For Mothers and Children: First Aid Essential Oils

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First Aid Essential Oils

For Mothers and Children
By Kim Morrison
First Aid Essential Oils For Mothers and Children

Written & Published by: Kim Morrison - Twenty8 Essentials (

Project Manager: Kaz Kazukaitis - Twenty8 Essentials (

Designed by: Ethically Creative (

Photography by: Shutterstock (

Copyright © Twenty8 Essentials 2015: The right of Kim Morrison to be identified as the moral rights author of this
work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000 (Cth).

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or resold.

Disclaimer: This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its author. It is intended to provide helpful and
informative material on the subject matter covered. If the reader requires personal assistance or advice, a
competent professional should be consulted. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any responsibility for
any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use
and application of any of the contents of this book.

Twenty8 Essentials: ABN 35 150 701 152

2/26 Premier Cct, Warana, QLD Australia 4575 - +61 7 5493 4400 - -


Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4

What is Aromatherapy? ...................................................................................................... 4

What are Essential Oils? .................................................................................................... 4

Safety Guidelines and Precautions ........................................................................... 5

Cold Pressed Vegetable Oils ......................................................................................... 5

Methods of Use ....................................................................................................................... 6-7

The Top 6 First Aid Oils for Health & Healing .................................................... 8-11

Quick Reference Blending Guide ............................................................................... 12-13

Aroma First Aid A-Z ............................................................................................................... 14-21

Natural Remedies for Healing ...................................................................................... 22-25

Complementary Therapies Worth Investigating ............................................. 26-35

Natural Home Care .............................................................................................................. 36-38

Natural Personal Care ......................................................................................................... 39-41

About Kim ..................................................................................................................................... 42

Acknowledgment ................................................................................................................... 43


hen it comes to health and wellbeing, the old This eBook is going to focus in on one of those powerful
saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ comes to modalities – aromatherapy - the use of pure essential oils.
mind. A mother can do many wonderful things These extraordinary plant extracts are not only known to
to ensure their children’s health is a priority like cooking prevent minor health issues becoming major, they can also
beautiful, healthy, real-food meals, getting fun and functional help heal many conditions and become a major support
movement into the day, creating inspiring educational when a child is unwell, scared, upset or off-colour.
experiences and giving loving interaction like no other.
Also included in this eBook is a section on other natural
However, there are times in a child’s life when a health remedies and complimentary therapies to investigate that
expression (more commonly known as an illness or injury) may be additional support for you and your family.
strikes suddenly. Knowing the symptoms and signs when the
body is compromised is wonderful insight. Knowing there are Essential oils can be used topically and through inhalation.
various natural and effective ways in which you can support And because smell is very closely linked to our emotions the
your child’s body through a health expression is wisdom. use of essential oils is two fold. So let’s take a closer look.

Of course in emergency care there is nothing more

commanding than the medical fraternity, for everything
else there is a plethora of ancient modalities using culture,
tradition, herbs and plants as the core for all health and

What is Aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the use of pure
plant extracts - known as essential
oils - for powerful physiological
effects on the body. Depending on
their constituents and method of
What are Essential Oils?
use essential oils can be healing,
regenerating, regulating, energizing, Essential oils are volatile substances found in the

sedating, calming and stimulating. leaves, seeds, flowers, wood, roots, grass and
fruits of a plant. It is the essential oil that gives the
plant its distinct aroma. The majority of essential
oils are extracted via steam distillation and the
cost is usually proportional to the labour, yield
and availability. For example if we took 100kgs of
each of the following plants you would yield:
• 10 litres of eucalyptus oil
• 3 litres of lavender oil
• 100ml of Rose oil

Safety Guidelines and Precautions
Even though aromatherapy is a natural therapy we must remember As a general rule many aromatherapists suggest the
essential oils are very potent, around one hundred times more following oils are contra-indicated and should be
concentrated than their original source. So the key when it comes to used carefully (or not at all) topically when:
using them is less is best. Some other things to remember:
• Pregnant – basil, clary sage, cypress, juniper,
• Only purchase genuine, 100% pure essential oils. marjoram, myrrh, rosemary, sage, thyme
• Always store essential oils out of direct sunlight and heat • High blood pressure – rosemary, thyme, sage
• Never keep essential oils in plastic, glass amber bottles are best. • In the sun – bergamot, cold pressed lime,
• Keep them out of direct reach of children. orange, lemon
• Essential oils should not be taken internally for medical purposes. • Skin sensitive – basil, lemon, cinnamon,
• Always avoid the eye area and be aware of their concentration in lemongrass, thyme, tea tree
sensitive parts.
• Discontinue use immediately if there is an allergic reaction.

did you know?

ALL essential oils are antiseptic and antibacterial to a greater or
lesser degree. Tea Tree, eucalyptus and lavender are some of the
most potent. It does not matter if you use other oils too, you can
be assured you are creating an environment that is conducive to
healing and protecting, not to mention creating an exquisite pure
aroma that feels like you have just brought nature indoors.

Cold Pressed Vegetable Oils

Many aromatherapy blends are diluted into a carrier oil or cold pressed vegetable oil. The most versatile are Sweet Almond and
Macadamia oil. Avocado oil has a thicker consistency, Rosehip is rich in essential fatty acids. If you would like a really nice fine
textured more luxurious oil then Jojoba is excellent as it is so akin to the skins natural sebum. For many skin conditions coconut
oil can work wonders. It is up to you which carrier oils to have on hand, the key is that they are cold pressed (so they retain their
precious qualities) and kept in dark amber glass away from direct light and heat.

Of Use
Methods of Use for Children
Your children are precious beings. Their health and wellbeing means everything and many mums and dads have been known
to say they would do anything to take away their child’s suffering when their health is compromised. The beautiful thing about
aromatherapy is it involves various methods of use that almost feel more like rituals; beautiful ways in which you can create a
change of state and to instantly feel better. This works not only for the person suffering but for everyone else in the home too.
You can use any or all of these methods of use depending on you and your child’s needs.

There is nothing quite like a mother’s touch. A gentle and loving massage is one of the most exquisite
ways you can help heal your child. Into 10mls of cold-pressed oil you can add 2 drops in total of your
M Massage chosen oils or blend. Massage the body with tender loving care and beautiful affirmations. This is the
most beautiful way to help calm an unsettled child, connect and remind them how much they are

This is the perfect way to create a certain mood or feeling in the home and to protect the air from
bugs spreading. Simply fill the top of your ceramic vaporiser with water, add 4-6 drops of your
V Vaporiser
chosen essential oils and light the candle. The particles of oil are distilled into the air and create a
relaxing and calming environment, as well as an instant antiseptic and antibacterial environment.
The diffuser is an electric version of the vaporiser. Again fill the container with water and add 4-6
drops. Switch on the power and you are diffusing! The great thing about a diffuser is it will switch off
the moment it runs out of water. They also do not get hot and there is no naked flame. These are
ideal in children’s bedrooms. For the benefit of this book, it will be referred to as a vaporiser.

This is an excellent way to use essential oils. Simply fill your 50ml spritzer bottle with water and add
2-4 drops of your chosen essential oils. You can create an aromatic environment by spritzing into
the air. You can spritz around a child’s head to help ease a temperature or head ache or use it as a
(S) Spritzer
beautiful anchor when reading them a story or for winding down and calming. These are ideal to
carry in your hand bag and make fantastic air fresheners too. You can have one beside their bed and
even call it their ‘magic fairy dust blend’ to help them sleep more soundly.

