Step 1: Outlining Learning Objectives: Lesson Title: Date: Grade(s) / Class: Proficiency Level: Instructional Purpose

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Name: Jingyi Zhao

Lesson Date: 11/7/2019 Grade(s)/ First grade Proficiency Novice-low

Title: Class: Level:
Step 1: Outlining Learning Objectives
Instructional Purpose: (Rationale: This lesson will teach students Go Math Chapter 3 lesson 1, and practice Chinese character symbols which
Why is it worthwhile? How does it link to is required in this IB unit. Also, students will learn to complete the comprehension form of LevelChinese Level
Standards, Benchmarks, Curriculum C which is in our Chinese curriculum.
Guidelines or other key principles?)

Language Objectives: (The language I will/Students can . . .

objectives tell how the students will learn  Write answers on the practice pages of Go Math 3.1 which is about changing the
and/or demonstrate their mastery of
learning by reading, speaking, writing or places of addends and getting the same sum.
listening0  Recognize and write Chinese character symbols such as 月,人,火,水,etc.
 Write answers in the LevelChinese Level C comprehension form by reading and
Content Objectives: (Content
objectives will tell students what they will listening a BetterChinese textbook.
learn during the lesson. Use measurable
verbs—Bloom’s Taxonomy for higher
level thinking skills..) Key Vocabulary Sentence Structures Communication Modes
Chinese character symbols: 你叫什么名字? Interpersonal Students engage in
月,人,火,水,雨,木, 我叫...... conversations, provide and obtain
林,森,山,日,鱼,吃, information, express feelings and emotions,
目,口. 这个故事的名字是什么?(what is and exchange opinions.
the name of this story?) √ Interpretive Students understand and
Words from reading: 画一画,写一写 (draw and write) interpret written and spoken language on a
小鸡,小鱼,小鸟,小兔, 故事里的主要人物 (the main variety of topics.
小猫,小狗 characters in this story) √ Presentational Students present
information, concepts, and ideas to an
audience of listeners or readers on a variety of
World Language & Content
Step 2: Assessment
Name: Jingyi Zhao

Lesson Assessment(s): Formative assessments:

 Summative, Formative, 1.If students have questions and what kind of the question is;
and/or Observational: (How 2. Attention, facial expression, speed of speaking, engagement in activities;
will I gauge the students’ 3.if students well behaved;
learning as I implement the
4.if students follow the instructions and procedures to do the activities.
lesson plan and once the lesson
is completed? Specifically, what
will I look for? How will I use Summative assessment:
what I am learning to inform my 1. Check answers on Go Math practice pages
next steps?) 2. Check students’ reading and writing on the Chinese character symbols worksheets
3. Check students’ comprehension forms

Step 3: Developing Instruction

Time or Planned instruction: Differentiation, Academic,
Minutes: Social & Linguistic Support

12:40- Warm Up & Objective(s) bell work (addition and subtraction) , bathroom, drink; Teacher helps individually
Introduction (What will I
13:00 say to help the students
understand the purpose of
the lesson? How will I help
them make connections to
13:00- prior lessors or daily routine: sing Chinese song, count numbers by 10 starting
13:15  experiences? How will I from a certain number (whole group and individual), Objectives,
motivate them to become
engaged in the lesson? dance
How will I introduce the
learning objectives)
Name: Jingyi Zhao

13:15- Outline of Key Events whole group Go Math instruction: Chapter 3 Lesson 1; Teacher helps individually
(Include specific details
13:30 about how I will begin and Chinese Dance.
end activities/ what
discussion questions I will
13:30- use; how I will help students
review Chinese character symbols. 
13:40  understand behavioral
expectations during the two groups work round one: one group who are good at math will
lesson; when/how I will
13:40- distribute supplies and read and write the Chinese character symbols worksheets; another
14:00  materials) group will do Go Math textbook. (teacher walks around to help
math group mainly, and check on Chinese group’s reading and

14:00- snack& indoor recess


14:30- two groups work round two: the two groups will switch and then
14:50    do work.

