Derma Beleske

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OpSta terap| font Sea I f Ee. toy Ranitidin (Ranisan thl Ay 24 Antihistaminie \ edirajuci (elasizni)| A ih — yas ¥ difenhidramin ( Dimigal )- 25-Saug ' + an [ nesedliray Cw neravie))| * hidroksiain ( Atarax)_ 25mg See sterfenadin 420ugldn (Bronal tet) yige * Pre Metarin (Phen en) toy axl *astemirot lOug{ di (Astemisan tot) nia Ge eer SESE? (ne pibievoidll Se) ge ees a u H ro pin << an s|leeatadin Aougldd( Pressing x \ | hidednlonnd (SYROP& aup)209 rms, Chari bin tot Sis ee, ey Poe as »|Desloratodin Aeugldu\( Aerivs Hot, sirup) urticaria, angioedent *ebipazin howyldul{ Cebiriain ssn ~ ujed insetos,eqeanteus, Leveptcan mallee Sp iad at eoceeme ee kontroin di ane: trudnoca — purpura (vaskulits) dowiae —peurn'tis nlepsi (a (20 sedirajuce) ee \ a ee sons i ee Sistemski kortikostere iat | Smune face delaveute | kortiaen Indikaciye | tri drocortison pem#ig as , pemfigerel | Prednizelon OM, SLE, DLE (che diss.) Sarke(de2a, vaskubHs 1 eczemi, urtikanja, epzantew, FEM, geakejena leeve, Lichen, : ' purpura, alepenja (patina te) Posatea granulematyse .. i kentra inc kaci\e parteripske aeyivienet viPusne | wnjeucge-(meleeene, sis Eee) Predni2on — Pronison tal & Smg i 20mg Metilpredmaclen- Nyripan tel Amg Lemed-selu amp. 201) 40g Dexametarcn- Dexasen tht 0,Smg au Ama Triamcincton- kenaloe aap Betametaren dipropionah — Diprofes gee [neze cea chy stra [> diabetes mellitus ~fjatrogenes) Osteoporoza. avsbalens elec trolita (Na, k) ‘peri [a Hormuba Yabealaena fag lnost Nyripon Amg= Pronison Sore Weetet ulpus _2 Derason 0,75 es Hc audit porewesey pal Proniscna (Fg) = 31H Desarone (0,549) (rate a Aowy > 4, Seng, chor iA 3) Ser se oi —_—_—_—_— bokalwa opt ko steroidna Hh IT grupa- slabe Aydrocertison 4+ (081, Lice, deca) ? ane (Reece oce) e, Aklometa2on dvpre pionak ~ Aflodecm cre, ung ( bce, pregtbi ) clece. | gr Ee sredwe joka Flumetaron pivalak - Locacorten TRiamcinelon acetonid Steere brew, Ung. (+ Geubasricn + Restated] oe 4 De2oksi meknzon - Especson ug, uPeus (0007) \ Ti grep a jak Dezo ksimetazen U - Esperson Mhe ¢ 0,277.) Bekametaaen cipropionak; Didermat ang Babearetersh MW 2en cipropronab= Dv 4 ‘ era ene P c ee Beloderva ca tng —* ge con Boloaout cr ung Belosalic - Fluocinclon acetonid- Sinoderm crew, gel, un at CG Meuwiahs> Smaderm / — Pane lon ung Kowetaron — Elecow uu, Wren WwW gope- YRlo Sales ato oe Fluoncinolon acetnicl- Synetar oe klo bebaeol proponal ~ Butavate, Dermovate 4us Fradiaece | pie Lich lanws ,Uchou guaptes chro war \wdiuacige pectiaes : prarige, cecheehe “tilige (KontroinGlaaje : barteri (ste i9Giviche 1 ViPUSWe mf, reece, Perioralay cleemoli tis, uleeraciye, alene {ret deisel arate otenety te iid sp Stee eR ARERR]: atredije Sache leuiebte ee bial Antibiotics ||tetracckl ut ztetracietin klorid (Auascin) ~ oesitetraaktin indikecsf@ » aene vulgaris \ doks verte ~ (Dovicin, Vi bramiom } = oe ees COS Area. mineci kun bakt. inf koe venenche bolesh Eritromicia caps coe Jakne, resacea, Dermati ti perverts baut -Mevoye bute , zamena 2a Hewouricin caps Prvy yoy peuicilu ked alergicuit eseba Rorimisan dbf Zkioug 7 akne, ro2acea, bakt infewege