This is a beautiful way to ease a headache, temperature, sore tummy or muscle aches and pains.
Simply fill a basin or small bowl with hot or cold water, depending on your needs and add 2-3 drops
(C) Compress
of your chosen oils. Immerse a face washer or muslin cloth and squeeze out the excess water then
place across effected area. Repeat as necessary.

Are a fantastic way to change a state, ease a temperature or calm a child for sleep. Plus it is an
easy way to allow the essential oils to permeate gently into the body. A bath is like an all over tonic.
B Baths Add 2-4 drops in total of your essential oils into a drawn bath, agitate the water and immerse your
child. You can add the essential oils to a tablespoon of milk as that helps to disperse the oils more

Are a wonderful way to center and calm a child and to help relieve symptoms relating to the feet.
Have a towel ready. Simply fill a large stainless bowl with warm water and add 2-4 drops of your
chosen oils, agitate the water and immerse both feet. You can massage your child’s feet effectively
(F) Footbaths
whilst in the water to stimulate all the reflex points. The extraordinary thing about footbaths is
the overall effect they can have on the whole body, mind and spirit and a change of state and
connection to your child.

This old fashioned way of treating a health expression is even more powerful when using high-grade
essential oils. Fill a bowl or basin with quite hot water. Be sure to place the bowl in a sink for extra
safety with children. Add 1-2 drops of your chosen oils or blend. Place a towel over the head and
encourage your child to breathe in through the nose out through the mouth and then after a few
(I)I Inhalation
breaths swap to in through the mouth and out through the nose. This ensures the oils get to the
nasal cavity and cross the blood brain barrier as well as into the lungs and back of the throat. Allow
them to let all their mucous come away – no need for tissues or decorum here… boys particularly
love this!

Lavender, Tea Tree and Roman Chamomile are really three of the only oils to use direct onto the
D Direct skin of your children. One drop on the end of an ear bud onto the effected area can help with stings,
burns and bites. Always test the oil on the inside of the arm first and wait a few hours for any reaction.

The Top 6
First Aid Oils for Health & Healing
The Top 6 First Aid Oils for Health and Healing
Here are the top 6 essential oils for your first aid kit, their properties and the best methods of use in chart form.

Whilst there are hundreds of high quality therapeutic grade essential oils when it comes to stocking your first aid cupboard
there are a few that stand out. Being prepared with a few of natures remedies means you can ride life’s roller coaster with a little
more confidence and ease.

eucalyptus globulus or radiata

Cleansing | Energising | Refreshing | Easing

Eucalyptus is cleansing, energising, refreshing and easing and has long been used for treating
respiratory conditions. With highly antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties this is an ideal oil used
in a vaporiser or an inhalation when colds, flu, asthma or bronchitis are present. An excellent muscle
reliever and immunity booster Eucalyptus helps clear the head and aids in concentration. It is also an
effective insect repellent and is used to treat burns, blisters, cuts and wounds.

Colds, flu, asthma, bronchitis I V M

Muscle aches and pains M B C F

Immune booster M B V F I

Clarity and concentration V I

Wounds and ulcers C B

pelargonium graveolens

Balancing | Comforting | Stabilising | Regulating

Geranium is balancing, comforting, stabilising and regulating. It has a refreshing floral aroma that is
known to help relieve nervous tension, fatigue, headaches and anxiety. With excellent astringent
and healing qualities it is ideal for treating wounds, bruises and burns. Geranium has wonderful anti-
inflammatory properties and is recommended for conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. As a
possible stimulant of the adrenal cortex it may be of help when hormones require balancing and
regulating. Geranium, like Lavender, has nurturing qualities and a pleasant aroma that many children

Anxiety, depression V B I S

Emotional extremes V B I S

Sluggish, congested skin M B C

Skin sores, bruising and healing M B S C

Hormonal imbalance V B I S

Fatigue and exhaustion C I V B M S

Eczema, psoriasis C M S

lavendula augustifolia, lavendula officinalis

Nurturing | Relaxing | Comforting | Calming

Lavender is nurturing, relaxing, comforting and calming. It is like having your first aid kit and dream mum
in a bottle! A must-have oil in every home to help nurture, heal, calm and restore almost all conditions. It
is the safest to use directly on small burns, bites and stings and a few drops in a bath or a few drops on
a pillow is ideal to create a relaxing bedtime or rest ritual. Excellent to help relieve high temperatures,
headaches, stress, anxiety and insomnia this wonder oil is the number one oil to start building your first
aid repertoire.

Coughs, colds, catarrh I M B

Burns, bites, stings C D B

Rashes C M B

Headaches V I C B D

Skin conditions (all) C M B

Stress and anxiety M B V S

Nervous tension V M S F

Insomnia V B I S F

citrus limonum

Uplifting | Cleansing | Brightening | Clearing

Lemon is uplifting, cleansing, brightening and clearing. It’s antimicrobial properties are very useful for
treating the symptoms of colds, flu, bronchitis and asthma. With immune-stimulating properties Lemon
is known to stimulate white blood cells to help fight off invading bacteria. Lemon acts as an astringent
and is especially helpful with the over production of sebum and teenage skin. It’s toning qualities are
beneficial for the treatment of boils and acne and is also recommended in the treatment of warts.
It is helpful in a vaporiser if you want to increase productivity and reduce mistakes and is especially
beneficial for increasing mental alertness.

Colds, flu, asthma and bronchitis I V M F

Immune booster I V M B F

Mental alertness V S I

Oily, congested skin C M S

Vein tonic C M

mentha piperita

Refreshing | Cooling | Warming | Activating

Peppermint is refreshing, cooling, warming and activating. This special oil is known as nature’s remedy
for upset tummies, nausea, high temperatures and to support good digestion. It’s analgesic qualities
make it an excellent choice for muscle aches and pains, bruises, joint pain and insect bites. A wonderful
oil blended with Lavender for travel sickness and to help relieve mental fatigue and create more
clear-headedness. Along with Eucalyptus oil Peppermint in an inhalation is beneficial for coughs, colds
and flu’s and cold compresses on the forehead using Peppermint may help relieve headaches and

Indigestion, colic, flatulence I C M

Colds, flu V I M F B

Muscle aches and pains C M F B

Headaches, nausea I S C B

Mental fatigue I V S

Skin tonic B M C

Tea Tree
malaleuca alternifolia

Energising | Purifying | Cleansing | Healing

Tea Tree is energising, purifying, cleansing and healing and has long been renowned as the number
one antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal oil. Marvellous at stimulating the immune system when
massaged onto the body and for killing airborne bugs in a vaporiser this oil is especially good for
those who repeatedly get hit with health challenges or who are slow to recover. An excellent oil for the
treatment of bronchial conditions like asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, sinusitis and whooping cough as well as
skin conditions like acne, athletes foot, blisters, burns, cold sores, dandruff, insect bites, skin rashes, warts
and wounds. Also a wonderful oil to help alleviate negative thoughts and emotions.

