Modeling of Transport Phenomena in Hybrid laser-MIG Keyhole Welding

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366

Modeling of transport phenomena in hybrid laser-MIG keyhole welding

J. Zhou a,*, H.L. Tsai b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University Erie, Erie, PA 16563, USA
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, 1870 Miner Circle, Rolla, MO 65409-1350, USA

Received 13 June 2007; received in revised form 13 February 2008

Available online 25 April 2008


Mathematical models and associated numerical techniques have been developed to investigate the complicated transport phenomena
in spot hybrid laser-MIG keyhole welding. A continuum formulation is used to handle solid phase, liquid phase, and the mushy zone
during the melting and solidification processes. The volume of fluid (VOF) method is employed to handle free surfaces, and the enthalpy
method is used for latent heat. Dynamics of weld pool fluid flow, energy transfer in keyhole plasma and weld pool, and interactions
between droplets and weld pool are calculated as a function of time. The effect of droplet size on mixing and solidification is investigated.
It is found that weld pool dynamics, cooling rate, and final weld bead geometry are strongly affected by the impingement process of the
droplets in hybrid laser-MIG welding. Also, compositional homogeneity of the weld pool is determined by the competition between the
rate of mixing and the rate of solidification.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hybrid laser-MIG welding; Keyhole; Mixing; Diffusion; Mathematical model

1. Introduction Hybrid laser-metal inert gas (MIG) welding, by combin-

ing laser welding and arc welding, can offer many advanta-
Laser keyhole welding is widely used in the auto and ges over laser welding or arc welding alone. Some
shipbuilding industries due to its high precision, deep-pen- advantages are elimination of undercut, prevention of
etration depths, low heat input, small weldment distortion porosity formation, and modification of weld compositions
and high welding speed [1–4]. However, in laser keyhole [9–14]. In hybrid welding, compositions of base metal and
welding, pores/voids are frequently observed, especially in filler metal are usually different. By adding some anti-crack
laser welding of certain alloys, such as 5000 and 6000 series elements through the filler droplets, the aforementioned
aluminum alloys, which are desired for their excellent cor- problems in laser welding, such as hot-cracking susceptibil-
rosion resistance and substantial strength [5]. The low melt- ity, strength reduction, etc. can be reduced or eliminated.
ing-point elements in the alloys, such as aluminum or Missouri and Sili [15] reported that adding filler metal
magnesium, are easily vaporized and lost from the weld could offer advantages in the chemical composition of the
region, leading to the formation of porosity, cracking sus- weld zone, which could have a positive effect on the impact
ceptibility, changes of composition and mechanical proper- toughness and on the resistance to porosity for laser weld-
ties, and other defects [6–8]. In addition, serious hot cracks ing of high-strength structural steels. Hwang et al. [16] sug-
caused by large cooling rates are also commonly found in gested that the added wire filler material had positive effects
laser welding of aluminum alloys. on the fatigue properties of SPCC-CQ1 cold rolled steel.
Schubert et al. [17] proposed that formation of hot cracks
in aluminum welding was determined by the temperature–
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 912 225 0587; fax: +1 814 898 6125. time-cycle, mixing, and chemical compositions in regions
E-mail address: (J. Zhou). of high crack sensitivities. Also, with additional heat and

0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4354 J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366


A constant in Eq. (12) qr radiation heat flux vector

Av constant in Eq. (16) r-z cylindrical coordinate system
B0 constant in Eq. (12) rf laser beam radius
cp specific heat of metal rfo laser beam radius at the focal position
cpl specific heat of plasma R gas constant
c the speed of light Rb radius of base metal
C coefficient in Eqs. (2) and (3) ~
s vector tangential to local free surface
e charge of electron t time
Ei ionization potential for neutral atom T temperature of metal
fa species (sulfur) concentration T0 reference temperature
F volume of fluid function TK plasma temperature outside of Knudsen layer
g gravitational acceleration Tpl temperature of plasma
ge degeneracy factor of electron particle T pl average plasma temperature
gi degeneracy factor of ion particle Tw surface temperature of the liquid metal at the
g0 degeneracy factor of neutral atom keyhole wall
g quantum mechanical Gaunt factor T1 ambient temperature
h enthalpy for metal u velocity in r-direction
hpl enthalpy for plasma U variable defined in Eq. (13)
hconv convective heat transfer coefficient v velocity in z-direction
h Planck’s constant V velocity vector
Hv latent heat for liquid–vapor Vr relative velocity vector (Vl–Vs)
Hb thickness of base metal W melt mass evaporation rate
I(r, s) total directional radiative intensity Z charge of ion
Ib black body emission intensity
Ic(r) collimate incident laser beam intensity distribu- Greek symbols
tion on the focus plane aFr Fresnel absorption coefficient
Io(r, z) incident intensity from laser beam bT thermal expansion coefficient
Ir,m(r, z) incident intensity from mth reflection oc/oT surface tension temperature gradient
ka Planck mean absorption coefficient oc/ofa surface tension concentration gradient
kb Boltzmann constant e surface radiation emissivity
kpl thermal conductivity of plasma e0 dielectric constant
k thermal conductivity of metal ef constant in Eq. (18)
K permeability function in Eqs. (2) and (3) c surface tension coefficient
Kpl Inverse Bremsstrahlung (IB) absorption coeffi- cr specific heat ratio
cient x angular frequency of laser irradiation
ma atomic mass X solid angle
me electron mass j free surface curvature
mv variable defined in Eq. (43) ll dynamic viscosity
m times of reflection r Stefan–Boltzmann constant
MK Mach number at the outer of the Knudsen layer re electrical conductivity
n vector normal to local free surface u angle of incident laser light
ne electron density in plasma q density of metal
ni ion density in plasma qpl density of plasma
n0 neutral particle density in plasma s~s Marangoni shear stress
Na Avogadro’s number
p pressure in liquid metal Subscripts
Plaser laser power 0 initial value
Pr recoil pressure c original incident laser light
Pr surface tension l liquid phase
qconv heat loss by convection r relative to solid velocity
qevap heat loss by evaporation (r, m) mth reflected laser beam
qlaser heat flux by laser irradiation pl plasma
qrad heat loss by radiation s solid phase
J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366 4355