Lote j (ccabkvacccene u chreptokoine) Palitrey caps | 2x2 4 sv0ug antikokna th Ciuipebgy> E staple bolkud < S frep ho Lua Sean darna Tm pedai zac a Fisidiwsa liso (Stan icid tet ) ~antstaflobeiue {4 Panklay caps (amotsicilu +levulonsls Wis) ~y Sl Pekog Speuhrea 62s us Sk mote Fe ewicni (ate pouseii>al Aone: ceca be ae Stafilolcl evialw > Jugeci lin 2 SK une infecoe (apeh gs, eri zipel,cellil. anleomicn ~ ome es ( Eciem) > anksiafte vol na oe Cetoxiun aap Aovy, Soup Lb iv Sigokeg spertra \lokelwa autibiotsta te Xo- Comg |g EE deca : ean io ea qr- bale nye Geutauian oor as ae oA = pe wake Roe e rep aL Neomicin sulfat ory veeur Wlorbetraciutu hidveklorid 9 Amracn wag 7 GRaw+ gr uve Eritrowicn 9-4) KRrea~> bakt tot dane tt bach Mupirocan wy ( Betrion) Panhstaploolme cLeyste Fusiclinsta kis (Stantad ung) ZA ® Antivieusue lekows| Sede seal ieee AY AEM, eae) ae FSiipley > tol 0 200.4 5x2 {5-sodana) Projildcsas 3x4 jh A2 vise mreseci S v2 (H-2cstee)- 4b 4 200mg S¥4 ~(F dana )mezes 6 10 deca do 2 ged Apa doz vdras Ub, prete 2 - deze ra cdrasle Sistewska mf. V2V IL kod imunosuperme vou fev, Sag fkg /tt na bh S-} dana tinier inci kagye « clermatofiti , kancldijeza, sist mucese abet cl +Gri2eofulvin fot — 1~ 20mg A-Cnedet g ~ tinea capitis (kel hes nije xketokonoeol (Mycoses) thl+ ( herabhiewc wast)+ netle ge learn gf 2rd *leeoteneaal. —-Koreaol c ps Aoovg ( A-3xda- tinea cutis gfebrae Ourcral cafes weed fr 40 ng ikg Et ~ tinea capitis : 2X2 -Fdana A. mesecno - 4-6 mesecs uuu Hy i u *Flakonazol - Diftacan HAs caps. oul awe. mk . d g Ato 4x nede. ¥ Terbinafine Lamisil tot ~Dsoug ax claca AOS] uy du ¢ Augokerion B~ jv. Oy way |ag/ tt /elu - duboke mileze Powe tus antiui ko tici | Omi darole ic prepare hD v Mikonarel - Dattwwet (ee, ora cel | puser ) » Feonaol - Ecalin ( Krew, Sot } i Neage ¥ Keto kenarol- Mycosels (wee, Tampon ) eae * Klotrimaze| ~ Canesten ( Krew, Sol, pucter, var ietete) [P ovale » Nystatin s fing, sof, vaziuclek) > Caudicle @ (bettas pap * Clklopireksolamin ~ Obytin (eeu, Sol, Pmser, losion ) ¥ Amor lofin ~ Loceryl (weew lak) » Terbmatin ~ Lamisil, My co $in (reu) Whitfield ung Rp/ Acid eee po dt tact Ato : [may ishratus preparat ee 24,0 @) Ipehi vidi etrttinat -~Tigoson \ Ger dag keg] du a acit retin - Nechgason cops Lowy r Me al J Uaey/ ola Setretinoin teh ly oti } a4 ice Sori faze aki . oaceutane Caps. Leryeo rezecte grandopde fentlnalcoretge thio in Or dona/ ke dw f Ge ae palmeplowterr) hj 6 htioze, Yheu planus 120-480 wy)ug ) : SO \ * Nezeb eve dejstva icerectoclerusje. potasscpeutor —Xerw sis cutis, Suve usne (ches US), blepharoconjuncdevitts difuena alopecija, hepatotok sVOWESE, Anivoa holextervta | ee Mrighiceride | beratogenost > oharerita Eon tre ceper}™ } (Lekalyi retinoids indi ke je): ane comedonica, vulgaris a — * bolesh Verahwreaye Retinol Qo): 5 Retinaldelare 0, 057 lak tinieno Stareige | blage akne peacea = ) retinoiha kiselina Vhehnoin QeLG/. Gere 47. lesion, erew gel 1 retineicha kis C Razive ceverile 1 ii tecjs) wazare ~p 2orac gel 905/ | Of. > pserijeva lp vulgans ) e caiakges = Sona get ot) — diche vulgeys akne Sea Fela. (Bieta iettaeya) Citotetc cent leluoie|— A2zedtiopein[( Imuran