Bacterial, fungal & viral conditions C M S B F

Colds and flu V I S B

Low immunity M I S V B

Rashes C M B

Acne, pimples C S M

Negativity V S

Quick Reference
Blending Guide
Quick Reference Blending Guide


M Massage 100ml = 50 drops (2:1 Ratio, 2.5% dilution)

V Vaporising 6-8 drops

B Bathing 3-6 drops

C Compress 3-4 drops

I Inhalation 3-4 drops

F Footbath 3-6 drops

S Spritzer 3-6 drops

D Direct 1 drop on damp cotton bud

Children (2 – 12 Years), Elderly & Pregnant Women

M Massage 100ml = 20 drops (5:1 ratio)

V Vaporising 4-6 drops

B Bathing 2-4 drops

C Compress 1-2 drops

I Inhalation 1-2 drops

F Footbath 2-4 drops

S Spritzer 2-4 drops

D Direct 1 drop on damp cotton bud

Babies (3 Months – 2 Years)

M Massage 100ml = 10 drops (10:1 ration)

V Vaporising 3-4 drops

B Bathing 1-2 drops

C Compress 1 drop

I Inhalation 1 drop

Newborn (0 – 3 Months)
V Vaporising 3-4 drops

* Avoid all topical applications


Measure accurately, label all blends, store the oils correctly using glass bottles (preferably amber or cobalt)
and be aware of all cautions. The key is to make sure you are delighted with your blend and want to use it.

Aroma First Aid
n aromatic first aid kit is like a natural medicine chest
at your fingertips.

The six essential oils listed on pages 9-11 are

some of the most popular to use within the family home
and for children for most acute conditions. Essential oils
may be safely and effectively applied or inhaled to treat
minor injuries or ailments, but they are intended to support
medical treatments, not replace them. When used correctly
and appropriately, essential oils evoke a response from
the immune system, encouraging the body to heal itself.
As mentioned before all essential oils are antiseptic and
antibacterial to a lesser or greater degree, which makes them
great ‘assistants’ in treating ailments and injuries.

It is exciting to see the results of using essential oils once

you start to explore their possibilities. Use the following
suggestion of oils as a guideline for treating acute conditions.
Each condition has been coded with the appropriate method
of use, for example: Massage and Compresses (M, C) can
be good for bruising. All you have to do is go to the quick
reference blending guide on page 13, for blending ratios
between adults and children.

Essential oils are extremely potent and concentrated,

so always remember less is best. Children in particular
do not need to be overwhelmed with essential oils. It is
recommended you seek the support of a qualified health
practitioner and aromatherapist to treat serious illnesses,
conditions or injuries. Also remember to seek medical advice
if you have any concerns about using essential oils, or if there
are any adverse reactions.

How to Use This Book

s an example let’s imagine everyone in the house had flu symptoms, Your husband and teenager were blocked up and
miserable and your little 3 year old was suffering with a blocked nose and high temperature.

Here is how you could create remedies using

essential oils for your precious family...
1. Look up Coughs, Colds & Flu - Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree.

2. The best methods of use for this condition are:

M Massage V Vaporisation B Bathing I Inhalation

You could choose any three of those oils depending on what you had on hand in your medicine kit. Let’s say you had
Eucalyptus, Lavender and Lemon.

3. You would make up a massage blend first and foremost, so for your 3 year old you would pour 50mls of your massage
carrier oil or any base oil like Macadamia, Sweet Almond, Coconut or Jojoba oil. You would then look at the Quick
Reference Blending Guide on page 13 and see to make a blend you require a 5:1 ratio - in other words whatever the
number of mls - in this case 50mls - you would divide by 5 to get the number of drops. So in total you would require
10 drops. In this case you would look at maybe 3 drops Eucalyptus, 4 drops Lavender and 3 drops Lemon. You would
shake the blend, label it and use as a beautiful chest and back rub throughout their day, after their bath and before bed.

4. You would make the same blend for your husband and teenager. So using the same essential oils into 50mls of your
carrier oil you would be looking at a 2:1 ratio so you would divide the number of mls by 2 to get the number of 25
drops. So your blend might be 8 drops Eucalyptus, 10 drops Lavender and 7 drops Lemon.

5. Using the Quick Reference Blending Guide you would also look at bathing in these oils, a lavender bath would be
beautiful too, so 2-4 drops in total for your 3 year old and 3-6 drops for your teenager and hubby.

6. A powerful method of use for a cold and blocked nose is an inhalation. For your 3 year old you would fill a bowl with
hot water and place in the sink in the bathroom or kitchen, get your child to stand on a sturdy chair and place 1-2
drops into the bowl. It might be 1 drop Lavender and 1 drop Eucalyptus. You would show him how to lean over the
sink and place a towel over his head and tell him to close his eyes, take in some deep breaths through the nose and
out through the mouth and then in through the mouth and out through the nose rubbing his back and telling him how
amazing he is and how good this is for him! You only need a few minutes for full effect. You can do the same for the
older ones (hubby’s especially love their backs rubbed!) and use 3-4 drops in total.

7. The vaporiser or diffuser is ideal to help treat everyone in the home. Lighting the vaporiser with these highly antiseptic
oils will support everyone to heal quicker and protect you and anyone else from getting the bugs! You could look at
putting a vaporiser in each bedroom and use one out in the family area too.

It doesn’t really matter which of the oils you use as the real benefits come from the actual rituals and taking the time to nurture
and care for your family. The bonus is YOU are getting to feel the benefits in a preventative way too! Experiment and enjoy.


V Vaporiser M Massage S Spritzer C Compress

B Baths F Footbaths I Inhalation D Direct

ACNE: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree M C S I

ALLERGIES: Geranium, Lavender M B

ANXIETY: Eucalyptus, Lemon, Geranium, Lavender V M B I S

ARTHRITIS: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon M B C

ASTHMA: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint M V I

ATHLETE’S FOOT: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree F M

BACKACHE: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint M B

BITES & STINGS: Lavender, Tea Tree. (Also check Insect Repellents) S M D

BLISTERS: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint, Tea Tree C F

BLOATING & WATER RETENTION: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon M B C

BLOCKED NOSE: Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree I V M

BLOOD PRESSURE — LOW (Hypo): Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lemon, Peppermint M B V

BLOOD PRESSURE — HIGH (Hyper): Lavender, Geranium, Lemon M B V

BODY ODOUR: Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender M B

BOILS/ABSCESSES: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree C B S

BROKEN BONES: Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint C M

BROKEN CAPILLARIES: Geranium, Lavender C M

BRONCHITIS: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree M I V

BRUISING: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon. (Blended with Arnica oil is ideal) C M

BURNS: Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Tea Tree C S D


CATARRH: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree B M I

CHICKENPOX: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint, Tea Tree M B C

CHILBLAINS: Lavender, Lemon M F D

COLD HANDS & FEET: Lavender, Peppermint M B F

COLD SORES (Herpes Simplex): Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree D S

COLIC: Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint M B C

CONGESTED SKIN: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon C M S I

CONJUNCTIVITIS: No essential oils should be used around the eye region

CONSTIPATION: Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint M B


COUGHS, COLDS & FLU: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree M V B I

CRACKED HEELS: Geranium, Lavender M F

CRAMPS: Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint

(Add Magnesium Health Spray to alleviate cramps)

CUTS & GRAZES: Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Tea Tree M S


DEPRESSION: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon V M B I S

DERMATITIS & ECZEMA: Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint M B C