14:50- whole group Chinese instruction: students will listen to and read
15:10 BetterChinese textbook 你叫什么名字?And then teacher will
teach them the vocabularies and format of the comprehension
form, and then modeling how to complete the form. (this is an
easy book that we have already learned. The reason why I use this
book is because that students’ goal today is to learn to complete
the LevelChinese comprehension form, and this book is not hard
and suitable for the questions on the comprehension form.)

15:10- Students complete the comprehension form (teacher helps

15:30    individually)
Name: Jingyi Zhao

15:30- Closing summary (How read aloud a Better Immersion book about symbols of different
will I bring closure to the
15:40  lesson and help students countries; reflection.
reflect on their
experiences? How will I
help them make
connections to prior lessons
or prepare for future
experiences? What kind of
feedback do I want from
them? How will help
students reflect back on the

Appendix: LevelChinese Level C Comprehension Form

名字:__________ 日期:____ 月____ 日

一. 这个故事的名字是什么?

这个故事的名字是 __________________________。

二. 画一画,写一写故事里的主要人物。


三.吃 喝 玩 看,是“动作”的词语
Name: Jingyi Zhao

1. 故事里有动作的词语吗?( 有 / 没有 )

2. 如果有,写一写故事里动作的词 语。

四.水果 花 学校,是“东西”的词语

1. 故事里有东西的词语吗?( 有 / 没有 )

2. 如果有,画一画,写一写故事里东西的词 语。



Name: Jingyi Zhao

六. 你喜欢这本书吗?

Date: 3/1/2018_ period: _13:25-14:55_ Unit: where we are in place and time Grade: Kindergarten
Language Learning Objectives Cultural Objectives
1. Students can ask and answer 教室里有什么?What are there in the
classroom?教室里有...(桌子/...) There are...(table/...) in the classroom.
Name: Jingyi Zhao MiWL Standards Communication Mode(s)
Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the target language Interpersonal √
1.1.N.SL.i Interpretive √ 
Presentational √
Ask for and obtain information in everyday situations in the target language about time,
place, price, size, relating to restaurants, stores, transportation, and services
Present brief personal descriptions on familiar topics in target language such as self,
friends, family, home, and school
Identify facilities, supplies, and materials needed for schooling and activities in a
community or culture in which the language is spoken
Willingly use the target language within the classroom setting
Activity 1 / Warm - Up
Learning opportunity: Participation structure:
Situated practice  Individual √ 
Overt instruction  Whole group √
Critical framing  Peer work 
Transformed practice  Team / group work 
Learning center 
Procedure: Materials / resources needed
Tip 1: Write as directive (Teacher will … / Students will) 1. Authentic products such as book, papers, white board,
Tip 2: Include a time estimate
Tip 3: How will you adapt your activity to meet needs of disabled, heritage and other to name a few
diverse learners? 2. Word cards
3. Video
13:25- 13:40 (carpet) (1) review words of 教室,书,门,窗子,灯,黑板,聪明板,
桌子,椅子,卫生间,地毯,铅笔,彩色笔,纸,剪刀,胶水,蜡笔,白板,老师,朋友们 by 4. A box that teacher made with direction words on it
teacher pointing out and/or show word cards; (2) review 里 by teacher 5. A box has some dictionary in it.
showing the position in a box,then teacher ask 盒子里有什么?and taking
out one thing from a box, students or student individual will answer 盒子
里有...; (3) consolidate learning of 教室里: ask students to say “in the
classroom” ,then first asks students 赵老师在哪里 and let them answer 教
室里/教室外,after that, having some students out of classroom, teacher
asks 教室里/外有几个朋友?students will answer. 教室里有...个朋友.
(these 3 steps will let students express altogether then individually as well
as let some students explain what do those words/phrases mean);
(4) Chinese song and dance 《跟着形状跳舞》