mass inputs from the arc and the filler droplets in hybrid
laser-MIG welding, deep-penetration hybrid welds without
voids/pores can be achieved. MIG torch
So far, most of the hybrid laser-MIG welding research is
concentrating on how to effectively combine a laser welding Shielding gas
process with an arc welding process together by experimen- Laser light
tal methods [9,10,17–19]. There is very limited research
focusing on the study of the complicated transport phe-
nomena, such as melt flow, heat transfer, and especially
mixing phenomenon, which are involved in hybrid laser-
MIG welding. However, understanding these transport Plasma zone
phenomena is critical for fundamentally understanding
and optimizing the hybrid laser-MIG welding process.
For example, in order to achieve good anti-crack charac- Hb
teristics of an aluminum weld by adding filler metal in Solid – liquid
laser-MIG welding, it is necessary to understand how well E interface
Metal zone
the droplets can mix and diffuse into the weld pool and
how fast the weld pool solidifies. z
In this study, mathematical models have been developed D r C
to investigate transport phenomena in hybrid laser-MIG
welding. The laser keyhole welding models developed by Rb
Zhou et al. [20] are modified to simulate the spot hybrid Fig. 1. Schematic sketch of a spot hybrid laser-MIG welding process.
laser-MIG keyhole welding process. It includes calcula-
tions of the temperature field, pressure balance, melt flow, dramatically across the Knudsen layer, the generic transla-
free surface evolution, laser-induced plasma formation, tion vapor flow along the keyhole is neglected [23] and, in
and multiple reflections in a typical hybrid laser-MIG weld- the present study, only the temperature distribution is con-
ing process. The transient energy transport in the weld pool sidered. Meanwhile, the pressure along the keyhole is con-
and the keyhole plasma, interactions between droplets and sidered to be approximately constant [24] and is
the weld pool, weld pool dynamics, and the effects of filler comparable to the atmospheric pressure. Note in high
droplets on the final weld bead profiles as well as composi- power laser welding (P8 kW), the plasma plume and its
tion distributions in the weld pool are all systematically velocities in the keyhole can be very significant [4], hence,
investigated. the assumption of no plasma flow in the present study is
limited to low power laser keyhole welding.

2. Mathematical model 2.1. Metal zone simulation

Fig. 1 shows a schematic sketch of the spot hybrid laser- 2.1.1. Governing equations
MIG welding process. A control volume method employ- The governing differential equations used to describe the
ing the volume of fluid (VOF) technique [21] and the con- heat and mass transfer and fluid flow in a cylindrical coor-
tinuum formulation [22] is used to calculate the momentum dinate (r-z) system given by Chiang and Tsai [22] are mod-
and energy transport in the weld pool. The VOF technique ified and used in the present study:
can handle a transient deformed weld pool surface, while Continuity
the continuum formulation can handle fusion and solidifi- o
cation of the liquid region, the mush zone and the solid ðqÞ þ r  ðqV Þ ¼ 0 ð1Þ
region. Plasma in the keyhole is treated as the vapor of
weld material. Although the velocity and pressure change Momentum

o q op ul q Cq2
ðquÞ þ r  ðqVuÞ ¼ r  ll ru   ðu  us Þ  0:5 ju  us jðu  us Þ ð2Þ
ot ql or K ql K ql
 r  ðqfs fl V r ur Þ þ r  ls ur
o q op ul q Cq2
ðqvÞ þ r  ðqVvÞ ¼ qg þ r  ll rv   ðv  vs Þ  0:5 jv  vs jðv  vs Þ ð3Þ
ot ql oz K ql K ql
 r  ðqfs fl V r vr Þ þ r  ls vr þ qgbT ðT  T 0 Þ
4356 J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366