DIARRHOEA: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint M B

DRY & SENSITIVE SKIN: Geranium, Lavender C B M I S

EAR ACHE: Eucalyptus, Lavender C

EPILEPSY (Maintenance): Geranium, Lavender, Lemon M V B

EXHAUSTION/MENTAL FATIGUE: Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint V B I M

FEVER: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint C B M

FLATULENCE: Lavender, Peppermint. M B S


FOOT ODOUR: Lavender, Peppermint, Tea Tree. F M S

(Add 1/2 a tsp. baking soda to each shoe + shake)

FRACTURES: Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint M C

FUSSY EATER: Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint V S

HAYFEVER: Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint, Tea Tree M I S V

HEADACHE: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint M I D V

HEAD LICE: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree. (Head Blend) M S

HEART BURN: Eucalyptus, Peppermint M

HEAT RASH: Lavender (plus ½ cup baking soda in the bath) B M

IMMUNE BOOSTER: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree B M I

IMPETIGO: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint S B M

INDIGESTION: Lavender, Peppermint M C

INFECTIONS: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree M C B

INGROWN TOENAILS: Lavender, Tea Tree M F

INSECT REPELLENT: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree M S V

INSOMNIA: Geranium, Lavender M B V I S

JET LAG: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint B M S

LARYNGITIS: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree I M

LETHARGY: Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint I M B

LOSS OF APPETITE: Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint M B

MEASLES: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Tea Tree M C S V

MOUTH ULCER: Lavender, Tea Tree S D

MUSCLE ACHES & PAINS: Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint M B C

MENTAL FATIGUE: Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint M C I V S B


NAPPY RASH: Lavender B M

NAUSEA/VOMITING: Lavender, Peppermint I M C V S

NERVOUS EXHAUSTION/ANXIETY: Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender I M B V S

NIGHTMARES: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon M V S



OBESITY: Geranium, Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint B M V S

OEDEMA: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon M C B D

OILY SKIN: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree, Thyme C M S B

PERFUME: Geranium D

PRE-PARTY NERVES: Geranium, Lavender D M I S


RASHES: Lavender, Tea Tree M B C S

RHEUMATISM: Eucalyptus , Lavender, Lemon M B C

RING WORM: Lavender, Tea Tree S B M

SCARS/STRETCHMARKS: Lavender & Rosehip Oil M



SHOCK: Lavender, Peppermint B I M

SINUSITIS: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree, Thyme S I B M

SORE THROAT: Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree, Thyme I M V D

SPRAINS: Eucalyptus, Lavender C M

STRESS: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint M B C I V

SUNBURN: Lavender, Peppermint, Tea Tree S B M


TANTRUMS: Geranium, Lavender V B M

TEETHING: Lavender M

TENDINITIS: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint M C B

THRUSH: Geranium, Lavender, Tea Tree B


TIRED FEET: Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint F M

TONSILLITIS: Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lemon, Tea Tree I M V

TOOTHACHE: Lavender, Peppermint S M D

VARICOSE VEINS: Geranium, Lavender, Lemon M


WARTS: Lemon, Tea Tree S D

WHOOPING COUGH: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Tea Tree I M V C

WOUNDS: Lavender, Tea Tree S B

Natural Remedies
for Healing
Natural Remedies for Healing
Alongside essential oils there are some other first aid remedies that can be highly beneficial and worth-while having as part of
your first aid repertoire:

Arnica Has been used medicinally since the 1500s. It is used as a homeopathic remedy either as a tablet, liquid
or ointment to help soothe muscle aches, reduce inflammation and heal wounds. Renowned for its
ability to draw out and relieve bruising, arnica is a must-have for all first aid kits.

Aloe Is cherished for its wound-healing and pain-relieving effects. This well-known medicinal plant is used
Vera around the world to treat burns, bites and a host of skin ailments; it is also used in many other herbal
remedies. The best way to get the benefits of this amazing plant is to grow your own in the garden or in
a pot — this way you get the most potent effects of the plant by splitting open a leaf and scraping out
the gel immediately.

Baking Is pretty common in most people’s homes, but are you aware of its versatility? It will take the smell out
Soda of spilt milk or any other accident; it is an effective stain remover for carpet or upholstery; it is a brilliant
mouth wash, and helps to alkalise the acids which attack the teeth; mixed to a paste with water and
a drop each of Lavender and Tea Tree and placed on an insect bite it quickly reduces redness and
itchiness and, placed directly on a mouth ulcer, it will accelerate healing.

Blackcurrant When the body is compromised and under stress pure organic blackcurrant powder is the ultimate
antioxidant. It is known to boost the immune system and improve cardiovascular health. It can support
brain function and enhance mental acuity and cognitive function. Blackcurrant powder is extracted from
the skin of the fruit and is known to help increase energy levels, muscle recovery post exercise and
has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties. It is also very pleasant tasting which makes it perfect for
children! Natural Earth Health Products has the best NZ source of this amazing product at:

Camu Is a berry that has been harvested, dried and crushed into a powder, allowing everything that is in the
Camu fruit, including the vitamin C complex to remain intact. It is a natural, potent source of vitamin C, contains
approximately 460 times the vitamin C found in an orange, contains other nutrients that will help with
strengthening the numerous systems in the body, including bioflavonoids, amino acids and B vitamins
all in their natural form – just as nature intended – and is easily digested. The perfect immune booster.
You can get this from Changing Habits:

Chicken Not only for the body, but for the soul. This amazing recipe using two free range organic chickens is
Soup nothing short of a miracle and should be totally indulged in whenever feeling under the weather. Here is
a divine recipe that tastes exquisite! Two free range chickens go a long way!

You can make an Almond Herb Stuffing to flavour the chook as they roasting.

Cut up an onion, grate an apple, crush 2 cloves of garlic, chop half a red pepper, 100g of ground
almonds, an egg, juice of 1 lemon, salt, pepper & lots of herbs - mix together and stuff into the cavities
of each chicken before roasting them. Place into a baking dish, breast side down. Season with salt and
pepper and cover with tin foil. Roast for approximately 1.5-2 hours on 170 degrees celsius. Approximately
half way through cooking, Turn the chooks breast-side up and for the final 15minutes take the cover off
to brown.

Once cooked and cooled, remove all meat from the bone.

Place all the bones into a large pot covered with water, add bay leaves, an onion, a bunch of celery
and 2 roughly chopped carrots. Put onto a low heat and simmer all day, or overnight making a nutrient
dense yummy broth!

After a minimum of 4 hours, drain liquid from bones. You can then create a Thai Chicken Soup by pan
frying an onion, some garlic & ginger in coconut oil, added grated carrot & zucchini, the broth, a small tin
of coconut milk, fish sauce, lots of coriander & 4 drops of lemongrass essential oil. The left over roasted
chicken is added in, heated through and then the dish is served on a bed of baby spinach! Seriously good!

Colloidal No matter how good a diet or how well we eat the depletion problems in our soils, food refining and
Minerals chemical pollutants in our environment still pose a problem. To ensure we get adequate minerals into
our family’s and children’s diets, supplementing with a food based colloidal mineral mixture is the
perfect way to ensure our bodies function in the best way possible.
Available from Changing Habits:

Colloidal Is nature’s antiseptic. It consists of silver atoms in distilled, ion-less water. Use like an antiseptic wash. It
Silver helps to destroy pathogens of all types. It also helps promote rapid healing.

