User #1: Appendix: Notes From Test Data

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Appendix: Notes from Test Data

In this section, include the notes, quotes, etc. that you produced from your videos during your
analysis. You may include the data in whatever format you used for compilation (e.g., a text list,
spreadsheet, etc.)
· The purpose of including this data is so that I can review your notes for additional findings,
errors, issues, etc.
· I recommend that you watch/listen to each video a few times. Make a list of major actions
and observations for each participant. Then combine participant findings into the Data Table of
Usability Issues.
o If you follow this process, include your initial (raw) notes for each participant in this section.

User #1
0:39 sec
Training page: Pauses...laughs and says, “ I’m going to we have a search option?”
then presses search. (When trying to look for chest x-rays) This shows that the user was
hesitant in knowing they needed to search right away because their first instinct was to look
down the list of items.

Generate Image Page: Sees Generate Image and then Patient type. Almost clicks on “Patient
Type” and decides to click on “Generate Image” because they want to get an image of an x-ray.
“I need to...generate an I see generate image, but it needs to be a neonatal? So I’m
going to…(almost clicks patient type) nope not patient type...ummm...I’m just going to click on
generate image and see does anything happens(Clicks “Generate Image”). Nope, nothing film type maybe?... I don’t know. (clicks on Film type) This is the part that if
they were a nurse, due to background image they would know they need to click on the flim
type. We think it’s a matter of background and lack of nursing Vocabulary that hangs them up at
this step.

Clicks on Film type and gets a drop down menu...after which the user realizes they do need to
click on film type and are able to generate the image. (Lack of medical vocabulary knowledge)

User #2
“So if I am going to practice my skills. I am going to go the training module.” This is first thing
users need to do. User did it with no effort.

Training Page”:“So I’m trying to find something on...x-ray images...I don’t...really see anything
there...or maybe I’ll like search for x-rays (clicks on the search bar types x-rays). The user is
hesitant to know what to do at this step because he doesn’t see anything that says x-rays that
appears after he clicked on training.
“...and it looks like there’s an x-ray web app., so I’ll go ahead and click that.” Finds the x-ray web
app. and clicks with no hang ups.

“...yeah I’ll go ahead and launch that.” Clicks on Launch app with no hesitation.

“ I guess that’s young children.” Has to stop and think what neonatal means before
clicking on patient type. This is an example of not knowing medical terminology. The flight
nurse would instantly know that means “baby”.

Once the user selected “Patient Type” and a drop down with neonatal in it he clicked directly
onto neonatal.

“Oh maybe I just generate Image…” Clicks on generate Image…”Hmm...and nothing
happens…” User has to stop and think about what he needs to do next because nothing

“Hmmm...maybe I need to click film type?” User Clicks directly onto film type. A nurse would
know that they need to click on a specific film type.

After he clicks on “Film Type” the drop down button appears and the user automatically clicks
on chest, while saying, “Chest is what I want.”

Generate Image turns green after the flim type is selected. User says, “Ahhh, now it’s green.
Now I click on generate image.”

“Ahhh!...and it looks like I have that (x-ray) to practice with”

After the Prototype said that the part that was most confusing was right before he decide to
search he was confused because there was no x-ray that popped up. It looked like you were
able to scroll through the options but there was no option to scroll through the list.

User #3
“So I feel like I...maybe need to go to training” Clicks on training as she is saying this. Seems to
be a little hesitant.

“So...I’m in training and I need to search for the x-ray interpretation practice tool... So I’m going
to type that into my little search bar there…” Does this after looking down the list of topics and
not seeing x-ray. Seems to be hesitant about what to do at this point.

X-ray appears in training list. “Perfect I would like to do this (Clicks and points at X-ray training).”

“K, so I’m going to get started by launching the app” Clicks on Launch app no hesitation.

“Ok, I’m going to generate the image with this ‘generate image’ button…(nothing
happens)...maybe… (isn’t sure what to do)....oh! I’m going to type some notes on the pract
(starts typing then stops)...oh!...maybe I do the tutorial…(Clicks on tutorial,nothing happens,
isn’t sure what to do clicks generate image again)...maybe I submit? (clicks on submit, nothing
happens)...I need an image. (starring to sound a little frustrated still looking and trying to find
what to click long pause...clicks on next, and last, nothing happens)...I don’t know I’m really
sorry...I need to generate an image…(long pause getting frustrated).