Energy c ¼ 1:943  4:3  104 ðT  1723Þ  RT  1:3  108

o k k a 1:66  108
ðqhÞ þ r  ðqVhÞ ¼ r  rh  r  rðhs  hÞ  ln 1 þ 0:00318f exp ð10Þ
ot cp cp RT
 r  ðqðV  V s Þðhl  hÞÞ ð4Þ
In this study, the temperature and concentration dependent
Species Marangoni shear stress on the free surface in the direction
o tangential to the local surface is given by [27]:
ðqf a Þ þ r  ðqVf a Þ ¼ r  ðqDrf a Þ  r  ðqDrðfla  f a ÞÞ
 r  ðqðV  V s Þðfla  f a ÞÞ ð5Þ oðV ~
sÞ oc oT oc of a
s~s ¼ ll ¼ þ a ð11Þ
n oT o~
s of o~ s
The physical meaning of each term appearing in the above
equations can be found in Ref. [22]. In Eqs. (1)–(5), the Calculation of the evaporation-induced recoil pressure Pr is
continuum density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, so- complicated by the existence of a Knudsen layer over the
lid mass fraction, liquid mass fraction, mass diffusivity, vaporizing surface. Based on Knight’s model [28], the recoil
velocity and enthalpy are defined in Ref. [25]. pressure can be calculated by [29]:
2.2. Tracking of free surfaces P r ¼ AB0 = T w expðU =T w Þ ð12Þ

The algorithm of VOF is used to track the dynamics of where A is the numerical coefficient and B0 is the vaporiza-
free surfaces. The fluid configuration is defined by a volume tion constant. The coefficient A depends on the ambient
of fluid function, F(r, z, t), which tracks the location of free pressure and its value varies from 0.55 for evaporation in
surface. The function F takes the value of one for the cell the vacuum to 1 for the case of evaporation under a high
full of fluid and the value of zero for the empty cell. Cells ambient pressure. For atmospheric pressure, the coefficient
with F values between zero and one are partially filled with A is close to its minimal value of 0.55. B0 is at the value of
fluid and identified as surface cells. The function F is gov- 1.78  1010. Tw is the surface temperature of the liquid me-
erned by the following equation: tal on the keyhole wall. The parameter U is defined as fol-
dF oF lows [29]:
¼ þ ðV  rÞF ¼ 0 ð6Þ
dt ot
U ¼ ma H v =ðN a k b Þ ð13Þ

2.3. Boundary conditions where ma is atomic mass, Hv is the latent heat of evapora-
tion, Na is the Avogadro’s number and kb is the Boltzmann
The boundaries of the metal zone simulation are divided constant.
into five segments, as shown in Fig. 1. The energy on the top free surface is balanced between
the laser irradiation, plasma-keyhole wall radiation, the
2.3.1. Top surface inside the keyhole (AE in Fig. 1) heat dissipation through convection, and metal vaporiza-
For cells containing free surface, that is, cells that con- tion. In general, since the velocity of the plume along the
tain fluid but have one or more empty neighbors, in the surface is assumed to be zero [23], the heat loss due to con-
direction normal to the free surface, the following pressure vection is omitted. The energy balance is given by the fol-
condition must be satisfied [1]: lowing formula:
P ¼ Pr þ Pr ð7Þ
where P is the pressure at the free surface in a direction k ¼ qlaser þ qrad  qevap ð14Þ
normal to the local free surface. Pr is the surface tension
and Pr is the recoil pressure. Pr is calculated by the follow- In this study, the liquid/vapor evaporation model is used
ing formula: due to the low intensity of laser irradiation. The heat loss
P r ¼ jc ð8Þ due to surface evaporation can be written as [30]

where j is the free surface curvature, given by [25]: qevap ¼ WH v ð15Þ

n 1 ~
j¼ r ¼  r j~
nj  ðr  ~
nÞ ð9Þ 18836
nj j~
nj j~nj logðW Þ ¼ Av þ 6:121   0:5 log T ð16Þ
where ~n is the unit vector normal to the local free surface.
For a pseudo-binary Fe–S system, the surface tension coef- The laser heat flux qlaser comes from the Fresnel absorp-
ficient c can be calculated as a function of temperature T tion of the incident intensity directly from the laser beam
and sulfur concentration fa [26] plus the incident intensity from the multiple reflections:
J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366 4357

where rf is the beam radius, rfo is the beam radius at the fo-
qlaser ¼ I o ðr; zÞaFr ðuo Þ þ I r;m ðr; zÞaFr ðum Þ ð17Þ cal position, and Plaser is the laser power. In laser welding,
the keyhole surface temperature is much lower than that of
aFr ðuÞ ¼ 1 the plasma, so the radiation and emission of the surface can
1 1 þ ð1  ef cos uÞ e2f  2ef cos u þ 2 cos2 u be omitted. Then qrad can be simplified as
2 1 þ ð1 þ ef cos uÞ2 e2f þ 2ef cos u þ 2 cos2 u qrad ¼ erðT pl 4  T 4 Þ ð25Þ
ð18Þ where T pl is the average temperature of keyhole plasma.

