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■Upto 15 question on software engineering

■8086 microprocssr related ques. For eg. Some instructions are there you have to predict
the output
■C programs 2-3
■1 ques on ftp server.
■Anagram strng complextiy?
■No of palindrome strings generated of 7 letter from 26 alphabets?
■Minimum no of internal node in avl tree with height 5?
■No of 8-bit binary strings generatd from         exactly 5 ones?
■Storage allocation theory question.
■question based on Register allocation.
■Dangling pointer based 2-3 ques.
■Objcts and class based ques
■Inheritnce based simple ques
■Find depth first search of tree?
■Depth frst order is optimal too wat
Some options are given
■Height of tree with n nodes having 2 children is atleast
■Pointr to function which takes array of integers and return integer pointer
■How many iteration run for while loop and some code is given there
■Problity densty fn 1 ques
■Continous pdf 1 ques
■Simple probability based 1 ques
■Icmp message :destinatn unreachbl what shld snder do ie discard orgnl pakt,
Wait fr aknwlgmnt, resend it after timer expires one more option
■Pick odd one out super key altrnat key primary key or candidat key
 ■How manyRelation possibl A=(2,3) B=(a,b) no of relation in A×B
■Pipeline ques -
■Seektimem rotationl latency 1 theory ques and One numericl type
■Checkpoints reduces undo work or redo work or both or none??
■shadow paging based 2 ques
■Tcp connctn oriented, udp has error cntrl or udp connctn oriented or both connctn
oriented?you have to pick correct one.
■No of tag bits where cache size,block size and main memry size given?
■Size of rom for converting binary code to gray code?Some option given as 8×4 bits like dat
3 more
■find the base of number i.e one equality equation is given like (211)base x= (345)base8
Note》this is not actual question but same pattern was there.
■On adding two no wats is overflow bit carry bit and sign bit
■Adjacency list used wat is the complexty to find adjacent vertices
■2 more ques to find complexity
■Ques on linklist like guess the output wat this function does
■Macro functn based 1 ques
■No of paths for travling salesman prblm with 10 vertices
■No of page faults using fifo
■Which one is most fault tolerant:
Star ,bus,ring or mesh topology?
■Difference btw synchronous and asynchronous I/O
■Given two complexity fnctn f(n)=n^2-n+550 and g(n)=59n+50
For wat values of n f(n) run in less time as compare to g(n).
■1ques based on Random variable probability density functn

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