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Aisyah Nur Annindah

Kelas 4i Keperawatan



Dokter itu menyarankan pasien untuk The doctor advised the patient to
beristirahat selama seminggu take a rest for a week

Ahli farmasi itu memberikan meracik The pharmacist gave the medicine
obat yang diresepkan oleh dokter as prescribed by the doctor yesterday

Pak Anwar bekerja di kamar mayat Mr. Anwar worked in a morgue for 3
selama3 tahun years

Apakah kamu diopname di RS itu tahun Did you get hospitalized at the
hospital last year ?

Seberapa mahal harga obat itu? How expensive the drug is ?

Mahal sekali harga buku itu! The price of the book is very
Dokter kandungan itu sedang berada di The obstetrician was in the delivery
kamar bersalin room

Korban kecelakaan itu kehilangan The casualty lost a lot of blood in the
banyak darah pada kecelakaaan accident

Mereka tidak tahu kapan anak mereka They don’t know when their child will
akan menjalani operasi. undergo surgery
Apabila pasien menderita konstipasi If the patient suffers from
selama beberapa hari, perawat seharus constipation for several days, the
memberikan obat pencahar yang nurse must provide laxative
diresepkan oleh dokter prescribed by the doctor

Contoh tinja diperoleh untuk menguji Stool samples are obtained to test

Dokter Irwan sedang memeriksa pasien Doctor Irwan was examining the
ketika istrinya menelpon tadi pagi patient when his wife called this

Dia (lk2) mengalami amnesia setelah He had amnesia after an accident

mengalami kecelakaan minggu lalu last week

Apakah anda mual2 setiap pagi? Are you nauseous every morning ?



1. I have returned the book to the library and she has too / so has she

2. She will go hometown and her sister will to / so will her sister

3. Mr. Johan did not work yesterday and his partner didn’t, either / neither did
his partner

4. She is in the library and I am too / so am i

5. Mr. Harun has not come yet, and his assistant hasn’t, either / neither has his

6. They were in the classroom, and I was too / so was i

7. She does not take an English course, her sister doesn’t, either / neither does
her sister

8. He attends the lecture nearly every day and his friends did too / so did his
9. The nurse has not given an injection, and the other nurse haven’t, either
too / neither have the other nurse

10. Doctor Ahmad performed the operation, and doctor Amir did too / so did
doctor Amir

11. He had eaten before he went to work, and his father has too / so has his

12. His father did not attend the wedding party, and his mother didn’t, either /
neither did his mother

13. He was not at home, and his wife wasn’t, either / neither was his wife

14. He took the medicine and his friend did too / so did his friend

15. She has not made the report, and her friend hasn’t, either / neither has her

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