where u is the angle of the incident light with the normal of 2.3.2. Top surface outside the keyhole (AB in Fig. 1)
the keyhole surface, n is the total number of incident light Boundary condition on the top surface outside the key-
from multiple reflections. ef is a material-dependent coeffi- hole is similar to that inside the keyhole. The differences lie
cient. In CO2 laser welding of mild steel, ef = 0.2 is used. in the absence of plasma and multiple reflections. As shown
Io(r, z) and Ir,m(r, z) are, respectively, the incident intensity in Fig. 1, there is a shielding gas flow above the base metal,
from laser beam and the mth multiple reflection at the key- which means that plasma outside the keyhole will be blown
hole wall which are given as away. So Eq. (17) can be written as
 Z z0 
qlaser ¼ I o ðr; zÞaFr cos u ð26Þ
I o ðr; zÞ ¼ I c ðrÞ exp  K pl dz ð19Þ
0 Since there is no plasma and the temperature of shielding
 Z zm 
gas is much lower than that of the metal surface, the radi-
I r;m ðr; zÞ ¼ I r ðr; zÞ exp  K pl dz ð20Þ ation heat flux can be given as

I r ðr; zÞ ¼ I o ðr; zÞð1  aFr Þ ð21Þ qrad ¼ erðT 4  T 41 Þ ð27Þ

where Ic(r) stands for the original collimated incident laser Here, T1 is the ambient temperature. Since there is a
beam intensity, Ir,m(r, z) is the shielding gas flow over the surface, the convection heat loss
R z reflected laser R z beam intensity cannot be omitted which is given by
at the m times reflections, 0 0 K pl dz and 0 m K pl dz are the
optical thickness of the laser transportation path, respec- qconv ¼ hconv ðT  T 1 Þ ð28Þ
tively, for the first incident and the multiple reflections, The boundary condition for the species equation on the top
and Kpl is the plasma absorption coefficient due to the In- surface is given by
verse Bremsstrahlung (IB) absorption [31]
of a
 0:5    ¼0 ð29Þ
ne ni Z 2 e6 2p me x oz
K pl ¼ pffiffiffi 3 1  exp  g
6 3me0 c hx3 m2e 2pk b T pl k b T pl
ð22Þ 2.3.3. Side surface (BC in Fig. 1)
where Z is the charge of ion in the plasma, e is the charge of k ¼ qconv ð30Þ
electron, x is the angular frequency of the laser irradiation, or
e0 is the dielectric constant, ne and ni are the densities of u ¼ 0; v ¼ 0 ð31Þ
electrons and ions respectively,  h is the Planck’s constant, of a
¼0 ð32Þ
m is a constant that is related to the specific laser being or
used and is one for CO2 laser, me is the electron mass,
Tpl is the plasma temperature, c is the speed of light, and 2.3.4. Bottom surface (CD in Fig. 1)
g is the quantum mechanical Gaunt factor. For weakly ion-
ized plasma in the keyhole, Saha equation [32] can be used oT
k ¼ qconv ð33Þ
to calculate the densities of the plasma species oz
1:5   u ¼ 0; v ¼ 0 ð34Þ
ne ni ge gi ð2pme k b T pl Þ Ei
¼  exp  ð23Þ of a
n0 g0 h3 k b T pl ¼0 ð35Þ
where n0 is neutral particle density which is 1026/cm3 for
iron [32], ge, gi and g0 are, respectively, the degeneracy fac- 2.3.5. Symmetrical axis (DE in Fig. 1)
tors for electrons, ions and neutral atoms, Ei is the ioniza-
tion potential for the neutral atoms in the gas. Assuming oT
¼0 ð36Þ
the laser intensity distribution is ideal Gaussian-like, Ic(r) or
can be written as [33] ov
u ¼ 0; ¼0 ð37Þ
 2   or
2P laser rf 2r2 of a
I c ðrÞ ¼ exp  2 ð24Þ ¼0 ð38Þ
pr2fo rfo rf or
4358 J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366

2sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 32
2.4. Plasma zone simulation  2
TK 4 cr  1 mv pffiffiffi cr  1 mv
¼ 1þp  p 5 ð43Þ
2.4.1. Governing equations Tl cr þ 1 2 cr þ 1 2
In current study, metal vapor in the keyhole is assumed sffiffiffiffi
to be a compressible, inviscid ideal gas. Since the heat pro- 2
mv F ¼ M K ð44Þ
duction by viscous dissipation is rather small in laser weld- cr
ing, the energy equation can be simplified as [34]:
  where TK is the vapor temperature outside of the Knudsen
o k pl layer, Tl is the liquid surface temperature adjacent to the
ðq hpl Þ ¼ r  rhpl  qr þ K pl I c ðrÞ
ot pl cpl Knudsen layer, Mk is Mach number at the outer of the
Z zo X
n Knudsen layer and cr is the specific heat ratio. The value
 expð K pl dzÞ þ K pl I r;m ðr; zÞ of mv depends on the gas dynamics of the vapor flow away
0 m¼1 from the surface. MK = 1.2 is used in the present study [28].
 Z zm 
The vapor is assumed to be iron in the form of monatomic
 exp  K pl dz ð39Þ gas with molecular weight of 56 and cr = 1.67. The gas tem-
perature outside the Knudsen layer is used as the boundary
where hpl and qpl represent, respectively, the enthalpy and temperature. So the boundary condition is given by [35]:
density of the plasma, kpl and cpl represent, respectively,
the thermal conductivity and specific heat of the plasma. T pl ¼ T K ð45Þ
qr stands for the radiation heat flux vector. Note 1e
I ¼ eI b þ n  XjdX0
Ij~ ð46Þ
hpl = cplTpl. p nX0 <0
The radiation source term $  (qr) is defined as Top surface outside the keyhole (FA in Fig. 1).
r  qr ¼ k a ð4pI b  IdXÞ ð40Þ T pl ¼ T 1 ð47Þ
I ¼ I c ðrÞ ð48Þ
where ka, Ib and X denote the Planck mean absorption
coefficient, blackbody emission intensity (I b ¼ rT 4pl Þ and Symmetrical axis (EF in Fig. 1).
solid angle, respectively. When an intense laser pulse inter- oT pl
acts with the vapor in the keyhole, a significant amount of ¼0 ð49Þ
laser irradiation is absorbed by the ionized particles oI
through the IB absorption. For simplicity, the plasma is as- ¼0 ð50Þ
sumed to be an absorbing–emitting medium and the scat-
tering effect is neglected. The radiation transport 3. Numerical method
equation (RTE) has to be solved for the total directional
radiative intensity I(r,s) [35] The solutions of transport equations in the metal zone
ðs  rÞIðr; sÞ ¼ k a ðI b  Iðr; sÞÞ ð41Þ and in the plasma zone are coupled; that is, the simulations
of the metal and the plasma zone provide boundary condi-
where s and r denote a unit vector along the direction of the tions for each other. However, there are large spatial and
radiation intensity and the local position vector. When the physical differences between the metal and the plasma zone.
plume within the keyhole is weakly ionized, the absorption To enhance convergence rate and save calculation time,
mechanism mainly depends on electron-neutral interaction different time and space resolutions are used for the metal
and the plume behaves as an optically thin medium. For and the plasma zone. The governing equations (Eqs. (1)–
the evaluation of the intensity and heat flux divergence, (5) and Eq. (39)) and all related supplemental equations
the Planck mean absorption coefficient is given as [35] and boundary conditions are solved through the following
iterative scheme:
 0:5  1:5
128 p Z 2 e6 g ne ni
ka ¼ kb ð42Þ 1. Eqs. (1)–(4) are solved iteratively for the metal zone to
27 me hrc3 T 3:5 pl
obtain velocity, pressure and temperature distributions
using the associated boundary conditions.
2.4.2. Boundary conditions 2. Eq. (5) is solved for the metal zone to obtain concentra- Bottom surface inside the keyhole (EA in Fig. 1). tion distributions using the associated boundary
Close to the liquid wall inside the keyhole, there is a so- conditions.
called Knudsen layer where vaporization of material takes 3. Eq. (39) is solved iteratively to obtain the plasma tem-
place. The vapor temperature across the Knudsen layer is perature distributions in the keyhole under the associ-
discontinuous, which can be calculated by the following ated boundary conditions. The steps for solving Eq.
formula [28]: (39) are listed below:
J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366 4359

