Ideation Sketching

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HCI Exercise #4: Ideation Sketching


Problem (from User’s Perspective)

Karen wants to be able to review clinical knowledge and practice clinical skills in an efficient
and effective manner. The patients she cares for are delicate and cannot always be accessed
and physicians and other clinicians are busy working and not always available to teach her.

For this activity Karen wants to practice interpreting x-rays. She will navigate to the team
education portal and access the x-ray interpretation tool. She then practices interpreting the film,
identifying clinically important elements.She is able to select these elements and label them.
After labeling them she is able to submit her answers to see if she is correct in her assessment
of the film.

Ideation Sketches (Label Option 1, Option 2, Option 3)

Beginning: Karen accesses the education portal.
Main interaction: Karen accesses the x-ray interpretation tool. And practices reading several

After practicing, Karen can close the app and navigate to other options on the portal as needed.
She has increased confidence in her x-ray interpretation skills.

Option 2:
Beginning: They log on and have all their personal information, they can have a “To Do list to
help keep certifications on track, another area to track the required monthly topics, and another
area to search out specific topics.
Main Interaction: After they select the topic a page comes up with three choices: Video, Practice
or An Article/Journal/Search Engine for more articles. This way if they just want to practice the
x-rays they can go straight to that part.

Main Interaction: When they click on the practice button, they are taken to a place where they
can identitify x-rays from the specific topic they have just read/watched a video about. The X-
rays are interactice.
Outcome: When the learner is done interacting with the x-ray they can click “feedback” to get
correct answers. Sometimes, the learner needs more expert help, may not undersand. So I
include a camera button to take a screen shot of their work, and an e-mail button so they can
send the x-ray with questions to an expert. This way they can get more specific feedback.

Option 3:
· Beginning. The user logs into their account where they are able to view things such as
required readings or trainings. They also have the ability to continue where they left off a la
Netflix style. Based on their interests or what they have been reading, the site can suggest other
readings or trainings.
Main interaction. The user finds an article that they want and are able to read information about
it. They are also able to access media such as reference images or videos. From this article,
they can directly access training materials.

In the training module, they are able to interact with clickable areas, to see more information
specific to that area. There can be knowledge check questions built into these areas or a
formative assessment accessible after viewing all training information. There are also built into
tools such as the ability to annotate a slide, leave comments to collaborate with others,
screenshot the image (with their annotations), and help if they experience trouble with the
training module.
· Outcome. Once the activity is done they are able to view their scores, retake the module,
review their questions if they got any wrong, view additional resources such as articles or
media, and go back to the article they were previously on.

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