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Topic : Impulse and Impulsive force

1. Diagram 1 shows a high jumper is falling on a thick mattress.

What is the function of the mattress?

A To reduce the change in momentum of the high jumper.
B To reduce the time of impact between the high jumper and the mattress
D To reduce the impulsive force acting on the high jumper

2. Diagram shows a boy landing with his legs bent after jumping down from the wall.

What is the effect of bending his legs on his stopping time and the impulsive forces
acting on him?

Stopping time Impulsive forces

A Decreases Decreases
B Decreases Increases
C Increases Decreases
D Increases Increases
3. Ali kicks a ball of mass 1.5 kg with a force of 50 N and the time of impact
between his boot and the ball is 0.2 s. What is the change in momentum of the
A 10 Ns
B 15 Ns
C 250 Ns
D 375 Ns

4. Which of the following situations does not show impulsive force being used
A Hammering a nail into a wooden plank
B A collision between two vehicles
C Pushing an iron post into the ground using a heavy metal pile
D Hitting a ball using a racket

5. An object of mass 3.0 kg moving with velocity 10 m s-1 strikes on a stationary wall.
The object rebounds with velocity 8 m s-1 within 0.2 s. What is the impulsive force
acts on the object?
A 30 N
B 120 N
C 150 kg m s-1
D 270 kg m s-1
6. Trial Perlis 2011

Diagram 1.1 shows two identical plasticine balls before being dropped from same height.
Diagram 1.2 shows the situation when they hit a wood and a sponge.

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2

a) What is the meaning of impulsive force?

[ 1 mark ]

b) i) Which of Diagram shows a smaller impulsive force?

[ 1 mark ]

ii) Which statement correctly describes the time impact of plasticine. Mark (√ ) in
the correct box.

Time of impact on wood greater than on sponge

Time of impact on sponge greater than on wood

[ 1 mark ]

c) A 0.35 kg hockey ball move from rest with velocity 15ms-1 after been hitting. The time
impact is 0.20 s. What is the impulsive force on hockey ball?

[ 2 marks ]

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