Eucalyptus Is a wonder cleaner used to disinfect, remove chewing gum, clean glass, wash floors and, diluted in a
spray bottle with water to make an effective spray and wipe.

Garlic Is highly antibacterial and loaded with vitamins and minerals that will combat colds and flu’s and boost
the immune system. A favourite remedy is one clove of garlic chopped finely and added to a teaspoon
of manuka honey. You can put that down the hatch in one go or add to a glass filled with a freshly
squeezed orange.

Homeopathics Are a simple and effective therapy to call on when illness or injury strikes. A homeopathy toolkit is ideal.
These kits come with an instruction book listing what remedies to use for different ailments. Your kit can
travel anywhere and everywhere and common remedies like arnica are always good to have on hand.

Magnesium Is a critical macro-nutrient for human health and is essential to more than 300 cellular processes
Oil including muscle and nerve function, heart rhythm, and peristalsis (muscular contractions of the
digestive system). It’s most effectively absorbed through the skin — magnesium chloride spray which is
pure organic magnesium is fantastic for relieving aching muscles, has benefits such as quick healing of
skin and improved energy levels. It is also reported to slow the aging process and increase production
of DHEA, the natural youth hormone and improve sleep. Magnesium Oil can feel itchy or even sting
when first placed directly onto the skin. Until the body gets used to it you can dilute it into a lotion or
cold pressed carrier oil still with great effect. After a while the body gets used to it and does not tend
to have the same effect. Rubbed into the soles of the feet with a drop of lavender is a great way to help
enhance quality sleep for adults and children.
Available at

Manuka Is renowned for its healing qualities. Much study has been carried out on Manuka honey and its anti-
Honey bacterial properties, which are given a rating called the UMF (Unique Manuka Factor). The UMF number
is a standard way of describing the bacteria-killing power of the honey. The honey is put in a plate with a
bacterial culture, and the area is measured where the bacterial growth stops. This area is compared to a
similar area produced by a solution of phenol and water. The number refers to the percentage of phenol
in the water, so UMF 10 is honey that has the same bacteria-killing power as 10% phenol. The higher the
number, the stronger the anti-bacterial strength, ranging from 10-20. For your first-aid kit, a good quality
Manuka honey is very effective on sore throats as well as for healing cold and flu symptoms and burns,
bites and stings.

Olive Leaf Comes from the olive tree, and its healing properties date back almost 6000 years. It is readily available
Extract from health food shops and contains an active compound called Oleuropein that boosts the immune
system while attacking microbes such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and other disease-causing parasites. It
is great to help relieve the symptoms of colds and flu, ear infections and fevers.

Onions Are little miracle workers when it comes to coughs and colds. Whenever anyone has a cold or cough
in the house, simply place half an onion beside the bed. The vapours of the onion somehow decongest
and settle an irritating cough. Despite the room smelling a bit in the morning; it works like magic!

Oregano Oil Known for its powerful antimicrobial properties Oregano is an oil that can help fight off and prevent
infections. It has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. You can add 4-6 drops into a foot bath
to help treat fungal infections and 2 drops into coconut oil applied to the skin. Oregano is also known to
help relieve sinus infections and colds. Even though you can purchase Oregano oil from most health food
stores and is helpful for many ailments and conditions it is not recommended internally with children.

Probiotics Fermented foods are designed to support the healthy bacteria in the gut which aids digestion and
optimal functioning of the immune system and they are the ultimate in helping to improve the gut flora.
However, they are not always available in a modern, fast paced world. Getting a probiotic that has a
collection of organic foods that are fermented and then powdered can make it easier to access this
super food. Probiotics can assist in reconciling the gut on a daily basis, help feed bacteria in the gut and
give you even more of the good bacteria. This is especially important if you or your child has been on
antibiotics. Available at

Rescue Is a popular flower essence blend known for its calming qualities. Rescue Remedy is helpful in times of
Remedy shock, emotional upheavals and accidents. It’s also helpful for nerves before exams, interviews, special
dates and speaking engagements. It’s the perfect remedy when feeling under the weather, nervous,
worried or upset.

Shrek Shot Every morning try the following into a small glass of water, coconut water or fresh juice.

½ tsp super green powder

½ tsp camu camu
¼ tsp probiotics
1 tsp colloidal minerals
¼ cup water

Mix all together until smooth and either take down in one shot or fill with more water or coconut water.
Add some ice and sip as a breakfast drink. It might not be easy to get a child to do this straight up (and it
pays to lead by example!) but once they understand the importance of a healthy body and how good it
is for them the more likely chances they will take it feeling as good as you do.

Super A quality nutrient dense green ‘superfood’ including things like barley grass, chlorella, spirulina, broccoli
Greens sprout, sweet leaf stevia and kelp is an ideal multivitamin supplement. This sort of food is alkalising and
easily digested, it enhances the immune system and provides live enzymes essential for a healthy gut
flora. A quality super green food can also improve energy levels and is an excellent booster when on a
cleanse or wanting to support the body to be its best. Available at

Superseed An essential part of many peoples journey to recovery and wellness, this exquisite formula provides
Mix the body with easily digestable vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids - naturally from real foods. A
unique formula that includes ingredients like Apple Pectin Fiber that promotes detoxing and may assist
with the repair and healing of the gut and the Inactive Nutritional Yeast, used for centuries to deliver
natural high levels of B vitamins, protein and trace minerals. You can add this to smoothies or place in
many recipes for a super boost. Available at

Smoothies When a child is unwell or not feeling their best sometimes the only food you can get into them is a
nutrient packed smoothie. Here is a favourite that might help your little ones on their road to recovery.

1/2 c frozen blueberries

1/2 frozen banana, chopped
1/4 zuccinni, chopped
1/2 lemon, juiced
3-4 dates
1 cup water or milk of choice (almond, coconut, rice - dairy may be best avoided when catarrh or
allergies are present)
6 almonds or 1 scoop Natural Earth Health Products Superseed or Vanilla Powergen (for extra protein
and fibre)
1 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp coconut oil

Blend all together until smooth. Add more or less liquid for desired consistency. Serve immediately.

If you would like to know more about pre-blended natural protein blends or a potent super seed blend
then check out for high quality whole food, real food formulas.

Complementary Therapies
Worth Investigating
ersonally, I love to take my precious family to a
variety of different health therapists. Each modality
can offer many wonderful benefits and as you get to
understand their philosophy and skills you can then support
your family in the best way possible as you need them.

Health services can be seen as either mechanistic or

vitalistic. Mechanistic is more singularly focused and often
uses a more orthodox, prescription-based approach.
Vitalistic is more wholistic, more personal and whole-health
approach often takes a little longer in sessions due to the
more personal approach.
Each of these modalities aim to reduce stress and restore
balance. The fact that 85% of all illnesses are stress related,
Most of the following therapies have been around for
even for children, shows how beneficial these therapies
centuries, and are backed up by testimonies of the benefits
can be. If you look at self-care as an investment, you’ll see
they offer. Many are now so well recognised that doctors
these therapies as a necessity rather than a luxury for the
may recommend you complement their approach with
whole family, as well as a chance to teach your children the
therapies offering stress relief and relaxation. This is seen as
importance of self-care and self-management and offering
a more integrated and vitalistic approach.
them insights into complementary and alternative medicine.