Formative assessments Summative assessments

1.If students have questions and what kind of the question is; 1. Students can say those words and phrases
2. Attention, facial expression, speed of speaking, engagement in activities;
3.if students well behaved;
2. Students can tell what do those words and phrases
4.if students follow the instructions and procedures to do the activities. mean
5. students can count, compare, say and recognize numbers during learning
Activity 2
Name: Jingyi Zhao

Date: 11/21/2017_ period: _13:25-15:15__ Unit: celebration,how we express ourselves Grade: Kindergarten
Language Learning Objectives Cultural Objectives
2. Students can say and write 生日快乐 1. students will compare the typical food Chinese and Americans
3. Students can say 庆祝生日,中国人/美国人 吃 鸡蛋/蛋糕/面条 eat when celebrating birthday
Name:4.Jingyi Zhao
Students can count from a starting number (4/5/6) to 29 2. Students will connect birthday celebration with
5. Students can add numbers and objects to make 2,3,4,5 3. students understand the culture of celebrating birthday
in China:noodle=longevity,red egg=happy and a beginning
of life,gathering with family and friends.
MiWL Standards Communication Mode(s)
Understand main idea of simple accessible written materials in the target Interpersonal √
language such as, textbook passages, age-appropriate magazine and Interpretive √ 
newspaper articles/ads, websites/internet, poetry or stories Presentational √
Present songs, poems or stories in the target language
Present brief personal descriptions on familiar topics in target language such
as self, friends, family, home, and school
Explain the practices and significance of an important:
- civil or religious holiday or celebration AND
- regional holiday or celebration AND
- personal or family holiday or celebration
within a community or culture in which the target language is spoken
Describe and explain the significance of the products associated with an
- civil or religious holiday or celebration AND
- regional holiday or celebration AND
- personal or family holiday or celebration within a community or culture in
which the target language is spoken
Use audio, visual, and/or print materials available only in the target language
to recognize that a topic or situation may be viewed differently in one’s own
culture than in the target culture
Identify basic target culture practices and compare them to one’s own
Identify basic target culture products and compare them to one’s own
Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the target language
Willingly use the target language within the classroom setting
Activity 1 / Warm - Up
Learning opportunity: Participation structure:
Situated practice  Individual √
Overt instruction  Whole group √
Critical framing  Peer work 
Transformed practice  Team / group work √ 
Name: Jingyi Zhao

Date: 2/13/2018 period: _13:20-14:40_ Unit: IB unit of where we are in place and time Grade: kindergarten
Language Learning Objectives Cultural Objectives
6. Students can understand and say 上,下,里,外
7. Students can express the formula of subtraction in Chinese like 6-3=3.
Name:8.Jingyi Zhao
Students can make the Chinese characters of 上,下,里,外 using small
blocks, counters, shape foams.

MiWL Standards Communication Mode(s)

Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the target language Interpersonal √
5.2.N.a Interpretive √ 
Presentational √
Willingly use the target language within the classroom setting

Activity 1 / Warm - Up
Learning opportunity: Participation structure:
Situated practice  Individual 
Overt instruction  Whole group √
Critical framing  Peer work 
Transformed practice  Team / group work 
Learning center 
Procedure: Materials / resources needed
Tip 1: Write as directive (Teacher will … / Students will) 1. A box which has word cards of 上下里外 pasted on the
Tip 2: Include a time estimate
Tip 3: How will you adapt your activity to meet needs of disabled, heritage and other corresponding positions.
diverse learners? 2. video
13:20-13:38 (carpet) (1)students will count from 0 to 70 and count by
10s within 70. (some student volunteers will count from an assigned
number to another assigned number like counting from 50 to 60
individually; some student volunteers will count by 10s within 70

(2) Learn words: 上,下,里, 外 (teacher holds the box leading students
read following teacher, point some students to say the word individually,
and ask students to say the meanings; then TPR: teacher and students do
the actions and say words together, then teacher/student volunteers do
actions and other students say the words and do the actions.)

