, come check out my blog! You'll find articles and
free resources for skincare recipes, natural health, aromatherapy, homesteading, and
so much more! Plus, if you pop on over you can sign up to receive my FREE mini
eBook featuring recipes using Thieves essential oil to support your body during the
cold and flu season. Click here to get your copy!

Let's be friends!
Instagram: @mossymeadowfarm


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