Experiment, try different therapies and modalities and find

out which one’s best suit you and your children. Once you
find a therapist you trust and enjoy you may wonder why
you didn’t make it a priority before! Complementary and
conventional medicine can work together, so be in open
communication with your health care providers and ensure
you research both sides.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese system of healing. The practitioner
inserts long, thin needles into selected points on nerve or energy
pathways called meridians. The key principle is that chi (energy)
travels along these meridians and when they become blocked, pain
or illness results. The needles can be manipulated by rotation; electric
current or heat to stimulate points that increase or reduce energy
flow, clear blocked pathways, tone and restored balance to the whole
system. Many find acupuncture very relaxing and achieve instant results
such as relief from pain.

Children may not be so open to acupuncture as adults so this might be a better therapy for the parents!
Don’t be squeamish about the idea of having needles stuck into you. Acupuncture needles are very fine

and when skilfully inserted will greatly contribute to your health. Take a tissue with two drops of Neroli or
Bergamot to help disperse anxiety and inhale three times before the treatment begins. The more you can
relax, the more effective the treatment is.

Not so much a therapy but certainly a wonderful thing to teach our
children. It is well known that positive thoughts create a much better
vibration within the body. If ever my children were unwell or hurt when
they were little I would celebrate their ‘health expression’. I would say
things like - Sweetheart even though you do not feel great your body
is working beautifully to get rid of this bug. It’s telling you it is feeling
yucky and tired because we need to rest. Let’s say to your body ‘Thank
you my body for helping me to heal and to feel my very best again
soon!’ or ‘I love my body and help it heal with love!’

Chinese Medicine
An Asian system of healing that focuses on achieving internal balance,
practitioners use methods such as acupuncture, heat application
(moxibustion), herbal preparations, food therapy, shiatsu massage and
exercise (Qi Gong or Tai Chi) to restore the flow of Qi (vital energy) and
the balance of Yin and Yang — the two opposing yet complementary
forces that help the therapist to diagnose the conditions presented. The
practitioner may analyse your pulse and look at your eyes and tongue to
make a diagnosis.

Some of the herbs a Chinese medicine doctor prescribes can smell and taste quite different to anything you may be

used to! Most practitioners will give you the herbs in their dry form for you to take home and boil, then tell you to drink
the infusion a certain number of times a day. Again, not all children will warm to this but it is well worth investigating.

Chiropractic medicine is based on the principle that spinal joint
misalignments interfere with the nervous system, creating not only
discomfort/pain for the patient in a muscular and joint situation but
also creating the possibility of decreased function of the organ that
is attached to the end of the nerve that has been compromised.
While many people’s first visit will often be regarding treatment of
a sore back, chiropractors also recommend more of an alternate
and preventive approach with regular adjustments to keep the body
systems strong. Regular care has been shown to tap into the body’s
innate intelligence, improve the body’s immune system and maintain
better general health. X-rays are commonly recommended if there is
a back problem to assess spinal health and adjustments are regularly
carried out to restore those areas of decreased spinal mobility. Children
generally respond very well to regular chiropractic care.

Seek out a wholistic chiropractor who will advise you on ways to increase your general health and complement

their care with things like diet, exercise, home maintenance plans and through a range of other wonderful wholistic

Crystal Healing
Many people are attracted to using crystals for their beauty and the
fact they are naturally created. Many believe using crystals will act as
conduits for healing, allowing positive, healing energy to flow into
the body as negative disease-causing energy flows out. Regardless
of their popularity this is not as popular with medical doctors and
scientists who believe crystal therapy is just pseudo-science.
Personally, I love having exquisite crystals around me and feel they
play a wonderfully positive role. The fact my children are obsessed
with them, speak beautifully about them and love holding them speaks
more to me than any science literature.

Flower Remedies
Flower remedies are believed to work on an emotional level and assist
the body to ease itself out of physical and mental symptoms. The
theory behind flower remedies is that they have a vibrational energy
of their own which helps to balance the body via the nervous and
immune systems.

Flower essences used today include Bach flowers (the most

common), Californian, Hawaiian and Australian bush flowers. The
remedies are believed to be safe for everyone including babies,
children and animals. Flower remedies mainly alleviate emotional
conditions such as anger, grief, anxiety and nervousness.

A popular flower essence blend, Rescue Remedy, is known for its calming qualities particularly when associated with

shock, emotional upheavals and accidents. It is also helpful for nerves prior to exams, interviews, dates and speaking
engagements! Neroli is the rescue remedy of the essential oil world!

Homeopathy has been around since classical Greek times but has only been
formulated as we know it since the early 20th century. It can treat illnesses
on a physical and psychological level. The personality of the patient is
a significant factor in choosing a remedy. Homeopathy is based on
the principle that ‘like cures like’. Very small amounts of specifically
prepared remedies that mimic the symptoms of the illness are given
to the patient in the belief that they will stimulate deep healing
processes. These remedies are diluted a special way and prescribed
in minute amounts. The focus is placed on the source of the patient’s
illness rather than on suppressing the symptoms.

Some professionals feel essential oils such as Peppermint, may interfere

with their actions and therefore should not be used at the same time.
Peppermint in toothpaste, tea, etc. should also be avoided for a short time after
taking homeopathic remedies.

A first visit can take up to two hours and involve a detailed consultation covering your personal and family medical history,

diet, emotional and physical wellbeing and mental alertness. A homeopathic home kit is a fantastic tool for the family.

According to Elizabeth Hughes author of ‘Your Body Knows The Answer’
and ‘Your Child’s Body Knows The Answer’, Kinesiology is the study of
the movement of energy throughout the body from two Greek words
- ‘kinesis’ meaning motion – and ‘ology’ meaning the study of. It is
based on the principle that muscles and organs are connected to
meridian energy lines. Meridians are channels within the body that
contain life force energy known as ‘chi’. There are 14 meridian lines
throughout the body and to stay happy and healthy energy must flow
freely through these channels. A kinesiologist will test a weakness
in that meridian line by testing the muscles. This seems to take
away the conscious control of our mind and taps into the energy and
subconscious flow of the body. It can be used as a wonderful first aid tool
and with a few simple teachings a mother or father can use it effectively
within the family unit. Many will refer to it as TFH or Touch For Health which
enables the average person to access the power of kinesiology.

Massage is one of the most common and enjoyable forms of complementary
therapy. There are various techniques and strokes; different pressures
and approaches taken, yet all share the desired outcome of dispersing
physical tension, alleviating stress levels and enhancing your sense of

The most common types of body massage include Swedish

(rhythmical and flowing), sports (including deep tissue massage and
stretching), remedial (including trigger points and some exercises),
Shiatsu (using pressure points and stretching) and aromatherapy
massage (using essential oils and lymphatic drainage massage).
Many massage techniques can work in conjunction with other forms of
therapy, and many doctors will recommend it alongside traditional medical
treatment. Children often respond very positively to massage and is a wonderful
tool to teach them to unwind and relax.

Regular massage treatments are like taking your car for regular tune-ups. They are a fantastic way to switch off, release
tension and promote better sleep. Giving your children a massage before bed or after a bath is also a fantastic way to

show you care and a beautiful way to connect in with them on a deeper level. It is beautiful to teach your children the
art of relaxation and positive touch.