(3) 《跟着形状跳舞》students will sing and dance with this video.

Formative assessments Summative assessments
1.If students have questions and what kind of the question is; Students can give the correct actions and say the words
2. Attention, facial expression, speed of speaking, engagement in activities; during TPR activity.
3.if students well behaved;
4.if students follow the instructions and procedures to do the activities.
5. students can count, compare, say and recognize numbers during learning

Activity 2
Learning opportunity: Participation structure:
Situated practice  Individual 
Overt instruction  Whole group 
Name: Jingyi Zhao

Kindergarten Unit 1-2 Starting of School Year
Draft Lesson Plans:

Lesson 1 Hello and what’s your name

Outcomes of focus in this lesson: Students will be able to say 你好 to others and introduce their own Chinese
name as well as understand when other classmates are doing so.
1. Language:
Functions: greeting and Introducing oneself
Key Linguistic Structures:
2. Content: give each student a Chinese name; hello;introduce name
3. Culture: Chinese form of addressing teacher

Colorful sticks and questions cards
Name tags
Construction papers in different colors
Colored pens/crayon
Name: Jingyi Zhao

Videos downloaded
Paper puppet models
A doll named 一一
1) Opening
Greet students and say, 你好. Tell them your teacher name __ 老师 and show them your name tag.
Ask students’ names and every one greets each other.
Ice-break activities: 摇签游戏
2) Phase 1
Sing the 你好 song to the tune of Frère Jacques 两只老虎 using gestures to help clarify the meaning of the
song. (TPR)
你好, 你好!
你好, 谢谢。你好, 谢谢 再见! 再见!
3) Phase 2
Students will make a paper puppet that represents themselves, meanwhile, the teacher will give every
student a Chinese name.
Make their name tags in both English and Chinese (2 name tags per student). Then paste students’ puppets
and one of the name tags on the wall.
Activity for practicing their Chinese names.
4) Phase 3
Using a doll to teach 你叫什么?我叫...
Games/communicative activities for practicing this dialogue. (applying their Chinese names to these
5) Closure and assessment
Game: 找座位(students will help 一一 put the name tags on the assigned desks)
(the teacher shows a name tag)The whole class:“你好,你叫什么名字?”
The corresponding student:“你好,我叫...”
一一 will paste this name tag on a particular desk and that student will go to sit in that seat.(that is how
the students will sit from now on)
Name: Jingyi Zhao


Sing the 你好歌 with movements/gestures together.

Lesson 2 Class rules(1) and body parts

Outcomes of focus in this lesson: Students can explain and perform the rules ; students can point and say the
five body parts.
1. Language:
Functions: rules introduction; body parts and movements
眼睛 看
耳朵 听
嘴巴 嘘
手 做事
脚 走路
2. Content: 5 body parts and 5 gestures/movements
3. Culture: rules in Chinese classroom

Poster of rules
Videos downloaded
Gonoodle dance video
Sticks, construction papers, scissors, pencils, coloring pens, tape
1) Warm-up
Review activity; 你好 song; introduce their names by the aids of the paper puppets pasted on the wall yesterday.
2) Phase 1
(a TPR song) Teach five body parts: 眼睛 耳朵 嘴巴 手 脚
Name: Jingyi Zhao

Students will make those body parts using colorful papers, scissors, etc. Then paste each body part on a stick.
Game for practicing.
3) Phase 2
(modeling,guide, independent practice; TPR & TPRS; students do and redo under my instructions)
Introduce class rules with specific gestures/movements : looking eyes, listening ears, quiet mouth, helping
hands, walking feet. 眼睛看,耳朵听,嘴巴嘘,手做事,脚走路。
4) Closure and assessment
Students introduce those 5 rules accompanying with the gestures/movements and also using the body parts they
have made.

