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Modal VerbsModals
of Advice
of advice are used to give recommendations or make suggestions. Modals of advice include: should, ought to and had
better. As with other modal verbs, modal of advice are always followed by a main verb in simple form. Look at the following

a. We      should         plan          our trip to Ireland 

               modal verb      simple form
b. We     ought to       think     about expenses!
            modal verb       simple form
c. You'   d better        hurry!   The plane leaves in 5 minutes! 
             modal verb       simple form
                              Note: had better and ought to are two-word verbs. These two words always go together. Both words make
up the modal verb itself. The modal had better can be used in contracted form as follows:

You had better put your passport away before you lose it!


You�d better put your passport away before you lose it!


If you take a look to the sentences above (a, b and c) you will see that the sentences with should and ought to are mild
recommendations while the sentence with had better sounds like a warning of a bad consequence:

You'd better slow down! That car up ahead must only be going 15 miles an hour!

What this sentence implies is that if you don�t slow down you will hit the car ahead of you. There is a sense of urgency in
that request that makes it sound more like a warning than a simple recommendation.
Negative Forms of Modal Verbs of Advice
This is how you make negative sentences with should and had better:

Should :                      shouldn�t + simple form

Ie. You shouldn�t take so many days off for your vacation.

Had better:                had better + not + simple form

Ie. You had better not take so many days off for your vacation
Or with the contracted form:

�d better:                    �d better + not + simple form

Ie. You�d better not take so many days off for your vacation

Note: ought to is not usually used in negative form.

1. you should always have identity documents as passport and visa

2. you should make the hotel reservation previously
3. you should buy air tickets with four months of previousness so that they go out economically
4. You shouldn't travel with a lot of luggage.
5. You shouldn't buy air tickets at the last minute
6. You shouldn't be late for the flight


Dear classmates and teacher

I'll share with you the activity 5 of stage 3.
We have to buy the two round-trip tickets from Bogotá to Cuzco on line, because it´s cheaper. When you buy the tickets
you have to buy online hotel stays according to flight dates. If it is possible you ought to buy breakfasts at the hostel
where you are going to host. You have to buy train-tickets on line, specially the train tickets from Cuzco to Macchu Picchu.
Finally, you have to carry your passport everywhere you go. It is important the order of doing these activities. If for
example you buy first the hotel stay, it’s not sure that you can find the corresponding flights to these hotel-stay-dates. 
You shouldn’t travel with a lot of luggage.
You shouldn’t change the currency of your country in the currency of the host country. 
It is preferable to change the local currency in currency that has support, for example in Dollars or Euros, because the
change is more favorable. You shouldn’t carry a lot of money; you should only carry enough money and if it's possible
carry credit cards if it’s necessary.
Have a nice day
Dear clasmates and teacher
I'll share with you the writing activity. Enjoy it.
To find the best place to spend summer vacations depends on the idea one has about holidays. If you find your ideal place
to enjoy your holidays you should have your identification document. Also you have to carry enough money, and you
have to be in safe places. Wherever you are you can find people who are willing to help you when you need it. Before
traveling you should find out with people you know about the places you are going to visit. It is possible, that they give
you a good advice and good recommendations.
Have a nice day
Post your recommendations in the forum. Use modals verbs of advice (see unit 1.2)
What people should do: ___________________________________________________________________
What people shouldn’t do: ____________________________________________________________________

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