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The remoras

/ˈrɛmərəz/, sometimes called suckerfish, are a family (Echeneidae) of ray-finned fish in the order
Carangiformes.[4] Depending on species, they grow to 30–110 cm (12–43 in) long. Their distinctive
first dorsal fins take the form of a modified oval, sucker-like organ with slat-like structures that
open and close to create suction and take a firm hold against the skin of larger marine animals.[5]
The disk is made up of stout, flexible membranes that can be raised and lowered to generate
suction.[6] By sliding backward, the remora can increase the suction, or it can release itself by
swimming forward. Remoras sometimes attach to small boats, and have been observed attaching
to divers as well. They swim well on their own, with a sinuous, or curved, motion.

Remora front dorsal fins have evolved to enable them to adhere by suction to smooth surfaces
and they spend their lives clinging to a host animal such as a whale, turtle, shark or ray. It is
probably a mutualistic arrangement as the remora can move around on the host, removing
ectoparasites and loose flakes of skin, while benefiting from the protection provided by the host
and the constant flow of water across its gills.[7] Although it was initially believed that remoras fed
off particulate matter from the host's meals, this has been shown to be false; in reality, their diets
are composed primarily of host feces.

Remoras are tropical open-ocean dwellers, but are occasionally found in temperate or coastal
waters if they have attached to large fish that have wandered into these areas. In the mid-Atlantic
Ocean, spawning usually takes place in June and July; in the Mediterranean Sea, it occurs in August
and September. The sucking disc begins to show when the young fish are about 1 cm (0.4 in) long.
When the remora reaches about 3 cm (1.2 in), the disc is fully formed and the remora can then
attach to other animals. The remora's lower jaw projects beyond the upper, and the animal lacks a
swim bladder.

Some remoras associate with specific host species. They are commonly found attached to sharks,
manta rays, whales, turtles, and dugongs, hence the common names "sharksucker" and
"whalesucker". Smaller remoras also fasten onto fish such as tuna and swordfish, and some small
remoras travel in the mouths or gills of large manta rays, ocean sunfish, swordfish and sailfish.

The relationship between a remora and its host is most often taken to be one of commensalism,
specifically phoresy.

Research into the physiology of the remora has been of significant benefit to the understanding of
ventilation costs in fish.

Remoras, like many other fishes, have two different modes of ventilation. Ram ventilation[10] is
the process in which at higher speeds, the remora uses the force of the water moving past it to
create movement of fluid in the gills. Alternatively, at lower speeds the remora will use a form of
active ventilation,[10] in which the fish actively moves fluid through its gills. In order to use active
ventilation, a fish must actively use energy to move the fluid; however, determining this energy
cost is normally complicated due to the movement of the fish when using either method. As a
result, the remora has proved invaluable in finding this cost difference (since they will stick to a
shark or tube, and hence remain stationary despite the movement or lack thereof of water).
Experimental data from studies on remora found that the associated cost for active ventilation
created a 3.7–5.1% increased energy consumption in order to maintain the same quantity of fluid
flow the fish obtained by using ram ventilation

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