Lesson 3 Greeting, polite expressions and class rules(2)

Outcomes of focus in this lesson: Students will be able to explain the class rules in their own words; students can
express new vocabularies with proper actions.
1. Language:
Functions: greeting, polite expressions
老师好 同学们好
早上好 下午好
好 不好
Key Linguistic Structures : (students will understand the meaning and Chinese, but not necessary to be able to
say those phrases.)
1. Follow the teacher’s instructions. 听旨令
2. Respect myself, teachers, classmates, properties of others and school. 尊重别人,爱护公物
3. Listen and do not talk when the teacher or others are talking. 专心听
4. Be responsible for my choice and the result. 负责任
5. I will have a wonderful day! 开心的一天
2. Content: greeting, polite expressions, class rules
Name: Jingyi Zhao

3. Culture: polite expressions in Chinese and the proper ways to greet in China

Videos downloaded
Gonoodle dance video
Poster of classroom rules in both English and Chinese
PPT for leaning vocabulary
Short videos (performed, shot or edited by the teacher) for learning classroom rules and linguistic sentences.
A doll

1) Warm-up
你好 song; Review activity
2) Phase 1
(TPRS)(PPT) Learning 老师好,同学们好,早上好,下午好,对不起,好,不好 in a story. Students retell the story
accompanying with proper actions/gestures for greeting.
Game for practicing.
3) Phase 2
Watch a video about different types of classroom behaviors related to our rules (edited by me). Then ask students
questions about that video, such as “(point at the screen)这样好吗?”“好/不好。”
also, discuss and lead students to think about appropriate classroom behaviors.
Elicit and introduce class rules(2).

Read after me: 听旨令,尊重别人,爱护公物,专心听,负责任,开心的一天,and match those phrases to its

corresponding picture

The teacher will do some simulated performance using a doll as a playing prop and ask students in the following
T: 一一听旨令吗?
S:(thumb’s up/down)
Name: Jingyi Zhao

4) Closure and assessment

centers: center 1 will explain class rules(2) in their own words, also, they can draw or paste cutted pictures on
their poster, they will complete the character puzzles then paste on the poster as well.;
center 2 will review the vocabulary and the story, students can either retell the story or make up a new story.

Kindergarten Theme: Beginning of the School Year

Lesson 1: Hello and what’s your name?

Lesson 2: Class rules (1) and body parts
Lesson 3: Greeting
Lesson 4:   Daily schedule - Bell work, breakfast, circle time, bathroom break, center time, Recess and Lunch
Lesson 5: Daily procedures (1) - Quiet signal, Lineup, Deciding who goes first
Lesson 6: Class rules (3) and colors - Rainbow chart
Lesson 7: Boy or girl, yes or no
Lesson 8: Number 1-5 and classroom objects
Lesson 9: Number 6-10 and classroom objects
Lesson 10: Numbers, classroom rules, and procedures

Date:03/28/2019 Grade: first grade

Name: Jingyi Zhao

Language Learning Objectives Cultural Objectives

1. Students can say new vocabulary like 端午、农历、卫生、传统、编、戴、 1. Students will know Chinese Lunar
香、等等. Calendar is different from the calendar
2. Students can read the text with the aid by pictures or authentic products. For new we usually use.
vocabulary, they can read by lip reading me. 2. Students can answer the question 什
3. Students can answer the question 什么是中国的三大节日?In Chinese 么是中国的三大节日?In Chinese
4. Students can answer the question 为什么端午节也是卫生日?In Chinese 3. Students can answer the question 为
5. Students can name in Chinese two of the traditional activities that Chinese do to 什么端午节也是卫生日?In Chinese
celebrate Dragon Boat Festival 4. Students will describe one activity
they have experienced in this class, or
compare what they have learned about
this festival today with what they
already knew before today’s lesson (in
Chinese or English)
5. Students can complete at least one
cultural activity during centers.