Sees “Patient Type” thinking it says “Practice”. “Oh! Practice!...Patient type?” Clicks on it. Drop
down menu appears instantly clicks on Neonatal

“I need a neonatal chest x-ray, so that’s the type of film.” Clicks on chest x-ray in the drop down
menu no hesitation.

“Now I’m going to generate the image” Generate Image turned green

“There’s my x-ray to practice with and I can submit when I’m done.”

User #4
“I’m going to go to training.” Clicks with no hesitation

Training Page: Is hesitant in knowing what to do next. “Umm...can I search training?...I don’t
really want to do that...can I see what’s in articles? (clicks on articles)...wait...we’re already in
training...we’re in training...let’s see here...ummm….I will try a short one. ( Clicks on a random
module ) Does that work?...(nothing happens) I supposed to hit something...what am I
touching? (touches another unnamed module...nothing happens)...ummm (not sure what to do
read down the search column). So I’m not sure what to do here? (pointing to the search
column)....(looks some more...needed a prompt to use a keyboard).

Types in “x-ray” to the search bar.

“X-Ray Web. App….Sure” Clicks on module no hesitation.

“Alright, so let’s launch that.” Click on link no hesitation.

“So generate an image.” Clicks no hesitation. Nothing happens. “Is that going to work?” Nothing

“I’m not sure what these tools are” Looking over the side bar while trying to generate the picture.

“Can I click there?” Clicks on the big x where the picture is supposed to go.

“Ah ha! Patient type!” Clicks on Patient type.Menu drops down and instantly clicks on neonatal.

“X-ray type...I want a chest x-ray I believe.” Instantly clicks on Chest x-ray.

Generate Image turns green and they instantly clicked on generate image.

User #5
“I know it’s me because it has my name and my I’m good.”

Looking at middle training column, “It says training, but I’m not sure what’s under here because
there’s nothing it might be the training I’ve recently trained on or it might be a list of
trainings I can can do...but it’s a long list which I can’t imagine would be a long list vs. categories
and breakdowns….I think it would get way unmanageable.

I’m not sure what would be on feed because it’s a training interface. I feel like feed is normally
like news and important stuff, maybe it’s like new techniques, I feel like something more
descriptive that feed would help me.

I feel like I could choose...there’s navigation over here (pointing to the side bar)...obviously since
it’s highlighted so I sounds like what I want but there’s also training over here so
I’m not sure which one I should be clicking on or if I should be seeing all...because I don’t
actually know if what I want is in that list.

Articles...I don’t know...that might just be the same thing as might be different than
feed?...maybe the feed is feeding me articles?...Maybe the articles are more in depth reading
which I love research articles, I am totally karen into this.

Link... I really have no idea, what links could possibly be….because I’m not sure why I would be
possibly navigating away. It sounds like it could maybe be links to external sights? I could see
that in context maybe if I like a recent article, but then that would be articles….I don’t know
where links would go, but that’s beside the point.

I’m going to go and try clicking training here (clicks on the middle training column)

Well, I don’t really want to search training because I just want to see what there. I can’t actually
see what these are. I don’t actually know if these are maybe one on my topics because none of
them actually say anything.

I like that it says how long it will take. I’m not sure what the date means. Does the date mean
what day it was added? In which case all of these are very recently which is cool because it’s
like recent training. Maybe that’s how it’s organizing it. I don’t know if I would find that, that
helpful because I’m looking for specific topics and if I do that a lot and I’m trying to find topic
based training, I want to get in and see my topic based trainings.

I don’t want to do that so I’m going to go back to this training. (Clicks on the sidebar training
Nothing happens) ahhh that’s annoying it’s the same thing!

Search training...I guess I could do that but then i have to type….I have no idea what to choose
here because I don’t actually know what they are.
(Advanced search) I don’t actually know enough information to search here. Maybe if I were
actually karen I would know where it’s high acuity or low acuity.

