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Nelab Haidari

Date 5/6/2015

Education is Vaccine for violence

The term violence is described as behavior which may be physical or mental intended to

hurt someone’s feeling or damaging physical body. It is clear that violence has hazardous results,

it not only destroys peace of a family but also brings challenging problems in whole community

through which society may witness dark times. The Vast majority of Afghan women now

experience domestic violence even they lose their life’s being a victim of it therefore it is

important to know how violence is generates and how we can decrease it. Edward James Olmos

says “education is vaccine for violence” I strongly agree with it because education can prevent

violence in Afghanistan in different ways such as vise the way of thinking, avoid limitation to

field of knowledge, familiarize people with their rights and responsibilities.

Education can remove violence among the people and vise there way of thinking. Education

can create many opportunity for those who want to solve their problems without going through

violence. Although, a group of people believe that there are some educated people who do

commit violence as we witnessed some cases of violence in offices, government and families

which makes problems in society However, I don’t agree with this statement because it’s an

exceptional case , not all educated people are the same history, show a large number of educated

people will not involve in offending others , the ones who do violate others rights have other

reasons like mentally unwell because of three decades war have effected them or luck of

information about cultural laws.

Education can prevent violence in Afghanistan because through education people become

aware of their rights. Definitely, when a woman gets education she knows the true value of her

rights. If she faces to violence according to her knowledge, it will be easy for her to handle

difficulties and say stop to violence then she will not let anybody to violate her rights. It is

necessary for everyone to know their rights which will lead community to have balance and

sustainability. That is why; education can bring gender equality for knowing our rights in order

to stop violence.

Similarly, education can prevent violence because it let individuals to understand the true

meaning of responsibilities. Obviously violence happens if there is no feeling of being

responsible for creating a peaceful environment. When a person gets education, that person

knows his/her role in case of others life, community rights and his life itself .If we compare a

uneducated father with educated father in a family clearly educated father will try to perform his

responsibilities by obeying everyone’s peace, rights and freedom on the other hand a uneducated

father is less likely to do his job better. For instance, Sitara, afghan woman whose father sold her

when she was seven; marry her to a person who was addicted to heroin. When the husband got

refuse answer of not getting his wife’s jewelry, beating his wife and cutting her nose and lips.

All in all, violence is the reason of fight in a community so education is the best way

through which we can decrease violence as it familiarize with rights, raising the sense of

responsibilities, being more wised and open minded. So, for brining of all these issues and

removing of most violence based on ridicules thoughts of people which they think that the

solution for solving every problem is acting through violence will become meaningless through

the light of education.

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