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April6, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ:

Despite every thing that is happening in our world today Let us remember “He is Risen”.
Nothing in this world could have prepared us for the day when There would be no Easter Service in
All Saints Coniston.
But the day is here! So do not loose heart! This too shall pass!
As I sit here trying to write this letter, I am asking myself what can I say? I am praying that God will
intervene My call for help still goes to Him.
Yes, I want to live! Yes, I want to see my Roses grow. Yes, I want to hug my newest great grand child,
Yes, I want to open the doors of our church, Yes, I want to return to the jail, yes, I want to touch
people again and bless them in the name of Jesus Christ.
for today, I am alive. I am warm, I am not hungry. I can sing, I can go for a walk, I can phone a friend,I
can mail this letter to you. I also know that helping you to remember a special time when God
blessed you through a person, through a phone call through a letter, through a prayer, through a gift,
through a word of advise that it blessed you and , that, if you recall it now it will help you to thank
God for it and if you prayerfully ask him to send us help , He will answer your prayer for we are his
people and we need His help.
I thank God for letting me serve Him as your Priest and friend and for all the love that has flowed
through the pews of, All Saints and will continue to do so as we continue to worship our lord and
saviour Jesus Christ when we are safe to do so.
Yours in His Service:
May God Bless you on this Easter Day .
Rev Canon Genny Rollins

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