(a) Solve Eq. (41) using the associated boundary con- Table 1
ditions to get the total directional radiative inten- Thermophysical properties of 304 stainless steel and process parameters
sity distributions. Nomenclature Value
(b) Solve Eq. (40) to get radiation source term $  (qr). Constant in Eq. (12), A (Pa) 1.78  1010
(c) Solve Eqs. (23) and (22) in the order using the Constant in Eq. (16), Av 2.52
most recent plasma temperature from the previous Vaporization constant in Eq. (11), B0 0.55
Speed of light, c (m s1) 3  108
time step to get the updated plasma absorption Specific heat of solid phase, cs (J kg1 K1) 700
coefficient Kpl. Specific heat of liquid phase, cl (J kg1 K1) 780
(d) Solve Eq. (39) to get the updated plasma Specific heat of plasma, cpl (J kg1 K1) 900
temperature. Charge of electron, e (C) 1.6022  1019
Ionization potential for neutral atoms, Ei (J) 1.265  1018
Sulfur concentration in base metal, fa (ppm) 100
4. Solve VOF algorithm Eq. (6) to obtain the new domain Gravitational acceleration, g (m s2) 9.8
for the metal and plasma zones. Degeneracy factors for electrons, ge 30
5. Update boundary conditions for the metal and the Degeneracy factors for ions, gi 30
plasma zones. Degeneracy factors for neutral atoms, g0 25
6. Advance to the next time step and back to Step 1 until Quantum mechanical Gaunt factor, g 1.5
Convective heat transfer coefficient, hconv (W m2 K1) 80
the desired time is reached. Planck’s constant, h (J s) 6.625  1034
Latent heat of fusion, H (J kg1) 2.47  105
The techniques for solving Eqs. (1)–(5) and Eq. (39) are Thickness of substrate metal, Hb (mm) 3.0
given by Wang and Tsai [25]. Following the MAC scheme, Latent heat of vaporization, Hv (J kg1) 6.34  106
the r- and z-velocity components are located at cell face Boltzmann’s constant, kb (J K1) 1.38  1023
Thermal conductivity of liquid phase, kl (W m1 K1) 22
centers on lines of constants r and z respectively; while thermal conductivity of plasma, kpl (W m1 K1) 3.74
the pressure, VOF function, temperature and absorbed Thermal conductivity of solid phase, ks(W m1 K1) 22
laser flux are located at cell centers. Since the temperature Atomic mass, ma (g) 9.3  1023
and pressure field change more dramatically near the key- Electron mass, me (g) 9.1  1028
hole, a non-uniform grid system with 202  252 points is Mach number at the outer of the Knudsen layer, MK 1.2
Avogadro’s number, Na (mol1) 6.022  1023
used for the total computational domain of Laser power, Plaser (W) 1700
5.0 mm  20.0 mm, in which smaller grids are concentrated Laser beam radius, rf (mm) 0.2
near the keyhole and larger grids for other parts. Due to Laser beam radius at focus, rf0 (mm) 0.2
the axis-symmetry of the domain, only half of the grid Laser pulse duration tp (ms) 15
points were used in the calculation. Calculations were exe- Gas constant, R (J kg1 mol1) 8.3  103
Radius of substrate metal, Rb (mm) 20.0
cuted on the DELL OPTIPLEX GX270 workstations with Liquidus temperature, Tl (K) 1727
LINUX-REDHAT 9.0 OS and it took about 6.5 h of CPU Reference temperature, T0 (K) 2500
time to simulate about 100 ms of real-time welding. The Solidus temperature, Ts (K) 1670
average time step is 104 s and the smallest time step is Ambient temperature, T1 (K) 300
about 106 s. Average ionic charge in the plasma, Z 1
Thermal expansion coefficient, bT (K1) 4.95  105
Surface radiation emissivity, e 0.4
4. Results and discussion Dielectric constant, e0 14.2
Constant in Eq. (18), ef 0.2
The base metal is assumed to be 304 stainless steel con- Specific heat ratio, cr 1.6
taining 100 ppm sulfur. The process parameters and ther- Angular frequency of laser radiation, x (rad s1) 1.78  1014
Dynamic viscosity, ll (kg m1 s1) 0.006
mophysical properties used in the present study are Stefan–Boltzmann constant, r (W m2 K4) 5.67  108
summarized in Table 1. The laser energy is assumed to Electrical conductivity, re (X1 m1) 7.14  105
be in the Gaussian distribution and the focus plane is Density of liquid phase, ql (kg m3) 6900
on the top surface of the base metal. In this study, Density of plasma, qpl (kg m3) 0.06
MIG droplets are assumed to be steadily generated via Density of solid phase, qs (kg m3) 7200
a certain wire feeding method right after the shut-off of
the laser. The droplet is made of 304 stainless steel con-
taining 300 ppm sulfur and its size, initial temperature, 4.1. Interaction between MIG droplets and weld pool
velocity, and generation frequency are all given in the cal-
culation. Arc heat and arc pressure are used as constants Fig. 2 shows the process of droplet-weld pool interaction
in the current study. In the future, electrode melting, and keyhole collapse in hybrid laser-MIG welding. The cor-
droplet generation, arc plasma generation [36] will be inte- responding distributions of temperature, sulfur concentra-
grated into current models. Note, in this study, the ele- tion, and melt flow velocity are given in Figs. 3–5,
ment ‘sulfur’ is used just as a media to trace the mixing respectively. Since only the interaction between filler drop-
process in the weld pool. In this sense, it will not affect lets and weld pool is of primary concern in this study, the
the mixing process in the weld pool. keyhole formation process, which is similar to what was
4360 J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366

Fig. 2. A sequence of metal evolution showing the impingement process of filler metal into the weld pool in hybrid laser-MIG welding.

previously discussed [20], is ignored. As shown in Fig. 2, fil- off and the temperature drops, the laser-induced recoil pres-
ler droplets start to fall into the keyhole at t = 15.0 ms. The sure sustaining the keyhole quickly decreases. Under the
diameter of a typical filler droplet is assumed to be 0.35 mm, actions of surface tension and hydrostatic pressure, the mol-
at an initial speed of 0.5 m/s, initial temperature 2400 K, ten metal near the keyhole shoulder has a tendency to flow
and frequency 1000 Hz (i.e., a droplet per 1 ms). As shown back to refill the keyhole and the size of the keyhole is
in Fig. 3, since the laser had been turned off at this time, the reduced. In the process of falling into the keyhole, filler
temperature of the keyhole wall drops very quickly, espe- droplets are continuously accelerated by gravity and arc
cially in the lower part of the keyhole due to the existence pressure, although the acceleration effect is weakened by
of only a thin layer of liquid metal. Once the laser is turned the air resistance, as shown in Fig. 5. When the first droplet
J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366 4361

Fig. 3. The corresponding temperature distributions as shown in Fig. 2.