dbl a seg )4-tmsag : dndikacye pemts us, LE, DM, Set, pearhgsid , a Wet. ef > Mijelo f oto iichast Ic kofo wad = a i : oT: - ‘ ster Eudexan Lot SOug) 2-4 x04 [kg Ht feta ic e rae tae | ze ime o ow hretiotrecabe LAY atm Be Fatsordpemvctsh As AT 25 wg - nedehuc imc ters ie eae ON, net-epeh : vle, Ver, UR, ose ceaye jefre, Civlosporin | Sennen to eee ee a ee: 2-Smg |g idn Rel heeute ad ei es iw kewge pockijaza, ato pie dermuahitis 2a sve cits Lichew planus - fea cGes w konlwla TR i bubremne f-je, euznwa pire [Sul-foru ~ Depson the Dy iQ muy |b [elu (DiaminvoniFewitsuron ) indiuacye’ Morbus Dhupang lepra, Wes Lear hufleus A disease Be | on gtendile (topeade eects : gtultees 6 ~ PDH Auhiwalagici | Hlerohan 3,2- 10g kgf Indaba cape [Astana I idroksihlepokin Go-6reylvldy “LE. pee (Pesecktin) / ‘Ninakein 2mg | ke) du Sarkedeze “vo ki. > peti /Plag went ) es ee teucneca dojeaye amene-fuene — puderi (cink esd, talk) Lokalua th Podloge Vy Kechesk (vedo, Abycereé, allan Te , mash (Lanolifiiaceiy 1 paresfn, Ve 5 veskevi ) trfarne - _Pgaene — Mixt agi tanda Ear Sk (Wow Bva jer) glycewe Matua pastas [ea naclee Ved a~> font k Pew eruclecja)-» bor GH > veday allehol+ 7 dat maine faze emule Prepyleu glyal) vosmule : oe Ctotolids prepa 2a bk peemenub Sfluccoutad 57 pew G eer ee ey Selarna keratota, Mb Bowen , : basoce ut Ce “SHEE Yam Nuteegen mustard archi plavac 5 ( ments Foupo keratelite, jnAciduus Salicy cin ine(y Bueeun jb EwelLiers ea ee Gaal preryare Yr-ze/. leerabder mule, caloribeh Hired > 5-10]. > ihtioze, A atopic, keratosis Maris Yewsis cubis 20+}. 3 Predew|i ehOcr pilarne werable (quiet kia) @ 4O] ~ heunystee atlaera nokahe HECE (orhedishob\a eu ikera a a are ~ och Cienulm — Dithranel (get, ung, Shek). or, $31. 2a - 10-30 bi , lktaniarje whew , Pranje of Pseri(aze) atoeci\a (1-41) ——__— 4 ss se Ln Pat ( go 5 Togute). ne [kowten AHY Syphilis es (y 2. Togua » 7 kachufe Queen Heber eovewy Cengesnoeu ) | Bevepuray [——> kaows (meprnapte) (iocne newnenynto og 2-2005-) Oa. Aaw ey iatu a ae ee a sc, 2 ayy Kacttu Gpuuapha Cegngapey cfeas von (GyMe 09, 2- Coguuite) cheblasge) Caseteny webenepu eu Cuchuauc exgeuiceu) - Gperocu ce yuo Gapesout Safegharkol Gbudopa 3a jero, tute, Spjaee (ung upeleditte ) sll i i Opens tun iy eM ob yFat, gjofeve | ~ Hela Gpumaprot ciaguymMa uny le Moka nurse Sencha (¢ ner a paeal aiee = Cee gia pau ot = kao oe Getepurst Cuspuauca ~ Cheemiaye ciopuge j = We pigda pr cma gu (yt ~Haukay kacte ~ emutbatia oy pertika : | | i \ Syphilis primaria. | Wleus durum ~ tyre’ Janke inkubacifa a ene Scleradentis regionalis (bubo inololens ) (seleradeni tis be2 periadenitisa) Suphilis secundaria ) 6-@ nedefa od infewcye (prolaat 2a . _ = eh 4-12 we u2 th th Spontane) 1)\Marulozni sifilicli}-» roscola Syphilitioum ( Jedina prowena &- Sek.Stadyuun (8 n a) aja ni Mkt a) apuloani arfitidi L eveste, orrugle i ovalne ie bakarno (S-merec) covets boje, glatke ile sa Sevamom — Corona veneriS - na granica kose ¢ Cela = Clow: Whe — na dlanewma | tabanime ~ difuena pettccadein? ndylomata late (papular ervyeae) ~na meshma ce ; ae anus, vulva, penis, aksile Norin feebvirite lenge Oiler sigitidi [1 Jotuatern’) papas na