Let’s see what’s available on here (Clicks on high acuity...frustrated clicks on the links) ...ok

Ok I think just be default I’m just going to search. I like to just scroll down because honestly I
don’t have the right (topic/word)...x-ray interpretation

So it’s displaying some number of results...I’m wondering how it knew to put my...well actually I
don’t know if the x-ray webb app is really what I want because I’m looking for x-ray interpretation
and I feel like that’s going to give me an app to add on my phone...or something like that?...but
maybe that’s what I want?...ok cause I’m going to navigate and practice to and x-ray and
practice, so I guess I do want to add an app. To my phone, although honestly my phone is a
little full and so it would be nice if this were all apart of it’s own app, but ok...because I kind of
feel like this is my training interface, but this is just kind of some sort of search for apps. That
are out there? I didn’t know that there were that many out there.

I do feel that like knowing more information on the side would help me out.

It does give me the time for the length which is cool

I normally expect (for a search) for it to be at the top and for it to have columns so I can just

Clicks Web App.

(blue launch app button) Ok it gives more information, that’s nice
It would be nice if I on Itunes it gives me some more pictures so I can click through
and see if this is actually what I want. I get information, but I don’t know if there’s only one

Closes the launch app. Search because she’s not sure that’s what she wants.

Shouldn’t I have to download it first or something?...I’m a little confused...umm ok

I’m I going to have to search for it again? Because that doesn’t seem like it’s going to be super

Clicks all of the pictures under tools, none of them work

I’m guessing but I’m not really sure where to start because everything looks equally important
and this is kind of off to the side (points to the “patient type)

Maybe I could just generate an image (clicks on “generate image”) I cannot. So, I’m going to
guess that I need to set the patient type

Clicks on patient type while saying, “I thought it was going to give me like random...oh but that
gives me one of my choices (pointing out the drop down menu).

I’m not sure why I can’t just generate a random image or it could say hey do you want to do a
random image or you could select a kind of patient...but whatever

So I’ll select the film type, if I was actually karen this probably makes total sense to me….so I’ll
pick chest

Why do I need to generate the image I already entered in all the information that you needed
me to select. (selects generate image)

It’s a little bit harder because we don’t have the content expertise

You need a touch more info. You’re really close.

The navigation was a little unclear (search topic part)

Drill down is often used by a lot of people...I myself want to drill down (Search topic part)
Sometimes when I search I don’t use the exact word or names that I need for the search. Think
about if they’re not searching what are the drill down options.

If there’s only two options have a auto generate or put the buttons in a place that is obvious.

User #6
“I’m wondering if I can search it in the search bar.” Does as her first step

Drills down the search list, and the advanced sidebar...after something clicks on Web. App. (I
need to be more focused I need to click the web app.”

“I’m going to launch this app. Because I need to use it.” Clicks on the blue button.

So I’m looking for a very specific x-ray so I’m going to click on the neonatal...I need to check out
my neonatal (Clicks)

So I’ve taken care of the here...I’m not sure if I need to change the film type or
not? I’m going to try and change it. (Clicks film type)

Generate Image turns green. “So, yeah I need to generate image.” Clicks on left, right, and
submit before clicking on generate image.

User #7
Went through the whole prototype with no hang ups except he thought the image square was
for a video he already watched.

User #8
“I’m Karen and I want to go to a training. I’m not sure If i should go to this training over here
(points to the side navigation bar) or to the see all under this training...I wonder if they do the
same thing or different things?...umm...which one do I want to do...I don’t even know if that’s the
right thing to do...let’s click see all and see what happens”
“Oh nice, so I can see that this went to the same training (pointing to the side navigation bar).”

So I can see all these trainings, I’m guessing If I press these arrows it will give me a description
if I click down. Oh I like that I can sort by different activities. (pointing to advanced sort bar)...I
guess the best way would be to search trainings.

Searches trainings.

I’m going to go ahead and click on this x-ray app...I’m not exactly sure because it doesn’t say?

Ok let’s launch this and maybe it will have something in there because I’m not seeing neonatal
yet so I’m not sure if i’m on the right track yet.

So I see a patient type and a film type and I’m going to guess that I know what these mean and
click on patient type (This is the very first thing she does).

“...and film type...I don’t know what this is, but I’m a nurse and I guess I already know what this
is out of curiosity.”

I like that it highlights and gives me a clue that I need to generate because that was the next
thing I was going to ask. Do I need to generate an image?”

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