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Multi seller Product Auction System

Test Phase Problem Statement:

You are required to develop a simple user management system comprising of two interfaces to
store and retrieve data to and from the database. The details of the interfaces are as follows:
1. New User input
2. User list display with sorting feature

1. New User input

This interface will have several input controls to take the input from user (detail is given
below) and two buttons (Reset and submit).
Input Controls
The input controls with required constraints are given below:
 Name
o Must be at least 3 to 100 characters in length and only consist of alphabets
 User Name
o Must be 8 to 100 characters in length, should contain alphabets and
alphanumeric characters with no special characters and space.
 Password
o Must be 8 to 20 characters in length
 Email Address
o Valid email address is required

Buttons Functionality
 On clicking the Submit button, input should be validated and upon success,
information should be entered in to the users table of the database and a success
message should be displayed like “User Registered Successfully”. In case of any
invalid entry, a proper related error message should be displayed on the screen.

 On clicking the Reset button, the input controls should be initialized to their
default values.

2. User list display with sorting feature

This interface will display the list of all users that are already entered in the database
containing all the fields. There will be sorting functionality required for this interface.

Sorting functionality
There will be two buttons available in this interface which are “Sort ascending”
and “Sort descending”. Upon clicking the “Sort ascending” button, the list of
users should be displayed in ascending order based on User Name, and upon
clicking the “sort descending” button the list should be displayed in descending
order based on User Name.

Programming Language and Tools:

Server side scripting technology PHP/

DBMS SQL/MySQL/Oracle, etc.
Code Editors Sublime Text, PHP storm, Visual studio,

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