Naturopathy is in many respects common sense applied to health.
The basic principle is that everyone has tremendous innate healing
abilities, so naturopaths encourage good health with natural factors
such as nutrition, food supplements, exercise, relaxation, fresh air and
water. The ultimate aim is to shift responsibility for health back to the
patient and to advocate that prevention is better than cure.

A naturopath studies for up to four years full time to attain their qualification. They focus very much on the wholistic
approach to self-care and can support you as you make positive, healthy changes to your lifestyle. By having an

excellent GP and Naturopath in your healthcare team, you can be sure you are giving yourself and your family the best
of both worlds.

Osteopathy uses massage and stretching, with the basic principle being
that the correct functioning of muscles and bones will have a profound
effect on the function of internal organs and general health. Illness
can result from part of the body’s structure being out of alignment,
from chronic stress, bad posture or an acute injury that has not been
treated. Cranial and craniosacral therapy are forms of osteopathy that
focus on the gentle adjustment of the head, spine and sacrum to allow
free flowing cranial fluid and improve circulation, digestive function and

I had both of my babies checked after birth by a cranial osteopath. The birthing process can put a lot of strain of the

baby, especially if it is a difficult birth, and a gentle adjustment to make sure things are all in order can make sure you
have a settled, happy baby!

Reflexology originated in China over 5000 years ago. It is based on
the fact that many different points and areas on the hands and feet
correspond to different glands, organs and other parts of the body.
When the therapist applies pressure with their hands to the specific
points or areas, they are focusing the body’s healing response to
alleviate or help heal the conditions presented. Sometimes problems
can also be found in this way before they present themselves as
physical symptoms to the patient.

Some points on the feet can be quite tender when palpated. Usually, the therapist will have a foot map in front of you

during the treatment so you can see what each point is linked to. Each consultation ends with a good foot massage. You
will feel like you are walking on air after a good reflexology treatment!

Shiatsu is often described as acupuncture without the needles and can
work wonders with children! As in acupuncture, shiatsu practitioners
believe illness and dysfunction is a result of blocked, underactive or
overactive energy pathways, which link to various organs and systems
of the body. Practitioners use pressure from the thumbs, palms,
hands, elbows and sometimes the knees to specifically designated
points along the meridians of the body. Stretching and holding
techniques are also integrated throughout the treatment. Shiatsu can
promote a very deep level of relaxation and, like all complementary
alternative therapies, focuses on treating the whole person from the
mind, body and spirit perspective.:

Treatments are given with patients clothed, on a soft mat on the floor. Your body can feel as though it is a loaf of

bread being kneaded and rocked! The key is to completely surrender, and allow the body to let go of all tension. It is
wonderfully relaxing and children can become sponges under Shiatsu care.

Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine uses plant roots, stems, leaves, flowers, or seeds to
improve health, prevent disease and treat illness. It is the oldest form
of medicine known and these days we can identify the chemical
constituents within these plants that stimulate the body’s healing
system. Indigenous cultures (such as African and Native American)
used herbs in their healing rituals, while others developed traditional
medical systems (such as Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine).
Fresh herbs, tinctures, powders or tablets are often recommended
alongside a healthy diet and a wholistic lifestyle.

Often the liquid tincture is more powerful than tablets, and although you need to cope with the taste, the results are

usually excellent. Our tip is to introduce young children to these tastes early; believe it or not they usually grow to enjoy
them. However, in the beginning you may wish to follow with a little spoon of Manuka honey in the Mary Poppins way.

Thought Feel Therapy was developed by the American psychologist to
bring about a positive change for emotional and psychological issues.
Later a student of his developed a more simple version of Thought Feel
Therapy called EFT — Emotional Freedom Technique. This technique
utilizes simple tapping on specific acupressure points and right/left
brain techniques to bring about a quick change in how you react to a
problem. It is adopted by many wholistic psychologists as a safe and
easy way for clients to gain control of their emotional behaviour.

I find this technique simple and very effective, and one that you can use right in the moment of stress or anxiety. It

is also a wonderful tool to teach children as it makes them aware of their feelings and emotions and teaches them
how to control them in the moment.

Natural Home Care
A Few Helpful, Natural Tips
Our Elizabethan ancestors dried their clothes on bushes of
rosemary, tea tree and lavender to infuse their aroma. You can
create beautiful aromas on your clothes in a much more simpler
way! Simply use a natural, eco-friendly, perfume free washing
detergent and add 3-5 drops of your favourite oils to the
softener compartment of the washing machine. Or you can add
2 drops to your final rinse if hand washing. All of the six first aid
oils will give your clothes a beautiful clean, fresh fragrance.

Stain Remover
One of the best stain removers known to all is pure Eucalyptus oil.
You can add a drop to the effected area of clothes or to remove things
like blue tack or chewing gum from hair! A recipe for a natural stain
remover that has been given a lot of thumbs up is the following from -
The Prairie Homestead (

• 1 ½ cups water
• ¼ cup liquid castile soap
• ¼ cup liquid vegetable glycerin
• 5 drops of lemon oil
• 5 drops eucalyptus oil
• Glass spray bottle (if adding the essential oils as they can
disintegrate plastic or a plastic squeeze bottle if omitting the oils)

Mix all ingredients together. To use shake well and apply liberally
to spots and stains. Lightly rub the mixture into the fabric with your
fingertips. Like all stain removers this works particularly well if you
treat the stain immediately and allow it to soak in.

Household Cleaner
To create a powerful spray and wipe type of bench cleaner
simply fill a 50ml glass spritzer bottle with water. Add 2 drops
Lavender, 3 drops Tea Tree 2 drops Lemon and 2 drops of
Eucalyptus. Shake bottle each time before use. Spray the
surfaces and wipe with a damp cloth.

Dishwashing Liquid
To a natural dishwashing liquid you can add 10 drops of your
chosen favourite essential oils. Any of the six first aid oils are
ideal for cleaning and creating a refreshed and antiseptic aroma
as well as ideal additives for a better clean.

A favourite way to cleanse and dust your home is simply using water
and microfibre cleaning cloths. A favourite brand is Enjo
( Add a few drops of Lavender, Eucalyptus or Tea
Tree to the water for an extra sweet smelling and antiseptic boost.

Natural Personal Care
DIY, Chemical-Free
Like most commercial health and beauty products toothpaste has been industrialised
and manipulated over the years, with questionable ingredients like fluoride, titanium
dioxide, glycerin, sodium lauryl sulphate and artificial sweeteners.

Here are some well respected more natural brands that could suit the whole family:

• Divine (
• Mi-Essence (
• Phyto-Shield (
• Earth (
• Grants (

For those who would like to make their own home made toothpaste here is a recipe that might appeal.

• ½ cup coconut oil • 10 drops peppermint oil

• 3 Tbsp baking soda • 10 drops spearmint oil
• Stevia to taste and sweeten

Melt coconut oil and add all the other ingredients, stirring well to ensure the baking soda is incorporated well into the mix. Pour
into a small glass jar and use with your toothbrush as required.