impinges into the weld pool at t = 17.5 ms, the downward by the push of the droplet impingement will be mitigated,
momentum carried by the droplet forces it to flow down- which makes it difficult for the droplet liquid to further flow
ward and outward along the keyhole wall. This can be downward. As shown in Fig. 2 at t = 21.5 ms, when the sub-
clearly found in Fig. 4 by tracing the sulfur concentration sequent droplets continue to impinge into the keyhole, the
distributions. Meanwhile, the downward momentum from molten metal level in the center of the weld pool rises
the droplet squeezes the molten metal in the weld pool cas- instead of falling.
ing it to flow upward and outward. However, under the As shown in Fig. 4, for the first several droplets, the filler
actions of hydrostatic force and surface tension, the molten metal mainly diffuses along the longitudinal direction and
metal on the keyhole wall has a tendency to flow downward only the first droplet can spread out in the latitudinal
along the keyhole wall. So the upward flowing melt caused direction along the solid–liquid interface driven by the
4362 J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366

Fig. 4. The corresponding sulfur concentration distributions as shown in Fig. 2.

downward momentum. However, as more and more drop- while, since the molten metal is incompressible, the strong
lets impinge into the weld pool, as shown in Fig. 5 at downward flow in the center of the weld pool, caused by
t = 21.5 ms, an anti-clockwise vortex is found in the middle the impingement of the droplet, pushes some molten metal
of the keyhole. The formation of the vortex helps the filler causing it to flow upward. The kinetic energy of the melt
metal to diffuse outward along the latitudinal direction, as flow in the center is transferred into the potential and
shown in Fig. 4. The formation and size of the vortex kinetic energy of the outward flowing melt. So the down-
depend on the interaction among the droplets and the weld ward momentum of the flow in that region becomes smaller
pool in the impinging process. As discussed before, when and smaller. Finally the melt flow changes its direction
the laser is turned off, under the actions of hydraulic force from flowing downward to flow outward along the solid–
and surface tension, the molten metal on the shoulder will liquid interface, as shown in Fig. 5 at t = 21.5 ms. When
flow downward along the keyhole wall from the top. Mean- the molten metal flows upward along the solid–liquid inter-
J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366 4363

Fig. 5. The corresponding velocity distributions as shown in Fig. 2.

face, the kinetic energy of the melt flow is transferred into vortex affected zone is enlarged and the strength of the vor-
potential energy and the upward velocity becomes smaller tex is enhanced. This vortex flow helps the filler metal to
and smaller. Finally the melt flow changes its direction to diffuse along the latitudinal direction. As shown in Fig. 4,
flow inward when it meets the back-filling melt flow from at t = 24.5 ms, the diffusion zone of the filler metal is much
the shoulder of the keyhole. Hence, a vortex is formed in larger than that at t = 21.5 ms. Since the latitudinal diffu-
the middle of the keyhole. As the filler droplets continue sion of filler metal has a close relationship with the vortex,
to impinge into the weld pool, more and more downward the evolution of the vortex can be estimated by tracing the
momentum is added into the center of the weld pool, the shape of the diffusion zone in the final fusion zone. Also, as
4364 J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366

noticed at t = 24.5 ms, the downward velocity of the liquid ments into the base metal via filler droplets. However, the
metal in the center of the weld pool is quite large and the solidification process proceeds very fast due to the small
mass from droplets is not enough to compensate the down- weld pool size and fast cooling rate in hybrid laser-MIG
ward mass flow in that area. Hence, the liquid surface level welding. Hence, the time available for the filler metal to dif-
is found to be lower in the center of the weld pool. fuse into the base metal is very short in hybrid laser-MIG
After t = 25.0 ms, no droplet is added into the weld pool. welding compared with that in a conventional arc welding
The melt flow near the center of the keyhole is bouncing process. Good diffusion of filler metal into the weld pool is
back under the actions of hydrostatic force and surface ten- very difficult if the welding parameters are not controlled in
sion. As shown at t = 29.0 ms in Fig. 6, the melt flow starts a proper way. As shown in the above studies of hybrid
to flow inward and downward and the size of the keyhole is laser-MIG welding, how well filler droplets can diffuse into
becoming smaller and smaller. Finally the keyhole is com- the weld pool is found to be dependent on the competition
pletely filled back, as shown at t = 49.0 ms in Fig. 2. During between the rate of mixing and the rate of solidification.
the back-filling process, the vortex flow becomes weaker Then, we further study the effect of the droplet size on
and weaker. So the diffusion of filler metal in the latitudinal the diffusion process, as shown in Fig. 6. In this study,
direction is not improved much at this stage. This can be for a typical droplet, the initial velocity is 0.5 m/s, the gen-
found by comparing the figures at t = 29.0 ms and at eration frequency is 1000 HZ and the droplet feeding starts
t = 46.0 ms in Fig. 4. Also, as shown at t = 46.0 ms in at t = 15 ms and terminates at t = 25 ms. In hybrid laser-
Fig. 4, only a small amount of the filler metal, which is MIG welding, the size of the droplet mainly depends on
brought there by the bouncing flow, is found near the center the diameter of the feeding wire. In order to analyze the
of the weld pool. Hence, it can be concluded that most of effect of droplet size on the mixing and diffusion processes,
the back-filling liquid metal comes from the upper shoulder three simulations are carried out with the droplet size at
of the keyhole instead of from filler droplets. 0.3 mm, 0.35 mm, and 0.4 mm, respectively.
As shown in Fig. 4, the supplemental heat brought into As shown in Fig. 6, with the increase of the diameter of
the weld pool by the droplets and the arc helps to delay the the droplet, the latitudinal diffusion of filler metal into the
solidification process. The delayed solidification process weld pool is improved. According to our previous analysis
gives more time for the filler droplets to diffuse into the of the mixing process, the latitudinal diffusion of the filler
base metal. After the termination of droplet generation, metal into the weld pool is found to be closely associated
the heat input carried by the droplets also ceases. Due to with the formation of the vortex in the weld pool. The
the rapid heat loss to the base metal by conduction and strength and the size of the vortex depend on the down-
to the surroundings by radiation and convection, the size ward momentum of the filler droplets, which is the prod-
of the molten pool quickly becomes smaller and smaller uct of droplet mass and velocity. As the droplet size
when the solidification proceeds. At t = 46.0 ms, the melt increases, the downward momentum increases, which
flow in the weld pool is almost diminished and the temper- leads to a stronger and larger vortex. So the diffusion zone
ature distribution becomes more uniform than before, as is enlarged outward, especially in the middle of the key-
shown in Figs. 4 and 6. After that, the shape and the com- hole where the vortex is located. This can be found by
position of the weld pool change very little as compared to comparing the figures for d = 0.30 mm and d = 0.35 mm
those in the final weld. in Fig. 6. Meanwhile, stronger downward momentum
from a larger droplet also leads to a strong bouncing flow
4.2. Modification of composition by adding filler droplets near the center of the keyhole after termination of droplet
feeding, which helps the filler metal to diffuse into the
As discussed above, the crack resistance of the hybrid upper part of the final weld, as shown in Fig. 6 for
laser-MIG weld can be improved by adding anti-crack ele- d = 0.40 mm. Moreover, larger droplet size brings more