Wau, wah bela practue torr busouy, ~~, 4u login Sor. ex A @\Pustuboani sifitili | mili arnt, aknerforinn -ventolitenmgt impebiqgnsidh Pustulo-ulcerornt siftticl’ flues maligna, syphilis ewpiorders x Jud eutadne ~ Lee, api ied ha Mukeo ©)Pigmestne promene f> leucoolerma colli syphiliter (Venerna G)[Atrohya|s aneteclerma Sypee likca fecundarra arurea } (jad tuenr t ( efluvium @[Promene nadlens | > nr edie’ (| Promene na nektimal—onyris et perionynis Gs) Promene na Muko2zama|s angina Sgn cca ee eld PYOx MAUCA - provene nASNe Pobrata (a [Generakirovani ckleracenits See ee bye cane LEL —> cervilce “elostane Boas vEalne le canes aesilarhe i \ Keabolne FRU aigarne © ls ius latens |- nema simptoua ni enakova infekase mote peraistirati do raya Sivot kod 25-40-/. ra2vija se i cies ae ~« netrepone msi Eestow’ mogu biti poartiuni tespe ci fier) « treponen sici > (specif tubvil obaremo poetvut 7 1 5a Syphilis tertraria pjgumimal - subkutané a periostalni - s aa, Evorovi, bez belui, veltcthe do nekm2e > Wceran)é 2arartafa oailjom lice, leata,-eatemaorne strane ruleu nodului (gfem) crvenomrke poje, Sa Skvamom moge ulcerisati > nodulo-ulcewwrne sf flier qr pisani UW plece Sa ceubrrtno ur reg reaijous { ebro fgpou per | je op yremtacdauna > shvaraju ciremarne flock nodular s ifitiol’! perforacie dleatraterya hrs ka yice (Fed leat Infrltracia jertko (afossitis NS Sigiks )~> 12+ pacyeuata i ey = Ky sree fl aorta chrontca ~aertna regu rgitaciya, aneunzma aonte, coreharna steno2a, (-seurosi fits ~ N2~) pocijenata ~ es ‘oo cS abe cores (ataxia locomote na progrestiva ) Promene na kostima ~pedostih 5 (osteopenosttis) ~2odebtjanja i deforma betr Koshi ~ destruker|e ‘ quibitak tos iv ye | ps. |\Oureboles raviditeta, reno) fou | ALts congenitalis | infencye Ya majke na oe @ Prolaskom leva porodapri kanal ® Seksualnom 2loupotrebom deleta od stone aa ie kUinicke manifestnaije odgovara{a kasnifiu etal we (4 stu Ea do G.meseca zivota e banarne bjt na extrew, dlane mu ¢ febaulua Ore na dlanonine ; tabauua Sa Mlamacifou-> pem Syptations Hochsinger- ovi ingiLtraki - a4 asito crvene Ue sa ili bez Skvawe Pisano, na & i pengeni taduo, cllanovine Lege rg ake rasperedene brarde ole gereye vine (ete) a Rhynitis 5 yplulihca > eribeuy jedeu, ervrije mukee nosa ry2q er ita 3 ulceracife tsekeret 2 nesa n reper S (ines) * ae Sere ort obrva f trepavica * Onyxis et perionyxis std). Osteochondri fs sypacki itea Totek aplebova— parrot ova pseedoparali2a luca , jetra, Sleaina , loubre ei, CNS od 3-30 goclina ( najeeicle 5-16 gal kod 60+/. moie bit tafeadan ) pee Cae la = tercijarne Stadtjum ctecengg Sif ise ~» qumma — aes Pukeria > feciersa a Ss periestitis agabljaste tibtae j Mgoumenakis- -ov 2nak > Ss meclt jaluog Parretove strife - onan y. Klavileule Scapula xy phe ides 5 aadebfate v unutranya ivice sapufe Clu ton-ovi 2yloboovi oa Snevitts oba kolena sq bsloviiua Pate Gi): keratitis fn tecsHes @ meieiidesha ee , neurelabirmK hs J ireveraiblne rotoene Mee’ 4 posleolica Pestojduja promena 4 toku ranog slr hay kougevu ta hey nplise tS ai - Parrot ove strife Sedlave nos Tubera frontatis kratha gem vilca )rdudeua dlonj- vilica (tepled buldega) Gotkke nepce