Activity 1 / Warm - Up
Learning opportunity: Participation structure:
Situated practice           c Individual                  c
Overt instruction            c Whole group             √ c
Critical framing              c Peer work                  c
Transformed practice    c Team / group work    c
Learning center           c
Name: Jingyi Zhao

Procedure: Materials / resources needed

13:15-13:23 create the scenario for the whole lesson: 1. Touchscreen
( I will ask a Chinese friend to take a short Wechat video ahead of 2. PPT
time in which my friend will pretend to introduce 端午节(basically says things 3. Telephone
similar with our learning text) and invite us to celebrate this festival with her/him.) 4. Wechat video
I will share the Wechat video on the Smart Touchscreen. 5.
Briefly explain and discuss about the video with my students, and
then show the text (with pictures) on PPT and read for my students so they will
understand what today’s lesson is about.
A chinese song and dance for young students to move their body.

Formative assessments Summative assessments

1.If students have questions and what kind of the question is;
2. Attention, facial expression, speed of speaking, engagement in activities;
3.if students well behaved;
4.if students follow the instructions and procedures to do the activities.
5. students can count, compare, say and recognize numbers during learning
Activity 2
Learning opportunity: Participation structure:
Situated practice           c Individual                  c
Overt instruction            c Whole group         √  c
Critical framing              c Peer work                     c
Transformed practice    c Team / group work    c
Learning center           c
Name: Jingyi Zhao

Procedure: Materials / resources needed

13:23-13: 40 learning new vocabulary (practice and interaction): 1. PPT and touch screen
( I will use PPT, pictures or authentic materials to elicit new vocabulary and 2. A coat, a watch and a hat
guide students to try to say the new vocabulary, for example: ) 3. 香包,虎枕,etc.
农历 vs. 日历 (students observe and compare the 大挂历 in our class), find 不一样 and
pick two days to say its 农历 date and 阳历 dates;
传统 (compare pictures show traditional or modern things or lifestyles)
卫生-干净, 打扫卫生,保持卫生 (using previously learned thesaurus or words)
立蛋 (student volunteer shows and says the actions of the egg 摔倒了 to elicit 立)
戴 (TPR:穿衣服 vs. 戴帽子/手表,then 戴香包)
香 (let students smell the dry flowers in the 香包, and ask 干花很......?)
等等 (use an example to list things and ask students to give more examples )
Read follow me (game: 我大声你小声)and ask a few individuals to
read according to what characters or pictures another student points at.

Formative assessments Summative assessments

1.If students have questions and what kind of the question is;
2. Attention, facial expression, speed of speaking, engagement in activities;
3.if students well behaved;
4.if students follow the instructions and procedures to do the activities.
Activity 3 / Closure / Wrap - Up
Learning opportunity: Participation structure:
Situated practice           c Individual                 c
Overt instruction            c Whole group              c
Critical framing              c Peer work                 c
Transformed practice    c Team / group work    c
Learning center      √   c
Name: Jingyi Zhao

Procedure: Materials / resources needed

13:40-14:05 Students will complete the center No. (5) and choose another 3 centers to 1. Authentic artistic/cutural products,
experience (Scenario: students will pretend to do those activities with their Chinese 2. Videos
friend) 3. Steamed 粽子 and syrup
4. Eggs
(1) watch videos of 龙舟比赛 and eat 粽子(with the teacher assistant) 5. Printed pictures and written notes
6. Strands in five colors and beads
(2) introduce and experience the activity 立蛋 (with teacher the assistant)
7. Printed PPT text (with pictures)
(3) display and try on 香包, 五毒被, 虎枕,and look or read photos/notes of this Chinese
friend celebrating 端午节 with his/her family (online resources) (independent)

(4) making 编五彩绳(with me)

(5) role play to read the text (with me)

Formative assessments Summative assessments

1.If students have questions and what kind of the question is;
2. Attention, facial expression, speed of speaking, engagement in activities;
3.if students well behaved;
4.if students follow the instructions and procedures to do the activities.
role play to copy the text:write a letter to their former Chinese teacher Xia Laoshi.

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