Fig. 6. Effect of droplet size on the sulfur distribution in the weld.

J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366 4365

Fig. 7. The comparison of the weld bead geometry between a laser weld and a hybrid laser-MIG weld.

heat input into the weld pool. It helps to delay the solid- sion on the formation of porosity in laser welding can be
ification of the fusion zone. The delayed solidification pro- found in Ref. [20] and will not be repeated here.
cess gives more time for the filler metal to mix and diffuse In hybrid laser-MIG welding, since there are some drop-
into the weld pool. However, larger droplets also bring lets impinging into the weld pool when the laser is turned
some negative effects on the diffusion of filler metal near off, the addition of metal from the droplets into the weld
the center of the weld zone. After the termination of the pool can help to eliminate pore/void formation and com-
droplet feeding, the level of the fluid surface near the cen- pensate the mass loss. The momentum and energy carried
ter of the weld pool continues to go down due to the lar- by droplets also affect the melt flow and the heat transfer
ger hydrodynamic pressure caused by the downward in the weld pool, and thus the shape of the final weld.
momentum. This leads to a deep hole in the center of The total effect is dependent on the characteristics of the fil-
the weld pool where the impinging process occurs. During ler droplets. In the current study, for a typical filler droplet,
the back-filling process of this hole, some metal from the the diameter is 0.35 mm; the initial speed is 0.25 m/s; initial
upper part of the keyhole flows into the bottom of this temperature is 2400 K; generation frequency is 1000 Hz;
hole. Since the concentration of filler metal in the upper duration is 25 ms and the rest of the welding conditions
part of the keyhole is very low, it causes a low diffusion are the same as before. As shown in Fig. 7, the final weld
zone of filler metal in the center of the final weld, as bead shape is improved in hybrid laser-MIG welding.
shown in Fig. 6 for d = 0.40 mm. There is no porosity and undercut found in the final weld
and the topology of the weld bead is better than that of
the laser weld due to the additional metal input from the
4.3. Porosity elimination and weld profile modification droplets. The supplemental heat input from the arc is trans-
ferred to the weld pool mainly in the region near the top of
Fig. 7 shows the comparison of the cross-sectional area the weld pool, which makes the top portion of the hybrid
between a typical hybrid laser-MIG weld and a typical weld wider than that of the laser weld. In addition, in the
laser weld. Some undercuts are clearly found in the laser current study, the penetration depth in hybrid laser-MIG
weld. In laser welding some base metal is lost due to evap- welding is found to be almost the same as that in laser
oration. Meanwhile, during the keyhole collapse process, welding. It indicates that the penetration depth in hybrid
the liquid–solid interface moves inward and upward very laser-MIG welding mainly depends on the laser power,
quickly because of strong heat dissipation to the surround- rather than the arc power.
ing metal. Some liquid metal has no time to flow back to its
original position before its complete solidification, espe-
cially for the liquid metal at the upper part of the cold edge. 5. Conclusions
Hence, an undercut is found near the edge of the top sur-
face of the final weld bead, as shown in Fig. 7. This is Mathematical models have been developed to investi-
one of the major defects for laser welds. Also, in laser weld- gate the transport phenomena in a hybrid laser-MIG weld-
ing, a pore/void is found in the final weld. Detailed discus- ing process. The complicated velocity and temperature
4366 J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 4353–4366

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