Higoumenakis -ov 2nak Sebyaste tibije Ksifsielna Skaputa Hutchinson-ovi 2ubr (Selubelru gorufej vilicr rath’) baévas ti Sa polu mere das hm udubpeupom ) n dudehimsonovt 2ub( Autebin —— cbalfes ~ iuters Keyabue eoratitis “SD neurclabicmbh dys [| Auteimunske Gulomre dirmatde { [ntveepiderwsie [| Scbepteemammeep—— Ba bullows Ae arpa + eaters (F era) hepel feos peas eesbnsi Stare od Gopod | } ree \fliaceus(PF (Aton) ery Penal ) = fl | araneopeextiag | . ‘ rg (i Tie aceiee | aq ert. cones ge loc osete (10 -b04e9 ) | li Lor me sex, everspoh& munote-cesho ene mtitaye bule, poyebinache 2, ace oo ., HP Bie oti) hal le bs ra dea setae a eer SE Murer \ cite Lo ares ne Lakheyi, eoleuer | Femwhe ¢ ‘z alors gramca | ja Fe ae ©. fine pe Sl iti : ae ae Aire 9 funn. cnvelrieno| hans ee aye HP akanteliza> tinea Woverta -ula seh 2 : . : Rebtel! ape laypPe | (lah. ©) pivo rascepa | inpttencys ni. tfh 9 supraberabus (PY, PE wha shine iF; 2k Wai 7 28D i fe LF (7) 2 Gas Sub kernealno « PE, a pine eo = | [Faas bet: Taney, fact | SaaNenet webs ke w@& Teentos fats ©] Fe Unear iu re en akan fet Kel Cee uh 6, & Rye G SOs NE ee eel ee 2B Re ee MY, 96, 4 ICS ep oe a i te oy LtF: cruarininat Ho prewsa, jwtercetulannyy rep f { Psoriasis vulgaris —S unro Sabourauol = o a _(sunro Caburo ) Pibipecteratenn Parakeratots kbg pa ( deli kornealwor fe sloja 2adrfale iu jedro)sfenpmen ; © Nedos tatak simile sloja i Voriene rvere ® ulorna akantora (aadeblawe str. spinosum . ue. Sr sf : & vilno \2dusene eprdermalye ree bojy cu Sipe ui [dosten “dels ) y® ladudene dérmetne papi Jenad kojih je sctawen / epidtern ( adgovorne/aq fenomen,krvave fase’ -Aus pita) [® egy pap jlawe cerma - kev’ sudow’ cl lati ran | opCuUo2n\ | Munre- Sabouraud-ovi_mikroapsee si’ —grupisan! (o ostag Nukleusa RW u kornealnow see - 5. O. Perivaskularno ~ infylprat Limfootta | his houte J | Lupus ery theuatode 5 chroniws a per feratora £ shia raupen beratiheynh copa (folitealarne biperlerde (2) Pike on teins 9 tloja. [oe fraps hii) © Hidropsna dyenerde//a cbhya $020(n09 Mane dem superficijatn derma. perivastulatens rifrlheet [preferro y) Lichen puber planvs @ Ortohiper kerato (2adebtian cornentuk lo -etle Re _ Cadre jeer) “4 b . te erpromulaaa ( Reravnomerno 2ackehiyauye Aranloznog $lojou) — fenomen: Wass Mela fenomerf (3) Pseudoatentora - presireuge Spinozndg Sloja 2bog Uvecaya a ne 2bog urmn oZavaue Seniniduni cell 1) eer, degeneraci|@ debja ba2alnag Sloja Lo Trakoak Limos tui in filbrat u dermy ® Sjroce kupolatte peprle decinagsa Logintt tre tow j koloidnim telima koja nas baju ug leol apop sre kerahnocita be 2alnog sloja TBC cubis. Cupus Yulgarts meee 5 Wheplilou. i Sermy 6 tO ca “ceutrabun Lotalirovaue 6, Fimous ke Lanohasove cbGje se piklorelne CF : * perrferno venac ties ol i iderm REY ceupru moxe ah ne mora Atrofrclom pestojasi £a2en2Na Nnekrma. ih postaf Ahantorg 2 hipel eeaborow tp thel i - basvellidee Pasalioma uu, clerm ge ire malig mh ay ta cutee vert Ln +hivo eae 7 Siro eda al ghee pi al Oy) va BrcHlows a ‘mole i felje normalecy” , cehe> rag weet eu oe slapen \ potsecnae ni la kobe Ke us canted) a piinohcni dfedrou

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