Assignment# 1:: Customer Relationship Management

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Assignment# 1: CRM of Coca-Cola

Resource person: Ma'am. Kainat Malik

Program: MBA 1.5(Evening)

Submitted By: Fasih Abbas

ID# F2019273035
Customer relationship management (CRM):

Customer relationship management (CRM) is the main process of an organization to identify, choose, get,
improve and sustain his customers. CRM system integrates human resources with business process and
information technology to enable organizations to fulfill customer’s demands with low cost and high efficiency.
With CRM system, organizations can increase customer satisfaction1 and loyalty2, maintain most profitable
loyal customers while attracting new customers, and gain more potential value from these loyal customers,
which will be the organizations’ competitive advantage.

Customer Relationship Management of Coca Cola:

Business strategy of Coca Cola is Think local, act local. The integration between the local bottlers and delivery
to the customers is crucial to the company’s overall efficiency and keeping the customers satisfied. Full-service
vending, Direct Store Delivery (DSD), and equipment services are very important for bottlers’ business
operations and profit centers. DSD gather customer information to distributors. With that specific data they
improve cost control in delivering products. They receive request from Sales representatives, Mobile device and
Service staff. With these details the store can respond easily to the customers and make the process more
efficiently. The RFID gives feedback that benefits research, marketing and product development

Using SAP CRM system Coca-Cola was able to achieve their goal of customer focus. The CRM help’s the
existing processes and also improve the new functions to satisfy the customer. These kinds of CRM help update
and improve the market share for the computer and create a better name with the customer and also reduce the
cost for transportation. The CRM in Coca Cola also handle customer service support where you can direct talk to
the person in the company for problem with the product. They have different type of service all around the world.
They provide the customer service not only through feedback, email and telephone but also through monitoring and
many types of analysis. So, by this collaborative CRM, Coca Cola has provided efficient customer service to gain
customer satisfaction.

Coca Cola always focus on to satisfy the customer needs with the new infrastructure of CRM, ERP and well
maintained SCM system they were able to achieve the goals which they really needed to satisfy the customers.
By this way there were able to be in the top in the beverage industry. They are still facing a lot of problem to be
in the top position but well maintain CRM will never lose the position.

Coca Cola has taken many steps to win back the customer and to retain the existing customer. They have
created a fan page in Facebook which became a very popular with the customers and when they are connected
to Facebook, they can actually keep on getting update on recent action by Coca Cola. They can send group
message in Facebook. Can gain feedback from customer and provide solution online. Coca Cola is able to
advertise in Facebook and gain more customers through the social site. Coca Cola also can gain all the details of
the customer from the Facebook page and provide appropriate personalized service to gain more customer and
also retain the existing customers.

These kinds of social networking site help the company to be closer to the customers. Marketing and
Advertising in these kinds of site will also help the company to grown better. Some of the company does not
accept this fact but Coca cola established their Facebook fan page in the third quarter of 2008 by the mid of
2009 there were around 3.4 million fans. But this fan page was created by a Coca Cola fan after much
consideration Coca Cola used it as a promotion page and a place where they can build a relationship with the

Coca Cola created many ways to keep in touch with the customer by creating Application online for computers and
mobile phone. They also provide exclusive sneak peeks for the customer. As Coca Cola is working on this kind of
strategy by creating a Fan page and using a better CRM and SCM process they are able to serve the customer easily
and personalizing each customer needs and providing drink according to their taste. This kind of promotion can
create word of mouth in office and other entrainment center where people can take a time out and have some drink
and talk about it in online and provide valuable feedback. This can create a major buzz in about the product and help
expanding bigger.


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