Body Wash
Chemical free body washes do exist and you can get them from a natural health food
store. If your skin is sensitive make sure you look out for the questionable ingredients
like: parabens, sodium lauryl sulphate, emulsifiers, perfume or fragrance. No child
needs to be bathed in a concoction of chemicals when there are beautiful natural
and safe alternatives. Given essential oils are all antiseptic and antibacterial (to
a lesser or greater degree) using a few drops in the bath or on a face washer is a
fantastic body wash in itself and more than enough for childrens’ skin. You can also
add a few drops of your favourite essential oils to a body wash or you can make your
own like here:

• ½ cup liquid castile soap • 2 Tbsp macadamia oil

• 4 Tbsp raw honey • 6 drops lemon oil
• 2 Tbsp sweet almond oil • 6 drops lavender oil
• 1 Tbsp baking soda

Carefully mix in a large glass jug and once settled pour into a glass jar kept in your bathroom for storage.

Natural Deodorant
Take an empty, clean spice jar and fill 1/3 with baking soda, add 3 drops of your favourite
essential oil then fill another 1/3 baking soda and 3 more drops of the essential oil.
Finally, fill last 1/3 with baking soda and 3 more drops. Apply lid and shake.

To use as a very effective deodorant, wet fingertips on one hand, sprinkle a small
amount of baking soda mix, wet fingertips on other hand and rub together until
baking soda mix turns transparent. Wipe onto each armpit.

You can try different essential oils or blends according to your preference.

Home Made Sunscreen
Sunscreens are becoming more and more questionable. Nano technology
means the ingredients are manufactured so small that the products go
onto the skin more smoothly. However, it also means the questionable
ingredients in the sunscreen can enter into the skin and into the body,
so beware. You can make your own sunscreen by simply adding
2Tbsp zinc oxide to your favourite body lotion. Or you can make your
own recipe like the one below from the popular website


• ½ cup almond or olive oil (can infuse with herbs first if desired)
• ¼ cup coconut oil (natural SPF 4)
• ¼ cup beeswax
• 2 Tablespoons Zinc Oxide – (you want a non-nano version so it cannot be absorbed
into the skin. Do not inhale the powder).
• Optional: up to 1 teaspoon red raspberry oil
• Optional: up to 1 teaspoon carrot seed oil
• Optional: up to 1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil
• Optional: 2 tablespoons shea butter (natural SPF 4-5)
• Optional: Essential oils like Vanilla Extract or other natural extracts to suit your preference

How to Make Sunscreen:

1. Combine ingredients except zinc oxide in a pint sized or larger glass jar. I have a mason jar that I keep just for making
lotions and lotion bars, or you can even reuse a glass jar from pickles, olives, or other foods.
2. Fill a medium saucepan with a couple inches of water and place over medium heat.
3. Put a lid on the jar loosely and place in the pan with the water.
4. As the water heats, the ingredients in the jar will start to melt. Shake or stir occasionally to incorporate. When all
ingredients are completely melted, add the zinc oxide, stir in well and pour into whatever jar or tin you will use for
5. Small mason jars (pint size) are great for this. It will not pump well in a lotion pump!
6. Stir a few times as it cools to make sure zinc oxide is incorporated.
7. Use as you would regular sunscreen. Best if used within six months.

Additional Notes:

• This sunscreen is somewhat, but not completely, waterproof and will need to be reapplied after sweating or swimming
• Make sure not to inhale the Zinc Oxide- use a mask if necessary!
• This recipe has an SPF of about 15, though adding more Zinc Oxide will increase the SPF
• Add more beeswax to make thicker sunscreen, less to make smooth sunscreen
• You can use lavender essential oil for fragrance
• Store in a cool, dry place or in the fridge
• Store in a small canning jar and apply like a body butter. It will be thicker, especially if you use coconut oil in the recipe.
• If you remove the Zinc Oxide and this makes an excellent lotion recipe!

About Kim

im Morrison is a health and lifestyle educator,
aromatherapist, author of 5 international
best-selling books, speaker, world record
holder, business-owner, wife and mum! Kim’s
passion for the therapeutic effects of essential
oils came to the fore when she realised after
many specialist appointments and therapies,
that they were the only tool that supported

- Kim
- and healed - a serious skin condition in her
early twenties. She believes they were the
major contributor to her world-record ultra-

marathon performance at just 21 years of age.
She became inspired to learn more about these
plant extracts and graduated with her Wholistic
Aromatherapy Diploma in essential oils, reflexology
and kinesiology (honours) and graduated as a qualified
remedial therapist and personal trainer in 1991.

“Kim’s passion is to educate and

inspire others to embrace this
incredible, ancient modality and Her passion for sport and health grew when she married former
understand how life-changing
international NZ Cricketer Danny Morrison in 1993, again using
essential oils can be.”
the potent properties of essential oils to support his illustrious
career. In 1998 and 1999 she gave birth to her daughter and
son using essential oils throughout both pregnancies, both
births and throughout their childhoods. Now, teenagers, still
the main health modality for their family is essential oils. Kim
launched Twenty8 Essentials in 2008, a company that provides
high quality, therapeutic-grade essential oils and chemical-
free skincare and has become more and more renowned for
her inspirational talks on the healing powers of essential oils
having appeared on radio, television and in various publications
in Australia and New Zealand. It is because of all of these
experiences she has come to appreciate the oils true, potent
potential for health, beauty and healing and now shares this
knowledge with the world on a whole new scale! With the
Twenty8 Health & Lifestyle Education Program, which has two
intakes a year, various health and wellbeing programs, eBooks
and webinars Kim’s passion is to educate and inspire others to
embrace this incredible, ancient modality and understand how
life-changing essential oils can be.


My children have been brought up and basically embalmed in essential oils! From a young

age they named their own blends like ‘My Angel Fairy Dust Blend’, ‘Speed Drops’ and ‘I

Need A Hug Blend’. Enrolling your children into the art of self-care is one of the greatest

gifts we can ever bestow on them. Being the example, learning and experimenting in

modalities like aromatherapy also supports us to use rituals, culture and tradition as a form

of health and healing. So thank you for purchasing this eBook. It is through a shared passion

and vision for safer homes and healthy families that it has been created. We sincerely hope

it helps to support you to take care of your family and inspires you to take even more care

of yourself – after all – if the parents of the house are happy and healthy life runs pretty

smoothly for everybody else!

- Kim Morrison

Dip. Wholistic Aromatherapy, Kinesiology, Reflexology, Hons

Dip. Homeobotanical Therapy
Dip. Remedial Therapies, Hons
Dip. Fitness Leadership, PT

For all the first aid oils described in this book as well as the First Aid Essential Oil 6-Pack

and many of the health supplements mentioned please go to for more information.

Love seeing your kids happy and healthy? Have a passion for natural health care
and want to know how to keep your precious family well, using pure, high-grade,

therapeutic essential oils? First Aid Essential Oils For Mothers & Children is the perfect

go-to featuring the top 6 essential oils used in first aid. Written by aromatherapist

and health and lifestyle expert Kim Morrison, this book has remedies for over 100

common conditions as well as bonus chapters including natural remedies for healing,

complementary therapies worth investigating and tips for a natural home and

chemical-free personal care. This inspirational 44 page book gives simple, practical,

clear advice on how to support your family thorough any common health expression!




Facebook: Kim Morrison and Twenty8

Twitter: kimmorrison28

Instagram: kimmorrison28 and Twenty.8.essential

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