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Valentina Rojas Rosario-Juan David Sarmiento
1. If children and adults are exposed to air pollution in the
short or long term, they will  reduced the lung function,
CONSEQUENCES lead to respiratory infections and aggravated asthma.
2. If population are more exposed to black carbon over a
FOR HEALTH long period, they suffer heart attacks and strokes. In
addition, black carbon is associated with hypertension,
bronchitis and a variety of types of cancer.
THAT MAY 3. If people swim in contaminated water, they will contract
health issues such as skin rashes, pinkeye, respiratory
DERIVE FROM infections, and hepatitis.
4. If someone has a direct exposure to soil pollutants, they
will have: headache, nausea and vomiting, chest pain,
cough, fatigue, skin rash and eye irritation.
5. If children eats contaminated food or inhale soil
PROBLEMS. particulate, they will damage the nervous system, 
especially by the presence of lead in the soil.
6. If the soil is contaminated, the plants cannot grow in it
causing widespread famines.
1. If humans are worry about pollution effects, they will live
more years. Children's will be the most affected because
won't have a good air quality and water quality. CONSEQUENCES
2. If we are unconscious about the conditions in which we
live, people with heart problems will be more affect than FOR HEALTH
people with asthmatic problems. 
3. We can react in time if we are conscious about the
conditions in which we live. Now we have the most
dangerous pollution levels in history.
4. People with lung cancer are more vulnerable than people DERIVE FROM
than don't have any respirator problem. If we think in
those people and do acts than reduce pollution levels in ENVIRONMENTAL
Colombia, we will save a lot of lifes.
5. Water pollution cause a bad blood circulation if they
drink it without a good decontamination.
6. Not only pollution levels cause a big problems. If
countries don't have a good health system people will be

The contamination of our atmosphere is a problem that

affects all countries of the world, without exception, but
the good news is, we can react in time if we are conscious
about the conditions in which we live, because now we
have the most dangerous pollution levels in history. For
example, Canada is less polluted than Colombia and
Colombia is less polluted than India. As a result, Canadians
will have less health problems in the future. Besides, Not
only pollution levels cause a big problems. If countries
don't have a good health system people will be affect.
Soil erosion, deforestation and the preservation of wildlife are the
worst problems in Colombia. However, Colombian industries are
the best because they don't produce a lot of air pollution.
Although, Indians consumers make greenest choices than
Colombian consumers. Factories in India aren't as eco-friendly as in
Colombia. On the other hand, Canadian government have a good
plan about that. Canada has more green zones than Colombia and
the relation between population and territory are low. Canada is
one of the biggest countries in the world but don't have a lot of

The data shows that Colombia is a polluted country, If children

and adults are exposed to air pollution in the short or long term,
they will reduced the lung function, lead to respiratory infections
and aggravated asthma. Canadian lifestyle is the best, If
Canadians are worry about pollution effects, they will live more
years. In other context, India has made some of the fastest
progress in addressing its environmental issues and improving its
environmental quality in the world. One of the most useful
policies in India is: the nationwide ban on single-use plastics. This
policies is important for the quality of the soil. Given that if the soil
is contaminated, the plants cannot grow in it causing widespread

Air pollution in Colombia is worst than Water sources in Colombia are cleaner Colombia had the tenth-largest area of
Canadian. The data shows that than in India. However, Canadian water mangrove swamps in the world, covering
Colombians are dirty people that don’t is better than Colombian water. Water under half a million ha. If children eats
take care of the planet. Consequently, pollution level is a little less than contaminated food or inhale soil particulate,
if Colombians are more exposed to Colombian. This is important because If they will damage the nervous system ,
black carbon over a long period, they people swim in contaminated water, especially by the presence of lead in the soil.
suffer heart attacks and strokes. In they will contract health issues such as For that reason, is important take care of the
addition, black carbon is associated skin rashes, pinkeye, respiratory soils. Furthermore If someone has a direct
with hypertension, bronchitis and a infections, and hepatitis. exposure to soil pollutants, they will have:
headache, nausea and vomiting, chest pain,
variety of types of cancer.
cough, fatigue, skin rash and eye irritation.

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